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‘Append D: Abaqus'GAE: A POSTPROGESSING TUTORIAL Appendix D: Viewing the Output from Your Analysis “his porcsssin tral forthe experienced Ata ser hts how ou ca use He Vision ‘moe so Tcensed spacey a Abagis/ Viewer odsplay the vss row your naj in prapicl form. D.A Overview aving she orl you wil spay the otto Case 2 of he example pb, Indentation ofan clastomerc om species witha henispheriel poet” Setion 11 he Abag Example Probes ‘tie The problem sides th beavor fe envy meal punch impacing a of elastomer eas book the resing drain ad stain te show Figute D+ Figure D-1 Contour plot showing deformation and stain, The problema no cinensons nd i dvd ino testes 1 The puch inal reo the suri of he os lack and ompreses the lack under itso ‘weight. The gravity lang ramps up overt ach the mycin oa ‘ffve secon allowing the fon orl Tul. The ali wes the quasstate proce to ‘ode the response ofthe fam ble daring he ep. 4 Appar D: ABaQUSICAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL D.2 Which variables are in the output database? _ 2 The pach is forced wn with an impulsive Toad that vies secant half sne wave over ‘peti fone secoe. The respon of the owen Hock fs modsed wing tei dame precede 4. The impulsive fate emoved andthe poh llawed o move sy while the foam expands and contracts, The eos ern das ot the vito, nd the sep rs fr 10 sends ‘le the model etm to stay ie. Ax with he second tp the sponse of the foam blsk modeled sing he inp dys proce, The tre consite fhe folowing sections “+ Whi ies are i the exp tabs,” Seton D2 + “tea he outpdstabe” Seton D3 + “Customizing a moel pl” Seaton Dt + “Dispaying the defomed model shape,” Seton DS + “Displaying and este # contour plo,” Scton D6 “Anan conor plo” Seton D7 + "Displaying and exstoniing a syn! plot Section Ds ‘+ "Displaying and esting a materi venation plo,” Secon D9 + “Displaying and casting an A-Y plo," Section D1 1 “Open 0 XY ei” Sesion D.11 + “Probing an 2-7 plo” Section D2 + “Displaying esl along a pat" Section DIS Inthe fist po the este foam example, set of opin is inte to canal he data oupat dingeachstepof the asalsis Abas/Standrd wie his opal te Fld Outpt ec Hoy Outpt ton ofthe ouput catabe, depending onthe expt pe Fld Output “The Field Outpt prion ofthe ouput ashe contin visible tht shoul be opt atively neg ring th analysis; inthis eae, er every 1 inert an ar th It nett fof step. Typically, yu selet ott for your ere model os lage repo of yur mad, nd ‘Alas wits every component a the sled eqleney. Only he selected variables ve witen tothe output database “The allowing inate agent shows he options hat contra the Fl pt viral in the ease ck example sourpur, ieip, yREguaNcy=10 ‘AependicD; Abaqus'GAE: A POSTPROGESSING TUTORIAL ‘bag’ wie the following variables tthe led Outpt postion ofthe ett dab afer every 1D incerta a he ado ach tp + thats compensate of ve itegion pint in he fo lock; the logue tain components of every nteration poi nthe eas Hock (by def, the lags sain s writen othe outptditaase when the wer requests stan fo 8 ‘some nelinear analysis; the dsplacemenof every node in th made nd ‘edit ont output variables (lean, presse, sbear sts, al tangential moto) ‘esting fom he contact Between the puch and the ea Bock. History Output The istry Oia parton ofthe ott database contains variables tat may te output reavely Freely during he mals as fen a every ieenet. To avoid generating ge amounts of a, you pial selet ouput om sal ae of Your mode, such kang kent oa sal region. In adn, you mnt select the ini component ofthe variables th re write a ‘hep dabse History otpt spicy sed fer generating X-Y dt pls. “The following pte ase shows the options ht conta the istry ott vals in te dastomaric lak exapl sourpur, isroRy,FREGUENCYeX SoDe oureer, sE=¥9999 versns, 22, 522 AbugusStandad wit the lowing vvables foe the pel’ rigid by reference aoe (conic nnd et 9999) oh istry prion of he out abe fer very eee «+ the viel pice, + the vertical vel, end + the vei acelin. Imation, afer evry increment AbsqusStandard writes he following vals from the erm athe comer othe lek tothe his pation of the ut abs: 1 von Mises tess, + the lgaithmie tain in the 2-ieton om the 2. the ses in the 2st on the 2p. ‘The srs and stain variables re write fal he iegration oi in the ket, a and os ‘Appa D: AbaqUSICAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL D.3 Reading the output database - Tosa the tori open be ouput dats tat Abate gence daring he says of he cxample poten, “To road the output database: 1. You cam we the Abacos fehl o copy th spt dbase fo your lol deter. Ene the folowing smmand tthe opeting syste pomp soaque fatsh jobeviewer_tutorinl you havens doneso aleady, stat AbaquCAE or Aba Viewsr by ping abaqua a oe labaque viewer, espetively, tthe operating syste pomp ‘8, Fo the Start Session dials bs th ppt, select Open Databsee, Ifyou at aetna ‘AlagustCAE ee Asc! Vewer reson slo Flo--Opa fom the ns mens bt ‘The Open Database ilo be spe, Frm th Fle iter ett he ton ofthe Open Databooe dis bs, sks Output Database (oa). “The reminder ofthe aloha changes o ret he ft that ou ae now interested in ls with theextension -odb ey. Note: IF you ae runing AbogusViewer, you do not hve to select the fle Alton tpt habs es are shown nthe Open Database dslos bx. 5. From he Directory Ist atthe tp ofthe Open Database dialog box, cet yourlacl dietary. 6. From thelist ona thse ils hat appease viewer tutortal od. 7. Clk OK _A‘mgusCAE stars the Viulzaton module and dpa the undeformed shape ofthe model, a shown in Figure D2 ‘Theil loka the ton ofthe viewport inc the allowing +The description ethene (or th fist in fhe HEADING option athe input). ‘+ The name ofthe supa date (rm the mane ofthe aaliso). + The poet mane AbaquvStandad oe AboqusEplic used generat the output dase 4+ The dt the out diabse was ls adil ‘The state Hock tthe tn ofthe viewport nds the Fllowing ‘+ Wc sto is bok dspleyed +The interment win the step +The sep tne ‘Apportx O: AbaquSICAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL [, serene. Figure D-2 Undetmed model shape. ‘The vie erento vad indicts the oretton ofthe mode in he lol cornu sya, The 3D compass laced in the uppersigh come ofthe view lows you omni the view dest Note: For ea, mst ofthe flues in hs rial dona inlet tile Boe, sate back, ‘orettion ad, 0 compas. When te iad doe spear, however the none 1-23 nd labels ase Ingen che aus illustrate efet on hemoel of changing and ctstonizng, ‘he plot You ea tog ofan este the ile bls, se blk, aml nation ad by SelesingViewport-iewport Annotation Options fom te msn mcm bt D.4 Customizing a model plot You wll now use the pla ction o equ lesen minting. bs ‘Appene 0: AbaqueIGAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL Customizing a model plot ‘A common st of plot pin foal lt ates unefoed, defer, contour eis provide o allow you cstonize th appearance ofa pa. Rega of the pot tate, caonizton options ply en the erent epost sd eat saved betwen sessions To customize a mode plot: 1. Frm the in nent, selestOptons-~Common. ‘Ag pny the Common Pot Options dg bos 2 By deat, Abagus ls the mode in ren an hides cement abel, You wl change the color of| the element abel fr ean fo eal splay them. ram the Common Plt Options log bos ctickthe Label i nd th follow ‘Toggle on Show oloment labo, Click Apply _Atagus splays te eementmunberng using yan ex Chick the colar sample ll the leet ab, Agus dipaysthe Select Colr dog box 4. Clk he RGB ib ast the red ren, od ue values 25S, 0, an, espectively, ‘Tip: Yousmalo sl fom the coors ete bt ofthe dog box or ase ny ofthe oe avaiable election method (ek OX to ase your seein, Agus loss the Sect Color dialog box and ups the oor sample toed £. Clk o. ‘The color of he ement abel anges Fam cya fred, ad the Common Pot Options dog bax eases D.5 Displaying the deformed model shapo ‘You can ipa a plot of your mod! showing the dered shape ding each fame ofthe sali ‘When you requests deed shape po of dt froma Tore dpc! analy, Abas plo the dhl lspacemens by ceil bat ys can pny ny ral estore opt vara ae ale ‘rhe opt dbs. Yousan also sete plo options 1 cstonize the appearance ofa deerme po Displaying a deformed shape plot ‘Most procedures in AlnqusStanda or Absquspict write deplacemet tthe output databace by elt and ao eet dipaernent forthe nol vector quantity to we ashe ea defamed ihe oe ‘Appoei Abaqus!OAE: A POSTPROGESSING TUTORIAL ‘When Aboqus reads the ctpur database, ses the dit drome variable to determine the shape of deformed pit. in th easier lock example the We eqbesed aug of te dsplaenets {forever nde nthe mel fer every 1 increments el pocemeat was eet a the dit {ered variable (ome procedures example, heat asf not wt nod veto ques to the tpt bas by dein and dot seket 3 vavabe a the default defamed variable Therefore, Angus etnotdispiy a defer po, ee in sch