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Parand magmatism and the opening of the South Atlantic C.J. HAWKESWORTH, K. GALLAGHER, S. KELLEY, M. MANTOVANI "DoW. PEATE®, M. REGELOUS & N. W. ROGERS Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Walion Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 AA, UK Departamento de Geofisico, IAG-USP, Caixa Postal 9638, S10 Paulo, 01065 SP, Brazil “Present address: Department of Geological Sciences, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DHI 3HE, UR Abstract: New chemical and isotope results ate preyentedion dyke rocks associated with the thor with preliminary laser *AJO™AT analysson seleced Parana basalts Ponts Grocea Arch ate similar tothe Pitanga and Paranapanema acans lavas, but dykes fom the Santos-Rio de Janciro section include Samples ith compositions not obsrved eine oxerlyinglavas. Rather thei minor and trace clements are strikingly similar t basalts cecenty eupted on Tristan de Cunha, and thus c dykes may represent ie Rist direct evidence for the involvement of typical (OID in the Parana province, Laser “Ar™Ar analyses of two Gramado 0 ‘Tibasaltshave yielded preferred sochron ages of 132.441 4 and 132.92.5Ma, These ind ‘atca short eruption time fr st least the Gramado magma type, and that magmatism took Place several milion years after the species extinction in the Tthonian (c. 141 Ma). “The majority of basals and basalt andesits in the Parana CFD have dstnclve trace ‘loments ratios {low NbiLa and NbvBa), and relatively enriched Se, Nd, and Pb isotope ‘compositions Since rch features are noi commonly observed in oceanic basalts, and they ‘clin CFB whisn have been sreened forthe effects of crustal contamination they are ‘ypicallyattributsd 1 old, incompatible element enriched soureerepionsin the continental ‘mani thosplere. In some models the minot and ace element ‘ante lihosphere" er ponent wasntrodced in small degree mls (lamprotes) added 1 asthenosphere derived ‘magmas. However, such models appear to he inconsistent with he data from low Ti CFB, and the also require that the asthenosphere derived magmus have very low incompatible floment contents, in marked contrit tothe high NivLa late stage dykes it the Pareaa ‘Aliematively some CFBs may have bccn generated within the mantle lithosphere 0 the _resenee of small amounts of water, The reyults of preliminary calewlations indicate that in the presenes of a mantle plume up to $ km of melf may be generated ently fom Wi for Avalucs of lx than 12 ‘he mechanical Boundary ta. Continental Flood Basalts (CFB) represent ‘major magmatic events, and they may be sigaife- ant contributions in the generation of new con {inental rust (White & McKenzie 1989). They have been attributed to meteorite impact (Alt eval. 1988), and regarded as the cause of mass extinction (Oificer & Drake 1985; Rampino & Stothers 1988), but there remains considerable "uncertainty over the causes of magmatism, and the extent to which the continental mantle lithosphere may be remobilized during. these major magmatic events. The Deccan CFB, for example, were generated at the time of mass extinction, and a major meteorite impact of the K-T boundary (Courtillot & Cisowski 1987; ‘Duncan & Pyle 1988), Some ofthe magma types are similar to those erupted recent onthe sland ‘of Reunion, and so there are close geochemical ‘nd spatial links between the Deccan CFB and the Reunion hotspot (Mahoney 1988; Lightfoot & Hawkesworth 1988). 1n contrast 10 the Dec can, the eruption of the Perand—Ftendeka CFB. did not coincide with any well documented met- eorite impact, nor mass extinction. Rather they were associated with the opening of the South AUantic, and specifically with extension across the mantle plume which is presently beneath Tristan da Cunha, However, unlike the Deccan, no Parand lavas have been identified with similar compositions tothe recent hotspot related lavas fon Tristan da Cunha, and most Parand lavas have enriched radiogenic isotope ratios indic- ative of significant contributions from the con- {inental lithosphere (Hawkesworth ef al. 1986, 1988; Petrini etal. 1987; Cordani era. 1988), ‘Saligraphical studics have an important role From Srowey, B.C., Atanasren, T_& Pasauiuest, RJ. (cds), 1992, Magram and the Causes 2 ‘of Conimental Break-up, Geotoica! Society Special Publication No. 68 pp. 221-210, mm C.J. HAWKESWORTH ET.AL, younger sea Searing tens soyottes AFRICA ps Y Etondoka noe Fig. 1, Pre-deit reconstruction showing the extnt of Parand-Ptendeka magmatism in eaton to the Paton sedimentary basin in the marked asyrumetsyoffood basls lative othe proto-Atlamic it aftr Pate etal. 1990). Late stage rvoltosare restricted fo the continental margins. Dykes are concontratedin four mam areas: "Namibia, easter Paraguay (east of Asuncion) (PA). the Ponta GrossaArcia(PG),andalong thecoast between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janel, here termes the Santos-Riode Janeiro (SI) secon. Thetalerred location athe “Tristan ple and hotspot