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C O PY RIG H T, 1 9 4 2 , BY S T . A N T H O N Y S GUILD

im p rim i

p o te s t.


n ih il

im p rim a tu r,

Fr. Jerome D awson, O . F. M .,

M inister



o b s ta t.



Thom as H . M cLaughlin, Bishop of Paterson.

October 4, 1942.






ORDINARY O F T H E M A S S ..............


PROPER O F THE S A I N T S ..............

C O M M O N O F T H E SAINTS . . . .






FRANCISCAN C A L E N D A R ..............


ALPHABETICAL I N D E X ....................


MASS ==^.:s j ::
P rayers

at the

jo o t o f t h e

A lta r

TN NOMINE Patris, + et N THE name of the Father,

Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
and of the Son, and of
the Holy Ghost. Amen.
V. I will go in to the altar of
V. Introibo ad altare Dei.
R. Ad Deum qui laetificat
R. To God who giveth joy
juventutem meam.
to my youth.

V. Judica me, Deus, et di
scerne causam m e a m de
gente non sancta: ab ho
mine iniquo et dol6so 6rue
R. Quia tu es Deus forti
tudo mea: quare me repulisti
et quare tristis incgdo, dum
affligit me inimicus?
V. Emitte lucem tuam, et
veritatem tuam: ipsa me de
duxerunt, et adduxerunt in
montem sanctum tuum, et in
tabernacula tua.
R. Et introibo ad altare
Dei: ad Deum qui laetificat
juventutem meam.
V. Confitebor tibi in ci
thara, Deus, Deus meus:
quare tristis es anima mea,
et quare conturbas me?

V. Judge me, O God, and

distinguish my cause from the
nation that is not holy; deliver
me from the unjust and deceit
ful man.
R. For Thou art God my
strength: why hast Thou cast
me off? And why do I go sor
rowful, whilst the enemy afflicteth me?
V. Send forth Thy light and
Thy truth; they have conducted
me and brought me unto Thy
holy hill, and into Thy taber
R. And I will go in to the
altar of God: to God who giv
eth joy to my youth.
V. To Thee, O God, my
God, I will give praise upon
the harp: why art thou sad,
O my soul, and why dost thou
disquiet me?



R. Spera in Deo, quoniam

R. Hope in God, for I will
adhuc confitebor illi: salu still give praise to Him, the
tare vultus mei et Deus meus. salvation of my countenance,
and my God.
V. G16ria Patri, et Filio,
V. Glory be to the Father,
et Spiritui Sancto.
and to the Son, and to the
Holy Ghost.
R. Sicut erat in principio,
R. As it was in the begin
et nunc, et semper: et in ning, is now and ever shall be,
sicula saeculorum. Amen.
world without end. Amen.
V. I will go in to the altar
V. Introibo ad altare Dei.
of God.
R. Ad Deum qui laetificat
R. To God who giveth joy
juventutem meam.
to my youth.
V. Our help *} is in the
V. Adjutorium nos t r um
in nomine Domini.
name of the Lord.
R. Qui fecit caelum et
R. Who made heaven and
C o n f it e o r

Joining his hands and bowing down, the priest says the
Deo omni
CONFESS to almighty God,
potenti, etc.
Misereatur tui omni
potens Deus, et dimissis pec
catis tuis, perducat te ad vi
tam aeternam.
R. Amen.
Confiteor Deo omnipo
tenti, beata? Marias semper
Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Bap
tista;, sanctis Apostolis Pe
tro et Paulo, beato Patri no
stro Francisco, 6 m n i b u s
sanctis, et tibi pater: quia
peccavi nimis cogitatione,
verbo, et opere: mea culpa,
mea culpa, mea maxima cul
pa. Ideo precor beatam Ma
riam semper Virginem, bea-

V. May almighty God be

merciful to thee, and forgiving
thy sins, bring thee to life ever
R. Amen.
I confess to almighty God,
to blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to blessed Michael the Arch
angel, to blessed John the Bap
tist, to the holy Apostles Peter
and Paul, to our Holy Father
Francis, to all the saints, and
to thee, Father, that I have
sinned exceedingly in thought,
word and deed, through my
fault, through my fault, through
my most grievous fault. There
fore I beseech blessed Mary


tum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Bap

tistam, sanctos Ap6stolos Pe
trum et Paulum, beatum Pa
trem nostrum Franciscum,
omnes sanctos, et te pater,
orare pro me ad Dominum
Deum nostrum.


ever Virgin, blessed Michael

the Archangel, blessed John the
Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter
and Paul, our Holy Father
Francis, and all the saints, and
thee, Father, to pray to the
Lord our God for me.

The priest, with his hands joined, says:

V. Misereatur vestri om
nipotens Deus, et dimissis
peccatis vestris, perducat vos
ad vitam aeternam.
R. Amen.
V. Indulgentiam, 4 abso
lutionem et remissionem peccat6rum nostr6rum, tribuat
nobis omnipotens et miseri
cors Dominus.
R. Amen.

V. May almighty God be

merciful unto you, and forgiv
ing you your sins, bring you
to life everlasting.
R. Amen.
V . May the almighty and
merciful Lord grant us pardon,
f> absolution and remission of
our sins.
R. Amen.

Bowing down, he says:

V. Deus, tu conversus vi
V. Thou wilt turn, O God,
and bring us to life.
vificabis nos.
R. Et plebs tua laetabitur
R. And Thy people shall re
in te.
joice in Thee.
V Ostende nobis, Do V. Show us, O Lord, Thy
mine, misericordiam tuam. mercy.
R. Et salutare tuum da
R. And grant us Thy salva
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
V. Domine, exaudi oratio
nem meam.
R. And let my cry come un
R. Et clamor meus ad te
to Thee.
V. The Lord be with you.
V . Dominus vobiscum.
R. And with thy spirit.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
Ascending the altar, he say secretly:
Let us pray
Take away from us our iniq
Aufer a nobis, quaesumus,
Domine, iniquitates nostras: uities, we beseech Thee, 0
ut ad Sancta sanct6rum pu- Lord, that we may be worthy


ris mereamur mentibus in to enter with pure minds into

troire. Per Christum D6- the Holy of Holies. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
minum nostrum. Amen.
Bowing down and kissing the altar, he says:
Oramus te, D6mine, per
merita Sanctorum tu6rum,
quorum reliquiae hie sunt,
et <5mnium sanct6rum: ut
indulgre dignaris 6mnia
peccata mea. Amen.

We beseech Thee, O Lord,

by the merits of Thy saints
whose relics are here, and of
all the saints, that Thou
wouldst vouchsafe to forgive
all my sins. Amen.

A t Solemn Mass, putting incense into the thurible, he blesses

it, saying:
Ab illo bene*f"dicaris in
Be thou blessed } by Him in
c u j u s hon6re cremaberis. whose honor thou shalt be
burned. Amen.
He then incenses the altar.
The lntroit then is said by the priest at the right side of
the altar.
After the lntroit, the priest returns to the center and says
alternately with the server:
K y r ie E l e is o n

Kyrie eleison (ter).

Christe elison (ter).
Kyrie ellison (ter).

Lord, have mercy on us

{three times).
Christ, have mercy on us
(three times).
Lord, have mercy on us
(three times).

In Masses which are not of the dead, or of the season

during Advent or from Septuagesima to Holy Thursday, there
is then said:
G lo r ia

LORIA in excelsis Deo,

LORY be to God on high,
et in terra pax homini
and on earth peace to men
bus bonae voluntatis. Lauda of good will. We praise Thee,
mus te, benedicimus te, ado we bless Thee, we adore Thee,
ramus te, glorificamus te. we glorify Thee. We give Thee


Gratias agimus tibi propter

magnam gldriam tuam, D i
mine Deus, Rex caelastis,
Deus Pater omnipotens. D6mine Fili unigenite, Jesu
Christe. D6mine Deus, Ag
nus Dei, Filius Patris. Qui
tollis peccata mundi, mise
rare nobis. Qui tollis peccata
mundi, suscipe deprecati6nem nostram. Qui sedes ad
dexteram P a t r i s , miserere
nobis. Qu6niam tu solus
sanctus, tu solus D6minus,
tu solus altissimus, Jesu
Christe, cum Sancto Spiritu
4", in gl6ria Dei Patris.


thanks for Thy great glory, O

Lord God, heavenly King, God
the Father almighty. O Lord
Jesus Christ, the only-begotten
Son, O Lord God, Lamb of
God, Son of the Father. Thou
who takest away the sins of the
world, have mercy on us. Thou
who takest away the sins of the
world, receive our prayers. Thou
who sittest at the right hand of
the Father, have mercy on us.
For Thou only art holy, Thou
only art Lord, Thou only, O
Jesus Christ, together with the
Holy Ghost J, art most high
in the glory of God the Father.

After kissing the altar the priest says:

V. Dominus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

The priest, moving to the right side of the altar, then says
the Collect or Collects and the Epistle or Lesson from the
letters of the Apostles or other books of the Bible. A t the
end of the Lesson, the server answers:
R. Deo gratias.

R. Thanks be to God.

The Gradual, the Alleluia and the Tract follow, according

to the rubrics. Then moving to the center and bowing, the
priest says:
Munda cor meum, ac labia
mea, omnipotens Deus, qui
labia Isais prophets calculo
mundisti ignito; ita me tua
grata miseratione dignare
mundare, ut sanctum Evangllium tuum digne valeam
nuntiire. Per Christum D6minum nostrum. Amen.
Jube, D6mine, benedicere.

Cleanse my heart and my lips,

O almighty God, who didst
cleanse the lips of the Prophet
Isaias with a burning coal; and
vouchsafe, through Thy gra
cious mercy, so to purify me
that I may worthily proclaim
Thy holy Gospel. TTirough
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord, give Thy blessing.



Dominus sit in corde meo,

May the Lord be in my heart
et in labiis meis: ut digne and on my lips, that I may
et competenter annuntiem worthily and in a becoming
Evangelium suum. Amen. manner announce His Gospel.
The priest, having gone to the left side of the altar, makes
the Sign of the Cross on the Gospel which he is to read, and
on his forehead, mouth and breast; he then reads the Gospel,
beginning thus:
V. Dominus vobiscum.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
R. And with thy spirit.
Sequentia ( vel initi
4* The continuation (or be
um) sancti Evangelii secun ginning) of the holy Gospel
dum N.
according to N.
R. Gloria tibi, Domine.
R. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
A t the end is said:
R. Laus tibi, Christe.
R. Praise be to Thee, O
The priest, kissing the book, says:
Per evangelica dicta de- | By the words of the Gospel
leantur nostra delicta.
I may our sins be blotted out.
A t Solemn Mass the priest puts incense into the thurible
and blesses it. The deacon who is about to chant the Gospel
asks for and receives a blessing.
Jube, domne, benedicere.
Lord, give thy blessing.
Dominus sit in corde tuo
May the Lord be in thy heart
et in labiis tuis, ut digne and on thy lips, that thou mayet competenter annunties est worthily and in a becoming
Evangelium suum. In no manner announce His holy Gos
mine Patris, f* et Filii, et pel. In the name of the Father,
Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost. Amen.
The priest returns to the center of the altar. On Sundays,
on the feasts of Apostles and Doctors and on some other
feasts, there is then said:
C redo

REDO in unum Deum

Patrem omnipotentem,
factorem cseli et terrse, visi
bilium 6mnium, et invisi
bilium. Et in unum Do-

I BELIEVE in one God the

* - Father almighty, Maker of
heaven and earth, and of all
things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,


minum Jesum Christum, Fi

lium Dei unigenitum: Et ex
Patre riatum ante 6mnia sae
cula. Deum de Deo, lumen
de lumine, Deum verum de
Deo vero. Genitum, non fac
tum, consubstantialem Pa
tri: per quem 6mnia facta
sunt. Qui propter nos h6mines et propter nostram
salutem descendit de caelis
et incarnatus est de Spiritu
Sancto ex Maria Virgine
[hic genuflectitur\: ET h o
m o f a c t u s e s t . Crucifixus
etiam pro nobis: sub P6ntio
Pilato passus, et sepultus est.
Et resurrexit tertia die, se
cundum Scripturas. Et ascendit in caelum: sedet ad
dexteram Patris. Et iterum
venturus est cum gl6ria ju
dicare vivos et m6rtuos: cu
jus regni non erit finis. Et
in Spiritum Sanctum, Do
minum, et vivificantem: qui
ex Patre Fili6que procedit.
Qui cum Patre et Filio si
mul adoratur, et conglori
ficatur: qui locutus est per
Prophetas. Et unam sanc
tam cath6Iicam et apostdlicam Ecclesiam. Confiteor
unum baptisma in remissio
nem peccat6rum. Et ex
specto resurrectidnem mortu6rum. Et vitam f ven
turi saeculi. Amen.


the only-begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all
ages; God of God, light of
light, true God of true God;
begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father, by whom
all things were made. Who for
us men and for our salvation
came down from heaven and
was incarnate by the Holy
Ghost, of the Virgin Mary
[here all kneel]: AND WAS
m ad e m a n .
He was cruci
fied also for us, suffered under
Pontius Pilate and was buried.
And the third day He rose again
according to the Scriptures; and
ascended into heaven; He sitteth at the right hand of the
Father; and He shall come again
with glory to judge both the
living and the dead; of whose
kingdom there shall be no end.
And I believe in the Holy
Ghost, the Lord and Giver of
life, who proceedeth from the
Father and the Son; who to
gether with the Father and the
Son is adored and glorified;
who spoke by the prophets. And
in one Holy, Catholic and Apos
tolic Church. I confess one Bap
tism for the remission of sins.
And I look for the resurrection
of the dead and the life f of
the world to come. Amen.

T h e O ffer to r y

After having kissed the altar, the priest, turning to the

people, says:
V. D6minus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.


V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.



The Offertory for the day follows.

Having uncovered the chalice, the priest takes the paten
with the host, and offering it up, says:
CCEPT, O holy Father, altJSCIPE, sancte Pater,
- mighty and eternal God,
omnipotens aeterne De
us, hanc immaculatam h6sti- this spotless host which I, Thy
am, quam ego indignus fa unworthy servant, offer unto
mulus tuus 6ffero tibi Deo Thee, my living and true God,
meo vivo et vero, pro innu for my innumerable sins, of
merabilibus peccatis, et of fenses and negligences, and for
fensionibus, et negligentiis all here present; as also for all
meis, et pro 6mnibus cir faithful Christians, both living
cumstantibus, sed et pro and dead; that it may avail
6mnibus fidelibus Christianis both me and them for salvation
vivis 4tque defunctis: ut mi unto life everlasting. Amen.
hi et illis proficiat ad salu
tem in vitam aeternam. Amen.

Making the Sign of the Cross with the paten, he places the
host upon the corporal. Then going to the right side of the
altar he pours wine and water into the chalice. He blesses
the water before mixing it with the wine, saying:
GOD, *i* who in creating
EUS, 'i' qui humanae
substantiae dignitatem
human nature hast won
mirabiliter condidisti, et mi derfully dignified it, and still
rabilius reformasti: da nobis more wonderfully reformed it:
per hujus aquae et vini my grant that by the mystery of this
sterium, ejus divinitatis esse water and wine, we may be
consortes, qui humanitatis made partakers of His divine
nostrae fieri dignatus est nature who vouchsafed to be
particeps, Jesus Christus Fi come the partaker of our hu
lius tuus D6minus noster: man nature, even Jesus Christ
Qui tecum vivit et regnat Thy Son, our Lord; who liveth
in unitate Spiritus Sancti and reigneth with Thee in the
Deus: per 6mnia saecula sae unity of the Holy Ghost, world
culorum. Amen.
without end. Amen.

The priest, having returned to the center, offers the chalice,

FFfiRIMUS tibi, D6E OFFER unto Thee, O
mine, calicem salut&ris,
Lord, the chalice of sal
tuam deprecantes clementi vation, beseeching Thy clem
am: ut in conspectu divinae ency that it may ascend be-


majestatis tux, pro nostra,

et totius mundi salute cum
od6re suavitatis asclndat.


fore Thy divine majesty with

a sweet odor, for our salvation
and for that of the whole world.

He makes the Sign of the Cross with the chalice, places it

upon the corporal, and covers it with the pall. Slightly bowing
down, he says:
In spiritu humilitatis, et
May we be received by Thee,
in dnimo contrito suscipia O Lord, in the spirit of humil
mur a te, D6mine; et sic ity and with a contrite heart;
fiat sacrificium nostrum in and grant that the sacrifice we
conspectu tuo h6die, ut pld- offer this day in Thy sight may
ceat tibi, D6mine Deus.
be pleasing to Thee, O Lord
Looking up to heaven and extending his hands, he makes
the Sign of the Cross over the host and chalice, saying:
Veni sanctificator omnipo
Come, O almighty and eter
tens asterne Deus: et bne- nal God, the Sanctifier, and bless
*dic hoc sacrificium, tuo 4" this sacrifice prepared for
sancto n6mini praeparatum, the glory of Thy holy name.
A t a Solemn Mass the priest now blesses the incense:
Per intercessi6nem beati
May the Lord, by the inter
Michaelis Archangeli, stantis cession of blessed Michael the
a dextris Altaris' Incensi, et Archangel, standing at the right
6mnium elect6rum sudrum, hand of the Altar of Incense,
incensum istud dignatur Do and of all His elect, vouchsafe
minus bene+dicere, et in to bless 4" this incense and re
oddrem suavitatis accipere. ceive it as an odor of sweet
Per Christum D6minum no ness. Through Jesus Christ our
strum. Amen.
Lord. Amen.
Receiving the thurible from the deacon, he incenses the
bread and wine, saying:
Inc6nsum istud a te be
May this incense which Thou
nedictum ascendat ad te, D6- hast blest, O Lord, ascend to
mine, et descendat super Thee, and may Thy mercy de
nos misericordia tua.
scend upon us.
He incenses the altar, saying:
Dirigatur, Domine, ora-1 Let my prayer, O Lord, be
tio mea, sicut inc6nsum, in I directed as incense in Thy sight:



conspectu tuo: elevatio ma

nuum mearum sacrificium
vespertinum. Pone, D6mine,
custodiam ori meo, et 6stium circumstantiae labiis me
is, ut non declinet cor meum
in verba malitia, ad excu
sandas excusati6nes in pec

the lifting up of my hands, as

evening sacrifice. Set a watch,
O Lord, before my mouth, and
a door round about my lips,
that my heart may not incline
to evil words, to make excuses
in sins.

While he gives the censer to the deacon, he says inaudibly

the following words, and is afterward incensed by the deacon:
May the Lord enkindle in us
Accendat in nobis Domi
nus ignem sui am6ris, et the fire of His love, and the
flammam aeternae caritatis. flame of everlasting charity.
The deacon incenses the ministers and the clergy. The
thurifer incenses the people, who stand up while this is done.
The priest goes to the right side of the altar, where he
washes his fingers, saying:
P sa l m


ABO inter innocentes

WILL wash my hands among
' manus meas: et circum I the innocent; and will com
pass Thy altar, O Lord.

dabo altare tuum, D6mine.

Ut audiam vocem laudis:
et enarrem universa mira
bilia tua.
D6mine, dilexi decorem
domus tuae: et locum habi
tationis gloriae tuae.
Ne perdas cum impiis,
Deus, animam meam; et cum
viris sanguinum vitam meam.
In quorum manibus ini
quitates sunt: dextera e6rum
repleta est muneribus.
Ego autem in innocentia
mea ingressus sum: redime
me, et miserere mei.

That I may hear the voice of

Thy praise, and tell of all Thy
wondrous works.
I have loved, O Lord, the
beauty of Thy house, and the
place where Thy glory dwelleth.
Take not away my soul, O
God, with the wicked, nor my
life with bloody men.
In whose hands are iniquities:
their right hand is filled with
But as for me, I have walked
in my innocence: redeem me,
and have mercy on me.



Pes meus stetit in directo:

My foot hath stood in the
in ecdsiis benedicam te, direct way; in the churches I
will bless Thee, O Lord.
Gloria Patri.
Glory be to the Father.
Returning and bowing bef ire the middle of the altar, with
joined hands, he says:
tJSCIPE, sancta Trinitas,
hanc oblationem, quam
tibi offerimus ob mem6riam
passionis, resurrecti6nis, et
ascensi6nis Jesu Christi D6mini nostri: et in hon6rem
beatae Mariae semper Vir
ginis, et beati Joannis Bap
tistae et sanct6rum Aposto
lorum Petri et Pauli, et isto
rum, et 6mnium Sanct6rum:
ut illis proficiat ad honorem,
nobis autem ad salutem: et
illi pro nobis intercedere di
gnantur in caelis, quorum
mem6riam agimus in terris.
Per eundem Christum Do
minum nostrum. Amen.

D ECEIVE, O holy Trinity,

this oblation which we
offer to Thee in memory of the
Passion, Resurrection and As
cension of our Lord Jesus
Christ, and in honor of blessed
Mary, ever Virgin, of blessed
John the Baptist, of the holy
Apostles Peter and Paul, and
of all the saints: that it may
be available to their honor and
our salvation; and that they
may vouchsafe to intercede for
us in heaven whose memory
we celebrate on earth. Through
the same Christ our Lord

He kisses the altar, and t irning toward the people, says:

RATE fratres, ut meum
RETHREN, pray that my
ac vestrum sacrificium B sacrifice and yours may be
acceptabile fiat apud Deum acceptable to God the Father
Patrem omnipotentem.


The server answers:

R. Suscipiat D6minus sa
crificium de manibus tuis ad
laudem, et gl6riam nominis
sui, ad utilitatem quoque
nostram totiusque Ecclesiae
suae sanctae.

R. May the Lord receive the

sacrifice from thy hands, to the
praise and glory of His name,
and to our benefit and that of
all His holy Church.

Then, with outstretched hands, he recites the Secret or

Secrets for the day.



T h e P r e fa c e

Then he says:
Per 6mnia saecula saecu
World without end.
R. Amen.
R. Amen.
V. The Lord be with you.
V. D6minus voblscum.
R. And with thy spirit.
R. Et cum spfritu tuo.
V. Lift up your hearts.
V. Sursum corda.
R. We have lifted them up
R. Habemus ad D6miunto the Lord.
V. Let us give thanks to the
V. Gratias agamus D6miLord our God.
no Deo nostro.
R. It is meet and just.
R. Dignum et justum est.
(The Preface varies with t <e feasts and seasons. This is the
Common Preface.)
ERE dignum et justum T IS truly meet and just,
est, aequum et salutare, I fitting and availing unto sal
nos tibi semper et ubique vation, that we should always
gritias igere, D6mine sanc
te, Pater omnipotens, aethrae
Deus, per Christum, D6minum nostrum. Per quem
majestatem t u a m laudant
Angeli, ad6rant Dominati6nes, tremunt potestdtes.
Cseli caelorumque virtutes ac
beita Seraphim s6cia exsultati6ne concelebrant. Cum
quibus et nostras voces ut
admitti jubeas deprecamur,
supplici confessi6ne dicentes:

and everywhere give thanks un

to Thee, O holy Lord, Father
almighty, eternal God, through
Christ our Lord. Through whom
the Angels praise Thy majesty,
the Dominations adore it, the
Powers tremble b e fo re it,
the Heavens and Heavenly
Hosts join in celebrating it with
jubilant accord. We beseech
Thee, let also our voices be
joined to theirs while we hum
bly praise Thee and say:

Here the bell is rung threi times.

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,
D6minus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra gl6ria tua. Hosinna in excelsis.
Benedictus qui venit in n6mine Domini. Hosdnna in

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God

of Hosts. Heaven and earth are
full of Thy glory. Hosanna in
the highest. Blessed is He that
cometh in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.






E IGITUR, clementissi
me -Pater, per Jesum W pray and beseech Thee,
Christum Filium tuum Do most merciful Father, through
minum nostrum supplices
rogamus, ac petimus uti ac
cepta habeas, et benedicas,
haec >}< dona, haec I* munera,
haec 4* sancta sacrificia illi
bata, in primis, quae tibi of
ferimus pro Ecclesia tua
sancta catholica: quam pa
cificare, custodire, adunare
et regere digneris toto orbe
terrarum: una cum famulo
tuo Papa nostro, N., et An
tistite nostro, N., et 6mnibus orthodoxis, atque cath6licae et apostolicae fidei cult6ribus.

Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord,

that Thou wouldst accept and
bless these *1" gifts, these HE"
presents, these 4" holy, spot
less sacrifices, which in the first
place we offer Thee for Thy
holy Catholic Church, to which
vouchsafe to grant peace, as
also to preserve, unite and gov
ern it throughout the world:
together with thy servant, N.,
our Pope, and N., our Bishop,
as also all orthodox believers
and professors of the Catholic
and Apostolic Faith.

EMENTO, Domine, fa
E MINDFUL, O Lord, of
mulorum famularum- B Thy servants and hand
que tuarum, N. et N., et maids, N. and N., and of all
6 m n i u m circumstantium,
quorum tibi fides c6gnita 6 t,
et nota devdtio, pro quibus
tibi offerimus: vel qui tibi
6fferunt hoc sacrificium lau
dis, pro se, suisque 6mnibus: pro redemptione ani
marum suarum, pro spe sa
lutis, et incolumitatis suae:
tibique reddunt vota sua
asterno Deo, vivo et vero.

here present, whose faith and

devotion are known unto Thee;
for whom we offer or who offer
up to Thee this sacrifice of
praise for themselves and all
their friends, for the redemp
tion of their souls, for the hope
of their salvation and welfare,
and who pay their vows to
Thee, the eternal, living and
true God.

memoriam venerantes, C and honoring, in the first
in primis gloriosae semper place, the memory of the glori
Virginis Mariae, Genitricis
Dei et D6mini nostri Jesu
Christi: sed et beatdrum
Apostol6rum ac Martyrum

ous and ever-Virgin Mary, the

Mother of God and of our
Lord Jesus Christ; as also of
Thy blessed Apostles and Mar-



tu6rum, Petri et Pauli, Andrfae, Jac6bi, Joannis, Tho

rnae, Jac6bi, Philippi, Bartholomaei, Matthaei, Sim6nis
et Thaddaei, Lini, Cleti, Cle
mentis, Xysti, Cornelii, Cy
priani, Laurentii, Chryso
goni, Joannis et Pauli,
Cosmae et Damiani: et 6mniuffl Sanct6rum tu6rum;
quorum meritis, precibusque
concedas, ut in 6mnibus pro
tectionis tuae muniamur au
xilio. Per eundem Christum
D6minum nostrum. Amen.

tyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew,

James, John, Thomas, James,
Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew,
Simon and Thaddeus, Linus,
Cletus, Clement, Xystus, Cor
nelius, C y p r i a n , Lawrence,
Chrysogonus, John and Paul,
Cosmas and Damian, and of
all Thy saints; through whose
merits and prayers grant that
we may be in all things de
fended by the help of Thy
protection. Through the same
Christ our Lord. Amen.

The priest, spreading his hands over the oblation, says:

ANC Igitur oblati6nem
servitutis nostrae, sed et
Thee, O Lord, that Thou
cunctae familiae tuae, quaesu wouldst graciously accept this
mus, D6mine, ut placatus ac oblation of our servitude, as
cipias: diesque nostros in also that of Thy whole family;
tua pace disp6nas, atque ab and dispose our days in Thy
ce, and commend that we
aeterna damnati6ne, nos eripi
et in elect6rum tu6rum ju
preserved from eternal dam
beas grege numerdri. Per nation, and numbered in the
Christum D6minum nostrum. flock of Thine elect. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Blessing the oblation, he sa
HICH oblation do Thou,
UAM oblati6nem tu, De, us, in 6mnibus, quaesu
God, vouchsafe in all
mus, bene+dictam, ad*J*- respects to make blessed 4",
scriptam, raptam , rationa approved !*, ratified 4", reason
bilem, acceptabiiemque fa able and acceptable; that it may
cere digneris; ut nobis Cor- be made for us the Body 4" and
4*pus, et Sanf*guis fiat di Blood 4" of Thy most beloved
lectissimi Filii tui D6mini Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
nostri Jesu Christi.
Bending slightly forward, i <e consecrates the host.
UI pridie ,quam patereHO the day before He
, tur, accepit panem in
suffered took bread into
sanctas ac venerabiles ma His holy and venerable hands,
nus suas, et elevatis 6culis and with eyes lifted up toward


in caelum ad te, Deum Pa

trem suum omnipotentem,
tibi grdtias agens, bene*}*dixit, fregit, dedltque disci
pulis suis, dicens: Accipite,
et manducate ex hoc omnes,



heaven, unto Thee, God, His

almighty Father, giving thanks
to Thee blessed 4* it, broke it,
and gave it to His disciples,
saying: Take and eat ye all of


The bell is rung and the triest, kneeling, adores, then ele
vates the sacred Host for the adoration of the faithful, and
kneels again. He then consecrates the wine.
IMILI modo postquam N LIKE manner, after He
coenitum est, accipiens I had supped, taking also this
et hunc praeclarum calicem excellent chalice into His holy

in sanctas ac venerabiles
manus suas: item tibi gra
tias agens, bene+dixit, deditque discipulis suis, di
cens: Acdpite, et bibite ex
eo omnes, h i c EST e n im

and venerable hands, likewise

giving Thee thanks, He blessed
4* it and gave it to His dis
ciples, saying: Take and drink
ye all of this, f o r t h i s is t h e


Haec quotiescumque fece

As often as ye do these
ritis, in mei mem6riam fa things, ye shall do them in re
membrance of Me.
The bell is rung. The priest kneels and adores the precious
Blood. He elevates the chalice for the adoration of the faithful,
genuflects and proceeds:
NDE et memores, D6HEREFORE, O Lord, we
mine, nos servi tui, sed WThy servants, as also Thy
et plebs tua sancta, ejusdem holy people, calling to mind
Christi Filii tui D6mini no
stri tam beat passidnis, nec
non et ab Inferis resurrecti6nis, sed et in caelos gloridsae ascensionis: offerimus
praeclarae majestati tuae de

the blessed Passion of the same

Christ Thy Son our Lord, His
Resurrection from hell and glo
rious Ascension into heaven,
offer unto Thy most excellent
majesty, of Thy gifts and pres-



tuis donis ac datis, hostiam

4* puram, hostiam J sanc
tam, hostiam 4* immacula
tam, Panem 4" sanctum vi
ta? aeternae, et Calicem 4*
salutis perpetuae.
UPRA quae propitio ac
sereno vultu respicere
digneris: et accepta habere,
sicuti accepta habere digna
tus es munera pueri tui justi
Abel, et sacrificium Patri
archae nostri Abrahae: et
quod tibi obtulit suumus sa
cerdos tuus Melchisedech,
sanctum sacrificium, imma
culatam hostiam.
u p p lic e s te rogamus,
omnipotens Deus: jube
haec perferri per manus sanc
ti Angeli tui in sublime al
tare tuum, in conspectu di
vinae majestatis tua: ut quot
quot ex hac altaris partici
patione sacrosanctum Filii
tui Cor4"pus et San+guinem sumpserimus, omni be
nedictione cslesti et gratia
repleamur. Per eundem Chri
stum D6minum nostrum.
e m e n t o etiam, D6mine, famul6rum, famularumque tuarum, N. et
N., qui nos praecesserunt
cum signo fidei, et d6rmiunt in somno pacis.
Here particular mention is
as are to be prayed for.
Ipsis, Domine, et 6mnibus in Christo quiescentibus
locum refrigerii, lucis et pa
cis, ut indulgeas, depreca-

ents, a pure 4* Host, a holy 4*

Host, a spotless 4" Host, the
holy 4" Bread of eternal life,
and Chalice 4" of everlasting
PON which vouchsafe to
look with a propitious and
serene countenance, and to ac
cept them, as Thou wast pleased
to accept the gifts of Thy just
servant Abel, and the sacrifice
of our patriarch Abraham, and
that which Thy high priest
Melchisedech offered to Thee,"
a holy sacrifice, a spotless Host.
E H U M B L Y beseech
Thee, almighty God, to
command these things to be
carried by the hands of Thy
holy angel to Thine altar on
high, in the sight of Thy divine
majesty, that as many as shall
partake of the most sacred Body
4 * and Blood 4 * of Thy Son
at this altar, may be filled with
every heavenly grace and bless
ing. Through the same Christ
our Lord. Amen.
O Lord, of
servants and hand
maids, N. and N., who have
gone before us with the sign
of faith, and sleep the sleep
of peace.
silently made of such of the dead
To these, O Lord, and to all
that rest in Christ, grant, we
beseech Thee, a place of re
freshment, light and peace.



mur. Per eundem Christum I Through the same Christ our

Dominum nostrum. Amen. I Lord. Amen.
Striking his breast, the priest says:
OBIS quoque peccat6ri- A LSO to us sinners Thy serv
bus famulis tuis, de mul
ants, confiding in the mul
titudine miserati6num tua titude of Thy mercies, vouch
rum sperantibus, partem ali safe to grant some part and
quam, et societatem donare fellowship with Thy holy Apos
digneris, cum tuis sanctis tles and Martyrs: with John
Apostolis et Martyribus: cum Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas
Joanne, Stphano, Matthla, Ignatius, Alexander, Marcelli
Barnaba, Ignatio, Alexandro, nus, Peter, Felicitas, Perpetua
Marcellino, Petro, Felicitate, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia,
Perpetua, Agatha, Lucia, Anastasia, and with all Thy
Agnete, Caecilia, Anastasia, saints; into whose company we
et omnibus Sanctis tuis: in beseech Thee to admit us, not
tra quorum nos consortium, in consideration of our merit,
non aestimator mariti, sed but of Thine own gratuitous,
veniae, quaesumus, largitor, pardon. Through Christ our
admitte. Per Christum D6- Lord.
minum nostrum.

Making the Sign of the Cross over the Oblation, he says:

Per quem haec 6mnia, Do
By whom, O Lord, Thou
mine, semper bona creas, dost always create, sanctify },
sanctl'f-ficas, vivi+ficas, be- quicken
bless *i*. and give
nef<di'cis, et praestas nobis. us all these good things.
He makes the Sign of the
Host, saying:
Per ip+sum , et cum ipf>so, et in ip*{*so, est tibi Deo
}< omnipotenti, in
unitate Spiritus } Sancti,
omnis honor et gloria.

Cross over the chalice with the

Him, and with
Him, and in 4* Him, is to
Thee, God the Father 4 al
mighty, in the unity of the
Holy 4" Ghost, all honor and

P a te r N

He then recites aloud:

V. Per 6mnia sa;cula saecul6rum.
R. Amen.

o st er

V. World without end.

R. Amen.



R/ECfiPTIS salutaribus
m6niti, et divina instituti6ne formati, audemus
Pater noster, qui es in
caelis: sanctificetur nomen
tuum: adveniat regnum tu
um: fiat voluntas tua, sicut
in caelo, et in terra; panem
nostrum quotidianum da no
bis h6die: et dimitte nobis
debita nostra, sicut et nos
dimittimus debit6ribus no
stris; et ne nos inducas in
R. Sed libera nos a malo.

Let us pray
"INSTRUCTED by Thy saving
precepts, and taught by Thy
divine instruction, we presume
to say:
Our Father, who art in heav
en, hallowed be Thy name; Thy
kingdom come; Thy will be
done on earth as it is in heav
en; give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our tres
passes as we forgive those who
trespass against us; and lead us
not into temptation.
R. But deliver us from evil.

Then he says in silence, i lessing himself with the paten:

nos, quaesumus,
we beseech
' D6mine, ab omnibus D Thee, O Lord, from all
malis, praeteritis, praesenti evils, past, present and to come;

bus, et futuris: et intercedente beata et gloriosa sem

per Virgine Dei Genitrice
Maria, cum beatis Ap6stolis tuis Petro et Paulo, atque Andra, et omnibus
Sanctis, *f da propitius pa
cem in diebus nostris: ut
ope miseric6rdiae tuae ad
juti, et a peccato simus sem
per liberi et ab omni per
turbatione securi.

and by the intercession of the

blessed and glorious Mary, ever
Virgin, Mother of God, and
of Thy blessed Apostles Peter
and Paul and Andrew, and of
all the saints, 4* mercifully
grant peace in our days; that
aided by the assistance of Thy
mercy we may be always both
free from sin and secure from
all disturbance.

Breaking the Host, he says

Per eundem D6minum
nostrum Jesum Christum
Filium tuum, qui tecum vi
vit et regnat in unitate Spi
ritus Sancti Deus.

Through the same Jesus

Christ Thy Son, our Lord, who
liveth and reigneth with Thee
in the unity of the Holy Ghost,


V. Per omnia sarcula saecul6rum.

R. Amen.


V. World without end.

R. Amen.

Making the Sign of the Cross over the Chalice with a par
ticle of the Host, he says:
V. Pax }" D6mini sit 4*
V. The peace 4" of the Lord
semper 4" vobiscum.
be 4" always 4* with you.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
R. And with thy spirit.
He puts the particle of the Host into the Chalice, saying:
H ec
commixtio et consecritio C6rporis et Singui
nis D6mini nostri Tesu Chri
sti, fiat accipientibus nobis
in vitam aeternam. Amen.

May this mixture and conse

cration of the Body and Blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ be to
us that receive it availing to
eternal life. Amen.

A g n u s D bi

Bowing and striking his breast, he says:

AGNUS Dei, qui tollis
AMB of God, who takest
peccata mundi: mise
' away the sins of the world,
rere nobis (bis).
have mercy on us (twice).
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec
Lamb of God, who takest
cata mundi: dona nobis pa away the sins of the world,
grant us peace.

He continues:
ORD Jesus Christ, who didst
qui dixisti Ap6stolis L' say to Thy Apostles, Peace
tuis: Pacem relinquo vobis, I leave you, My peace I give
Je su

pacem meam do vobis: ne

respicias peccata mea sed
fidem Ecclesiae tuae: eamque
secundum voluntitem tuam
pacificare et coadunare di
gneris: qui vivis et regnas
Deus per 6mnia saecula saeculdrum. Amen.

unto you; regard not my sins,

but the faith of Thy Church;
and grant her that peace and
unity which is agreeable to Thy
will: who livest and reignest
God, world without end. Amen.

During a Solemn Mass, the priest kisses the altar and gives
the Kiss of Peace to the deacon, saying: Pax tecum (Peace



be with thee). To which is answered: Et cum spiritu tuo

(And with thy spirit).
The priest continues:
Jesu Christe,
ORD Jesus Christ, Son of
Fili Dei vivi, qui ex vo L' the living God, who, ac
luntate Patris, cooperante
Spiritu Sancto, per mortem
tuam mundum vivificasti:
libera me per hoc sacrosanc
tum Corpus et Sanguinem
tuum ab omnibus iniquita
tibus meis, et universis ma
lis: et fac me tuis semper
inhaerere mandatis, et a te
numquam separari permit
tas: qui cum e6dem Deo
Patre et Spiritu Sancto vivis
et regnas Deus in saecula
saeculorum. Amen.

cording to the will of the

Father, through the cooperation
of the Holy Ghost, hast by Thy
death given life to the world:
deliver me by this, Thy most
sacred Body and Blood, from
all my iniquities and from all
evils, and make me always ad
here to Thy commandments,
nor ever suffer me to be sepa
rated from Thee; who with the
same God the Father and the
Holy Ghost livest and reignest
God, world without end. Amen.

Corporis tui,
ET not the participation of
D6mine Jesu Christe, Li
Thy Body, O Lord Jesus
quod ego indignus sumere
praesumo, non mihi prove
niat in judicium et condem
nationem: sed pro tua pie
tate prosit mihi ad tutamentum mentis et c6rporis, et
ad medelam percipiendam:
qui vivis et regnas cum Deo
Patre in unitate Spiritus
Sancti Deus, per 6mnia sae
cula saecul6rum. Amen.

Christ, which I, though un

worthy, presume to receive,
turn to my judgment and con
demnation ; but through Thy
loving-kindness may it avail me
for a safeguard and remedy to
soul and body; who with God
the Father, in the unity of the
Holy Ghost, livest and reignest
God, world without end. Amen.

T h e C o m m u n io n

Taking the Host in his hands, he says:

Panem caelestem accipiam,
I will take the Bread of
et nomen D6mini invocabo, heaven, and call upon the name
of the Lord.
Striking his breast with humility and devotion, he says



T^O M IN E, non sum di- T ORD, I am not worthy that

gnus, ut intres sub tec
Thou shouldst enter under
tum meum: sed tantum dic my roof; say but the word,
verbo, et sanabitur anima and my soul shall be healed.
Receiving reverently both parts of the Host, he says:
Corpus "f* D6mini nostri
May the Body
of our Lord
Jesu Christi cust6diat ani Jesus Christ preserve my soul
mam meam in "vitam aeter to life everlasting. Amen.
nam. Amen.
Taking the chalice, he says
UID retribuam Domino
_ pro omnibus quae re
tribuit mihi? Calicem salu
taris accipiam, et nomen D6mini invocabo. Laudans in
vocabo D6minum, et ab ini
micis meis salvus ero.


HAT shall I render to

the Lord for all the things
that He hath rendered to me.'
I will take the Chalice of sal
vation, and I will call upon
the name of the Lord. Praising,
I will call upon the Lord, and
I shall be saved from my ene

Receiving the Blood of our Saviour, he says:

Sanguis I* Domini nostri
May the Blood Hr* of our
Jesu Christi cust6diat ani Lord Jesus Christ preserve my
mam meam in vitam aeter soul to everlasting life. Amen.
nam. Amen.
If there are any to receive Holy Communion, they go to the
altar-rail. The server says the Confiteor, to which the priest
subjoins the usual absolution. As he gives the sacred Host
to each, he says:
Corpus 4" D6mini nostri
May the Body + of our
Jesu Christi custodiat ani Lord Jesus Christ preserve thy
mam tuam in vitam aster soul to life everlasting. Amen.
nam. Amen.
When all have received, the priest cleanses the paten over
the chalice, and takes the ablutions, saying before taking the
first ablution:
UOD ore sumpsimus,
RANT, O Lord, that what
, Domine, pura mente
we have taken with our
capiamus: et de munere mouth we may receive with a



temporali fiat nobis reme pure mind; and from a tem

poral gift may it become for
dium sempiternum.
us an eternal remedy.
ablution, he says:
Before the second ablulioi
AY Thy Body, O Lord,
ORPUS tuum, D6mine,
quod sumpsi, et San M which I have received,
guis, quem potavi, adhae and Thy Blood which I have
reat visceribus meis: et prae
sta: ut in me non remaneat
scelerum macula, quem pura
et sancta refecerunt sacra
menta. Qui vivis et regnas
in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

drunk, cleave to my bowels;

and grant that no stain of sin
may remain in me, whom pure
and holy Sacraments have re
freshed. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

Having gone to the right side of the altar, he recites the

Communion. Kissing the altar at the center, he turns to
the people and says:
V. Dominus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

Then, having returned to the right side, he says the Post

communion or Postcommunions. In the center again he says:
V. D6minus vobiscum.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
V. Go, the Mass is ended,
V. Ite, missa est, vel Be
or Let us bless the Lord.
nedicamus D6mino.
R. Thanks be to God.
R. Deo gratias.
Bending low, he recites the following prayer:
AY the
t i b i , sancta
Trinitas obsequium ser M service
vitutis meae, et praesta ut sa
crificium, quod dculis tuae
majestatis indignus 6btuli,
tibi sit acceptabile, mihique,
et 6mnibus pro quibus illud
6btuli, sit, te miserante,
propitiabile: Per Christum
D6minum nostrum. Amen.

homage of my
be pleasing to
Thee, O holy Trinity; and grant
that the sacrifice which I, though
unworthy, have offered up in
the sight of Thy majesty, may
be acceptable to Thee, and
through Thy mercy be a propi
tiation for me, and all those
for whom I have offered it.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.



He then gives the blessing:

e n e d i c a t vos omnipo
tens Deus, 4* Pater, et
Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus.
R. Amen.

"K / AY almighty God bless

you, 4" the Father, and
the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
R. Amen.

Then going to the left of the altar he recites the last Gospe1.
Ordinarily this is the following:
V. The Lord be with you.
V. D6minus voblscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
R. And with thy spirit.
+ Initium sancti Evan4* The beginning of the holy
geiii secundum Joannem.
Gospel according to John.
R. G16ria tibi, D6mine.
R. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
T N PRINCIPIO erat Ver-L bum, et Verbum erat apud
Deum, et Deus erat Ver
bum. Hoc erat in principio
apud Deum. Omnia per ip
sum facta sunt: et sine ipso
factum est nihil, quod fac
tum est: in ipso vita erat,
et vita erat lux h6minum;
et lux in tenebris lucet, et
tenebrae eam non compre
henderunt. Fuit homo mis
sus a Deo, cui nomen erat
Joannes. Hic venit in testim6niiun, ut testim6nium
perhiberet de lumine, ut om
nes crederent per illum.' Non
erat ille lux, sed ut testi
monium perhiberet de lu
mine. Erat lux vera, qua il
luminat 6mnem h6minem ve
nientem in hunc mundum.
In mundo erat, et mundus
per ipsum factus est, et mun
dus eum non cogn6vit. In
prdpria venit, et sui eum
non receperunt. Quotquot
autem receperunt eum, dedit

THE beginning was the

and the Word was

with God, and the Word was

God. The same was in the be
ginning with God. All things
were made by Him, and with
out Him was made nothing
that was made. In Him was life
and the life was the light of
men; and the light shineth in
darkness, and the darkness did
not comprehend it. There was
a man sent from God, whose
name was John. This man came
for a witness, to give testimony
of the light; that all men might
believe through him. He was
not the light; but was to give
testimony of the light. That
was the true light which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world. He was in
the world, and the world was
made by Him, and the world
knew Him not. He came unto
His own, and His own received
Him not. But as many as re
ceived Him, to them He gave



eis potestatem filios Dei

fieri, his, qui credunt in no
mine ejus; qui non ex san
guinibus, neque ex volun
tate carnis, neque ex volun
tate viri, sed ex Deo nati
sunt. [Hic genuflectitur.]
Et V e r b u m c aro f a c t u m
e s t , et habitavit in nobis;
et vidimus gloriam ejus, gl6riam quasi Unigeniti a Patre,
plenum gfatiae et veritatis.
R. Deo gratias.

power to be made the sons of

God; to them that believe in
His name; who are born not of
blood, nor of the will of the
flesh, nor of the will of man,
but of God. [Here all kneel.]
And t h e W ord w a s m ad e
f l e s h , and dwelt among us;
and we saw His glory, the glory
as it were of the Only-Begotten
of the Father, full of grace
and truth.
R. Thanks be to God.



= = S A IN T S ^ = ^
Feasts celebrated from November J to November 28
are to be found on pp. 277-300

ovem ber



(Double of the Second Class)
Pope Clement V compared the Franciscan O rder to a Paradise
in which the most glorious fruits of sanctity are produced. In order
to honor a ll the Franciscan servants and handm aids of G od, and to
encourage us to follow in their footsteps. H oly M other C hurch in
stituted the Feast of A ll the Saints of th e Three O rders of St. Francis.
November 29 was selected as the date for the feast, because on this
day, in 1223, Pope H onorius III approved the Franciscan Rule.

/'' l AUDEAMUS omnes in
' J Domino, diem festum
celebrantes sub hon6re Sanct6rum 6mnium Seraphici Or
dinis, de quorum solemnitate gaudent Angeli, et col
laudant Filium Dei. Ps. 32:
1. Exsultate, justi, in Do
mino: rectos decet collauda
tio. V. G16ria Patri.
M N IP O T E N S sempi
terne Deus, qui Eccle
siam tuam variis Sanct6rum
splend6ribus se m p er illu
stras, et valida protectidne
confirmas: da nobis, beati

ET us all rejoice in the Lord,
> celebrating a festival day in
honor of all the Saints of the
Seraphic Order; for whose so
lemnity the angels rejoice and
give praise to the Son of God.
Ps. 32:1. Rejoice in the Lord,
O ye just: praise becometh the
upright. V. Glory be to the
LMIGHTY, everlasting God,
who ever glorifiest Thy
Church with the diverse splen
dors of Thy saints, and dost
strengthen her through Thy
mighty protection: grant to us


Frandsci et Sanct6rum ejus

fili6rum merita sub una cele
britate venerantibus; ut nunc
ab 6mnibus mundemur of
fensis, et tandem gl6ria perfruimur aeterna. Per D6-

who honor the merits of blessed

Francis and his sainted children
in a joint celebration on this
d a y, t h a t we ma y n o w be
loosed from all sins and finally
enjoy eternal glory. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration is made, in Advent, of the Feria; of the

Vigil of St. Andrew, Apostle; and of St. Saturninus, Martyr.
Lectio libri Sapientiae.
Eccli. 44:10-15
VIRI miseric6rdiae
sunt, quorum pietates
non defuerunt: cum semine
e6rum permanent bona, here
ditas sancta nepotes e6rum,
et in testamentis stetit semen
eorum: et fllii e6rum prop
ter illos usque in aeternum
manent: semen e6rum et
gl6ria e6rum non dere
linquetur. Cdrpora ips6rum
in pace sepulta sunt, et
nomen e6rum vivit in gene
rationem et generati6nem.
Sapientiam ips6rum narrent
pdpuli, et laudem e6rum
nuntiet Ecclesia.

