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(ey Designation: D 445 - 88 Designation: 71/84 Standard Test Method for Kinematic-Viscosi 'y-of-Transparent-and-Opaque-t ‘a Amaven Nana Stas ish Sioned 4708 "is stands sie ude the ds ign adoption 0 Spcrstpt epson Petoeum aed nr le Hse eis pocedaes, Stull 79th Cons Paganment of Bef I Scope 1.1 This test method covers the determination of the fen: ie viscosity of liquid petroleum products (Note I), atl transparent and opaque, by ane solume of liquid to flow under gravity throw ics capillary viscometer, The dynamic viscosity cai tained by multiplying the measured kinematic viseo le density of the liquid, Note 1—For the measurement ofthe viscosity of st Method D 2170 and Tes Method B 2171 1.2 This test method is intended primarily for application © liquids for which the shear stress and shear rates are portional, [1.2.1 This test method depends on the behavior of the iple, and ideally the coefficient of viscosity should be tidependent of the rate of shear (this is commonly called wtotian flow behavior). If, however, the coellicient of osity varies significantly with the rate of shea, «ilferent csults may be obtained from viscometeis of” different apillary diameters, 3 This test method also includes the determination of ': Kinematic viscosity of fuel oils which often exhil on-Newtonian properties. gi-4 This standard may involve hazardous materials, oper- us: and equipment. This standard does not puspart to idress all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is he responsibility of the user of this standard 1 establish Premriate safety and health practices and determine the Precinny of regulatory limitations prior to use. Referenced Documents b | ASTM Standards: This test method is under te juisicion of ASTEY Ceniites D2 on acu Proets aad Luicants ai the eit sesposity a Salon Mice 2.07 on Fow Propet Curent edition approved Os 1988. Pubes December 188 Originally hed op D445~37T. Last enous elon IDs — 8 4 the IP, this test method Is under the Jaiictn of the Se aes an editorial eats the oa fev. Ab tvs ot renngoval this la a saan natin BP TH The nal unter he yoo hist evs 168 the Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)" sty flo ‘Ths tst muta has oypane ae spomvringeousaice aud ase hy he Compe Sets tx exon with Piston hs boon argon i sey ages ofthe Dapanen of Defense oad vlc Mead 3086 of Faden ie tbat Dad tes of Spies and Stands the pss no fat wel an be ape the 1446 Specitications and Operating, Capillary Kinematic Viscometers? 152170 ‘Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts (Bitumen) 192171 “Test Methoul for Viscosity of Asphalts by Vacuum Capillary Viscometer* £ I Specification for ASTM ‘Thermometers! E77 Method for Inspection and Verification of Liquide in-Glass Thermometers? ustiuetions for Glass 3. Terminology 3A Definitions: 3.1.1 kinematic viseosity—a measure of the resistive flow ofa Muid under gravity, the pressure head being proportional to the density. », of the fluid: far gravity flow under a given hydrostatic head, the pressure head of a liquid is propor onal to its density, p. For any particular viscometer, the ime of flow of a fixed volume of fluid is directly propor Gonal (0 its Kinematic viscosity, » = fp, where » is the iscosity coefficient, ‘The kinematic viscosity cocfli- hhas the dimension 7/7, where /. isa length, and isa time, The ces unit of kinematic viseusity is one centimetre squared per second and is called one stokes (symbol St). The SI unit of kincmatic viscosity is one metre squared per second and fo 10" St. Frequently, the centistokes (symbol cSt) is used (I eSt~= 107? St= 1 aym?/3), 3.1.2. deusify—the mass per unit volume of the fuid. The dimension of density is M/L4, where A is a mass The ces ‘unit of density (p) is one gram’ per milllitte, and the SI unit of density is one kilogram per cubic metre. 