tack ae from Duca (1988). A-A’ isthe location of the cross section in Fig. 5: + shows present-day latitude and longitude at 5 intersals PARANA MAGMATISM AND SOUTH ATLANTIC OPENING in the investigation of CFB provinces in reves {ng the internal structure and sequential de- velopment ofthe lava pile (e.g. Columbia River Basalts: Swanson et al. 1979; Hooper 1982; Mangan et af. 1986, and Deccan Trap: Cox & Hawkesworth 1985; Beane etal, 1996; Devey & Lightfoot 1986). Recent investigations in the Parand identified eight major magma types, six ‘in basalts and two in rhyolites, and documented 4 stacking of units of different basaltic magma types overlapping towards the north (Peate 1990; Peate et al. 1990). This suggests that the ‘main locus of magmatism moved north with time in the Paran4 basin, and this is currently the single most important observation tinking the generation of the Parané CFB with the north- wards propagation of rifting in the South Altar tic. However, in audition to the extrusive rocks of the Parand, there are 9 number of well-de- veloped dyke swarms orientated both at a high angle to the present coastline and sub-parallel to it (Piecinilo er al. 1990), This contribution re- ports the initial results of a detailed study of the Parané dykes, toestablish what magma types ate ppresent and the extent to which they may be linked with the magma types recognized in the ‘overlying lava pile. The results ofthe prelim ary laser AV/AC study on selected lavas from the southern Parané are presented, and then two ‘models for CFB generation invoiving significant contributions from the continental” mantle lithosphere ate discussed. ‘The Paran6-Etendeka CFB province “The extensive Para lava field in central South ‘Amerea ang the minor Etendska remnants in Namie originally formed a single magmatic province (Eiank cra. 1984; Bellen era 1984) ‘sich was closely associated with the opening of the South Atiantic ovean during the Barly Cre taceous, The majority ofthe lavas yetd 115-135 ‘Ma K-Ar ages (sec summaries by Erlank ef al. 1984 and Rosha-Campos etal 1988), but 130. Ma is gunerally taken asthe minimum age of erap- tion. More recently Baks al. (1991) reported ns 130-135 Ma on lavas from the southern Parana. ‘The external shape of the Parand-Ftendeka provinee is well constrained by surface mapping ‘and, forthe Parana, by data ftom over 70 il ex- ploration boreholes. The distribution ofthe lavas ‘about the South Atlantic ocean is highly asym- ‘metrical, with the Parand lavas covering an area in excess of 1,2%10* km*, over 15 times greater than the present-day extent of the Etendeka Savas (c. 0.08% 10° km: stranded on the African plate (Fig. 1). The thickness of the lava pile in the Parana province mirrors the overall struc- {ure of the underlying sedimentary basin (Zalan ral. 1991). The thickest preserved accumula- tion of lava isin the northern half of the prov- ince, coincident with the decpest part of the sedimentary basin, and the main area of ava thickness (> 1 kr) runs down through the cent- ra] area, roughly parallel to the northeastsouth- ‘west elongation of the bast “The products of the Parand magmatic event are dominated (> 90%) by tholeiitc basalts and basaltic andesites which are accompanicd by sig- nificant quantities of acide rocks (ryolites and ‘hyodacites), notably along the Brazilian contin- ‘ental margin, and also in the Etendeka, There is 4 virtual absence of any samples with SiO; con- tents between 60 and 64 1%, and this makes @ natural division to use in the classification of the Parand voleanics. Thus rocks with = 64% are loosely termed *Rhyolites,, and those with = 60% SiOz are termed ‘Basalt. fi cations divided the basalts into two 2 ‘on their Ti contents (Bellieni eal. 1984; Manto- vani eta. 1985), but more recently Peate (1990) and Peate etal. (1990, in press) proposed a more ‘comprehensive classification scheme based on the 2000 major and traced clement analyses which are available at present. The main goo- chemical features of each magina type are sum- ‘marized in Table 1, and the average minor and trace element contents of the basaltic magma types are presented in Table 2 and Fig. 2 ‘The newly defined magma types broadly cor- respond to the previous division of the Parana basal into ‘low-Ti" or ‘high-T groups, in that the Gramado, Esmeralda and Ribeira magma preliminary stepwise "A1/"ACr plateau ages of ‘Table L Main geochemical features ofthe diferent Parana magna types Te Uniti ‘igh-T, south (Khamiby Panga Highs north Paranapsnema — Intermediate-Ti,north Ribera TIntermediate-Ti south Granado {Lowe south (Fatlberg) Exmeralés TO, TY GN Sas S50 Sas SS 329 S38) S85 335 w732 330 87 200-480 1523 330 357 20 375 oi19 Sm 35-65 160-30) 1123 230 28 120-280 224 C.J, HAWKESWORTH ETAL, ‘Table 2. Average compositions ofbusltc magma typer, and velected dyke units Lavas Gramedo ‘Esmeralda Rica Poranapancma ——Pitanga Unubiei @= rR) (= 10) = 8) n= 25) (=m) (ass) we www % 1 S133 126 S048 04 S02 0M SK 12 SLT Om 63024 155 026180 C6 OM 