Graduale. Ps. 33:10,11

Timete D6minum, omnes
Sancti ejus; qu6niam nihil
deest timentibus eum. V.
Inquirentes autem D6minum n o n deficient omni
Alleluja, al l e l u j a . V.
Matth. 11:28. Venite ad me,
omnes qui laboratis et one
rati estis, et ego reficiam
vos. Alleluja.

Lesson from the book

of Wisdom.
Eccli. 44:10-15
HESE were men of mercy,
whose godly deeds have
not failed: good things con
tinue with their seed, their
posterity are a holy inheri
tance, and their seed hath stood
in the covenants. And their
children for their sakes remain
for ever: their seed and their
glory shall not be forsaken.
Their bodies are buried in
peace, and their name liveth
unto generation and generation.
Let the people show forth their
wisdom, and the Church de
clare their praise.

Gradual. Ps. 33:10,11

Fear the Lord, adl ye, His
saints: for there is no want to
them that fear Him. V. But
they that seek the Lord shall not
be deprived of any good.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Matt.
11:28. Come to Me, all ye
that labor and are burdened,
and I will refresh you. Alleluia.


f* Sequentia sancti Evangeiii

secundum Mattxum.
Matth. 5:1-12
'N ILLO tempore: Videns
- Jesus turbas, ascendit in
nontem, et cum sedisset, acessirunt ad eum discipuli
jus, et aperiens os suum,
locabat eos, dicens: Beati
tauperes spiritu: qufiniam
ps6rum est regnum csel6um. Beati mites: qu6niam
psi possidebunt terram.
Jeiti qui lugent: qudniam
psi consolabuntur. Beati qui
suriunt et sitiunt justitiam:
|u6niam ipsi saturabuntur.
Jeiti miseric6rdes: qu6niam
psi miseric6rdiam consequenur. Beati mundo corde: qu6liam ipsi Deum videbunt,
ieiti pacifici: qu6niam filii
Dei vocabuntur. Beati qui
>ersecuti6nem p a t i u n t u r
>ropter justitiam: qu6niam
ps6rum est regnum cael6um. Bedti estis cum maleIlxerint vobis, et persecuti
ros fuerint, et dixerint omne
nalum adversum vos, menientes, propter me: gaulete, et exsultite, qu6niam
nerces vestra copi6sa est in
The Creed is said.

J* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 5:1-12
T THAT time: Jesus see
ing the multitudes, went
up into a mountain; and when
He was set down, His disciples
came unto Him. And opening
His mouth, He taught them,
saying: Blessed are the poor i n .
spirit: for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven. Blessed are the
meek: for they shall possess
the land. Blessed are they that
mourn: for they shall be com
forted. Blessed are they that
hunger and thirst after justice:
for they shall have their fill.
Blessed are the merciful: for
they shall obtain mercy. Blessed
are the clean of heart: for they
shall see God. Blessed are the
peacemakers: for they shall be
called the children of God.
Blessed are they that suffer per
secution for justice sake: for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye when they shall
revile you, and persecute you,
and speak all that is evil against
you untruly for My sake: be
glad and rejoice, for your re
ward is very great in heaven.

Offertorium. Ps. 149:5, 6

Offertory. Ps. 149:5, 6
Exsultabunt S a n c t i in
The saints shall rejoice in
;16ria, laetabuntur in cubili- glory: they shall be joyful in
j u s suis: exaltati6nes Dei in
their beds; the high praises of
:aucibus e6rum.
God shall be in their mouth.
E OFFER to Thee, O
tTNERA tibi, D6mine,
nostrae devoti6nis ofLord, the gifts of our de-


f6rimus: quae et pro tu6rum votion; may they both be wel

tibi grata sint honore just6- pleasing to Thee as honorin
rum, et nobis salutiria, te Thy just ones, and, of Th
miserante, reddantur. Per mercy, avail also for our sa
vation. Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
Preface of our Holy Father Francis, as on the feast c
October 4
Communion. Ps. 31:11
Communio. Ps. 31:11
Laetamini in D6mino et
Be glad in the Lord and r<
exsultate, justi; et gloria joice, ye just; and glory, all y
mini, omnes recti corde.
right of heart.
A, QILESUMUS, D6RANT, we beseech Thei
O Lord, that Thy faithfi
mine, fidelibus p6pulis,
6mnium Sanct6rum Seraphi people may ever rejoice in ver
ci Ordinis, semper venera- erating all the Saints of th
ti6ne 1astari: et e6rum per Seraphic Order, and be aided b
petua supplicati6ne muniri. their
Per Ddminum.
Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.

D ecem ber X


Confessor, of the First Order
A nthony entered th e O rder in Ferrara in 1439. A fter th e e>
ample of St. Francis, he was inflamed w ith love of G od and hi
neighbor. As a zealous preacher and missioner at home and i:
the O rient, h e strove to gain immortal souls for heaven. H e died
worn out by labors and illness, a t Catignola, on December 1, 1482

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not

Pontiff, in the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum Ant6GOD, who hast distin
nium Confess6rem tuum
guished blessed Anthony
sanctimdnia vitae et anima Thy Confessor, by holiness o:
rum zelo insignem effecisti: life and zeal for souls, grant us


concide; ut, ejus meritis et through his merits and inter

intercessi6ne, in virtutibus cession, ever to advance in vir
jugiter proficiamus. Per D6- tues. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made, i, r Advent, of the Feria.
f1Sequentia sancti Evangeiii
secundum Lucam.
Luc. 10:1-9
r N ILLO tempore: DesiL gnavit Dominus et alios
septuaginta duos: et misit
illos binos ante faciem suam
in omnem civitatem et lomm, quo erat ipse venturus.
Et dicebat illis: Messis qui
dem multa, operarii autem
pauci. Rogate ergo domi
num messis, ut mittat op
erarios in messem suam. Ite:
ecce, ego mitto vos sicut
ignos inter lupos. Nolite
portare sacculum, neque pe
ram, neque calceamenta, et
neminem per viam saluta
veritis. In quamcumque do
mum intraveritis, primum
dicite: Pax huic d6mui: et
si ibi fuerit filius pacis, re
quiescet super illum pax ve
stra: sin autem, ad vos re
vertetur. In eadem autem
domo manete, edentes, et
bibentes quae apud illos sunt:
dignus est enim operarius
mercede sua. Nolite tran
sire de domo in domum. Et
in quamcumque civitatem
intraveritis, et susceperint
vos, manducate qua ap
ponuntur vobis: et curate
infirmos, qui in illa sunt,
et dicite illis: Appropinqua
vit in vos regnum Dei.

4* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 10:1-9
T THAT time: The Lord
> appointed also other sev
enty-two: and He sent them two
and two before His face into
every city and place whither
He Himself was to come. And
He said to them: The harvest
indeed is great, but the laborers
are few. Pray ye therefore the
Lord of the harvest, that He
send laborers into His harvest.
Go: behold, I send you as
lambs among wolves. Carry
neither purse, nor scrip, nor
shoes; and salute no man by
the way. Into whatsoever house
you enter, first say: Peace, be
to this house. And if the son
of peace be there, your peace
shall rest upon him; but if not,
it shall return to you. And in
the same house, remain, eat
ing and drinking such things
as they have: for the laborer
is worthy of his hire. Remove
not from house to house. And
into what city soever you enter,
and they receive you, eat such
things as are set before you.
And heal the sick that are
therein, and say to them: The
kingdom of God is come nigh
unto you.

T h e Sa m e D a y , D e c e m b e r 1

(or the first day after the Feast of A ll the Saints of the Seraphic Order,
on which a Sunday or a D ouble of the First or Second Class does
not occur.)


On this day th e children of St. Francis commemorate the soul'
of their departed Brothers and Sisters, relatives and benefactors
as well as all those w ho are buried in a Franciscan cemetery.

Mass as in the Roman Missal for November 2, in the first

place, with the following:
EUS, indulgentiarum D i
GOD, Lord of mercies
mine: da animabus,
grant to the souls of ou:
Fratrum, Sor6rum, propin- Brothers, Sisters, relatives anc
qu6rum et benefactfirum no- benefactors whose anniversary
str6rum, quorum anniversa we commemorate, a place oi
rium diem commemoramus; refreshment, the happiness oi
refrigerii sedem, quietis bea- rest, and the glory of light
titudinem, et luminis clari Through our Lord.
tatem. Per D6minum.
r o p i t i a r e , D 6m ine,
our supplications for th<
supplicati6nibus nostris
pro animabus Fratrum, So- souls of our Brothers, Sisters
rfirum, propinquorum, et relatives and benefactors foi
benefactorum nostr6rum, pro whom we offer Thee this sacri
quibus tibi offerimus sacri fice of praise, that Thou mayesi
ficium laudis: ut eas Sanc deign to join them to the com
torum tu6rum consortio so pany of Thy saints. Through
ciare digneris. Per D6mi- our Lord.
Preface of the Dead.

R/ESTA, quaesumus, D i
RANT, we beseech Thee
mine: ut anim Fra
O Lord, that the souls of
trum, Sorfirum, propinqu6- our Brothers, Sisters, relatives
rum et benefact6rum nostr6- and benefactors whose anni
rum, quorum anniversarium versary we commemorate, be-


diem commemoramus, his

purgatae sacrificiis, indul
gentiam pariter, et requiem
capiant sempiternam. Per

ing purified by this sacrifice,

may receive both mercy and
everlasting rest. Through our

D ecem ber 5


Martyr, of the First Order
N icholas was bora in Sebenico, D alm atia. In his early youth he
sntered the O rder and later worked as a missionary in Bosnia. Here
For. twelve years he strove to root out heresy and bring heretics
back to the True Fold. H is ardent desire for martyrdom led him
tOt beg permission to preach to the M ohammedans in Palestine.
His plea was granted, and having reached his goal, he suffered a
:ruel death a t the hands of the infidels in 1391.

Mass Laetabitur, from the Common of One Martyr, in the

fourth place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum Nico
GOD, who hast glorified
laum fidei propagandae
blessed Nicholas with zeal
zelo, et martyrii palma gto- for the spreading of the Faith
ri6sum effecisti: praesta no and with the palm of martyr
bis, quaesumus; ut, ejus ex- dom: grant us, we beseech
Smplo et intercessi6ne viam Thee, that wadking the way of
mandat6rum tu6rum cur Thy commandments after his
rentes, aeternae vitae bravium example and through his in
accipere mereamur. Per tercession, we may deserve to
receive the crown of eternal
life. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of the Feria; and of St. Sabbas,
MOST gracious God, pour
munera haec tua bene
forth Thy blessing on
dictione perfunde, et nos in these gifts and strengthen us
ea fide confirma, quam in that fauth which blessed
beatus Nicolaus Martyr tuus, Nicholas, Thy Martyr, pro
effuso sanguine adsruit. claimed with the outpouring
Per D6minum.
of his blood. Through our
Commemorations as above.


OLCIAT nos, quaesumus,
Domine, juge gratiae
tuse praesidium; ut, imi
tantes b e a t u m Nicolaum
Martyrem tuum, discamus
terrena cuncta pro tui n6mims am6re despicere, et
exoptare ca?lstia. Per D6minum.

Lord, that the endurinf
protection of Thy grace maj
sustain us; so that, in imita
tion of blessed Nicholas, Thj
Martyr, we may learn to des
pise all earthly things for love
of Thy name, and to strive aftei
heavenly things. Through oui

Commemorations as above.
D ec em b er 8


Patroness of the Seraphic Order
(Double of the First Class, with a Privileged Octave
of the Third Order)
A lthough this is not exclusively a Franciscan feast, it has always
been celebrated w ith special solemnity in the O rder because Mary,
under th e title of the Imm aculate Conception, is the O rders chiel
patroness. T he doctrine of the Imm aculate Conception found ardent
defenders among Franciscan theologians, notable among whom is
Duns Scotus, "D o cto r M arianus," w ho died in 1308. In 1476 Pops
Sixtus IV , a Franciscan, extended the feast to the Universal Church
T he solemnity of the Imm aculate Conception has for the children
of St. Francis a special significance.

Mass as in the Roman Missal.

D ecem ber 9


Virgins, of the Third Order
Elizabeth was born in W aldsee, W uerttemberg. After a youth ol
unusual piety, she entered the convent of the T h ird O rder in Reute.
Because of h er gentle and lovable character, both her own sister!
and th e people w ith whom she came in contact gave her the name
"B o n a, " T h e G ood. M editation on th e Passion of C hrist wa!
the chief nourishment of her childlike soul. She died in 1420.
D elphina was the only daughter of a noble French fam ily. Aftei
the early death of her parents, her aunt trained her in the way ol
perfection. A t the insistence of th e K ing of N aples, she married
the holy Count, St. Elzear. By m utual agreement they lived to
gether in continency, and entered the T h ird O rder: A fter the death


f her husband. D elphina spent her tim e in works of piety and

larity. Dying in 1360, she found her last resting-place at her
usbands side.

Mass Virgines laudent, from the Common of Many Virgins

p. 310 of this Supplement), with the first orations.
Commemoration is made of the Octave of the Immaculate
'.onception, and of the Feria.
The Creed is said because of the Octave of the Immaculate
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Conceptione
ti maculata.
D e c e m b e r 10


Confessor, of the Third Order
Peter, an example of the true Christian workingman, was a simple
>mb-maker who sanctified his daily labor by prayer and m editation,
e and his wife entered the T h ird O rder, and after her death he
red a retired life until his own death in 1289. H e did m uch for
e poor, and became known for his truly Franciscan humility.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a

ontiff, in the first place, with the following:
A ENTIS nostrs superbj * am, quaesumus, Def
ine, sancta; humilitatis
ifritu deprime: qui aeleibus illustrati6nibus exiiam beati Petri Confesris tui humilitatem miraliter sublimasti. Per D6inum.

LORD, who hast wonder
fully exalted the exceed
ing humility of blessed Peter,
Thy Confessor, through heav
enly illuminations: we beseech
Thee, cast down the pride of
our mind by the spirit of holy
humility. Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made of the Octave of the Immaculate

onception; of the Feria; and of St. Melchiades, Pope and
The Creed is said because of the Octave of the Immaculate
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Conceptione


D e c e m b e r 11


Confessor, of the Third Order
From his youth, Hugoline found his joy in meditation and in read
ing the Holy Scriptures. In order to attain to Evangelical perfection
he entered the Third Order, sold all his possessions and distributee
the proceeds to the poor, to widows and orphans. He then retiree
to solitude and began the life of a hermit. He always warded of
the temptations of the devil by calling on the all-powerful help 0
the Immaculate Virgin. He died in 1373.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not <

Pontiff, in the first place, with the following:
sericors D e u s , qui
beato Hugolino Confessed
tuo solitudinis am6rem et
evanglicae paupertitis gra
tiam conferre dignatus es:
concide nobis famulis tuis;
ut ejusdem imitantes exem
pla, consequimur et prae
mia. Per D6minum.

GOOD and merciful God
who didst graciously be
stow on blessed Hugoline, Th;
Confessor, the love of solitudi
and the grace of Evangelica
poverty, grant to us, Thy serv
ants, that, imitating his exam
pie, we may also receive his re
wards. Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made of St. Damasus, Pope and Con

fessor; of the Octave of the Immaculate Conception; ant
of the Feria.
The Creed is said because of the Octave of the Immaculat
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Conception
D e c e m b e r 12


(Major Double)
After the death of St. Francis, a magnificent basilica was buil
in Assisi, and the body of the saint was buried deep under th
church. The exact spot was kept secret for fear that the preciou
remains might be stolen. In the course of time, the location of th
grave was forgotten. Many excavations were made, but in vain



A t last Pope Pius V II gave permission for * thorough search, and in

1818 the body of St. Francis was found deep in the earth under the
high altar. In commemoration of the event. Pope Leo X II instituted
today's feast.

Introitus. Ps. 9:14,15

i s e r e r e mei, D6mine; vide humilita
tem meam, qui exaltas me
de portis mortis, ut annun
tiem omnes laudati6nes tuas
in portis filiae Sion. Ps. ibid.:
1. Confitebor tibi, D6mine,
in "toto corde meo, narrabo
6mnia mirabilia tua. V.
Gldria Patri.

Introit. Ps. 9:14,15

AVE mercy upon me, O
Lord: see my humiliation,
Thou that liftest me up from
the gates of death, that I may
declare all Thy praises in the
gates of the daughter of Sion.
Ps. ibid.: 1. I will give praise
to Thee, O Lord, with my
whole heart: 1 will relate all
Thy wonders. V. Glory be to
the Father.

EUS, qui preti6sum
beati Pa t r i s nostri
Frandsci Confessdris tui cor
pus, e fenebris in lucem pro
ferre fedsti: da nobis, quae
sumus; ut, ejus intercessi6ne, e nocte peccat6rum
educti, gressus nostros in
viaim pacis et justitiae diriga
mus. Per D6minum.

LORD, who hast caused
the precious body of our
blessed Father Frands, Thy
Confessor, to come forth from
darkness to light, grant us, we
beseech Thee, that through his
intercession, being led out from
the night of sin, we may di
rect our steps in the way of
peace and justice. Through our

Commemoration is made of the Octave of the Immaculate

Conception; and of the Feria.
Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli
Ap6stoli ad Galatas.
Gal. 6:14-18
RATRES: Mihi autem
absit gloriari, nisi in
cruce D6mini nostri Jesu
Christi: per quem mihi mun
dus crucifixus est, et ego
mundo. In Christo enim
Jesu neque drcumdsio Ali
quid valet, neque praeputium,

Lesson from the Epistle of

blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Galatians. Gal. 6:14-18
RETHREN: But God for
bid that I should glory,
save in the cross of our Lord
Jesus Christ; by whom the
world is crucified to me, and
I to the world, For in Christ
Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumci-



sed nova creatura. Et quicumque hanc regulam se

cuti fuerint, pax super illos,
et misericordia, et super
Israel Dei. De cetero nemo
mihi molestus sit: ego enim
stigmata Ddmini Jesu in
c6rpore meo porto. Gratia
D6mini nostri Jesu Christi
cum spiritu vestro, fratres.

sion, but a new creature. And

whosoever shall follow this
rule, peace on them, and mercy,
and upon the Israel of God.
From henceforth let no man be
troublesome to me; for I bear
the marks of the Lord Jesus
in my body. The grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ be with your
spirit, brethren. Amen.

Graduate. Sap. 3:1-3

Just6rum animae in manu
Dei sunt, et non tanget illos
tormentum mortis. V. Visi
sunt 6 c u 1 i s insipientium
mori, illi autem sunt in pace.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
33:21. Cust6dit D6minus
omnia ossa e6rum, unum ex
his non conteretur. Alleluja.

Gradual. Wisd. 3:1-3

The souls of the just are in
the hand of God, and the tor
ment of death shall not touch
them. V. In the sight of the
unwise they seemed to die, but
they are in peace.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 33:
21. The Lord keepeth all their
bones; not one of them shall
be broken. Alleluia.

^Sequentia sancti Evangeiii

secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 11:25-30
N ILLO tempore: Respon
dens Jesus, dixit: Confi
teor tibi, Pater, D6mine
caeli et terrae, quia abscon
disti haec a sapientibus, et
prudentibus, et revelasti ea
parvulis. Ita, Pater: qu6niam sic fuit placitum ante
te. Omnia mihi tradita sunt
a Patre meo. Et nemo novit
Filium, nisi Pater: neque
Patrem quis novit, nisi Fi
lius, et cui voluerit Filius
revelare. Venite ad me,
omnes, qui laboratis, et
onerati estis, et ego reficiam
vos. T611ite jugum meum

^Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 11:25-30
T THAT time: Jesus answered and said: I con
fess to Thee, O Father, Lord
of heaven and earth, because
Thou hast hid these things from
the wise and prudent, and hast
revealed them to little ones.
Yea, Father; for so hath it
seemed good in Thy sight. All
thing are delivered to Me by
My Father. And no one knoweth the Son, but the Father:
neither doth anyone know the
Father, but the Son, and he to
whom it shall please the Son to
reveal Him. Come to Me, all
you that labor, and are bur-


super vos, et discite a me,

quia mitis sum, et humilis
corde: et inveniatis requiem
animabus vestris. Jugum
enim meum suave est, et
onus meum leve.


dened, and I will refresh you.

Take up My yoke upon you,
and learn of Me, because I am
meek, and humble of heart: and
you shall find rest to your souls.
For My yoke is sweet and My
burden light.

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. 4 Reg. 23:18
Dimitte eum, nemo comm6veat ossa ejus: et intacta
manserunt ossa illius.
UA, Domine, muneribus
altaria cumulamus illius
c6rporis Inventi6nem hon6re
debito recolantes, in quo
praerogativa mirabili, pas
sionis tuae sacra Stigmata
renovasti. Qui vivis.

Offertory. 4 Kings 23:18

Let him alone, let no man
move his bones; and his bones
were left untouched.
LORD, we place these
gifts on Thine altair, in
order to celebrate with due
honor the finding of that body
on which Thou, through a won
derful prerogative, didst renew
the sacred Stigmata of the Pas
sion. Who livest.

Commemorations as above.
Preface of our Holy Pat er Francis, as on the feast of
October 4.
Communio. Job 11:18,19
Communion. Job 11:18,19
Def6ssus, securus dormies;
Being buried, thou shalt sleep
requi&ces, et non erit qui secure; thou shalt rest, and
te exterreat.
there shall be none to make
thee afraid.
yELfiSTIBUS, Domine,
LORD, refreshed with the
refecti mysteriis, te sup
heavenly mysteries, we
pliciter exoramus: ut, beati humbly implore Thee that by
Patris nostri Francisci mari the merits and intercession of
tis et intercessi6ne, per ejus our blessed Father Francis, fol
vestigia gradiintes, aeterna lowing in his footsteps, we may
gaudia c6nsequi mereamur. a t t a i n to everlasting joy.
Per Dominum.
Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above


D e c e m b e r 14


Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
A fter a blameless youth, Conrad entered the Franciscan O rder
and became an outstanding preacher. H e devoted him self w ith the
greatest zeal to prayer, meditation and mortification. H e so faith
fully followed the example of our Seraphic Father th a t he was called
a second Francis. His death occurred in 1306.
Barthold was a secular priest, and as a pastor, showed remarkable
zeal for souls. H e was stricken w ith leprosy a t th e age of fiftytwo, whereupon he resigned from his pastoral cure, and having been
clothed with the habit of the T h ird O rder, w ent to a nearby leper
hospital. There, for twenty years, he bore his illness w ith heavenly
patience and holy joy, dying in 1300.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the
second orations.
Commemoration is made of the Octave of the Immaculate
Conception; and of the Feria.
The Creed is said because of the Octave of the Immacu
late Conception.
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Conceptione
D e c e m b e r 23


Confessor, of the First Order
N icholas was born in Valencia, Spain, and from his youth led
a holy life. H e assisted th e poor and served the afflicted. In order
to convert sinners through his preaching, he, as a Franciscan priest,
led a life o f strict penance. H e cherished a special devotion to the
suffering Saviour, the Blessed Sacrament a n d th e Blessed Virgin
M ary. H e was called to his heavenly reward in 1383.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a

Pontiff, in the first place, with the following:
GOD, who hast caused
EUS, qui beatum Nico
laum Co n f e s s 6 r e m
blessed Nicholas, Thy
tuum, ineffabili caritatis tu Confessor, inflamed with an in
igne succensum, te p u r o describable ardor of love for
corde sectari fecisti: da no- Thee, to follow Thee with a pure



bis famulis tuis; ut, e6dem

spiritu repliti et caritate
ferventes, viam mandat6rum
tu6rum inoffenso pede cur
rimus. Per D6minum.

heart: grant to us, Thy servants,

that, filled with the same spirit
and burning with the same love,
we may run the way of Thy
commandments with secure
steps. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of the Feria.
IVlNI illius amoris in
AY these holy mysteries
cendio, quxsumus, D6ever inflame us, we be
mine, haec sacrosancta my seech Thee, O Lord, with the
steria . jugiter nos infldm- ardor of that love with which
ment, quo beatus Nicolaus, blessed Nicholas wonderfully
eadem peragendo, mirabiliter burned while performing them.
aestuabat. Per D6minum.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.
A NGELORUM pane nuo u ris h e d
with the
triti, et superna dulce
Br e a d of A n g e l s auid
dine perfusi, te, D6mine, filled with heavenly sweetness,
suppliciter exorimus; ut, we humbly beseech Thee, O
beati Nicolii intercessidne Lord, that through the inter
et exemplo, corda nostra a cession and example of blessed
terr6nis cupidititibus sint Nicholas our hearts may be free
libera, et ad caelestia semper from worldly desires auid al
aspirent. Per D6minum.
ways aispire to heavenly things.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.

