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Dua's after the Fardh Salat from the Ahadith & Sunnah

Extracted from Kitab-Al-Adhkar of Imam an Nawawi Rahimahullah

The last istighfar should be said audibly and lengthened in the end as such: Astaghfirullaaaah.

)Place the right hand on the forehead and recite Dua below :(excellent for depression and worry


* ( )33x ( )33x ()33x

Or recite Allahu Akbar 33 x as well and complete the 100 by reciting once :

This kalima can also be added:



Recite Surah's an-Naas, al-Falaq and al-Ikhlaas in full once.

Duas after Fajr Salat
After performing Fajr in Jamat remain in ones place remembering Allah till sunrise, then perform
two rak'ats. The reward of this is like that of a Perfect Hajj and Umrah.

)10x after Fajr before rising or talking(

)7x after Fajr and Maghrib preferably before talking to anyone(

Above are the mubarak duas after the Fardh salah as recited by Rasulullah who said
Whoever revives an aspect of my Sunnah that is forgotten after my death, he will have a
reward equivalent to that of the people who follow him, without it detracting in the least
from their reward. [Reported by al-Tirmidhi]. Learn,practice and spread the sunnah!

Aliya Publications



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