tes he op dtabave dec ot conta any varies That canbe wed ocomyute a defen shape) ‘To display a deformed shape plot 1. From the main menutar, sleet Plot Deformed Shape ‘: Youcnsopltiedtimed mals te tn te Vion ets ota Ate plays the defonved mode inthe same increment and sep tha i st payed the Sneed model. The element lass ls appar case the somtion plot options were sed to spay them 2. Ope te Common Plot Options dios tox ick Dotaulte flowed by Apply 1 esos a apy te dei optns. ‘The ste Hock ints the defi defamed vail Being pote (0) a the deformation sealer (10006400). Abagus sles a deft defomaton scale fet of 1.0 fr Tare dnplacment rales. (For amall-dapacerent anaes Abagis choses the fal ele flor the view opal) he btons inthe out harlow you to move teen fes ofthe asl In patel, the ‘aon nth fight content ri the ae eter “tallow ou to dager {Scouse ne ate Yoana move dations tp mince singh lowing shige ‘rom he ns a, let Rast -StopiFram. ‘tags dps te Sapam cog bx b Sekt Step 2,2norement. 0, an ick PDI. €. The Slprae dog box alo plays tp ties wh nem Use th Stprrame dito box to eps he toed nel print aly toh he seam op se combat of te btn in te cnet aan te StoPrame dog bo ve te ‘tome plot ifict mes edn ier sto, Disp the onetime! ae te at nec he id ep (Bap 3 and Seapine 27000) ae shounin Fg Dh or ‘Appandc D: AbaqustCAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL, Figure 0-3. Defame plot ofthe madel aftr the st ieremet of he thi step 6, Click Caneel cls the Stop/Frame daog bos. ‘Superimposing the undeformed shape on the deformed shape ‘You can plo the under an deformed mal shpe iulaneoy ‘To pot the undetermadand deformed model shay " 1. Ck the "hie! text allow mie lt stn he view Then ik he Ala ote select Pat Undoformed | Shape to add the undeformed shape plot to the existing deformed tne er ‘tags dps thon pla ved wih he une plat 2 To customie the sepipone (e, andermed) pl, select Optons--Superimpose fo he sain men at, Anas spay the Superimpose Plot Optons dialog bx. ‘3. lathe Superinpose Pot Options dialog bo, sect the Other ah, 4. Inthe Other bed pe sel th Tansluconcy wh, Toggle off Apply Tanshucency. 1, Nes sles the Oe, Select Uniform, a exter value of 0.002 theo valu. 6. Clik OK to apy the canges nd to los he Superimpose Pot Options sslbg tox. [Akaqs dpa the tome defined pl hn Five Dl The undeformed made ‘ape colored whic an ioe sigh rm he Sefored model shape to preven tela fon oveeping, be ‘Appondx : AbaqUBICAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL Figure D4 Customized defrmed plo D.6 Displaying and customizing a contour plot You cn asp cont at of your del showing vata suc asses, stan, or emer, nal plats, nein cont lt, Abagus eet Sef vile ods. The defaltvarble ‘ele depends onthe varies abe in the op dts, whish in tm depend onthe analysis procedure nd the ested cup. You ean chooue to pty any aie ht svi nthe eld ‘ult pram ofthe ou database I'yu select a aril hen you ae net in a plot le tha an ‘lia that vari, dab box spears prompting 1 swe oa valid lt ate Yow ean us the plt options te estosize te appearance o contour pl. Absqus apples your ‘astmizcd stings ever coop iplayed inthe ere viewport yo dipay contr plot ‘na ow veer, Angers tae def pa tins Displaying a contour plot ‘You wil i pay a cortour plot of he deft vv fie continuing ogale of th tiple ot sates option. “To display a contour pet: 1. From the in nen bar, set PletContoure-.On Deformed Shape, “Tp: You cals asaya conta plot sing the oot nthe Vauazaton note toto bo ‘Appar D: AbaqustCAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL, The ste block indicus hat he variable pote is 8 IRS, the defi variable chosen by ‘Ag_Atagu dys the result atte sae sand fate that you wed to spy he dered alps 2, Usethebutlon in thane bar orth Stepramedsogos to view the contour plot indie fens and nde steps Note: The legen canes a yu move ben mes, Abas wpe he manu and nium als and opts he como interes every ame Selecting the variable to plot Abs slots dei viable wo dpa in acoso lt, bu you can display any vrai hats ‘able in the ell opt pron ofthe outta To ealect the variable te pt: 4. Frm the in men sles Rasit-sFedl Output [Abn pny the ld Output nog box. You we the Fla Output dog bso see the ‘arable display. “Tip: You can ao ast mot eld ulpet vrai an tir emponeats ivan ‘ying the Tstsin te Fold Output oer. Foc ore inoration se "Using te eld ‘ut ola" Section 42.2 of the AbaqustCAE Users Guide, 2 Click