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Plan for FYE Advising Section Fall 2014

- Students will be able to identify their advisor and will know why they would visit their advisor/what
kinds of questions they can ask their advisor.
- Students will be able to identify three keys to success in their first year (as a result of watching video)
- Students will be able to identify three advising resources

- Advising Video
- White Board Markers
- Degree Audit
- Students should be asked to bring their Fall Quarter class schedule

1. (5 min) Introduce self to students. Have students turn to someone next to them and tell
them what classes they are taking Fall Quarter and what they are most excited for!
a. Write name and advising website (bellevuecollege.edu/advising) on the board.

2. After explanation below, show video to students (5 min):
a. Explain to students that they should be taking notes about
i. (1) Which advisors they could see for their program of study.
ii. (2) Keys to success that they find helpful or new from the video. They should record
these tips on the back on their handout for use after the video.

3. Discussion Questions (7 min):
a. Have students have students pair up and share with each other when they are done sharing
have them write their top tip, reason to see an advisor and question for an advisor on the
b. Write these prompts on the board for Students:
i. What tips will you take away from the video for your first year?
ii. Why would you go visit your advisor? Bonus: Who is your advisor?
iii. What kinds of questions would you ask your advisor?
iv. Bonus: If you have already seen your advisor, what was the benefit for you of this
advising appointment?

4. Large group discussion Q&A (7 min):
a. Have students share their answers that they wrote on the board
b. Share some reasons you would go see an advisor/questions you would ask them share
ideas that students may not know about or have thought of (see page 25 of the booklet)

5. Introduce/Review Advising Resources (15 min)
a. Direct students to page 24 in their booklet
i. Remind students about online class schedule and online services. Show students
these pages just to remind them what they look like and any key links.

Sample SID/PIN for Degree Audit: SID: 954999999 PIN: 1234

b. Talk about Degree Audit and how to use this as a tracking tool with your educational plan
i. How to log in
ii. How to chose the correct degree from the drop down
iii. How to tell what youve taken and how it fits into your degree and what you still
need to take
iv. How to find classes that fulfill your requirements

6. Wrap-up & General Questions (5 min)
a. Remind students about the advising webpage and where advising main office is located

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