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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [www.holyspiritsworkshop.com] – Sat 25.08.


Back to Basics – Back to the Future

As in all restoration processes, it is right to find out what all the original ingredients are, and what the
due processes were, before an attempt should be made to restore anything to its former or intended
glory, otherwise it is not an authentic or faithful restoration.

The ingredients and the processes have been identified, and the forgotten master plan has been
uncovered and all the original processes have been rediscovered, even the directions from the original
plans have been identified, although maybe not all the directions.

From the first time that God spoke to man, He always gave man His plans and intentions and then would
show him the methods and application of technology to achieve and fulfil the plans according to His
intentions. He told us clearly His plan and intentions for man in Genesis 1:26: “Let Us make man in Our
Image, in Our Likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the
livestock, over all the Earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” And in verse 29:
“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the Earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the
birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground,” He gave the means by which
they could sustain themselves and achieve what He intended in verse 28. And in Genesis 2:19 He
showed Adam how he would be able to maintain and sustain the plan once it was achieved. So then, the
plan is in Genesis 1:28; the sustenance to achieve the plan is in verse 29; and the power to maintain the
plan is in 2:19.

Likewise, when He spoke to Noah, He made clear to Noah His plan in Genesis 6:1-17, and His intention in
verse 18. He gave Noah the sustenance to achieve the plan in 6:14, 21 and 7:2; the power to maintain
the plan and established His covenant with Noah in Genesis 9:1-17.

Everywhere you go, God does it again and again, declaring His plans and intentions, and revealing His
provision and power to sustain and maintain them. He did it with Moses and with Joshua as well.
Whenever God wants to extend His Kingdom and to start a new work, the process is the same, the plan
and intention is announced, the provision and power to sustain and maintain is given, and all we have to
do is follow it to the letter. That is, have the attitude of spirit to take God at His word, and we would be
fine and experience the reward of being in God’s perfect plans.

• Noah did just that, and became the only man to possess the world.
• Adam did not, and lost the world for himself and his children.
• Moses did everything except one, and lost his personal reward.
• Joshua did everything, and became the most successful warrior of Israel, except when he listened to
good advice.
• Jesus did everything exactly as the Father had commanded Him, ignoring well meaning advice from
men who loved Him—and achieved what no man before Him or since could do—to sit down at the
right hand of God and reign with Him.

So when God wanted to raise up through Christ the body of Christ, which we call the church, through
which the Kingdom of God could come, He announced His intentions: For to us a Child is born, to us a
Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.1 And, A Shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him —the Spirit of Wisdom and
of Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and of Power, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord
—and He will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by what He sees with His eyes, or decide
by what He hears with His ears; but with righteousness He will judge the needy, with justice He will give
decisions for the poor of the Earth. He will strike the Earth with the rod of His mouth; with the breath of
His lips He will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be His belt and faithfulness the sash around His
waist.2 —And giving us full details how this Child would be born: Therefore the Lord Himself will give you
a sign: The virgin will be with Child and will give birth to a Son, and will call Him Immanuel.3

And when Jesus came, the full intentions of God and the details of the outworking of that plan was
announced through John the Baptist who said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the
world!”4 And the fullness of the details of the plans and intentions were invested entirely in Jesus Christ.
All the instructions, the last detail of it all, would be made known through Jesus, which is why we were

Isaiah 9:6
Isaiah 11:1-5
Isaiah 7:14
John 1:29

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [www.holyspiritsworkshop.com] – Sat 25.08.2007

commanded to “Listen to Him!”5 And the explanation of those plans, the technology, would come
through the Holy Spirit, which is why the very functions of the Holy Spirit are clearly stated by Jesus in
John 14, 15, 16 and Acts 1:8. And when the first generation of the church deviated from entering the
promised land of the Kingdom of God like the first generation of Israelites deviated from Canaan, Jesus
came and dictated the seven letters to the seven churches, outlining all the shortcomings and faults of
the work up until then, and the solution to those shortcomings; commanding seven times to each and
every church, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”6

And as He taught us and counselled us, He also showed us the mistakes made by the first lot of workers
who introduced work practices that were never intended, and which today are still embedded in the
economy of the kingdom. Practices that have ensued that the kingdom is bankrupt as far as having
miraculous power is concerned, and practices that must now be weeded out along with those who
perpetrate them.

• The plan was to save the world through Jesus7 and to raise up a church to keep it safe, beginning
with the calling of the first twelve apostles.
• The training of those disciples was to come through listening to Jesus and practising His words under
His personal tutorship, and then the Holy Spirit would take over and continue the making of disciples
through the church so that the world would enjoy the salvation that Jesus had paid for with His life
and blood.
• The instructions are the words of Jesus; the training is the practice of these words under the
tutorship of the Holy Spirit through all generations.
• And the means would be by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that the church and the Holy Spirit would
bear witness to the testimonies of God and of Jesus Christ before all men.

You all know now that immediately after the success of Jesus’ work, the church never set out on their
part of the work correctly, so that from the first day onwards, it was a compromised situation, good and
pleasing, but never perfect. When things are good and pleasing only, they tend to die, for good brought
death as surely as evil did, and death is never pleasing to God who is Life. So the good and pleasing
things that we started off with from the road to Emmaus, to the locked room, to the fishing trip at
Galilee, to the later trip to the mountain at Galilee, to His ascension from the Mount of Olives,8 to the
selection of Matthias as the twelfth apostle and the upper room of Acts 2 and the healings of the peoples
of Jerusalem were all good and pleasing, but never perfect.

Just as Peter’s shout to the Lord, “Lord, if it is You, tell me to come to You on the water,”9 is good, and
his faith to step out of the boat is pleasing, yet it was never perfect. And without perfection, even love
cannot drive out all fear. So it is no wonder that Peter did fear and sink.

Without the perfection of being there at the Mount of Transfiguration on resurrection morning, the love of
the disciples could not keep out the fear, and although many good and pleasing things were done by
great men and women of faith, especially their heroic martyrdom for the faith that did not stop the body
of Christ to sink, as Peter’s body sunk into the tossing sea of humanity devoid of the miraculous powers
to walk upon it to overcome it, so now, like Peter, the church is crying out, “Lord, save me,” when it has
always been saved, and instead of keeping the world safe for the Lord, the church needs the Lord to save
it from the world.

But once more the hand of the Lord is extended out to those who have cried out, and if they will take it
up, then they will walk with Him above the waves of the fears of the world, just like Peter walked back
with Jesus and immediately they too will reach the safety they were seeking, just as for the twelve,
immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.10 John does not tell us where they
reached, but Matthew clearly tells us they landed at Gennesaret; 11 not Capernaum where they
intended,12 nor Bethsaida where God wanted them to be.13 But then, they did not repent.

So now the church wants to go to Capernaum to the place Jesus never told them to go, Capernaum, the
city of unbelievers, despite the many miracles of God.14 That is the one place they never went to, even

Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35
Revelation 2:7,11;17,29; 3:6,13,22
John 3:16
Luke 24:50; Acts 1:12
Matthew 14:28
John 6:21
Matthew 14:34
John 6:17
Mark 6:45
Matthew 11:23

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though that was their intention. Their failure to repent for disobeying when Jesus came to them saw
them in Gennesaret, not Bethsaida where Jesus intended.

So the destination the church has chosen for herself so that she may boast, “‘I sit as queen; I am not a
widow, and I will never mourn,’”15 will never be granted. Those who repent will start again from
Bethsaida, and those who do not repent will be at Gennesaret, figuratively. It is through continuous
earnest unceasing repentance with excessive submission to the Holy Spirit that the elect will begin again
at Bethsaida, and those who persist in their fear and their bravado of faith will be delivered to

Bethsaida, for us, is where we will be opening the eyes of the blind and doing the things that He has been
doing and greater things than these, while He is away from us16 as He was away from them when He
prayed up on the mountain that evening after the feeding of the 5000.

Gennesaret will be, for those who do not repent of their disobedience, Heaven, where they will be taken
by Jesus in the Ark of the Covenant for the Forgiveness of Sins. Gennesaret is John 11:25 and Bethsaida
is John 11:26.

• The plans have been restored.

• The Law is made plain again.
• The process and the technology have been revealed.
• The power is restored.

So then, let the work begin, and let all the Earth be silent for God is in His Holy Temple. The Holy Spirit
is now enthroned in His Temple, in the hearts of His elect.

The plans for the next phase of God’s expansion is also revealed, the end of days for the church is now
come, and the time of the Kingdom age will begin as soon as Jesus arrives with His elect. We are like
Noah preparing the vessel to carry those who are meant to take part in the next age across the waters of
the flood.

The Spirit of Wisdom is now calling - Will you come into the Ark before the flood of disasters and distress
unequalled since the foundation of the Earth arrives? We have one set of seven left as Noah did when
God told him, “Seven days from now I will send rain on the Earth for forty days and forty nights, and I
will wipe from the face of the Earth every living creature I have made.”17

Go preach; go warn! If they will listen, let them listen. If they will not listen, leave them, for God will be
proved true in the sight of all His peoples. Amen

Revelation 18:7
John 14:12
Genesis 7:4

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Back to Basics

“Come up to the Lord, you and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel…”1 Moses
and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and the seventy elders of Israel went up and saw the God of Israel. Under
His feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself.2 When Moses went up
to the mountain, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai. For six days the
cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day, the Lord called to Moses from within the cloud. To
the Israelites the glory of the Lord looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain. Then Moses
entered the cloud as he went up on the mountain. And he stayed on the mountain forty days and forty

The purpose of the forty days and nights is a reminder of the forty days and nights of the days of Noah,
when water came from the Heavens and the springs of the deep until all unacceptable life was destroyed,
and only that which was in the ark was kept alive. Likewise, the forty days and nights for Moses was so
that all that was unacceptable about him would be destroyed or ‘killed’, and only what was acceptable
was kept as he received the Law from God. Yet, those seventy elders with Aaron and Hur,4 after they
had eaten and drunk in the presence of the Lord, went back to worship what they knew in Egypt,
forgetting what they had seen, heard and felt when they were permitted to see the God of Israel and live,
and not only live, but eat in His presence. Moses alone never turned away from the Lord, as did Caleb
and Joshua. But then, as God said, “But because My servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows Me
whole heartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.”5

What was to have happened on the Mount of Transfiguration was to be another forty days and nights in
the presence of the Lord and His glory, so that, that morning, the prayer of the Lord would be answered
and manifested. “Father, I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am, and to see My
glory, the glory You have given Me because You loved Me before the creation of the world.”6

Forty days and nights being drowned in the glory of God until all that was unacceptable was killed and
destroyed, forty days and nights being enlightened by what they were seeing and hearing and feeling,
tasting of the heavenly gift of the Son, fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, tasting of the goodness of the
Word of God (capital W), and of the powers of the age to come.7 It was meant that the eleven and
whoever else was there would come down that mountain as completely changed persons, and because of
their change, a completely changed world. For the world was changed by the forty days and nights of
rain in Noah’s days, and Moses was a changed man after his forty days and nights, a man who no longer
stuttered, but a man who dared order the killing of his own people for disobeying God.

To change the world, we need to change, and when we change, the world has changed. Noah, by his
faith, changed from whatever he was to be an ark builder, and the world was changed by him. Moses,
because of his change, changed the nation of Israel and the world. The Lord’s - Father, Son and Holy
Spirit - plan was to change the world by first changing Israel, that is, changing the first group of disciples
who were all Jews, and because they would have emerged from the forty days on the mountain in the
presence of His glory, they would have been so changed, so transfigured, that the world would have
changed irrevocably.

Just as not a single unrighteous person survived the flood in Noah’s days by the end of the forty days and
nights, those forty days and nights on the Mount of Transfiguration were meant to eliminate all
unrighteousness from the disciples, and not only that, the church would have started in the fullness of
maturity, led by apostles who were fully matured, rather than apostles who were still learning what to do.
Apostles who would have not only seen the Father and Son in Their glory, but also the Holy Spirit in all
His glory, and not as the tongues of flames as they later did in the upper room.

They may have also waited and prayed for forty days and nights in that upper room as they waited on
the arrival of the Holy Spirit, (although I think it would only have been about ten days). Waiting in an
upper room, fasting, praying and whatever, is not exactly the same as forty days and nights sitting
inside the glory of the Lord. Seeing the Holy Spirit come upon them as what seemed to be tongues of
fire that separated and came to rest on each of them,8 is not exactly the same as seeing the Lord seated

Exodus 24:1
Exodus 24:9
Exodus 24:15-18
Exodus 24:14
Numbers 14:24
John 17:24
Hebrews 6:4-5
Acts 2:3

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upon His throne with the Father (even within, for the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father 9), and then
stepping out and off His throne to put Himself into each of them as the Lord Jesus baptised Him into the
disciples. The fire they would have seen would not have seemed like ‘tongues of fire’ that separated, but
a ferocious wave of the glory of God flooding into them as the Spirit of Glory sat Himself down on the
throne of His own Temple, that is, each and every body of the disciples present.

They would have come down off that mountain having received the Holy Spirit for who He truly is, the
Spirit of the King, Himself also the King. Instead, they emerged from that upper room having seen only
tongues of fire and the Holy Spirit had come; but they had no knowledge at all of His Lordship. Have you
ever wondered why Paul is the only one who wrote: Now the Lord is the Spirit…10 this one apostle who
was abnormally born as he called himself, but yet was caught up to the third Heavens fourteen years
earlier and saw and heard things unlawful for men to speak of? Peter, John, and you can forget about
James, and Jude, do not refer to the Holy Spirit as the Lord… why?

Because their introduction to the Holy Spirit was that of seeing Him come down on them as tongues of
flames that seemed to separate, not as the Lord upon His throne stepping out of the Father to come into
them as Jesus baptised them. Their first experience of the Holy Spirit, as marvellous as it was, was
nothing compared to what they would have seen had they spent forty days and nights in the presence of
the glory of the Lord, the glory He had before the creation of the world.

Moses spent forty days and nights, and he never tolerated idol worship again. Aaron even made the calf
and did not say a word as the people said, “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of
Egypt.”11 Not one of them, the disciples, spent forty days and nights on that mountain, so like Aaron and
Hur and the seventy elders, they too were quick to revert to the old ways as soon as Jesus was gone, for
they also did not know when He was coming back, just like their ancestors thought of Moses when they
said to Aaron, “Come make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up
out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.”12

So, by Acts 15, just like Aaron, they even penned the letter that carried the recommendations of James
the Younger, and just like their forefathers, went back to worshipping a little of the old. Just like the
golden calf was only one idol compared to the hundreds of Egypt, so the four recommendations of James
was just four compared to the six hundred and eighteen of the entire Law of Moses.

The forty days of Noah prevented Noah from going back to the old world. The forty days of Moses
prevented him from going back to Egypt, even when it meant forty years of wandering in the desert.

Those forty days and nights that Jesus spent on Earth after His resurrection, had they been spent the
way it was intended, would have meant that the church, the body of Christ, could never have gone back
to the partial observance of the Law and become cursed again, as if Christ Himself was once more
hanging on the cross with His body torn and shredded, bleeding and powerless, mocked by all but that
one thief on the cross. They would never have tolerated a shred of the observance of the Law in part.
Remember, when brother Paul agreed to James and the elder’s suggestion in Acts 21:26, he was alone.
Barnabas was gone. Even Moses made one mistake as did Paul. Perhaps that is why Paul is not a
witness of John 11:26 in the flesh, but like all who have gone before us, waits in the spirit for John

Without those forty days up that mountain, our nature does not change. Peter’s nature did not change.
Even after Jesus clearly said to them that first night, “I am going to send you what My Father has
promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”13 Jesus said this
the first night He caught up with them at the upper locked room… “Stay… stay… stay in the city until
you have been clothed with power from on high.”

Did they stay in the city until they had been clothed with power? How do you read the words of Jesus
now? Are you prepared to take the Lord at His word? If you do, then those words spoken to you, if you
were there in Jerusalem that night, would mean only one thing—“STAY IN THE CITY…” Don’t go out of
the city; don’t move UNTIL the Holy Spirit arrives! Did they obey this second appointment that Jesus
had made with them with the Holy Spirit??!?!? If they did, then Peter would have not had to spend a
night fishing without catching anything again in John 21.

John 15:26 NJJV
2 Corinthians 3:17
Exodus 32:4
Exodus 32:1
Luke 24:49

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Jesus said, “Stay..” and next thing we find that John’s gospel recorded for us: Afterward Jesus appeared
again to His disciples, by the Sea of Tiberias (Galilee). It happened this way: Simon Peter, Thomas
(called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, (John and James the Elder) and
two other disciples were together. “I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter told them, and they said, “We’ll
go with you.” So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.14 What the
hell were they doing fishing at the Sea of Tiberias when Jesus said, “Stay in the city until you have been
clothed with power from on high”???!!? Had they been clothed with power from on high yet? No! Did
Jesus ever tell them when the Holy Spirit would arrive? No! So, if you do not know when your Lord and
Master, rather, your Master’s Friend is arriving, should you stay and wait, or do you think you can go
fishing and catch up with Him later???!?

Now—he’s just screwed up the second appointment by leading James and John off fishing when they
were told clearly, “Stay in the city…” Now, you might understand why Jesus said, “…do you truly love Me
more than these?”15 Whenever we do not learn to take Jesus at His word, we can ruin things for Him.
Look at the grace of Jesus. He cooked them breakfast after He gave them a net full of fish! Really, He
was saying again, “You’ve got to listen to Me!”

If that is not bad enough, read Matthew 28:16 in this light now: Then the eleven disciples went to
Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. What were they doing there outside of the
city??!! Had they been clothed with power yet? No! So Jesus had to go and get them again! When they
saw Him, they worshipped Him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said…16

Readers beware—if you only read Matthew, it appears that they did go to the Mount of Transfiguration as
instructed. However, remember, if you only read Matthew’s account of what happened after the feeding
of the five thousand, you would have thought Jesus sent them into the middle of the lake.17 It is not
until you read Mark and John that you realise that Jesus said, “Bethsaida,”18 but they said,
“Capernaum.”19 So then, when you read Luke and John, you realise the eleven went to the mountain at
Galilee where Jesus had told them to go after Jesus had changed His orders and said, “Stay in the city…”
after they had missed the first appointment. Imagine what would have happened if Noah ignored the
second word from God in Genesis 7:2 and stuck to the first word of Genesis 6:20!

There are four gospels because it is written in the Parable of the Sower that it takes the fourth sowing to
get the harvest of 30, 60, and 100fold. One gospel alone, and you’ll have Satan swallowing the word and
you will be deceived, as Matthew alone can ‘deceive’ you. Two gospels will have you rejoicing, but in
your rejoicing you would not have realised Bethsaida is not on the other side of the lake, and you would
still have thought Jesus sent them into the dark, cold, stormy night, and your rejoicing will soon stop.
Three gospels and you would not have thought about the night at all, but be distracted onto another
subject matter, for Luke makes no mention of the boat trip in Luke 9:10-16. So, like the third seed
amongst the thorns, you will be fruitless. It is not until you read John also that you see they went to
Capernaum, not Bethsaida, and only after you have heard the entire word, accepted the entire word,
understood and persevered with it, that you will bear the fruit of repentance, seeing that they disobeyed
and Jesus was not testing them at ALL! As the parable said, the forth seed found the good soil and
yielded forth a harvest!20

Now you might just see and realise it was never the intention of Jesus for the Holy Spirit to come to us
like flames of fire, the tongues of fire separating and resting on us like a little candlestick in a nondescript
upper room in downtown Jerusalem. But we missed the first two appointments! We missed the first
appointment, the perfect appointment, and then we missed the second appointment, the pleasing
appointment, so that only the good appointment was left—good, for at least the Holy Spirit met up with

Perhaps that loud sound like the blowing of a violent wind…21 that came from Heaven was not what we
thought. Remember what happened when Elijah failed to wait for the cloud to arrive on top of Mount
Carmel. Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the
Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind.22 That might have been a sound of frustration from the Holy
Spirit being reminded of Elijah again by the disciples. Elijah did the good and pleasing, but missed out on

John 21:1-3
John 21:15
Matthew 28:17-18
Matthew 14:22
Mark 6:45
John 6:17
Matthew 13:8; Mark 4:8; Luke 8:8
Acts 2:2
1 Kings 19:11

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the perfect. The burnt offering was good, the prayer of faith was pleasing, but to stay and wait…
perfect! Understand?