3.1.3 dinamie viscosity (cocflieient of) —the ratio between ‘he applied shear siress and gate of shear, This coelficient, » is thus a measure of the resistance to flow of the fluid; commonly called the viscosity of the liquid, The dimension, Of the coeflicient of dynamic viscosity is M/LT = FTYL? 2 Arnel of ASEM Sten Yo OS, inal Bee of ASTM Stade, Yl D4, {tnd ok of ASTAE Stal, Was an 140, nal ta of ASTM Sud, Vl HO enpe : : ; ‘ i tt fig 8 Ren Ber! Uge ee be Hs ae depen the at force) eee depend: 4) contust at calibra He ata ck ) isthe, P constas — BS s.11 maleri¢ pressor operati viscosit kkinema specitic 8 TABLE 1 Viscometer Types qi) paas-@71 The kinematic viscosity of many petroleum fuels is Important for their proper use, for example, flow of fuels Uheowgh pi les nx! orifices, and the Adctermmination of the temperature range for proper operation of te fuel in burners, 6. Apparatus: TaconTTeRT Othe glass capillary typeycalibrated-anc ‘ion et Viecomoter tsaticton po TL Omadd Types or Trenepuew QS {cannon Fenske Routh” (05° to 20.000 iB ze 96 1 3000 5 ue {08 1 10 000 #4. Gomron Manning Senne 4 0 20000, cesar ombe ot 1008 ase 06" to 17000 8, Supe ee! Types for Trenspaent Lids AS inane 03° to 100000, sings 810 1200 a (075° ta 9000 "B34 Comer Ubbelende, Cannon thot Diuton® 05 to 100000 4 ‘04 wo 20.00 Bi Fs coment Sr mcr? BS)? Sutpended Love 1 Bf Suspended Love, Shortoned Foon? 35% 100000 1.08¢to 10000 £0 Bote mitre Suspended Love” 0613000 “see Type fr Tospret and Opa 6 160000 04 w 20000 90 100000 616 300 000 Ca cncanga quoted requires oer of iszenatere, To vol the nessa of pangs tine eergy cot, Wse vScomatars ere dosed fra few trie Fegeess.0 200s enceptwerehotestin Tob, inches sas tho pin He fr sees # testa excaeds 200 1 ESpeceatns ed operating asructns for Use viscometer Hove Leon | weiledn Spectesions and Opeatng suction D 446, Speco for asp are gen Appendies to P71 FF sending on whether the dimension of wscosity is based on Ihe ELT system othe F-L-T system (where F represents Fr fed The cxs unit of dynamic viscosity is one gram per AAG cenimeire per second = one dyne-second per centimetre ‘ABE: squared and is called one poise (symbol P), Frequently. the By centpoise (symbol cP) is used (Le? = 107? P), The SI unit of inane viscosity is one paseal-seconcl for convenience ils ipascal-second is frequently used (1 Fi rote 2—Dynamie viscosity also denotes a frequeney-dependent Patty in which shear sess and shear rate have a sinosoidl time € Gpendence i s hoped that this dual use ofthe same term will ot be cfs © 4, Summary of Test Method 44 The time is measured in seconcls fora fixed volume of quid to flow under gravity through the capillary of a aitrated viscometer under a reproducible driving head and “AP ata closely controlled temperature. The kinematic viscosity A isthe product of the measured flow tine and the calibration FE costant of the viscometer. ERY 5, Significance and Use 3.1 Many petroleum products, as well as nonpetroleunt materials, are used as lubricants for bearings, gears, com- wessor cylinders, hycraulic cquipment, ete. ‘The proper ‘eration of the equipment depends upon the proper kine- matie viscosity or viscosity {sometimes called dyn: ic sensi) of the liquid, Thus, the accurate measurement of nematic viscosity and viscosity is essential to many product able of ai malic VscosTty With The tints oF precision given in Section 15 are acceptable, Viscometers listed in Table | meet these requirements, Gl. Automated assemblies that measure kinematic vis. cosity within the limits of precision given in Section 15 are acceptable alternatives; kinematic viscosities less than 10 cSt (Cnun/s) and flow times less than 200 5 may require a kinetic energy corrvetion (see Specification D 446), G2 Viscameter Helders to enable the viscometer to be suspended in a similar position as when calibrated. The proper alignient of vertical parts may be confirmed by using, pur fine, 62 Viseometer Thermostat and Bath—Any Wsansparent liquid or vapor bath may be used, provided that it is of sullicient depth chat at no time during the measurement will any portion of the saunple in the viseometer be fess than 20 nnunt below the surface of the bath liquid or Fess than 20 mint above the bolton oF the bath, GL The temperature control must be such thal for the range front £5 fo 100°C (60 (a 212°F) the teanperature of the ath medium does not vary by more than OOM (0.02F) over the length of the viscomefers, or between the position of cach viscometer, oF at the location of the thermometer. For TABLE 2 Kinematic Viscosity Test Thermometers* “ost Tempera este Eur THerometer Nobe *e AST wo “se TAF, OF eoF.6 “tte 9, ‘oF reas 0 738,¢ cae 28.1 aR.6 niF.c 20 vac uc ° “178 72F, Of GIF, 2 c 128, 6 36,6 Be ans70—— 20and2i.t aur. 20,6 7 2% “or, s0F,¢ % 20 ier, 100 a8 208.6 siF.