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Teacher Kelly Rose Week #/Dates | Week #7: Monday, October 14-Friday, October 18 Grade & Subject(s) | 7th Grade Reading and Language Arts Unit(s) Informational Guided Reading/Speliing/Parts of Speech Length of Unit | 2 Wecks/Weokly/4 Wooks “Students will utilize reading comprehension strategies and complete activites while reading an informational book. Student will knows the meaning of and correctly spell high frequency words. “Students will understand the definition of and correctly use parts of speech, (verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and prepositions). “SMARTboard “Computers “Rebecca Sitton spelling (level 5) “Rainforests and supplemental materials *Parts of Speech CD-Rom and worksheets ‘Assessment: | “Observation “Spellingtest “Spelling worksheet ‘Parts of Speech worksheets *Rainforests activities RL7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what ‘(Comimoncorey | the text says explcily as well as inferences drawn from the text. eaten | (Standards: | RI.7.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specitic word choice on meaning and tone. RL7.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. W.7.2: Write informative/expianatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content, SL.7.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. 7.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English ‘grammar and usage when writing or speaking. 7.2; Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. L-7.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Teacher Kelly Rose. Week #i/Dates: Week #7: Monday, October 14-Friday, October 18 Grade & Subject | 8th Grade Mathematics Unit(s) | Fractions Length of Unit | ~6 Weeks ‘Giistructionaly | “Studonts wil create equivalent frachons by muliphying or dividing numeratore sobctnes: ‘and denominators of given fractions by the same number. *Students will compare fractions using a variety of strategies, including by rewriting then with a common denominator. *Studonts will add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators, "Students will solve real-world problems. Tools & Resources: *SMARTboard “Dally Word Problems “Computer “Math Expressions (level 5) teachers edition, student worksheets, & test ‘Assessment: “Observation “Student worksheets “Daily Word Problem “Test ‘SINF.1: Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (inluding mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such @ way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators, 5.NF.2: Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. Teacher Week#iDates londay, October 14-Friday, October 18 Grade & Subject(s) | 8th Grade Reading and Language Arts Unit(s) | Eteaithe Mighiy UnivSpetinyPars of Speech Tength of Unit | 5-6 Weeksiwookiy Weeks “Sudan wil know the mearing of and coral pel high Fequoncy words, fnswcsonar cone | isnt undrtanh cefitn landcare se psf pwn (verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and prepositions). “Students will utilize reading comprehension strategies and complete activities while reading Ereak the Mighty. Tools & “SMARTboard == *Computers “Rebecca Sitton spelling (level 6) Resources: “Parts of Speech CD and worksheets *Ereak the Mighty and materials ‘Assessment: | "Observaion ‘Spelling eet “Spang worksheet ‘Parts of Speech worksheets ‘Freak the Mighty atvties/assignments = RL.1: Gite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of ‘what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text RL. 8.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a ‘ext, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions. to other texts RL.8.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the high end of grades 6-8 text complexity ‘band independently and proficiently. SL.8.1: Engage offectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly 1.8.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English ‘grammar and usage when writing or speaking. 1.8.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing L844: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning ‘words or phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. L.8.