It was the perfect intention of the Lord Jesus to introduce us to the Holy Spirit, the Lord who proceeds
from the Father on His throne, when He would personally be there to baptise Him into us. It was still His
pleasing intention to do it personally, but they had to wait in the city. But when they wandered off
fishing and sightseeing on that mountain when Peter, James and John finally remembered to say
something—too late, it was time for Him to depart.

Again if you read Luke 24 by itself, you would think from verse 50 that straight after He said, “but stay in
the city until you have been clothed with power from on high…” He led them out immediately to the
vicinity of Bethany and while He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up into Heaven.23 It was
not, for we know there were forty days from that night and to Ascension Day. He was probably leading
them back from Galilee to the city —and He ran out of time and was taken up. Jesus missed out on
personally baptising them with the Holy Spirit and with fire. By personally, I mean by being there in the
flesh on Earth, standing next to them, even laying hands on them, instead of what He had to do next, sit
at the right hand of the Father and watch as the Holy Spirit caught up to them the third time… on the day
of Pentecost, at least forty days after Resurrection morning.

See – hear – and learn. It was never the intention of Jesus to start the church with immature apostles
who barely knew all the basic teachings and doctrines of Christ, much less repentance from dead works
and so on—but with fully mature apostles, who had been where Jesus is, and had spent forty days and
nights in the presence of His glory, who would come down off that mountain fully matured, equipped
even with the powers of the age to come!

The spluttering, stuttering start of the church was never meant to be, if we had listened and took Jesus
at His word! See, it is why His yolk is EASY!

Luke 24:50-51

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Easy Teachings

So we walked off the mountain after forty days and nights in the presence of the Lord, and the Lord, with
the Lord, the Holy Spirit, sitting on His throne in our hearts, as the living evidence of the finished work of
Jesus, a temple of God made of living stones, with God enthroned in the Holy of Holies, the hearts of all
the men and women who make up the temple. No longer would He see wickedness in the hearts of all
men, but rather He would see the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men, and no longer would all the
inclinations of the thoughts of men be only evil, but rather, their thoughts would be turned to the Lord
and be of the Lord until all their thoughts were captive to Christ.

Paul wrote: We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of
God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.1 The way you think about
something you have not witnessed is very different from the way you think about something you have
lived through. Take an example from the world; those who have never fought in a war think very
differently about war compared to those who were there on the battlefield. When you listen to a person
who has never been in a war speak of war, it is very different from the one who has been in a war
speaking. Likewise, we have never heard from anyone who was there that morning, who actually
witnessed what God had prepared for the church to receive at Galilee, or whatever He had prepared had
they waited in the city without wandering off fishing and sightseeing. As such, we have been listening to
those who have not witnessed the fullness, but only some of the plans of God for the church. Just as the
speech is different, so also are the actions of those who have never been to war different from those who
have survived the war. My mother, for instance, survived the 2nd world war, and although we were never
short of food in our house, she would never let any food go to waste; even food that we say has gone off
or has passed the use-by-date. You and I would throw it out, but she would recook it and eat it, risking
food poisoning as we call it, rather than waste it. Why? Because she had gone through the experience of
living without food for days and even weeks during the war when every grain was precious. She told me
stories of people picking up from the gutter the rice thrown out by the Japanese, and then sun drying it
again so that they could make soup out of it.

That is the difference the witness makes to a person’s thoughts, words and actions. A disciple who
received the Holy Spirit as tongues of flames sitting on them would think differently, speak differently,
and act differently from the one who saw the Holy Spirit proceed from the Father and come into them as
a wave of glorious fire in the presence of Jesus. Such a disciple, one who witnessed the place the Holy
Spirit actually came from to dwell in them, would never dare write these words: it seemed good to the
Holy Spirit and to us, to justify their own judgement. Rather, they would write: ‘the word from the Lord
is this,’ and if it was their idea and not the Lord’s, they would write: ‘I say to you, not the Lord,’ so that
they are careful not to usurp the Lord’s Name as an excuse to justify their thoughts, words and actions.

See how Paul wrote to the Thessalonians concerning the events just preceding his arrival. According to
the Lord’s own word, we tell you…2 and when he wrote: To the married I give this command (not I, but
the Lord)…3 and then: To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord)…4 so that we know what is commanded by
the Lord and therefore must be obeyed, and what is recommended by the apostle, which may be
considered but not necessarily obeyed, unless the Lord has agreed to the recommendation.

In Acts 15:19, James the Younger said, “It is my judgement…” and the council should then have written
in verse 28: It seemed good to James and to us not to burden you with… However, when you have not
borne witness of who the Holy Spirit is and where He comes from, you will not treat Him as the King who
is already in His temple on His throne in you, but you’d treat Him as some flames of fire that rest on you
to help you, to counsel you, and to guide you. Yes, the Holy Spirit is here to remind us, to guide us, to
counsel us, to comfort us, to reveal all things to us, and to bring glory to God, but He is here to do it as
the King, not as a servant. Jesus came as a Servant, although He is the King, but there is not even a
whisper that the Holy Spirit was coming as a servant, but as King.

And how did we receive Him when Jesus said, “I am going to send you what My Father promised; but
stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high”5? If we had received Him as the
Spirit of our King and Lord, we would have stayed and waited until He arrived without wandering off as if
we could just as easily make another appointment with Him. We showed Him no respect! So, when we
share about the Holy Spirit with anyone, have you noticed the lack of respect they show for Him,
debating about the appropriateness of His gifts and even arguing with doctrines that claim that He has

2 Corinthians 10:5
1 Thessalonians 4:15
1 Corinthians 7:10
1 Corinthians 7:12
Luke 24:49

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left? If presuming that your guest has left your house to go home is rude, then how rude are we to
assume that the present rarity of miracles is because the Holy Spirit left with the last of the first

When you receive the Holy Spirit as He who proceeded from the Father’s throne, out of the Father to
come to live in you, then listening to the Holy Spirit is not like listening to an adviser, but to the King,
and His words are not words of counsel to give you wisdom, understanding and knowledge, but rather,
the obeying of His words is what gives you wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

He is not even then your Teacher, for indeed Jesus said to His disciples, “Nor are you to be called
‘teacher’, for you have one Teacher, the Christ.”6 So, the Holy Spirit is not here to teach us what to do
with Jesus’ teachings, or His laws, commands and decrees, but rather, He is here to command us about
the words of Jesus. We know what Jesus said, what He taught, what He commanded, and so on, but in
truth, we do not know when we are to apply what the Lord has taught us. The Holy Spirit, when He
reminds us of what Jesus has said, in truth is commanding us with regards to the time we should do it.

Jesus gave us the ‘what’ and the ‘how’, but it is the Holy Spirit who gives us the ‘when’, which is why
Luke wrote: Paul and his companions travelled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having
been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the
border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.7

Although Jesus had commanded, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation,”8 the
Holy Spirit was the One who held them back from the province of Asia at that time. The Holy Spirit is the
Lord of the times of God. He is the One who determines when is the perfect time to do what has been
commanded. It means He is the Commander in Chief of the Lord’s Army, and we are the soldiers. We
are to train, that is to practise that which we are taught, until He gives the order to do what we are told.

We practise preaching to all creation and every creature,9 until the Holy Spirit tells us when to preach to
mankind,10 and where, in the same way as He decided with Paul and His companions. And if we get the
timing wrong, we will find Him opposing us as well, just as He opposed the twelve when they wanted to
go to Capernaum instead of Bethsaida, for it was neither the place nor the time. If the Holy Spirit
opposed and did not allow Paul and his companions to go to Asia Minor to do what Jesus commanded
because of the timing, imagine how much more He is against those who do not do what Jesus
commanded and those who do what is contrary to what Jesus commanded. It is just as well He is the
Spirit of Grace, or else many more would have dropped dead like Ananias and Sapphira. It is because
He is the Spirit of Grace that He gives us time to repent when we fail to listen to Jesus.

It is because He is the Spirit of Grace that He allowed Himself to be poured out on the Day of Pentecost
when those disciples had missed the first two appointments arranged for Him by Jesus. It is because He
is the Spirit of Grace that He protects those who believe but do not listen to Jesus; that He nurtures
those who listen but do not practise, and delights in those who believe and obey what they have heard,
growing them into sons and daughters worthy of their Father and Brother. And from the sons and
daughters He has raised, He then elects those who can be trusted to keep the household running until
the Lord arrives.

Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light,”11 giving us the picture of oxen yoked to plough the
ground and to carry a burden. The yoke of an ox is easy if he does not have to strain too much to pull it
and if it fits perfectly on him, that is, there is no chaffing.

Thus, perfection is what begins the easiness of the yoke and that comes from our practice of loving our
enemies as Jesus commanded. That is, we pray for them, bless them and do good to them, things that
Jesus also commanded that we should do in secret,12 because for the oxen, the timing of the ploughing of
the field increases the easiness of the task. It is easier for the ox if the ploughing is done in the cool of
the day rather than at midday, and if it is done just after the rain rather than before the rain. In other
words, after the practice, the timing of the execution of the work makes for the completeness of the
easiness of it all.

Matthew 23:10
Acts 16:6-7
Mark 16:15
Mark 16:15 NKJV
Matthew 11:30
Matthew 6:1-5

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The Holy Spirit, Jesus said, “will tell you what is yet to come.”13 That is, He will tell you when as well.
Imagine if you knew exactly when the share market would go up or down and by how much before it
happens, then making a fortune in share trading is easy. Imagine knowing exactly when a person is ripe
for receiving the Lord, then leading a person to the Lord is easy. Imagine knowing exactly when a
disaster will happen, then avoiding it and staying safe is easy. Perfect timing makes the yoke easy.

Oxen ploughing ground softened by rain in the early morning with a perfectly fitted yoke is easy work.
Oxen ploughing ground hardened by drought in the middle of the day with an ill fitting yoke is hard work
and the plough is a heavy burden.

The commands Jesus gave us to obey, to follow, and to practice are made easy because the Holy Spirit
gives us the perfect time to execute them, and our discipline needed to benefit from that perfect timing is
to acknowledge Him, to know Him, and to witness Him as the Spirit of the Father enthroned in our
hearts. Then, when the Holy Spirit does tell you to do something, you will learn to do it there and then,
not later or earlier, but just at the perfect time. We know the words of God are perfect and flawless as
are His works, but now we must learn to see that His timing is just as perfect. However, the Holy Spirit
will withhold the Lord’s timing for you if you do not consider His words and works as perfect.

James the Younger did not consider the words of Jesus and His works as perfect, so he sought to improve
them by adding a little of the old law for us Gentiles to observe as well, and when that happened, the
ease of perfect timing was removed from the church, and we looked like people who were always turning
up to catch a train at the wrong time, either too early and are kept waiting, or too late and are
disappointed. How often have you experiences being kept waiting for an answer to your prayers or
disappointed because your prayer was not answered?

If however we learn to be like disciples who have spent forty days and nights in the presence of the Word
of God and beheld His glory and joy, and receive the Holy Spirit the way God wanted us to receive Him
on that Mount of Transfiguration, then even the time you should pray, the Holy Spirit will tell you, so that
you will experience no waiting or disappointment and that which you say, command, wish, much less
pray, manifests at the exact moment you say it. Imagine for a moment, you always arrive at the station
having walked there leisurely to find the train waiting for you and it starts as soon as you step on it.
Imagine that every traffic light turns green just as you approach it so you neither have to stop, slow
down or hurry up to cross it. That can happen if your timing is perfect.

Imagine every word you say on behalf of the Lord happens just as you say it because you have learnt to
time it perfectly with the Holy Spirit. To those who behold what you are saying and doing, it will be truly

The reason Jesus made His disciples get into the boat immediately that afternoon to go to Bethsaida14
was because it was the perfect time for them to be on their own to do the miracle of opening the eyes of
the blind man in Bethsaida. But they delayed going there and then decided to go elsewhere.

Learning to acknowledge the timing of the Holy Spirit daily is the first step to acquiring the skill to
execute the words of Jesus you have practised at precisely the right time. The Holy Spirit will remind you
what you are to do, that is, what you are to practice and what you are to say. He will also show you
what to do and give you the power to do it, but above all else, He will give you the exact timing to
execute all those tasks together so that their effectiveness is maximised.

That is why the Lord waits… He waited for Noah, waited for the sin of the Amorites, He waits until the
perfect time… then suddenly “the Lord you are seeking will come…”15 “like a thief!”16

Just as we have practised reading the word, listening to the word and doing the word, so now, we add to
it timing the word. The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He will fill Zion with justice and
righteousness. He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and
knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.17 When the prophet wrote: the sure
foundation of your times, he was not just saying you can rely on Him during your lifetime and the time of
your life, but He is also the sure foundation of the times that you do and say whatever you do and say in
your life. He is the sure foundation of perfect timing if you have the fear of the Lord as the key.

John 16:13
Mark 6:45
Malachi 3:1
Revelation 16:15
Isaiah 33:5-6

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And as Paul wrote: The Lord is the Spirit,18 so that is the fear of the Holy Spirit—that awesome, love and
respect of Him as your King, Lord and Master who reigns in your heart, for whom all your thoughts are
taken captive for, then, how different then would the Acts of the apostles have been? How different?
Now is the time to find out.


2 Corinthians 3:17

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Easy III

“I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for

What did Jesus Christ die for? We know Peter wrote: For Christ died for sins once for all…2 and Jesus
Himself testified that God sent Him to save the world through Him. As to what Christ died for, we know,
but what sort of a church did Jesus Christ lay down His life to establish?

The answer appears simple - a powerful church of holy people, a royal household, a holy nation - you can
quote the scriptures, good. But what did He get? Did He really end up with such a church? Did He end
up with a powerful church that remained powerful? A holy people who remained holy unto Him? A royal
priesthood where the priests dispense forgiveness of sins in His Name? Did He end up with a church
where its people made the Earth a safer place or a church with people who made the world a more
dangerous place? We know Christ did not die for nothing, but what did He die for? What were the things
that His death was intended to achieve beyond what is obviously absent in the history of the church?

For those of you who have learned to listen to Jesus carefully, you now know that Acts 2:1 was not the
original date or place for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on the gathered believers. They, that is, the
disciples, had missed the perfect appointed time, as well as the pleasing appointed time, and the places.
The first was Mount of Transfiguration on Resurrection morning, or as soon as they got there, and the
second was in the locked room in Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit got there. Because they had scattered,
some to their homes, and others to fishing trips, the Holy Spirit had to wait until they were once more
gathered in one place, all of them, before He could be poured out on all of them. That time and place
just happened to be Pentecost day, because whilst all of the Jews were gathering for the feast and the
disciples could not go out to join them for fear of the Jews, they met together on that feast day in that
house. They met there because they had nowhere else to go. They were certainly not welcome at the
Temple where all the other Jews were gathering for the feast. Presumably by then they had repaired the
Temple, and Caiaphas the high priest had replaced the curtain separating the Holy of Holies from the rest
of the Temple so that the Jews may enter and not be cursed.

I hope that many of you already realise that when the curtain was torn at the moment of Jesus’ death,
the great hoax of the last 400 years was exposed, that there was no Ark of the Covenant standing in the
Holy of Holies anymore. That for 400 years since the Temple was completed no blood had been sprinkled
on the Mercy Seat for the atonement of the sins of the Jews. The traditions of the Pharisees and
Sadducees had been as much as to keep the people busy and also to hide this one great conspiracy that
the Ark of the Covenant was no longer with Israel. They lived as a nation without their sins washed from
them for 400 years! That was why many went to John at the Jordan for water baptism for the
forgiveness of their sins. They must have either known or suspected that the Ark was no longer there
and that the high priest went behind that curtain to do anything but to sprinkle the blood of the lamb on
the Mercy Seat.

That is why when Peter pleaded with them in his preach, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in
the Name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins”3 …3000 were added to their number that day.
Why? Because, by then all Jerusalem had heard the news that there was no Ark of the Covenant behind
the curtains. The blood sacrifices at the Temple were not washing away their sins. And so it remains to
this day for the nation of Israel that their sins remain unforgiven, because not only do they not have a
Temple, but they also have no Ark. For John clearly told us that he saw the Ark of the Covenant in the
Temple of God in Heaven in the Revelation.4

Likewise, we have been hoaxed. We thought the Day of Pentecost was the day intended by God for the
church to start, but it never was. Just like those who only read Matthew’s account would think Jesus sent
them into the middle of the lake, but it was not the case. So, may the curtain that veils your hearts and
minds be torn now so that you can see the truth. The church you see today is not the church Jesus
Christ died for, it is but a shadow of what should have been. Unfortunately for us, we have no way of
knowing what should have been because no one was there to witness what was planned for the perfect
occasion or what could have been done on the pleasing occasion, but only what happened on the good
occasion has been recorded.

Galatians 2:21
1 Peter 3:18
Acts 2:38
Revelation 11:19

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I hear you say, “But the Holy Spirit will make it known to us.” Yes, except He can only make known to
us through the witness of what has been written down. Otherwise, whatever you and I say that the Holy
Spirit is revealing to us can be mere imaginations of our minds.

We cannot go back to those missed appointments to see what we missed out on, no more than the
twelve could have anticipated bringing along bread enough to feed the 5000.5 The day had come, they
were hungry; it was too late… Even if they had eight months of wages with them, there wasn’t enough
bread to be had for them to buy. So what did Jesus say to them? “How many loaves do you have? Go
and see…”6 And again at the feeding of the 4000,7 He asked, “How many loaves do you have?”8

We cannot go back, but we can see what we have, and what we have will be sufficient to meet the need.

So far, you have been shown that had the eleven and the others gone to Galilee that morning, they
would have probably spent forty days and nights up that mountain in the presence of the glory of God as
Moses did, and would have seen the Holy Spirit as He was meant to be seen - the glory of Jesus even, I
say probably, because this is a revelation without basis of what is written and many can argue that we
have no basis to make such a claim, but we are merely preaching what we believe. That is a valid
counter claim that we must respect. For, as I have said, preach what you believe and you start an
argument; share what you know and you have a testimony.

My theory or revelation that the early church was meant to have come down that mountain at full power,
with their whole person shining with the glory of God just like Moses’ face, is interesting and makes for
controversial reading and discussion, which really does not help us now. We missed it, whatever it was,
and that’s that! If that was the plan - the church launched at full power through individuals who had
spent forty days and nights in the presence of God until all that was unrighteous about them had been
washed away - well, it never happened! What we got instead was a sort of a start with the 120 being
baptised in a house in Jerusalem, and instead of striking the people who saw them there with awe
because they were all shining with the glory of God like Moses was, their behaviour drew these
comments: “What does this mean?” and, “They have had too much wine.”9 No one said Moses’ face was
shining because he had too much wine. They all knew what it meant, which is why they used to cover up
his face with a veil.

Even if the plan was to start up the church with a group of selected people who had been enlightened and
empowered by being in the presence of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - it never happened. And
funny thing is this; Jesus knew it would not happen. He knew, for God foreknows all things; that the
perfect plan would not happen, not even the pleasing plan, but that the church would be started with the
wrong person elected for Judas’ position. The Holy Spirit would be received as what seemed to be
tongues of flames that came to rest on them and that the first perception by the world of His church was
that they were a bunch of drunks.