he Primary Variable abit is ot aleady selected. {8 Tosels th 22-component of sin asthe primary vara, do the flowing ‘2. From the Output Veriablo fel, set 1a (logarithic stain components a neyation pi bs, From the Component el select he component 22, 4. Cli OK to eect 22 the primary vile ado clase the Flld Outpt tog box ‘The contour pl inthe euent viewport hangs fa plot of 2, os shown in Fgue DS “To: You anit hes of heel Opt er make yor sctins Tm eld Otto ext of het yo hdl oe ma App OK fr tga cpl oust ne enon. Customizing a contour plot Hy deft, agus dpsys« contour plat using 12 equal ineras beveen the maximum ané rmiimum vale ofthe sell variable. Abags updates fhe mini and iim vaes and ‘Shloreorespnding to ech intra, You can change the nur of interval nd you canst he ‘als coeponding to the anu nd iin contour Tints. When yo 2 the ono iis, bao ‘ponds : AbaqustOAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL Figure D-8 Contour plot of te model afer he at increment fhe hi step, Absa seth vs yo supply in every contour plot played tere, earls ofthe fae tnd whch varia i ing conoie, “To customize a contour pot: 41 Display the ctor pat athe end ofthe ast increment of the econ tp (Step 2 aml Step ‘rine ~ 1.000). From the main menu hr slest Options Contour Ang pay the Contour Plat Options dil bx 8 Click he Basi bits not ead selected and rg the wife contour neva side 1016 4. Click the Limite tae asthe contort options ‘a Inthe Max loge the Spey baton type maxima conor fini oF 2, ', Inthe Min fe, gate Specty buon snd type a minimum of =0. 75. 5. Clik AppY to view te castomieconou lt The plot anges a8 town in Figure D6 bat ‘Aopen D: AbaqUsIGAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL Figure D-6 Customized contour plot, Altough you seed 16 contour interval the plot legs displays 17 ntevas. Abas as Jina ies vls tat re ctr tn te ax contr lint es han he ‘nina contour init and splays these values in Hgh ray and dirk pay, eset. In thisexampl, sees unegbing compressive sens rater han 0.5 are show dk gi The ninimum stan nte-node is shownat the bot he contour legend. You nih use ie of ‘hs clo nate bere th lots the design ange forthe elected aril. (6. Unie the Limits th examine the in ad Max Ato-comypte options, ‘The misina and macisen vais of train forthe ctor pat ae sho next the to Auto compute options. Taleo Show loavon forthe Mintax opns wo display the eatans inthe model where the Click OK to lose the Contour Pot Options dso bax pu, ‘Appoesx : AbaqusICAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL 7 Animating a contour plot a Youcananimaea éeromed contour, symbol, nateral ecentation (ime hisory animation oly) pat tain one ft following Timo History Animation Inte hisry sination Abus dls each fame of eth step fromthe tpt database in equens, and year seth change in the defration rhe engin eta or symbol lo ‘arable wie the ani egress, In effet, Abags anaes the ess f te analy. You an alt which step and anes onl in tine istry animation ‘Seale Factor Animation Sle fcr sist thes te fests fom a slected step and flame ad simply sees them to for frames ofthe animation. You ca set» sale fo hal yrs eee 20 and oe for beeen minis on and pls one Sele fatr simon is ately wef fr animating ‘itation modes competed by an eigenale analy ‘The asimation ves the plot options from the relevant ode—defned,conou,synbol, oF mesial oienatin. Ina, you can enol he folowing 1 The speedo the imation + Whee the anination rns cntinousy ort once ‘+ Whee o dist animation stats orth elastomeric fam expe you wil dsp tne history anton ofa contour plo. The sinned conor pot spy he ld onpat viable displayed in th Fld Output ola (122) Inston, we he sre ons at you ected forthe conor plot for etal, the canoue iene and element dg dips. ‘To animate the contourpot: 1. From the main men selestAnimate-Tine History. Abas pas the casoized conto pot atthe ening othe aay an tps tough each fre he ate blockades the erent stp and ieee troghout he animation. Aer he Inet iererent ofthe last stp the ition ett tthe ping of the anny (Sap, Tnorenont 0, and Step ‘Time = 0.00). Angus alto displays he movie pliner corr onthe igh side ofthe cone! bar bas ‘AppandtxD: Abaque{GAE: APOSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL st Next Free Image erage Seldar 4 4 4 be at DO en Pay! Provous Last Passo "Image mage You use hese contol to ply, pase, and te vou dhe animation, 2 Inthe cones back the PlayPaus btn to stop the animation, “The animation tps a th euet image. 