353 02 34 08 2% 08 382 O73 1455 087 0% 129 O37 1332 036 125 428 os) .67 Os 1519 Oa) 1328 Ose 19 002 020 40 029 on2 oo 022 om 047 O01 0 10s $4) O40 Sea ae Um 336 039833035 6 110 980 118 10.00. O81 8 07 B19 O49 0M 263 026-249 0125 4s 292 025 280 0 % oSt 083 037 0M O16 035 148 os AT1 9.33 21 00) 020 00S 023 ne 10 035 018 Os4 006 3 2 Bw 7 Mw ss 7 w we & B a 7 b 7 $$ aA 9 2 pn M tates 5180s 6 M6 3 4 7 TOS Smeg Ee a a7 oH Thaw types have relatively low Ti abundances, and the ‘Urubici, Pitanga and Paranapanema have relax tively high Ti. The Pitanga and the Urubic have the highest TiO, contents, typically > 3 w%, and they also have the highest rare earth ele” ment (REE) and high field strength element (HSE) abundances. ‘The trace element signa {ures ofthe Urubiei and Pitanga are very similar, with the Urubiei pattern tending tobe at slightly higher abundances, particularly for Sr, which is, arguably the single most diagnostic feature to istinguish these two magma types (Figs 2& 3). ‘The third high-TV magma type, the Paranapan- tema, has wore intermediate TiO; contents, get erally in the range 2-3 wi%. Noncthcless itis srouped with the "high Ti" magmas because it shares many ofthe tice element characteristics of the Pitanga, albeit a lower abundances, al- though the two have similar ¥ and Yb contents. ‘The trace element signature ofthe Ribeira (he rate low-Ti lavas of the northern Parand de- seribed by Petrini eral 1987) contrasisimarkedly with the other “low-Ti" magma types and it Shows more similarities with the abundance pat- terns ofthe *high Esmeralda ae ih Trmagra pet PTS on o7m7s0ne 0:7046.0.2076 0.7055.0,7060, Rb Ba Th K Ta No LaCe sr MA PH In Namibia three major suites of dolerites have been recognized, and all of them are low-Ti in that they have < 2. TiO; (Erlank er al. 1984). ‘The dominant magma type is termed Tafelbers, which is also well represented in the low-Ti lavas, fof the Ftendeka and i equivalent 10 the Gramado of the Parara. The Horingbaai dole 7048-05087 Son Es THT YY Fig. 2. Average compositions of five Parand basalt magma \ypes, normalized to primitive mantle ving the abundances of Sun & MeDonough (1989), The negati he Grammado and Esmeralda magn Shggest nvolventent of Nb-Taanomalie, pls ox eplionally low TWY and Tie ‘not comm aberved in ooeank Basalt nd Peat ca 9A), 26 C.J, HAWKESWORTH ET AL. o 700 TW 4 PARANA, DYKES 0 Srppm 00 Sr ppm 001000 ig. 3. TUY and Sr variations in (a) the lavas, and (b) the dykes ofthe Parans. The diagrams are subdivided to Alusrate the compositions ofthe differ ma types recognize ‘demonstrate the extent co which sar magma types may De recog ie lavas (ee also Table 1) and to the asoriated dykes. The illedand theapen angles in (b) represent the dykes from the Ponta Grosea Atchand the Santos-Rio de Janeiosction, respectively. The Gramado and Esmeralda rocks are wnusual i bat many samples have TWY Nype MORD (THY ~ 271 in average N-MORB, Sun & McDonough 1989). ites are very distinctive in that they have strong isotope and trace element similarities to T- MOR (Eriank eral, 1984; Duncan er a. 1990), ‘and the Huab dolerites share some of the com” positional features of the Horingbaai, but with somewhat different TiZr and Ba/Nb and mark: edly higher Sr isozope ratios, ‘The Ponta Grossa Arch in Bruzil isa tectonic swell trending NW-SE (Fig. 1). Its formation is ‘thought to have begun in the Devonian and csl- ‘minated during the Triassic-Jurassi, just before the Pacund CFB event (Fulfaro et al, 1982). and it now includes hundreds of NW-SE thol dykes. These dykes have yielded a range of K-Ar ages similar t0 the range reported from the Parané lavas, 13210 and 131:£9 Ma, respect: ively (Pinesc, unpubl.; Rocha-Campos er al 1988), and they have been studied previously by Piccirillo er al. (1990), ‘The dykes of both the Ponta Grossa Arch and the Santos-Rio de Janerio seetion (Fig. 1) are the subject of a detailed geochemical and isotope study which is currently in progress (Re~ agclous, in prep.). Over 90 samples have been Analysed for major and trace clement, and the results for selected representative samples are presented in Table 3. The first step was to evaluate how the dyke compositions compare with those of the overlying lavas, and its clear {com Tables | and 2 that TV ratios and Sr con- {ents are 1wo of the most diagnostic features (or dlistinguishing the different basalt magma types inthe Parand, Srhasa particular role in the study ‘of tholeitc rocks because iti often buffered by Tow pressure fractionation af a gabbroie mineral assemblage, and so the measuted Sr contents ‘may be similar to those in the parental magmas. ‘The overwhelming majority of Parand basalts are aphyrie, and thas there are no problems with significant plagioclase accumulation. Incompati= ble clement ratios, such as Ti/Y, are also rola- tively insensitive to fractional ‘crystallization processes and, in addition, the Parana low-Ti magma types (Gramado and Esmeralda) are characterized by distinctive negative “Th seamalies on mantle normalized diagrams (Fig, 2). ThusFig. 