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Tips in Writing a Project Proposal

Parts of a Project Proposal: A. B. C. D. Specific Topic Title Objectives Execution Plan 1. Implementing Agency/Group 2. Target Audience 3. Target Date 4. Target Venue 5. Implementing Procedures E. Budgetary Requirement/s F. Evaluation Plan Specific Topic Think of an issue/problem that you want to address. However, think of topics that personally affect you so that it would be much easier for you to think of possible solutions. Also, dont forget to state a specific issue/problem. For example, dont just write pollution. You may specifically state air pollution or water pollution. Title Create a catchy title for your project. Make sure that your title will draw attention from other people. This may help you in catching the interest of your target audience and/or supporting agencies. Objectives What do you want to achieve in your problem? This must be answered in this part. Think of SMART objectives [Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-based, Timebound]. Execution Plan This is the most important part of your project proposal. This part simply answers the 5Ws and 1H of your project. Remember, be specific with your answers.

Budgetary Requirements Money plays a big role in every activity. Give a rough estimate of all the income and expenses in your activity. If you have sponsor/s, you may also include them in your budget proposal. Evaluation Plan Think of a specific way on how you will evaluate your activity. This aims to see whether your activity is effective or not or whether youve reached your objectives.

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