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Maritza Meza
Ms. Bertenshaw
Eng 102
20 April 2015
Straight to the Needle

Social media has created a negative view on vaccines and I want to change that by
destroying the claims that uneducated people are claiming that the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
is causing autism in their children. Let me first say that parents need to stop believing in people
who do not have a degree in the health department because they dont have the qualifications to
make these entitlements Second, there has been research to prove that there is no connection
between the (MMR) vaccine and autism. Lastly not everything you see online is true so be aware
of the misinformation and remember youre better off talking to your doctor one-on-one if you
have any medical questions. My goal for this blog is to remind the parent to listen to the true
facts for the sake of their childrens lives because they need to start getting vaccinated since its
important to their future health.
One women who is well known in the social media world and is a part of trying to
damage the face of the MMR vaccine is JENNY MCCARTHY. She has been asked to talk about
her disgusting view on vaccines throughout many talk host shows and interviews. Repeatedly
McCarthy has claimed that the MMR vaccine has caused her son autism, BUT she found a
miraculous way to cure him. If someone were to check her facts she would look like a fool. It is
well known that there is no cure for autism so how did her son get cured? This should make
parents start to question her claims but yet they seem to always overlook it and continue
listening. This celebrity has no professional degree yet so many people pay attention to her and
believe her stories because she appeals to them in an emotional way. She knows that the majority

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of her audience are parents so she portrays the innocent parents that loves her child and wants
nothing more then spread the word of how BAD vaccines are to the body. Honestly she has no
right no go out and start these rumors about vaccines. In fact has any one thought about giving
her a background check since she wants to make their scientific claims? She was once a
PLAYBOY model, an ACTRESS, and a talk show HOST. From what I see she has never had any
career in the health department to be going around making up cases to the world. McCarthy
needs to stick with her true career of being a women with a pretty face and talk about non
irrelevant things on her show. Im tired of hearing her run her mouth on the internet and parents
believe her without no hesitation. It would make a major difference in the world if parents
actually took the time to research more information about the publisher or speaker to find out if
they have a medical license to make proclamations.
PARENTS take the time to see the magnificent research done by scientist to prove that
there is no connection between the MMR vaccine and autism you will find it but beware of the
false articles. If anyone has heard of the Andrew Wakefield article they would know that this
CRAZY man made up some research between the MMR and autism and managed to get his
paper in one of the biggest European medical newspapers that is open for the whole world to see.
Once scientist started to look into his work they found out it was all a LIE so he got his licensed
revoked and he could never get it back. After this big scandal makes counties wanted to do their
own research since it made a lot of scientist raise an eyebrow at the claim. In the United States
California scientist noticed that the same age children who received the MMR vaccine and those
who were diagnosed with autism happened to be around the same time. During the research the
autism rate went up causing them to have their own suspicion of the vaccine. Children receive
the MMR vaccine at the age of 12 months and in coincidence autism is noticed by 18 months not

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too much later then receiving the vaccine (The MMR Vaccine and Autism). US researchers have
found out that both can occur only by chance and there is no connation between the both.
Now that I have spared most parents from researching this topic since I gave you the
TRUE FACTS of the MMR vaccines, make wise decision the next time you are in a doctors
office. If you have any questions for the health professional dont be afraid to ask, they went to
school for many years to learn how to protect and save people from getting sick. It would not
make sense if they tried to harm children by giving them deathly vaccines because it would go
against everything they believed in. If you put your children at risk and something were to
happen based off of your decision think about how you would feel to see your loved one slowly
fading because YOU would have no one else to blame but yourself. The decision is up to you
now whether to vaccinate or believe in the lies.

Work cited
Rao, T. S. Sathyanarayana, and Chittaranjan Andrade. The MMR Vaccine and Autism:
Sensation, Refutation, Retraction, and Fraud. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 53.2 (2011): 9596.
PMC. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.

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