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READING: Conversational Language Resources and Supplies Cool Hobbies Soon-Jin says, “My favorite hobby is making stained-glass windows. Some of the supplies | use are paper, pens, colored glass, soft lead, and a glass cutter. First, | make a drawing that’s the size of the whole window. | show the size, shape, and color of each piece. | use my glasscutter to cut out the pieces, and then | join them together with strips of soft lead. Mrs. Young, my teacher, is my best resource for ideas. She's so talented, and all of her windows look beautiful.” Lily says, “Ivan and | both enjoy rock climbing, Ivan’s dad, Mr. Koval, is an expert climber, so he's our best resource. We wear special rock-climbing shoes with soft soles that let you feel the rocks. Of course, we wear helmets to protect our heads and harnesses around our waists and legs. We use ropes to climb and to attach to each other. ‘A couple of days a week we practice on the rock climbing wall at the gym, which is a super resource On weekends, we go out with our climbing club.” Carl says, “Astronomy is my favorite hobby. \'m in the astronomy club at school, so the other kids and our advisor, Ms. O'Brien, are excellent | resources. Ms. O'Brien knows so much and | recommends great books and star charts as resources, too. The club has a really powerful | telescope that lets us see stars and planets in pretty good detail. At home, | have my own telescope that's less powerful but still good. The only supplies. luse are my notebook, pen, and colored pencils 50 | can take notes and make drawings of my observations.” (eS Te Conia ess nc DUPIETINGTHS MATERIALS LEGAL READING: Conversational Language Aa Resources and Supplies 4. Read the passage on page 77 again. Which picture shows a supply that Ivan and Lily use? 2. Read the passage on page 77 again. Why are Mrs. Young, Mr. Koval, and Ms, O'Brien good resources for the students? @) _ They share their knowledge and experience. They buy supplies and equipment for the students. © They help the students get good grades. They take the students on long trips Leta es ra eel} (© The Continental Presse. DUPLICATING THIS MATERIAL IS ILLEGAL. READING: Conversational Language ay Resources and Supplies 3. Read the passage on page 77 again. Based on the passage, which statement is true? | @® Learning about a hobby is difficult. Most hobbies are not safe for students, © Hobbies often require resources and supplies. ®)_ Everyone should have at least one hobby. (BS UNIT 2 Rea ‘© The Continental Press nc, DUPLICATING THIS MATERIAL IS ILLEGAL. eee

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