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30A Name:__________________________
Stitching the Pieces(of Life) Due Date: _______________________

Student Outline

Students are to explore their own heritage and how it affects their views on
Identity, then research artists from various nationalities and time period
looking at how they interpreted art through their work.
Explains how the application of the elements and principles of design
supports the concepts and ideas expressed in their creative work.
Identifies and describes materials, techniques, and stylistic qualities in works
studied that they could use or incorporate when creating their own works.
Uses appropriate terminology in their oral and written work.
Describes examples of applied art from a variety of cultures that have been
influenced by new techniques and materials.
Identifies style, content, and techniques in the art works studied, and
speculates on each artists intent.

Part 1

You will reflect in your sketchbook in writing and drawing, collecting
information that formulates who you are today and connect with that of
your past. Then apply your ideas of your identity with a social or
environmental or global issue that is important to you.

Part 2

How does your heritage shape who you are?

How do you see society with regards to your culture?
How has your background culture evolved over time?
What message do you want society to know about you and your culture?
What social or environmental issue is important to you? Why?
What connections can you make with your cultural background and a
social/environmental/global issue?

Applying Ideas Create 10-15 thumbnail sketches.

You can choose from any medium: watercolour, graphite, pencil crayon, ink,
marker, found objects, newspapers, magazines, etc. Then layer your images
to communicate your ideas about your identity with an issue.
Remember to use technology to research, cut and paste, layer.

Part 3

Choose your best 3 -

Part 4

Artists Statement

Create your pieces in 5x 7 squares

Apply your layered objects and various medium.
You can also stitch the 3 panels together to create a quilted triptych artwork.

Reflect on your message, what does your art piece communicate?

Explain how your heritage ties in with a social issue.

(See rubric for specific expectations)

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