Jesus knew that His church would not be started and run or maintained by fully mature apostles with
powers of the age to come, but that, as usual, they would not listen to what He said, or go where He
asked them to go, or do what He told them to do, much less remember anything else. To prove the
point, even Peter, James and John did not remember to tell the others what happened on the Mount of
Transfiguration. Peter, in his letter, still managed to leave out the command! For he wrote: For He
received honour and glory from God the Father when the voice came to Him from the Majestic Glory,
saying, “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.” We ourselves heard this voice that
came from Heaven when we were with Him on the sacred mountain.10

I say Jesus knew this, foreknew this, because He said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me
will do what I have been doing.”11 He did not say that those who had matured12 would be able to do
what He had been doing. No, He said, “anyone who has faith in Me…” He left open the ability to do
what He wanted us to do, planned for us to do, to anyone, so that even if the anointed and appointed
sent ones, that is, the apostles, messed it up, the world would still come to know just what He died for
and what He suffered for. He died to save the world. It is saved and has been kept saved despite our
failings. He died once for sin, once for all, and became the sin offering that we might become the
righteousness of God by faith. And by faith, anyone would be able to do what He has been doing. Not by
obedience to His commands, not by maturity, not by holiness that comes from transfiguration, not by

Matthew 14:21 - 5000 men besides women and children
Mark 6:38
Matthew 15:38 – 4000 men besides women and children
Matthew 15:34; Mark 8:5
Acts 2:12-13
2 Peter 1:17 – (Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35)
John 14:12
Hebrews 5:14

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superior revelations and deep meditations, no, by faith. Anyone, by faith in Him, could do it. It only
takes for that faith to be placed in Him.

But how can any have faith in someone they have not heard, much less seen? It is no wonder that Satan
has distracted everyone who believes in Jesus to listen to anyone else except Jesus. To listen to
preachers sermonising is good. To listen to the apostles and the prophets, even the psalms and the law,
is pleasing for it takes faith to believe them too. But to listen to Jesus is perfect! So, you have it —
everyone has been deceived to the good and pleasing and kept away from the perfect, and as long as the
perfect does not come, the imperfect cannot disappear, that is, sin cannot disappear, good cannot
disappear, neither can evil; and death continues to have its power through the sin that gave us
knowledge of the good and the evil.

So, here we are just like the twelve, at the end of the day and a hungry world to feed. Too late to buy
enough food with eight month’s wages. Too late to realise we should have waited in the city until we
were clothed with power before we went fishing and sightseeing. Too late! So now the Holy Spirit
reminds us of the words of Jesus and makes them known to us. And as Jesus said, “How many loaves do
you have? Go and see,” so the Holy Spirit makes it known to us. “What do you have? Go and see.”

That is, what knowledge, what revelations do you have, what has been written down for you? Go and
see. Just as Jesus was able to feed the 4000 from the seven loaves that they had, so we will be able to
meet the needs of the multitude with what we have. With the same Bible, same scriptures, same
everything, just like the seven loaves the twelve had were like any other loaves anyone else had, so it is
that we will be able to meet the needs of those who have come to listen to the Lord and seek His healing.

The simple and easy secret of completing the task is not whether we can raise up a church of super
apostles. I fear, if we do, Paul would be against us. But rather, to think of ourselves soberly and see
what we have, and give it to the Lord.

What we have, what we can have, is the ability to take the Lord at His word. You do not have to be a
disciple, holy and elected and set aside, to take the Lord at His word. Indeed, the royal official of John
4:49 was not such a man. He was merely a desperate father who needed his child healed. He took
Jesus at His word and received exactly what Jesus said precisely when Jesus said it. You do not need
to have faith to move mountains either, but enough faith, like the centurion, knowing that Jesus does not
have to be physically present, but that His word is enough, as the centurion said, “But just say the word,
and my servant will be healed.”13 It is that easy!

And Jesus has said His words; we have all that has been written down for us, if only we have the faith to
take them for what they are —His words that will endure even when Heaven and Earth pass away.14
And His words are: “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing.”

Anyone who listens to Jesus and takes Him at His word will do what He has been doing. The church at
full miraculous power will manifest, not because we are a bunch of super obedient, holier than thou,
righteous, good people who never sin. But rather, the church at full power will manifest despite the fact
that we are still a bunch of sinners, still doing the things we know we ought not to do, and not doing the
things we know that we ought to do… just like Paul. It will manifest the full power of the glory of Jesus
Christ, the Holy Spirit, the glory He had before the foundation of the world, all because of what Jesus
suffered and died for.

The writer of the Hebrews wrote: In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and
through whom everything exists, should make the Author of their salvation perfect through suffering.15
This then is what Christ died for —He suffered and died so that by His death, that which God made, all of
which was good, would now become indestructible and impervious to sin, once for all. The original
creation was good. Indeed, it is written that God saw what He had made, and saw that it was good (five
times16)… very good in fact.17

But it was fragile, it took only one sin and creation fell. The system was very good, so good that
everyone got fed without anyone or anything dying. The animals ate the leaves of plants and humans
ate the fruits, so no plants died. But, so fragile was the system that once Adam disobeyed once, it was
spoilt. Now, the danger of giving free choice to a creature to say, “Yes” or “No” means that he will not be
able to stop saying “No” when you want him to say “Yes,” and he will not be able to say “Yes” when you

Luke 7:7
Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33
Hebrews 2:10
Genesis 1:10,12,18,21,25
Genesis 1:31

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want him to say “No.” In other words, he will never be able to stop doing the things he should not do,
nor can he be counted on doing what he ought to do, the wretch that he is.18

So, God’s answer is to salvage that system of good, and make it so robust that it remains good, no
matter what the sin is, and that’s perfect. That is the perfection Christ died and suffered for, once for all,
for sin. Right now through Christ, no amount of sin can destabilise or spoil His new creation, for the new
creation’s righteousness is not maintain or gained through the observance of any law, but by faith. And if
not by faith, it is not by works so that even to obey the command to listen to Jesus, it is the faith with
which a person listens that makes him righteous, not the act of listening.

That is why Jesus did not say, “I tell you the truth, anyone who listens to Me can do what I have been
doing.” Rather, it is anyone who has faith in Him. If anyone who listens to Jesus could do what He has
been doing, then all the Sanhedrin could have done it too, for they heard Him say that He is the Son of
God and crucified Him for it. They heard it and believed Him enough to kill Him, but not enough to have
faith in Him.

No, what we have is not a history of the church started by super apostles, but by a collection of men and
women just like us, who hear but do not listen, who see but do not understand, who are told but do not
necessarily obey, who start and try but may not persevere. Men and women who have all their frailty
still with them, not burnt out or drowned out by forty days and nights by glorious fire, and yet not by
their righteousness or obedience to any law, but their faith in Jesus Christ will do what Jesus has been
doing and greater things than this will they do.

So, we do not have to find eight months’ wages or find a baker with enough loaves to buy from. No, we
just have to give to Jesus what we have, just as He said, “Bring them here to Me.”19 We do not have to
go back in time and journey to the Mount of Transfiguration with super apostles who can translate
through time and space to raise up the church to full power to show the world what God had always had
in mind for His church to do. No, we merely have to find people who want to know Jesus, and bring them
to Him as He said, “Bring them here to Me.”

It is all about bringing what people we have to Jesus here and now, wherever and whenever we are, and
He will do the miracle. He will use them to meet the needs of the multitude just like He used the loaves
and the fish, even little barley loaves and small fish, that is, every little person unlikely as they are.

For that is what He died for, what He suffered for, to establish such a robust and hardy perfection that no
sinner within the system can make imperfect, but rather its perfection would remove the imperfection, so
that the very sinners themselves become the righteousness of God. Just as Saul’s approval of Stephen’s
killing worked out in such a way that he became Paul who did all that Stephen was meant to do and

Jesus deserves the best —and what He deserves is not a church that can do miracles like He does
because they have fulfilled the Law, because they have kept themselves sinless and holy from the world,
and because they are the best of mankind. Rather, He died and suffered so that He would have a church
that could do great miracles like He did and even more, despite themselves. He deserves to have people
who cannot fulfil the Law to be righteous. He deserves to have people who cannot keep themselves
sinless or holy no matter how hard they try, and who are the worst of sinners in fact, who are able to do
what He has been doing and greater things than these, because He fulfilled the Law for them.

He keeps them righteous, holy and sinless before God, and He is not ashamed to call them His brothers
because they are not ashamed to take Him at His word and believe in Him. He deserves all this because
He is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God who so loved His Father that He obeyed everything His
Father commanded Him, even death on a Roman cross for a bunch of wretches like us.

It is that easy—anyone who has faith in Him can do what He has been doing and greater things than
these shall they do. All we have to do is bring them here to Him. Amen

Romans 7:14-24
Matthew 14:18

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Easy IV

“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”1

If you were going to lay down your life to save the world and start up a church that you would leave
behind to be responsible for preaching the good news and to be a witness of what you have done, your
miracles, your ‘good’ works, your sacrifice and the injustice that you have suffered —who and what type
of people would you choose? We see this with fathers leaving their fortunes to their sons, and captains
of industry passing on the baton to their successor. What type of people do they choose? Firstly, they
choose reliable, honest and trustworthy people of good character as they say; people who would be
considered righteous and who would consider themselves righteous.

If there were two men who went for an important job at the bank, and one said, “I never gamble, I never
lie, I do not steal and I never raise my voice in anger,” and the other said, “I am a gambler, a liar, a
thief, and I do worse things with my mouth than raise my voice in anger,” who would get the job? The
first one of course. When God said, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My
ways,”2 He was not joking. Then God rarely jokes, for His word is the truth.

So, when He sent His Son to save the world, what sort of people did He also send Jesus to save? The
righteous from the evil and power of Satan, or the sinners from the evil and power of Satan? Why?

Firstly, because there are very few truly righteous people, and if they exist, they do not need Jesus to
save them. Noah was righteous in his generation; he only had to build an ark to save himself from the
flood, not Jesus. Job was declared blameless by God, and for all his sufferings, Jesus did not have to die
on the cross to restore to him what was taken from him. Then, why are there so few righteous people?
Because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.3 As such, what we call ‘righteous’ people
are really self-righteous people, righteous in their own eyes, but not in God’s. They are the ones who are
like the man who went to the front of the temple, whom Jesus spoke about: To some who were
confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: “Two
men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up
and prayed about himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers,
adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’”4 Jesus told
us this Pharisee did not go home justified before God. For we are justified by the truth of what we are
before God—sinners, fallen short of the glory of God, who cannot save ourselves even if our eternity
depended on it. No amount of avoidance of sin or doing good can help us meet the standard of God’s
perfection, for we all descended into sin through Adam.

Unless you are not a descendant of Adam, yet also a man, then you can be justified with avoidance of
sin, which is fulfilment of the Law of God and doing good. Jesus Christ is not, in truth, a descendant of
man, for He was before man was, and although He came and took the form of a man, He did not
experience all that man had become until He became the sin offering. He did so when, through His
silence before false witnesses, He broke Leviticus 5:1 so that the responsibility and guilt, even the
punishment, was transferred to Him.

So, let it be clearly established once and for all in your head and your heart—God did not draw you to
Jesus His Son because you were righteous in His sight as Noah and Job were, but rather, because in His
sight you and I are all sinners for whom He sent Jesus. Noah and Job did not have the privilege of
coming to know Jesus or to even know about Him in their days, but we do, and all because we are
sinners who have heeded His call to repent and believe. Abraham was credited righteous because he
believed God, but Abraham was never called to repent by God, even when he lied about his wife Sarah to

When Abraham bargained with God for the fate of Sodom in Genesis 18, he stopped at ten men; that
God would not destroy Sodom if there were ten righteous men. Abraham was basing his judgment of
righteousness of that of a man, and not of God. For indeed, God found no one, not one, righteous in
Sodom, not even Lot. So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, He remembered Abraham, and He
brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.5 Lot was rescued not
because he was righteous, but because Abraham was God’s friend, and God did not want His friend to

Matthew 9:13
Isaiah 55:8
Romans 3:23
Luke 18:9-12
Genesis 19:29

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suffer loss and grief over his cousin. You see, in God’s eyes, none, not even Lot, was righteous in
Sodom, but Abraham was confident there must have been at least ten righteous men in Sodom.

When Jesus Christ arrived on this Earth 2000 years ago, it was also the time when God declared there
was no righteous man left on the Earth, no man like Noah or blameless like Job. Even Abraham, though
righteousness was credited to him by his faith, was not blameless, for he almost caused the death of
Abimelech when Abraham lied about Sarah being his sister out of fear.6 Abraham had righteousness
credited to him by his faith, but not blamelessness, so that even Abraham had to wait for Jesus to come
as it is written: “Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing My day; he saw it and was glad.”7 Why?
Because when Jesus came, He preached, “Repent and believe,” just as John did, but the baptism of John
could only wash away the external outward sin ritualistically, but not the cleansing of sin once for all as
Jesus could. Jesus Christ was and is the answer for all who are not righteous, for all who are not
blameless before God, the answer for all sinners. Abraham knew and understood this when he saw the
destruction of Sodom; there are none righteous and blameless before God, all have sinned.

To believe, you need not admit you are a sinner, only to acknowledge that you have faith. To repent is
to admit you are a sinner, that you have broken at least one commandment of God, whether it is the first
or the tenth, it does not matter, for you are a sinner like everyone else. In fact, the one who does
commit idolatry is probably worse than a liar, for the commandment against idolatry is the first and the
commandment against lying is the ninth. The greatest idol in the heart of a self-righteous man is
probably himself, for he is the one he worships, for he does no wrong as far as he is concerned and even
God should agree. Most liars know they are liars and they hate themselves, even loathe themselves for
it. Notice that Abraham, the man to whom righteousness was credited, was also a liar. However, he had
no idolatry of himself so that even when God made him rich,8 he still called on the Name of the Lord and
still relied on the Lord.

Thus, even though Jesus said, “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners,” in truth, there is
nothing else and nobody else for Him to call on except sinners, for there is no one righteous, not one, in
God’s eyes, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

So then, these are the people He has selected to build His church with, the people He has selected to
make this world a better and safer place - sinners. That is what He started with; sinners who repent and
believe. But, what were they to become in order for His miraculous powers to continue to flow, and for
them to do the things that He has been doing and greater things than these? Having called to Himself
sinners who would repent and believe, what did Jesus expect them to become and to remain in order that
the Holy Spirit’s power would flow through them without limit? The answer is evident not by the
presence of unlimited miraculous power in the church, but by its obvious absence.

If the intention of Christ is to be glorified by a church that is known for its religiousness, its cathedrals, its
zeal for war and its good works for the poor, even its faithfulness unto death with martyrdom, then this
present day church with all its organisational levels, its outward piety of white clothes, public prayer
meetings, its large and magnificent cathedrals, and programs to comfort the blind and the lame, the
feeding of the poor, and housing the orphans in orphanages would also be manifesting the full power of
the Holy Spirit. However, for all the magnificence of our cathedral building programs from the mega
churches of the first and second millennium Europe to the present day mega churches, the Holy Spirit
has withheld His power so that very few miracles are done; only some healings.

It is as if here we are with all our religious programs and self sacrifice, with our mega churches and
public prayer meetings; the Holy Spirit is the One who is not getting in on the program to bring glory to
Jesus and His Father. It is as if the Holy Spirit is making Jesus out to be a liar when Jesus said, “He will
bring glory to Me by taking from what is Mine and making it known to you.”9 We are making Jesus Christ
known to the world with our Easter and Christmas messages, and our stand against abortion, and every
good work, with our donations of food and aid for disaster zones, but where is the Holy Spirit? There are
no miracles of the type He did with Jesus, and yet Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith
in Me will do what I have been doing.”10

So then, what is the conclusion? Is it the intention of Jesus to be glorified by the church as it exists, and
the Holy Spirit is the One who is not cooperating, and that’s why when we make it easier for Him by
having tons of food to feed the hungry, He still won’t multiply it, or, just perhaps, what we know now as
the church is not the way Jesus wants to be glorified?

Genesis 20:1-17
John 8:56
Genesis 13:2
John 16:14
John 14:12

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Does Jesus want to be glorified by people who can do miracles because they obey the Law of Moses like
the Pharisee at the temple in Luke 18, or does Jesus want to be glorified by people who can do miracles
because they have faith in Him? Faith in Him to keep them righteous before God by His sacrifice
regardless of whether they have not succeeded in fulfilling the Law of Moses themselves? We know what
does not work. A church of people of good character, which relies on its rituals to keep its people
righteous in the eyes of God, is a church without miracles of the type that Jesus said we could do. You
see, you must be careful and see how people water down the words of Jesus instead of taking Him at His
word. Now we call a poor Christian who becomes a millionaire because he tithes a miracle, and we forget
most millionaires are not Christians and they also tithe to their gods. No, a true miraculous ‘rags to
riches’ story is like the poor widow of Elisha’s day, whose oil multiplied so that she paid off her debts and
had enough to live on without having to become a cleaning lady in someone else’s household.11

So then, if we want a church that can do true miracles, we should first move from the one that does not
work. Try being with a group of sinners who repent and believe, but who rely on Jesus to keep them
righteous, and not by their own works of righteousness; men and women who are not ashamed to say
that they are sinners who Jesus has called to His service, having no righteousness of their own. Perhaps
then, we might get the miracles flowing again in the church. For the Holy Spirit is still here. We only had
to find out why He has not continued with the miracles and what it would take for Him to release His
miraculous power to glorify Jesus.

Who would glorify Jesus more? A righteous man who does not need Jesus doing miracles to help Jesus
get some glory, or a sinner who needs Jesus and yet for all his weaknesses, is able to do miracles for
Jesus? What would bring more glory to the perfect salvation by Jesus Christ? Surely the latter, for as
Jesus said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.”12

It is not that we need to sin more to make God’s grace known more, no, but rather, we need to recognise
that no matter how much we do right, our weaknesses are still there, and that but for the grace of God,
we are condemned. So then, it is thank God for Jesus who came to call the sinners, and all who respond
to Jesus’ call should openly confess they are sinners and not righteous, lest they make Jesus Christ out to
be a liar.

So then, the ones we bring to Him, as He has said, “bring them here to Me,”13 are like those little barley
loaves and fish, men and women of no consequence in the eyes of the world, men and women of no
reputation who cannot lay claim to being of ‘good character,’ but just sinners, one and all. And as we
give thanks, we will see the Holy Spirit use them to meet the multitudes of needs that are here now, and
will only increase in the days of distress yet to come.

We know the Holy Spirit has withheld His miraculous powers from the church confident of its own
righteousness. Now let us offer to Him a church that has no confidence at all in its own righteousness,
but is confident of the Lord Jesus. A church of sinners who cannot stop and does not stop repenting for
such is their lack of confidence of their own righteousness, but in their repentance; and who rejoice at
the thought of seeing Jesus Christ come on the day of His return, just like Abraham rejoiced.

A collection of sinners all grateful that Jesus is the one who has saved them and keeps them safe,
testifying about their experience with Jesus of what they were and are, and what Christ has done for
them, confirming their testimony with the signs and wonders that Jesus said they could all do in His

Just like the one whose work is to be made mention of wherever we preach the Gospel,14 who simply
testified, “I have seen the Lord!”15 And regardless of whether we are believed or not, it does not matter.
Whether they consider our words to seem like nonsense,16 it does not matter. What matters is that we
testify to what we have seen, heard and know.

