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The Great Jump-OffWorksheet

Directions: The best jumping frogs in Caldwell County are competing in The Great Jump-Off.
Unfortunately, the jumping measurements have arrived in a variety of formsfractional, decimal,
and feet and inches. Your job is to make sense of this data.

Jump-Off Distances

Frogs Name

(feet and inches)


19 8 feet

Lucky Lefty
Doris the Magnificent

19 feet 9 inches

Mean Green Machine

19 5 feet

Ribbet Z

19 8 feet

19.375 feet

Big Boy

19 3 feet

Hop-along Cassidy
19.4 feet

The Mighty Toad

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Which frog(s) jumped the same distance as Lucky Lefty?

Which frog(s) jumped farther than Lucky Lefty?

Which frog(s) jumped farther than Hop-along Cassidy? Name the frog(s).

Which frog jumped fartherRibbet Z or Hop-along Cassidy? how much farther?

Which frogs jumped less than 19 8 feet? Rank these frogs in order from greatest to least.

In the first column of the table, rank the frogs in order of the distance they jumped, from
greatest to least.

Mathematics Activity 1



Flavorful ProportionsWorksheet
Directions: Study the recipes and then answer the questions.

Recipe A
Makes about 60 cookies

cup shortening



cup butter

2 eggs


cup white sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup brown sugar


2 12 cups flour

Recipe B

teaspoon baking soda 2 cups chocolate chips

1 teaspoon cinnamon

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teaspoon salt

Makes about 45 cookies

1 cup walnuts

cup butter



cup white sugar

1 14 cups flour


cup brown sugar


teaspoon baking soda

1 egg


cup walnuts



cup chocolate chips

cup milk

teaspoon vanilla

If you have 10 cups of flour and use Recipe A, how many batches of cookies can you make?
If you have 10 cups of flour, how many batches of Recipe B can you make?

If you have 9 eggs and use Recipe A, how many batches of cookies can you make? If you have
9 eggs, how many batches of Recipe B can you make?

If you have 7 2 cups of flour and use Recipe A, how many cups of chocolate chips will you need?

Mathematics Activity 2



Appearing TonightWorksheet
Directions: Read the information below and answer the questions.

Stephanies band is putting on a concert at the Old Town Theater. Ms. Lowell,
the owner of the theater, has offered the band three different options for payment.
The theater can seat 300. Tickets will cost $5.00.
Option 1: The band keeps $2.00 from the sale of each ticket.
Option 2: The band gets nothing from the first 100 tickets sold.
After that, they earn $4.00 from the sale of each ticket.

For how many tickets would the band receive the same amount of money from
Option 1 and Option 3?

For how many tickets would the band receive the same amount of money from Option 2
and Option 3?

For how many tickets would the band receive the same amount of money from Option 1
and Option 2?

Which option is best for the band if 180 tickets are sold? How much more money will
the band earn with that option than with the other options?

Which option is best for the band if 200 tickets are sold? How much more money will
the band earn with that option than with the other options?

Which option is best if 300 tickets are sold? How much more money will the band earn
with that option than with the other options?

Activity 3 Mathematics

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Option 3: The band receives a payment of $300.



Appearing TonightWorksheet (continued)

If 125 tickets are sold, how much money will the band gain or lose
by choosing Option 2 instead of Option 1? by choosing Option 3
instead of Option 1?

How many tickets need to be sold so that the band makes more money by choosing
Option 1 instead of Option 3?

How many tickets need to be sold so that the band makes more money by choosing
Option 2 instead of Option 3?

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Mathematics Activity 3



Spring PlantingWorksheet

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Ms. Wilson has a garden that is 6 feet long and 8 feet wide. She uses 1 bag of
fertilizer on the garden every year. This year, Ms. Wilson plans to double the length and
width of her garden. Ms. Gilmour, the nursery owner, tells Ms. Wilson that she will need
4 bags of fertilizer. Ms. Wilson says that she will need only 2 bags. Who is correct?

Starting at the upper left corner of the grid below, shade a 6- by 8-foot rectangle to
represent Ms. Wilsons current garden. What is the area of the garden? (Each square is
1 foot per side.)

Starting at the upper left corner of the grid below, shade a 12- by 16-foot rectangle
to represent Ms. Wilsons planned garden. What is the area of the garden?

Mathematics Activity 5



Is the area of the 12- by 16-foot garden twice the area of the 6- by 8-foot garden?
On the lines below, explain why or why not.

How many bags of fertilizer will Ms. Wilson need? Explain your answer on the lines below.

What could be the length and width of a garden with an area two times larger than a
6- by 8-foot garden?

Compare the areas of a 4- by 2-foot rectangle, and a double rectangle that measures
8 feet by 4 feet. What is the ratio of the larger rectangle to the smaller rectangle?