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when ‘considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. a] GRouP SH (en,nn, RA) [+ URES Prevost ‘Dail Prose * 7 . _ [tnt l-Lesson 12. ae * aia orteteer +E p 2778 Pay tt trgevner TAO. wi AROUPH 2 (OS,MT)AM)| ~ ice oF a ’ q —summ t shan asl‘ HUD /Reading ~rowntbresy OL riznwike a Wl-velro Worst EI (pick Jnok eae GROUP “MARE Hast 9 Flashaarely« cart hen “Hl Readin *intro. adverbs wicd | unitl-Lessonls iG : SE p.OA-Bd ro} adverb wks+ aa a . vocab, Q@rourae wr "Pads (leusords) ‘SM +] esson # BS » ead Aloud G-adverowksh —_ | AiJ- -IaR os} Geourst| [Practice werd flashears| ¢ Daily Problem “Lesson 41% con | iY Shecies wlep | UNE L Review a je adjechve Wisk together @ROUP AZ ‘ Baiofbrest : ial HN Reading ’ us eters” + | Ose. ea Cen west | G- srupy! *) eoupall Sees PRE *Datly Froblenn HW [Reodil tense ver" bon re Unit | Test | [Reading I reps repost ons lb Ceombine Form s GROUP #2. XE LIBRARY 4 20-980 Ae ee) * ou"@round) wi] “Lesson #85 con, Biss SoM ences E)-sKi-es'3 | Prepwikst.| FAR - NONE 3B “Study spelling words . i Court] “unit au ing tet Dai y oe * pioke-up work. fee : me I Gy e why di WANS nue 'R0| Geman ine Lose exioundZ conh emAbe-uwo Work fe nish KW ana | ee nace. | Aid ourter.” | getarouginteber suse manipulatives |e intro, verbswICD" | @icher @sound +o show Heat rol ° [¢ Verto werkshect ees (a-g) . ding [Ereak chap.5: ~~ Ee - study cpeeard [out WITH | * vou oO pec ‘adding wket-? w Ms. KATHY : oe verbwkskvocabnts Test tals4O make uf units Flashetcl Recore! 44le0> 1F- * tyitees aavaesaleB SHOPPING * veyisib “addi adverb wkst For Using manipulates heya, lords” ‘Te adding wksh — |scharocter Charh REDBIRD ; 2 estudy guidg questions BA KERN - |E- adverbwkst ix. letestat UlleD * prachce wre Flashers * 9o0throu ae \eHer heels Record: (00/.12[ ewrite Spelling Sel P\ashcave aoe tle addi sino. Od} ectves. wip |@ leer Se Using manipul Nes Kagiecinal west fowrte ] de adairgtae nigher “etvie i axierel) our WITH | toned) : eae hb ons MS. KATHY a ‘aul ectives Wes “Te “lling mini-lesson: |*go-thvougry \eHer as oorss: 4 repens esha. ound * iniroduce A espe Qarie’ oF) oo LIBRARY D8-925 [RLIGRARN eee . saddattion * Freat. cl lo OuT W Tt algorithm 7 «study gure queshens KATH _| * worksneer? EER) - shilltest[prepwkst, Ms. KATHY * Test # 8I- 100 ostudy spelling words Bo trough \eHer Record !Mjo02 Wb] * unit 3 epelling test. |F Plashear jeter @sound | 4 reviews tDyehpvints | Eeay chap.t) 7 Buia CAD) » addrtiory aloor ym |* chavacier chat lt. Study guide guestins) OUT WITH ee ee soatize(p\y upeeds jo __ Past Tense @ Do you have a diary? vesL_] No James gave Madison a diary for her birthday. She writes in her diary nearly "=" every night. Read what she wrote about her school trip. Our Trip to the Museum Yesterday all the third grade class went to the museum. At 8:30 we lined up outside our classrooms and walked to the buses. On the way we sang songs. | sat next to Sarah, When we arrived at the museum, Miss Lee asked us to find a partner. Of course Sarah was my partner. The museum guide showed us many interesting things. | liked the whale skeleton best. It was so big, Sarah liked the old-fashioned clothes. By then it was time for lunch, so we walked to a park near the museum, After lunch it was time to get back on the bus to go back to school We had a fun day at the museum. | hope | can go again. Grandpa will probably take me if | ask him. Did you notice some of the verbs are in bold? Write them below. What is similar about these verbs? These verbs are written in the past tense. They tell us labout something that has already happened, Diary writing (recount) has past tense verbs because you are writing about something that has already happened. Many past tense verbs are made by adding an'“-ed.” | | Here are some sentences that have the verb missing, | Add a past tense verb to complete them. | (@) Mr Lim ____ his hair before going out. (b) The wolf _______ on the door of Grandma's house. (©) The boy _____ up the ladder to the top. ‘Didax Education — wrwicdanccom Introducing Pars of Speech Past Tenses and Irregular Verbs Sometimes verbs can be very tricky. Some verbs change when you use them to talk ‘about the past. Read the text below. It contains a tricky verb. The teacher was not