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Rachel Sitek

Leisure Education
Case Study
Part I: Participant Information
A. Name of Participant: Jane Doe
B. Description of Participant: Jane is a thirteen-year-old female who is in eighth grade.
She resides in Binghamton, NY and lives with her mom, dad, and three siblings when
they are home from college. She loves to play field hockey and run track, but has
recently sprained her ankle and is using crutches. She also likes to watch TV, read,
and run around with her dogs outside. Jane has grown up catholic and attends church
and CCD every Sunday. She spends her afternoons doing homework and helping with
chores around the house. Jane has grown up being around people who are 7-10 years
older than her and does not hang out with kids her own age outside of school very
often. She is open to trying new things, but loves more than anything else to spend
time with her family.
C. Statement of the Leisure Problem: Jane loves to be physically active but recently
sprained her ankle and is currently using crutches. Most of the friends that she has
that are her own age live about 30 minutes away, so she is unable to participate in
activities with them very often. Also, because she is only thirteen years old, she must
rely on others for rides and financial obligations for leisure activities. She has been
staying home by herself after school and does not know what to do with her time
because she cannot walk to participate in the activities that she enjoys the most.
Part II: Assessment
A. For the purpose of this case study, I will assess self-awareness. I chose this area for
assessment for a couple of reasons. First of all, I think that as Jane becomes more
aware of herself, her values and attitudes, expectations, goals, and choices, she will
better understand her leisure involvement. She will better understand the importance
of the impact that leisure can have on ones life, as well as having realistic
expectations for her leisure activities and have a better understanding of her leisure
constraints and how to work around them. These constraints may be interpersonal,
intrapersonal, or structural, but having the awareness of this will help Jane be able to
work around these constraints. Helping Jane become more self-aware may include
identifying leisure preferences, reflecting on past and current leisure involvement,
projecting future leisure experiences, understand her leisure skills, examining her
values and attitudes, and determining leisure satisfaction. In order to make changes, a
person must first become aware of themselves and what they need to work on. The
knowledge gained from this may help Jane make more appropriate choices about

leisure involvement and increase her leisure satisfaction. This new awareness can
help Jane come up with new activities to try that do not require her to walk.
B. I will conduct the assessment by meeting with Jane. I will have a conversation with
her to get a general idea of her leisure preferences and her typical leisure activities. I
will also ask about future leisure involvement that she may be hoping for. I will also
give her a written assessment to fill out on her own and we can go over the results
C. The first instrument that I will use for assessment is an interview that I will come up
with. This will consist of simple, open-ended questions that I will ask verbally. The
second instrument that I will use is the Leisure Interest Model (LIM). The purpose of
this assessment is to find out what kind of leisure activities Jane prefers to do. It will
measure her degree of interest in eight different kinds of leisure activities: physical,
outdoor, mechanical, artistic, service, social, cultural, and reading. By finding out
what areas of leisure she is most interested in, Jane will be able to narrow her search
for new activities by having a better understanding of what she likes.
a. Interview questions:
i. What do you like to do in your free time?
ii. Do you like to spend your leisure time indoors or outdoors?
iii. Do you usually participate in activities by yourself or with others?
iv. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and
v. What is one activity that you have never done that you would like to
vi. Do you prefer silence or noise (music, TV, etc.) when you are alone?
vii. What time of day do you most often participate in leisure activities?
viii. Do you play sports? Which ones? Why?
ix. What is your favorite season?
x. Do your friends enjoy the same leisure activities as you?
xi. Are there leisure activities that you used to participate in that you dont
anymore? Why did you stop?
xii. What is your favorite TV show/movie?
xiii. What is your favorite type of music?
xiv. Do you consider yourself artistic?
xv. Where is your favorite place to go? Why?
Part III: Goal Statements
1. To demonstrate an awareness of self in leisure
Part IV: Program Description
A. Session 1: Leisure Collage

B. Objectives:
a. To identify personal leisure preferences
C. Performance measures:
a. By the end of the first session, Jane will have identified at least 5 leisure
activities that she currently participates in and state why she enjoys each one.
b. By the end of the first session, Jane will have identified at least 5 leisure
activities that she would like to participate in in the future and state why she
would like to try each one.
D. Setting: This session will take place in Janes home. She will sit at the dining room
table in order to spread out and complete the activity.
E. Equipment/Materials Required: For this session, we will need:
a. Old magazines
b. Poster board
c. Scissors
d. Glue
F. Activity/Topics, Timeline, and Process: I will begin the session by giving the
directions and explaining the purpose of the activity (2 minutes). I will ask Jane to
flip through the magazines and find pictures of things that she likes to do, would like
to try, or things that have an influence on her leisure involvement. For each picture
she finds, I will ask that she explain to me why she participates in the activity, why
she would like to try it, or how it influences her. During this time I will also discuss
any benefits that I may see from these activities. She will cut out these pictures and
glue them to the poster board making a collage of leisure activities (40 minutes).
Once the collage is completed, I will debrief with Jane (3 minutes).
Part IV: Second Program Description
A. Session 2: Scheduling
B. Objectives:
a. To demonstrate knowledge of personal attitudes towards leisure
b. To demonstrate the ability to identify future leisure activities
C. Performance Measures:
a. By the end of the second session, Jane will have added at least one leisure
activity that she would like to participate in per day to her schedule for the
b. By the end of the session, Jane will have identified at least one new leisure
activity that she will try during the week.
D. Setting: This session will also take place in Janes home.