Remember it was not the Sanhedrin who thought that the words of the women seemed like nonsense, for
when the guards reported to the chief priests what had happened, the chief priests had met with the
elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, “You are to say,
‘His disciples came during the night and stole Him away while we were asleep.’ If this report gets to the

2 Kings 4:1-7
2 Corinthians 12:9
Matthew 14:18
Matthew 26:13; Mark 14:9
John 20:18
Luke 24:11

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governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” So the soldiers took the money and did as
they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.17

Why would you spend good money to bribe your enemies’ soldiers in order to cover up something that is
nonsense? Why risk the wrath of Pilate, for remember they were bribing Roman soldiers. What for, if
indeed the report is nonsense? As it was then, so it is now, those for whom the message is meant will
find what we say seem like nonsense, but those who are against Jesus know our message is true. Satan
knows Jesus is coming back, that is why he has been delaying Jesus’ return by distracting the church
from fulfilling the words of Jesus. And if Satan knows, then his sons know too, and there is no better
witness to the grace of God than for a son of the devil to be forgiven and made fit to be a son of God
through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

The yoke of Jesus is easy. Call the sinners, the worse they are, the better they are to bring Him glory.
They only need to repent and believe, and the Holy Spirit will glorify His Name as His power confirms the
word of their testimony that they, that we, are sinners saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. And
we receive the Holy Spirit because we believed with that same faith, so we will do the things that Jesus
has done and even greater things.

This then is the glory that God is after; that sinners everywhere, one and all, who have their faith in
Jesus Christ, will do what He has been doing and even the greater things. So, take heart because it is
because you are a sinner that Jesus has called you. Now, have faith in Him and do the things He has
been doing until you do even the greater things. Occupy yourself with these works and the thought of
seeing Him in His day, until He arrives, then nothing else will distract you from your life in Him.

Matthew 28:12-15

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Tactics of Our Warfare

Firstly, let us remind ourselves and those who would seek to discredit us, and even eventually imprison
and behead us, that though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons
we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish
strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.1

The weapons that we have that have divine power are the words of Jesus that were spoken by Jesus
because they were given to Him to speak by the Father. Faith in Him begins with not just believing that
He is the Son of God, but that every word He has spoken as they are written, have been written because
the Holy Spirit brought them to remembrance to the writer; and that each and every word came to Jesus
Christ from God, His Father; that Jesus did not speak on His Own, and that the Holy Spirit did not make
them up for His convenience. Nothing that is written in the ‘Pentateuch’ of the New Covenant, the four
Gospels and the Revelation, is there because some writer made it up or that the Holy Spirit spoke it on
His own.

It is only when one has such faith in the words of Jesus Christ as they are written, that one has truly
taken Jesus at His word. It is only when Jesus is taken at His word that the divine power of His words,
the truth that they are, is unleashed. As such, the skill to use the weapons of our spiritual warfare lies in
our ability to master the Law of Truth, just as the skill of an aircraft designer lies in his ability to master
the laws of aerodynamics.

It is not enough to believe and know that the words of Jesus are the truth —at least not for us. It may
be enough for those who seek to believe enough to enter Heaven after living a ‘Christian’ life on Earth,
but for the elect of the Holy Spirit, a far higher and therefore humbler standard is demanded. You must
learn to handle the truth, and learn to use it and manipulate it for the desired effect, which is to glorify
Jesus and God His Father who sent Him. That is when the Spirit of Truth, who is the Holy Spirit, makes
Himself known to you, even in His attitude and His spirit to what truth is. Pilate asked Jesus, “What is

Now it is time for you to begin at the beginning of the era of the Holy Spirit, the age of the Holy Spirit,
when Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth.3 The titles of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom,
Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord,4 are His Old Covenant titles and
functions. They are what laid the foundation, if you like, for the New Covenant, and the manifestation of
the Holy Spirit in the New Covenant begins as the Spirit of Truth.

Because we missed the perfect appointment for the revelation of the Holy Spirit, we never beheld the
fullness of the truth of who He is and where He comes from. The church’s first introduction to the Holy
Spirit was what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them,5 which is
not a true portrayal, representation or image of the Person of the Holy Spirit, so that from Acts 2
onwards, the truth about the Holy Spirit was covered in a veil. It is that covering that allows anyone to
dare write that it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us,6 words that places our agreement and
opinion as being co-essential to what the Holy Spirit determines as good. However, upon reflection,
perhaps the Holy Spirit did condone the recommendations adopted from James the Younger’s judgement
as good, for they are certainly NOT PERFECT! It is little wonder that the church that practises the
recommendations of James’ judgement has experienced nothing but death in the hope that Jesus’ words
of John 11:25 would be for them to be the truth. For James’ words came from himself, but Jesus’ words
came only from the Father’s heart.

“I do nothing on My Own but speak just what the Father has taught Me.”7 However, what does it take for
a person to know, even for the church to know, that Jesus did nothing on His Own, but speak just what
the Father taught Him? Look at the full verse: “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will
know that I am the One I claim to be, and that I do nothing on My Own but speak just what the Father
has taught Me.”

2 Corinthians 10:3-5
John 18:38
John 14:17
Isaiah 11:2
Acts 2:3
Acts 15:28
John 8:28

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A church that lifted up a man who spoke words contrary to Jesus’ teachings will never, never, come to
know that Jesus is exactly who He says He is —they may believe, but they will never know. Their belief
will save them; praise God for His mercy, but they will never know, and because they do not know, they
will never stop doubting.

If only had we been up that mountain that morning, or perhaps we had waited in the city until we had
been clothed with power from on high, instead of going fishing and sightseeing, we might have seen the
true and exact Representation or Image of the Holy Spirit, as He stepped forth out of the Father Himself,
from the throne of God itself, and came into us as a wave of glorious fire that consumed us. Just like the
fire that came down from Heaven on Mount Carmel, fire that licked up not only the bull of the sacrifice,
but the wood, stones and water of the altar.8 For if God sent fire down to consume the sacrifice offered
by Elijah as acceptable, would He not send an even more glorious fire upon His Son Jesus, and upon the
wood and stones and water that lifted up the Sacrificial Lamb like an altar? What we missed out on was
the baptism of fire, the way the sacrifice on Mount Carmel was baptised with, so that not a shred of the
sacrifice remained, but whereas the sacrifice on Mount Carmel was consumed and was no more, we
would have been consumed and still lived, for such is the power of the words of Jesus and His blood.
That is why Paul called us ‘living sacrifices’.9 That is the introduction to the Holy Spirit that we missed —
the Spirit of Truth. We were given knowledge of the Spirit of Truth only in part in Acts 2, but we missed
out on the revelation of the fullness of the Person of the Spirit of Truth, and as such, we never learned to
handle and master truth as the Holy Spirit masters truth.

The Hebrews 6:5 verse: tasted the goodness of the word… as I have taught, is to come to know the
goodness of the word in that it is the truth and needs no faith for it to come to pass. However, a person
who tastes of a matter is not the master of the matter. Indeed, like in a restaurant, those who taste the
food are often not the one who cooked the food and certainly rarely the one who is being taught to
prepare the food. So now, the ease of our warfare begins when having tasted of the goodness of the
word of Jesus, we learn to prepare it and present it the way He prepared it and presented it. Jesus
received the words He spoke from the Father and He presented it just as He was shown. Spoken so
plainly that only those who had the humility and faith of a child would hear and understand, but to those
who considered themselves learned and wise, they seemed foolishness. When He taught His disciples in
the hearing of the world, He taught in parables. When He was alone with them, He spoke plainly, so
plainly that even when the world did get to hear what He said, they dismissed them and went off to
expound on His parables as if they were the ones who were able to hear and understand.

So, do not be surprised, as a simple example to illustrate, that most preachers use the Parable of the
Good Samaritan to encourage people to do works of charity; when the true purpose of that parable was
to answer the lawyer’s question and define who our true neighbour is.

It is when you now can see the Holy Spirit for who He is, the One who sits enthroned in the Temple of
God on Earth, that He is THE LORD, and therefore He is not just the Spirit of Truth, but the Lord of
Truth, and therefore the Master of Truth. And if He is the Master of Truth, then it is He who will teach
us10 the mastery of truth, as He will teach us the mastery of all things He is Lord over. Only those who
can see the truth in Paul’s words, Now the Lord is the Spirit; 11 that he was speaking to the church of both
his and our time, NOW… the Lord is the Spirit. He meant while Jesus is away, the Lord, the Master, is
the Holy Spirit. He is the One who is in charge, not apostles, or pastors, or priests, or popes, NO, the
Lord NOW is the Spirit, until the Lord returns. Then He will hand the church over to its true Master, its
true Head, Jesus Christ. So, should it surprise you that those of the church, who long to meet with Jesus
in Heaven, the Holy Spirit permits to go to Heaven? For is it not written: The Lord… who satisfies your
desires with good things12?

But to those who desire to meet with Jesus here on Earth at His arrival, He will keep alive until then,
unless they get themselves beheaded for the sake of His Gospel. But then, who can be killed if the Holy
Spirit does not permit it? You can die without the Holy Spirit’s permission because of your faith that you
are meant to live and once to die to face judgement. However, no one can kill you without the Holy
Spirit’s permission for your body is one of His temples, as Paul wrote: If anyone destroys God’s temple,
God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.13 By the way, your body, I
say, is one of His temples, for Paul wrote: Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy

1 Kings 18:38
Romans 12:1
John 14:26
2 Corinthians 3:17
Psalm 103:5
1 Corinthians 3:17
1 Corinthians 6:19

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The only reason the Holy Spirit will allow anyone to destroy you is because He wants that person
destroyed, as He allowed Saul of Tarsus to approve the stoning of Stephen so that Saul was destroyed
and Paul rose in his place. The only reason He allowed James the Elder, the apostle and brother of John,
to be beheaded by Herod was so that the Holy Spirit could destroy Herod.15

Perhaps now, you are beginning to see a faint shadow of the true shape of the warfare of God the Holy
Spirit? So then, I hope you now see He is not just the Spirit of Truth, but the Lord of Truth, and not just
of Truth, but of all the other titles: Knowledge, Wisdom, Counsel, Understanding, Power, the Fear of the
Lord; and Holiness, Life, Revelation, Grace, and Glory. And not just the Lord, but also the Master; and
He is here to teach us all things as Jesus said, even the mastery of knowledge, wisdom, counsel,
understanding, power, the fear of the Lord; truth, holiness, life, revelation, grace and glory.

It is the word of Jesus, the words spoken by Him as given to Him by the Father that are our weapons of
divine power, weapons whose power is never unleashed or released until they are taken for what they
are —the truth. It was when the royal official took Jesus at His word that the power to heal his child was

So now, you have learnt how to come to know His word by reading, highlighting, singing and practising
them, so that you may begin to believe in them. Now it is time for you to take Jesus at His word.
Learning to take Jesus at His word begins with believing in what He said, as He said it, and from there
you can learn to master His word through constant practice and use of it. It is the Holy Spirit who will
teach each and everyone of us; and through His teaching we will have the testimonies to share.
Testimonies for you and I are recalling of the actual events that happened as we put Jesus’ words to
practice and use.

For example, Jesus said, “They will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”16 Some of
you have come to learn the difference between praying for the sick and laying hands on the sick. I will
use this as an illustration for all use and practice of the words of Jesus. Jesus never told us to pray for
the sick, but to lay hands on the sick. The only time He uttered a word about the sick was when the sick
couldn’t be brought to Him, otherwise it is written that He healed them. The way Jesus said we too
would heal the sick was to lay hands on them, not pray for them. Indeed if we are to pray for the sick as
we now do, we are praying publicly, which goes against His teaching on prayer: “When you pray, go into
your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is
done in secret, will reward you.”17

I think our lack of success in healing the sick is because we have been praying for them. In fact, it is
James the Younger who told the Jews that if anyone of them is sick, he should call the elders of the
church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the Name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith
will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.18 The Lord raising up the sick person is not the
disciple doing what Jesus has been doing.19 It is still the Lord doing what was asked of Him. Jesus doing
what you ask of Him is very, very, different from you doing what He has being doing.

So then, even in something as simple as the healing of the sick, we do not take Jesus at His word. Praise
God for unceasing repentance. So then, let us lay hands on the sick in public, and give thanks to God for
the ministry those sick people will do for Jesus because they are healed. If you want to pray for the sick,
pray in secret, take Jesus at His word. Our prayers in secret are akin, but not exactly the same as Jesus
sending the word that healed the centurion’s servant and the royal official’s son. However, it is practice
for you to come to the place where you too can send the word to heal the sick as Jesus did.

So, if we are to take Jesus at His word, then we must treat our enemies the way He commanded us:
“Love your enemies,”20 and if they are evil we must not resist them: “Do not resist an evil person.”21
The taking of Jesus at His word avails the power in the word, the practice of them in thought, speech and
action ducts the power to perform that which we are tasked to do.

Our work has been hard labour and the burden heavy because we have not mastered the power given to
us. Our amateurism is what makes the yoke hard and the burden heavy. Our professionalism is what
makes it easy to those who are watching, and successful for those who are doing the work.

Lord, forgive us for not taking You at Your word. Amen

Acts 12;2,23
Mark 16:18
Matthew 6:6
James 1:1; 5:14-15
John 14:12
Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27
Matthew 5:39

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Easy as Laying on of Hands

Jesus said, “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My Name they will drive out demons
…they will place their hands on the sick and they will get well.”1

How easy is that? There is no need for prayer or fasting if we believe in Him. Just use His Name to drive
out demons and lay your hands on the sick. So where did the traditions and rituals of exorcism, healing
masses and praying for the sick come from? Certainly not from the mouth of Jesus Christ, and if we had
been listening to Him the way we were commanded to, we would only ever have developed the tradition
of discipling believers into the art of driving demons out by His Name and healing the sick by just laying
our hands on them.

There would be no need of paraphernalia. Indeed there would not even be the need of Paul’s anointing
of handkerchiefs for the healing of the sick if we had learnt to believe Him and take Him at His word, for
indeed He said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing.”2 And
He sent only His word and the Centurion’s servant was healed and the royal official’s son was healed. We
have to learn to take Jesus at His word.

What is faith in Him compared to believing in Him? Anyone who believes that God so loved the world
that He sent His Son to save the world is saved. However, many do believe the Good News of John 3:16-
17, but still lack faith in Him. They are the ones who say, “I believe Jesus, but…” To them, there is an
innate confusion that although they have been saved by faith, they must also add to that faith, as James
the Younger recommended, good works, saying as he did to the Jews in his letter: Show me your faith
without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.3 And so, from James we have learnt to add
paraphernalia to express our faith, ranging from special clothing, to relics, to rituals of blessings of items
of furniture, utensils, water and so forth, as well as charitable works of helps, and sacrificial denial of the
ordinary comforts of life like the ownership of a house, wealth, fields, families, etc. All of which appear to
be close to what Jesus was telling His disciples to do when He told them that they had to love Him more
than their families, houses and fields in order to follow Him.4 So, some denominations have taken up
traditions of vows of poverty and chastity, none of which take Jesus at His word. If there is anything we
are to learn and have learned, it is that whenever we fail to take Jesus at His word, what we do, no
matter how good it looks and sounds, or however much we do, it does not work!

The Christian walk is hard, and the burden of living a life worthy of God is heavy, only because we do not
have faith enough in Jesus to take Him at His word, even though we believe that He is the Son of God.
Testimonies that the ‘Christian’ walk is hard and the burden is heavy are in abundance; we have 2000
years of church history to prove it. And those testimonies make Jesus Christ out to be a liar when He
said, “My yoke is easy and My burden light.”5 Even many of us who have spent years as a Christian in
some denominational fellowship can testify to that, and we could spend another 2000 years pointing out
all the errors that have been made. If we do that, then we have missed the point of our calling.

The purpose of our calling, as is the purpose of all who are drawn to Jesus by the Father, from Simon and
Andrew onwards, is that we might listen to Jesus and do whatever He said. What history shows us is a
church that was called to Jesus, but that its disciples, from the very beginning even while the Lord Jesus
was still in their midst, did not always listen to Jesus, and if they did, they did not take Him at His word.
What history has never recorded is what happens if a group of disciples were prepared to take Jesus at
His word and did what He said as He said it.

Even the Bible does not record for us what would have happened if the twelve went to Bethsaida
immediately after the feeding of the 5000 as Jesus told them, or what they would have heard or seen had
they stayed awake that night in Gethsemane, or what would have happened if they had gone to Galilee
that resurrection morning, or if they had waited in the city until they were filled with power instead of
going fishing at the Sea of Tiberias, or if they had not appointed Matthias to replace Judas until the Holy
Spirit had finally arrived.

History, as recorded in the Bible, shows us only what happened when we did not listen to Jesus and take
Him at His word, with glimpses of possibilities of what can happen whenever Jesus is taken at His word,

Mark 16:17a,18b
John 14:12
James 2:18
Matthew 19:29; Mark 10:29; Luke 18:29
Matthew 11:30

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like the royal official whose son was healed, like the lame who washed in the pool in Siloam,6 and like the
servants at Cana who filled up the water jars and served it to the toast master.

The historical record of the four Gospels clearly gives us a picture of those who believed Jesus and took
Him at His word, and those who believed Jesus but did not take Him at His word. I use the term, as
John’s Gospel recorded: the man took Jesus at His word,7 to show the difference between a servant and
a friend. A servant obeys a master’s command, but a friend will take his friend at his word. Friendship
with Jesus must begin and can only begin when we are prepared to believe in Him enough that we would
take Him at His word.

And how is anyone able to take Jesus at His word if they are not told to listen to Him and if those who
have Bibles are not told to read the words of Jesus first and last and only? So you read Proverbs, good;
they are mostly words of Solomon and other men. You read Psalms, good, wonderful; but they are
mostly words of David and other men. Even if you read Leviticus and do everything that is written in
them, incredible; but they are only the words of God to the Jews, the same God who told the disciples
John, Peter and James, “Listen to Him!”8

You seen, reading the Bible and practising what is in there indiscriminately is good, but not perfect. For
even if you took the men of God, the heroes of faith, at their word concerning what they knew of God, it
is only pleasing to God, but it is not until you take Jesus at His word that it is perfect, for the command
is: “Listen to Him!” And the promise is that anyone who has faith in Him will do what He has been
doing. The promise is not and never was that anyone who has faith in Jesus would do what Noah had
done, or Abraham, or Isaac, or any of the heroes of faith listed in Hebrews 11.

Jesus never said anyone who has faith in Him would do what the apostles had been doing, even if they
had walked on water. No, Jesus’ promise is: “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do
what I have been doing.” We have a history of works and organizations where people imitate what
another disciple has done, giving rise to denominations and orders or societies like the Lutherans, the
Dominican order, the Sisters of Mercy, to name a few. But history does not record for us, except for a
short glimpse in Acts 2–15, that a group who remembered what Jesus did, was actually doing some of
the things Jesus did in their midst, that they healed all who came, drove out demons, caused the lame to
walk, and even raised the dead. However, the physician Luke was not able to find and record for us the
evidence that the early disciples did everything that Jesus did, especially when it came to multiplying the
food. The absence of this miracle in the book of Acts may be a fundamental reason for our lack of
understanding and our failure to keep out the yeasts of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians. More
of this later.

So as to ensure we are not accusers from here on, our attitude is not so much as saying what others did
wrong, but rather, to see what Jesus did and to take Jesus at His word. Our purpose from here on is to
find out for the sake of His story, what happens when a group of disciples is prepared to listen to Jesus
and to take Him at His word when they put it into practice.