D e c em b e r 30


Virgins, of the Second Order
M argaret was born in Rome of the noble family of Colonna. In
her childhood she lost her p aren ts; thereafter, turning her back
on all earthly things, she retired to a lonely mountain near P ale strin a ;
there,' until her death in 1284, she lived a life of penance and
charity according to the Rule of St. Clare.
M atthia was the daughter of a distinguished Roman fam ily. H er
father wished her to marry, but she ned to the convent of the
Poor Clares in her native city. She soon reached such a degree of
perfection th a t she w as' elected superior. For forty years she ad
ministered this office w ith great holiness. T he w ealth she inherited



from her father was employed exclusively for holy and charitable
purposes. Frequently m editating on th e sufferings of Christ, she led
a strict life of penance until her death in 1320.

Mass Virgines laudent, from the Common of Many Virgins

(/>. 310 of this Supplement), with the second orations.
Commemoration is made of the Octave of the Nativity.
The Creed is said because of the Octave of the Nativity.
Preface and Communicantes of the Nativity.

T h e Su n d a y b e t w e e n
a n d E p i p h a n y , o r , if

t h e F easts o f t h e C ir c u m c is io n
n o Su n d a y f a l l s b e t w e e n t h e m ,
J anuary 2


(Double of the Second Class)
T his feast owes its origin to the Franciscan saints, Bernardine of
Siena, John Capistran, James of the M arch, Leonard of Port M aurice,
Bl. M atthew of Girgenti and Bl. G abriel Feretti. A ll were great
lovers and preachers of the M ost H oly N am e of Jesus- In 1530 Pope
Clement V II gave the Franciscans a special feast to honor th e Holy
N am e. Pope Innocent X III in 1721 extended it to th e Universal

Mass as in the Roman Missal.

The last Alleluia of the Gradual is omitted and the
following is said:
To be omitted in Votive Masses
AUDA, Sion, Salvatoris
ION, lift thy voice and raise
* Jesu nomen, et am6ris.
To thy Saviour hymns of
Toto cordis jubilo.
With joyful heart His Name
Nomen sanctum nos amare Meet it is for us to render
Decet semper, et laudare
To that Name, so sweet and
Absque mentis nubilo.
Love and praise for evermore.
Jesu, nomen potestatis,
Full of majesty Thy Name;
Atque aetlrnae majestatis,
Boundless power doth it claim
Summi Patris brachium.
Mighty arm of God our King.



laslos fecit, te rn molem

esu nomen, atque solem,
it caeleste gaudium.

By that Name was earth created,

And the laws of nature stated;
Sun and sky its praises sing.

Vngelorum ingens cactus,

'rotoplastesque perfectus
;uit Jesu ndmine.

Angels bright, with love aflame,

Took their form at Jesus Name;
Mankind, too, did thence pro

Jt aquarum magni fontes,

unt immissi super montes,
usto rerum 6rdine.

That themighty waters fountains

Are discharged above the moun
By just laws, Thy Name de

n Aigypto fecit signa

esu nomen, et maligna
'rdidit prodigia.

Jesus Name in Egypt wrought

Wondrous things, and brought
to naught
All the works of Satans pride.

cisso pelago, transvexit

sraelem, et demersit
Idstium insignia.

Israels ho s t by Thee w as
Through the sea which Thou
Egypt perished in the tide.

By the power of Thy Name,

lujus nominis virtute
uperbdrum sunt destructae, Demons proud are put to shame
latmonum potentis.
And their might is overthrown;
imuldcra idolorum
unt eversa, tyrannorum
racta violentiae.

Images of idols shattered;

Their tyrannic priesthood scat
Now Thy sovereign power must

esu nomen figuratum,

rehementer exspectatum
atrum desiderio.

Jesus, Lord, Thy holy Name

Earth and heaven now acclaim
As the long-desired One.

That which mystery concealed,

.evelatum nobis quidem
)edit spem, am6rem, fidem, Faith and hope and love re
laximo mysterio.
Through the everlasting Son.



Nomen ergo hoc amandum

Toto corde, et adorandum
Omni reverentia.
In adversis nomen sanctum
Invocetur: Jesu tantum
Aderit praesentia.
Praesentia Deitatis,
Et totius bonitatis,
Dulcis Jesus aderit.
Fugat morbos et Iiv6res,
Sed et inimi langu6res,
Jesus ubi venerit.
Veni ergo, Jesu bone,
Et te cordi nostro pone
N6bile signaculum. Amen.

Worthy is Thy Name of love;

All below and all above
Thee adore in faith profound.
Let us not in trials dissever;
Jesus Name hath power for
Sin and darkness to confound.
Jesus, be Thou ever near,
Sweetest Presence and mosl
All our joy and rapture blest.
Soul and body are restored
When our Jesus, gracious Lord
Deigns within our hearts to rest.
Jesus, Lord, our souls are yearn
Jesus, come, Thy dear Nam<
On our hearts, and make us
Thine. Amen. Alleluia.

J anuary 2


Confessors, of the First Order
Bentivolius was received into th e O rder by St. Francis himself
H e was distinguished by his love of prayer, hum ility, obedience
charity tow ard the sick and poor, a n d zeal for the salvation o
souls. H e died in 1231.
For fourteen years G erard took care of his invalid m other witl
self-sacrificing love. After her death he distributed his possession
among th e poor and m ade a pilgrim age to the shrines of Italy
Stirred by tne sanctity and miracles of the holy Franciscan bishop
Louis of Toulouse, he entered th e O rder as a lay-brother. T o thi
tim e of his death in 1342 he distinguished him self especially througl
his love for the poor.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Confes

sors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the firs
Commemoration is made of the Octave Day of St. Stephen
Preface of the Nativity.



J anuary 4


Widow, of the Third Order
Angela was born in 1248 in Foligno, Italy. In her youth and
after her early m arriage she lived only for th e pleasures of this
w orld. Then suddenly, one after another, her motner, her husband
and all her children _died. D ivine grace then brought about her
conversion. She distributed her w ealth among th e poor and en
tered the T h ird O rder. From then on she devoted herself entirely
to the works of penance and charity. Purified by exterior and in
terior sufferings, she advanced to a h ig h degree of perfection. She
was favored w ith extraordinary graces and divine m anifestations. In
Foligno she founded a Congregation of Sisters of the T h ird O rder.
H er death occurred in 1309.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of a Holy Woman, in the

second place, with the following:
EUS, dulcedo c6rdium O
GOD, Thou Sweetness of
et lumen beat6rum, qui
hearts and Light of the
beatam Angelam famulam blessed, who d i d s t r e f r e s h
tuam mira rerum caelestium blessed Angela, Thy handmaid,
contemplati6ne r e c r e a s t i : with wonderful contemplation
concade; ut, ipsius meritis of heavenly things: grant that
et intercessione, ita te cog through her intercession and
noscamus in terris, ut in re- merits we may so know Thee
velati6ne gl6riae tuae gaude on earth as to deserve to re
re mereamur in caelis. Per joice in heaven in the manifes
tation of Thy glory. Through
our Lord.
Commemoration is made of the Octave Day of the Holy
Preface of the Nativity.

J a n u a r y 14


Confessors, of the First Order
Odoric was born in Pordenone, Italy. H e entered the Franciscan
O rder and prepared him self for th e life o f a missionary by diligent
study, zealous prayer and strict penance. In order to w in souls for
Christ he went to the O rient and traveled through Trehizond, A r
menia, East India and C hina as far as Tibet. From there he turned



tow ard Persia, intending to return home to ask the Pope for new
companions in his missionary labors. On the way to Avignon in
1331 he fell ill and died at a monastery in Udine.
Roger was one of the first companions of St. Francis, and was
ever a faithful im itator of his spiritual father. St. Francis loved him
especially for his charity and piety. H is death occurred in 1237.
Giles had been pious from his earliest childhood. H e entered the
Franciscan O rder in his native town of Lorenzana, and obtained
permission to build a hermitage near the monastery where he spent
his life in prayer, penance and m editation until his death in 1318.
H e possessed rare keenness of intellect, and ever remained firm and
undaunted in the face of violent attacks of the devil.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the
first orations.
Commemoration is made of St. Hilary, Bishop and Doctor;
and of St. Felix, Priest and Martyr.
The Creed is said because of the commemorated feast.
J a n u a r y 16


Protomartyrs of the Seraphic Order
(Major Double)
O ne of the greatest desires o f St. Francis was to convert the Sara
cens. In 1212 he himself wished to go as a missionary to Morocco,
but illness prevented him from reaching his goal. In 1219, there
fore, he sent five young Franciscans, under the leadership of Brother
Vitalis. T he latter became ill in Portugal and was forced to remain
behind. T he other five friars reached M orocco, preached the doctrine
of Jesus C hrist and refuted the teachings of M ohamm ed. There
upon they were cast into prison and cruelly executed, in the early
part of 1220. Through tn e death of these five protomartyrs, the
O rder received its baptism of blood even during the lifetim e of our
holy Founder.

Introitus. Ps. 33:20,21

U L T AE tribulationes
just6rum, et de his
omnibus liberavit eos D6minus. Dominus cust6dit
omnia ossa e6rum, unum ex
his non c o n t e r e t u r . Ps.
ibid.:l. Benedicam D6minum in omni tempore, sem
per laus ejus in ore meo.
V. G16ria Patri.

Introit. Ps. 33:20, 21

ANY are the afflictions of
the just, but out of them
all will the Lord deliver them.
The Lord k e e p e t h all their
bones, not one of them shall be
broken. Ps. ibid.:l. I will bless
the Lord at all times, His praise
shall be always in my mouth.
V. Glory be to the Father.



EUS, q u i s a n c t 6 r u m
Martyrum tu6rum Berardi, Petri, Accursii, Adju
ti atque Oth6nis glori6so
certamine . Ordinis Mindrum initia consecrasti: con
cede nobis famulis tuis; ut,
quorum triumphis laetdmur,
e6rum v i r t u t e s imitamur.
Per D6minum.
Commemoration is made

GOD, who hast consecrat
ed the beginnings of the
Order of Friars Minor by the
glorious struggle of Thy holy
Martyrs, Berard, Peter, Accursius, Adjutus and Otto: grant
to us, Thy servants, that we may
imitate their virtues in whose
triumphs we rejoice. Through
our Lord.
of St. Marcellus I, Pope and

Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli

A p 6 s t o l i ad Corinthios.
1 Cor. 4:9-14
RATRES : Spectaculum
facti sumus mundo, et
angelis, et hominibus. Nos
stulti propter Christum, vos
autem prudentes in Christo:
nos i n f i r m i , vos autem
fortes: vos ndbiles, nos au
tem ignobiles. U s q u e i n
hanc horam et esurimus, et
sitimus, et nudi sumus, et
colaphis caedimur, et insta
biles sumus, et laboramus
operantes manibus nostris:
maledicimur, et benedicimus:
persecuti6nem patimur, et
sustinemus: blasphemamur,
et obsecramus: t a m q u a m
purgamenta h u j u s mundi
facti sumus, 6mnium perip
sema usque adhuc. Non ut
confundam vos, haec scribo,
sed ut filios meos carissimos
m6neo: in Christo Jesu D6mino nostro.

Lesson from the E p i s t l e of

blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Corinthians. 1 Cor. 4:9-14
RETHREN: We are made a
spectacle to the world, and
to angels, and to men. We are
fools for Christs sake, but you
are wise to Christ; we are weak,
but you are strong; you are hon
orable, but we without honor.
Even unto this hour we both
hunger and t h i r s t , and are
naked, and are buffeted, and
have no fixed abode. And we
labor, working with our own
hands; we are reviled, and we
bless; we are persecuted, and we
suffer it. We are blasphemed,
and we entreat; we are made as
the refuse of this world, the offscouring of all even until now.
I write not these things to con
found you; but I admonish you
as my dearest children, in Chriit
Jesus our Lord.



Gradual. Ps. 78:10,2

Graduale. Ps. 78:10, 2
O Lord, revenge the blood
Vindica, D6mine, san
guinem Sanct6rum tu6rum of Thy saints w h i c h hath
qui effusus e s t . V. Po been shed. V. They have given
suerunt morticina servorum the dead bodies of Thy servants
tu6rum, Domine, escas vo to be meat for the fowls of the
latilibus c*li; carnes Sanct6- air: the flesh of Thy saints for
rum tu6rum, bestiis terrae. the beasts of the earth.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
e s t v e r a fraternitas, quae true brotherhood, which convicit mundi crimina: Chris quereth the crimes of the world:
tum secuta est, Inclyta te it hath followed after Christ,
nens regna caelestia. Alle possessing the glorious kingdom
of heaven. Alleluia.
After Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the following Verse
are omitted, and the Tract is said.
Tract. Ps. 125:5, 6
Tractus. Ps. 125:5, 6
They that sow in tears shall
Qui seminant in lacrimis,
in gaudio metent. V. Eun reap in joy. V. Going they went
tes ibant et flebant, mit and wept, casting their seeds.
tentes semina sua. V. Ve V. But coming they shall come
nientes autem venient cum with joyfulness, carrying their
exsultati6ne, portantes mani sheaves.
pulos suos.
In Votive Masses during
the following is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
78:10, 2. Vlndica, D6mine,
sanguinem Sanct6rum tu6rum, qui effusus est. Al
leluja. V. Posuerunt morti
cina serv6rum tu6rum, D i
mine, escas volatilibus caeli;
carnes Sanct6rum tu6rum,
bestiis terra;. Alleluja.
I* Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 10:16-22
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis: Ecce
ego mitto vos sicut oves in

Paschal Time, after the Epistle

Alleluia, alleluia. V.Ps.78:
10,2. O Lord, revenge the
blood of Thy saints which hath
been shed. Alleluia. V. They
have given the dead bodies of
Thy servants to be meat for the
fowls of the air: the flesh of
Thy saints for the beasts of
the earth. Alleluia.
i* Continuation of the holy
Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 10:16-22
A T THAT time: Jesus said
to His disciples, Behold 1
send you as sheep in the midst



medio lupdrum. Est6te ergo

prudentes sicut serpentes, et
simplices sicut columbae.
Cavite autem ab hominibus.
Tradent enim vos in con
ciliis, et in synag6gis suis
flagellabunt vos: et ad prae
sides, et ad reges ducimini
propter me in testim6nium
illis, et gentibus. Cum autem
tradent vos, nolite cogitare
qu6modo, aut quid loqua
mini: dabitur enim vobis in
illa hora, quid loquimini.
Non enim vos estis, qui lo
quimini, sed Spiritus Patris
vestri, qui 16quitur in vobis.
Tradet autem frater fratrem
in mortem, et pater filium:
et insurgent filii in parentes,
et morte eos afficient: et
eritis 6dio omnibus propter
nomen meum: qui autem
perseveraverit usque in finem,
hic salvus erit.

of wolves. Be ye therefore
wise as serpents, and simple as
doves. But beware of men:
for they will deliver you up in
councils, and they will scourge
you in their synagogues. And
you shall be brought before
governors, and before kings
for My saike, for a testimony to
them and to the gentiles. But
when they shall deliver you up,
take no thought how or what
to speak; for it shall be given
you in that hour what to speak:
for it is not you that speak,
but the Spirit of your Father
that speaketh in you. The
brother also shall deliver up
the brother to death, and the
father the son; and the chil
dren shall rise up against the
parents, and shall put them
to death; and you shall be
hated by adl men for My names
sake: but he that shall perse
vere unto the end, he shall be

Offertorium. Sap. 3 :1,2,3

Just6rum animae in manu
Dei sunt, et non tanget illos
tormentum malitiae: visi sunt
fculis insipientium mori, illi
autem sunt in pace, alleluja.

Offertory. Wisd. 3:1,2,3

The souls of the just are in
the hand of God, and the tor
ment of evil shall not touch
them: in the sight of the un
wise they seemed to die, but
they are in peace, alleluia.

RO preti6sa, Domine, tu6rum morte Sanct6rum sarrificium istud offerimus:
juo opem tuam nostris tem
poribus clementer impendas,
:t gratiam nobis verae devoi6nis exhibeas. Per D6ninum.

E OFFER Thee this sacri
fice in commemoration of
the precious death of Thy saints,
O Lord, through which, in Thy
mercy, grant help to our era,
and show to us the grace of
true devotion. Through our



Commemoration as above.
Communio. Luc. 12:4
Dico autem vobis amicis
meis: Ne terreamini ab his
qui vos persequuntur.
FLESTI A. D6mine, qua:
sumpsimus, vitam no
bis tribuant sempiternam
quam cum sanctorum Mar
tyrum tu6rum Berardi, Petri,
Accursii, Adjuti, et Oth6nis
glori6sis maritis implora
mus. Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.

Communion. Luke 12:4

And I say to you, My friends:
be not afraid of them who per
secute you.
AY the heavenly gifts, O
Lord, which we have re
ceived give us eternal life; for
w h i c h we earnestly pray
through the glorious merits of
Thy holy Martyrs, Berard,
Peter, Accursius, Adjutus and
Otto. Through our Lord.

J a n u a r y 19


Confessors, of the First Order
Thomas was born in Cora, Italy. He was considered a sainl
even in his youth, and after th e death of his parents, he entered
the Franciscan O rder and became a priest. Through the practic<
of penance and mortification, he attained a spotless purity. H e was
especially devoted to the Blessed V irgin M ary and to Jesus Crucified,
G od granted him the privilege o f converting many sinners. He
passed from this life in 1729.
Charles was born in Sezza, Italy, the son of poor peasants. Froir
his youth he strove to imitate tne example or the saints, and h<
early took the vow of chastity. D uring a serious illness he promisee
to enter a religious order if he should recover. A fter he h ad regaine<
his health he became a Franciscan lay-brother and led a most perfec
life, dying in 1670.
Bernard, born in Corleone, Sicily, learned the shoemakers tra d
from his father, but swordplay was nis delight. O ne day he serioush
wounded his adversary in a duel, and filled w ith remorse, fled fron
home and entered a Capuchin monastery as a lay-brother. Hen
he led a life <rf the strictest penance and almost superhuman morti
fication un til his death in 1667.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 303 of this Supplement), with th<
second orations.
Commemoration is made of Sts. Marius, Martha, Audifa:
and Abachum, Martyrs; and of St. Canute the King, Marty)



J a n u a r y 23


(Major Double)
John Gcrson, th e famous Chancellor of the University of Paris,
was one of th e first to promote this feast in honor of our Ladys
espousals. It was celebrated in the beginning of th e fifteenth century
at Chartres, and in 1537 Pope Paul III permitted the Franciscans
to celebrate it. It was eventually extended to several other groups.
In 1913 it was removed from th e Church calendar but in 1928 the
Franciscans were again permitted to celebrate it.

ALVE, sancta Parens!
enlxa pu&pera Regem,
qui caelum terramque regit
in saecula saecul6rum. Ps.
44:2. Eructavit cor meum
verbum bonum, dico ego
6pera mea Regi. V. G16ria
a m u l is tuis, quaesumus,
D6mine, adestis gratiae
munus impertire: ut, quibus
b eits Virginis Partus Exsti
tit salutis ex6rdium; Desponsati6nis ejus votiva sol&nnitas pacis tribuat incre
mentum. Per D6minum.

AIL, holy parent, Mother
who didst bring forth the
King who ruleth heaven and
earth for ever. Ps.44:2. My
heart hath uttered a good
word, I speak my works to the
King. V. Glory be to the Fa
RANT to Thy servants, O
Lord, the gift of heavenly
grace; that to those for whom
the motherhood of the Blessed
Virgin served as the beginning
of salvation, this votive solem
nity of her espousals may bring
an increase of peace. Through
our Lord.
The second Collect is of St. Joseph.
Third Collect
a n c t i s s im a Genitricis
AY we be helped through
the merits of the spouse
tuae Sponsi, quaesumus,
D6mine, maritis adjuvamur: of Thy most holy Mother, we
iit, quod possibilitas nostra beseech Thee, O Lord; so that
non 6btinet; ejus nobis in- what we do not obtain through
:ercessi6ne donatur. Q u i our own strength may be given
us through his intercession.
Who livest.
Commemoration is made of St. Raymond Pennafort, Con
fessor; and of St. Emerentiana, Virgin and Martyr.



Lectio libri Sapientia;.

Lesson from the book of


Prov. 8:22-35
(3MINUS possedit me
in initio viarum sua
rum, intequam quidquam
fSceret a prindpio. Ab
aeterno ordinata sum et ex
antiquis, antequam t e r r a
fieret. Nondum erant abys
si, et ego jam concepta
eram; necdum fontes aqua
rum eruperant, necdum mon
tes gravi mole constiterant,
ante colles ego parturiebar:
adhuc terram non fecerat, et
flumina, et cardines orbis
terrae. Quando praparibat
caelos aderam, quando certa
lege et gyro vallabat abyssos,
quando aethera firmabat sur
sum et librabat fontes
aquarum, quando circumda
bat mari terminum suum,
et legem ponebat aquis ne
transirent fines suos, quando
appendebat fundamenta ter
rae: cum eo eram, cuncta
compdnens, et delectabar per
singulos dies, ludens coratm
eo omni tempore, ludens in
orbe terrarum. Et deliciae
meae esse cum filiis hdminum. Nunc ergo, filii, au
dite me: Beati qui custodi
unt vias meas! Audite disci
plinam, et est6te sapientes,
et nolite abjicere eam.
Beatus homo qui audit me,
et qui vigilat ad fores meas
quotidie, et .observat ad
postes 6stii mei! Qui me in-

Prov. 8:22-35
HE Lord possessed me in
the beginning of His ways,
before He made anything, from
the beginning. I was set up
from eternity and of old, be
fore the earth was made. The
depths were not as yet, and I
was already conceived; neither
had the fountains of water
as yet sprung out; the moun
tains with their huge bulk had
not as yet been established; be
fore the hills I was brought
forth. He had not yet made the
earth, nor the rivers, nor the
poles of the world. When He
prepared the heavens, I was
present; when with a certain
law and compass He enclosed
the depths; when He estab
lished the sky above, and
poised the fountains of water;
when He compassed the sea
with its bounds, and set a law
to the waters that they should
not pass their limits; when He
balanced the foundations of the
earth; I was with Him, form
ing all things, and was de
lighted every day, playing be
fore Him at all times, play
ing in the world. And my de
lights were to be with the
children of men. Now there
fore, ye children, hear me:
Blessed are they that keep mj
ways. Hear instruction, and b<
wise, and refuse it not. Blessec
is the man that heareth me
and that watcheth daily at mj
gates, and waiteth at the post:



r6nerit inveniet vitam, et of my doors. He that shall

lauriet salutem a D6mino. find me, shall find life, and
shall have salvation from the
Benedicta et veneribilis
Thou art blessed and vener
s, Virgo Marfa! qua: sine able, O Virgin Mary, who with
actu pudoris inventa es out any violation of purity
nater Salvat6ris. V. Virgo wast found to be the Mother
)ei Genitrix, quem totus of the Saviour. V. O Virgin
ion capit orbis in tua se Mother of God, He whom the
lausit viscera factus Homo. whole world doth not contain,
being made Man, enclosed Him
self in thy womb.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. FeAlleluia, alleluia. V. Happy
ix es, sacra Virgo Maria, et art thou, O sacred Virgin Mary,
mni laude dignissima; quia and most worthy of all praise,
x te ortus est sol justitiae, for from thee arose the Sun of
Christus Deus noster. Alle- Justice, Christ our God. Alle
After Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the following Verse
re omitted, and the Tract is said.
Gaude, Maria Virgo, cuncRejoice, O Virgin Mary,
is haereses sola interemisti. thou alone hast destroyed all
\ Quse Gabrielis Archin- heresies. V. Who didst believe
eli dictis credidisti. V. the words of the Archangel
>um virgo, Deum et. H6- Gabriel. V. Whilst a Virgin,
linem genuisti, et post par thou didst bring forth God
im virgo inviolita perman- and Man, and after childbirth
sti. V. Dei Genitrix, in- didst remain a virgin unde
;rcede pro nobis.
filed. V. Mother of God, in
tercede for us.
Sequentia sancti Evangeiii
secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 1:18-21
"''UM esset desponsata
mater Jesu Maria Jo:ph, antequam convenirent,
iventa est in utero habens
: Spiritu Sancto. Joseph

HE* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 1:18-21
HEN as Jesus' Mother,
Mary was espoused to Jo
seph, before they came together,
she was found with child of
the Holy Ghost. Whereupon



autem vir ejus, cum esset

justus et nollet eam tradu
cere, v61uit occulte dimit
tere eam. H sc autem eo
cogitante, ecce Angelus D6mini apparuit in somnis ei,
dicens: Joseph, fili David,
noli timere accipere Mariam
cdnjugem tuam; quod enim
in ea natum est, de Spiritu
Sancto est. Pariet autem
filium, et vocabis nomen
ejus Jesum; ipse enim sal
vum faciet p6pulum suum
a peccatis e6rum.