¢ *” acc 2c wz 0 20F, 58F, 0 120 Baa 296.01 34.6 Ho 60 arc BaF. 40 1000 180 82 408, 0 FC 200 533 208, 6 268, 6 2id ans 212 —98.8and 400 S0F FG 100 wie 278 5, t0F,¢ “The anal graduation of ha Faved thormomelers 50.1 and fr te cates haroneles is 2O5HC excep fr ASTI 4OF ai IP OOF for whieh 8 ove "Scale error for ha Fete themes nt fo exceed £0.2°F (except fox ASIN UF ules 20: or the Ces haunometere Ris #0.1°6, These ‘Steers ev repre to ply any a he given tel temperate, * cenpets cansivetion cea fs given In Speccalin 1 Genial constuction datas gen Part oY Standaré pr Patrieum se is Products 1 etori eosted 169 fi) D445-@71 TABLE 3 Values of the Seve ASTI Viscosity Of Standards conditi( iewed ae Tarte Rr Wieay, <5) Sy viowed Sonforming to N20°C M25 M8 37.78°C AL 40°C AN SOPC ®90.09°C AL 100°C: , ‘ irae eee Mun’ tor teens "oie fe ers | 3 7 a6 40 30 28 12 12 ye 93 S| 8 t * ae a e 1B fe range o« Yn i a % ie to se Peewide ea so fn in © Fa m ee > rs i 200 tar = ‘ if calla Sem 2100 Tot ao 7 ess Samoo oreo soon 00 rr * 7% Stain grow sao aD bron ta Som 27000 moms : viscome! Tho aatuol values for tho slanderds lsiad above are estatised ond annually Instr tn 20lneratiios cata i 13 counts ‘Stondardation a 7.70°C wid OD.EB"C may be discontinued Jawaty 1, 1807, peratures outside this range, the variation must not ed 0.03°C (0.05°P). ‘A Tenperature-Measuring Device—Standardized ia, Jass thermometers (Table 2) of an accuracy after ection of 0.02°C (0.04°F) can be used, or any other cmometric device of equal or better accuracy. If standard J liquid-in-glass thermometers are used, it is, recom nnded (but ot quired) that (wo thermometers be used; y must agree within 0.04°C (07°F). ‘5 Timing Device—Any device may be used ‘vided that the readings can be taken with a discrimina 1 of 0.2 s oF better, and that it has an accuracy within 07 % when tested over intervals of 15 min. 5.5.1 Electrical timing devices may be used if the current Gueney is controlled to an accuracy of 0.05 % or better. cernating currents, as provided by some public power tems, are intermittently rather than continuously con- Hed, When used to actuate electrical timing devices, such iirol can cause large errors in viscosity flow measure- ants, Reagents and Materials 7A Appropriate Solvent, completely miscible with the mple, for example, petroleum ether. 7.2. Appropriate Volatile Solvent, completely miscible with solvent deserited in 7.1. 7.3 Chrome Acid Solution for cleaning glassware. Cal 8.1 Viscometers—Use only calibrated viscometers with nistants measured and provided to the nearest 0.1 % of cir value, 8.2 Thermometers—Rowtine. liquid-in-glass_ thermome- rs should be checked to the nearest 0,01°C (0.02"F) by reat comparison with a suitable calibrated thermometer ration TAALE 4 Minimum Flow Tines Note At sices of a vscometer ated in Specifetion D448 ae designed for ‘ont a exceos of 200, excop as ttee below, The minum ow tes fo: ciara ate eee aeipen he apencre vcore enter am Nir anmon-Fenske routine 25 0 oer ; SF en Om! (tee, Cmcn bbe dn 28D eflnod by copra es 1085 ss were wae ag 1 ren Ypes st KA viscom! CO pressure} tom ail Ete dy, 8.2.1 Kinematic viscosity test thermometers shall be stan f:,/,bath, dr ardized at tolal immersion which means irmmersion to the ifzsiming | top of the mercury colunm, with the remainder of the stem ‘gisalcguar fand the expansion chamber at the top of the thermometer falls exposed (0 room lemperature, Do not submerge the expan: fit }3.9:32 sion bulb atthe top of the thermometer. yd othe $22 I is essential that the ice point of standardized Pap clean Ee those | ‘liould | ls. The used | omelets be determined periodically and that the off cial conveetions be adjusted to conform (0 the ebange in ioe point, 8 Timers—Standard time signals available in some ay be used for checking accuraey of timing devices. 