8. Click he bton api to contin the aiation ‘The animation esas 4. From te main men sleet Options-+Animation o view he animation options Ags pas he Animation Optons ilo bos, 65, Click the Player tits no ceady selected, and do the allowing 1, Choote Sing Because you chose Sng when the animation reaches the en ofthe analysis, it ses backend ‘rough each Fae stat of jumping back to the eganing ofthe ali. You ea al eto the cst pla wile theasimation ening, ‘isl the Contour Plt Options dil bx. 1b, Rede the nmber of contour interes to 10, {© Click OX to apply your change ano clase the Contour Plt Options ag box: ‘When you haves viewing he nina, clk the PlayPause buon oso he navi D.8 Displaying and customizing a symbol plot ‘Symbol plsalow yout vale the agate and ieton of veto and tensor vals the fom ‘of symbuls ros) superinposed on the model. Hac ynbol stats tthe lean i the model Were ‘ntegration point quantiesappea at integation points, The length ofthe arowe nents the magne of th vector oes, athe dieton of the mow indies ts rection | Arpenc D:AbaqustGAE: A POSTPROGESSING TUTORIAL | oc ecapl, inthis section you wil cata syn lt of dipscement Thesymbol otslays trv epee the gn ad te drcion ofthe daplacren velar a each ode, Displaying a vector symbol plot sete Fld Outpt otro spi he varie you wane lt When jousele syebol vale From the tala, tbe Viliion male aoa rtche he dp foot symbole on the sfomed mode! shape, To reste a symbol plot of nodal placement: 1. Frm he it of virile on the side ft Fld Outpt too, set Symbol, 2 Fro the st ftp variable inthe enter of teal set Uapatinl pacesent at nes. 3. Fre helt of vector quis nd componene onthe Fight side ofthe tsb, sleet [RESULTANT a th etor qui. This sletion nse that you want fo pt he maids ofthe displacement et. Aka isp the magriteof the displacement et on the deformed model shapeanasyrbol Plat nthe caret viewport as shown in Fige D7. ‘Tp: Youcan ato dpa asymto pa sing te By atin te Vion motte ttt by sting Pt Symbela-+OnDefomed Shape Figure D-7- Symbol plot of displacement ‘The srs represen he ttl dsplaenent at eah nee The lng of the wow repress ‘he magnitude fhe Usplconat, and the decom ofthe srw ropesents the dein the ‘Append D: AbaqUSICAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL Aislacment. The sybol lt legend shows how ech anow clo eatespads ta specifi rege otvales 1 your sytl pl ieent om Figure D-7, you nay have sles the incre opt Customizing the symbol plot You will nw customize our symbol po by changing the vse egal he row ize al olor ‘To customize tho symbol plot: 41. Frm the main men, sletOptions--Common, “The Common Plot Options sig ax spp 2. Inthe Common Pot Options dso, click the Babe abt i a akeady seleted, Choose Wivetrame forthe reer sie ant Fear egos fr the vi edocs 8 From the main menu slet Options. Symbol ‘The Symbol Plot Options dg box appears. 4. Inthe Color & Style tbicd page, do the allowing 8 Click he Vectra, 'b,Set the colo yp to Unio, Click the cole spe il AbagusCAE dilays te Select Color dog box Click th RB a ao st the re ren, onde vals oD, 285 and 25, reese. “Tip: You cn also select yan fom he cole sa the baton ofthe dalog box ox se any ofthe oer avaabie election meth {© Click OK to accept your seetion ato hse the Set Color dsb. 4. Ding the Sz sl der fo set 129 the ini eth ofthe vet 5 Clo OX t apply you changes a a lee the Symbol Pot Options dala bas “The euosize symtlplo appr, ae shown in Figure D-® D.9 Displaying and customizing a material orientation plot Mati ovttin plot low yout visi theme dretion for ech lement in your mola 1th clot inertion pints Matra erenation pot ean Be dan 0 ether the wnetormed or the deformed shape ofthe ode ‘Apprsl O: AbaqustGAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL Figure D-8 Customized symbt plo Ins seton you wiles anata retaton lt onthe defoaned model shape and estonize is appearance, Displaying a material orientation plot ‘The materia orientation pat wl be createdatthstep and ame ofthe analysis you speed evi ‘To leplay a material orientation pot Fro th in ny set Pot-Mat 5 Orientations On Deformed Shape. Tp: You can so daly » mation pet wing te Boy sot in he “Vitzaton mot tb ‘A msterial orientation plot appears a shown in Figure D9. Mater rctton id at clement nga points inate the materia erections each lent in the del Customizing a materia orientation plot inti lot by changing the colo an enh of the mati Yo leew tins yur mak viento iad oss “To customize the materi erlentation plot: 1 From he main nen bt, sleet Options Material Orientation ‘The Material Orientation Plot Options dial bx pent. Anpeni : Abaqus{CAE: A POSTPAOGESSING TUTORIAL L Figure D-9 Mati eenuton plo In is ag ox do te Slowing: Cle the ole supe ll forthe ass cole. AlugisCA days the Select Color diy ox ', Click the RGB th; and se thee, gon, and be values 0 2550, te, respectively “Tip: Youcin su slet ed fom the color ner the boom ofthe dilog bo or ase any ofthe ber aval ection methods. 