very happy. His hands were quite sore. Every day he had to dap his hands loudly to tell the children that recess was over, So he bought anew bell When it was time to go back into class, he brought out the new bell. The children were surprised, “Did you hear that?” said Albert. “Mr. Scott runged a bell.” “Yes,” said his friend,"he ranged it very loudly” “| think he ringed it to tell us to go back into class,’ said Brian, @ What made the verb tricky? ——____ © What verb should they have used? Here are some sentences with the verbs missing, Can you add the correct verb? Be careful. Some are tricky verbs, (a) John likes to run, Yesterday he _____to school, (b) Birds always ____. to the tree near my bedroom window, Yesterday, one _______into my bedroom. (©) Humpty Dumpty had a great He ______ off the wall. 2 (d) The choir can —_____ songs. , (a) The choir can many songs. They —________ my favourite song this morning, (e) All fish can —__. My fish ____ around and around the pond yesterday. Dida Education — wwwaidaxcom ‘piroducing Parts of Speech From Present to Past _ he procedure below is about the present, John talks about his friend Mr. Lee and \what Mr. Lee does to make models. He writes about Mr. Lee in the present tense because Mr. Lee is his friend now. Read what John wrote, Making Models with Mr. Lee Mr. Lee is my friend. He teaches me how to make models out of wood. Every day | go to his workshop, where he makes model trains, buses and planes, First he measures the wood with a tape measure and marks it with a crayon, Then he cuts it up with his sew. After that he glues the main parts together Finally, he adds things like wheels and wings for planes. When the glue is dry, he paints the model, | really like Mr Lee [But what if Mr. Lee moved and John could not see him again? He would have to write labout Mr. Lee in the past tense, because he can no longer make models with him. This would be something he used to do. Can you help John to write about Mr. Lee in the past tense? The verbs are in bold to help you. You will need to change all the verbs in bold. You will have to start like this: Mr. Lee was my ffiend, Didax Education ~ worwidex.com Introducing Parts af Speech Name: Parts of Speech Test WORD BANK: noun pronoun proper noun verb adverb adjective preposition conjunction interjection 1. A person, place, or thing is called a The mailman drove his truck to the next street, My Example: 2. The action or “doing” word in a sentence is called the Lisa's grandmother baked delicious chocolate chip cookies. My Example: 3. The “location” word in a sentence Is called the Mother hung her coat, scarf, and hat in the closet. My Example: 4. An is a phrase that adds emotion to a sentence. Yes! Only three more weeks until winter break! My Example: 10 5. Nouns that are important and need a capital letter are called Every summer my family goes on vacation to the Wisconsin Dells. My Example: 6.An adds a “what, when, where, how many" fo a verb, | have time to finish my homework later. My Example: 7A combines two complete thoughts into one complete thought. My mother told me to clean my room and wash the dishes. My Example: 8.An_ is a describing word in a sentence. Eventually, the slimy snake will slither away and go back to its home. My Example: 9A takes the place of the noun in a sentence. They will be going to the football game tonight. My Example: u Unit 1 Test [Unit Test) ‘Name Date , [Forme Fill in the circle for the correct answer. Show your work. 1. Two-eighths of the movies in Beth’s collection are action movies. Another 3 of the movies are comedies. What fraction of Beth's movies are either action movies or comedies? | @ @3 ©: © 2. A farmer has two equal-size fields. He plants corn in 41 of the first field and in & of the second field. How much | more of the first field does he plant with corn than the second field? . a Bl @©4 @4 of 4 3. Chris and Dillon ordered a medium pizza. Chris ate 3 of the : pizza. Dillon ate ; of the pizza. What fraction of the pizza did they eat? @®§ ©§ Math Expressions 22 (© Hovehtn tata Hareour ashing Company Iz Unit 1 Test, Form & Name Date Solve. Show your work. 18. Monroe's basketball team spent } of practice shooting free throws and another 2 of practice