84 Viscosity Standards® (Table 3)—These may be used as confirmatory checks on the procedure in the laboratory, If the measured Kinematic viscosity does not agree within 40.35 % of the certified value, each step in the procedure should be rechecked, including thermometer and viscometer calibration, to locate the source of error. It must be appreci fated that a correct result obtained on a stanclard oil does not preclude the possibility of a counterbakancing combination of the possible sources of error. 84.1 Viscosity Oil Standards, ASTM, having the approx, imate kinematic viscosity shown im Table 3 are available’ Certified kinematic viscosity values are compared by annul cooperative tests by a number of laboratories, The curr values are supplied with each portion, Ayyeil0.2 design ol A th th ite amt “Uthrough: Eas i102.1 havior, Phigh tem similar & Naries fo 9. General Procedure for Kinematic Viscosity Sesh a sl 9.1 The specific deals of operation vary forthe fees > fauicien types of viscometer listed in Table |, The operating instruc | Meo ns for the different types of viscometers are given in Specification D 446. 9.2 Maintain the bath at the test temperature within the limits given in 6.3.1 taking account of the precautions given in Appendix. X1 and of the correction supplied om the centficates of calibration. , 9.2.1 In order to obtain the most reliable temperature measurement, it is recommended that two thermometers ‘with valid calibration certificates be used. The thermometers should be held in an upright position under the same “The ASTM Viscosity Oi Stonéaeds eve avabl in op (047 1) com, Purchase orders ould be addesed To the Cannan fstument Co, 0. Box, State College, PA, TGRDA, Shipment wl be made speied or by best men 170 assembly giving about five times nag ranged (0 eliminate parallax 93 Select a clean dry, calibrated viscometer having a age covering the estimated kinematic viscosity (Uhat is, a ids capillary for a very viscous liquid and a narrower Sb cpillaryfor-a-more- ti SOF ay HOTe 593.1 When the test temperature is below the dew point, Bxafis loosely packed drying tubes to the open ends of the. vicometes. The drying tubes must fit the design of the jiomeler and not restrict the Mow of the sample by strament, Carefully as the mi lying vacuum to one of stan) io the working capillary an to thes ie bulb and allow to drain back as an additional Stemagemtqnand ogainst moisture condensing or freezing on the meter 193.2. Viscometers used for silicone Nui, fluoro-carbons, ‘a4 other liquids which are difficult to remove by the use of ening agent, should be reserved for the exclusive use of ‘thie Muids exept when calibrating. Such viscomet , jo ehecks a fiequent in Ss The solvent washings from these viseomneters should not “te ved for the cleaning of other viscometers, some’ 1, Procedure for Transparent Liquids 10 In general, the viscometers used for transparen ids are of the type listed in Table 1, A and B. 10.2 Charge the viscometer in the manner dictated by the | &sign ofthe instrumeni, this operation being in conformity vith that employed when the instrument was calibrated. If resi fains solid pacticles, Filer dusing chargin not," trough a 200 mesh (75-ym) filter, ation, B 10.2.1 With certain products that exhibit “gel-like” be- sion take are that measirements are miade at sullicienly E ih temperatures for such materials to flow freely, so that sinilc results will be obtained in viscometers of different ‘opillary diameters. 