Joseph, her husband, being

just man, and not willing pul
lidy to expose her, was minde
to put her away privately. Bi
while he thought on thes
things, behold the Angel c
the Lord appeared to him in hi
sleep, saying: Joseph, son c
David, fear not to take unt
thee Mary, thy wife, for th:
which is conceived in her, :
of the Holy Ghost. And sh
shall bring forth a Son; an
thou shalt call His name Jesu:
For He shall save His peopl
from their sins.

The Creed is said.

Beata es, Virgo Maria,
quae 6mnium portasti Crea
torem ! genuisti qui te fecit,
et in astrnum permanes
NIGENITI tui, Domine,
nobis succurrat hu
manitas: ut, qui natus de
Virgine, matris integritatem
non minuit sed sacravit; in
Desponsati6nis ejus solEmniis, nostris nos piaculis
exuens, oblati6nem nostram
tibi faciat acceptam Jesus
Christus D6minus noster.
Qui tecum vivit.

EBITUM tibi, D6mine,
nostrae reddimus servi
tutis, suppliciter exorantes:

Blessed art thou, O Virgi
Mary, who didst bear the Cri
ator of all things! Thou did
bring forth Him who mac
thee, and thou remainest a vi:
gin for ever.
LORD, may the Humanil
of Thine only-begotte
Son help us; so that He whi
being born of a Virgin, di
not destroy the integrity of H
Mother but sanctified it, ma
during the solemnity of h<
espousals, freeing us from 0 1
guilt, make acceptable to Th
our oblation, Jesus Christ, 0 1
Lord. Who liveth and reignet
with Thee.
Second Secret
LORD, we pay Thee tl
debt of our service, hun
bly imploring Thee to prote


it, suffragiis beati Joseph,

iponsi Genitricis Filii tui
esu Christi Damini nostri,
n nobis tua munera tuearis,
ib cujus venerandam com
memorationem laudis tibi
6stias immolamus. Per
undem D6minum.


Thy gifts in us, by the interces

sion of blessed Joseph, the
spouse of the Mother of Thy
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in
whose honor and commemora
tion we immolate this sacrifice
of praise to Thee. Through the
same Jesus Christ.

Commemorations as above.
Preface of the Blessed Virgin, et te in Desponsatione.
fieata viscera Maris Virinis, quae portaverunt aeterni
atris Filium!
^UMPSIMUS, D o mi n e ,
' celebritatis annus vova sacramenta: praesta,
assumus; ut et temporalis
it* nobis remedia praebeant
: aeternae. Per D6minum.
DfiSTO nobis, quaesu- mus, misericors Deus:
:, intercedente pro nobis
:4to Joseph Confess6re;
ia circa nos propitiatus
jna cust6di. Per Dominum.

Blessed is the womb of the
Virgin Mary, which bore the
Son of the Eternal Father!
LORD, we have received
the votive sacraments of
this year l y commemoration;
grant, we beseech Thee, that
they may afford remedies for
both our temporal and our
eternal life. Through our Lord.
Second Postcommunion
SSIST us, we beseech Thee,
O merciful God, and through
the intercession of blessed Jo
seph, Thy Confessor, in our
behalf, mercifully protect what
Thou hast given us. Through
our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
J a n u a r y 30


Virgin, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
Hy*cintha was th e daughter of the Count of M ariscotti. After
idle, pleasure-seeking life, she entered the convent of the Third
'der a t V iterbo. H ere she continued her w orldly life for ten years,
d caused great scandal to all. Suddenly she fell seriously ill.



and the stem reproofs of her confessor m ade such a deep impressioi
on her th a t from then until her death in 1640 she lived a life o
strict penance and devoted herself to the works of charity.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in th

third place, with the following:
EUS, qui beitam HyaGOD, who didst mali
clntham Virginem tuam
blessed Hyacintha, Th
jugis mortificationis, et cari Virgin, a victim of constar
tatis victimam effedsti: ejus mortification- and of charity
nobis exemplo et interces- grant that through her exampl
si6ne concede; ut peccdta and intercession we may be abJ
nostra deflere et te semper to weep for our sins and ev<
diligere valeamus. Per D6- to love Thee. Through oi

Commemoration is made of St. Martina, Virgin an

J a n u a r y 31


Widows, of the Third Order
Louise hd wished to dedicate herself to God in perpetual chastil
but a t the insistence of her parents she m arried. A fter the dea
of her husband, she saw th a t her children were provided for ai
then took the habit of the T h ird O rder. She gave all her possessio
to the poor, so th at she m ight live in absolute poverty, and pr;
tised extreme penance until her death in 1503.
Paula was the daughter of an illustrious family of Brescia,
Italy. According to the wish of her parents she m arried a you
count, and shortly afterw ard entered the T h ird O rder. She despis
the riches, honors and joys of this w orld and dedicated herself <
tirely to the works of mercy. In order to help the poor, she depriv
herself of all but the most necessary food and clothing. This broug
about th e disapproval of her husband, and he despised her so oper
th a t she became an object of ridicule even to her own servan
T hrough m editating on the sufferings of C hrist, she obtained strent
to bear her ordeal, and a t last brought about the conversion of 1
husband. She passed to her heavenly rew ard in 151) a t the age

Mass Domine Deus, from the Common of Many Hi

Women not Martyrs, in the second place (p. 320 of H
Supplement), with the first orations.
Commemoration is made of St. John Bosco, Confessor.



F ebruary 1


Virgins, of the Second and Third Orders
Eustochium was born in Messina, Italy. She entered the convent
f the Poor Clares in her native city and there lived an exemplary
fe. Through constant meditation on the sufferings of C hrist, shq
ecame a model of penance and mortification. She was especially
evoted to the Eucharistic Lord and the Blessed Virgin M ary. She
ied in 1491..
V eridiana lived a life of piety from her childhood. She undertook
pilgrimage to Compostella and Rome, and upon her return deided to spend the rest of her life in a narrow cell. A fter a period
f trial she received the habit of the T h ird O rder from St. Francis
imself, w ho taught her many secrets of the hidden life of solitde. She died in 1242, reciting the Penitential Psalms.

Mass Virgines laudent, from the Common of Many Virgins

p. 310 of this Supplement), with the second orations.
Commemoration is made of St. Ignatius, Bishop and
February 3


Bishop and Confessor, of the First Order
M atthew was born at Girgenti in Sicily. A fter a youth spent in
inocence and piety he joined the Conventuals. H e was sent to
pain where he advanced rapidly in learning and sanctity. H aving
lined the Observants, as the companion of St. Bernardine of Siena,
5 helped spread devotion to the Holy N am e of Jesus. H e was
ected bishop of his native city, but after a time begged to be freed
om his duties. H e returned to the monastery and died shortly afterard (in 1451), worn out by his long and h ard labors for the
3od of the Church.

Mass Sacerdotes tui, from the Common of a Confessor

ontiff, in the second place, with the following:
RANT u s , we beseech
''NA, QUdSSUMUS, omnlThee, O almighty God,
potens Deus, interveninte beato Matthso Confes- at the intercession of blessed
5re tuo atque Pontifice: ut Matthew, Thy Confessor and
icut ipse sanctissimi nimi Pontiff, that being inflamed
is Filii tui Jesu am6re with the same love of the Holy



Name of Thy Son, Jesus, witl

which he burned, we may striv
to despise earthly things and ti
love heavenly things. Througl
the same Jesus Christ.
Commemoration is made of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyi

flagravit, ita nos, e<5dem ac

censi, studeamus calcare ter
rena et amare caelestia. Per
eundem D6minum.

F e b ru a ry 4


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Joseph was born at Leonissa in Italy. A fter a blameless youth
he entered the Capuchin O rder and lived a life of poverty an
penance. H is zeal for souls drew him to Constantinople to preaci
to the C hristian slaves. A fter tw o years of successful labor, he wa
taken captive by the Turks. They nanged him on a high gibbet b
his rig h t hand and foot, and underneath kindled a slow fire, thinl
ing in this way to suffocate him gradually. A fter three days c
agony, an angel set him free. H e returned to Italy and labore
there for twenty years as a preacher, u n til his holy death in 161!

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not

Pontiff, in the second place, with the following:
GOD, Thou rewarder c
EUS fidelium remunera
tor serv6rum, qui bea
faithful servants, wh
tum Josephum eximium in didst make blessed Joseph
evangelica praedicati6r>e ope distinguished laborer in th
rarium effecisti: ejus, quae preaching of the Gospel: grar
sumus, intercessi6ne con us, we beseech Thee, throug
cade; ut a grato tibi servi his intercession, that on eart
tio numquam cessemus in we may never desist from
terris, et plenam a te meren service pleasing to Thee, an
dem recipiamus in caelis. that we may obtain from The
a full r e wa r d in heaver
Per Dominum.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Andrew Corsini, Bisho
and Confessor.
Gospel Designavit Dominus, as on the Feast of St. Leonar
of Port Maurice, November 26.
AUDIS tibi, D6mine, h6- V y / E IMMOLATE to Thei
stias immolamus in tu6- VV O Lord, the hosts c
rum commemoratione Sanct6- praise in commemoration c



um: quibus nos et praesen- Thy saints; and we trust that

ibus exui malis confidimus; by them we may be freed from
:t futuris. Per Dominum. both present and future evils.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.
EFRESHED w i t h heav
D EFECTI cibo potuque
enly food and drink, we
L'- caelesti, Deus noster, te
upplices exoramus: ut, in humbly beseech Thee, our God,
ujus haec commemorati6ne that we may also be fortified
>ercpimus, ejus muniamur through the prayers of him in
t precibus. Per Dominum. whose commemoration we have
received them. Through our
Commemoration as above.

February 5


Martyrs, of the First and Third Orders
(Major Double)
Born of an ancient and noble Spanish family, Peter became a
ranciscan and worked in the Philippines. From there he was sent
n an embassy of peace to the Emperor of Japan, Taikosam a. He
'as well received and concluded his mission successfully. H e then
sked and obtained permission to preach C hristianity to th e Japjese people. Thousands were converted, but the pagan priests,
raring to be overthrown, accused him of treason. Peter and twentyvo others of th e First and T h ird O rders were condemned to be
ucified a t N agasaki in 1597. Three Japanese Jesuits were also
rucified w ith the holy Franciscan Martyrs.

Introitus. Hebr. 12:1, 2

3 ER patientiam curramus
- ad propositum nobis cerimen, aspicientes in auct6:m fidei et consummatdrem,
esum, qui, prop6sito sibi
audio, sustinuit crucem,
Dnfusione contempta. Ps.
2:1. Exsultate, justi, in
)6mino: rectos decet colludatio. V. G16ria Patri.

Introit. Hebr. 12:1, 2

ET us run by patience to
the fight proposed to us,
looking on Jesus, the Author
and Finisher of faith; who,
having joy set before Him, en
dured the cross, despising the
shame. P s.32:l. Rejoice in the
Lord, O ye just: praise becometh the upright. V. Glory
be to the Father.





OMINE Jesu Christe,

qui, ad tui imitatidnem,
per crucis supplicium primi
tias fidei apud Japoniae gen
tes in sanct6rum Martyrum
Petri-Baptistae et Soci6rum
sanguine dedicasti: concede,
quaesumus; ut, quorum h6die solemnia colimus, excita
mur exemplis. Qui vivis.

LORD Jesus Christ, wh<

hast dedicated the first
fruits of the Faith among thi
people of Japan in the blooc
of the holy Martyrs, Peter Bap
tist and his companions, througl
their suffering of the cros:
in imitation of Thee: grant
we beseech Thee, that we ma;
be moved by the example o
those whose feast we celebrati
today. Who livest and reignest
Commemoration is made o St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
and, in Lent, of the Feria.
LEctio Epistolae beati Pauli Lesson from the Epistle o
blessed Paul the Apostle to th
Ap6stoli ad Galatas.
Gal. 6:14-18
Gal. 6:14-18
RETHREN: But God forbi<
RATRES: Mihi aut em
that I should glory, save ii
absit g l o r i a r i , nisi in
cruce D6mini nostri Jesu the cross of our Lord Jesu
Christi: per quem mihi mun Christ; by whom the world i
dus crucifixus est, et ego crucified to me, and I to th
mundo. In Christo enim world. For in Christ Jesu
Jesu neque circumcisio ali neither circumcision a v a i l e d
quid valet, neque praeputium, anything, nor uncircumcision
sed nova creatura. Et qui but a new creature. And who
cumque hanc regulam secuti soever shall follow this rule
fuerint, pax super illos, et peace on them, and mercy, am
miseric6rdia, et super Israel upon the Israel of God. Fror
Dei. De cetero nemo mihi henceforth let no man be trou
molestus s i t : e go e n i m blesome to me; for I bear th
stigmata Domini Jesu in marks of the Lord Jesus in m
cdrpore meo porto. Gratia body. The grace of our Lor
D6mini nostri Jesu Christi Jesus Christ be with your spirii
cum spiritu vestro, fratres. brethren. Amen.
Gradual. 1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2
Graduate. 1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2
N o s a u t e m praedicamus
But we preach Christ cruc;
Christum crucifixum, Ju fied, unto the Jews indeed
daeis quidem scandalum, gn- stumbling block, and unto th


ibus autem stultitiam. V.

Jon enim judicavi me scire
liud inter vos, nisi Jesum,
t hunc crucifixum.
Alleluia, alleluja. V. H ie
st vera fraternitas, quae vicit
lundi crimina: Christum
scuta est, inclyta tenens
egna caelestia. Alleluja.


gentiles foolishness. V. For I

judged not myself to know
anything else among you, but
Jesus, and Him crucified.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is
true brotherhood, which conquereth the crimes of the world:
it hath followed after Christ,
possessing the glorious kingdom
of heaven. Alleluia..
After Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the following Verse
re omitted, and the Tract is said.
Tractus. Ps. 125:5, 6
Tract. Ps. 125:5, 6
Qui slminant in lacrimis,
They that sow in tears shall
i gaudio metent. V. Euntes reap in joy. V. Going they
jant et flebant, mittentes went and wept, casting their
emina sua. V. Venientes seeds. V. But coming they shall
utem venient cum exsulta- come with joyfulness, carrying
6ne portantes manipulos their sheaves.
E*Sequentia sancti Evang&ii
Continuation of the holy
secundum Lucam.
Gospel according to Luke.
Luc. 9:23-26
Luke 9:23-26
N ILLO t&npore: Dicbat
T THAT time: Jesus said
Jesus ad omnes: Si quis
L to all: If any man will come
ult post me venire, abneget after Me, let him deny himself,
emetlpsum, et tollat crucem and take up his cross daily, and
nam quotidie, et sequatur follow Me. For whosoever will
le. Qui enim voluerit ani- save his life, shall lose it: for
lam suam salvam facere, he that shall lose his life for My
erdet illam: nam qui per- sake, shall save it. For what is
Iderit animam suam propter a man advantaged, if he gain
le, salvam faciet illam: quid the whole world, and lose him
nira pr6ficit homo, si lucre- self, and cast away himself? For
ir universum mundum, se he that shall be ashamed of Me
utem ipsum perdat, et de- and of My words, of him the
'imentum sui faciat? Nam Son of Man shall be ashamed,
ui me erubuerit, et meos when He shall come in His
erm6nes: hunc Filius h6- majesty, and that of His Fa
linis erubescet, cum vne- ther, and of the holy angels.
it in majestate sua, et Patris,
t sanct6rum Angel6rum.



Offertory. Gal. 5:24

Offertorium. Gal. 5:24
They that are Christ's hav
Qui sunt Christi, carnem
suam crucifixerunt cum vitiis crucified their flesh, with th
vices and concupiscences.
et concupiscentiis.
RANT, we beseech Thee, (
Lord, that renewing th
mine, ut, incruentum
crucis sacrificium recolentes, unbloody Sacrifice of the Cros;
crucem nostram tollamus ac we may take up our cross an
sequamur unigenitum Filium follow after Thine only-begol
tuum, quem glori6si Mar ten Son, whom Thy gloriou
tyres Petrus-Baptista et So Martyrs, Peter Baptist and hi
cii ejus morientes in cruce companions, dying on the cros;
confessi sunt. Per eundem confessed. Through the sam
Jesus Christ.
Commemorations as above.
Communio. Gal. 2:19,20
Communion. Gal. 2:19,20
Christo c o n f i x u s sum
With Christ I am nailed t
cruci. Vivo ego, jam non the cross. I live, now not
ego, vivit vero in me Chris but Christ liveth in me.
N H ^REAT mentibus nos
AY the mystery of th
tris, quaesumus, Domine,
cross inhere in our mind:
crucis mysterium: et, inter we beseech Thee, O Lord, an
cedentibus sanctis Martyri through the intercession of Th
bus tuis Petro-Baptista et holy Martyrs, Peter Baptist an
S6ciis, salutarem in nobis his companions, may it work
operetur effectum. Per Do salutary effect in us. Throug
our Lord.
Commemorations as above.

F ebruary 7


Confessors, of the First Order
Rizzerius, a student at the University of Bologna, was so in
pressed when he heard St. Francis preach th at he begged the sair
to adm it him to the O rder. H e became one of th e favorite son



F St. Francis, through whose prayers he was relieved of grievous

mptations to despair. H is blessed death took place in 1236.
Giles, a pious youth who was most devout in his worship of the
lessed Sacrament, cared for his m other and three brothers after
is fathers death. W hen he was freed from family cares, he entered
e Franciscan O rder as a lay-brother. As porter he zealously served
le poor, and even during his life was known as " th e wonderorker." H e died in 1812.
Anthony was trained to a life of piety by his parents. W hen
e was only twelve years old, he asked adm ittance to the Franscan O rder. In the monastery he became an example of periction, distinguishing himself particularly through his hum ility,
bedience, purity an d mortification. H is greatest joy was to assist
t the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to take part in choir. His
eath occurred in 1461.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Conessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the
econd orations.
Commemoration is made of St. Romuald, Abbot; and, in
.ent, of the Feria.
February 13
Martyr, of the First Order
John was born in M olini near Triora, Italy. H is singular piety
lanifested itself from his earliest youth, an d at the age of seventeen
e entered the Franciscan O rder. According to his wish he was
:nt to C hina, where he labored w ith w onderful success for sixteen
:ars. H e endured untold hardships and passed through many
angers until a t last a violent persecution broke out. A fter a lon^g
Mly torturec
nprisonment he was most cruelly
tortured and executed in 1816
l 1900 Pope Leo X III declared him Blessed,
together w ith the
ther seventy-six M artyrs of A nnam and C hina.

Mass In virtute, from the Common of a Martyr, in the

bird place, with the following:
EUS, qui beati Joannis
GOD, who didst adorn
Martyris tui toleratum
with the crown of eternal
>ro Christi fide certamen glory the sufferings w h i c h
:t6rns gl6riae laurea deco- blessed John, Thy Martyr, en
asti: concede propitius; ut, dured for the faith of Christ:
jus suffragantibus maritis, mercifully grant that, by the in
nfideiium nationes e mortis tercession of his merits, infidel
enebris liberate, ad salutis nations, being freed from the
iam perducantur. Per eun- shadow of death, may be led to
lem D6minum.
the path of salvation. Through
the same Jesus Christ.



Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.

AY the gifts which w
U/ tibi, D6mine, offebring to Thee, O Lon
. rimus munera, beat i
Joannis Martyris tui meritis through the glorious merits c
gloritisis salutaria nobis red blessed John, Thy Martyr, pro\
salutary for us. Through 0 1
dantur. Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.
IBO caelasti nutriti, quae
o u r i s h e d by heaveni
food, we beseech Thee, <
sumus, D6mine: ut,
ejusdem virtute roborati, ac Lord, that we may be strengtl
beati Joannis Martyris tui ened by its power, helped i
precibus adjuti; crucem quo the intercession of blessed Johi
tidie post te patienter fera Thy Martyr, to bear our cro:
mus. Qui vivis.
after Thee in patience. Wh
livest and reignest.
Commemoration as above.

F e b ru a ry



Widow, Foundress of the Sisters of the Annunciation of Mai
Jane, the daughter of K ing Louis X I of France, was favored wil
great gifts of m ind and heart, and from her earliest youth sougl
Her joy in prayer and m editation. Her father disliked her pioi
practices an d treated h e r harshly. H er spiritual director, Fathi
G ilbert Nicolas, a Franciscan, encouraged her in her resolution
persevere in the path of holiness and gave her the h ab it of tl
T hird O rder. A t her fath er's insistence she m arried the Duke
O rleans, w ho, however, did not w illingly contract the m arriage. I
constantly treated her w ith contempt, and as soon as he ascend;
the throne of France, sent her a bill of divorce. Soon afterw ard tl
H oly See declared the marriage n u ll. Jane accepted the humiliatic
w ith joy, and declared: "G o d has now detached me from the wor]
and has m ade it possible for me to serve H im better than heret
fore. She retired to Bourges and there, in 1500, w ith the help i
Father G ilbert, founded the Society of the A nnunciation. She soc
reached heights of perfection, and in 1303 God called her to Hie
self. Pope Benedict X IV sanctioned her veneration in 1742.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in tl

second place, with the following:




GOD, who didst will that
a new congregation of
consecrated virgins should be
founded by blessed Jane to imi
tate the virtues of the Blessed
Virgin, Mother of Thy Songrant through her merits anc
intercession that we may imi
tate the example of those vir
tues. Through the same Jesus
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria; and of St.
alentine, Priest and Martyr.

"NEUS, qui ad imitandum

beat* Virginis Filii tui
lenitrfcis virtutes, novum
er beatam Joannam sacraim virginum coetum institui
oluisti: ejus maritis preciiisque c o n c e d e ; u t per
idem virtutum ex6mpla
radiamur. Per eundem D6-

F e b r u a r y 15


Confessor, of the First Order
Andrew was born in the Roman Campagna at Anagni, of the
cient and illustrious family of Segni. The road to liigh honor
y open to him, especially through his relationship to Popes Innocent
t, Gregory IX, Alexander IV and Boniface VIII, but he chose insad to become a hermit. He entered the Order of Friars Minor
inventual and selected a rocky cave as his cell. Here he lived,
actising the greatest austerities. His uncle, Pope Alexander IV,
ught to make him cardinal, but he refused. Boniface VIII, his
phew, also tried unsuccessfully to induce him to accept the cardil's hat. In the last years of his life, which ended in 1302,
was favored with the gift of miracles and prophecy. His
Deration was approved by Pope Innocent XIII, a scion of the
ne illustrious family.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a

intiff, in the second place, with the following:
/E N T E S et c 6 r p o r a
ROTECT, most kind God,
n os t r a , clementissime
our souls and bodies, through
eus, beati Andr&e Con- the intercession of the merits of
ss6ris tui suffragantibus blessed Andrew, Thy Confessor,
fritis, ab omni mal6rum against all the attacks of the
>i r l t u u m incursi6ne de- evil spirits; that they may not
nde: ne, quos ad pcenam by deceitfulness make those
bi c6mites quirunt, eos ad share in their wickedness whom
imen suum faciant err6re they aim to make share in their
irticipes. Per D6minum. punishment. Through our Lord.



Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria; of St.