Now listen carefully: to take Jesus at His word when we put it into practice does not mean that we add
or delete or change it because it seems good to us to do so. To take Jesus at His word and to put it into
practice is like the disciples going immediately to Bethsaida as soon as Jesus told them to,9 and to
remember to tell the others what they had seen on the Mount of Transfiguration as soon as they heard
Mary’s good news: “I have seen the Lord!”10 No tarrying, no waiting, no committee meetings and
councils, but just simply straight into the boat and go to Bethsaida, just simply grab your coat, staff,
purse, even your sword, and make haste to Galilee.11

For us, we do not have these journeys of geographical destinations as they did, but we have a journey
which has a final destination that takes us to the very throne of God to reign with Him, a destination that
can only be achieved if we take Jesus at His word… now and not later! The twelve got into the boat later
and ended up in the storm. They did not go to the mountain in Galilee until later, and even though they
worshipped Him when they saw Him… some doubted.12 They got into difficulties they should not have,
and they were never free from doubt because they did not take Him at His word.

John 9:7
John 5:50
Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:9; Luke 9:35
Mark 6:45
John 20:18; 9:9
Matthew 26:32; 28:7,10; Mark 14:28; 16:7
Matthew 27:17

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So, what does it mean to take Jesus at His word? It means believe what He said as He said it, even if
you don’t know or understand what He is talking about, whilst doing or practising what you do
understand, just as He said it.

Put simply, Jesus said, “Repent and believe.” So, repent unceasingly and believe Him and expect that
whatever He has said is true and will surely come to pass. He said, “Drive out demons,” so drive them
out; don’t bind them because He never said, “Bind the demons.” He said, “Heal the sick”13 so heal them
by laying on your hands, but don’t pray for them, for when He taught us to pray, He never mentioned the
sick in the prayer He taught. Also, nowhere is it written that He said, “Pray for the sick.” Neither did He
pray for the sick. He went to those who asked for Him or sent the word for those who had faith in Him,
and did what was asked of Him, all without prayer, but rather He decreed, He spat, He made balls of
mud, and He told them to take a wash.

Since it is unacceptable in 21st century Sydney that you could spit on the tongue of a dumb man to make
him speak, or spit on the ground and make mud to cause blind men to see, then we will have to achieve
all this by laying hands on the sick as He said. I have no doubt that Jesus foreknew our difficulties in 21st
century society, and so He did not say that “those who believe in Me will spit on the dumb and they will
speak,” or, “put mud on the eyes of the blind and they will see,” but that merely laying hands would be
sufficient. Perhaps He also foreknew that there will be a time that public prayer would be so offensive as
to be a crime. In anticipation of all this, He merely said, “Those who believe… will be able to place
their hands on the sick and they will be healed.”14

And what if you lay hands and no healing happens? Simple, it means firstly you are not a believer, so
repent of your unbelief and try again, or would that offend your sense of Christian righteousness, which
may not have anything to do with the righteousness of God? For God’s righteousness now since Jesus
Christ is not displayed as works of charity, or external piety, or sacrifice and discipline of the flesh, or
harsh treatment of self, or exile from the world to be cloistered away to achieve holiness. But rather,
Paul puts it this way: For what the Law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature,
God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering (for sin).15 God made
Him who had no sin to be sin (a sin offering) for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness
of God.16 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe… through
faith in His blood.17

Paul tried to steer the church back to faith in Jesus Christ, or to put it more plainly, to steer those who
believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God to faith in Jesus. And if you still are hard of hearing and lack
understanding; to steer Christians back to faith in Jesus Christ, and this faith is not just faith that you are
saved, will be saved, or will end up in Heaven and not Hell. No, the test of this faith is that you have
faith that, because of Jesus Christ and through Jesus Christ, not only do you have righteousness credited
to you from God like Abraham did, but that you are the righteousness of God. That you are the
evidence that God is righteous because He sent His Son to call sinners to repentance and not the
righteous,18 and that all are made righteous by faith in Jesus and not by works.

That is the single test of faith, that the sinner you are as you are, just like Paul, the chief prince of
sinners,19 who did not do what he ought to do but found himself doing the very things he ought not to
do, knew that there is now no condemnation for he who is in Christ.20 So how do we find ourselves in
Christ and remain in Him? You can listen to the church and its theologians, or you can listen to Jesus
who said, “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me, and I in him.”21 Have the attitude
that His flesh is real food and His blood is real drink because that is what He said, “For My flesh is real
food and My blood is real drink.”22

And now, from here on, what is the proof of that faith? Paul said test your faith; 23 we say, prove it. The
proof of faith is: “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will
do even greater things than these...”24 The sign that a person is a believer of Christ is that the sick are

Matthew 10:8; Luke 10:9
Mark 16:18 NLT
Romans 8:3
2 Corinthians 5:21
Romans 3:22,25
Matthew 9:13; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:32
1 Timothy 1:15-16
Romans 8:1 (7:19)
John 6:56
John 6:55
2 Corinthians 13:5
John 14:12

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healed when they lay hands in His Name; demons are driven out, they speak in new tongues, and so

That is our personal test from here on; not the test we apply to others for we are not to judge others, but
each servant is answerable to their master. Our Master and Lord is the Holy Spirit and He is here to
make known to us and remind us what Jesus said, giving us the power to testify to the truth of His
words. His words taken as they are, obeyed as they are without any judgement of men added to them,
even if those men are reputed to be pillars of the church or are related to the Lord by flesh.

Our work is easy. We do not have to roll back 2000 years of church tradition or history, or clean up 2000
years of imperfection. We merely have to find out for ourselves, not for anyone else, just ourselves,
what happens to a group of disciples when they take Jesus at His word. What happens to a group of
disciples, a church if you like, when they obey Jesus at His word when He said, “He who has an ear, let
him hear what the Spirit says to the churches…”26?

So, let us join the royal official on the road who took Jesus at His word, and let us begin our journey and
see what good news we will hear even as we are on our way. Jesus said, “You may go. Your son will
live.” The man took Jesus at His word and departed. While he was still on the way, his servants met him
with the news that his boy was living. When he enquired as to the time when his son got better, they
said to him, “The fever left him yesterday at the seventh hour.”27 The seventh hour is almost upon us.
This is the final hour, for the signs of the end, as Jesus said, are with us.

So rejoice, for God has not called you to walk a road as His Son walked, but rather, He has called you to
His Highway of Holiness, where the valleys are filled and the mountains brought low, and it is a straight
way, straight and narrow, that does not turn to the left or right.28 It is the easy road that makes light of
any burden if only you will have faith in Jesus Christ.

Now, go and do whatever He says, like friends who also serve Him. Amen

Mark 16:17-18
Revelation 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22
John 4:50-52
Luke 3:4-6 (Isaiah 40:3-5)

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It’s All about the Food

If someone repeats a story to you four times, then you might realise that the story is important. If they
then replay that story in a slightly altered version and tell you that twice, then really, they want your
attention. The stories of the multiplication of food is told a total of six times in the four gospels, whereas
specific incidences of the healing of the blind are only seven times,1 although it is recorded the blind were
healed everywhere Jesus spoke.

You see, after the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the lepers are cleansed and the Gospel has
been preached to the poor, what do you need to do for them? You need to feed them! As someone once
said, “An army marches on its stomach.” The multiplication of food is mentioned six times, four for the
5000 and two for the 4000, so that anyone reading the four gospels would be left with the impression of
what is most important in the scheme of things.

It is written: After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, “Surely this is
the Prophet who is to come into the world.” Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make Him
King by force, withdrew again to a mountain by Himself.2 It is after that feeding of the 5000 that the
Jews wanted to make Him King, and if we are to bring Jesus back as King and have the world accept Him
as King, then the answer lies in the control of food. The ability to destroy the supply and the ability to
provide the supply of food is the key to the whole program to having Jesus crowned King.

You will have noted the first apostles never managed to control the supply of food, either in causing
droughts by shutting up the skies or by multiplying the food as Jesus did. In our times, the work of
shutting up the sky so that it does not rain and produces the drought lies in the hands of the prophets,
for the two witnesses of Revelation 11 are prophets. The work of multiplying the food lies in the hands of
the apostles firstly, and then with anyone who has faith in Jesus Christ, as He said in John 14:12. Jesus
did not bring on a drought and famine during the times of His declaration of the words the Father gave
Him, but Elijah was given the command by the Father to shut the skies in his days.

You must know the Lord well enough by now that the Lord would never send a plague or a drought or
withhold the rain unless His peace offering and His blessing had been rejected in the first place. This
means that the only reason the two witnesses will appear and have power to shut up the sky so that it
will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and
to strike the Earth with every kind of plague as often as they want,3 is because the peace offering of the
Holy Spirit through His apostles and elect has been rejected. That is, they rejected the abundance of
food, the living waters, and the free healing of all sicknesses offered by the work of the elect.

Now, make no more mistakes; the mark of the beast will be introduced not to further ration what is
already scarce, but rather, to exclude the abundance and make scarce again what is already in
abundance, so that buying and selling can continue. Abundance destroys buying and selling, not
scarcity, which is why you cannot sell sand to a Bedouin or ice to an Eskimo, but an Eskimo will buy sand
and a Bedouin will buy ice. So, the only way that we can induce the beast to introduce the mark is to
produce a time of such abundance that it renders buying and selling worthless —an abundance of food
and healing.

If everyone stopped travelling to shops to buy food for two weeks and they have such health that no
sickness is around, just two weeks of a stoppage of trading of food because of abundance, the economy
would collapse. The run on effect of a whole population not having to purchase food for two weeks is so
powerful that its ramifications have never been worked out. Just for two weeks everyone feels so
satisfied that no one buys new clothes, nothing, no food, no one goes to a restaurant, no one drives for
leisure, and if we are able to sustain that abundance beyond two weeks, then those who value buying
and selling would have to bring in the mark.

Because the whole system of buying and selling is based around valuation on the basis of scarcity, then
abundance destroys it. That is why Jesus used the feeding of the 5000 and the 4000 to help the alphan
apostles understand that He was not talking about bread when He was speaking to them about the yeast
of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herodians, which is their teachings, the very teachings that would drain
the power from the church. Pharisees with their external rules and guidelines about righteousness that
has nothing to do with the righteousness that is attained by faith. Sadducees with their unbelief of all

Matthew 9:27; 12:22; 20:30; Mark 8:22; [10:46; Luke 18:35 at Jericho]; John 9:1
John 6:14-15
Revelation 11:6

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things spiritual, that is, their absolute unbelief in the work of the Holy Spirit. Herodians with their
political agendas, which they promote using God’s Name as an excuse.

When the council of Jerusalem wrote: It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us,4 in the letter they
sent to the Gentiles about James the Younger’s recommendations, they had in fact introduced the yeasts
officially. The Pharisaic yeast through the reintroduction of part of the old law, so that righteousness
could now be measured by how well a person avoided eating certain foods and blood and sexual
immorality, rather than by their faith in Jesus, a righteousness that comes by that faith, and of which its
manifestation is not measured in how well one avoided things, but how well one did things. Indeed, the
righteousness that is by faith, and by that I mean faith in Jesus, is not measured by how well one
avoided sin, but rather, how well one did the things that Jesus had been doing and the greater things.5

I say how well, for many can perform signs and wonders and yet are unknown to Jesus. Indeed, even
though they call Him, “ ‘Lord, Lord,’ ” and tell Jesus that in His Name they have done miracles, Jesus will
say, “I never knew you. Away from Me, you evildoers!”6 For it isn’t just what they did, but how well did
they did it. Doing what Jesus has been doing well is to do it all, and in the doing of it, become and
remain gentle and humble as He is gentle and humble.7 For He said, “Take My yoke upon you and learn
from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”8

Thus, the plumbline and the measuring line of true righteousness, the righteousness that is by faith, lies
in how well you do the things Jesus has been doing, not in how well you avoid the things James the
Younger recommended. Because the apostles said it seemed good to the Holy Spirit to agree to such
recommendations of avoidance of unlawful acts according to Moses’ Law, they had in fact introduced the
yeast of the Sadducees as well, for they had in fact disbelieved what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit
when it came to sin and the avoidance of sin.

Jesus said, “When He (the Counsellor) comes, He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and
righteousness and judgement; in regard to sin, because men do not believe in Me…”9 There is only one
sin that the Holy Spirit will convict the world of —the sin of unbelief in Jesus, for that is the only sin that
carries condemnation for all who have heard the Gospel of Jesus. For Jesus said, “But whoever does not
believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the Name of God’s One and only
Son.”10 However, even that sin is forgivable, for Jesus also said, “Anyone who speaks a word against the
Son of Man will be forgiven…”11

The Holy Spirit has no interest at all in convicting anyone of sin when they break the Law of Moses, for
they have disbelieved Moses, not Jesus. Thus, to say, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit,” means they
have already begun to disbelieve the Holy Spirit concerning His real work, even in the areas as to what
and which sin He convicts. The Holy Spirit will not, and I say again, will not, convict you of any sin
except the sin of unbelief about Jesus. Your conscience will convict you of your sins that come from the
breaking of the Law of Moses, not the Holy Spirit. Otherwise the Holy Spirit is doing something that
Jesus did not tell Him to do.

As they lifted up James the Younger, they introduced the yeast of the Herodians, for James had a political
agenda of his own, which is why he raised up his own disciples. So distinct were his disciples that Paul
acknowledged them when he wrote to the Galatians church: Before certain men came from James…12
So disgusted was Paul at the thought that some in Corinth were saying, “I follow Paul,”13 that he wrote to
them saying, I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius, so no one can say
that you were baptized into my name.14 So, we have the three yeasts fully introduced and dispersed into
the Kingdom by Acts 15.

The failure that they did not multiply food, or rather the fact that Luke never recorded for us that they
multiplied food, but only that they bought food and distributed it,15 and that even Paul participated in the
collecting of gifts for famine relief16 during the famine prophesied by Agabus, is of great significance. We
must learn to see not only what they did do, but learn from what they did not do. That is our job.

Acts 15:28
John 14:12
Matthew 7:22-23
Matthew 11:30
Matthew 11:29
John 16:8-9
John 3:18
Matthew 12:32
Galatians 2:12
1 Corinthians 1:12
1 Corinthians 1:14-15
Acts 6:1
Acts 11:28-30

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Since it is the one act of Jesus that is recorded in all four gospels that they did not do, even in the time of
famine in Acts 11, for what they did in Acts 6 could be excused, then this one act is our key to our
campaign as the omegans who prepare the church for the end of its age. The end of the age, as Jesus
called it, is not the end of the age of the world, but rather, it is the end of the church age, for the
millennium is not the age of the church of Jesus Christ, but the age of the kings and lords of Jesus Christ.

Since Jesus used the feeding of the 5000 to show them that He was not talking about physical yeast but
spiritual yeast, then the key to our release of this miracle again lies in our ability to destroy those three
spiritual yeasts. That is:

• Destroy the Pharisaic yeast so that righteousness is no longer based on how well a person avoids
breaking the Law of Moses, but how well a person keeps the Law of Jesus by what he is able to do as
Jesus did. That standard is: “The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are
cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.”17 And: “I tell
you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater
things than these…”18 This righteousness is open to anyone who has faith in Jesus; to ‘new’
Christians as well as to ‘old’ Christians. By this measure, a new repentant barely versed in church
behaviour, and who may still be carrying on old habits, but is yet able to open the eyes of a blind
man with all gentleness and humility, has far more righteousness than one who has been in the
church for decades with a good solid reputation of being one who has successfully avoided the
temptations of sins, but yet cannot even cause a headache to be healed by the laying on of a hand or
drive out a demon with a word. You can see this will surely offend many who have built their
assurance of righteousness before God on how successfully they have avoided the sins of the Law of
Moses as evidence of their faith in Jesus.

• Destroy the Sadducee-al yeast by believing the Holy Spirit, by acknowledging the Holy Spirit and
receiving the Holy Spirit for who He is: Lord and Father of our spirits, God Himself enthroned in our

• Destroy the Herodians’ yeast by having no political agenda except this: that Jesus Christ be crowned
King of the Jews and of the Earth at Jerusalem.

By this threefold elimination of the yeasts, then perhaps we will succeed, and once more food will so
multiply that we will all eat and have leftovers, remembering always the word of the Lord, “I have food to
eat that you know nothing about.”19


Luke 7:22
John 14:12
John 4:32

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Easier Being a Witness Than a Believer

When God sent Moses to Israel, He did not send them with only a message, neither did the message He
sent through Moses incite them to rebellion. For God said to Moses, “I have indeed seen the misery of
My people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned
about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring
them up out of that land into a good and spacious land…”1

The promise was, “I have come to rescue them,” and what a rescue. The Israelites did not have to rise
up in armed rebellion. They did not even have to believe in Moses’ message. God did it all through
Moses and Aaron performing the signs and wonders that they did. Perhaps the Israelites did not know it
for their day, as they were not coached in history as we are, but their rebellion and deliverance from their
slave masters is the only slavery rebellion in history that did not cost the life of a single slave! Every
historical rebellion of those who have been oppressed resulted in death of the slaves and those who
would set them free, with the best example being the American Civil War. In the deliverance or rescue
from Egypt, the casualties were so one-sided that it was a massacre. The Egyptians alone suffered the
loss of their crops, livestock, firstborn sons and all their chariots. On the Israelites’ side, not a single
person died.

In the process of the rescue, the entire nation experienced for itself the walking across on dry ground of
the Red Sea. You see, not everyone may have witnessed all the other miracles, not even the parting and
the closing again of the Red Sea, but everyone, man, woman, child and livestock, had to walk across the
sea-bed that day. They were all witnesses to that great miracle of deliverance, so that when they stood
on the other side of the sea not one of them was a believer anymore. They were all witnesses. God
planned it that way because it is easier to testify to what you know and have seen or heard than to
believe in what you have not seen but yet hold onto it with the conviction of its certainty. Or rather, it
should be easier, yet for all their knowledge and their witness, that first generation, who was never
without the witness of the presence of God with the column of fire by night that was in the middle of the
camp and the cloud by day, did not believe in God when they arrived at the edge of the Promised Land.
And for their disbelief, they perished in the desert.

The second generation, who were witnesses to the deliverance as children at best, or witnesses because
they heard the story, on the other hand believed the report, and having walked across the Jordan on dry
ground, continued in their faith after they had witnessed the truth of God’s promise.

If it was the intention of God that Israel should only live by faith, then He would never have sent Moses
to rescue them with signs, wonders and miracles in their midst, but rather just a message to incite them
to act on their own to rebel with a ‘Godly’ guarantee of success. If the latter had been the case, history
would have recorded the armed uprising of the Hebrews that won them their freedom, and such a
rebellion would have been chronicled by both the Egyptians and the Hebrews, for there would have been
casualties on both sides.

The exodus, the deliverance of Israel, was so one-sided that only the Hebrews chronicled the deliverance,
but the Egyptians have completely left it out of their history. Understandable, because what empire
would want to chronicle a defeat of such a magnitude, and that by two old men and a wooden stick?
Their utter denial of the events of the Mosaic-Pharaoh War was so that it cannot be confirmed by two
witnesses, only one. God, however, did not need the witness of Egypt concerning His mighty deeds, only
the witness of His people Israel. Only two witnesses are needed to validate anything in God’s Law, He
and His people, that’s two!

That is why He said, “You are My witnesses, and My servant whom I have chosen.”2 All Israel had to do
was to remain true to what they had seen, heard and knew. They did not have to become believers
again, which was exactly what they did when they made that golden calf and started worshipping it
because they said, “These are your gods, O, Israel.”3 They made up a fanciful idol to put their faith in
and changed themselves from witnesses to believers, and that was their idolatry.

In the same way, when Jesus was leaving the disciples, He said, “You are My witnesses of these things.”4
Just like His Father, Jesus does not need the witness of others to support His testimony, only ours. Just
as God did not need Egypt to record the exodus of Israel, but only that Israel remained a true witness to
God Almighty who delivered them with signs, wonders and miracles, by not introducing religious practices

Exodus 3:7-8
Isaiah 43:10
Exodus 32:4
Luke 24:48

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that are by faith, but rather continued to practise what they had witnessed only. Idolatry is when a
witness denies what he has seen, heard, and knows to believe in something he knows nothing about.
Jesus does not need theologians to work out with their great theories and theses of who He is; only that
His witnesses would remain true to Him, and speak of what they know, have heard and seen of Him.