10.2.2 Allow the charged viscometer to remain in the bath °F ng enough to reach the test temperature, Because the time vf ies forthe different instruments and temperatures, estab “PG sale equilibrium time by trial G0 min should be stent f sulicient). One bath is often used to accommodate several truce! vicometers, Never add of withdraw a viscometer while any nin? alter viscometer is in use for measuring a Now time, 10.2.3 Where the design of the viscometer requires it, ‘just the volume of the sample to the mark 2 the: siven FF 10.3 Use suction (if the sample contains no volatile the, enituents) or pressure to adjust the head level ofthe test sample to a position in the capillary arin of the instrument ture stout S mm ahead of the fnst timing mark, With the sample eters Fong fively, measure, in seconds to within 0.2 s (sce 6.5), eters; off the time sequited for the meniscus fo pass from the first £0 the second timing mark, If (his flow time is less than the | secifid minimum (See 9.3) select a viscometer with a ‘capillary of smaller diameter and repeat the operation. 40.3.1 Repeat the procedure described in 10.3 to make a second measurement of flow ‘ame, ce iqutid)--Fhe-flow-time-should-not-—-H-H’racedure for Opaque i) paas-@74 10.3.2. IF bwo measurements agree within 0.2.%, use the average for calculating the kinematic viscosity to be teported. Ifthe measurements do not agree, repeat the determination alter thorough cleaning and drying of the viscometers and filtering of the sample IT BENET TC VISCOMTETETS USA TOT” OPACTE HeTUTS ane of the reverse-ow type listed in ‘Table 1, C. 11.2 For steam refined eylinder oils and black lubricating cils, proceed (0 11.4 ensuing a thoroughly representative sample is used, Tie viscosity of residual fue ols and similar waxy products can be affected, by the previous. thermal history and the following procedure shall be followed to rninimze this. 12.1 Heat i 2C for Uh 11.2.2 Thoroughly stir the suumple with @ nonmetallic rod of sufficient length: to reach the bottom of the container. Continue stsring until there is no sludge oF wax adhering to the rod 11.2.3 Recap the container tightly and shake vigorously for I'min (© complete the mising. ' the ori oven, at 60 + Nore 3—With samples of a very way nature oF oils of high viscosity, i may be necessary to increase the heating temperature 10 tchieve proper mixing, The supe should be suiienty Mud for ease of string and shaki 11.3 Immediately after complet cient Sample to fil two viscometers and loosely stopper. TH.3.1 Immerse the fas in a bath of boiling water for 30 min, Nowe 4 ds that con 1g 11.2.3, pour a sulti- Xo. 100. glas Mask, tution Vigorous boibover may occur when opaque Hide im high levels of water ave heated to hig temperatures. 11.3.2 Remove tlhe Mask from the water, stopper tightly and shake for | min, 1.4 Charge two viscometers in the manner dictated by the design of the instrument, For example, for the eross-arm or the BS U-tube viscometers for opaque liquids, filter the sample through a 200 mesh (75um) filter into two viscometers previously placed in the bath. For samples subjected to heat treatment, use preheated filter to prevent the sample coagulating during the filtration. Viscometers that are charged before being inserted into the bath may need to be prcheated in an oven prior to charging the sample to ensure the sample will not be cooled below test temperature, 11.4.1 Afler 10 min, adjust the volume of the sample to coincide with the filling, marks as in the viscometer spec cation. For example, forthe cross-arm viscometer for opaque liquids, this is described in the annex of Specification D 446, ‘The Cannon-Fenske Opaque Viscometer design docs not require further adjustment of sample volume. Allow the viscometers (o reach tes! temperature, Because this time will vary for the different instruments and for different test temperatures, establish a sitfe equill 1 by trial (30 min is normally sufficient). One bath is often used to Accommodate several viscometers, Never add or withdraw viscometer while any other viscometer is in use for mea- suring a flow time, db D4as-@71 11,5 With the sample flowing freely, measure in seconds | to within 0.2 s Ge 6.5), the time requted or the advancing Fing of eontact to pass from the first tin second, J 11.5.1 In the case of samples requiring heat treatment | ccsedbea'in 112 through 11732, comple: the determina ions within 1 h of completing 11.3.2 [16 Calette the mean ~ Kinenatievieaeiy wT stokes (millimetres squared per second) from. the two ious. For fuel oils, the two determinations should not differ by more than 1.7 % of wat 50°C and 1,1 % of (+ 8) al 80 and 100°C. If the two determinations exceed! these J limits epeac the operation fiom 11.2.1 For other opaque liquids which may be non-Newtonian, the precision has not been determined. 