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Practical Nursing Diploma Program

Final Clinical Evaluation Form

Student Number: 823 636 915
Course: NURS361

Section: 29

October 9,2014

S: Satisfactory


December 12,2014

U: Unsatisfactory

Summary of
Areas of

Student Comments: Summary of clinical


1. Competent
and safe
practice in a
, legal and

S: X


Faculty Comments:
Summary of clinical
S: X


In week 12, one of my clients medications

had changed some of the medications were
discontinued and was clearly written on the
MAR but there were new medications that
were not in the MAR. I asked the nurse in
charge who clarified that as it was just
changed it had not entered the MAR and was
in the Pharmacy folder. The nurse then
supplied me the required medication to be
given at the correct time. In this way I
followed (vi) and (ii)

Student demonstrated
competent and comply to the
standards of practice during


S: X

S: X


A client was refusing to take her Tylenol

medication saying it does not help and it is
waste of resources and should be stopped
administering it to her. I gave her the
theoretical explanation as to why it is given
but she still did not want it. So I informed


Has shown ethical and

accountable manner in her
professional conduct.
Should be mindful of theorybase practice by checking MD
orders before consulting with
staff. As per the situationshould be pointing out the
change from the MD orders
instead of depending on staff
to tell you of the change in

On several occasion student

demonstrated clear, accurate
and concise information to
her client as was seen during
medication administration.
Each meds was explained

the charge nurse who had the Tylenol

medication removed from the list by in
consultation with the attending physician. In
this way I reported the information and also
used verbal communication technique with
client as well as interprofessional health care
team. This was documented in clients file. (
ii, iii, iv)

before it was open to give to

each client. Clients questions
were answer clearly and
professionally, even in
difficult encounter with
clients. Communicated
effectively with the inter
professional health care team
However, student needed
redirection by instructor
because there were several
occasion when she turn to the
staff for help even after she
was instructed to utilize the
instructor. Seen with
charting, performing skills for
the first time.




Caring relational

Week 10 I had a client who knew very little

English, and I was told that I may have some
difficulty with her. However I managed to
communicate with the client with ease and
she requested a full shower as she has been
in bed for nearly a week. We both discussed
how important it was for her to make sure
her surgical site should be fully protected
from getting wet. She explained that in her
culture a bath is very important and asked
me about my belief. I agreed with her and I
will help her bathe. I collaborated with the
nurse in charge who directed me to cover her
surgical leg with a plastic and proceed with
the bath and later I change her dressing. The
client was very happy at the end and blessed
me for assisting her. In this way I fulfilled (
i, ii, iii, iv ,v) and fulfilled the expected



Student used self-awareness

in identifying client needs, by
taking time to explore the
client understanding and
cultural beliefs. By
demonstrating respect for
client belief, diverse values
and opinions.
Through collaboration with
the staff was able to fulfill the
client needs.




Leader ship and


Student Comments

S: X


In week 11 we had to do a peer evaluation in

which we provided and received feedback
from one of peers in regards to what was our
strengths in the clinical practice and where
we need to improve.(iii)

Student demonstrated strong

opinions. It was noted on a
few occasion more take time
was needed to work things out
better with peers.

In week 9 we had to attend a workshop

conducted by UHN Infection Control
department. We all practiced PPE and I
shared a technique I have used in glove
removal which I found very useful in terms
of not touching the glove with our hands.
The person conducting this session said she
will be implement this method going
forward She found this method innovative,
quick and safe for infection control. In this

On several occasion she did

not give her peers a chance to
voice their feedback clearly
and therefore this created an
inappropriate way of conflict
However, student worked
very well with staff in dealing
with conflict resolutions.

way I contributed to the creation of quality

practice solutions and strategies(viii)





