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Leah Schott


FC 362 Child Care Planning and Administration

The theme for this curriculum webbing is Insects and Spiders!

Rationale: I chose the theme of insects and spiders because they are the most abundant animals
on earth and there is so much about them to learn. I thought that kindergartens would find the
subject interesting and fun!
Student population: These activities can be used for a variety of ages, but I targeted them
towards kindergartners.
Standard 3.1 Biological Sciences: Living and Nonliving Organisms
3.1a.1 Common Characteristics of life: Categorize animals by external characteristics
3.1a.2: Life Cycles: Identify stages of life cycles for plants and animals
3.1a.9: Use the five senses as tools with which to observe, collect information, classify,
describe, and solve problems.
Standard 5.2: Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship
5.2.1 Civic Rights, Responsibilities and Duties: Identify Community Workers that exist in
most or all communities
Develop an understanding of how goods and services are produces and distributed
Standard 2.1: Numbers, Number Systems, and Number Relationships
2.1.1 Count and Compare Numbers: Use basic numbers and counting
2.2.6 Concepts and Applications of Operations: Create a sorting method
Standard 2.2: Computation and Estimation
2.2.2: Represent addition and subtraction using up to ten concrete objects
Standard 9.1a: Production and Performance: Music and Movement
9.1a.1 Aesthetic Response: Respond to different forms of music and dance when
describing action
9.1b.1 Dramatic Expression: Create and enact fantasy play scenarios
Standard 9.1C: Production and Performance: Visual Arts
9.1c.2 Construction: Create expressive images using a variety of media and techniques
Standard 1.1: Learning to Read independently
1.1.4 Comprehension and Interpretation: Retell and summarize a story
answer why questions, restate main ideas and important details from a story
Clothespin butterflies
o Butterflies will be made using clothespins and coffee filters.
The coffee filter is clamped in the clothespin and acts as wings.
The wings are painted with watercolors. Wiggle eyes and pipe
Cleaners are glued on last.
Finger print bugs

Leah Schott
o Bugs can be created using fingerprints! The children should press their thumb or
other fingers on the ink pad and press it onto a piece of
paper. Multiple prints can be put together to make 3 body
sections. Eyes, legs, and antennas should be drawn on using
markers, a pen, or crayons.
Small manipulatives
Caterpillars out of beads
o Stringing beads and foam circles on bendable wire will
make caterpillars. This will work on fine motor skills with
the stringing. Eyes are glued on last!
Spider Webs
o Spider webs will be made out of Popsicle sticks and yarn. A
small spider can be made using pipe cleaners. Make sure the
spider has 8 legs! This activity also works on fine motor
Observe bugs outside
o The children are supervised outside while they search for
insects and spiders outside using magnifying glasses in the grass, dirt, on trees,
ect. The children should be told not to touch the bugs, only to look. The students
can draw their favorite insect they found on a piece of paper using crayons and

Insect sensory bin

o The sensory bin will include black beans for the base and contain plastic bugs,
magnifying glass, plastic shovel, and a small net.

The Honey Bee and the Robber by Eric Carle
o This pop up book is about the life of a honey
Bee including pollination, making honey, and
a bear invading the bee hive!
Clara Caterpillar by Pamela Duncan Edwards
o This book can be read to students to
teach them about the life cycle of
caterpillars and butterflies and how a regular
caterpillar may turn into a beautiful butterfly.
Dramatic play
Make bug eyes and antennae using paper band hats
and pipe cleaners to wear and act like bugs.

Leah Schott

Gardening center (either indoor or outdoor)

o The indoor center can have a plastic watering
can, pots, shovels, empty seeds packets, and
plastic fruits and veggies. Brown felt can be
spread out to act as dirt/soil.
o The outdoor center can be a small section of
the area with soil, shovels, pots, seeds, and a
watering can. The center should be

Adding spots on a ladybug
o The student will get three cut out ladybugs, an addition sign, and black spots. The
first and second ladybugs will have spots on them, but the third will not. The
students should put the addition sign in between the first two ladybugs and count
how many spots are on each. They should put the added number of spots on the
third ladybug. For example, if the first ladybug has 2 spots and the second has 3
spots, then the child should place 5 spots on the third ladybug.
Bug sorting
o The child will be given a bin of plastic bugs. They will have to sort the bugs into
groups by type. They will count how many bugs are in each group. For example,
they should put all the butterflies in a group and count how many there are.
Social studies
How insects work together
o The students will work together like a community of insects to make an anthill or
bee hive out of paper Mache. For each layer there will be a small group of
students that take turns placing a piece of newspaper on a
balloon. Once complete and dry, the students can paint it
yellow and glue on honeycomb cereal!
Read The Honey Bee Man by Lela Nargi and Krysten Brooker.
o This story is a great way to teach about how bees supply
the tasty honey that we like to eat. It is about a beekeeper
man who raises bees to make his famous honey,
something the entire neighborhood enjoys. It also teaches
about the honey-making process. Honey can be brought
in for the students to taste.
Food and nutrition (cooking)
Ant on a log
o Celery with peanut butter and raisins is a healthy snack that represents ants on a
log! If there are peanut allergies, vegetable dip can be used.

Leah Schott

Dirt with gummy worms

o This treat is made of layered chocolate pudding and
Oreo crumbs to act as dirt with gummy worms in it!
Fossil cookies
o Another cute activity is to make insect fossil
cookies by pressing a plastic bug into the cookie
before baking to make an imprint!

Music and movement (including finger plays)

Head, Thorax, and Abdomen song:
o Sung to the tune Head and Shoulder, Knees, and Toes!
o Head, thorax, abdomen, abdomen!Head, thorax, abdomen, abdomen!Eyes, six
legs, antennae, tooHead, thorax, abdomen, abdomen!
o This song teaches the anatomy of insects. It would be gone over that spiders are
not insects because they have 8 legs instead of 6.

Itsy bitsy spider finger play

o The itsy-spider went up the water spout, (walk your fingers up in the air)
down came the rain and washed the spider out. (wiggle your fingers downward to
make the rain)
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, (form a circle with your fingers above
your head)
and the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again.(walk your fingers up again).
Field trip
A garden
o A garden can be visited where the children search for clues of where insects may
be working. They can walk through and around the garden looking for insects in
the ground, on leaves, on flowers, and produce.
Butterfly house/garden
o A butterfly garden can be visited to show the children the diversity that butterflies
have. There is a seasonal butterfly garden in Phipps Conservatory & Botanical
"Activity - Itsy - Bitsy Spider - a Favourite First Fingerplay." Playgroup. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr.
2013. <http://www.playgroupaustralia.com.au/nsw/index.cfm?objectid=989958EE-E7F22F96-372356AA1787ED76>.
"Booking Mama: Kid Konnection: Honey-themed Picture Books." Booking Mama: Kid
Konnection: Honey-themed Picture Books. N.p., 19 Nov. 2011. Web. 08 Apr. 2013.
"Early Learning Standards." Early Learning Standards. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2013.

Leah Schott
n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2013. <http://www.enchantedlearning.com/>.
"Head, Thorax, and Abdomen Song." Head, Thorax, and Abdomen Song. N.p., n.d. Web. 08
Apr. 2013. <http://www.sharonmacdonald.com/teaching-web-archives/ants-headabdomen-thorax-song.aspx>.

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