11.6.1, Report the mean of the two determinations as the kinematic viscosity ig mark to th 12. Cleaning of Viseometer J jdt Bewieen successive determinations, clean the ! viscometer thoroughly by several rinsings with an appro priate solvent completely miscible with the sample, followed g by a completely volatile solvent. Dry the tube by passing, stow stieam of filtered dry air through the viscometer for 2 min or until the last (ace of solvent is vemroved. 12.2 Periodically clean the viscometer with chromic cleaning solution for at least twelve hours to remove residral traces of osganic: deposits; nonchiromium-containin strongly-oxidizing acid cleaning solutions? may be subst luted 30. a8 10 avoid disposal problems of ‘chromiun containing solutions, Rinse thoroughly with distilled water followed by acetone, and dry with clean, dry air, Inorganic deposits may be removed by hydrochlorie acid treatment before use of cleaning acid, particularly if barium salls ave Josce led. The use of alkaline cleaning solutions is not recommended as this can enlarge the working capillary and necessitate recalibration, J[5-Pscetn fr Danie Vest 13.1 Determine the kinematic viscosity as described in Section 10 or 11, 13.2 Determine the density of the sample, to the nearest 0.001 g/mL at the same temperature as the viscosity, in accordance with any applicable method. he Calculation and Report 14.1 Calculate the kinematic viscosity, », from the mea- sured flow time, /, and the instrument constant, C, by means re following equation: rea wher = kinematic viscosity, e8t (min?) IC = calibration constant of the viscometer, eSt/s, and 1 = flow time, 14.2 Calculate the viscosity, y, from the calculated kine be ie viscosity, x, and the density, p, by means of the following equation sottion fs sor where: 1 = dynamic viscosity, eP (mPas) p = density, g/mL, at the same femperature used for ng the flow time /, and ic viscosity, cSt (mm'/s) J_Report_test_tesulls {or_both the smeasut snatic-—and- fe ‘thousand of the value measured or calculated, respectively. 15, Precision and Bias precision of this test method as obtained by istical cxamination of interlaboratory teat results. for isparent oils tested over the range from 15 to 100°C (59 to 212°F) using the procedure described in Section 10 is as follows: 15.1.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive test results, obtained by the same apparatus under constant ‘operating conditions on identical (est material woutd, in the long run, in the normal and coneet operation of this test method, exceed 0.35 % of their mean only in one case in ‘owenty. Differences greater than this should be considered suspect 15.1.2 Remuducibitiy—Te difference Fe and independent (est results obtained by ditfereat ‘operators working in different laboratories on identical test material would, in the tong run, in normal and correct operation of this test method, execed 0.70 % of their mean only in one case in twenty. Differences greater than this should be considered suspect 15.1.3 The precision data in 15.1.1 and 15.1.2 were obtained using five mineral oils covering the kinematic viscosity range from 3 (0 1200 eSt (mm/s) at temperatures From 38 and 99°C, 15.2 The precision? of this test method as oblained by statistical examination of interlaboratory test results for residual fuel oils of 30 to 1300 eSt (mm/s) at 30°C, and of S fo 170 eSt (mm/s) at 80 and 100°C, using the procedure described in Section 11 is as follows 15.2.1 Repeatability —The difference between successive (est results, obtained by the same apparatus under constant ‘operating conditions on identical test material would, in the ong run, in the normal and correct operation of t method, exceed 1.5 % of their mean for results at 50°C and 1.3% of their mean plus 8 cSt (mm/s) [that is, 1.3% of PE (mean + 8 cSt (inm?