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Cover Letter

Dear Ms. Diaz,

For my LSA 1 I chose to do an ad that really stood out to me with the message it was relaying to
its audience. I spent a lot of time looking for advertisements that gave enough information to
write about and analyze and couldnt really find anything. A lot of them were for people wanting
to teach English in another country and were not really the kinds of things I was looking for.
When I finally found the one I liked it made it a lot easier to write about.
The rhetorical situation of the ad I chose was very easy for me to identify. Once I read through
the whole flyer and thought about the aspects I was able to understand the different parts of its
rhetorical situation. The topic of the ad was Woodring College of Education and their Secondary
Education program. They are trying to show people things about their college. The audience of
the ad was undergrad students or others who are interested in teaching secondary education.
Anyone who is thinking about teaching high school or teaching in general was the intended
audience. Context wise, the ad was trying to lay out what the school had to offer and the things it
would provide. The purpose flows hand in hand with the context because it was attempting to get
people to come to their school for learning about secondary education.
I chose to do a rhetorical analysis on my chosen ad because of the message it was giving. Like I
will state in my assignment, I want to be a teacher who really inspires students and really makes
a difference in their lives. I want to be a role model for others to look up to. This ad really made
its point to me that if I were to go to their college it would give me the skill I needed to be that
person. Throughout my assignment there are a couple of things I would like you to still focus on
and really give me some more feedback on. One of the things I would like is the descriptions and
detail of my writing. Sometimes I still have trouble going into thorough detail about things and
really think it is something I need to work on. I would like to see what you think I could do to
improve on that. Another thing I would like you to focus on is if I am using the correct language
and tone for my writing. For the most part I feel like I know which tone and type of language to
use for different genres, but I feel like there are times when I am to relaxed with my writing or to
Doing this assignment helped me progress towards SLO C because it gave me practice in most of
the aspects it is trying to work towards. In this assignment I had to research for an ad on a
program and that helped me by trying to research what ad would be good for the assignment. I
had difficulties trying to find out which ad would be sufficient enough for the assignment so I
had to do some thorough research. I also had to collaborate with other classmates and get their
feedback as to what I needed to do better on and what I did well. They helped me point out
which part of the writing needed to be improved. Another way this assignment helped me
progress towards this SLO is by the peer editing workshop we did and the past LSA we did. One
of the main things the SLO is getting at is using proofreading and revising to make stronger
compositions. By getting feedback from my LSA I was able to improve what I had and revise
some stuff in order to complete my MWA. This assignment also helped me progress towards
SLO G by the way I had to research and analyze the ad. After researching for the ad I chose I
looked over and had to analyze how the ad used pathos, ethos, and logos and how it was
effective. I then had to asses why I chose the ad. By thinking about that it made me realize things
on why I really wanted to be a teacher and what kind of teacher I wanted to be.

Comment [SD1]: too

Comment [SD2]: Ill definitely pay attention
to these things and leave feedback

Comment [SD3]: Good cover letterall the

info is here! However, please use the format
from the example on Learn, as that is what
cover letters often look like in work spaces

Michael Roybal
Secondary Education Student Group
February 7, 2014
Be more than just a Teacher
The ad I chose to rhetorically analyze was one I found for the Woodring College of

Comment [SD4]: Not going to deduct

points, but titles for essays shouldnt be in
bold and should be centered. Also: Be More
Than Just a Teacher

Secondary Education. The Colleges ad for secondary education is effective in appealing to

students who want to be teachers by its use of pathos, logos, and ethos.
In the world today there are many people who do not want to teach anymore. More and

Comment [SD5]: Your introduction is very

short and to the point. It does its job of
explaining what youll be discussing, but your
introduction can also pull in your reader.