working on defense. epee ee practice the team spent shooting free throws or working ‘on defense? acta Ogtgr 1 3 2y4n2 @Ftae5 19. It takes Juan’s family 33 hours to drive to his grandparents’ house. That is 12, hours longer than it takes them to drive to his aunt’s house. How long does it take Juan's family to drive to his aunt’s house? ® 24 hours © 2,5 hours 3 3 2,5 hours © 255 hours 20. Andy wants to put 8 gallons of water in his new fish tank. He fills a bucket that holds 23, 5 =; gallons and pours it into the tank. Then he adds another full bucket of water. How much more water does Andy need to add to the tank? 4:4 gallons ® 48 gallons i69 8 © 33 gallons ® 5H gallons Math Expressions 25 hein iinet Ping onpny (3 Unit 1 Tess, Form B » [Unit 1 Test Kame eee F \Formma | Show your work. Write the correct answer. 1, Peter lives 3; mile from the soccer flelds. How far does Peter walk in all if he walks from home to the soccer fields and back home? +++ t+ Ht tt Oe eee eee eee 7 7 0 2 Bo wo 1 0 0 0 10 2. Alton shoveled snow on. 7 of his driveway before lunch. Then he shoveled 2 of it after lunch. How much more of his driveway did Alton shovel before lunch than after lunch? eee Eee 5. Camille uses 43 yards of white lace and 32 yards of ivory ( lace for a craft project. Write and solve an equation to show how much lace Camille uses in all. 6. Write a fraction equivalent to 2. ee eee eee aes ESEELELESSL 7. Write a fraction equivalent to §. 8. Write a fraction equivalent to # Math Expressions 19 1M 6. Which fraction is equivalent to ? 3 15 6 10 ®5 @F @§ 2 7. Which fraction is equivalent to aa 1 2 1 8 ®; a 3 Oi 8. Which fraction is equivalent to 2B 2 4 4 2 ©% @x Os 3 9, Compare. Which is true? 353 454 Be2 Bel @3>i @F> O33 OR< | | 10, Compare. Which is true? Bc Boa a5i Ois One OP a O <5 | Gia Add or subtract. 3.8 12. 3 7 8 5 ae +3 oe 3 4 5 ©} Og 95 OF 1 3 on @3 ®3 a 3 15. 3 a 5 +42 3 J 1 Os O45 O55 ( 5 3 5 ® & 424 O55 Name Date Compare. Use >, <, or =. ¢ % 508 Add or subtract. 12. 4, 33 Stet 3 1 2 -2h 1 i 4 +35 i | | 1 | i | i i ta 16. gf m7 -% +1 Math Expressions 20 (Houston Mim Raxout Ping Company tle Unit 1 Test, Form A n ¢reak the Might, ‘By Rodman Philbrick A wonderful story about the value of friendship. YOUR NAME: __ 18 Freak The Mighty Study Guide Name. Chapters 1 1.) Why does Max have to go barefoot duting the summer? 2.) What are some nicknames peas call Max (list at least two)? 3.) What is Freak's real name? 4.) What does Max call the basement where he lives? 5.) Describe Max's thoughts about Freak's mom Gwen. 6.) Who are Grim and Gram? 7.) In what ways are Max and Freak total opposites? 8.) What is an ornithopter? How does it work? 9.) What do Max and Freak use the American Flyer wagon for? 10.) What is the legend of King Arthur? How does Freak use it? (4 Freak the Mighty Test Part One: True/False, If the statement is true, write a T in the blank. Ifit is false, write an F in the blank AND change the wording in the statement to make it true. 1, Max’s dad plans to make money by opening a religious store, 2, Loretta tries to rescue Max.] 3. Freak tricks Killer Kane with baking soda and vinegar. 4, Kevin has a seizure on his birthday. 5. Max convinces Gram that he doesn’t have to go to school when Kevin is in the hospital, 6. Tggy got so mad at Loretta that he nearly strangled her to death in the burned ‘out tenement. 7, Byen though Kevin was physically deformed, he had more self-confidence than Max. 8. Max and Kevin often talked about their fathers. 9. Max calls his bedroom the “Down and Out.” 10. The boys” principal seems to appreciate Freak’s intelligence and sense of humor. Part Two: Name the character who did or said the following in the novel. “Nothing is a drag, kid. Think about it.” 2, eae “You don’t need a time machine if you know how to remember.” Bt { have to clean this up and get out of here.” 4 “The man is an accident of nature!” 