Plans of care:
Meeting Clients
Needs and
Mutually Agreed

Student Comments


S: X



Student demonstrated on
occasion difficulty in
A client was recently admitted to the rehab
following instructions in
facility for TKR and had incontinence issues
regards to charting and some
with heavy urination overnight. I was told to
nursing interventions of
give her a bed bath but she insisted on a
workload management. When
shower in the bathroom as she wanted to feel
confronted regarding the
fresh all over. We both discussed what
matter was very professional
would be the best for the client. I agreed to
and took steps to ensure that
help her transfer to her walker and then onto
there wasnt a repeated
shower bench and assist her in her shower.
incident of its kind.Had some
In this way I was able incorporate the clients
difficulty with the use of
unique needs and expected outcome into a
knowledge skill and judgment
client centered plan of care as well as use my
in assessing some clients for
theoretical knowledge, skill and judgment to
prioritize needs. Have now
assess client ,prioritize needs and
taken steps to improve as
outcomes.(i ,iii)
clinical comes to the end.


All the clients have to go for their OT/PT at

a particular time and the charge nurse
usually advises us which client should be
given priority, and at times I confirm with
the OT/PT staff if there is any change in
schedule I make sure to give priority to
clients who have to be ready on time for
their respective appointments i.e I take their
vitals, administer medication and help
perform ADL. In this way I am able to
collaborate with the client and other
healthcare team so as to achieve a mutual
expected outcome (i ,v, vi)

S: X


Student as developed a good

relationship with the staff,
members of the health team
while working to ensure that
clients are on time for their
rehab therapy.
Student was instructed to have
her charting check before
putting it in the clt chart but
refused to follow these
instruction and there fore her
charting was found to have a
few mistake. This was discuss
with student that did not
appreciate the instructor
comments. (vi,i)


S: X



One of the clients I was caring for in week

12 had multiple spine surgeries due to
scoliosis prior to having a hip
hemiarthroplasty in November 2014. This
client had to shower and I had to collaborate
with the charge nurse for help in transferring
client to shower seat safely, as it was not
possible to do it alone. In this way I acted in
the best interest of the clients safety(I)
In another instance, I wanted to learn about
catheterization and was given an opportunity
to observe another client for this procedure.
In this way I seek out learning opportunities
so as to integrate it into practice in the

S: X


Student is consistent in
attempting to apply
knowledge in the decisions
that is made regarding client
care.Has shown a willingness
to be present when there are
new skills and information
available to help enhance her
understanding and increase
knowledge base.
Student research medication
for each patient but sometime
tend to forget the one of the
name of the medication when

Any new medications which I am unfamiliar

with me look up either in Mosbys Drug
guide or internet before administering. (v)

Willing to learn new skills and

tend to ask staff and perform
skill with out instructor


S: X

S: X

Solving and

Client felt a little dizzy in the shower. I

intervened and prevented her fall. My
concern was she has HTN, and may now be
experiencing Orthostatic hypotension, .I
assisted her bathing and asked her to keep
her head upright and not make any sudden
movements to avoid further complications. I
accompanied her to PT as I was concerned
of her condition. She again complained of a
little dizziness. Her BP had fallen from
130/80 to 106/71. My priority was to avoid
any fluid imbalance and risk of falling. I
gave her water and monitored her condition.
I informed the charge nurse and clinical
teacher. In this way I used my critical
thinking to prevent any injury the client



Student has now beginning to

utilize her critical thinking
skills in problem solving and
decision making skills.
Is encouraged to continue to
build on these skills in order
to maintain a sense of
professionalism and
vii- using good time
management to work through
each assignment will help to
provide safe practice.

could have endured due to developing

orthostatic hypotensive condition. The
charge nurse and teacher were informed (ii,
v, vi)

Urmila it was a pleasure to have partake in your development as a future professional

nurse. I do wish you all the best and success for the future.
I have read and understand this form and its contents:
Student Signature: Urmila Singh Nandy

Date: December 12,2014

Faculty Signature: Carol Correia

Date: December 12,2014

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