more teachers are retiring from their teaching jobs in high school because the education system
has received a lot of bad reputation. Today schools are more focused on testing and teaching for
the standardized tests rather than just teaching to help others learn. With all this it has made more
people hesitant on becoming teachers which is why schools of education are trying to push for
more people to become teachers. The ad does a very good job at trying to recruit people to
consider becoming teachers. The ad laid out its purpose right away and made very clear what it
was trying do. It connected to its audience well and really gave a good campaign to be a teacher.
In fact, after reading this flyer it really got me thinking about looking into this school.
After looking at the ad it was very apparent what the rhetorical situation for the flyer was.
The first thing I was able to identify the topic of the ad. The main topic was the Woodring
College of Education but what the ad focused on was Secondary Education. While reading I was
able to identify who the intended audience was and who the ad was intended for, which was
students and people who want to teach secondary education. The context of the ad was getting

Comment [SD6]: I think this section could

be easily synthesized with your thesis in order
to attract readers.

people to see the benefits the school had to offer. They laid out aspects and characteristics that
students would attain if they attended the school. The purpose itself of the article was trying to
get students to join their school. They wanted to get their name out there so that people who want
to teach, in high school, go to their college rather than another.

Comment [SD7]: Something missing is the

summary of the adwhat does it look
like/whats going on?

The ad used a variety of ethos, logos and pathos to connect to its intended audience.
Ethos was used by talking about how graduates complete course work and field work. It used
pathos by talking about how graduates will positively impact students and make a difference.
By explaining how graduates demonstrate a balance between content knowledge it used logos.
The use of ethos betters the advertisement because it gives the ad the credibility it needs
to show that the program is professional and will give its participants a good education. Like I

Comment [SD8]: Should the end of the

quote go here? Also , Im not completely sure
what this paragraph doesshould some of
this info be worked into the actual paragraphs
about ethos/logos/pathos themselves?
Comment [SD9]: As

stated earlier it uses ethos by talking about how graduates complete course work and field work.
By telling its audience about this it shows them that will be getting hands on training as well
which shows that the program gives a better learning opportunity. By giving this it gives the ad
more credibility in that it gives the graduates the training it needs to be great teachers.

Comment [SD10]: What you have here is

good, but there is room to dig a little more.

The use of logos makes the ad more appealing because it gives actual information about
what the students will actually become. It uses logos by giving the audience the facts that they
will, demonstrate a balance between content knowledge. This gives the audience the idea that
they will have well covered knowledge of a variety of subjects. It gives the audience something
true the college will give back.
The use of Pathos is strong in this advertisement because it really appeals to the
audiences emotions personally and emotionally. The ad states that graduates will impact
students lives and make a difference, and that is what most teachers want to do. Going into a

Comment [SD11]: pathos

teaching position, especially in public school, isnt something people go into for the money. The
people who want to teach are the ones who want to make a difference in peoples lives and see
others succeed. By using this statement it appeals to the peoples emotions by giving them
Comment [SD12]: I think you might be able
to dig into this example a little more as well.

something that they want. It gives them something they strive for.
Throughout the advertisement many example are used to appeal to the audience and get
more people interested into becoming teachers. By having a strong balance of Ethos, Logos, and

Comment [SD13]: Dont capitalize unless

its the start of a sentence.

Pathos the ad does exactly what it intended purpose was for. It reels in its readers and really
grabs their attention into thinking about teaching as a career. Personally this ad did exactly that
for me. When I read the ad I was engaged right away with what the ad was saying. It made me
feel more excited to becoming a teacher because of its use of Pathos. It connected to with what
kind of teacher I want to be and what I want out of it. It made me interested into actually looking
into the program they offered. If i was to do an advertisement for a certain program this is a great
example of how it should be made. By following the structure of this ad I think any ad could be

Comment [SD14]: Solid conclusion!

just as effective.



Needs Work


Cover Letter (10)


Introduction (10)


2 1 0

Explanation of concepts (5)

Summary of text (5)

Ethos (20)

20 19 18

17 16 15 14

13 12 11 10 9 8


Pathos (20)

20 19 18

17 16 15 14

13 12 11 10 9 8


Logos (20)

20 19 18

17 16 15 14

13 12 11 10 9 8


Conclusion (10)


Bonus awesome point (+1)

Total: 89/100
The material here is very good, but there were some points you could have dug into a little
more. For the portfolio, I really encourage you to use this as your Traditional Revision.

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