His entire ministry was devoted to the raising of witnesses, which was why He was always speaking and
teaching openly, as well as doing most of His miracles in the open in the presence of the crowds, which
included His detractors from the Sanhedrin and Romans as well. Just as God did not secretly spirit Israel
out of Egypt so that the Egyptians did not know what happened, but rather did it openly through Moses
and Aaron so that Pharaoh, his magicians and all his people knew that they suffered under the God of the
Hebrews, so Jesus did His miracles openly in broad daylight, in the presence of those who needed Him
and those who needled Him. Even the very Pharisees and Sadducees who plotted His crucifixion were
witnesses of the miracles of Jesus. For they said, “What are we accomplishing? Here is this Man
performing many miraculous signs. If we let Him go on like this, everyone will believe in Him, and then
the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”5

What Jesus needs today are witnesses who testify to what they have known and seen, not preachers who
preach of what they believe, but have not themselves experienced that which they are believing and
hoping for. The difference between a theory, which is a proposal provable by faith and application, and a
truth, which is a fact provable without faith, only application, is that the theory may work sometimes, but
a truth works every time. Jesus did not come to give us faith, people, no more than Moses went to give
Israel faith and hope in the God they were praying to; but both of them gave God’s answer to His
people of the time.

Jesus Christ came and gave us God’s answer to the curse of sin, once and for all. He came and gave
Himself as the sin offering that we might be the righteousness of God, and all the signs and wonders that
He did were to prove that He is who He said He is. Just as the ever increasing dreadfulness of the
miracles of Moses was to prove to Pharaoh God is who He said He is, as well as a token to prove His

The opening of blind eyes, the lame walking, the deaf hearing, the lepers cleansed and the dead raised
are tokens of evidence to the truth of His message, the Good News that He had been preaching. The
final proof of Israel walking across on dry ground was the confirmation to them of God’s message, “I
have come to rescue…” The sight of his charioteers being wiped out was the proof to Pharaoh of God’s
message, “I have come to rescue them.”

The acquisition of testimony by us who have believed in Him, lies in the practice of His words that we
have heard, whatever they may be, for not all believers are as privileged as we are to have the entirety
of the New and Old Testaments fully available to us. That is why Jesus said, “Therefore everyone who
hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the
rock.”6 He did not say, “Everyone who hears these words of Mine and believes in them.” Rather, it is the
practice of them, for the practice of the words of Jesus confirms the faith professed and gives life to the
seed of faith to bear fruit.

It is by the practice of His words that you come to know whether His words are true, not your faith. To
give you an example relevant to 21st century Sydney: You may believe that the scratch lottery that you
have bought is a winner, but you will never know unless you scratch it. No lottery office will give you a
prize just because you believe you are holding the winning ticket.

Likewise, many Christians believe in healing, but until they are prepared to ask a fellow believer to lay
hands on them, just lay hands and not pray, they will not experience the truth of God’s words: “They will
be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”7 If they should ask for prayer instead
of laying on of hands, they might notice public prayers for healing avail little, but prayers in secret avail
much, for Jesus said, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the
synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. When you pray, go into your room, close the
door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.”8

I hope everyone has noticed that He said, “pray to your Father,” and not, “pray to God, who is unseen.”
It is the Father who is unseen, but as for God, what may be known about God is plain to them, because
God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal

John 11:47-48
Matthew 7:24
Mark 16:16 NLT
Matthew 6:5-6

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power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that
men are without excuse.9 “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like the pagans.”10

As I have said, many Christians believe in miracles, but they do not practise miracles. You can believe
that what Jesus said in John 14:12 is the truth, but unless you are doing what He has been doing, or at
least seen those who have faith in Him doing what He has been doing, you will not know whether it is the
truth. Jesus did not say to the first disciples, “You are believers.” No, He said, “You are witnesses.”

Jesus did not ask us to make believers of all nations, but rather, just preach the Gospel, and let those
who would believe, believe, but He did say, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.”11 The
making of disciples by Jesus Christ was not by teaching them the essence of His theology, but showing
them the essentials of His knowledge of God, whom He alone knows as Father. Any theologian of any
faith or religion that believes in God the Creator can teach you something of God who is unseen, but
Jesus Christ alone can teach you something of His Father, who happens to be God Almighty, Creator of
the Heavens and Earth, God the gracious, compassionate, merciful, who is the God of all gods as well,
sitting upon His throne as He presides over other gods, all of whom He created, and none of whom knows
Him as Father. For the demons testified, “I know who You are—the Holy One of God!”12 All demons can
testify to that, but no demon can say, “You are the Holy One of the Father,” for the Father is known only
to Jesus. Only when you accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the only begotten Son of God, will you
see the Father who is God. That is why Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me.”13

The making of disciples is where the work is, and it was to disciples that He said, “You will receive power
when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses.”14 Thus, the work of the church was
meant to be easy just as He promised, to believe in the One God sent,15 and the One sent said, “Be My
witnesses.” We only had to preach the word of God, that which God promised that He so loved the
world He sent His one and only Son to save the world; and share our testimony of what we know, what
we have seen and heard that has convinced us that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God.

We do not have to make believers, no, believers make themselves by their faith or condemn themselves
by their faith. We only have to make disciples from believers, which is a much lighter burden than
making believers. We only need to teach those who want to be disciples how to practise the words of
Jesus for themselves until they received the evidence of its truth —the testimony. We only need to teach
them to take Jesus at His word, and from that foundation build them up.

That was why God sent Jesus to the blind, the sick, the lame, the lepers, the deaf, the poor, and the
sinners, so that they would experience the truth that He is the Lamb of God who takes away sin. Even
the sin of the world and the evidence of that removal of sin was the manifestation of healing, for to a
Jew, you only became sick because you had sinned against the Law of Moses, not because Satan had
afflicted you. Satan’s affliction on the Jews came after they prostituted themselves to idols, not before,
for God promised, “I will send a plague among you, and you will be given into enemy hands.”16 No
person belonging to God would be touched by their enemies, unless they had sinned against God. The
enemy may try to attack, but never in the Old Testament did any enemy of Israel ever succeed against
Israel whenever Israel was obedient.

The personal experience by those who are healed in Jesus’ Name and the personal experience of those
who are delivered in Jesus’ Name are to give them the testimony, not the faith or belief system or
theology, but the testimony that it is Jesus, His Name and His faithfulness to His Father, that healed

Thus, the time has come for the very definition of the role of the Holy Spirit’s Workshop in these final
days before Jesus arrives. It is to make witnesses from both those who have already believed and those
who have refused to believe as well as those who have not yet heard the truth about Jesus Christ.

A judge cannot hand down a decision unless there are witnesses to the case, and the truth of those
witnesses must be backed up by forensic evidence, by that which can be seen, heard or found, whether
by written word or objective material. It is when we have men and women who can testify like the man
born blind, or the lame man, or a multitude like those written for our encouragement in the gospels, who
can say, “I was blind, but now I can see, and it was Jesus who opened my eyes,” or, “I was lame but now

Romans 1:19-20
Mark 6:7
Matthew 28:19
Mark 1:24
John 14:6
Acts 1:8
John 6:29
Leviticus 26:25

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I can run, and it was Jesus who made this happen,” that judgement can be executed upon those who
have heard and seen the testimony, but refuse to believe. Judgement comes when the witnesses are
found. So we are here to make disciples who can raise up the witnesses and the Holy Spirit has given us
the power to do just that.

As Jesus said to the first eleven, a term often used in this nation, “The Spirit of Truth… will testify about
Me. And you also must testify, for you have been with Me from the beginning.”17 So also, we will testify
even though we were not there in the beginning, but we are here at the end, 2000 years later. And we
can testify that since the church adopted the recommendations of James the Younger into its practices,
there has been very little power evident, very few of the sick are healed, the food is not multiplied, and
no one has been able to do what Jesus has been doing.

Yet since we have discarded the recommendations of James and gone back to obeying only what the
Father commanded: “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!”18 we
have seen the blind receive sight and the lame walk. We have seen enough evidence to know that we
have been guilty of idolatry just as the Israelites had, and made ourselves believers of an unproven
religion when we should have been witnesses of the truth we know. That is the idolatry of the church
when we adopted the recommendations of men like James the Younger and pronounced it seemed good,
and devoted ourselves to their practice, instead of staying true to the words of Jesus and devoting
ourselves to their practice, whilst resisting all temptations to receive words of faith from others.

As Paul wrote: You were also included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your
salvation.19 Christ gave us the word of truth, not the word of faith, so let us repent of our idolatry of
the words of faith, the judgements and proposals of all other men, and return to the words of the Truth
Himself, and be witnesses of those words and those words alone.

In the words of the physician Luke: Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from
the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account,20 let us continue to investigate
everything and give an orderly account of our witness, which is the testimony of those who listen to
Jesus. Amen.

And let judgement begin first on us, then on all others, and let us see whose words and deeds are the
righteousness of God —Jesus’ or men’s like James’. If indeed, we are the living sacrifices acceptable to
God because of Jesus Christ, let the words of Jesus prevail over all other words, for in Him alone we take
our stand. Amen.

John 14:26-27
Matthew 17:5 (Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35)
Ephesians 1:13
Luke 1:3

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Rewards for Obedience

To be rewarded for obedience in the Old Testament you had to obey and observe all of the decrees and
commands of God, of which some say are 618. Whatever the number is, it is still much more than the
one decree and the one command that disciples of Jesus Christ have been given when God spoke from a
cloud and said, “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased,”1 which is the decree followed
by the command, “Listen to Him!”2 So that anyone who observes the decree that Jesus Christ is the Son
of God with whom God is well pleased is eligible for the rewards mentioned in Leviticus 26:3-13, for God
does not change. However, anyone who does not observe that decree, but preaches that Jesus Christ is
anyone other than the well pleasing Son of God whom He loves, has already removed himself from the
reward section of Leviticus 26 and placed himself under the punishment section of Leviticus 26:14-44, for
the conditions of being rewarded begins with following the decree and then obeying the command.

Thus, everyone who seeks to listen to Jesus, which is in obedience to the command, yet does not uphold
the decree that He is the well pleasing Son whom God loves, can listen to Jesus all they want, but they
will not be rewarded at all. Whatever they do, as they preach Christ and use His Name to do all sorts of
miracles, drive out demons and prophesy, will not be counted to them for a reward. If miracles, driving
out demons and prophesying in His Name do not make a person eligible for any reward, then how much
less those who preach to build up denominations and religions with a fanciful mixture of the Law of Moses
and the Law of Jesus not receive any reward?

To be rewarded by God is easy for a disciple of Jesus Christ, for they only have one decree to follow and
one command to obey; there are no laws or covenants to uphold. You do not even have to listen to
God, for He said, “If you follow My decrees and are careful to obey My command(s)…”3 The person who
believes in his heart that Jesus is the Son of God and listens to Him has made the Leviticus 26 rewards
available for himself.

Now these rewards are both material rewards and spiritual rewards, for God gave those rewards
materialistically to Israel, and that same materialistic reward is just as available for us, for God’s word of
the Law does not disappear until Heaven and Earth disappear. Thus, an abundance of food, safety,
peace, victory, fruitful increase, favour, fellowship with God and freedom in the natural realm are the
present day rewards for all who follow the decree that Jesus is the well pleasing, beloved Son of God and
obey the command to listen to Him.

However, the rewards of Leviticus 26:3-13 are also spiritual. It means that the rain of righteousness will
always come in season at the right time, and the seed, which is the word and the sonship, will be
multiplied so that you will always be fruitful for He is the Vine and you are the branches that bear fruit,
the grapes. And there will be an abundance of spiritual food, which is the righteousness of God and the
flesh and blood of Jesus, as well as natural food.

“You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before you,”4 means that as we pray, bless
and seek to do good to our enemies as an expression of our love for them, with an attitude of one warrior
pursuing an enemy, that is, daily continuous, unrelenting prayers, blessings, and seeking to do good, as
well as actually doing good, you will put your enemies to the sword, which for us is the word of God. It
means that the word of God will manifest in their lives until they are no more, and only a new creation is

The rewards of Leviticus 26:3-13 give us a foretaste of the rewards that await those who listen to Jesus
and obey Him, and Jesus Himself has a set of rewards for those who listen to Him and obey Him, for He
said, “For the Son of Man is going to come in His Father’s glory with His angels, and then He will reward
each person according to what he has done.”5

Now here is the catch—and what a catch! The handing out of rewards by Jesus occurs when He comes in
His Father’s glory with His angels, which many who are blind and ignorant think is Judgement Day, and
that is how they teach it. However, Jesus clearly told us it is not Judgement Day when He hands out
rewards, but it is the day He arrives above Jerusalem to begin His millennial reign before the great white
throne judgement occurs. For He said, “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky,
and all the nations of the Earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the

Matthew 17:5
Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35
Leviticus 26:3
Leviticus 26:7
Matthew 16:28

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sky, with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call…”6 Which means
that in order to receive your reward from Jesus according to what you have done, you have to be alive on
that day, the day He arrives. Only two types of saints will be alive that day—those who were martyred
for His gospel,7 and those who stayed alive until He arrived; the rest of the dead are not raised till
Judgement Day.8 It means that Jesus does not reward anyone on Judgement Day for what they have
done for Him, but judges them according to what is written in the books. The dead were judged
according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and
death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he
had done.9

They are judged that day, not rewarded. Rewards are only handed out on the day of His arrival, and you
will be rewarded according to what you have done for Him, and it is obvious then that those rewards are
not on the basis of whether you did miracles, or drove out demons, or prophesied in His Name, but rather
whether you died for Him and His Gospel or you stayed alive for Him and His Gospel. So it is not living
for Jesus, but staying alive for Jesus according to John 11:26. And it isn’t dying as a Christian that gives
you any reward, but dying as a martyr that gets you a reward.

For everything else, whether it is doing miracles, prophesying, driving out demons, making disciples,
preaching, and even living and dying as a Christian, is just what you are expected to do. There is no
reward pending for doing miracles, etc, for you have already been rewarded. That is why those who call
Him, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and claim that they have done miracles in His Name, prophesied and driven out
demons in His Name,10 get no reward, but surprise, surprise, they might be rejected. A reward is not a
wage, it is a bonus. You are a poor employee if you expect a bonus for doing what you have been paid to

The doing of miracles,11 driving out demons, preaching, prophesying, making disciples, and living and
dying, are the ordinary, the mundane, daily, ordinary privileges of everyone who claims to be a disciple
of Christ. It is the laying down of our life as a martyr or the stubborn refusal to die but to stay alive until
He arrives, however long He tarries, which is the extra mile, for both are sacrifices. One is to sacrifice
your life and what that might have been as humans call life, and the other is to sacrifice your death as
Christians know it. That is, the martyrs sacrifice the extra years living out a human life on Earth and the
‘lifers’ sacrifice their years of living out a saintly life in Heaven. But to perform miracles, to drive out
demons, to preach, to prophesy, and to make disciples, is not a sacrifice; it is a privilege, and especially
in the area of the miracles, a most enjoyable privilege, one that you should be paying for, not get
rewarded for, if the truth be known. Jesus will only reward those who are with Him on arrival day,
because anyone else who has followed the decree and obeyed the command of the Father, has already
been amply rewarded by the Father.

No reward awaits those who have not listened to the Father, only judgement if, despite the punishments
they have experienced from Leviticus 26:14-44, they have not been convinced to repent and to listen to
God. Thus, the punishment comes from not listening, and the rewards come from those who have
listened, if they actually follow the decree and obey the command.

Jesus is not indebted to anyone who has heard His words but does not put them into practice, for if they
will not consider the work of practising His words sufficient privilege and the rewards of Leviticus 26
sufficient pay for their time, then they only have themselves to blame because they are the ones who
denied themselves the ability to do what Jesus has been doing and even the greater things.

For if you listen to Jesus, upholding the decree that He is the Son of God, you are already a partaker of
the rewards of Leviticus 26:3-13 in the material realm. However, if you hear the words with a heart that
upholds the decree, and yet you will not put the words into practice, then no matter how much the
rewards of Leviticus 26:3-13 manifest in your life, you will still be like the foolish man whose house
collapsed when the river rose, the rain fell, and the wind blew because he built his house on sand.12 For
death will still sweep you away from your material rewards, and if you are living in the last days, then the
disasters unleashed during these coming days will sweep away all your material blessings anyway, even
if death does not take you through age.

For it is only the one who hears and puts into practice the words of Jesus of Matthew 5 to 7 who are
offered the one state of being that can overcome death that comes from sin and disasters—perfection as

Matthew 26:30-31
Revelation 20:4,6
Revelation 20:5
Revelation 20:12-13
Matthew 7:22
John 14:12
Matthew 7:26

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the Father is Perfect.13 For if you are perfect, or rather, when you are perfect, you will always be at the
perfect place at the perfect time to avoid death and disaster and to stay alive, and when you are perfect,
then even the laws of the natural world will operate perfectly for you, and not the way it does for
everybody else, tainted with sin and therefore error.

Perfection is what gives you perfect physics, chemistry and biology; so that even molecules and atoms
will obey the perfect word spoken to become whatever is spoken without a disastrous leakage of
destructive nuclear energy. You see, when Jesus changed water to good wine, He unleashed a nuclear
fusion reaction that had no radiation leakage, and the mechanism was so perfect that no heat was even
released. Now that is perfect physics, perfect natural laws in action the way they were meant to be
without sin.

Anyone who does not practice Matthew 5 to 7 will have no perfection, and without perfection, the
imperfections of this world tainted by sin will not disappear. A miracle is merely the laws of physics,
chemistry and biology working the way they were meant to work perfectly. That is why what we call
normal and extraordinary, is normality for God who is Perfect, and through the love of enemies, He has
given us what no pagan can ever access —perfection.

For a pagan will pursue an enemy with a sword to kill and will not love, that is, sacrificially as God loved
His enemies, who also were us, by sacrificing His only begotten well pleasing Son whom He loves, to save
them and make them His friends.

Thus, we have in fact been given a most unfair advantage through Jesus Christ. Perfection through the
practice of His command, “Love your enemies.”14 Once you have understood this for yourself, then you
will see why the pursuit of your enemies with a sword is to love your enemies with the unrelenting love of
praying for them, blessing them and doing good to them, until they too are slain by the sword of the
Lord, the word of God, so that the old creation is gone and only the new creation is left.

So then, see how privileged you really are to be given such understanding, and know that, don’t believe
it, know it, that nothing is impossible for you if you will practise the words of Jesus you have heard.
Once you are perfect, all things are easy, and it can’t get easier than having one decree and one
command to follow and obey… or can it?

Matthew 5:48
Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27

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Easy Work – Customer Satisfaction

If you go to a restaurant to find that the waiters are squabbling about their roles - who is supposed to do
what, instead of serving you and taking your orders, and the cook isn’t cooking and food is not served -
and when you complain about the service or that the food is not what they have advertised, the manager
then turns around and makes it out as if it is your fault, would you go back to that restaurant again?
Would you complain to the owner of that restaurant who may not realise what is happening, so that he
might do something about it?

So, if we, the church, were a restaurant, what would the customers find? Will they find us being able to
do what we are supposed to do, and will they go away satisfied, looking forward to returning, or will they
go away vowing never to return? In the restaurant industry, some customers may not return because
they do not like the type of food served, but as long as the food served is true to the cuisine, then there
is no cause for complaint.