E. Equipment/Materials Required: For this session, we will need:

a. Paper
b. Pen
c. Ruler
d. Colored pencils
F. Activity/Topics, Timeline, and Process: I will begin the second session by explaining
what we will be doing and share with Jane the goals that I have for the session (2
minutes). Next, I will have Jane use the ruler to make a schedule for a week. She will
then use the colored pencils to fill out the schedule. She will use different colors to
represent different things. One color will be used to represent school and homework.
Another color will be used to represent chores and housework. A third color will be
used to represent obligations such as eating and showering. A fourth color will be
used to represent leisure activities. The different colors will give a visual
representation of how Jane spends her time. I will ask Jane to give a general timeline
for each activity for the week (35 minutes). I will then discuss with Jane the
importance of leisure and some of the benefits it may have, including health benefits,
relaxation, and stress reduction (5 minutes). I will end the session by debriefing (3
Part 5: Evaluation

I will evaluate whether the participant has met the goals, objectives, and performance
measures in two different ways.

The first method that I will use is debriefing. I will ask Jane the following questions
after each session:
o What did you like about this activity?
o Is there anything you would change about this activity to make it better?
o What did you learn during this session?
o Do you feel that the goals and objectives were met during this session?

The second method that I will use is a written survey. The questions on this survey
will include:
o Do you think that you will use the knowledge you gained during these
sessions in your future leisure involvement?
o Is there anything you disliked about the sessions?
o What skills have you learned from these sessions?
o Do you feel that you are more self-aware? How so?
o Do you feel as though you accomplished your goals? Why or why not?
o Do you feel that you have met your objectives and performance measures?
Why or why not?
o Will you continue participating in the leisure activities that you have identified
during these sessions?
o How can you use the knowledge that you have learned through these sessions
to help others?


Do you feel that you have benefited from these sessions? If so, how?
What did you learn about your leisure preferences and attitudes?
How can you use self-awareness to increase your leisure satisfaction?
Did you find any of the activities difficult?

Leisure Interest Measure (LIM)

Participant Name____________________________
Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to find out what kind of leisure activities you want
or prefer to do.
Directions: To the left of each statement is a line to indicate how true that statement is for you.
Use the scale below. Write down the number that best fits your situation.
Definition: Leisure Activities are those things that you do that are not part of your work and
are not part of your basic grooming needs.

I like to read in my free time.

I prefer being outdoors.
I like to work with materials such as metal or wood in my leisure time.
I like to be original in my leisure activities.
I appreciate the cultural arts.

____6. I am committed to serve as a volunteer worker in one or more service organizations or

____7. I prefer competitive physical activities.
____8. I use my leisure as a chance to meet new and different people.
____9. I like the fresh air of outdoor settings.
____10. I often use tools in my leisure activities.
____11. I like to create artistic designs in my leisure time.
____12. I prefer to engage in cultural activities such as going to plays, lectures, or visiting
____13. I often participate in service activities in my leisure time.
____14. I prefer activities which require a high degree of physical activity.
____15. I use my leisure to develop close relationships with others.
____16. I prefer leisure activities which allow me to be in outdoor environments.
____17. I like repairing or building things in my leisure time.
____18. I prefer leisure activities which require creativity.
____19. I like to observe local and national cultural events.
____20. I regularly contribute time to service organizations or activities.
____21. I prefer physically oriented activities such as sports.
____22. I prefer to engage in leisure activities which require social interaction.
____23. I prefer to engage in leisure activities which take place in outdoor environments.
____24. I like to work with mechanical devices in my leisure time.
____25. I like leisure activities which help me to explore new ideas.

____26. I have a strong attraction to the cultural arts.

____27. I prefer to be of service to others in my leisure time.
____28. I like leisure activities which require physical challenge.
____29. I prefer leisure activities which help to develop friendships.

Total Eight Sub-scores:

A. Physical Domain: Add numerical value of the answers given in items #7, #14, #21, and
#28 and divide by 4. _________________________Physical Domain Score:_________
B. Outdoor Domain: Add numerical value of the answers given in items #2, #9, #16, and
#23 and divide by 4. _________________________Outdoor Domain Score:
C. Mechanical Domain: Add numerical value of the answers given in items #3, #10, #17,
and #24 and divide by 4. ____________________Mechanical Domain Score: ________
D. Artistic Domain: Add numerical values of the answers given in items #4, #11, #18, and
#25 and divide by 4. __________________________Artistic Domain Score:
E. Service Domain: Add numerical values of the answers given in items #6, #13, #20, and
#27 and divide by 4. _________________________Service Domain Score: __________
F. Social Domain: Add the numerical value to the answers given in items #8, #15, #22, and
#29 and divide by 4. ___________________Social Domain Score: __________
G. Cultural Domain: Add the numerical values to the answers given in items #5, #12, #19,
and #26 and divide by 4. ___________________ Cultural Domain Score: __________
H. Reading Domain: Use the value given to answers given in item #1.
Score _______________________ Reading Domain Score: ___________
Scores of 4 or more show a high degree of interest in an area.
Scores of 2 or less show low interest.

Assessment tool adapted from Burlingame, J., & Blaschko, T.M. (2010). Assessment Tools for Recreation
Therapy (4th ed.). cag/2014

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