Activity 5 Mathematics

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Spring PlantingWorksheet (continued)



Shaping UpWorksheet
Directions: Use the figure below to answer the questions.

Trace each of the following polygons that appear in the figure. Use a different color
for each polygon.


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other quadrilaterals

How many different triangles can you find in this figure? Use letters to name each triangle.

Which triangles are congruent to triangle ABF?

How many different rectangles and squares can you find? Name them.

How many quadrilaterals can you find that are not rectangles or squares? Name them.

How many pentagons can you find? Name them.

Mathematics Activity 7



All Aboard!Worksheet
Directions: The following timetable for the Tri-County Railroad shows the times when each of
five trains is due to leave Jacksonville. A train is considered to be on time if it arrives or leaves
within 5 minutes after its scheduled time. On each of the number lines below, graph the possible
times that each train can arrive at Jacksonville and still be on time. When you have finished,
answer the questions on the next page.

Tri-County Railroad

Arrival Time

Departure Time

Port Buchanan

7:55 A.M.

7:58 A.M.

Oak Hills

7:57 A.M.

8:00 A.M.


8:00 A.M.

8:03 A.M.


8:01 A.M.

8:04 A.M.


8:04 A.M.

8:07 A.M.

Port Buchanan
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7:40 7:45 7:50 7:55 8:00 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:20

Oak Hills
7:40 7:45 7:50 7:55 8:00 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:20

7:40 7:45 7:50 7:55 8:00 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:20

7:40 7:45 7:50 7:55 8:00 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:20

7:40 7:45 7:50 7:55 8:00 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:20

Mathematics Activity 10



Write an inequality that shows the time (t ) that the Oak Hills train can arrive at
Jacksonville and still be on time.

Write an inequality that shows the time (t ) that the Oak Hills train can arrive so that
passengers can change to a Port Buchanan train that leaves at its scheduled time. Allow
one minute for passengers to change trains.

Write an inequality that shows why passengers cannot change between a Jamesburg train
that arrives at exactly 8:04 and an on-time Port Buchanan train ( P ). Allow one minute for
passengers to change trains.

Which two trains have the largest overlapping on-time period?

If all the trains are running on time, which trains have scheduled arrival times that allow
passengers to transfer to any other train?

Activity 10 Mathematics

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All Aboard!Worksheet (continued)



Lost TreasureWorksheet
Directions: Professor Witherspoon has discovered a map showing the location of lost pirate
treasure. Before the professor hunts for the treasure, he first plans to locate the spot on the
map where the treasure is buried. Use the directions and the key to locate the treasure on the
map below.

Start at Lookout Point.

Walk south 200 feet.
Walk east 125 feet.
Walk south 275 feet.
Walk west 550 feet.
Walk north 200 feet.
Walk east 800 feet.


Walk south 150 feet.

1 inch = 200 feet

Lookout Point
Goat Rock



Activity 11 Mathematics


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Lost TreasureWorksheet (continued)

Where is the treasure located on the map?

Following the directions above the treasure map, what is the total distance to the treasure
on the map, in inches?

On the lines below, write a different set of directions to find the treasure. Start at the tip
of Goat Rock. You should include at least 5 directions.

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Mathematics Activity 11



Big Dog Drive-InWorksheet

Directions: Tina and Rick went to Big Dog Drive-In for dinner. Part of the menu is shown below.
Read the menu and answer the questions.

Welcome to

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Puppy Dog Meal


Double Dog Meal


Tina and Rick both started out with the same number of dollar bills in their pockets. Tina had
more than 4 dollars. Rick had fewer than 7 dollars. After making a purchase, they both had
more than a dollar left. How much money did each of them have to start with? What did they
each buy? How did you figure it out?

A Big Dog Meal costs at least 20 more than a Puppy Dog Meal and at least 25 less than a
Double Dog Meal. How many dollar bills does Rick need to be sure that he can buy a Big
Dog Meal? Explain your reasoning.

Lewis went to Big Dog with 13 dollar bills. How many more dollar bills does he need to be
sure he can buy 3 Big Dog Meals? Explain your reasoning.

Mathematics Activity 12



Big Dog Drive-InWorksheet (continued)

Maria went to Big Dog with $20 to buy food for four people. How many Double Dog
Meals could she buy and still have enough left over to get Puppy Dog Meals for the rest
of the people? Explain your reasoning.

Mr. Peas class has 30 students. They have raised $150 in funds and want to use it for a
treat at Big Dog Drive-In. If everybody wants a Double Dog Meal, how much more money
will they need? How many students would have to buy Puppy Dog Meals for the class to
afford the treat now? Explain your reasoning.

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Activity 12 Mathematics

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