So, is there a cause for complaint from our customers? Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has
faith in Me will do what I have been doing,”1 and, “These signs will accompany those who believe (in Me):
In My Name, they will drive out demons; …and they will place their hands on sick people, and they will
get well.”2

So, when non-Christians come to Christians, that is, those who call themselves Christians to denote that
they believe in Jesus and have faith in Him, claiming even to be His church, with some giving themselves
titles of being priests, pastors, evangelists and elders, do they get what Jesus promised?

If a blind man heard that those who have faith in Jesus can open the eyes of the blind just like He did,
would he be disappointed if he sought out the help of the church or anyone who says he is a Christian
today in Sydney? If a deaf man saw that it is written that Jesus healed the sick, even the deaf, and
those who believe in Him can heal him by laying their hands on him, would he find the healing he is
seeking from the believers of Christ, or would he be told that it was because of his lack of faith that he is
not healed, or because he is a sinner he is not healed? If a famine ravished village brought their last
loaves of bread and fish to the church, would they be fed by the multiplication of their food, or would
they have to form a line, like beggars, to be fed food you and I would not eat in our own house? Is that
what Jesus meant when He said we would do the things He has done?

If a father brought his demon oppressed or possessed son to the church or a group of believers to be
released, would he receive a three part series on the role that the sins of his ancestors have played in the
condition of his son, and then watch people yell and scream or perform rituals on his son that the local
witch doctor could do better? Or will he find people of a gently nature and humble heart who would drive
out the demon with a gentle word full of authority and return his son back to him cleansed?

This list can go on forever, but I think by now you have got the picture. We complain about the world,
how it does not believe in Jesus, how there are so many other religions, how it is evil, violent, uncaring,
money worshipping and materialistic. We complain about the world before God daily in our prayers and
speech, even in our sermons, yet we forget we are complaining about something that God loved so much
that He sent His one and only begotten Son to save it. God doesn’t hate the world—He loves the world,
loves it enough to save it by the sacrifice of His Son. Sure, the world is not exactly perfect and does not
live up to His standard; that is why God sent Jesus to save it and gave disciples to Jesus who, if they’d
only listen to Jesus, could change the world and glorify His Son.

We complain about the world when we have no right to complain about the world, and we do not realise
that the world has the right to complain about us. Who do you think Jesus said these words to: “O
unbelieving and perverse generation, how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?
Bring the boy here to Me.”3 Was He speaking about the father who had enough faith, love and humility
in him to bring his son to Jesus and kneel before Jesus saying, “Lord, have mercy on my son.”4 Was He
speaking about the crowd that was with the man? Or was He not speaking about the nine disciples He
left at the foot of the mountain who could not drive out the demon and were arguing with the crowd? His
disciples were the subject of the man’s complaint, “He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often
falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not heal him.”5

John 14:12
Mark 16:17,18
Matthew 17:17
Matthew 14-15
Matthew 17:15-16

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It was on hearing this complaint from the man that the Lord said, “O unbelieving and perverse
generation…” to His disciples, the men upon whom He would build His church. Why did Jesus say this to
the nine? Because earlier on He had given them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every
disease and sickness.6 They were already taught and shown they could do it through faith in Him, so
when they failed, it meant that their faith was not sufficient. Hence the rebuke, “unbelieving,” and when
they failed, instead of acknowledging their failure and suffered in silence the mocking of the crowd as
they waited on the Lord, they argued like a pack of neighbourhood dogs.

That is what we are like when we cannot deliver to the Lord’s guests what the Lord promised through us,
not for us, but through us when He said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I
have been doing.” The world gets to read and hear about what He has done, heal the sick, drive out
demons, multiply food, raise the dead, cause the lame to walk and the blind to see, so they come to the
Christians, those who profess to have faith in Him, only to be told, “No, not everyone can do those
things, only the specially chosen and anointed ones.” I hope you can see we have made Jesus Christ out
to be a liar. It is one thing for those who do not know Him not to believe in Him in the same way some
of you do not believe in politicians, but to have those who use His Name make Him out to be a liar and
justify their actions with cleverly invented stories, traditions and doctrines; that is betrayal.

So, what can we do; our little fellowship in the backyard of a nondescript building in a small city? Much -
we can take our stand just like Eleazar and Shammah did and defend what ground we stand on, even if
the rest of the army retreats. Perhaps we will die as Eleazar and Shammah should have died, or perhaps
like them, we will remain alive until the reinforcements arrive, just like Eleazar and Shammah did. In the
ancient armies, they were more likely to honour their enemies than to show kindness to their soldiers
who ran from battle.

We can, here in this backyard, in this plot of ground no bigger than Shammah’s plot of lentils, defend the
reputation and word of our Lord Jesus who put His reputation on the line for sinners like us when He said,
“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me, will do what I have been doing,” and, “those who
believe (in Me); In My Name they will drive out demons; …they will place their hands on sick people, and
they will get well.” We can redouble our efforts in our practice, and be silent and humble when we fail to
deliver what the Lord promised, so that the world knows it is our fault that the lame remain lame, the
blind cannot see and the famine victims die, our fault, not God’s fault, for He has already made His Son
the sin offering that we might be His righteousness.

It is not for the avoidance of sin that God gave us to Jesus to be His disciples, but rather, to be the
masters of sin and the proving of Jesus’ words to be the truth that God gave each of us to Jesus.

So, let us repent of our complaints against the world, for when we complain about the world, we are
questioning God’s love for the world and the correctness of His decision to save it through Jesus Christ,
His only begotten Son. Rather, let the church be silent and hear the complaints the world has against it,
and repent before the Father destroys us for making His Son Jesus Christ seem to be a liar because we
have not obeyed, nor we have practised His word, and we have not done what Jesus promised the world
that we are able to do in His Name for the world.

A restaurant that cannot deliver what it promises will be shut down by its owner. A servant who makes
the restaurant’s reputation look bad will be fired. If the world knows to do this—how much more does
God know how to do this? The end of the church age has come. Enough is enough, and the Owner of all
things is about to shut down the church age and let another group take over this time under the constant
supervision of His Son Jesus, and it will be called the Kingdom Age. Those who served in the church age
faithfully with sacrifice of life and death will be retained for the Kingdom Age, and those who worked to
be paid their wages will be paid and pensioned off to wait out the Kingdom Age in Heaven, then they will
be judged by those who were retained for the Kingdom Age. For John wrote: I saw thrones on which
were seated those who had been given authority to judge.7

So then, each of you, judge yourselves so that you may be fit to judge one another. Have you done what
it takes to prove that Jesus Christ is the Truth and His words are true? If you profess to have faith in
Him, what can you do of the things He has been doing, both in the flesh and in the spirit? Aside from
healing the sick and multiplying the food, can you keep silent when false witness is brought against you
as He did? Do you even know what He has been doing, or haven’t you read about it all, yet?

When the Holy Spirit set aside Barnabas and Saul saying, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the
work to which I have called them,”8 that work is additional work on top of what Jesus had called them

Matthew 10:1
Revelation 20:4
Acts 13:2

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for. For Jesus’ instructions to Paul were: “Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you
to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of Me and what I will show you. I
will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to them to open their
eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may
receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.”9

The work that Jesus has for all disciples is clear and familiar:
• “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.”10
• “Go and make disciples of all nations.”11
• “Be My witnesses…”12
We were not to convert people; rather, we were to convince people. You can convert a person with
intimidation, but to convince a person you will need evidence and witnesses.

The only time Jesus used the word ‘convert’ was in a most unflattering tone when He said, “Woe to you,
teachers of the Law and the Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single
convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you.”13 Legalistic
religion makes converts of people, especially when you kill them when they do not convert. But a
convert can always revert once you give them an opportunity. This is proven in the history of all religions
that covert people. However, witnesses are not for the conversion of a person’s decision, they are for the
convincing of a person or judge. A witness does not convert a judge about his decision, no; they
convince the judge of their decision.

You must realise we are not ever, never, called to convert people, but rather to convince people because
Jesus never said, “You are My preachers,” but He said, “You are My witnesses.” We are not to convert
people to the Good News of God, but to convince them of the Good News of God. The historical
denominational church has been very effective in the making of converts, but how many of those
converts are convinced because they have seen the evidence? A judge who makes a decision on what he
believes to be true is a poor judge indeed, but a judge who makes a decision based on the evidence
presented to him is a proper judge. If you only make converts, you are only storing up wrath for
yourself, because one day they will know the truth, and they will turn on you and your fanciful theories
and stories, but if you convince people with evidence, then whether they believe or not believe, they can
never blame you but only thank you for showing them the truth.

The Holy Spirit set Barnabas and Saul aside for His work, not for Jesus’ work. So what is the work of the
Holy Spirit that He wanted Barnabas and Saul to do that was more than what Jesus wanted them to do?
You see, Jesus did not convert Paul, but rather, convinced Paul when He met with him on the road to
Damascus, so that Paul would write in his letters again and again: “I am convinced.”14 And in only Paul’s
letters do we find those words. Luke wrote about Jesus: After His suffering, He showed Himself to these
men and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive.15

Jesus had to convince the disciples, so should not the disciples have done the same —convince those
they preached to rather than convert them? Conversion without convincing evidence may well be the
problem, for Paul and Barnabas told how the Gentiles had been converted.16 If you convert a person,
you have to give them a set of rules to keep them converted. If you convince a person, you do not need
to box them in to keep them convinced, for no matter what they do or where they go, they are
convinced. This is because, as I say, a conversion can be done by intimidation and coercion, but to
convince a person, you need evidence. When you cannot produce the evidence, then you will find that
many who seek to make converts now use intimidation and coercion; bribery of a most violent form.
When we, the church, stopped listening to Jesus, and miracles, signs and wonders became a relic of our
history, we had to resort to conversion by intimidation and coercion just like every other religion.

Just as the Holy Spirit elected Barnabas and Saul to do His work, so then the elect of the Lord, the Spirit,
are to also do the work of the Holy Spirit as well as the work of God and the work of Jesus Christ. Jesus
alone finished the work of the Father.

Acts 26:15-18
Mark 16:15
Matthew 28:19
Acts 1:8
Matthew 23:15
Acts 26:26; Romans 14:14; 15:14; 2 Timothy 1:12
Acts 1:3
Acts 15:3

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So that you may know, according to Jesus,“The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.”17
The work of Jesus is, as I have mentioned, to preach, disciple and witness. And the work of the Holy
Spirit is:
• “Teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. He will testify about
Me.”18 “He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgement…”19
• “He will guide you into all truth.”20
• “He will speak only what He hears.”21
• “He will bring glory to Me by taking from what is Mine and making it known to you.”22
• “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses...”23
These are the things - the work - the Holy Spirit is to do to disciples for Jesus, to the world and to Satan,
as well as His own work of testifying for Jesus.

Thus, as the elect of the Holy Spirit, if you have been elected and have taken up your election, staying
true to it and not being led astray by the behaviour of other disciples or teachings of other men like
Barnabas was; 24 on top of your duties in doing the work Jesus has set for you, you are to also do the
work of the Holy Spirit. That is, like the Holy Spirit, testifying for Jesus to those who do not know or
believe in Him yet, and to those who are supposed to be disciples, you are to likewise:
• Teach them all things, especially the Father’s command;
• Remind them of what Jesus has said.
• Convict them of righteousness, even as you convict the world of its sin of unbelief in Jesus, and Satan
of His judgement.
• You are to guide disciples into all truth;
• Speak only what you have heard from Jesus and the Holy Spirit. (Now be careful not to speak what
you have conjured up and credit it to the Holy Spirit.)
• Bring glory to Jesus by taking what belongs to Jesus and making it known to the disciples.
• And you are to empower the disciples, freely giving to them the power of the Holy Spirit that you
have received, as Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give.”25
We are to do this until all His customers, both unbelievers and believers, are convinced to their
satisfaction that they can make their own minds up as to who Jesus Christ really is.

So, it is all about customer satisfaction so that when people bring their lame, the blind, and their
demonised children, they will leave the workshops of the Holy Spirit fully convinced of the truth of the
Name of Jesus. So learn the lesson from the foot of the Mount of Transfiguration, repent, fast and pray,
so that your faith is sufficient to do all that Jesus has assigned for you to do before He arrives again, and
spare yourselves these dreadful words of His: “O unbelieving and perverse generation, how long shall I
stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?”26

Look to your right and your left, and love one another as He has loved you; do to one another as you
would want done unto yourself. Help each other to be worthy of the first resurrection as you desire to be
in the first resurrection, forgiving one another as in Christ you are forgiven, until we can all stand before
the Lord to await His trumpet call and those blessed words, “Come up here,” when He arrives on clouds
of glory.

So put aside all childish ways, and work, not as civilians, but as soldiers of the Lord, and be like
Shammah, take your stand in the field of the Lord’s words and defend it until the sword of the Spirit is
frozen to your hand. When the Philistines banded together at a place where there was a field full of
lentils, Israel’s troops fled from them. But Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field. He
defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the Lord brought about a great victory.27 For to live is
Christ and to die is glory until Jesus arrives with the rest of the army.

The Man who returns from the dead on clouds of glory with all of Gods’ angels with Him, He is the Son of
Man who is the true Prophet and Apostle of God. Let every man be proved a liar, but God alone be true,
for concerning Jesus He said, “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to

John 6:29
John 14:26; 15:26
John 16:8
John 16:13
John 16:13
John 16:14
Acts 1:8
Galatians 2:13
Matthew 10:8
Matthew 17:17
2 Samuel 23:11-12
Matthew 17:5

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So, let us put aside our works of conversion and repent of them, for they are dead religious works, lest
the Lord will say of us, “Woe to you… you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single
convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you.” And get back to
our proper work of convincing the world that Jesus is the Son of God by bringing Him back on clouds of
glory with all His elect, so that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is the Lord to the
praise and glory of His Name forever.29 Amen

Philippians 2:10-11

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Easy in the Shoes of the Elect

Of the two whom the Holy Spirit elected originally, only Paul stayed on the course of his election by the
Holy Spirit. Even though Barnabas remained true to Jesus, and no doubt is in Heaven now, he was
unfortunately led astray by the hypocrisy of Peter and the other Jews in Galatia, and withdrew himself
also from eating with the Gentiles because of the certain men who came from James the Younger.1

Hypocrisy is that which will remove you from the election of the Holy Spirit, even though it may not
remove you from Christ, for hypocrisy is just another sin that Jesus has already died for, so that anyone
who is in Him is the righteousness of God. But hypocrisy, which is pretending to be something that you
are not, will remove you from the election of the Spirit of Truth, whereas sin, as defined by the Law of
Moses, may not. That is why Paul is able to openly confess that he is the chief prince of sinners or the
worst of sinners, writing: Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came
into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so
that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for
those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life.2

The apostle Paul, whom some now claim to be a false apostle, was honest enough to confess he was still
a sinner by the definition of Moses’ Law, even though he was already in Christ. He was no hypocrite,
acknowledging that since there were parts of the Law of Moses he could not keep, then in truth he could
not keep the entire Law, so that he wrote for us: So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law,
but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.3

The hypocrisy of Peter and the other Jews was that even though they knew they were cut off from God
by the Levitical Law, and therefore could have nothing to do with the Law of Moses, they still wanted to
observe part of that Law in order not to offend ‘certain men’ from James.

Hypocrisy is the refusal to acknowledge the truth without necessarily lying, and anyone who practises
hypocrisy has distanced himself from the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth. Hypocrisy gives rise to
confusion, which is exactly what we have in the church when people say one thing and then do the other.
Peter and the other Jews said they had drunk the blood of Jesus and eaten His flesh, yet they went back
to abstaining from eating with the Gentiles because it was not proper in the eyes of the men from James.
As the elect of the Holy Spirit, hypocrisy is one thing we cannot afford. That is, we cannot afford to say
one thing and practise another.

And since the only sin that the Holy Spirit will convict of is the sin of unbelief in Jesus Christ, for Jesus
said, “He will convict… in regard to sin, because men do not believe in Me,”4 then we who say we listen to
Jesus must practise what Jesus said and not what anyone else said. As such, our continuous unceasing
repentance shows us to be sinners still, according to the Levitical Law of God, but not according to the
Law of God given to the disciples of Christ, for that one perfect law states this: “…My Son… Listen to
Him!”5 So then, the only words we should endeavour to practise are the words of the One we are
listening to—Jesus. If we listen to Jesus yet practise the words of Moses, we are hypocrites. If we listen
to Jesus yet practise the words of James when he told the Israelites to resist the devil,6 we are guilty of

Paul’s singular mistake, when he went along with the advice of the elders and took the men and purified
himself along with them,7 earned him a prison term and a reduction of the miraculous powers of the Holy
Spirit in his ministry. So that, by Acts 28:23, he had to resort to this: From morning till evening he
explained and declared to them the Kingdom of God and tried to convince them about Jesus from the Law
of Moses and from the Prophets. Some were convinced by what he said, but others would not believe.8
Then in his frustration, he left and went to the Gentiles, and for two whole years Paul stayed there in his
own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hindrance he preached the
Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.9 Unfortunately for us, Luke could not record:
the Lord worked with them and confirmed His word by the signs that accompanied it, as it is recorded in
Mark 16:20 concerning when the first disciples preached.

Galatians 2:12-13
1 Timothy 1:15-16
Romans 7:25
John 15:8-9
Matthew 17:5; Luke 9:35; Mark 9:7
James 4:7
Acts 21:26
Acts 28:23-24
Acts 28:30-31

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So then, wipe out all traces of hypocrisy from each other and yourselves. Either you are wholly listening
to Jesus and practising His words, or you are not, if you are to be fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. The
Holy Spirit is no hypocrite. He is the Holy Spirit because He is HOLY, that is, separated, set aside, only
unto God and to Jesus. He is here to only do what Jesus has assigned Him to do as the Father has told
Jesus, and to give us power to be witnesses of Jesus, not of anyone else. As such, you and I cannot be
and remain in the election of the Holy Spirit unless we are holy to Jesus as He is holy to Jesus, and we
also only do that which He has been sent to do and is doing.

As such, our first work is to “teach all things” and to remind disciples of everything Jesus said. Since we
do not know all things and have not done all things, we cannot teach all things, but only that which we
know and have acquired an expertise of through our practice. If we teach, we teach as witnesses, that
which we know, that which we have seen and heard, but not that which we believe. The sharing of what
one believes is not what a witness does; for a witness shares what he knows. As such, contrary to all
that you have been taught and practised, we are not to share our faith but to share our knowledge.
When you share your faith, you convert. When you share what you know, you convince.

Paul, in the end, learned fully not to convert but to convince. However, it is very difficult to convince with
only words and no evidence. That is, the testimony is always meant to be backed up by evidence, by
signs and wonders confirming the word preached and shared.

So then, we must first never ever suppose that we are to “teach all things.” That is the sole work of the
Holy Spirit. He alone can teach all things, we can teach some things, and that is how you will always be
reminded that He is the Lord and we are His students. However, we can teach some things, and more
than just some things, we can remind every disciple and every Christian what Jesus said.

For example, you can remind the Catholic priests that it is Jesus who commanded that we should call no
one on Earth, “Father.” And to those who are opposed to speaking in tongues because it is allegedly
demonic, remind them that it is Jesus who said that those who believe in Him shall speak in new tongues,
new languages.10 If that argument is carried through, that speaking new languages is demonic, then a
missionary learning the native language to speak can be argued as demonic. See how fruitless it is when
Christians carry on practices that are contrary to the words of Christ?

Thus, as you become more trained up in the work of the elect of the Holy Spirit, you will find that our
work is to work as the Holy Spirit works, to help the disciples of Christ become the witnesses for Jesus
that they are called to be. And having learnt Paul’s lesson, we never make the mistake of losing the
power of the Lord so that we are only left with words to convince people. Paul’s hypocrisy was that he
spent so much effort opposing the Judeaizers and the men from James, even calling Peter a hypocrite,
yet at Jerusalem in Acts 21, he made the same mistake.

