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Research and Theories
It is my belief that students need a structured and safe environment to be able to learn. For this
reason, this Classroom Organization and Management Plan will outline, in detail, the procedures
that I will put in place to facilitate learning. This plan follows a Constructivist approach based on
John Deweys notion that the teacher serves as a facilitator of learning drawn from the
experiences and prior knowledge of students. My Classroom Organization and Management
Plan is focused on developing opportunities for students to become leaders in their education
experience by collaborating with other students and by having opportunities to work

Elements of the Plan

The Room

The room will be organized to encourage cooperative learning while maintaining a space for
independent learning. The desks will be arranged in groups of 4. The teachers desk will be
located in a place that allows the teacher to oversee the entire room, entrance, and students.
Supplies and textbooks will be found next to the teacher desk. There will be a library area for
students to read. This library area will include a variety of genres: science-fiction, history,
biographies, science, graphic novels, fables, poetry, etc. The student desks will face the
chalkboard/dry-erase board. There will be an Independent Study Area (I.S.A) designated for
students who need additional help during classroom activities. This area is also designed for
students who work faster than other students. The I.S.A will have supplemental assignments
organized in the center of each table that students can complete for additional support and
practice. Next to the I.S.A there will be three computers for students who need to do research.
There will be a projector and easel available for use in the classroom. Projections can be
projected onto the Dry-Erase Board. The word-wall in the class is designated for vocabulary and
key terms. There is also a bulletin used for student work and a bulletin for school and class
announcements. The later bulletin will display assignments due.

The rules will always be displayed in the classroom at all times. These rules will be created with
the help of the students. In my classroom, decisions will be created through a Democratic
process. My class will create a Class Constitution. This constitution will outline the Rights
and the Responsibilities that the students believe they should have in my classroom. Once the
Constitution is created, the students will sign the document at the bottom of the sheet. This
will serve as a reminder that these rules were created through democracy.

An example of a Class Constitution:

Unlike the rules, the consequences will be developed prior to the first day of school. These will
be typed-up and distributed to parents and students during the first day of school. The
consequences are as follow:

Step 1:
Verbal Warning
Students will receive verbal warning about their behavior. I will, if possible, take the student
aside and give them a warning. These warnings will be recorded in a Check book. In this
book, each students name will be written. Every week, the student is allowed a max of 3 check
marks. If a student receives more than 3 check marks, I will move to step 2.

Step 2:

Conference with Student

I will hold a meeting with the student and propose a plan to work on the behavioral issues.
During this meeting I will.
1. Talk about the problem area: What I have noticed and what the student notices.
2. Name the behavior as a problem and why it is a problem.
3. Invite the student to work with me on the problem.
If the plan does not work, and the student continues to receive verbal warning, I will move to
step 3.

Step 3:
Parental Phone Call (or Conference)
I will either call a parent or have a conference with the parent regarding the students behavior.
Here, I will explain to the parents the issues that have come up by using the Check book. I
will describe the conference with the student and explain that if the behavior does not change, I
will have to provide a referral. If the conference/call does not help the behavior, I will move to
step 4.

Step 4:
A Referral
I will make a referral for detention/suspension and give the parent a call to inform him or her of
the behavioral issue.

The consequences will be displayed in the classroom at all times. The following is a sample

At the beginning of the class, there will be an Agenda projected on the board. The students will
enter the room and grab their class notebook from the designated Notebook Area. Once they
have their notebook, they will immediately begin to write down the agenda in their notebook and
begin on the Do Now.

The Do Now will be either an activity or journal question that the students must answer in
their notebook.

When the students are done with their Do Now, I will give them an opportunity to share their
answers/journal entries.

After the Do Now, I will begin my lesson. Students will be reminded of the classroom rules as
needed during the lesson.

Routine Simplified: (This will be displayed somewhere in the classroom)

1. Enter the classroom Quietly
2. Grab Your Notebook
3. Copy the Agenda
4. Complete the Do Now
5. When you are done, be ready to listen for further instructions.

Transition Times:

Arrival into the classroom

Gathering for sharing time

Cleaning Up

Lining up to go to different places

Changing groups or activities

Getting students attention

Designated Reading time

To transition:

Focus Up: I will say Focus Up and put my fist up in the air as a visual aid. The
students will say Focus Up and be ready to listen and focused on me. The students will
be ready for further instructions.

