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Observation Task 4

Classroom Management

25 \ 3 \ 2015

Focus: Classroom Management Strategies


Buddies Time
This Wednesday is different
with buddies because they
was play outside but not in the
surroundings kids, they have
choose to play in the sands or
draw with chalk and there are
many kinds of choice.

The objective of this task is for student teachers

to begin to understand the importance of being
proactive in order to manage the classroom
behavior effectively so that learning can take
place. An effective teacher uses many
strategies to manage the behavior in the
classroom so that
learning can take place.
This week we are taking
a general look at these
various strategies. In
the weeks to come, we
will focus on some of
the most important
behavior management

Classroom Management

25 \ 3 \ 2015

Look and listen

for the Classroom

Strategies we
discussed in class.
Make a note in
the table below.

Management Tactic
1. Organizing a productive classroom

Can students all see the board?

Does the teacher move children to different
seats if they are noisy or disruptive?

Is it easy for everyone to walk around the classroom

2. Classroom Rules and Procedures

Are rules stated in the positive form?

Are there no more than 5 rules

Are rules clear and everyone understands?

3. Positive Greetings at the door

How does your MST greet the students when they

4. Managing independent work

Examples of what you saw or heard

Centers will move after warning.
Carpet- assigned spots to avoid disruption.

1. Listen to the teacher

2. Keep your hands, feet to yourself
3. Walk dont run

Hello, hug, question

Is there some independent seatwork throughout Center
the day

Does the teacher give clear instructions?

Does the teacher have extra work for the kids who
Snack. Reading story\ puzzle
finish early?
5. Communication

Does the teacher praise often?
Constructive praise
What does she say?

If the teacher reprimands (opposite of praise), is it
Tone of voice
very short and not many words?
6. Teach and Model Behavior
Circle time

Does the teacher teach and model the behavior she Snack time
expects? (For example, if she wants the students to
listen while others are speaking, does she do the

Classroom Management

Management Tactic
7. Teacher Proximity (closeness)

Does the teacher move through out the


Does she stand near those who are not focusing?

8. Motivation System

Is there a reward system in the class?

Is it effective

9. Goal Setting

Does the teacher set goals for the classs behavior?

(Does she say something like, OK, today we are all
going to get smiley faces?)
10. Visual schedule posted?

11. Cuing system to gain control of the classroom.

Does your teacher clap her hands or sing a song to

get the students attention? How does she get their
attention at the beginning or end of an activity?
12. 5 to 1 ratio of positive to negative comments
and interactions?

25 \ 3 \ 2015

Examples of what you saw or heard

If they dont eat the snack

Give hart if they finishing there snacks

Walking in the hallway


Hands on head, eyes on me (freeze)

Auditory cue (bell+ clean up phonics song)


Does your MST say many more positive things than


13. Smiling?
Does your MST smile at the children often? How
do the children react?

Yes, kids love to play with teacher

14. Student answering questions

Does your teacher give everyone a chance to
answer questions?

She give chance for every kids to do any things

Feeling game
Each one has card and
marker and teacher say what
she feel and kids should draw
circle in this feeling

Classroom Management

25 \ 3 \ 2015


This week, observe two children: one who has excellent
behavior and one who does not.
Write a paragraph comparing the two. Notice how the
teacher interacts with both of them.

Watch how the children react when they are

praised or reprimanded.

Watch how they both act when they are

learning or working in groups.

What is the effect on the entire class when a

child misbehaves?
Write several sentences about what you
observed and what you think about it.

Which a strategy does your teacher use with

these children that you think are most
effective in managing the behavior?

Give chance
Teacher gives chance for all
students to try to give answer
click the smart board.

In every classroom in the world there are students how

have a good behavior and how are not. In this classroom
there all kids have a good behavior but there is one boy
how have very bad behavior. He has a social problem, he
want draws attention from every one in the classroom. He
creates a problem from any things and he shout with loud
voice. When they work in groups if they dont give her any
thing he will be sad and angry and if they give her things to
do he dont want it and he dont want work. He disperses
the kids and they dont now how to work. Teacher knows
how to do with this kid, she dont give her any interest and
she ignore this boy, if she ignore her he come back and say
sorry. She use many strategies with these kind of students,
talking with them, thing about problem on own, try to
solve it, if they have problem with another kids she suggest
to play somewhere else, and follow through.

Classroom Management

25 \ 3 \ 2015


Why is it important to be PROACTIVE when trying

to manage the behavior in your class?
Because kids do any thing they see.

What is the effect on the students if there is a lot of

misbehavior in the classroom?
Its not good if there are misbehavior because ifs effect
the kids and they will not be attention with teacher, also
the level of the class will come down if the misbehavior
repeat several time.

Which of the behavior management strategies do

you think are the most important ones? Why?
I think that ignoring is the best strategies, because kids
want only draw attention.

Which classroom management strategy do you

think you will do particularly well? Why?
I think that I dont have any problem with any of this
management strategy if I learn it

Which one do you think will be difficult for you to

The look

Which one does your MST do really well?

Tone of voice\ the look

Classroom Management
Consistent rules \ routines
Clear expectations\ consequences
Follow through
Tone of voice\ the look

25 \ 3 \ 2015

Classroom Management

Observation Task 4


Classroom Management

Name game

Each kids has piece of
paper that have name of
children in the class, and
they have to cut if by
own and they have to
stick it below the photo.

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