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Commitment to Student Learning

My commitment to student learning branches from my belief that all

students can learn. As an educator and human developer, it is my job to
provide students with the content knowledge and tools they need to grow
and become successful. We are taught that we cannot control children, but
only influence them. It is important to always have an open line of
communication so that you are available to meet the needs of your students.
There are many factors that influence student learning and success in and
outside the classroom. Student-teacher relationships, parent-teacher
communication, classroom environment, and school environment are just a
few of the influencing factors on student learning. As a human developer, it
is important that I set goals for myself and my students to ensure that they
are motivated and aware of my expectations.
The classroom should be a warm, safe, welcoming, and positive
environment for students, as well as parents. In addition to making the
classroom a positive learning environment, the teacher should keep in mind
also the different types of learners within the classroom. Universal Design for
learning is the best way to reach students needs.
In addition to the classroom environment, it is important that
educators stay up to date with the most current teaching methods. We know
that society is always changing, and that technology is continuing to grow
and become more accessible. If the teacher is considered behind on time
the students will be as well. Remaining current on information that will aide
the teacher will only benefit the students as well, and also some parents.
My commitment to student learning is shown in a lesson titled Fact and
Opinion, which I created during Education 316: Integrated Methods. I
implemented this lesson at Nitro Elementary School in a 5th grade classroom.
I taught the lesson as a reading skill, but I incorporated real-life scenarios.
This lesson provides more than one teaching strategy to try and reach each
students learning needs.
My second artifact of my commitment to student learning is a lesson I
made for Education 426. The lesson title is Continents, Oceans, and
Landforms. I incorporated many strategies into this lesson to show my ability
to meet the needs of different types of learners in the classroom. I included
the data I complied from the pre-test and post-test to see how much they
knew and how much they learned. By giving the pre-test the day before

teaching the lesson, I was able to plan ahead to know how deep I would need
to do when teaching.
My last artifact is my interest inventory for Teaching Reading I,
Education 320. I gave the interest inventory at Dunbar Primary Center in a
first grade classroom. From there, I was able to decide which book I would
read for my read aloud requirement for Education 320.

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