Faustinas and Jovita, Martyrs; and of the Transference ol th
Body of St. Anthony of Padua, as in the following Mass.
AUDIS tibi, D6mine, h6; the hosts of prai;
stias immolamus in tuo w s Lord,
rum commemorati6ne Sanc in commemoration of T1
torum: quibus nos et praesen saints; and we trust that I
tibus Exui malis confidimus, them we may be freed froi
both present and future evil
et futuris. Per D6minum.
Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.

EFECTI ci b o potuque
caelesti, Deus noster, te
supplices exoramus: ut, in
cujus haec commemorati6ne
percepimus, ejus muniamur
et precibus. Per Dominum.

e f r e s h e d w i t h hea
enly food and drink, v
humbly beseech Thee, our Go
that we may also be fortifk
through the prayers of him
whose commemoration we ha
received them. Through 01

Commemorations as above.
O n t h e S a m e D a y , F e b r u a r y 15


On February 15, 1263, the stone coffin containing the bones
St. A nthony of Padua was carried to the church dedicated to hi:
W hen the coffin was opened, the body of the saint was found reduc
to dust, but the tongue was still fresh and red. St. Bonaventu
filled w ith reverence, took it in his hand and cried: " O bless
tongue which did ever praise G od and lead men to love H im , now '
see how precious thou art in the sight of G o d ."

Mass as on the feast, June 13, with the following:

RANT, o almighty Gt
T'VA, QU/ESUMUS, omnlwho alone workest sig
potens Deus, qui facis
prodigia et mirabilia solus: and wonders, that as Thou di<
ut, sicut Unguam beati Ant6- reserve incorrupt the tongue
nii Confessdris tui post ejus Messed Anthony, Thy Confess'



bitum incorruptam conserasti; ita nos, ipsius meritis

t exmplo, te semper beneicere et laudare valeamus,
'er Dominum.
ACRIFICIUM, quod tibi
^ offerimus, D6mine, susipe in od6rem suavitatis,
t praesta: ut, beato Ant6nio
)onfess6re tuo intercedente,
Srpora nostra jugiter exibeamus h6stiam sanctam,
bique placantem. Per D6linum.
">^LSTIBUS refecti sac-> ramentis supplices te,
>6mine, deprecamur: ut Ecesiam tuam continua proictidne c u s t 6 d i a s ; quam
sati Ant6nii praedicati6ne
: miraculis illustrare volu
ti. Per D6minum.


after his death, so we through

his merits and intercession may
ever be worthy to bless and
praise Thee. Through our Lord.
ECEIVE, O Lord, as the
odor of sweetness the sac
rifice we offer Thee, and grant
that, through the intercession of
blessed Anthony, Thy Confes
sor, we may ever present our
bodies as a holy host pleasing to
Thee. Through our Lord.

EFRESHED by the heavenly
sacrament, we beseech Thee
suppliantly, O Lord, to keep
under Thy continual protection
Thy Church, which Thou didst
will to glorify through the
preaching a n d miracles of
blessed Anthony. Through our

F e b ru a ry



Virgin, of the Second Order
P hilippa was bom of the noble family o f M areri near Rieti, Italy,
e cultivated her high mental endowments especially by reading
e Holy Scriptures and studying Latin, at the same time making
aid strides in perfection. Moved by th e preaching and example
St. Francis, she resolved to follow him , and refusing an offer of
irriage, retired to a rocky cave on a nearby m ountain. She was
on joined by other young women, and th e new community, living
cording to th e R ule o f St. Clare, was placed under the direction
Bl. Roger of T odi. U ntil her death in 1236, Philippa was an
ample o f the highest virtue, and to this day her body
dy remains

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

ace, with the following:



GOD, who dost causi
EUS, qui beatam Philippam Virginem tuam,
blessed P h i l i p p a , T h
miris coruscare facis mira Virgin, to shine with astound
culis: concade propitius; ut, ing miracles: mercifully gran
omnes, qui ejus dev6te im that all who devoutly implor
plorant auxilium, petiti6nis her help may be vouchsafed th
suae salutarem consequantur wholesome fruits of their prayer
Through our Lord.
effectum. Per D6minum.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.
e c e i v e , o L o r d , th
USCIPE, Domine, fide
prayers of Thy faithfu
lium preces cum oblatio
nibus hostiarum: et concede with the offerings of hosts, am
propitius: ut, intercednte mercifully grant that throug
beata Philippa Virgine tua, the intercession of blessed Phi!
per haec piae placati6nis offi ippa, Thy Virgin, we may b
cia ad caelestem gl6riam these acts of pious atonemer
transeamus. Per Ddminum. pass to the glory of heaver
Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.
UMPTO, D6mine, sacra
AVING received this sacn
mento suppliciter depre
ment, O Lord, we suppl
camur: ut, interced&ite beata antly beseech Thee that throug
Philippa Virgine tua, quod the intercession of blessed Phi
temporaliter gerimus, ad vi ippa, Thy Virgin, what we d
tam capiamus aeternam. Per in time we may do unto etern;
life. Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.

F e b ru a ry



Confessor, of the First Order
Luke belonged to one of the most illustrious families of Padua. S
A nthony discovered him to possess a pure m ind and a hum ble soul, t
gether w ith a talented and cultivated m ind, and recommended him
St. Francis, w ho received him into the O rder. Luke became the cor
panion o f St. A nthony in his numerous missions, and made wonderf
progress under his direction. As provincial m inister he founded mai
new monasteries and aided in completing the basilica of St. Anthon



God granted him the gift of miracles even in life, and after his death,
which occurred in 1287, confirmed his sanctity. H is body lies in the
marble sarcophagus w hich once enclosed the remains of St. Anthony.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a

Pontiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui sancto An- f ~ \ GOD, who didst unite
t6nio, Confessori tuo,
' blessed Luke to St. An
beatum Lucam et s6cium et thony, Thy Confessor, as both
imitat6rem e x i m i u m ad companion and close imitator:
junxisti da nobis utriusque grant us, through the interces
interventu, amb6rum ita se sion of each, so to walk in the
qui vestigia ut assequamur footsteps of both that we may
et praemia. Per D6minum.
obtain a l s o t h e i r r e w a r d .
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.

F e b r u a r y 19

Confessor, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
Conrad was born in Piacenza, Lombardy, of a noble family. H e
had a passionate love for chivalrous sports, especially hunting. One
day w hile on th e hunt, he ordered a fire to be kindled to drive
the quarry from th e underbrush. T h e fire spread and destroyed a
whole grain field and a large forest. A poor peasant was accused
in the affair and was about to be executed when C onrad, filled w ith
remorse, confessed his guilt and, together w ith his wife, offered to
make reparation for the damage. T his incident taught both Conrad
and his wife th e vanity of earthly things, and they resolved to dedi
cate themselves to G od alone. C onrad, who was only twenty at
the time, joined a group of hermits o f th e T h ird O rder and his
wife took the veil in a convent of the Poor Clares. He led a life
of the severest penance, and G od granted him the gifts of miracles
and prophecy. H e died in 1351.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:
13 EATI Conradi poenitentia
LACATED by the penance of
placatus, da nobis, D6blessed Conrad, grant us, O
mine, ut, ejus imitati6ne car Lord, that ever crucifying our
nem jugiter crucifigentes, no- flesh after His example, we may
str6rum peccat6rum maculas wash away the stains of our
diluamus. Per D6minum.
sins. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.



Gospel Ecce nos, as on the Feast of St. Bernardine of Siena,

May 20.
AUDIS tibi, D6mine, h6O L o r d , t he h o s t s of
* stias immolamus in tu6rum commemorati6ne Sanct6- praise in commemoration of Thy
rum: quibus nos et praesen saints; and we trust that by
tibus exui malis confidimus, them we may be freed from both
et futuris. Per D6minum.
present a n d f u t u r e evils.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.
e f r e s h e d w i t h heav
EFECTI cibo potuque
enly food and drink, we
caelesti, Deus noster, te
supplices exoramus: ut, in humbly beseech Thee, our God,
cujus haec commemorati6ne that we may also be fortified
percepimus, ejus muniamur through the prayers of him in
et precibus. Per Dominum. whose commemoration we have
received them. Through our
Commemoration as above.

F e b r u a r y 20


Confessor, of the First Order
Peter was bora a t Treja, not far from Ancona, Italy. H is parents
had trained him to piety from his earliest youth, and after naving
received the Franciscan habit from the holy Founder him self, he made
rapid progress in learning and virtue. As a preacher he discharged
his duties w ith great zeal, being m indful only of the honor of
G od and the salvation of souls. A m an of prayer, meditation and
mortification, he always cherished a special devotion to the suffering
C hrist, the Blessed Virgin, St. M ichael the A rchangel and St. Francis.
H e passed away in 1304, renowned for his virtues and merits.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum Petrum
GOD, who didst lavish
Confess6rem tuum cae
heavenly gifts upon bless
lestibus donis c u m u l a s t i : ed Peter, Thy Confessor, grant,
praesta, quaesumus: ut ejus we beseech Thee that we may
dem patrocinio gaudeamus tejoice in his protection on



in terris, et gl6riae cons6rtio earth and enjoy the fellowship

perfruamur in caelis. Per D6- of his glory in heaven. Through
our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.
F e b ru a ry



Penitent, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
M argaret, the "M agdalen of the Franciscan O rder, was born
at Laviano, near Cortona, Italy. A t the age of seven she lost her
ious mother, and from th at time her trials began. H er father neglected
er, and at length m arried a woman w ho treated the child so harshly
that she ran away. W hen she was scarcely eighteen, her remarkable
beauty became a snare for her, and as the mistress of a wealthy
nobleman, she lived for nine years in public sin. O ne day her
lover failed to return home, but his dog came to her, and pulling her
by the skirt, led her to a forest where she found his blood-stained
body. Filled w ith terror, she asked herself: "W h ere is h is soul
now ? She then realized her own state, and immediately began a
life of public penance and hum iliation. H er father and stepmother
refused to be reconciled w ith her, but she persevered in her resolution
to make amends, and under the guidance of the Franciscans, made
rapid strides in perfection. A fter a trial of three years, she was
permitted to wear the habit of the T h ird O rder. W hen, after years
of incredibly rigorous penance, she finally managed to conquer every
earthly inclination, God granted her the gifts of contemplation and
the reading of hearts. M any miracles were w rought through her inter
cession, both before and after her death, w hich occurred in 1297. H er
incorrupt body is kept at Cortona

Introitus. Ps. 76:10, 11

X J U M Q U I D obliviscetur
misereri Deus? Aut
continebit in ira sua miseric6rdias suas? Et dixi, Nunc
coepi! Haec mutatio dexterae
Excelsi. Ps. ibid.:l. Voce
mea ad D6minum clamavi:
voce mea ad Deum, et in
tendit mihi. V . Gldria Patri.
EUS, qui famulam tuam
Margaritam de perditifinis via ad salutis trdmitem
miseric6rditer deduxisti: ea
dem nobis miserati6ne con-

Introit. Ps. 76:10, 11

ILL God forget to show
mercy? Or will He in His
anger shut up His mercies?
And I said, Now I have begun;
this is the change of the right
hand of the Most High. Ps.
ibid .:l. I cried to the Lord
with my voice, and He gave
ear to me. V. Glory be to the
GOD, who didst merciful
ly bring back Thy servant
Margaret from the path of per
dition to the way of salvation:
grant to us, through that same



cede; ut, quam prius erran mercy, that as we have not been
tem sectari non erubuimus, ashamed to follow her in wrong,
mox pcenitentem Impigre se we may shortly with zest glory
qui gloriamur. Per D6mi- to imitate her in penance.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Peters Chair at Antioch;
and of St. Paul the Apostle, as on January 18; and, in Lent,
of the Feria.
Lectio libri Sapientis.
Cant. 3:2-5; 8:6, 7
URGAM, et circuibo civi
tatem: per vicos et pla
teas quaeram quem diligit
anima mea: quaesivi illum,
et non inveni. Invenerunt
me vigiles, qui custodiunt
civitatem. Num quem diligit
anima mea, vidistis? Paulu
lum cum pertransissem eos,
inveni quem diligit anima
mea: tenui eum: nec dimit
tam, donec introducam illum
in domum matris meae, et in
cubiculum genitricis meae.
Adjuro vos, filiae Jerusalem,
per capreas, cerv6sque camp6rum, ne suscitetis, neque
evigilare faciatis dilectam,
donec ipsa velit. Pone me ut
signaculum super cor tuum,
ut signaculum super brachi
um tuum: quia fortis est ut
mors dilectio: dura sicut in
fernus aemulatio, lampades
ejus lampades ignis atque
flammarum. A q u a multae
non potuerunt extinguere
caritatem, nec flumina 6bruent illam: si dederit homo
omnem substantiam domus
suae pro dilecti6ne, quasi
nihil despiciet eam.

Lesson from the book of

Cant. 3:2-5; 8:6,7
WILL rise, and will go about
the city: in the streets and
the broad ways I will seek Him
whom my soul loveth. I sought
Him, and I found Him not. The
watchmen who keep the city
found me: Have you seen Him
whom my soul loveth? When I
had a little passed by them, I
found Him whom my soul lov
eth; I held Him: and I will not
let Him go, till I bring Him
into my mothers house, and
into the chamber of her that
bore me. I adjure you, O daugh
ters of Jerusalem, by the roes
and the harts of the fields, that
you stir not up, nor awake my
beloved till she please. Put me
as a seal upon thy heart, as a
seal upon thy arm, for love is
strong as death, jealousy as hard
as hell; the lamps thereof are
fire and flames. Many waters
cannot quench charity, neither
can the floods drown it: if a
man should, give all the sub
stance of his house for love, he
shall despise it as nothing.



Graduate. Eccli. 51:16,17

Liberasti me de perditi6ne,
:t eripuisti me de tempore
niquo. V. Propt^rea con
itebor, et laudem dicam tibi,
* benedicam n6mini D6nini.
Tractus. Cant. 2:11,12
Jam hiems transiit, imber
ibiit et recessit. V. Flores
pparurunt in terra nostra,
empus putati6nis advenit,
'ox tuturis audita est in
erra nostra. V.Jer. 31:3n caritdte perpetua diiexi
e; Ideo attraxi te, miserans

Gradual. Eccli. 51:16,17

Thou hast saved me from de
struction, and hast delivered me
from the evil time. V. There
fore I will give thanks, and
praise Thee, and bless the name
of the Lord.
Tract. Cant. 2:11,12
Winter is now past, the
rain is over and gone. V.
The flowers have appeared in
our land, the time of pruning
is come, the voice of the turtle
is heard in our land. V.Jer.
31:3. I have loved thee with
an everlasting love, therefore
have I drawn thee, taking pity
on thee.
In Votive Masses before Septuagesima or after Pentecost,
he Tract is omitted, and after the Gradual the following is

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 44:5.
4:5. Specie tua, et pul- With thy comeliness and thy
hritudine tua intende, pr6- beauty set out, proceed prosper
pere procede et regna. Al- ously, and reign. Alleluia.
During Paschal Time, the
Alleluja, alleluia. (Eccli.
1:16,17.) V. Liberisti me
e perditi6ne, et eripuisti me
e tempore inlquo. Alleluja.
'. Propterea confitebor, et
ludem dicam tibi, et beneicam n6mini Domini. Alleija.
*Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Lucam.
Luc. 15:2-10
N ILLO tempore: Murmu
rabant pharissei et scribae,
icentes: Quia hic peccatd-

following is said:
Alleluia, alleluia. (Eccli. 51:
16,17.) Thou hast saved me
from destruction, and hast de
livered me from the evil time.
Alleluia. V. Therefore I will
give thanks, and praise Thee,
and bless the name of the Lord.
Hh Continuation of the holy
Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 15:2-10
T THAT time: The PhariL sees and the Scribes mur
mured, saying: This man receiv-


res recipit, et manducat cum

illis. Et ait ad illos parabo
lam istam, dicens: Quis ex
vobis homo, qui habet cen
tum oves: et si perdiderit
unam ex illis, nonne dimittit
nonaginta novem in deserto,
et vadit ad illam, quae peri
erat, donec inveniat eam?
Et cum invenerit eam, imp<5nit in humeros suos gaudens:
et veniens domum c6nvocat
amicos et vicinos, dicens
illis: Congratulamini mihi
quia inveni ovem meam,
quae perierat. Dico vobis
quod ita gaudium erit in
caelo super uno peccat6re
poenitentiam agente, quam
super nonaginta novem jus
tis, qui non indigent poeni
tentia. Aut qua mulier ha
bens drachmas decem, si per
diderit d r a c h m a m unam,
nonne accendit lucernam, et
everrit domum, et quaerit
diligenter, donec inveniat? Et
cum invenerit, c6nvocat ami
cas et vicinas, dicens: Con
gratulamini mihi, quia in
veni drachmam, quam perdi
deram? Ita dico vobis, gau
dium erit coram angelis Dei
super imo peccat6re poeni
tentiam agente.
The Creed is said because
Offertorium. Rom. 5:20,21
Ubi abundavit delictum,
superabundavit gratia; ut si
cut regnavit peccatum in
mortem, ita et gratia regnet
per justitiam in vitam aeter

eth sinners, and eateth with them.

And He spoke to them this par
able, saying: What man of yoi
that hath a hundred sheep, anc
if he shall lose one of them
doth he not leave the ninety
nine in the desert, and go afte
that which was lost, until hi
find it? And when he hatl
found it, lay it upon his shoul
ders, rejoicing; and cominj
home, call together his friend
and neighbors, saying to them
Rejoice with me, because
have found my sheep that wa
lost? I say to you, that even si
there shall be joy in heavei
upon one sinner that doth pen
ance, more than upon ninety
nine just who need not penancf
Or what woman having tei
groats, if she lose one groal
doth not light a candle, ani
sweep the house, and seek dili
gently until she find it? Am
when she hath found it, call tc
gether her friends and neigh
bors, saying: Rejoice with m<
because I have found the groa
which I had lost. So I say t
you, there shall be joy befor
the angels of God upon on
sinner doing penance.

of the Feast of St. Peters Chah

Offertory. Rom. 5:20,21
Where sin abounded, grac
did more abound. That as si
hath reigned to death, so als
grace might reign by justic
unto life everlasting.



OLACATK5NIS h o s t i a ,
AY this host of propitia
- quam tibi offerimus, D6tion which we offer Thee,
nine, beat* Margaritae in- O Lord, through the mediation
erveniente suffragio, optatae of the intercession of blessed
lobis indulgentiae plenitudi- Margaret, bestow on us the ful
lem elargiatur. Per D6mi- ness of pardon for which we
have hoped. Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
Preface of the Apostles.
Communion. Luke 15:10
Communio. Luc. 13:10
There shall be joy before the
Giudium erit coram angeis Dei super uno peccat6re angels of God upon one sinner
>oenitentiam agente.
doing penance.
AY the abundant tears of
JB E R E S , D6mine, sanctae
Margaritae lacrimae du
Thy saint, Margaret, sof
ltiem nostri cordis em611i- ten the hardness of our heart, O
nt: ut, per hujus virtutem Lord, so that t h r o u g h t h e
aeramenti, debitas reatibus strength of this sacrament we
lammas incessanti fletu, ex- may extinguish with incessant
inguamus. Per D6minum. weeping the flames which are
due our sins. Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
During Lent, the Last Gospel is of the Feria; otherwise, of
he Feast of St. Peters Chair.

F e b r u a r y 25
(In Leap Y ear, February 26)


Confessor, of the First Order
Cured of a grievous illness through th e providence o f G od,
ebastian, w hile still a youth, supported his poor parents and sisters
rith his wages. Later he w ent from Spain to Mexico, and as a
wheelwright and roadmalcer rose to a position of considerable imortance. H e himself lived as a poor m an, and distributed his
realth among th e needy. A fter having been married twice, when
te was seventy-one years old he entered th e Franciscan O rder. H e
[ied a t Puebla de Ios Angelos, Mexico, in the year 1600, at the
ge of ninety-eight.



Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not

Pontiff, in the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum SebaGOD, who d i d s t caus
stianum Confessorem
bl e s s e d Sebastian, Th
tuum in simplicitate cordis Confessor, to walk in simplic
ambulare fecisti, ac caelesti ity of heart and didst over
bus donis cumulasti: con whelm him with heavenly gifts
cide propitius; ut, ejus in- mercifully grant that, througl
tercessi6ne, et puris menti his intercession, we may botl
bus tibi servire, et gratiae serve Thee with chaste heart
tuae munera c6nsequi valea and obtain the gifts of Th;
mus. Per D6minum.
grace. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.
AY these gifts which w<
H JEC, quae tibi, D6mine,
offer The e , O Lord
offerimus dona, beato
Sebastiano interveniente, et t h r o u g h the mediation o
majestati tu accepta, et hu blessed Sebastian, be botl
militati nostrae salutaria red pleasing to Thy majesty an<
dantur. Per D6minum.
helpful to our wretchedness
Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.
A NOBIS, misericors
MERCIFUL God, grant u
Deus: ut, sacra mensa
that, refreshed at Thy hoi;
refecti: quem de divino hoc table, we also may obtain th<
alimento beatus Sebastianus fruit from this divine foo<
fructum percepit, nos etiam' whi c h blessed Sebastian re
percipere mereamur. Per ceived. Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.

F e b ru a ry


(In Leap Y ear, February 27)

Virgin, of the Second Order
Isabella, the sister of St. Louis, K ing of France, was trained to i
pious life by her saintly mother Queen Blanche. From her tender
est years she determined to live in virginity. Secluded from cour



life, she practised penance, the works of charity and prayer. A fter the
death of ner mother she entered the convent of Poor Clares in Longchamps w hich she herself had founded. She died in 1270, the same
year in w hich her sainted brother was called to heaven.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatam Isa- ' O
GOD, who d i d s t teach
bellam Virginem tuam
blessed Isabella, Thy Vir
regales delicias et mundi gin, to put royal pleasures and
gl6riam mortificati6ni et the honor of the world after
humilitati postp6nere do mortification and h u mi l i t y ,
cuisti: ipsius maritis preci- grant us through her merits
busque concede; nos vitae and intercession to overcome
hujus blandimenta superare, -the allurements of this life and
et in ampl6xu tua: crucis to find our glory in embracing
gl6riam invenire. Qui vivis. Thy cross. Who livest and
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.

F e b ru a ry


(In Leap Y ear, February 29)


Widow, of the Second Order
A ntonia was m arried a t an early age, and after the death of
her husband wished to dedicate herself entirely to G od. She en
tered a convent of the T h ird O rder, and later, w ith the approval
of the P o m , a convent of the Poor Clares. Her fellow-religious were
always edified by her good example, especially in charity and p a
tience. She was called by her heavenly Spouse in 1472.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in the

second place, with the following:
GOD, who didst wonder
EUS, qui beatam Ant6niam famulam t u a m
fully guide blessed An
per omnes vitae semitas ad tonia, Thy servant, to Thee
te mirabiliter traduxisti: tri through all walks of life: grant,
bue, quaesumus; ut, ejus ma we beseech Thee, that through
ritis et exemplis, ad caele her merits and example we may
stem patriam perducamur. be led to the heavenly father
land. Through our Lord.
Per D&minum.



Commemoration is made,
LLO nos caritatis igne,
Deus miserator, inflam
ma, quo succensa beata Ant6nia, terrena despexit, et
sola elfatia desiderivit.
Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.
EATJE AntOniae, quaesu
mus, DOmine, intercessi6nibus adjuvemur; ut illic
nostra fixa sint corda, ubi
vera sunt gaudia. Per D6minum.

in Lent, of the Feria.

MERCIFUL God, inflame
us with that fire of love
burning with which blessed
Antonia despised earthly things
and d e s i r e d only heavenly
things. Through our Lord.

RANT that we may be
helped through the inter
cession of blessed Antonia, we
beseech Thee, O Lord, so that
our h e a r t s may be directed
where true joys are. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration as above.

O n t h e F i r s t F r id a y i n M a r c h


( Double of the Second Class)
A fter the example of our Holy Father Francis, the Friars M inor
always deeply venerated the bitter sufferings and death of the Saviour,
and since th e days of St. Francis, they have been in Palestine almost
uninterruptedly, guarding the Holy Places. St. Bonaventure composed
an office in honor of the sufferings of C hrist, and St. Leonard of Port
M aurice was noted for his zeal in spreading devotion to the Passion.
In 1906 the Franciscans were permitted by Pius X to celebrate the
Feast of the W ay of the Cross.

