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List of Ingredients & Apparatus >>>>>
1.Sodium Hydroxide i.e. Caustic Soda
(minimum of 5g 4 extracting 20g of mimosa hostills root bark)
2.Naphtha (Ronsono / Newport / Swanl Lighter Fluid 4 Zippos)
3. Tap water
4.Mimosa Hostills Root bark (20g minimum extraction)

1.568ml vinegar bottle (can be found @ any supermarket)
2.12inch Plastic Pipettes
3.Dust Mask
4.Eye goggles
5.Glass McCartney Jar (I use Plastic Pill Bottle)
6.Small Glass Baking dish
7.Millie-litre Measuring Jug
8.Filters (to carefully pour in your ingredients!)
(All these apparatus items can be found on e bay quite cheaply)
1.Take your glass vinegar bottle and make sure it is washed thoroughly throughout.
2.Now Measure 200ml of tap water in your measuring jug and pour this into your
vinegar bottle.
3.Measure out 5g of Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) and filter this into your
vinegar bottle containing the de Ionised water.
(Note: It may get a little hot as the caustic soda and water mix! So once all of the
caustic soda has been filtered into the vinegar bottle, give it a little swirl:)
4.Now You have mixed the sodium hydroxide and de ionised water together, filter in
approximately 20g of Mimosa Hostills Root Bark
5.Give it a little shake (1 - 2min)
6.Now store this solution in a dark, undisturbed part of your working area at room
temperature overnight! (I use my bedroom cabinet and would store for 24hours)


7.Now Measure out 50ml of Naphtha with your measuring Jug and then continue to
add this to your vinegar bottle using one of your small filters
8.Start running a water bath for your solution @ 60c
(You may be limited to your resources! So SWIM used a sink with the hot water tap
which was filled up to the top with the hottest water it could produce. This came out
to around 45c 51c which is satisfactory)
9.Leave your solution in your water bath for around 30-40mins.
10.Now take your solution in your vinegar bottle and UN-crew the cap to release any
pressure generated by the hot water bath.
11.Start shaking your solution for at least a minute.
(This is what is called ''The DMT Shuffle'' it's important to shake vigorously but not
like the world will end! Shaking 2 hard 4 2 long will result in emulsions!!!)
12.Now create a new hot water bath (same procedure as step 8)
13.Place your solution in the hot water bath! But for 4 hours now. Running a new
water bath every 2hours.
(This separates the naphtha containing the NN-DMT to the top of the solution where
it is easy to python of the naphtha and proceed onto the next step)


14.Once the 4hours has passed, Take your vinegar bottle out of your water bath and
UN crew the cap to release any pressure and let it cool down!
15.Now using your pipette filter out the top layer of naphtha and store in your plastic
pill bottle.
16.Make Sure your Glass Baking is Well cleaned with hot water
17.Pour your naphtha collected in your pill bottle into the Glass Baking Dish
18.Now Store for 24 hours in your freezer.
19.Take your glass dish and python off any remaining naphtha which did not freeze
and now store this in your pill bottle for future extractions
(Note: when doing a new extraction with new mimosa hostills root bark don't use old
naphtha it is best to use new stuff to get maximum yield)
Now your should be left with what looks like small golden yellowish crystals. At the
bottom of your glass dish!
20.Now leave this in a dark undisturbed place of your working area to dry for a
couple of days with something to cover it on top.
(I use a vinyl to cover top so no oxygen gets to the crystals and melts them! This will
happen if you leave your crystals to dry with no cover!)
Extracting 100g of Mimosa Hostills Root Bark will get you around 0.9g of NN-DMT
(through if you can perfect the tek you can 1.5g of NN-DMT)(0.3g out of 20g)
Peace & Godspeed

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