3 summarizes the variationsin TWY and Sr in the major basalt magma types, and then compares the variations in the exirusive basalts with the available analyses of dyke samples from Ponta Grosse and the Santos-Rio de Janeiro section (data from Piecitillo et a 1990; Peate 1990, Regelous unpubl,). The main features t0 note are: (1) few dykes have com positions comparable with those of the major Jow-Ti magma types of Gramado and Esmer- I FISeLIS ONE “gee 21) 21 FCHLOIL ORGS wiso. elziso wets elzwo toes ssciso sstis0 ects0 ezzis0 “eso mazso—tuzts0 seuiso secis0 Is90u'0f6s0r'0—gos0L0 — osNL'e Twno — esuau'—9ts0L0 saree 1zS0L0 clove = $mOLO SHO ERO sean) Seas eIS0c0 — s¥S0C0 one, si re rie 82s, sis ze su, ree az Sole ose to ze ut 1 or Sa Tr oe * & & csiy Tar rane TL ne a8 $8 ssi 9s 90r sue m. st oe oer 6s gate gD wort cont ele Tor Po CL8e iris za 0 ost ose 1 st as sur a6r oe te s ost sie ria oe sso LSet a 6 Sart 6 sriot 90m sent «scot zo wo a0 sro wo ist Lz we ez fz we ste so es 9 6s rat te sto #10 eer ws ot seer we wz 1s tos wats 95 SL6SWN FIG GSR SUA ZR YUN SCSI Te6RH SUSI ssp eivog us, us soudiaesaydp pan2ps fo ju oo.) eH 28 alda; (2) the majority ofthe Ponta Grossa dykes are similar to the higher Ti magma types of the Paranapanema and the Pitanga; and (3) there are a number of dyke samples which appear to hhave compositions not represented in the pre- sent data base of extrusive Parané basal, and many of these dykes are from the Santos-Rio de Janeiro section. ‘AS indicated above, all the Parand magma types have negative Nb and Ta anomalies on mantle normalized diagrams (Fig. 2), and such ‘anomalies are not a feature of oceanic basalts generated cither along MORs or on oceanic islands. Figure 4 therefore compares the vari- ations in Nb/Ti and ZT in the Pavan lavas and ‘dykes with those from Tristan da Cunha (Le Roex er af. 1990) and che South Atiantie MOR (Homphris er al. 1985). All the Parand lavas have relatively low NBT and NbvZr, consistent ‘with their relatively low Nb abundances, and in ‘marked contrast to the high Nb/Zr ofthe Tristan OB. ‘The basalts of the Walvis Ridge (not 0008+ PARANA. Nomi | DYKES: cos. SANTOS - RIO | ‘DE VANEIRO. acon: 0.00 ‘ston coc} 38 cura Porana iavas 001 PONT Rossa, oral ° rr ee eT ZiT ig. 4. A dlogeam of Nb-Ti against Zr illustrate the vaiationsinthe tree main dyke groups relative 19 howe ofthe Para avasarudsclested basalts from the 5. Allantic. The filed wiangles are Ponta Grossa ‘dykes sd open triangles ate dykes from the Santos- [Rio de Janeito section, Both the bigh-Ts and iow-T1 magana type ofthe Parana las have lw NOIZE cing ther felauvely low Nb abundances (ig 2}, and the Ponta Growa dykes have low NOT nd Zr Ti ratios, In contest, the dykes fon the Santor-Rio de Janeiro action ve 3 md Sstebation of NO-Ze- many ares to those he Param magna types, even though some of the fave rlaely low Ti contents, and hence ih ZiT and NW}, und then the youngest dykes We igh NovZe simian othe resem. hotspot relsted Irasaltson Tristan da Cunha (Le Roe tal. 1990) C1, HAWKESWORTH EAL, shown) have NbIZz ratios which are transitional between the high NbiZr of the Tristan basalts and the low Nb/Zr of MORB and the Parané lavas (Humphris & Thompson 1983). Many of the available dyke analyses do not include Nb contents, but for those that do (Peate 1990; Re- gclous in prep.) the dykes can be broadly sub-ci- Vided into a numberof groups. Most ofthe dykes from the Ponta Grossa have compositions sim- ilar to those of the Paranapanema and Pitangs ‘magma types recognized within the Parané lavas (see also Fig. 3). However, those from the Santoc-Rio de Janeiro section either have Nb/ Zr similar to the main Parana lavas, albcit often ‘ith relatively low Ti contents, or they are strike {ingly similar tothe recent basie rocks on Tristan dda Cunha, (These two dyke groups are termed Igneous activity on Tristan da Cunha is linked to the manile plume that is inferred to have been pprosent a} the time of Parana magmatism, and thse bigh Nb dykes appear tobe the evidence for the involvement of typical Slumse-relted OID inthe Paro provigce The salient features of the Parand tava Geld stratigraphy, and the magma types observed in the dyke rocks, are summarized in Fig. 5. Thisis fa Schematic profile tbrough the lava pile along a north-south section at longitude S2"W, con- structed by integrating results from borehole ‘samples with data on the surface lavas, and the depth to the base of the lavas (Peate eral. 1990, in press). ‘The lithostratigraphical pattern of units defined by specitic magma types hasseveral implications for the development of this part of the magmatic province. First, it indicates that the dominant magma type has evolved froin Gramado (low-Ti) 10 Esmeralda (low-Ti) to Pitanga (high-Ti) 10 Paranapanema_(inter- mediate-Ti) with time. Second, the overlapping sequence of units dipping towards the north suggest a northward-migrating source for the Parand magmatism inthis region. The relatively