Introitus. Hebr. 12:1

URRAMUS ad proposi
tum n obi s certamen,
aspicientes in auctOrem ffdei
et consummatOrem, Jesum;
qui, propOsito sibi gaudio,
sustinuit crucem, confusi-

Introit. Hebr. 12:1

ET u s run to the fight pro< posed to us; looking on
Jesus, the author and finisher
of faith, who having joy set
before Him, endured the cross,
despising the shame. Ps. 117:1.


6ne contempta. Ps. 117:1.

Confitemini D6mino; qu6niam bonus, quoniam in
saeculum miseric6rdia ejus.
V. G16ria Patri.
EUS, qui nos Inclyta
passione Filii tui per
viam crucis ad asternam
gloriam pervenire docuisti:
'concade propitius; ut, quem
piis ad Calvaria locum so
ciamus affectibus, in suis
etiam triumphis perpetim
subsequamur. Qui tecum.

Commemoration is made,
Lectio Isala Propheta.
Is. 53:6-12
MNES nos quasi oves
erravimus, unusquisque
in viam suam declinavit: et
p6suit D6minus in eo ini
quitatem 6mnium nostrum.
Oblatus est quia ipse v61uit,
et non aperuit os suum: si
cut ovis ad occisidnem duce
tur, et quasi agnus coram
tondente se obmutescet, et
non aperiet os suum. De an
gustia, et de judicio sublatus
est: generationem ejus quis
enarrabit? quia abscissus est
de terra viventium: propter
scelus pdpuli mei percussi
eum. Et dabit Impios pro
sepultura, et divitem pro
morte sua: eo quod iniqui
tatem non fecerit, neque do
lus fuerit in ore ejus. Et
D6minus v 6 1u i t conterere
eum in infirmitate: si po
suerit pro peccato inimam


Give praise to the Lord, for

He is good: for His mercy endureth forever. V Glory be to
the Father.
GOD, who hast taught us,
through th e illustrious
Passion of Thy Son, to arrive
at eternal glory by the way of
the cross; mercifully grant that
we may follow Him eternally
in His triumph whom we ac
company to Mount Calvary with
pious devotion. Who with
Thee liveth and reigneth.
in Lent, of the Feria.
Lesson from Isaias the Prophet.
Is. 53:6-12
LL we like sheep have gone

astray, e v e r y o n e h a t h
turned aside into his own way:
and the Lord hath laid on Him
the iniquity of us all. He was
offered because it was His own
will, and He opened not His
mouth: He shall be led as a
sheep to the slaughter, and
shall be dumb as a lamb before
His shearer, and He shall not
open His mouth. He was taken
away from distress, and from
judgment; who shall declare
His generation? Because He is
cut off out of the land of the
living: for the wickedness of
My people have I struck Him.
And He shall give the ungodly
for His burial, and the rich for
His death: because He hath
done no iniquity, neither was
there deceit in His mouth. And
the Lord was pleased to bruise



suam, videbit semen longae

vum, et voluntas D6mini in
manu ejus dirigitur. Pro eo
quod laboravit anima ejus,
v i d e b i t et saturabitur: in
scientia sua justificabit ipse
justus servus meus multos,
et iniquitates e 6 r u m ipse
portabit. Ideo dispertiam ei
plurimos: et f6rtium dividet
Sp61ia, pro eo quod tradidit
in mortem animam suam, et
cum sceleratis reputatus est:
et ipse peccata multorum tu
lit, et pro transgressoribus

Graduate. Hebr. 13:12,13

Jesus ut sanctificaret per
suum sanguinem p6pulum,
extra p o r t a m passus est.
V. Exeamus igitur ad eum
extra castra, improperium
ejus portantes.
Tractus. 1 Petr. 2:22-24
Christus p e c c a t u m non
fecit, nec inventus est dolus
in ore ejus. V. Qui cum
malediceretur, non maledice
bat ; cum pateretur, non com
minabatur ; tradebat autem
judicanti se injuste. V. Qui
peccata nostra ipse pertulit
in c6rpore suo super lignum;
ut, peccatis m6rtui, justitiae

Him in infirmity. If He shall

lay down His life for sin, He
shall see a long-lived seed, and
the will of the Lord shall be
prosperous in His hand. Be
cause His soul hath labored, He
shall see and be filled; by His
knowledge shall this My just
servant justify many, and He
shall b e a r t h e i r iniquities.
Therefore will I distribute to
Him very many, and He shall
divide the spoils of the strong,
because He hath delivered His
soul unto death, and was re
puted with the wicked; and He
hath borne the sins of many,
and hath prayed for the trans
Gradual. Hebr. 13:12, 13
Jesus, that He might sanctify
the people by His own blood,
suffered without the gate. V. Let
us go forth therefore to Him
without the camp, bearing His
Tract. 1 Pet. 2:22-24
Christ did no sin, neither was
guile found in His mouth.
V. Who, when He was reviled,
did not revile: when He suf
fered, He threatened not: but
delivered Himself to him that
judged Him unjustly. V. Who
His own self bore our sins in
His body upon the tree: that
we, being dead to sin, should
live to justice.

Sequence as below.
In Votive Masses before Septuagesima or after Pentecost,
the Tract is omitted and after the Gradual the following is


Alleluja, alleluja. V. 1
Petr. 4:13. Communicantes
Christi passi6nibus gaudete,
ut et in revelati6ne gI6rias
ejus gaudeatis exsultantes.


Alleluia, alleluia. V. 1 Pet.

4:13. If you partake of the
sufferings of Christ, rejoice that
when His glory shall be re
vealed, you may also be glad
with exceeding joy. Alleluia.

During Paschal Time, thi Gradual is omitted and in its

place the following is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Luc.
24:7. Opp6rtuit Filium h6minis tradi in manus h6minum peccat6rum, et cruci
figi, et die tertia resurgere.
Alleluia. V. Adoramus te,
Christe, et benedicimus tibi,
quia per sanctam crucem
tuam redemisti mundum. Al

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Luke

24:7. It behooved the Son of
Man to be delivered into the
hands of sinful men, and be
crucified, and the third day rise
again. Alleluia. V. We adore
Thee, O Christ, and we bless
Thee, because by Thy holy
cross Thou hast redeemed the
world. Alleluia.

To he omittec, in Votive Masses
HRISTI mortem, Chris
OURN the death of Christ,
O Christian,
Sero plangas atque mane,
Night and morning show con
Et in planctu gaudeas.
And in weeping find thy joy.

Diligentem pone mentem

Concentrate upon Him duly,
Super Christum patientem,
On the suffering Christ, that
Ut sibi cond61eas.
Thou mayest ever mourn for
Quam despectus, quam de How despised and how dejected
Was the God-King who ef
Rex cael6rum est effectus,
Ut salvaret saeculum!
Our release f r o m S a t a n ' s
Esurivit et sitivit,
Pauper et egenus ivit,
Ad usque patibulum.

Cruel hunger, thirst all-burning,

Tortured Jesus, but He, yearn
For our love, did suffer all.



Cum deductus est Immensus, When the Mighty One, forsaken

Both by God and man, was
Et in cruce tunc suspen
To the cross, the Apostles
Fugerunt discipuli.
Manus, pedes perfoderunt,
Et aceto potaverunt
Summum Regem saeculi.

Hands and feet with nails were

Bitter gall as drink was given
To the King of Glory dread.

Blessed eyes, once clear and

Cujus 6culi beati
Sunt in cruce obtenebrati,
Et vultus expalluit.
Now their light to death sur
render ;
Gentle face now groweth
Body, once so fair exceeding,
Suo corpori tunc nudo
Non remansit pulchritudo,
Hangeth naked, t o r n a n d
Decor omnis abfuit.
Pain doth beauty now assail.
Propter h6minum peccata,
Sua caro cruciata
Fuit inter verbera.

For the sins of men Christ

For their souls to God He
While He suffereth mortal

Membra sua sunt distenta,

Propter aspera tormenta
Et illata vulnera.

All His members are distended,

All by cruel wounds tor
mented ;
Streameth blood from every

Inter magnos cruciatus

Est in cruce lacrimatus,
Et emisit spiritum.

Thus upon the cross expiring

Weepeth Christ, yet naughl
But His spirit forth to send.

Suspiremus et fleamus,
Toto corde doleamus
Super Unigenitum.

Let us now with tears and

Over Christ our love out
ort Him unto the end.



Hinc nostrorum peccat6rum Jesus, glorious King of Splen

Gloriosus Rex caelorum
Nobis donet veniam.
By Thy love and mercy ten
Set us free from every stain.
Atque secum perferentes
Thus, our daily crosses bearing,
Crucem, ducat gestientes
And with Thee our sorrow
Ad s t e r n a m gloriam.
Lead us to our heavenly gain.
t* Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Joannem.

Continuation of thfe holy

Gospel according to John.

Joann. 19:12-20
TN ILLO tempore: Quaere*- bat Pilatus dimittere Jesum, Judaei autem clama
bant dicentes: Si hunc dimit
tis, non es amicus Caesaris.
Omnis enim, qui se regem
facit, contradicit Caesari. Pi
latus autem cum audisset hos
serm6nes, adduxit foras Je5um: et sedit pro tribunili,
in loco qui dicitur Lith6strotos, hehraice autem Gabbatha. Erat autem Parascive
Paschae, hora quasi sexta, et
dicit Judaeis: Ecce Re x
vester. Illi-autem clamabant:
Tolle, tolle, crucifige eum.
Dicit eis Pilatus: Regem ve
strum crucifigam ? Responde
runt pontifices: Non habe
mus regem, nisi Caesarem.
Tunc ergo tradidit eis illum,
iit crucifigerftur. Susceperunt
autem Jesum et eduxerunt.
Et bajulans sibi crucem, exiirit in eum, qui dicitur Calirariae, locum, hebraice autem
Golgotha: ubi crucifixerunt
:um, et cum eo alios duos,

John 19:12-20
T THAT t i m e : Pilate
sought to release Jesus. But
the Jews cried out, saying: If
thou release this man, thou art
not Caesars friend. For whoso
ever maketh himself a king,
speaketh against Caesar. Now
when Pilate had heard these
words, he brought Jesus forth,
and sat down in the judgment
seat in the place that is called
Lithostrotos, and in Hebrew
Gabbatha. And it was the Parasceve of the Pasch, about the
sixth hour, and he saith to the
Jews: Behold your king. But
they cried out: Away with H im ;
away with Him; crucify Him.
Pilate saith to them: Shall I
crucify your King? The chief
priests answered: We have no
king but Caesar. Then there
fore he delivered Him to them
to be crucified. And they took
Jesus and led Him forth. And
bearing His own cross, He went
forth to that place which is
called Calvary, but in Hebrew
Golgotha, where they crucified



hinc et hinc, medium autem

Jesum. Scripsit autem et ti
tulum Pilatus: et p6suit su
per crucem. Erat a u t e m
scriptum: J e s u s Nazarenus,
Rex Judas6rum. Hunc ergo
titulum multi Judae6rum le
garunt: quia prope civitatem
erat locus, ubi crucifixus est
The Creed is said.
Offertorium. Phil. 2:8
Christus D 6 m i n u s hu
miliavit semetipsum, factus
pro nobis obdiens usque ad
mortem, m o r t e m autem
i s e r i c o r d i a m tuam,
Deus, errantibus a sa
lutis tramite per oblati6nem
sui clemens Agnus obtineat:
qui mundus ad victimam
ductus, in ara crucis 6mnium
maculas immolatus abstersit
Qui tecum.

Him, and with Him two others,

one on each side and Jesus in
the midst. And Pilate wrote a
title also, and he put it on the
cross. And the writing was:
Jesus of Nazareth, The King
of the Jews. This title, there
fore many of the Jews did
read; because the place where
Jesus was crucified was nigh to
the city.
Offertory. Phil. 2:8
Christ th e L o r d humbled
Himself, becoming obedient for
us unto death, even to the
death of the cross.
AY the g e n t l e Lamb
through His self-oblation
obtain Thy mercy, O God, for
those straying from the path of
salvation; who, led to the
slaughter wi t h o u t blemish,
through His sacrifice on the
altar of the cross wiped out
the sins of all. Who with Thee
liveth and reigneth.

Commemoration as above.
Preface of the Cross.
Communion. 1 Pet. 2:21
Communio. 1 Petr. 2:21
Christ suffered for us, leav
Christus passus est pro
nobis, relinquens exlmplum, ing an example that we should
ut sequamur vestigia ejus. follow His steps-.
EM(5RIA passi6nis Fi
AY the commemoration of
lii t u i , misericors
the Passion of Thy Son
Deus, in sacris acta myste which has been celebrated in
riis: sjc 6mnium mentem these sacred mysteries, O mercj-


iva perluminet ac firma

>ectus inflammet; ut, ipsius
ideiiter obsequentes m6niis, post eum crucem nostram
olenti semper animo pereramus. Qui tecum.


ful God, so enlighten in its vi

tality the spirit of all, and in its
strength so inflame their heart,
that we, faithfully following
His precepts, may ever willingly
carry our cross after Him. Who
with Thee liveth and reigneth.

Commemoration as above.
M arch 2


Virgin, of the Second Order
Agnes, the daughter of K ing O ttokar I of Bohemia, spent the
reater part of her childhood in the cloister. M any sought her
land in marriage, but she fled to Pope Gregory IX and through
lim obtained permission to retire to a convent of the Poor Clares,
nd thus to give herself to her heavenly Bridegroom. H er life was
ne of singular perfection, and she died in 1282 full of grace
nd m erit.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

>lace, with the following:
EUS, qui beatam Agn6GOD, w h o d i d s t raise
tem Virginem per reblessed Agnes the Virgin,
;alium deliciarum contemp- to heaven through a contempt
um et humilem tuas crucis for royal delights and a humble
equeiam ad caelum subli- following of Thy cross: grant
nasti: tribue nobis, quaesu us, we b e s e e c h Thee, that
mis; ut, ejus pr&ibus et through her intercession and
mitati6ne, aeternae gl6riae me- example we may deserve to be
eamur esse participes. Qui come partakers of eternad glory.
Who livest and reignest.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.

M arch 5


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
John Joseph was born on the island o f Ischia, in the Bay of
Naples. Even as a boy he practised extraordinary virtue an d selflenial. A t the age of sixteen he entered th e reform movement of
>t. Peter Alcantara- St. Francis became his exam plar in hum ility



and poverty, and he strove particularly to imitate the spirit o

mortification and prayer that distinguished St. Peter. He became
priest only through obedience, and out of obedience he filled th
offices of novice master, guardian and provincial. H is mortification
were exceptionally rigorous, and so great was his devotion to th
suffering Saviour th at for the last thirty years of his life he ab
stained from drink of every sort in honor of the thirst of ou
Lord on the cross. H e died in 1734 at the age of eighty, w ithou
having ever m itigated his practices of penance.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not .

Pontiff, in the second place, with the following:
GOD, w ho d i d s t raiS'
EUS, qui beatum Joanblessed John Joseph, Th;
nem-Josephum Confes
sorem tuum, per arduas pau Confessor, in heavenly glorj
pertatis, humilitatis et pa through the rough ways ol
tientis vias czelesti gloria poverty, humility and patience
sublimasti: da nobis, quae grant us, we beseech Thee
sumus; ut, carne mortificari, that mortified in our flesh, wi
ejus imitemur exempla et may follow his example anc
gaudiis perfruamur sternis. partake of the eternal joys
Through our Lord.
Per Dominum.
Commemoration is made. , n Lent, of the Feria.
* Sequentia sancti Evangelii Hh Continuation of the hoi'
secundum Lucam.
Gospel according to Luke.
Luc. 14:27-33
Luke 14:27-33
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
T THAT time: Jesus sair
to the multitudes: Whoso
Jesus turbis: Q u i n o n
bajulat crucem suam, et venit ever doth not carry his crosi
post me, non potest meus and come after Me, cannot b<
esse discipulus. Quis enim My disciple. For which of you
ex vobis volens turrim sdi- having a mind to build a tower,
ficare, non prius sedens c6m- doth not first sit down, anc
putat sumptus, qui neces reckon the charges that are nec
sarii sunt, si habeat ad per essary, whether he have where
ficiendum, ne, posteaquam withal to finish it; lest aftei
posuerit fundamentum, et he had laid the foundations anc
non potuerit perficere, om is not able to finish it, all thai
nes, qui vident, incipiant il see it begin to mock him say
ludere ei, dicentes: Quia hic ing: This man began to build
homo coepit aedificare, et non and was not able to finish? Oi
p6tuit consummare? A u t what king, about to go to mak(
quis rex iturus committere war against another king, dotl
bellum adversus alium re- not first sit down, and thinl


;em non sedens prius c6giat, si possit cum decem mil

ibus occurrere ei, qui cum
iginti millibus venit ad se?
Ui6quin, adhuc illo longe
gente, legati6nem mittens,
ogat ea quae pacis sunt. Sic
rgo omnis ex vobis qui
ion renuntiat 6mnibus, quae
>6ssidet, non potest meus
sse discipulus.
quo sanctus Joannesfosephus Agnum immacuatum, qui abstulit peccata
nundi, meruit immolari, fac
io s
propitiationis hdstiam
ibi dignanter offrre. Per
eundem Dominum.
Commemoration as above.
C O N C E D E , quaesumus,
D6mine Jesu Christe,
it, quos salutaribus mysteriis
eficere dignatus es, sancti
oannis-Josephi e x e mp l o
'ivificae cruci jugiter inhaeentes, uberem passionis tuae
ructum percipere mereamur.
Jui vivis.

whether he be able, with ten

thousand, to meet him that,
with twenty thousand, cometh
against him? Or else, whilst
the other is yet afar off sending
an embassy, he desireth condi
tions of peace. So likewise every
one of you that doth not re
nounce all that he possesseth,
cannot be My disciple.
RANT that with the same
ardor of love wherewith
St. John Joseph merited to offer
the Immaculate Lamb who hath
taken away the sins of the
world, we may worthily offer
Thee this host of propitiation.
Through the same Jesus Christ.

RANT, we beseech Thee,
Lord Jesus Christ, that
we whom Thou hast deigned to
refresh with the saving myster
ies, after the example of St.
John J o s e p h always staying
close to the life-giving cross,
may receive abundant fruit from
Thy Passion. Who livest and

Commemoration as above.
M arch 6

Virgin, of the Second Order
(Major Double)
Colette, a native of Corbie, France, was bom in answer to her
nothers fervent prayers. As a child she took great pleasure in works
if piety, and after the death of her parents she retired to a hermitage.
4ere she received many heavenly consolations, and a t the same
ime was purified and strengthened by enduring very severe trials.



At th e inspiration of G od, Colette left the solitary life and bega

to establish convents of Poor Clares of the strict observance througi
out France. D uring her lifetime seventeen foundations were madi
She remained ever an example of poverty, charity, patience, humilit
and gentleness until her death in 1447.

Mass Vultum tuum, from the Common of Virgins, in th

fourth place, with the following:
OMINE Jesu Christe,
LORD Jesus Christ, wh
didst endow blessed Cc
qui beatam Colatam
Virginem tuam caelestibus lette Thy Virgin with heavenl
donis cumulasti: tribue, gifts, grant, we beseech Thee
quaesumus; ut, ejus virtutes that imitating her virtues 01
aemulintes in terris, aeternis earth we may with her enjo
giudiis cum ipsa perfruamur the eternal joys of heaven. Wh
in cselis. Qui vivis.
livest and reignest.
Commemoration is made of Sts. Ferpetua and Felicita.
Martyrs; and, in Lent, of the Feria.
Gospel Simile erit, from the Mass Dilexisti, from th
Common of Virgins.

M arch 9


Virgin, of the Second Order
(Major Double)
C atherine was born in Bologna, Italy, in 1413. As a ch ild sh
loved virginity, and desired no other spouse than C hrist. Sh
first began to live the religious life a t the age of fourteen, unde
the Rule of the T h ird O rd e r; some time later she made professio
of the Rule of the Poor Clares. For a number of years she lived a
Ferrara, and then she was called to Bologna to head a new convenl
As superior, she cared for the sick Sisters w ith special love an
solicitude. She gave a shining example of patience by bearing with
out com plaint her own grievous illnesses for a period of twenty
eight years, until her death in 1463. H er incorrupt body i
venerated in the convent at Bologna.

Mass Vultum tuum, from the Common of Virgins, in th

fourth place, with the following:
ONCEDE, nos famulos Z'-'1RANT, O God, that we
tuos, Deus, beats CaThy servants, may be helpe.
tharinx Virginis suffrdgiis t h r o u g h the intercession o
adjuvari: cujus od6re un- blessed Catherine, the Virgin



uent6rum trahimur ad tua by the sweet smell of whose

incta laetantes. Per D6- ointments we are joyfully drawn
'inuroto Thy holy things. Through
our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Frances of Rome, Widow;
nd, in Lent, of the Feria.
Gospel Simile erit, from the Mass Dilexisti, from the Com'on of Virgins.
LLO nos igne in hoc sacri
RANT us, we beseech Thee,
ficio offerendo, fac, quaeO
Lord, in offering this
imus. Domine, vehementer sacrifice to be strongly in
icendi: quo beata Catha- flamed with that fire with which
na Virgo se ipsam tibi of- blessed Catherine, the Virgin,
;rebat jugiter famulari. Per ever offered herself to Thy serv
ice. Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
f AJESTATEM tuam, D6E HUMBLY implore Thy
mine, suppliciter exomajesty, O Lord, that as
imus: ut sicut beatae Ca- Thou hast preserved the body
larinae Virginis corpus in- of blessed Catherine, the Vir
)rruptum servast i i t a nos gin, i n c o r r u p t , so Thou
icias per haec sancta quae wouldst grant us through these
impsimus, ab omni culpa- holy things which we have re
lm labe servari. Per D6- ceived to be kept free from
every stain of sin. Through
our Lord.
Commemorations as above.

M a r c h 11


Confessors, of the First Order
Blessed Tohn Baptist, a priest w ho was born of a noble family,
as remarkable for obedience to his superiors and to th e precepts
: the holy Rule. In reward, G od granted him extraordinary gifts,
id gave him the powef to heal the sick w ith the Sign of the
ross; W orn out by spiritual labors and his severe penances, he
ied in 1539 in his seventieth year.
As a youth. Christopher h ad distinguished him self by his piety
id purity or life. As a Franciscan, the young nobleman was



known for the exactness w ith which he practised poverty. Afti

his ordination all his efforts were directed toward savin? souls, an
the monastery of O ur Lady of Grace, which he established, becan
the center of a great popular religious revival. Thousands flock(
to hear his inspired sermons, and to recommend themselves to h
prayers. He died a holy death in 1485.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Cot

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement).
Commemoration of the Feria.
M arch



Confessor, of the First' Order
Agnellus, born in Pisa, Italy, was received into th
thee O rder t
t. t ? - ___ u : ________\ c
. ______ ~ c u *
__i _ _
n ____
Francis himself. nBecause
of his singular
Francis ___.
sent hi
to Paris as Custos of the newly established province. Later he we
to England to establish th e O rder in th at country. H e found*
several monasteries, and also established a house of studies in Oxfoi
in order to further the spirit of the O rder. In the m idst of h
duties, he lived _a life of hum ility and mortification. W hile
prayer, and especially w hile offering the H oly Sacrifice of the Mas
he was frequently unable to restrain his tears. H e passed away muc
lamented in 1232, in his thirty-eighth year.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not

Pontiff, in the first place, with the following:
(5MINE Jesu Christe, O
LORD Jesus Christ, wh
qui beatum Agnellum,
freeing blessed Agnelli
a saeculi illecebris absolutum, from the allurements of th;
ad tu* crucis sequelam trans world didst make him corr
ire fecisti: fac nos ita ejus over to the following of Th
inhaerere vestigiis; ut, quam cross: grant us so to walk in hi
in caelis accepit, gloriae co- footsteps that we may deserve t
r6nam obtinere mereamur. win the crown of glory whic
Qui vivis.
he has received in heaven. Wh
livest and reignest.
Commemoration is made of the Feria.
BERES lacrimae, q u a s
AY the many tears whic
beatus A g n e l l u s in
blessed Agnellus poure
sacrificio offerendo fundebat, forth in offering the sacrific
eam nobis contriti6nem cor obtain for us such contritio
dis obtineant: qua ab omni of heart that, purified by
inquinamento mundati, idem from every stain, we may b


icrificium majestati tuas

igne offrre valeimus. Per
Commemoration as above.
' A C R A M E N T A quas
5 sumpsimus, D o m i n e
>eus noster, illum in nobis
perfntur effectum: quo, exnplo et meritis beati Ag
elli, terrena 6mnia despisre, et caelestia solum amare
udeamus. Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.


able to offer in a worthy man

ner the same sacrifice to Thy
majesty. Through our Lord.
AY the sacraments which
we have received, O Lord,
our God, be so effective in us
that we may strive through the
example and merits of blessed
Agnellus, to despise all earthly
things and to love only heavenly
things. Through our Lord.