So then, in the matter of sin, which is disobedience of the commandment of God, there is only one sin we
are to avoid, and that is what the Holy Spirit will give us conviction of—unbelief in Jesus. As for the other
‘sins’ as men call sins, sexual immorality, murder, lying, idolatry, and cowardice, we are already guilty of
all of them, for we have sinned irrevocably according to the Levitical Law by eating the flesh of Jesus and
drinking His blood. Even though we do not practise them, we are guilty of them because we are ‘sinners’
according to the Law of Moses. As such, our concern is not about the avoidance of sin as defined by the
Law God gave the Kingdom of Israel, but by the Law God gave to the Kingdom of God, “Listen to Him!”
And conviction that we are breaking that law is when we disbelieve Jesus.

As such, if someone calls us a liar, we are guilty of lying even if we haven’t lied, for we have drunk blood.
If someone calls us sexually immoral, we are as guilty of immorality even if we are not, because we have
drunk blood. So, therefore, we repent, and repent continuously of all our sins that our sinful nature is
capable of, so that we have no holiness or righteousness that comes from observance or fulfilment of the
Law, the Prophets or the Psalms. But our holiness and righteousness is that our repentance is a sign that
we have listened to Jesus and we have believed Him, for He said, “Repent.”11

So then, we do not justify ourselves by denying that we have sin in our lives or live a life of avoidance of
sin, but rather, when confronted with the truth that we are breakers of the Levitical Law, regardless of
whatever point we are being accused of, we repent, reminding the Father that it was Jesus who said we
should repent, and we repent as ones who are cursed so that Moses is proved true, for he said, “Cursed
is the man who does not uphold the words of this law by carrying them out.”12

Mark 16:17
Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15
Deuteronomy 27:26

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So then, the holiness and the righteousness of an elect are not based on how successfully they have
avoided sinning against the Law of the Kingdom of Israel, but rather it is based on how well they have
upheld the Law of the Kingdom of God. The proof that we are law abiding citizens of the Kingdom of God
lies in our ability to practise and observe the words of Jesus, even to the point of doing the greater
things. For the conviction of righteousness that the Holy Spirit brings is not the conviction of avoidance
of sin against the Israelite laws, but rather the conviction that Jesus has gone to the Father where we no
longer see Him. “In regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see Me no
longer.”13 And Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been
doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”14

And since we judge ourselves cursed according to the words of Moses, so then we can judge anyone
cursed who does not uphold the words of the Law of the Kingdom of Israel, which is made up of the
Levitical Law and the Law of Moses.

Now, see the kingdom that Paul preached boldly. It is not about the Kingdom of Israel, it is not even
about the Kingdom of Heaven, but rather, the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God because Jesus said,
“But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.”15 The
work of the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with the Kingdoms of Israel or of Heaven, but rather, it is to do
with the Kingdom of God. That is why Paul wrote: The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of

Paul had power, but when he himself strayed into hypocrisy, that power was drained, so that by Acts
28:13, he could only convince them by what he said and not by what he could do. The singular reason
why many cannot understand the writings of Paul is because they read the letters of Paul in the
ignorance of the Law of the Kingdom of God, and they try to apply his letters in the context of the Law of
the Kingdom of Israel.

So, when they read: So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s Law, they are thinking that God’s
Law is the Levitical Law of Israel with portions of the Mosaic Law of Israel, never realising that when Paul
wrote: So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s Law, to the disciples of Jesus Christ, he was
speaking of those three words, “Listen to Him.” Thus it is easy work and it is easy to abide by the Law of
the Kingdom of God if you know what it is, and it is easy to convict with regards to know what that Law
is. It is all about believing in Jesus.

Thus, each and everyone, who is called to be an elect, should examine themselves and see if there is
anything that Jesus said that they do not believe in, and if that is the case, they should repent of that sin
until the Lord gives them the faith to believe. And certainly, no one who seeks to be of the elect should
practise or preach the words of Jesus he does not believe in, for that too is hypocrisy.

It is then this simple, frank and open concerning what we believe or not believe about the words of Jesus,
and what we are prepared to practise that gives us the spirit of truth to fellowship with the Sprit of Truth.
You see, as Paul wrote: My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but
with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on
God’s power.17 And that about those who boast to be somebody but yet are not, no matter their titles,
like Paul, we will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking, but what power they have.18

They who have the power to be beheaded for their testimony of Jesus Christ and the word of God will
reign with Christ through the Millennium with those who have the power to remain alive until He arrives.

John 16:10
John 14:12
Matthew 12:28
1 Corinthians 4:20
1 Corinthians 2:4-5
1 Corinthians 4:19

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Rules of Conduct

The man who can walk on water behaves differently to the man who cannot walk on water —or a man
who can swim behaves differently to the man who cannot swim when confronted with a river to cross.

As such, the behaviour of the church is very much dependant on what it can and cannot do, and rules of
conduct or contact are based primarily on the capabilities or lack of capabilities of the church, in the same
way as an army conducts warfare based on their capabilities. Thus, it is the capability of a person or a
collection of people that dictates their conduct; not just their personality or character. For example, a
psychopath, who is a quadriplegic, would for all intents and purposes be mild, nice and polite to his
nurses who are bathing him. But that same psychopath, if he was not a quadriplegic, would probably kill
those same nurses. As such, meek, mild and gentleness in a person may not be their true character, but
rather be dictated by the necessity of their capabilities, or rather, by their incapability.

Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke
upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”1 The yoke of Jesus is the yoke of a Man who is capable of
doing the physically impossible. That is, change water to good wine, heal the sick, raise the dead, cause
the blind to see, walk on water, calm a storm, multiply the food, and drive out demons, just to name a
few. A Man so powerful that when He answered, “I am He,” to those who were seeking to arrest Him,
they all drew back and fell to the ground.2

Realise that Jesus is humble and gentle not because He has to be, but because He wants to be. A poor
man needing the favour of a richer man would have to approach the latter in a humble attitude, speaking
in a softer, gentler tone; but that does not mean he is truly humble, for if he was not poor, you might
find he is quite arrogant. So realise when Jesus said, “Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble…” we
cannot begin to learn what He means about being gentle or humble until we are like Him, that is, as
miraculously powerful as He is, able to call on twelve legions of angels with a word, able to change as
much water as He wished to wine, and so on. Jesus is gentle and humble despite being the richest, most
powerful and most capable Man in the whole universe.

Now, has that been the behaviour of His church in history? When the church was powerful (economically,
politically and financially speaking), did it behave in a gentle and humble way to those who were not of
the church, or did it go out like a conqueror bent on conquest, converting all before it and annihilating
those who opposed it?

So, when was the church humble and gentle? Whenever it was oppressed, whenever it found itself in a
weaker position politically and militarily, then it was the poor church being persecuted by the heathens…
how dreadful. But then, this is the behaviour of the church, of which its history is not full of stories of the
sick being healed, the blind seeing, the food multiplying, and natural disasters averted by everyone who
believed in Jesus. But rather, the behaviour of the church that lost this capability shortly after the first
eleven disciples had gone was that it had to resort to obsolete rules of fellowship and worship that its
Founder had replaced with His rules and laws.

Its Founder used five loaves and two fish to feed 5000. The church, having lost the power to do the
same, followed the disciples who said, “That would take eight months of a man’s wages!”3 and started
collecting and begging money from those who work to feed the masses.

The reason a Christian can be killed today is because the Christian has no miraculous power to defend
him or her self. A Christian with full miraculous power cannot be killed unless he chooses to be killed, no
more than Jesus could be killed if He had not allowed it. That is why He said, “I tell you the truth,
anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing.”4 So, whose fault is it if you die as a
Christian? Always yours —your fault because you had no power, and your fault even if you had the
power because you chose to lay down your life. As such, it is not the fault of the assailants, for they are
bound by the words of Jesus to persecute us to the point of death, for Jesus said, “You will be handed
over to be persecuted and put to death and you will be hated by all nations because of Me.”5 Those
brothers and sisters, the martyrs, who died for the faith because they were powerless to save themselves
miraculously, but yet chose to lose their life for the sake of the Gospel and Christ, are heroes, yes,

Matthew 11:28-30
John 18:5-6
Mark 6:37
John 14:12
Matthew 24:9

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [www.holyspiritsworkshop.com] – Sat 06.10.2007

heroes of faith. But in their death and in their dying, they did not learn from Jesus what it is to lay down
your life when you have the miraculous ability to deliver yourself and chose not to.

As such, without full miraculous power as Jesus had, we cannot really learn from Jesus what it is to be
humble and gentle in heart. And as such, the reactivation of miraculous power in each and every one of
you is only the start of the true journey of learning from Jesus. That is why His commandments to “love
your enemies,”6 to “love each other as I have loved you,”7 and “do to others what you would have them
do to you,”8 are so important. For, if without miraculous powers, you cannot be gentle and humble with
one another, then how dangerous you and I would become to each other with miraculous powers.

Imagine someone who cannot control his tongue and he has the power to cause the Law of Faith to
manifest in full so that whatever he says happens —what disasters and suffering he could cause. In the
same way, with those who cannot control their thoughts about each other, and are in the habit of
thinking ill of each other, imagine what would happen if they had enough miraculous power to cause what
they are thinking to happen.

It is only if you would realise that the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit fulfilling what Jesus said you
can do is so dangerous unless you are truly changed into a new creation who loves to love their enemies,
who loves to love one another, who loves to do to others what they would have done to themselves, then
it is no wonder full miraculous power is withheld from all of us.

It is the realisation that miraculous power is and demands a great responsibility, then it will be given to
you. And in the wisdom of God, given firstly to heal and deliver, and when you have shown that you are
trustworthy, then enough to execute judgement and vengeance. He is the wise and good Master who
gave each servant a mina, and then, based on what each servant did with that mina, will place him in
charge of more.9

As John wrote: Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to
become children of God.10 That is, if you take up that right, otherwise you may be like that servant who
received the mina and buried it. When Jesus said, “But everyone who hears these words of Mine and
does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand,”11 He was trying to
show us the miraculous power that is in His words, which is unleashed through the practice of His words.
That He was giving us miraculous power was absolutely clear, for He said, “Love your enemies… Be
perfect, therefore as your Heavenly Father is Perfect.”12 If only we’d stop and listen. What does being
perfect as our Heavenly Father is Perfect really mean except that we’d be perfectly powerful as our
Heavenly Father is perfectly powerful.

Such is the responsibility that comes with miraculous powers that when the seventy-two returned and
told Him, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in Your Name,” He said to them, “However, do not rejoice
that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven.”13

It is easier to take the road of powerlessness and revert to the old ways, so that if you fail you can also
blame someone else, be it the devil or the heathens. Just as it was easier for Israel not to have God
speak to them directly, so as to not be held responsible for what they heard from Him, but rather, have
Moses speak to them. That way they could blame Moses. Even further still, to not have a living God
dwell within your camp, for it is far easier to worship a god made of metal, stone or wood that cannot
see, speak or move, so that you can make up the rules of worship the way you want them, rather than
the way God wants them.

For within all of us is that Adamic weakness to accuse and lay blame on anyone else except ourselves.
Adam ate of the fruit freely, knowing he was disobeying God. It was not like Eve was being held hostage
by Satan. All Adam had to say to God was, “I disobeyed You and ate,” instead of blaming God for giving
Eve to him, when he said, “The woman You put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and
I ate it.”14

It is easier to blame God for our lack of power and to use our ways of solving problems:
• Buying the food with our wages; so God, give me a job and an income.

Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27
John 15:12
Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31
Luke 19:12-26 The Parable of the Ten Minas
John 1:12
Matthew 7:26
Matthew 5:44,48
Luke 10:17,20
Genesis 3:12

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [www.holyspiritsworkshop.com] – Sat 06.10.2007

• Healing the sick with medicine; so God, give me money and a doctor.
• Burying the dead; so God, help me with the funeral.
• Seeking vengeance with violence; so God, bless me with a victorious war.
That way, we are using our methods and our ways, which we control and understand, and God has to
work the way we want, and if God does not give us a job to earn the wages to feed the 5000, it is God’s
fault. If God does not send the doctors and the medicine to heal the sick, it is God’s fault. If God does
not give us the money to give the child a decent burial, it is God’s fault. And if God does not give us a
decisive victory over our enemies in a war, it is God’s fault. We make God do things our way, and when
it doesn’t happen that way, we blame God, refusing to acknowledge that we were the ones who did not
do it His way. Did not Jesus say to them clearly, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do
what I have been doing”15? Didn’t He say to them, “They do not need to go away. You give them
something to eat”16? Didn’t He say, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you
will be My witnesses”17?

So what happened? Why did they start selling their houses and land to buy food for the widows —
something so dangerous that it caused Ananias’ and Sapphira’s death?18 You see, when they started
selling their land and houses to give to the apostles, they did something that Ananias and Sapphira could
do, and they joined in, except it exposed their weakness and led to their death. Had the apostles
stopped them from selling their land, but rather taught them to practise multiplying their food instead,
then Ananias and Sapphira would not have been tempted to hold back some of the money.

Let me assure you, you will be tempted to short change God when it comes to money. But if it is loaves
and fish, you will not. That is why Jesus had to command them to gather up the leftovers. Do you think
you would have to get the people to gather up the leftovers if it was money left over?

As the Lord said, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.”19 If you
cannot be trusted with freedom of speech, who would give you the power of creative speech? If you
cannot be trusted to use your tongue to speak well and honestly, who would give you the power to create
by your speech? If you cannot be trusted to guard your thoughts and think well of each other, who
would trust you with the power that could cause what you think to manifest?

As such, the apostle’s advice of thinking well of one another and speaking the truth to each other in love
are merely preparatory advice for those who need to show themselves worthy of the kingdom they are
entrusted with —the Kingdom of God.

In His infinite wisdom, the Lord permitted believers the ability to drive out demons and to heal the sick,
which are benevolent tasks that would harm no one, but benefit anyone who is oppressed, sick or in
need. Likewise, the ability to raise the dead, walk on water, calm the storms and multiply the food,
these things they will do, all relatively harmless and benevolent acts of God, but nevertheless, acts that
require miraculous power.

These simple tasks, healing the sick, driving out demons, multiplying the food, walking on water
changing water to good wine and raising the dead, are designed to teach you true humility, to be humble
as Jesus is humble. For, just as they, the 5000, wanted to make Jesus King after He fed them, so
anyone in this world who can do these simple tasks, will be in the danger of being made king. If you
cannot be trusted to be humble with the power to do the benevolent tasks of God, how can God trust you
with His power to do the malevolent tasks of God? For God spoke honestly of Himself to us when He said
to Isaiah, “I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity
and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things.”20

If you cannot be trusted to be humble as Jesus is humble with the benevolent work of God that bring the
light and the prosperity, then how are you going to learn to be gentle as Jesus is with the malevolent
work of God that creates the darkness and disasters? For Jesus said, “I am gentle and humble in heart.”
No one wants to make a king of a man who brings darkness and disasters; but one who brings light and
prosperity, yes. So then, true humility is demanded from those who create light and prosperity, but
gentleness from those who create darkness and disaster.

Yet, it is by gentleness that light and prosperity come, for it is gentleness that causes a person to want to
heal the sick, to calm a storm and to raise a dead child. Micah the prophet advised us: He has showed

John 14:12
Matthew 14:16
Acts 1:8
Acts 4:32-5:10
Luke 16:10
Isaiah 45:7

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [www.holyspiritsworkshop.com] – Sat 06.10.2007

you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and
to walk humbly with your God.21 Yet, how many are there who have tasted the ability to do these
benevolent acts and immediately elevated themselves to places of holy anointed heights, created by their
own imaginations as if they are the only ones anointed to heal the sick, raise the dead, preach the word,
and so forth, and thus going completely against the truth that Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone
who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing.”

Even the eleven succumbed to this temptation of self elevation when they said, “It would not be right for
us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers, choose seven men
from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over
to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.”22 How do you determine who
is full of the Spirit? Did Jesus say that the Spirit would be poured out more on some than on others?
And when did Jesus say they were to be the main prayer and ministry of the word? Did He not say,
“Anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing”? That means anyone is full of the Spirit as
He is, and anyone can minister in prayer and word as He did, hearing what the Father says and saying
what the Father says, if they have faith in Him. From that beginning, came the exclusiveness of ministry
and ‘ordinary’ people were excluded in defiance to the truth.

You see, if everyone could heal the sick, raise the dead, and preach the Gospel better than you can, then
who is going to send you their tithes and offerings to support your so-called ‘big’ ministry? And if you
cannot be trusted with the harmless work, to obey it as Jesus wanted it obeyed, “Freely you have
received, freely give,”23 and there is no way in Heaven or on Earth or in Hell that you will and can be
trusted with the power to do the malevolent works of God, which He has to do sometimes as Judge and
Ruler. If you cannot be trusted to freely give the simple power to heal and save, then you will not be
given the authority and power to “Rule them with an iron sceptre …dash them to pieces like pottery.”24

The two witnesses of Revelation 11:3-6 are examples of those who can be trusted with the malevolent
power of God —for these men have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they
are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the Earth with every
kind of plague as often as they want.25 In order for such men to be raised up, then we have to raise up a
people of true miraculous power so that they can learn to be gentle and humble as Jesus is. That way,
from amongst those who can heal the sick, drive out demons, raise the dead, stop a storm and multiply
the food, the Holy Spirit can entrust the destructive power of God that creates darkness and disasters, so
that at least two can be entrusted to stop the rain, turn the waters into blood and to strike the Earth with

Now, see the wisdom of our God. Such men are only prophets, because these two prophets had
tormented those who live on the Earth.26 Meaning, there will be apostles with even greater power to
keep their destructive power in check so that they will not overdo it, and as they torment the Earth, the
apostles will heal those they have wounded to the praise and glory of Jesus, that is, those who are meek
and gentle amongst the people.27

So that you may understand clearly:- What you know of so-called acceptable church behaviour has
never been acceptable, and what you consider to be gentleness and humility, as valued by the powerless
church, has no value at all in Jesus’ eyes. Truly we are a new creation, aliens that the world has never

So then, stop thinking or speaking ill of each other, stop judging and persecuting each other with your
self-righteousness before the Lord. But as the apostle advised, think of each other more highly than
yourself, and as the Lord commanded, “Love each other as I have loved you.”

Therefore, be patient with one another;

Be kind and gentle with one another;
Forgive one another and keep no records of wrong;
Do not envy one another;
Do not boast over each other, but boast about each other;
Do not be rude to each other;
Do not be easily angered by one another;
And do not be self-seeking but seek the good of others;

Micah 6:8
Acts 6:2-4
Matthew 10:8
Revelation 2:27
Revelation 11:6
Revelation 11:10
Matthew 5:5

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [www.holyspiritsworkshop.com] – Sat 06.10.2007

Do not delight in the evil of each other, but the truth of each other;
Protect and trust each other, always hope for each other;
And above all else —never give up on each other, but persevere.

And whenever and wherever we fail to do this, let us repent. For to act justly in God’s eyes is to bring
justice to Jesus, and to love mercy is to bring mercy to Jesus. Walking humbly with God is to be in awe
of Jesus for the Person whom He is. The desire to learn from Jesus, to be gentle as He is gentle and
humble as He is humble, is truly acting justly and loving mercy with all humility.

We all, every one of us, have the mina, the deposit of the Holy Spirit, guaranteeing what is to come.28
So, let us learn to work as the Holy Spirit works, and return to our God not only a harvest of words and
sons, but a harvest of His Spirit, 100, 60, 30 fold.

Let us go the extra mile, and not be satisfied to be raised up as sons and daughters of God just like
Jesus, but to have our spirits grow up so that we too have a spirit of sonship (daughtership) in us, just
like the Holy Spirit. And let’s see what Jesus meant for us to be and conduct ourselves accordingly.

2 Corinthians 5:5

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