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American Dream

What is the American dream

This term "American Dream was first
used by the American historian James
Truslow Adams in his book "The Epic of
America" published in 1931. At that time
the United States were suffering under the
Great Depression. Adams used the term to
describe the complex beliefs, religious
promises and political and social
expectations of america to have a well
constructed life.

Is it a real term or an
I think it could be considered a real term and
an attitude, You can see their ambition and
success after the great depression where they
worked hard toward fame and prosperity , this
represents that you can be successful no
matter how did you begin. The desire to
become the best can change your whole life
and the concept of being successful in your
life will move you to make your dreams come
true and it possibly be an attitude because
when your rich you will have a different
perspective about the American dream.

In the 1920s and today

In the 1920s the American dream
was the process of development as
men and women and letting nothing
distract their wanted achievements.
Today the American dream is about
getting known and being on the top
of the world.

My American dream
My American dream to show people
that thinking, seeing the real world
not the medias one. Being able to
distinguish between them and try to
stand away from standard life that is
drawn for us. We didnt live to work
only we must think and always ask
why to survive ignorance.

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