Music: Once I get the students to Focus Up I will play music to give them time to get
to their seats. When the music is done playing, they should be sitting down on their desk,
with all the materials put away, and ready for further instructions.


For Quieting a Class:

Focus Up

Procedure for Students Seeking Help

The students will raise a certain amount of fingers to silently show me what they need.

Silent Signals:
One finger up: I need the restroom
Two fingers: I need supplies
Five Fingers up: I have a question regarding the current work.

Procedure for Movement of Paper:

Students will be instructed to pile up their papers (assignments) in the middle of the desk. I
will collect their papers from the center.


At the beginning of class, all students will submit their homework in their class Homework
Folder found at the teacher desk.

Do Your Own Work Policy

There is a no cheating policy in the class. All students are expected to do their own work. The
cheating procedure will be:
If caught copying work/cheating there will be a call home.

Lining Up Procedure:
1. Stand up quietly.
2. Push in your chair.
3. Walk to line quietly.

Sitting Procedure:

Bell Procedure:
The Bell does not mean dismissal.

Bathroom and Drinking Break:

Students are expected to use the bathroom and drink water prior to class. Students will only be
given a bathroom or drinking break if it is an emergency.

Pencils and Supplies

There will be pencils and supplies (paper, erasers, tape, pencil sharpener, erasers, etc.) located at
the supplies table. Students will be instructed to raise their hand if they need supplies during
instructional time. During group work the students are allowed to grab their own material as
needed. All students are expected to return materials during Clean Up time.

Clean-Up Time:
At the end of each class, there will be a designated Clean-Up time. During this time, students
will pick up trash, put away materials, and wipe down tables if necessary. There will be a broom
and dustpan available at all times near the teacher desk for messy days.

Teacher Role:

Integrate technology into student learning

Believe that each student will achieve success in learning

Teach using interesting and challenging lessons that promote student achievement and
follow State and National standards

Participate in Professional Development opportunities that improve teaching and learning

and support the formation of partnerships with families and the community.

Come to class prepared to teach

Provide an environment conducive to learning

Help each child grow to their potential

Provide meaningful and appropriate homework activities if needed

Enforce school and classroom rules fairly and consistently using the PBIS expectations

Maintain open lines of communication with students and parents

Provide regular and frequent reports to parents regarding expectations and student

Hold parent teacher conferences at least annually to discuss student grades and behavior

Seek ways to involve parents in the school program

Demonstrate professional behavior and a positive attitude

Provide a warm, safe and caring environment

Student Role:

Always try to do his/her best in his/her work and behavior

Work cooperatively with his/her classmates, teachers and school staff

Attend school regularly and arrive on time

Show respect for his/her family, school, and peers

Take pride in his/her school

Believe that he/she can learn

Come to school prepared to learn

Do his/her own work on time

Follow the classroom rules

Parent Role

See that his/her child attends school regularly and is on time.

Provide a home environment that encourages his/her child to learn

Review his/her childs folder every evening to make sure that all work is completed and

Communicate regularly with his/her childs teacher

Talk with his/her child about their school activities each day

Attend school sponsored parent meetings whenever possible

Encourage his/her child to read at home at least 20 minutes a night

Communication with Parents

WeeblyThere will be a weekly blog posted on the class Weebly Blog detailing the activities that will
and have taken place in the classroom. This blog will include, but is not limited to: description
of activities, pictures of student work, an outline of upcoming assignments, important dates, etc.

Parent Letters
Students will go home with a letter for their parent when necessary. For example, a parent might
receive a letter describing an upcoming group assignment, a change in procedures, or
information about future fieldtrips. Whenever a letter is sent home, I will call parents to make
sure they received the letter.

Bi-Weekly Progress Reports

Every two weeks, parents will receive a progress report with their childs current grade and a list
of completed and missing assignments. The progress report must be returned with a signature
for grade credit. If the student does not return the progress report within a week, I will call the
parent to make sure they received the report.

During Group Work:

Group work is a big part of my classroom; therefore student roles during Group Work will be
posted in the class. The group roles are as follow:

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