6, Click OK to acest your selection acto ls he See! Color dno bo. 4. Repent preceting theses fr the ai ca, caging io be (RGB 0, 0,255) ©. Drage Siz site fo reduce the length of the tad mes. 23, Click OK to pp your changes lo lose the Matera Orientation Plot Options dil box. The customized nates renaton po appear, as sown in Figure D-10. .10 Displaying and customizing an X- lot You con display 4-Y plots dat we othe oupat atabne. For he oral om il display the ‘wt displacement of heigl body reference nde vers tne. The Viulizaton octal allows you to display X-Y plots of te following + Dita read fan a ASCH le, * Data etre the Rebar ‘+ xing dt, citer eabied wit ote aso sithmetily manip oe ‘Aepeni D: AaquS!CAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL [E Figure D-10. Cuseomizd matrilorienation po Displaying an X-¥ plot ‘You will now display J-Y pot of diplacement vers ine 1o dlsplay an X-Y plo: in the Rests Te, lick mouse baton 3 on History Output fr the ouput dshase ned ‘viewortutoriat ,odb, From the ment tal appears sles iter nthe ler elem *U2* to teste he history upto as the dsplacenetcompencas in Expo he History Cup conser dabei the dt oes containing te sty fhe veriealmetionofthergidboly rence oe: Spaesel dieplacement: U2 at Node ‘Alongs splesan.X7 plot of iplacrent versus tin, 5 showin Figure D1. Default opions Selec by Abn iti deta ranges forte X-and Ts, xis ties, major an minor ck ‘ak, te cla of he Un, a lege 4 The legen Ibe theA-Y plot U2 1000 NSET PUNCH, This sa deft nme provid by bogs Customizing an X-Y plot deft, Abu combs the rane of anaes fm he mnie oe mime von forint data reed rte otpt dts. Abas dvds cach axis in interline eppropeite major nd mi ick aks The Axl Options allow youto st the range of each xian ‘Aopen D: NsaqustGAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL, | ey “ i — je i Te Figute D1 _2-Y plot of displacement ves tie. tocastomize the appearance ofthe axes; the Curve Options low yout customize the apperance of the individual curves, he Chart Options snd Chart Lagend Options slow yo to poston the eid a legend, espetvely1-Y plo customization ors spl oly othe eure vey ren ved between sesh, “ocustomize an 3-7 pb 1 1. Frm te min men nest ptlone-sX¥ Options (or cick Pin ie pomp ren {ceaed e eure precede, facet nd loci eer arch veep ‘Abas pays the Bas Options dog bx 2 Sieh te Sale i ae, to ake ese 4 Speify hac the Xan should extend ro Othe Xs mininan) 1020 (eas maxi) nth the Fass hl xen fom ~200 (he Fas minim) 4 0 (he Fai maxim). Tip: Select eachaisn su athe Als Optlons slog ho, ad then et he ele sed above, 4 From he options in th As Options dialog box, do the flowing * Inthe Seal aied page, eqns that marek mas appear co the ais tfou-second ineements (see By Increment in he Tek Mode reson othe se) 20 ‘Agperdic D:AbaqustOAE: A POSTPROGESSING TUTORIAL ‘+ Request 3 min ck masks pr cemet log the aus coespon 1a ins ek mark every sco) and 4 ino tik marks po nrement along the ai tis coespnds toa ininor ek every 10 + Inthe Tite bbe paps, 1pen Hans tie of DAeptacement: U2 (mx) + Inte Ax0s bed age, request « Decimal oat with 0 dein paces fr te axis el. 5 Click Dials tse te Ane Options dig box 6, Fom te main men ts sletOptons-»XY Options-»Chart or dubl-lick any ems spt {nthe pl to mse pri lines and psiton he i ‘Inthe Ghatt Options dialog box that apeas, sith tthe Grid Display ted pe Toggle on aot in oth he X Gri Lines and Y Gil Lines ies, Change the coor ofthe rnnor rd Heo bie he ln sys be sli Switch othe Gl Aros abst pe 4. Inthe Sizo resin of this page, select te Square option. 