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Causes of lgbt

How does religion impact this society?

According to the article Gay teens struggle acceptance it says that there family dont agree
with the lgbt and that they dont like it. My extended family is very catholic. My grandparents
had accepted it yet. It was hard to come out to them. I am still their granddaughter. It shouldnt
make a difference that Im gay. I have to watch what I say or wear around them. It is sad. I have
always been what you call tomboy but they buy me these feminine clothes which Im not
comfortable wearing. I have to dress more feminine around them because then theyre more
comfortable about my gender (Gay teens struggle acceptance).

How teens are treated in this situation?

In the article More schools take up gay-bias issues it tells that may kids that are lgbt dont get
treated the same way that everyone is treated like respected and they often get bullied in school
that anywhere else and they also get discriminated . Nearly 10 percent of American youths say
they are chronically abused by their peers, according to several surveys. Bullying gay teens the
hardest, and they are four times as likely as other teenagers to commit suicide (Baldauf).
In the same article it also that a student that was at school has been sent to the hospital because of
everyone that has bullied the student. In the article it says in New York, Ermis Valencia says
that no doubts about that the value of safe schools for gay teens. She first of leaned her son
Damions homosexuality after he was hospitalized being beaten 15 other students. He was 14
years old he would have committed, he was that withdrawn, (Baldauf).

What are the mental effects?

Many people that are lgbt have mental effects because
there is a lot of pressure put on them and they also receive a lot of discrimination because of
what they are or on to. They take therapy because they dont know what to think and for mental
health. In the article Mental health issues if youre gay it says rates of drug and alcohol
misuse has also been found to be higher. But the real pictures is uncertain because of the
reluctance of some patience to disclose their, sexuality, and some healthcare staff feeling
uncomfortable asking the question (mental health issues if youre gay). Some teens or anyone
that is lgbt might have problems and take drugs because of what has happened to them.
Also in the article Mental health issues if youre gay it
says that Dominic from Pink Therapy, a mental support service for lesbian, gay and bisexual
people, says: as lgbt people, our mental health is often under attack from various quarters, and
sometimes we can find ourselves being our own worst enemy(mental health issues if youre
gay). Some effects of mental health that lgbt people have are that it is difficult or hard them
having to accept their sexual orientation leading to such things as conflicts and alcohol abuse.
According to mental health issues if youre gay it says that some effects on mental health issues
are trying to their sexuality a secret through lying to people and trying to self-harm or trying to
commit suicide and also they have damaged a relationship or have the loss of support from the
In one last article the psychological impact of lgbt
discrimination it say but those in states where discrimination was written into marriage and
adoption laws, gay men who wanted to raise children had lower self-esteem and increased
depressive symptoms than gay me that did not want to raise children( Ph.D.). So the men that
were together that wanted adopt a child would get more mental issues or symptoms because they
have a lower or not very good chance of adopting.

Are LGBT people in hate crimes caused by sexual orientation ?

In the article Gay teens struggle for acceptance a
students experience said I go to a different school this year that I did last year. I changed
schools because I didnt like the learning environment of my old school. All the people at my old
school were really homophobic. I was in activism class and they were not supportive that I am a
transgender. They were never any physical threats. They just teased me about it (gay teens
struggle for acceptance). There some people that hate other people or just dont like them
because of what they are and some even bully teens and also threaten them. There shouldnt be
hate crimes because people need to respect others on what they are and the people dont need to
agree with the LGBT but just respect them and what they are.

What will others think of the situation like people in school?

In some schools teens that are lgbt get bullied, but in other
schools they dont. In the article More schools take up gay bias issues it explains that some
parents think that they should not talk about lgbt because the kids might become one. But the
discussion of homosexuality in public schools has set off a clash of cultures. Some parents are
concerned that children and teens will be caught values with those taught at home, or that schoolage are simply too young to understand issues surrounding homosexuality. Some families opt to
pull their children from such classroom discussions (Baldauf). So parents dont really like their
children to hear about that theme that teachers are considering to talk about.

What organizations help the LGBT community and what do they

There are many communities that help the lgbt people or
that teaches about them. In the passage more schools take up gay bias issues it explains about an
organization and it says we are here to help kids complete their normal education without the
obstacle of harassment or abuse, says Verna Eggleston of the Hetrick-Martin Institute, which
runs the public Harvey Milk School in New York, the school, named after the slain San
Francisco country supervisor, was created in the mid- 1980s to meet the needs of gay teens, she
says (Baldauf).