exaggerated dips of the unit boundaries as well as the lava/sediment interface, could be partly a post-eruptional feature imposed by subsequent epeirogenic uplift, process thal appears tohave been restricted to near the coastal margin (Gal- lagher eral. 1991). However, the northward mi ‘gration of Soleanism is indicated not just by the ortherly dip of unit boundaries, but more explicitly by the fact that units thin down- 95%) of the magmas were generated within the sub-lthos- pheric upper mantle (MeKenzie & Bickle 1988; ‘Améi& Christensen in press), Such conclusions appear to contrast sharply with the isotope and. trace element data on, in particular, the Gond= ‘wana CFB which soggest that atleast the minor and trace element contenis of these CFBs were largely derived from lithospheric source regions. In the following discussion two models are con: sidered; one, in which the minor and tace ele- ‘ments are scavenged in small degree melts om the mantle lithosphere by asthenosphere- derived magmas, anda second in which melting takes place within the continental mantle litho- sphere in the presence of small amounts of water. Figures 8 and 9 summarize the variations in Na Sotopes and selected trace element ratios in the Parana ‘basalts’ As illustrated in Fig. 2. the various basattie magma types recognized in the Pacand lavas all have negative Nb anomalies on ‘mantle normalized (ace element diagrams, and 0 they have lower No/La than average MORD and OIB (Fig. 8b). The trend 0 lower és a Nb/La is also accompanied by a shift to higher ZcITi ratios than those commonly observed in ‘oceanic basalts (Fig. 8a) ‘On the éy-NbiLa diagram simple two com- poncat mixing resulis in sicuight line acrays. ‘Thus it may be concluded: (i) that if the isotope and trace element signatures of the Pat basalts were generated by mixing between a linbosphere component with negative éxs, and an asthenespheric component with positive Ex, the latter bad relatively depleted trace element characteristics similar to those in MORB;, neither the recent Tastan da Cunha basalts, nor the late stage SRJ Il Parand dykes from the Santos-Rio de Janeiro section, plot on the main array of the Parand basalisin Fig. &b. Thus, such trace clement enriched, typically plume-related magmas do not appeat to have contributed sig- nificantly in the generation of the main Parana ‘magma types. Ellam & Cox 1991) recently reinterpreted the postive correlation between eys and S/N ob Served in the Nuanetsi high-MgO CFB in terms ‘of mixing between lithospheric and astheno~ spheric components, The former was regarded as smal degree melts, similar to lamproites, and the asthenospheric component was inferred 10 have had high SmNd ratios and very low incom- patible clement conteats. The lamproite-asth- ‘enosphere mixing line is reproduced in Fig. 9a, and while no well defined linear arrays are ob- sorved within the Parand basalts, the data might me ©. HAWKESWORTH ET AL, ° oor 002 OS OB 9 zr Nb/ta ig: 8. Variations of ayy agninst ZT) and Nb/Lsin staced basalts an basaltic andesites fm the Parand CF, ‘Openciamonds, Esmeralds led diamonds, Gramado: open squares, Urubi ld ingles, SRUH dykes, open teangls, remaining dykes from both the onta Grossa and Santor-Rio de Janeiro section. The element ratio for average MORBand OIB are from Sun 4 McDonough (1989), and LIB san anys ott stage Herngbaai dyke {tor the Fiendeka (Duncan ea. 1933; Hawkesworth el, 1984). Te feds for the recent basalts rom Tristan da (Canta ace from Le Roexe a (190), ‘0 @ 5 Ena ob - s. 10 a ames on lanoraie a8 oy °mOOoto °? sma °* Wy le. 9. Variations of es against SmyNd and TVY in slected basltsand basaicandesites from the ParanS CFB, Open ‘diamonds, Esmeralda ed diamonds, Gramado; open squates, Urabii filed wangls, SRJ Mt dykes, pen "rangls, remaining dyes from both the Ponts Grossa and Sanos- Rio de Janeio sexton, The element ria for sverige MORD and OM are from Sun & McDonough (1989), and HBs an analysis of alte tage Hosngbaai dyke fromthe Etendoka (Duncan eal. 1984; Hswkesworth eral. 1988), The element ratios for average shalcandlamprowe are from Taylor & McLennan (1985)and Bergman (1987), and they ate potted with f= — 12, sings that the, ‘alu used by Elam & Cox (19a incr lamprote mode forth perogsnes ofthe Nuanctspiets. Ihe dashed Tin in (ais fom Elam & Ci (1991). Part (simply usrates the resus onthe Paranalavas, afr veference the Tristan da Cunha rocks with > 6% MgO hate TWY = 750-120 (Le Roex etal 1950), PARANA MAGMATISM AND SOUTH ATLANTIC OPENING bbe taken tobe broadly consistent withthe Elam -& Cox (1991) mining line, ‘The Gondwana CFB can be subdivided into high and low-Ti provinces (Belen eral. 1984; Cox 1988), and since lamproites have high in- Compatible element contents, and high TUY ratios they are much better suited as the liho- spec end member forthe highs than forthe Jow-1¥ magma types (Fig. 9). The latter tend to have negative Ts anomalies on mantle nor alized diagrams (Fig. 2), and such negative ‘anomalies age rare