0 Use th sider ost the size 176, {Inthe Postion sono his age, seth Auto-align option, 1. From the sale igen! options, sels the fourth 1 ast ane (oxi the pri in the atten ofthe ewpe) 1 Cle Dismiss rom the main menu bar, selet Optons-+X¥ Options-sChart Legend (or double-click the legend) pasion te eg ‘Inthe Chart Legend Options dog bx, sith tothe Aron tabbed pe. lathe Poston non of this pe, togle on nga an lick Digi Drag the legend ithe viewpt to reposition The customized A-Y ot appears 5 shown in Figae D2 £8, You will now display a second X-Y plot ina new viewport To fete w new viewp, see Viewport»Create onthe main ent ta The new viewport apps. The sae X- plot you had inte es viewport appease ne ‘When tiple viewputs re sible dark gy ile arnt the erent viewport al work takesplace inthe caret viewport For mote infoationse"What is viewport Seton 41.1 ofthe AbogstCAE User's Gude 8. Tile the viewport verily by selecting Viport-le Verily rm the min mena bt 10, Creat a sini A-Y plot of vet velcty (V2) versus ime. You ent sel veloc dring ‘heft because heise ws not adja ep; AbgusStandad computed velocity std per ‘Append O: AbaqusICAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL ee "Time Figuie 0-12, Customized 1-Y plo of esplacemen, acceleration only dav the Second al hid lps, Use the sae cass ng as ela ws "axisrang rom 1090 to ~1000. Label the ais Veloadty V2. The Bis plot shown inFigue D-13, 11 Operating on X-¥ data ‘An dita abet is election of ereed pis tat Alagus stores in vo coluns—an olan ‘nua Y-colunn, The Opwate on XY Data dao bos allows yout ree naw XY dt bet by ‘erfoing operations previously save 4-7 dat abject. This fl you wil eet sess "ers sain data objet br combining n stress versie data abject wih stun era he da ject. The, you wil ot estes ssn cave Creating the stress versus time and strain versus time data objects “Te fst step in creating th stres-srain eve it ert tho sto vers tie the in vor time dats abject fom the istry tpt Te dt objets wl coin data omen theft sepa ‘eas, where he punch eto the surface ofthe Toan block sa copes the Bock dr con weg ‘Appel: AbaqustGAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL “rie Frou D-A8 Customized 1-7 plot of voc. “To reat the -¥ data object: 1. nthe Results ee, dalek he XYData contains, "he Greate XY Datadiog box apps. 2 Inti ag bos, selet ODB history output iis not lea sled and lick Contin, “The History Output dialog bax apes Inthe Hatory Outpt dig box, do the allowing 1. Click he Varabies ab Fler the dt conn to #33822 6 Inthe Output Variables fel, set Logatsthnie strain components: 122 at Elemont 1 Int Point 1 in ELSEY CEN. 4. Click ste Stoperames ib 0, Sele Step 1. 1. Click Save As, The Save XY Dit As dislog box apes, 9, Name the A-Y dan Strain, and lick OK ‘Ata object called Strain containing logvitnicstain dt 1382) frm nteration pi of ‘lemeat ding theft stp oh mays pp inthe XDA contin, 20 ‘Append D: baqustOAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL 2. Yourplatofstes ves sin noid the casted chat setings rm your previo pat, To restore he deta chat opts, do the allowing ‘2 Open the Chart Options dso bo. 'b,Toggk off Major in both he X Grid Lines and ¥ Grid Lines es. © Click Dlamiss, 8. The plot ofsress ere tin pps as shown Figure D-II igure the vst ofthe lat gen as bon sipessed (opr the Chart Legend Options das bas in the Contants faked pas, ogele l Show legen). "8. stan Figure D-14._X-Y lo of ses ves stain, D.12 Probing an X-¥ plot ‘You can use the Query toon the Vision male to probe your mode and XT pls. You can ‘leo te the eulting poe aes oa fle, Ln ttl you wl we te pate apy oes “and vale om oor atoms plot ont write th aes 0 le “To probo an X-¥ plot: 1. From the sin mens ele! Toole-s Query sles! Probe values fr the Query dno bos “The Probe Vales ding box pps, esse oa. 4-Y plot isin these viewport this log ox wl dipy XY eure at bes ‘Appeat O: AbaqUSIGAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL, 2. Attn to of the aa bo, tgp onIlorpotate between points. This option allows you to ‘elect arbiary point along the eve 3 Inthe viewport, psion te eusor aver the J eve When the sro a the cuior woth the X-Y curve, te pol blag poe sighted an information about it nln the comesponing XY coordinates, appensn the Probe Values tae 4. Clk various pins along the ctv, “Th pois ar aed th tale th Probe Values sg bos, 5 When you have fis sletng points, ick Wt to Fla, “The Report Probe Values dog sp iy dtu he dam nthe ble ae wien owe called abaque-2p in your eure dct: ‘The tins in his dl box alo you To hang he ae of hi le and the omit of he data swe tothe le 6. Click OK wo wte yor dn othe He 7 From he Probe Value dslos bo, click Canalo ext probe mod 2 colo ox