/s))] for results at 80 and 100°C only in one case in twenty. Dillerences greater than this should be considered suspect. 15.2.2 Reproducibility —The difference between two single and independent test results obtained by different operators working in different laboratories on identical test material would, in the fong run, in normal and correct operation of the test metttod, exceed 7.4 % of their mean for results al 50°C and 4.0 % of their mean plus 8 eSt (mm?/s) [that is, 4.0 % of (mean + 8 eSt (mmi?/s))} for results at 80 ‘and 100°C only in one case in twenty. Differences greater " Supporting data ave avaiaie fom ASEM Heatquartirs, Request RROD m2 ® Sunpoming dts ave asiaie fom ASTM Madguarters, Request RRGDO ust. between two A ff i f i) p4a5-@71 “fF than this shoutd be considered suspect. kinematic viscosity because all determinations are relative to } FF 153. Bias—No justifiable statement can be made on the a calibration uid bias of the procedure in Test Method D 44S for measuring i} ce “APPENDIX ue (Nonmandatory information) b Xd, ICE POINT DETERMINATION | i }._X1.1 To achieve an accuracy of +0.02°C for calibrated crushed ice antd add sullicient distilled and preferably FY dinemaiic viscosity thermometers, itis required that a check —_precooled water to form a slus, but not enough to float the [al the ice point be made. It is recommended that the interval ice. Insert the thermometer packing the ice gently about the ; of checking be every six months; for a new thermometer, stem, to a depth sufficient to cover the 0°C (32°F) gradua- E heck monthly for the first six months, tion,’ As the ice melts, drain off some of the water and add © fy X12 A detailed procedure for the measurement ofthe ice more crushed ice, yf pints descibed in Metic B.7, Te sopestions in the, X12 Raise the thermometer 9 fw mimes ater a i flowing sections of this appendix are given specifically for Kets 3 min have elapsed, tap the stem gently, and observe the he mercury-in-glass “kinematic viscosity” thermometers ‘ding. Successive readings taken at least min apart ook é should agree within one tenth of a division, ja fh desbed in Table 2 and say not apply to ther dhermom- NTS A ety some af thei may be heaped pees. : : ound the stem above the iee point ancl a deep arrow kita ths ie point seing of kincmatic vcs the Shp a to pert ose val ofthe menses hh AL Pp mometers shall be taken 5 min after being at test tempers js shus kept well below the gencral Iovel ofthe ice. Observa- gf, ter not less than 3 min, The ice point reading shall be tions. may then be _made as described aloe. without, Wf: expesed tothe nearest 001°C oF 0.07". however, raising the thermometer, Hf X.L2.2 Select clear pieces of ice, preferably made from X1,2.5 Record the readings and compare with previous is ff pure water. Discard any cloudy or unsound portions. Rinse yeadings, I'the readings are found to be higher or lower than eff Seis Bi iited water and shave or crush into stall the reading comesponding oa previous cliration, rendings {> eees, avoiding direct contact with the hands or any al all other temperatures will be correspondingly increased or © ']) chemically unclean objects. Fill the Dewar vessel with the decreased wi q pe ‘wAreian Soy for Tstng ond Matos kes no Boon espectng te allo any patent ight esserted in cenneclon 2 eS oes 2a. sw ny item mensioned nti stance. Users of i's standard a exressy edviced that datermiaton oth val fan such stort, andthe nk of Invingensent ef sch gh, ar enely ‘an respons. Tis standard subject revision at ay tone byt expense technical conve end mut ba reve every fo yoors and ‘oot revised, ther eaporovad ar wilson Your conmets ae vied ete Yr rvesn cf ts standard rf aon eens fend should be aderossod to ASTM Hoadquat's, You coninents Wi eceve caret consideration af meeting ef he response {echnical conmites, which yeu way ttond you fet iat your comments hare ol reeled far hewn You shoud mate yout \esrs known to te ASTM Coren on Standard, 1916 Aaco