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20 March 2015

Ghie Ghie Calderon

Asian lnstitute of Tourism Student Council

Ms. Calderon:

ln accordance to Article 6. Section 3 of the UP Asian lnstitute of Tourism Student

Council constitution, and I quote:

A Council offrcer seeking reelection must tender his/her resignation before

the start of the election campaigns, in accordance with the rules promulgated by
the College Electoral Board

l, Rianney Ramil Tech Reynoso, the incumbent Mass Media Councilor of the UP
Asian lnstitute of Tourism Student Council for the Academic Year 2014 - 2015, is
tendering my resignation, effective immediately. I will be seeking re-election for
the UP Asian lnstitute of Tourism Student Council for the Academic Year 2A15 2A16.

But before I leave, I would just like to thank the current AIT Student Council for a
memorable year and for allowing me to serve our dear college. Rest assured that
every experience and lessons learned during my stint in the council will be

wish the council allthe best in their remaining projects and campaigns.

Once again, my heartfelt thank you and God Bless!

Sincerely Yours,



Ghie-Ghie Calderon
Asian InstiUte of Tourism Student Council

Dear Ms. Calderon,


accordance to Article 6, Sestion

Council constitution, and I quote:

3 of the UP Asian Institute of Tourism Strdent

A Council fficer

seeking reelection must tender his/her resignation befiare the

start oJ'the election canpaigns, in accordance with the rules promulgated by the (College
Electoral Board

As an incumbent Freshman/ShifteelTransferee Batch Representative of UP Asian Ifnsitute

of Tourism student council AY 2015 -2016,I, Ramon Jose Tence Rayos, am
immediately resigning from my position, effective immediately. I will pursue agaim on a
re-election atthe UP Asian Institute of Tourism Student Council for the AY 2015

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my colleagues on the UP AITSC folr

unforgettable year to serve in our dearest college.

Ramon J

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