There is also organizations that help people that are LGBT

to the other people that hat the LGBT people are dont like them to teach to lower the hate that
they have against them. In the article More people take up gay bias issues it says in late
August, as the summer tourist season drew to a close, the towns school committee voted to
approve a safe schools policy that strictly prohibited discrimination based on race, religion,
gender, disability, or sexual orientation. The program was an extension of the towns effort to
combat hay-bashing, which officials credit with helping to reduce hate crimes dramatically from
21 cases in 1991 to two cases this year (Baldauf). There should be a lot more organizations to
help the LGBT because it might help them get used to being that and try to ignore what other
people say or do.
Overall LGBT is something that happens to people but we should not judge anyone because they
might be a bit different then us but to respect them. Like the saying treat others the way you want
to be treated because you dont want to be treated different than anyone else so at least people
need to show some respect for others but dont have to tattily agree with people that are LGBT.

What is the discrimination that they get?

There are many schools that people het bullied because some are different than others like some
are known as LGBT. Some discrimination that they might get would be physically bullying. An
article called (The psychological impact of LGBT discrimination) says 40% report physical
bullying and 19% report being physically assaulted at school because of sexual orientation
(Ph.D.) so there are many people that have been discriminated but there is different kinds of
discrimination. Another thing they also talked about was that there were many people or teens
that have been bullied and has caused them not to come to school. The bullying can be so
intense that 30% percent of the LGBT children miss school (Ph.D.) so there many kinds of
things that children can make because of the discrimination they can up to commit suicide.

How do their family members feel about this?

There are some families that dont accept their child to be LGBT and dont support them. As
many as 50% percent of LGBT teens experience a negative reaction from their parents when they
come out; 30% experience physical abuse and 26% percent are kicked out of their homes. In fact
LGBT children comprise 40% of all homeless youth, and family rejection who report family
rejection are six times more likely to be depressed, three times more likely to use illegal drugs
and eight times more likely to have attempted suicide than non-rejected young adults (Ph.D.)
Also some family members might not support the child because of being LGBT and some might
not support it because it might be because of their religion for example Christianity dont really
agree with that idea. An example in the article (gay teens for acceptance) is my extended
family members are not particularly supportive. I dont see them a whole lot. I see them like
three times a year, they call me by my legal name. They dont want to accept the fact that I
identify as a male. Some of them are homophobic. We dont get along very well. They bad things
about GBLT people, like my cousin calling people fags. I havent any of my extended family that
Im Trans but my Mon has told them, I didnt give her permission to tell people, just did. In the
beginning I wasnt too happy. She went behind my back. I would have liked if she asked me. But
now it is not a big deal. I dont care as much. My grandmother wont call me Adam (gay teens

How are the adults treated in the situation?

Adults and teens are treated differently in some ways. Teens might get bullied and done other
things. Adults might get yelled out. Once in the workplace, 42 percent of LGBT adults
experience workplace discrimination; the rate for openly gay adults is four times that of workers
whose sexuality was hidden. Further employees who have experienced employment
discrimination have higher levels of psychological distress and health-related problems that
employment discrimination. Higher discrimination also translates into less job satisfaction,
higher rates of absenteeism and more frequent contemplation of quitting than LGBT employees
who have not experienced discrimination( The psychological impact of LGBT

How this impact Marriage laws?

There are some states that allow LGBT marriage and there are some that dont. Here is some of
the states that allow and that dont In 2013 and 2014, following the United States v. Windsor
decision, gay marriage bans were overturned by court rulings in several states, but those rulings
were put on hold pending appeals to the US Supreme Court. On Oct. 6, 2014, the Supreme Court
declined to hear appeals from five of those states, and the decision immediately cleared the way
for legal gay marriage in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Six other states in
which gay marriage bans had been overturned, Colorado, Kansas, North Carolina, South
Carolina, West Virginia, and Wyoming, were also affected by the Supreme Court ruling because
they were in the jurisdictions of the lower courts that had overturned the gay marriage bans
(gay marriage in the US supreme court,2013)

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