in known small degree melts ‘of the upper manthe. Rather, the combination fof low THY and high Rb/Ba (soe the Gramado ‘nd Esmeralda ayerageson Fig. 2)isa feature of Upper crustal sediments, and this has encour- aged models in which such low-Ti CFB were source regions which contain asig- ‘bution itom subducted sediment (6: Herat eral 191) in summary, models can be set up ix which ‘most ofthe major elements in CFBs ae derived from the athenosphere, and most ofthe minor and trace elements. are introduced. in small degree melts amproites) from mantle litho- sphere. However, wo points should be noted. () Such models require thatthe asthenosphere derived end-member has very ow incompatible element contents, and high SavNd (Fig 9a), and fo itis much more depleted in race vlements than typical O1B (Ellam & Cox 1991). In the Parand' such an asthenospherie end-member ‘would have to be much more depleted than the plume-telaed basalts of Tristan da Cunha, or the stage SRI Il dykes (e.g. Fig, 8b), which in {urn implics that two asthenospheric compon enls (one enriched, and one deplcted) were in- Solved in the generation of the Parand CFB. “The lamproite mode! is consistent with the data from the high but not the low-TiCFB. No small degree mells fave becn identified with suitable trace element ratios o be the small degree melt component in low TUY CFB, and so in recent models forthe gencration of the low-Ti Gond- svana CFB it has heen argued that they were de- ‘ved fiom the continental mantle lithosphere, ‘with isle or no contribution from the underlying snthenosphere (c.g, Hert et al. 1991). In practice lamproitetype models in which snost ofthe major elements in CFB are derived fiom the asihenosphere, and the distinctive isotope and trace clement. signatures. are scavenged in mall volume melts fom th itho- Sphere, were intially developed in response to geophysical arguments that the continental mantle lithosphere is {00 cold and infertile to {generate suficiem basalt However, such argu- tents are based on calculations fot melting at 233 the dry peridesite solidus, and yet it is well kknown that the addition of water to peridtite # km of melt (or > 7 km if no melt freezes) fs predicted fora MBL thickness of 200 km vith a maximum of 25% melting atthe base of the MBL. The melt thickness generated for MBI-of {80 and 100km, ‘alucs which are probably more appropriate to real geological situations, are about 3.6 and 1.2 Kin respectively. These estimates inerease 10 $10 and 32k if oo melt feeves, Ta the situation where extension ofthe litho- sphote occurs over anomalously hot mantle, ‘Additional melts generated through adiabatic ‘decompression. AS the amount of lithospheric extension increases, so too docs the ostheno- sphere contribution to the total melt generated Th order to estimate quantitatively the relative josphere 3 2 3 5 8 E Fig, 12. The faction of he total melt derived emiely from within the MBL asafuretionof extension factor, for3yaluesofthe MBL thickness. The slklimesinc theecsot metre The actual eit hichnessescas be determined fom Fig. nd bor the appropiate MIL thickness 236 contributions of asthenosphere and lithosphere melting duting riting, Gallagher 8 Hawkes: ‘worth (1982) closely follow the methodology of McKenzie (1984) and MeKenzic & Bickle (1988), assuming insiantaneous rifting with a steady’ state geotherm and. mantic. potent temperature of IBU'C, A valus of 250) kg £C- was used forthe entropy change onelting nd entropy was conservedto I partin 0" during the calculation. Figures 11 and 12 illustrate that 4 thicker MBL favours laeger proportion of Sehydration met for giver amount of litho Spheric extension, although a small amoyat of MBL derived melt is predicted in all cases, Extension factors greater than 12-13 are sulfiient to allow asthenosphere melts fapidly to dominate the magmatic signature when the MBLis 100 km. However, foravalu of 200 km, the lithosphere may be thinned by over 200% before the orginal MBL signature is lost (Fis, 12) Thus, the general trend i that thicker MBL ray undergo a greater amount of extension before the underlying asthenosphere begins to melt. Provided that the melt can be extracted quickly enough, a time dependent chemical Stratigraphy will develop in a progressively ex- tending region, with the intial melts being Lithosphere dominated and the Inter melts have jag more contribution from the asthenosphere. ‘Astiking feature of CFB thei lage volar nd simple geometries! arguments imply that an average met thickness of 320 mis requited over the toll area of a mantle plume of radius 1000 km to produce 10° kin, approximately the vol ume of the Parand provinge. Alternatively, this volume is consistent with an average 3 km of rmelt thickness produced over a region 150-200 km wide across the centre ofthe plume, ora cir- ‘ular region of radius 320 km, This range of melt Thicknesses is possible with the dekydration modal, although a requirement of no astheno pherc melting implies that the (otal extension {eetor(B} would be at most 2.0 and une ikely 215. In summary, the bohaviour of water during partial melting inthe MBL, and the composition “af subsequent meltsare very poorly constrained However large volumes of CFB afe a feature of the geological record, and in many areas their ajor and trace elements anéradiogenie isotope fatios indicate they were derived om source regions diferent t0 those sampled by oceanic basalis, Lamproite type models in which the major elements of such CFB are derived from the asthenosphere and most of the minor snd trace element abundances are introduced in small degrov melts scavanged from the mantle Ithosphere, may be appropriate in some areas C.J. HAWKESWORTH ET AL, However, these mode's require the presence of a very incompatible element depleted astheno~ spherieend member and yet in those flood basalt provinces where asthenosphere derived melts tan be readily identified they tend to have high Incompatible element contents, similar \o O1B. Th addition there is general agreement that!am= projte type models are not appropriate for lox Ti CEB. A valid alternative may therefore be that those CFB with major and trace element features different from common oceanic basalts are simply derived by partial melting within the MBL, in the presence of very small amounts of ‘water. The results of model calculations indicate that fora MBL between 100 and 200 km, up to} km of melt may be generated entirely from within the MBL, for B values of less than 1.2 (Gallagher & Hawkesworth 1982) Conclusions (9) Six_magma types are now recognized within the extrusive basalts and basaltiv ande sites of the Parand CFB (Peate er al. 1990, in press), and data from borehole and surface samples have been used to demonstrate that the Parand lavas comprise an overlapping series of “units dipping towards the north, tis concluded ‘that the dominant magma type evolved from low Ti, to high Ti to intermediate Ti with time, and tht he soure forthe Parand magmas migrated northwards. ‘New analyses on the associated dyke rocks of Ponta Grossa Arch and Santos-Rio de Janeiro section, indicate that while the former are similar to the Pitanga and Paranapanema magma types, the latter includes dykes with ‘compesitions not observed in the Parand lavas Rather their minor and trace elements are strik- ingly similay to basalts recently erupted on Tris- tan da Curia, and thus these late stage dykes _may represent the fist direet evidence forthe in volvement of typical plume-related OTB in the Parana province (i) Preliminary laser *Ar"Ar studies of scleeted Gramado low Ti basalts have yielded preferred isochron ages of 132.6214 and 132.9:2.8 Ma. These indicate a short erupt time for at least the Gramado magins type, and ‘that magmatism took place several lian years after the species extinction in the Tithonian (c. 14) Ma). Gv) The majority of basalts and basalticande: sites in the Parané CFB have distinctive trace «loment ratios (low NbiL.a and Nb-Ba), and re! ively enriched Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope comps tions (Hawkesworth ea. 1986, 1988; Pettin er a. 1987; Cordani etal. 1988; Peate era, 1990. in PARANA MAGMATISM AND SOUTH ATLANTIC OPENING press). Since such features are not commonly served in oceanic basalts. and they goeur ia ‘CFBs which have been screened for the et feels of erustal contamination, they ate typically attributed to olf, incompatible element on- iched source regions inthe continental mantle lithosphere () Most models of partial melting in re- sponse to extension and decompression have as- suited that partial meting took place atthe dry Peridoite solidus, and consequently concluded {hat most (> 95%) CFB type magmas were gen- erated in the subsithospherie upper mantle (McKenzie & Bickle 1988, Amdt & Christensen impress, Thai hasbeen argued thatthe minor and trace clement ‘mantle thosphere’compon tet of, for example, the Gondwana CFBs was introdiced in small degree melts Gamproites) added io asthenosphere derived magmas (Ellam & Cox 199}. However, such amodel appears to be inconsistent withthe data from low Ti CFD and it so requires thatthe asthenospher= de: Tived magmas have very low incompatible ele- ‘ment contents, in marked contrast to the high NNbVLa late stage dykes inthe Parand. (Gi) An alternative approach isto investigate the amounts of ‘melt generated from the ‘mechanical boundary layer in the presence of small amounts of water. In practice, the be haviour of water uring partial melting n the MBL, and the compositions of the subsequent melts are very poorly constrained. Nonetheless, the results of preliminary ealewlacions indicate that for @ MBL. between 100 and 200 km, in the presence of mantie plume, up to 5 kin of melt ‘may be generaied entirely from within the MBL, for 8 values of less than 1.2 (Gallagher & Haw Kesworth 1992).Asexteasion progresses (higher 8), the proportion of melt from the underlying asthenosphere increases rapidly as observed for example in both the Parand and the opening of and the Basin