pps inform you hat the Select Probe Value tobe contin dats, Click Yes io indcat ht itis OK to cnt; he dt the tabe wil be dled D.13 Displaying results along a path 1d a be ene ora specif path hough yor mod. In ths toi you wil apt node fst path lon the tp of he fo block and plat te displacement maid long this pa, Creating a node list path ‘A pth tne you dfn by speci sees of pans though the model. In nade it pat lof ‘hepected pots are ol oeatins. Youve x node isp by eatering node abel of ode abel ‘anges in able. To dtrnine the ode libel feet helpful to ere mode plot with He ede atl ie “To create @ node at path: 1. ct theo pay he formed mode sh. {se the Common Pet Options ne br dip he nos ss. Hen he ads he top ef he oo ok Inthe Rests Tie, dab tick Paths, "The Great Path dag bx apes. p26 ‘Apponabx D: AbagUSICNE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL 38, Name he path Dieptacament. Accept the dtu seecton of Node HB he pth 9, ad ‘sk Continue "The Eat Node Lie Path slog bx opps 4. Inthe Path Dont a, ect PARE=1~2 in the Pat Insane Fld ype 160840 jn ‘he Nod Labels ld, and pes [or (Thi int spine a ange of as fom 1 0 6 a Snecma of 40.) Aeration cn pickthe noes fr the no it el fom he viewport Iyelicking Ad Bofer..nr Ada After. inthe Eat Node List Path dios bos. The selected path i tigi nthe pla in th cue viewport 5. Click OK to crest pth an toca the Et Node List Path dialog box. Displaying results along a node list path ‘Abou bins analysis sls fa eae f the points onthe path you have defined ad peers ata pois the vals th specie pois nthe mol athe values rth als ests a there pnt. You can gente an.) po he st pa, ‘To dopa deplacemen results slong a node list path 4. Inthe Rests Ties, be lick the XYData con 2. Inthe Crato XY Data isos bo hat spas, set Paty ond lick Contin “The XY Data from Path dog, ox appens with th pth ht you cote vile inti of vile pats. Accept the dil seleton inthe X Value potion ofthe dno bo. ‘8, The est hat wile pled is played nthe ¥ Values portion ofthe dog box. IF snot cate the eld ot vil, isk Feld Output a change he vase nthe Flot Output dag bos: ‘Sel Ua th rable Name. Sele Magnitude fn th varant ld «©. Cick OK 4, Clik Pltio generates. X-¥ plo of Ulan he path, as shown in Figure D-1S. You may need reset the A-Y plot options othr deft stings. ‘You have now fn he ria D.14 Summary - ‘+ AtwqustCAE ons he Visliation mode atomatily when you pes an up dntaare. * To pefoom mary Visulivtion mode Fnetins, ou can ne eer nent et ool he toolbox be Append D: AbaqusiGAE: A POSTPROCESSING TUTORIAL “Tun dine gph Deleon? Figure 0-16 Path plot of U slang he topo th faa ck ‘You sons he bso onthe right sd ofthe contest arto dpa th sate ofthe model each fame of the analy ‘The Vinton mote his fre plt spe. Conon plot options re aval to con theappestane ofthe mel inal types Some po types fave piled po options aswel, Cstmiztion oon: ppy cay fe erer viewport ond are nol sve Blween Sesion. You ‘uu the Dau te fo esac the deta pla options, YYorurethe viewport smottion opto ocanomize the apearnc often tha peri all os, ‘ah sth ile book sate blk dh cient. The ie oc spay information ‘hou the stalk generated the etpt database. The sate Hock conti infrraton about The stp alice being displayed. Ill plots Abas sect deft wale op’ fe the fd outpt portion of he outpat dutibse, Yu can ws te Fold Outpt tote odo xt see! the variable to apy. You can spy tine sry animation fos he din an cup dats oyu can generate ‘tie fico nian based oa single nsrement of the reals. You an animate a dfs, sous sb o mtr vention (ime hisry animation ol) po the atmaion wes the respecte pla sins io cool he appearance ofthe model. Youcaneusoize hese pls While ‘heeniaton i rnin, ‘Aaymbal pt shows th magni an drcction of patel vitor o tor vile ‘pected step and ame By dea, bel poss ay Temata for vector variables and pina component fr ese variables, 28 ‘Appel: AbaqustCAE: A POSIPROGESSING TUTORIAL [Aten orcntstin plot shows the mati diction of elements in your model la spesifed ‘epan fame of you ays Meri eins are played onan lementby-lnent basis athe materia terion pins, wih no weraing ro element ‘auc display a1 plat of anya tred in he opt abs In most cae the Xs ss asiend ob te, Yoxcan asthe Operte on XY Data alg bx toceate new data bees been operations canensting dt bjs. ‘Yeu ame the Que fost o pba model ae X-Y pt. Yu cn wit the vas you ain voafle 20

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