St, Pdf, PA 10109, ity Designation: D 446 - 9a This stondoed iid under the Ged designation 9446; the names imu flowing the design inthe 8icofsLsesiseon-A number ingavnilsas adnate te gca ign ndption erin. Suerte (ida an elitr dnge nce ‘These secifeations end erating nations has he ado eBags of te Drm of ve Coal he Badd Ander of Spesicatons a Sandor forthe pec ear of tue wi has hen adit te Dunne of Dee scone B | These specifications and operating instructions cover s capillary kinematic viscometers ofall types described in fil ii Annex Al on Modified Ostwald Viscomelers, jisx A2, Suspended-Level Viscomcicts, and Anncx A3, ine-Flow Viscometers, iU.1 These specifications cover viscometers suitable for ivTesi Method D445, The calibration of the viseometers is desc bed in ‘Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of ‘Trans- nL and Opaque Liquids (and the Caleukution of amie Viscosity)? Test Method for Basic Calibration of Masier @fully annealed, low-expansion borosilicate glass Bisutin ofall vscometrs, Pernvanently mack on umber, serial number, and mat signation. Etch all timing marks and fill with fol, oF otherwise make a permanent part of the €xception of the FitzSimons and Altantic I Viscometers are designed 10 fit through a lied of a constant-temperature bath having BB Of a Least 280 man; itis assumed that the Be Hguid will be not more than 45 min from the | Por eertain constant-iemperature baths, high temperatures, it may be necessary (0 Simelers with the uppermost tubes longer sure adequate immersion in the constant iscomciers so modified can be used (0 lin the precision of the test method! the tubes and the bulbs on the diagrams Naa ets by cefecncng only those Kinematic fing ns AMES since ISO TCHS woe pepo f2naioit iced ee 180.310, i Volos, ah Vous Standard Specifications and Operating Instructions for Glass Capillary Kinematic Viscometers" ‘nee Mton Stondnd in the sev annexes 10 10 % oF E10 mn, whichever is less, 4, Nomenclature of Figures 4.1 The more frequently used letters on the figures in the annexes ate as follows: a 4 wer rexeesie fie D Sapte evel bat f Cant ‘ i | aw ” » ‘Coctngthe ” Workin cpl Viscometer Holder and Al he 5.1 Mount all viscometers {temperature bath with tube L etd within 1 deg of the vertical as observed with a plumb bob or otler equally accurate inspection means. A tiumber of commercially available holders are so designed ‘hat tube L is held perpendicular (o the lid of the constant. f2" temperature bath, thus requiring that the lid be within I* of the horizon 5.2 Round metal tops, designed to fit above a 51-mm hole in the lid of the bath, are frequently cemented onto the Zeithuchs, Zeitfuchs Cross-Arm and Lanta-Zeitfuchs viscometers which then are permanently mou lid of the bath; & rectangular metal top, 25 by 59 mm, is often cemented onto the Zeitfuchs Cross-Arin and Zeitfuchs iscometers. q 5.3 In cach figure, numbers that follow letter identifiers indicate the outside tube diameter in millimetres. It is important to adhere to these diameters and the designated spacing to ensure that holders will be interchangeable. 6, Calibration of Viscomet 6.1 To calibrate the glass kinematic viscometers deseribed in the annexes, run in the manner described therein and in Test Method D445 using viscosity oil standards of using standard viscometers, . 6.2 Viscavity Oil Standards, ASTM having approximate kinematic viscosities shown in Table 1, Certitied kinematic viscosity values are supplied with each sample. ASA Vissy Of Standards Hed Table ate aval in pt container Ponce esl east te Caron Tastee Co, P How 16, tite Calpe. PA 16RD, Shpmint vl be nae es speci on bya 63 ¢ 63.1 liguid s calibrat viscosit time to Daas, | ——the-fallr— where: ve ki t= O32 6.3.2. f at le viscome annexes excess 0 correct viscome dure w starting standarc been ca (Note 1 viscome the flows Test Mc Nore see the p 2102 6.3.2. where: Seanne Viscometry February 1 +The Kinetic Viscosity, A ©, 7.0.1 7 Wse8 Stone conter toAS slenda 83 86 820 860 S20 5 se is a0 S00 S00 She ae Mscommters tana

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