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To Kill a Mockingbird- Final Exam

Matching: Match each descriptor to the correct numbered term. (5 marks)
1. White
2. Harper Lee

a. Author of the novel


b. a white man who prefers to live with Negroes and pretends to be

a drunk to give white folk a reason they can understand
c. a terribly lonely person, even lonelier than Boo Radley
d. he prosecuting attorney in the Robinson case
e. Symbol of forgiveness
f. Symbol of morality

10. Mockingbirds

g. Boo Radley, Jem and Tom Robinson

h. Symbol of prejudice
i. admires Atticus for doing what is right and defending Tom
j. Narrates the novel

Mr. Gilmer
Miss Maudie
7. Snowman
8. Mayella Ewell
9. Atticus Finch

Multiple Choice: Circle the best answer. ( 20 Marks)

1. The setting of the novel is:
a. Virginia, 1920s
b. Unknown, 1930s
c. California, 1930s
d. Alabama, 1930s
2. Aunt Alexandra feels Atticus should NOT do which of the following?
a. let Calpurnia go (fire her)
b. make Scout act like a lady
c. raise his children differently
d. REALLY try to defend Tom Robinson
3. According to Atticus, what is the one place that all men are created equal?
a. America
b. heaven
c. the church
d. the courtroom
4. Tom died because ________________________.
a. he ran from the guards
b. he was overcome with guilt
c. he was attacked in a jail brawl
d. he was overcome by a deadly disease


5. Scout knew that the jury was about to convict Tom because _________________________.
a. Dill started crying
b. she could just feel it
c. the jurors wouldnt look at Tom
d. she could see it on Atticuss face
6. Miss Caroline is angry with Scout because
a. Scout has lice in her hair.
b. Scout can read and write.
c. Scout is always tardy to class.
d. Scout fights with Cecil Jacobs.
7. He was right puny for goin' on seven. He wore blue linen shorts and had snow-white
hair. Who does this quote describe?
a. Burris Ewell
b. Ceceil Jacobs
c. Charles Baker Harris
d. Walter Cunning ham
8. Dill feels sick in the courtroom because
a. Dill has the flu
b. the heat is too intense
c. Mr. Raymond gives him whiskey
d. Mr. Gilmer is very disrespectful and mean when he cross-examines Tom
9. Mayella lied about the "attack" for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT
a. her father had threatened her
b. she was ashamed of breaking a rigid social law
c. she wanted to bring public attention to herself
d. she needed to blame someone else in order to hide her own guilt
10. Why would some people in Maycomb believe that Toms sympathy for Mayella is bad?
a. She is white and he is black.
b. Mayella doesnt deserve sympathy.
c. She is from the lower class in society.
d. She is rich from a rich family and he is poor.
11. When Scout falls out of the tire, she feels that Boo Radley is still alive because
a. she finds pennies lying on the sidewalk
b. she peeks through the Radley's window
c. she thinks she hears someone inside laughing
d. she sees a shadow outside her bedroom window

12. Many of the townspeople are upset because

a. Atticus really intends to defend Tom.

b. Atticus let the blacks into the courtroom.
c. Atticus doesn't seem to be trying to get Tom off.
d. so few people were allowed to attend the trial.
13. To what historical event is Atticus referring when he says, The Cunninghams are
country folks, farmers, and the crash hit them hardest.
a. World War II
b. the Great Depression
c. the Civil Right Movement
d. the stock market crash of 1929
14. What announcement does Atticus makes during the social hour of the women's
missionary society?
a. Jem has killed Bob Ewell
b. that their work is pointless.
c. Tom Robinson has been shot.
d. that he is proud Scout has become a lady.
15. How does Mr. Underwood describe Tom Robinson's situation?
a. as a great news story.
b. a senseless slaughter.
c. a delivery of true justice.
d. as an uneventful occurrence.
16. Who is the newspaper publisher and editor who covers Atticus with a gun during the
mob scene?
a. Mr. Avery
b. Mr. Bob Ewell
c. Mr. Bill Cunningham
d. Mr. Braxton Underwood
17. Scout was saved from being stabbed due to her
a. chicken wire costume.
b. fainting during the attack.
c. ability to scream very loudly.
d. ability to run from her attacker.
18. According to Miss Maudie, Atticus gave up shooting because:
a. he had to shoot Tim Johnson
b. Aunt Alexandra said it wasn't proper behavior
c. he had an unfair advantage over living creatures
d. he had to prepare his case for Tom Robinson and had no time
19. Jem is heartbroken when Tom Robinson is convicted because
a. he lost a bet
b. Tom was an old friend
c. he was disappointed in his father
d. he couldn't understand how the jury could be so unjust
20. The MAIN reason Atticus defends Tom Robinson is because he:
a. wants to make Bob Ewell look like a fool.

b. knows Tom doesn't have a chance without his help .
c. feels he owes the black people of Maycomb a debt.
d. wants to stand up for his principles or else he couldn't even face his children.
Written Response: Answer in a brief paragraph. Use full sentences. (15 Marks)
21. Explain why it is ironic that Miss Gates is worried about the persecution of the Jews (2

22. The Ewells and Cunninghams are both poor white families. How do their values
differ? Provide one example from the novel. (3 marks)

23. What evidence was provided to prove Tom Robinson`s innocence during the trial?
Why was he still found guilty by the jury? (2 marks)

24. Explain how flowers can be considered a symbol of resilience in the novel. Provide
two examples from the novel. (3 marks)

Extended Response. Answer in full sentences and provide evidence to support your answer.
(4-5 sentences)
25. Describe how perspective may be influenced by innocence or ignorance. Provide one
example from the novel to support your answer. (5marks)


TOTAL: _____/40

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