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Stage 3


Pre-assessment of knowledge, skills, understandings, and attitudes using Students will be asked to
brainstorm with their group on what assemblage could possibly mean. This will be shared with the class
before the presentation on Leo Sewell and what assemblage actually is.
Student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition depends on.

Their ability to apply the gained knowledge and techniques to create a concept
in which to be developed thoroughly and assessed through observation and
critiquing as a class.

Demonstrate understanding of assemblage and using found objects to create a

new recognizable work of art
Develop a well detailed drawing of projected animal to be used in the final
Use modeling clay to develop a model to help plan and develop final project
Students work individually but placed in groups to encourage competitiveness
to do their best.

By using warm-up exercises, students will have the different techniques of
additive/reductive and ground toning presented to them in different ways.
Work different concepts from the different thumbnail sketches to later fully
develop one.

Formative assessment
feedback by instructor
as students apply newly
learned techniques.
Instructor will observe
students as they work to
provide feedback on
ways to improve or
different approaches.
Additional instruction
may be needed.

Found objects having to
be what the finished
project is going to be.
Use of found objects in
the wrong manner.

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