aod Range the western USA, ‘ii) In the currently preferred model, the Parana CFB were generated in response tothe northwards rifting ofthe south Atlantic. over an trea of anomalously hot mantle presemly as Sociated with magmatism on estan da Cunha. Untithe generation ot the late stage igh NbvL-a dykes, the mantic plume would appeared to ave contributed heat, rather than significant volumes of asthenosphere derived magmas 10 the generation of the Parana CFB. This project is part of a joimt LAG-USP and Open University progesmme. We thank K. G, Cox, A.J Br Jak, 1 Hergt PR. Hooper, and R. 8, White for ‘my discussions onthe origin ofthese ogmatic ee tinental flood basalts. and A, D. Sounders and. 237 Pearce for dir detailed and constructive reviews of this maausrit. Appendix: Laser /*Ar analyses Rock slices 1 cin? and around 500m thik, we Polihod on one side and srodated atthe Food ior, Michigan, where they received 110" fax cnr! Thoretalingd values forthe tuye samples were Cllulated using the mmbbl and Hedge standards, Sand. were, UOUSSIMVO), “U.000S{MV-) and ‘S003, wathemors ol woungo. 9%. When e- turned thesamiper weretoadedntoth ser pom and Takes using heating tape anda heatlamp Blank eves uring the ansiye. mere 29.06, 003. 9.06, and 0.0410" em’ STP for “Ar, “Ar, “Ar, “Ar and *Ar fexgectvely, Argon was entacod fom inc cok ces ty firing short pulses ofa continuows NJ-YAG laser ‘beam (TEM, wavelength 1064 nm), focused at the Semple surface. Typical power of 10 to 17 W were teed and pule lenge of3 to 100s, Argon waste Kesed by meng single grains or sera 2djcant frais of the same mineral Resulting lope sound Snces wore corrested for reasioriterirencs, mass {Spectrometer dherimiaton and decay of "A. ‘A range of apparent age im 100188 Ma wat covtined fom te threw samp, wich similar 0 that for the publabed balk K’AT ages on over 200 SGmples rom the Param, exces that none of th ages fepored hee are 6 130 Ma. A least sgane ted {Sdanon age ofall the data tom MG ye Shromof 13484234512 SID oonsée 000017. autAr —19) MSWD ol LJ. MY6 yielded an age of 132 9238 se (lo, with 8 ara? incre 010.0512) 30.00009 [Riar © 300) andan MSW ofS. MV3 didnot ick a sensi ioevon age dve the ac of spread ‘veh data ut apparent ages ranged 10m 1470188 Maria bath SGI andNV6. plapostee analyses plot {ed closer tothe etmospheri end point, portly ar {sltoflower potastumcontets, butaloberuse hey Sontained higher soncsntaion of ho imosphes! Sree agon mire Superfly, the laser has simply seprsted cra andallowed sph than sigh spatial fesoltion ean he wet to extract additonal information by, fr example, varying the lasct pulse, Varring the pulse canbe formorsteppedheating: mare soph P ped heating analssiscan be achieved, though minerals hae tobe separated beforehand. In this case We pe formed twortepanalyaes of plagioclase grains i stu im MG1, The Rest step consisting of shore 1 10 5 mm pulses acrons the surface of the grain, causing 90 sible meting, the second using pulse lene up to 100 ms, causing the grain to mel. Un all cases the Plagiocise yielded 16 low temperature sep poor ia Faden atgon but relatively ichiathe amospherey excess argon end. member (Fig. Ta). Subsequene Inching. duced higher proportions of radiopenie §rgo though sil generally Tes than the aroundass “The degrecof erackingin he plagioclase sermed tobe correlated with the proportions of the excess Ar ne component. The same effect was seen in sainple MV6, although twas 0t 35 marked There are oval analyses of MGI which give Hite ‘orno indication of ey excess argon component, These raced with dud containing negligible ex: y were Sted in ateas unaffected by these late stage fluids. Neglesting vein material, low temperature plagioclase analyses and groundmass Points los 10 veinlets; 7 pots renin (out of atota Df 14)” An ibochron through these pains yields an fge of 132-51.4 Ma anda "APAy ‘ntreept of ‘uoS34420.00003 CA Ar = 29923) han MSWD of 08. Moreover the closeness ofthe inter {2pt 6 the ue atmosphere Ar iorope rato gives us ‘confidence that he resulta trea “Another advantage of analysing rock sctionss that all the features present can be analjsed 3nd thee m= portance asessed. Two veinetsof a white carbonate Fh matenal in the MGI section contained mest: able quantities ofboth "Ar (from potassium) and "Ar {leon calcium) and some ofthe highest proportions of atmospherifexcess argon measured (Fig 73). Adon iy. anaigoes of proundmass cle to the vem yisibed higher proportions of the exouss Ar signature. Tn the Jig of this iregularcstihution of the atmosphere? exces argon, it scems mos! Uikl) that oripinated in Aids percolating through the voianic plesubsequont focruptin, rather than argon derived from depth as 2 component af the magma, Such fuids were most frobablyasocated with the renowned apates ofthe Parana CFB, ang the low “Ar contents (derived fiom chlorine during radiation) of the vein material felative to other analgnes indicate shat the Buds had low salinty. 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