5. “J don’t think it was aie. . . J think he needed something to hope for.” 6. the character who moved to California Zo 7. she “lost” her purse 8 the character who faced death with an imagination 9. the character with blue tattoos and a beer belly 10. the character Max resembles 1. scrawny “Biker Babe” 12, ___calls himself “Butthead” 13. father of “Mighty” 14, ‘outsmarted at the pond on the 4" of july 15. pint-sized Darth Vader 16. “The Fair Guenivere” 17. Max’s mother’s first name 18, the magician mentioned in the book I ecaeceeces was very young when her child was born 20, ‘wants to protect his home with a gun Part. Three: Multiple Choice. Cirele the letter of the BEST answer to cach. 1, Kevin and Max first meet _. A, atschool B. inMax’syard C. atthe 4" of July D. at daycare 2. Freak refers to____as “Magnesium!” “Potassium Chlorate!” A. his supper B, fireworks C. Tony D’s brain D. the smell of Iggy’s apartment 3. Kevin makes Max keep a secret about the medical research building by __. A. spitting in his hand B. crossing his heart and hoping to die C. drawing a drop of blood D. pinky swearing a 4, Mrs. Addison is the. A. school principal B, reading specialist C. English teacher D. guidance counselor 5. For Christmas Freak gives Max __. A. the gift of remembering B. an empty book C. a dictionary D. ajackknife 6. The Reverend Kenneth David Kane is__. A. Freak’s father BB, Max’s father C. Max’s grandfather D. Iggy 7. Freak puts __ into his squirt gun to stop Killer Kane, A. soap, vinegar, & curry powder B. sulfuric acid C. soap, bleach, & cuny powder D. copper sulphate, iron, & magnesium For his 13" birthday Kevin got__. . a computer B. ahelicopier © C. anorinthopter_ D. a 3-D chess game pe 9. __ wrote the book telling about Freak the Mighty’s adventures, A. Kevin B. Max C. Gwen D. Freak 10, The novel was written by _. A, JackLondon —B, Charles Dickens C. James Patterson D, Rodman Philbrick Part Four: Vocabulary, A. Answer the following questions. (Do not have to write complete sentences). 1. What is Kevin's sobriquet? 2. Who is called a cretin by Freak? 3. Which character serves as Freak’s steed? 4. What object does Freak refer to as “the opiate of the masses”? 5, Which character was the most massive of all? B. Match the words with their definitions / synonyms, 1, quest A. an apertment house ____2. bloated B, unconquerable 3. tenement C. swollen beyond normal size 4. invincible D. a journey of discovery 5. opiate E, anarcotic containing opium C. Fill in the blank with the BEST word from the following list. archetypal artifacts bionic demeanor depleted moat postulated propulsion regurgitated robotics 1. The force of the generated by the jet’s engines astounded me. 2. The man was like a human robot. 3. The invaders were unable to brealc into the castle because they were all eaten by crocodiles living in the 4, Sally eee eee afler eating the yogurt that had been in the frig for two years. 5. The archaeologists wore looking for bones and any that might have belonged to the people of the ancient civilization. 6. No one knew when the storm would hit, but the weatherman that it would be within two hours’ time, 7. After the long workout, my energy level was totally, 8. With a snotty , the cheerleader stuck her tongue out at the girl who did not make the squad. 9. Mike is studying to be an engineer; he is really interested in the field of hero saved the day again! 3 REVIEW 7 Word Test Name Monster Mysteries Monsters (t) to fascinate people. Lore from long ago, as well as from modem times, describes monsters, They're large and strangely put @ any (3) eome (4) some have © , and all ate frightening. Ancient legends present the ongoing Ce) Sete (7) the griffin, a half-lion and half-eagle, Bigfoot, a Jumbo woolly creature, is (6) to exist today in the northwest @) of the (10) _ . The enormous Loch Ness monster supposedly lurks at the (1) of a lake in Scotland, Can the sightings of these moneters be (12) # IF not, why would people keep (13) legende alive? Do you believe in them (14)? (5) scientists and others doubt the existence of these odd (6)_______, however, some reports have ('7) out to be (16) - ft took overa (9) years before the accounts of a huge sea creature, our giant squid, were confirmed, The Komodo lizard was (20) documented in 1912, This creature (21) twelve feet long and is sizable (22) ‘to eat a buffalol Before then, it was (3) ‘to be only a legend, (24) how we know it’s real. 62 LEVEL FIVE May Reread for sues win yu eae, id SLING SOURCEEDOE® Sees 200 age Pub, E-SELL

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