M a r c h 14


ishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church of the First Order
O n M arch 14, 1434, th e bones of St. Bonaventure were removed
i the new Franciscan church in Lyons, w hile one arm of the saint
as brought to his birthplace, Bagnorea, near Viterbo. St. Bonavenire was the faithful counselor of th e Popes, the friend of cardinals,
ie honored cham pion of the Greeks, th e beloved father of th e O rder
: Friars M inor, and one of the greatest theologians of th e Church.

Mass as on the feast, July 14, with the following:

~ \A , QLMESUMUS, omniRANT, we beseech Thee,
potens Deus: ut beati
almighty God, that recall
onaventurae Doct6ris atque ing the transference of blessed
ontificis Translati6nem re Bonaventure, Doctor and Pon
centes ; et ipsius eruditi6ne tiff, we may advance by his
roficiamus, et caritatis ard6- teaching and ever imitate the
:m jugiter aemulemur. Per ardor of his love. Through
our Lord.
Commemoration is made of the Feria.
'A N C T I tui Bonaventurae
AY the kindly intercession
' nobis, D6mine, pia non
of Bonaventure, T hy
esit oratio: quae et munera Saint, never fail us, O Lord,
jstra conciliet, et tuam no- and may it both render our



bis indulgentiam semper ob offerings acceptable and alway

tineat. Per D6minum.
obtain Thy indulgence for us
Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.
AY blessed Bonaventuri
T NOBIS, D6mine, tua
Thy Pontiff and illustriot
sacrificia dent salutem:
beatus Bonaventura P6ntifex Doctor, come to Thee as a
tuus et Doct or egregius, intercessor, O Lord, in ord{
quaesumus, precator accedat. that Thy sacrifices may obtai
for us salvation. Through 0 1
Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.

M a r c h 18
Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Salvator was born at St. Columba, near Gcrona, Spain. H is paren
died when he was still a child, and he earned his living as a she|
herd and later as an apprentice to a shoemaker. A t the age of twenl
he entered the Franciscan O rder as a lay-brother, and became a
example of obedience, poverty and chastity. H e exercised _ himse
ceaselessly in watching, fasting, prayer and tne works of mortificatior
H e received th e gift of curing diseases through the Sign of the Cro:
and th e sprinkling of holy water. M any came to him in their neet
seeking the help of his prayers. H e died in 1367, and was canonize
by Pius X I in 1938.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pot

tiff, in the second place, with the following:
O N C E D E , quaesumus,
RANT, we beseech Thee, <
omnipotens Deus: ut,
almighty God, that we wh
beati Salvat6ris Confess6ris celebrate the memory of blesse
tui memdriam recolentes; Salvator, Thy Confessor, throug
ipsius intercessi6ne, a cunc his intercession may be delivere
tis malis liberemur in terris, from all evils on eairth and d<
et ad gaudia sempiterna per serve one day to attain to etej
venire mereamur in caelis. nal joys in heaven. Throug
Per D6minum.
our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalen
Confessor, and Doctor of the Church; and of the Feria.
The Creed is said, because of the Feast of St. Cyril.



M a r c h 20


Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
John was born of a noble family in Parm a, Italy. H aving entered
:he Franciscan O rder, he taught Theology in the famous universities,
uid was finally m ade the General of the O rder. Pope Innocent IV
:alled him " a n angel of peace, and sent him to the schismatic Greeks
loping he could win them back to Rome. Returning to Italy, John
ived a life of prayer for thirty years, until his death in 1289.
M ark studied medicine a t th e University of B ologna; after the
leath of his parents, he entered th e Franciscan O rder and became a
>riest, w hile his w ife became a Poor C lare. Once, w hile a t meditaion, he heard th e w ords: "B rother M ark, go and preach ch arity !
i e not only preached charity, but he practised it also, especially aurng the plague in Camerino. H e was ever the cham pion of the poor
tgainst the oppression of the rich, and h ad much to do w ith estabishing the Montes de pietate. H aving spent forty years in great
Lpostolic labors, h e died in 1497.
H ippolyte was th e son of a poor Florentine weaver. H e was renarkable for his obedience and K i n d n e s s , and so sweet was h is peronality th a t a ll who met him loved him . W hile he was yet only
welve years old he began, w ith th e approval of his confessor, to
gather children together an a teach them Christian doctrine. T his was
he beginning of th e "C onfraternity of C hristian D octrine of St.
Francis, the object of which was to instruct youth in the truths of
Christianity a n d keep them from dangerous amusements. Hippolyte
aw the most bountiful blessings proceed from his labors before his
leath in 1619. In 1825 Pope Leo X II approved his veneration.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Conlessors not Pontiffs (p. 303 of this Supplement), with the
econd orations.
Commemoration is made of the Feria.
M a r c h 22

Bishop and Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
St. Benvenute was born at Ancona, a member of the distinguished
amily of the Scotivoli. H e studied at the University of Bologna, and
fter his ordination to th e priesthood, was m ade archdeacon of the
)iocese of Ancona. T he city of Osimo, w hich h ad been estranged
rom the Pope for twenty years, was entrusted to Benvenute, and
hrough his work, the people were again united to Rome and petitioned
or a bishop. Benvenute was appointed, but before assuming his
luties, he begged leave to take the h ab it of th e Friars M inor, believng th a t only through th e practice of poverty, hum ility, penance and
onstant prayer could he govern his diocese properly. H e wore the
labit ana observed the Rule of St. Francis most faithfully until his
leath on Palm Sunday, \282. H e was canoni2 ed w ithin four years
>f his death.



Mass Sacerdotes tui, from the Common of a Confessor Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum . Benvenutum Confessorem
tuum atque Pontificem pas
torali sollicitudine j u g i t e r
vigilare tribuisti: c o n c i d e ,
quaesumus; ut, ejus interventi6ne, qua nobis agenda prae
cipis, exsequentes, ad gloriae
tuae fastigium feliciter per
ducamur. Per Dominum.

GOD, who didst vouchi
safe that blessed Benve
nute, Thy Confessor and Pon
tiff, should always keep watcl
with pastoral solicitude, grant
we beseech Thee, that accom
plishing through his intercession
what Thou hast ordained w<
should do, we may happily atj
tain to the eminence of Thj
glory. Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made, ii r Lent, of the Feria.

f1Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Lucam.
Luc. 12:42-48
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Dominus Petro: Quis, pu
tas, est fidelis dispensator, et
prudens, quem constituit d6minus supra familiam suam,
ut det illis in tempore tritici
mensuram? Beatus ille ser
vus, quem, cum venerit do
minus, invenerit ita facien
tem. Vere dico vobis, quo
niam supra 6mnia quae pos
sidet constituet illum. Quod
si dixerit servus ille in corde
suo: Moram facit d6minus
meus venire; et coeperit per
cutere servos et ancillas, et
edere, et bibere, et inebriari,
veniet d6minus ser/i illius,
in die qua non sperat, et
hora qua nescit, et dividet
eum, partemque ejus cum in
fidelibus ponet. Ille autem
servus, qui cogn6vit volunta-

I* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 12:42-48
T THAT time: The Lore
said to Peter: Who, thinkeSt thou, is the faithful and wise
steward whom his lord setteth
over his family, to give their
their measure of wheat in due
season? Blessed is that servanl
whom, when his lord shall
come, he shall find so doing
Verily, I say to you, he will sel
him over all that he possesseth.
But if that servant shall say ir
his heart: My lord is long i
coming; and shall begin tc
strike the menservants and th<
maidservants, and to eat and tc
drink and be drunk; the lore
of that servant will come ir
the day that he hopeth not, and
at the hour that he L.oweth not.
and shall separate him, and shall
appoint him his portion with
unbelievers. And that servanl


em domini sui, et non praesaravit, et non fecit secunium voluntatem ejus, vapuabit multis; qui autem non
:ogn6vit, et fecit digna pla;is, vapulabit paucis. Omni
tutem cui multum datum est,
nultum quaeretur ab eo; et
:ui commendaverunt multum,
>lus petent ab eo.


who knew the will of his lord,

and prepared not himself, and
did not according to his will,
shall be beaten w i t h ma n y
stripes. But he that knew not,
and did things worthy of stripes,
shall be beaten with few stripes.
And unto whomsoever much is
given, of him much shall be
required; atnd to whom they
have committed much, of him
they will demand the more.

M a r c h 26


Confessor, of the First Order
As a child D idacus Joseph h ad difficulties w ith his studies, but
lis deep piety endeared him to all. H e entered the Capuchin O rder
md after nis ordination was appointed to the work of preaching. His
lum ility and virtue drew down upon him th e blessing of G oa, and
he H oly Spirit so enlightened him th a t he became the most cele>rated preacher in all Spain. H e never began a sermon w ithout having
irst scourged himself to blood and implored the help of G od, fully
ealizing th a t all his efforts w ould be m vain unless he could draw
lown G ods mercy upon the people. H e journeyed through Spain,
^reaching especially tne praise of th e M ost Holy Trinity and of the
llessed V irgin, until his death in 1801. He was beatified by Pope
-eo XIII.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of Abbots, with the fol'owing:

EUS, qui beatum Didacum-Josephum Confes>6rem tuum scilntia Sanct6um decorasti, et in salutem
entis suae mirabiliter di'exfsti: ejus nobis intercesii6ne concide; quae pia et
recta sunt sipere, et ad reg
ium gl6riae tuae feliciter
5erducamur. Per D6minum.

GOD, who didst distin
O guish blessed Didacus Jo
seph, Thy Confessor, with the
learning of the saints and didst
wonderfully direct him for the
salvation of his people, grant us
through his intercession to relish
those things that are holy and
right, and that we may be hap
pily led to the kingdom of Thy
glory. Through our Lord.



Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.

Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Lesson from the Epistle ol
Ap6stoli ad T i mo t h e u m. blessed Paul the Apostle t<
2 Tim. 2:8-10; 3:10-12
2 Tim. 2:8-10; 3:10-12
EARLY beloved: Be mind
ARISSIME: Memor esto,
ful that the Lord Jesu
D6minum Jesum Chris
tum resurrexisse a mortuis Christ is risen again from th
ex semine David, secundum dead, of the seed of David, ac
Evangelium meum, in quo cording to my Gospel. Whereii
laboro usque ad vincula, I labor even unto bands, as ai
quasi male 6perans: sed ver evildoer; but the word of Go.
bum Dei non est alligatum. is not bound. Therefore I en
Ideo omnia sustineo propter dure all things, for the sake o
electos, ut et ipsi salutem the elect, that they also may ob
consequantur, quae est in tain the salvation which is il
Christo Jesu, cum gl6ria Christ Jesus, with h e a v e n l
caelesti. Tu autem assecutus glory. But thou hast fully know!
es meam doctrinam, institu- my doctrine, manner of life
ti6nem, propdsitum, fidem, purpose, faith, long-suffering
longanimitatem, dilecti6nem, love, patience, persecutions, ai
p a t i e n t i a m , persecuti6nes, flictions, such as came upon m
passiones, qualia mihi facta at Antioch, at Iconium, and a
sunt Antiochiae, Iconii et Lystra; what persecutions I en
Lystris: quales persecuti6nes dured, and out of them all th
sustinui, et ex 6mnibus eri Lord delivered me. And all tha
puit me Dominus. Et omnes will live godly in Christ Jesu
qui pie volunt vivere in shall suffer persecution.
Christo Jesu, persecuti6nem

J* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 12:32-34
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus d i s c i p u l i s suis:
Nolite timere, pusillus grex,
uia complacuit Patri vestro
are vobis regnum. Vendite
quae possidetis, et date eleem6synam. Facite vobis sac
culos, qui non veterascunt,

4* Continuation of the hoi;

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 12:32-34
T THAT time: Jesus said t
k His disciples: Fear not, littl
flock, for it hath pleased you
Father to give you a kingdoir
Sell what you possess and giv
alms. Make to yourselves bag
which grow not old, a treasur
in heaven which faileth not



hesaurum non deficientem

:n caelis: quo fur non appr6jiat, neque tinea corrumpit.
Jbi enim thesaurus vester
:st, ibi et cor vestrum erit.

where no thief approacheth, nor

moth corrupteth. For where
your treasure is, there will your
heart be also.

UNERA, quae ob veneratidnem beati Dida:i-Josephi Confess6ris ofFerimus, grata tibi sint, D6nine: et secundum divitias
gratiae tuae fiant nobis pi
gnora salutis aeternae. Per
Commemoration as above.
FLESTI dape refecti,
supplices te, Domine,
deprecamur: ut, intercednte
beato Dldaco-Jospho Confess6re tuo, d6ceas nos pr6spera mundi despicere, et
etlrna semper inquirere. Per

AY the gifts we offer in
honor of blessed Didacus
Joseph, the Confessor, be pleas
ing to Thee, O Lord, and ac
cording to riches of Thy grace
may they become for us pledges
of eternal salvation. Through
our Lord.

EFRESHED by the heavenly
banquet, we humbly be
seech Thee, O Lord, that Thou
wouldst teach us, through the
intercession of blessed Didacus
Joseph, Thy Confessor, to de
spise the success of the world
and always to seek eternal
things. Through our Lord.

Commemoration as above.
M arch



Confessor, of the First Order
( Major Double)
John was born in 1386, in Capistrano, a town in southern Italy.
H e studied law , became governor of Perugia, and m arried a dis
tinguished ladv. H aving been cast into prison by the enemies of his
city, he was led to resolve to join the Franciscan O rder. H e was
then thirty years of age. A fter his ordination he began to preach,
and soon became noted as the most forceful preacher of penance of
the times. Like his teacher, St. Bernardine of Siena, he propagated
honor to the Holy N am e of Jesus. H e preached throughout Italy,
Austria, Germany and Poland w ith great success. H e also preached
a crusade against Islam, foretelling th e victory of Belgrade under
John H unyadi. H e died on October 23 in th e year 1456.

Mass as in the Roman Missal.


M a r c h 29


Widow, of the Third Order
Jane M ary was the daughter of the wealthy Baron of M aille, neai
St. Quentin, France. From her youth she lived a pious life under
the direction of a Friar M inor. According to the wish of her parents
she m arried Robert, Baron of S illi, a young man of eminent virtue
Their life was a model of Christian piety, and in spite of greai
suffering during the war w ith England, and distress of m ind du<
to the troubled state of the C hurch, they never wavered in then
fidelity to G od. After her husband's death, Jane M ary retired to a
little house near the Franciscan church in Tours and entered thJ
T h ird O rder. T he rest of her life was spent in prayer, penance and
works of charity, coming to an end in 1414.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in the

second place, with the following:
LORD Jesus Christ, lovei
OMINE Jesu Christe,
of humility and charity
humilitatis et caritatis
amator, qui beatam Joan- who didst endow with heavenly
nam-Mariam, tuo amore suc gifts blessed Jane Mary who
censam, caelestibus donis cu was burning with love for Thee,
mulasti, et pr6spera mundi and didst teach her to despise
despicere docuisti: da, ut, the goods of this world, grant
q u a m f es t i va celebritate that we may imitate her by hu
veneramur, humilitate, cari mility, charity and contempt of
tate et rerum terrenarum earthly things whom we ven
contemptu imitemur. Qui erate on this festive celebration.
Who livest and reignest.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.

M a r c h 30


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
St. Peter was born of wealthy and devout parents at V alladolid,
Spain. From earliest childhood ne gave evidence of remarkable sanc
tity, and at the age of thirteen entered the Franciscan O rder. After
ordination h e was m ade head of a ll the monasteries of th e reform
movement in Spain. H is life was one of th e most rigorous penance,
of seraphic love and religious perfection. G od rewarded him w ith
extraordinary graces and w rought numerous miracles through his
intercession. H is death took place in 1456.


Introitus. Rom. 5:5

ARITAS Dei diffusa est
in cordibus nostris per
Spiritum Sanctum, qui datus
est nobis. (T. P. Alleluja,
alleluja.) Ps. 40:1. Beatus
qui intllligit super egenum
et pauperem! In die mala
liberabit eum Dominus. V.
Gloria Patri.
EUS, qui dilectum famu
lum tuum Petrum, carne
mortificatum, ad delicias glo
riae tuae assumere dignatus
es: concide propitius; ut ad
delectati6nes, quae in dex
tera tua sunt usque in finem,
meritis ejus et intercessi6ne,
pervenire valeamus. Per Do


Introit. Rom. 5:5

T -1 HE charity of God is poured
forth in our hearts, by the
Holy Ghost, who is given to us.
(P .T . Alleluia, alleluia.) Ps.
40:1. Blessed is he that understandeth concerning the needy
and the poor! The Lord will
deliver him in the evil day. V.
Glory be to the Father.
GOD, who didst deign to
lift up Thy beloved serv
ant, Peter, through the mortifi
cation of the flesh, to the de
lights of Thy glory: mercifully
grant that, through his merits
and intercession, we may be able
to attain to those joys which
Thou holdest in Thy right hand
forever. Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made, i n Lent, of the Feria.

Lectio Epistolae beati
Joannis Apostoli.
1 Joann. 4:7-13
A R I S S I MI : Diligamus
nos invicem, quia cari
tas ex Deo est. Et omnis, qui
diligit, ex Deo natus est, et
cogndscit Deum. Qui non
diligit, non novit Deum,
qu6niam Deus caritas est. In
hoc apparuit caritas Dei in
nobis, qu6niam Filium suum
unigenitum misit Deus in
mundum, ut vivamus per
eum. In hoc est caritas, non
quasi nos dilexerimus Deum,
sed quoniam ipse prior di
lixit nos, et misit Filium
suum propitiati6nem pro pec
catis nostris. Carissimi, si

Lesson from the E p i s t l e of

blessed John th e Ap o s t l e .
1 John 4:7-13
EARLY beloved, let us love
one another, for charity is
of God. And everyone that lov
eth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not
knoweth not God: for God is
charity. By this hath the charity
of God appeared toward us, be
cause God hath sent His onlybegotten Son into the world,
that we may live by Him. In
this is charity: not as though we
had loved God, but because He
hath first loved us, and sent His
Son to be a propitiation for our
sins. My dearest, if God hath
so loved us, we also ought to



sic Deus dilexit nos, et nos

debemus alterutrum diligere.
Deum nemo vidit umquam.
Si diligamus invicem, Deus
in nobis manet, et caritas
ejus in nobis perfecta est.
In hoc cognoscimus, qu6niam
in eo manemus, et ipse in
nobis: qu6niam de Spiritu
suo dedit nobis.
Graduale. Eccli. 1:13,20
Timenti Dominum bene
erit, et in diebus consum
mationis illius benedicetur.
V. Plenitudo sapientiae est
timere Deum, et plenitudo a
fructibus illius.
Tractus. Ps. 111:1-3
Beatus vir qui timet D6minum; in mandatis ejus cu
pit nimis. V. Potens in terra
erit semen ejus; generatio
r e c t 6 r u m benedicetur. V.
G16ria et divitiae in domo
ejus; et justitia ejus manet
in saeculum saeculi.

love one another. No man hath

seen God at any time. If we
love one another, God abideth
in us, and His charity is per
fected in us. In this we know
that we abide in Him and He
in us- because He hath given us
of His Spirit.
Gradual. Eccli. 1:13,20
With him that feareth the
Lord it shall go well, and ir
the days of that consummation
he shall be blessed. V. To feai
God is the fulness of wisdom,
and the fulness i's from the
fruits thereof.
Tract. Ps. 111:1-3
Blessed is the man that fear
eth the Lord; he shall delight
exceedingly in His command
ments. V. His seed shall be
mighty on the earth; the gen
eration of the righteous shall be
blessed. V. Glory and wealth
shall be in his house; and his
justice remaineth for ever.

In Votive Masses before Septuagesima or after Pentecost,

the Gradual is said as above, but the Tract is omitted and in
its place is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Prov.
22:9- Qui pronus est ad
misericordiam, benedicetur;
de panibus enim suis dedit
pauperi. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. P ro v.
22:9. He that is inclined to
mercy shall be blessed: for of
his bread he hath given to the
poor. Alleluia.

In Paschal Time the Gradual and Tract are omitted and the
following is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Eccli.
1:20. Plenitudo sapientiae 1:20. To fear God is the ful
est timere Deum, et plenitu- ness of wisdom, and fulness is



Io a fructibus illius. Alleuja. V.Prov. 22:9. Qui

ironus est ad miseric6rdiam,
lenedicetur; de panibus enim
uis dedit pauperi. Alleluja.

from the fruits thereof. Alleluia.

V.Prov. 22:9. He that is in
clined to mercy shall be blessed:
for of his bread he hath given
to the poor.

Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 12:35-40
'N ILLO tempore: Dixit
~ Jesus discipulis suis: Sint
umbi vestri praecincti, et luernae ardentes in manibus
festris, et vos similes homilibus exspectantibus d6mitum suum quando revertatur
i nuptiis, ut, cum venerit et
julsaverit, confestim apiritnt ei. Beati servi illi, quos,
um vinerit d6minus, invene
rit vigilantes; amen dico
robis quod praecinget se, et
:aciet illos discumbere, et
ransiens ministrabit illis. Et,
;i vinerit in secunda vigilia,
;t si in tertia vigilia vinerit,
rt ita invenerit, beati sunt
lervi illi. Hoc autem scit6te,
]u6niam si sciret paterfamilas qua hora fur veniret, vigiaret utique et non sineret
serfodi domum suam. Et vos
estote parati; quia, qua hora
ion putatis, Filius hominis

I* Continuation o f th e h o l y
Gospel a c c o r d i n g to Luke.
Luke 12:35-40

Offertorium. 3 Reg. 22:43

T THAT time: Jesus said

to His disciples: Let your
loins be girt, and lamps burning
in your hands. And you your
selves like to men who wait for
their lord, when he shall return
from the wedding; that when he
cometh and knocketh, they may
o p e n t o h i m immediately.
Blessed are those servants whom
the Lord, when He cometh,
shall find watching. Amen I
say to you that He will gird
himself, and make them sit
down to meat, and passing will
minister unto them. And if He
shall come in the second watch,
or come in the third watch, and
find them so, blessed are those
servants. But this know ye, that
if the householder did know at
what hour the thief would come,
he would surely watch, and
would not suffer his house to be
broken open. Be you then also
ready: for at what hour you
think not, the Son of Man will
Offertory. 3 Kings 22:43

He walked in all the way of

Ambulavit in omni via
satris sui, et non declinavit his father, and he declined not
x ea; fedtque, quod rectum from it; and he did that which
:rat in conspictu D6mini.
was right in the sight of the



BLATIS muneribus, Do
mine, qujesumus, placa
tus intende: ut illo nos igne
Spiritus Sanctus inflammet,
quo beati Petri Confessoris
tui cor indesinenter accendit.
Per Dominum . . . in unitate

Commemoration as above.
Cotnmunio. Matth. 25:40
Amen dico vobis, quamdiu
fecistis uni ex his fratribus
meis minimis, mihi fecistis.
PIRITUM nobis. Domine,
tuae caritatis infunde: ut,
quos caelesti pane satiasti,
beati Petri Confessoris tui
meritis et intercessione, tua
facias pietate conc6rdes. Per
D6minum . . . in unitate

EING appeased, look upoi
the gifts offered Thee, w
beseech Thee, O Lord, so tha
the Holy Spirit may inflame u
with that fire with which th
heart of blessed Peter, Thy Con
fessor, ever burned. Througl
our Lord. . . in unity with thl
same Holy Spirit.

Communion. Matt. 25:40

Amen, I say to you, as lonj
as you did it to one of these Ml
least brethren, you did it to Me
OUR forth unto us, O Lord
the Spirit of Thy love, tha
those whom Thou hast fille<
with heavenly bread Thou may
est in Thy clemency, througl
the merits and intercession o
blessed Peter, Thy Confessor
make united. T h r o u g h ou
Lord . . . in unity with the sam<
Holy Spirit.

Commemoration as above.

A p ril 2


Confessor, of the First Order
Leopold was born in G aiche, a parish in the Diocese of Perugia
in 1732. From his earliest years he distinguished him self by hi
remarkable piety, and at the age of eighteen entered the Franciscai
O rder. H e taught Philosophy and Theology in the dericate fo
several years, and was then appointed as a missionary preacher to th
Papal States. H is work in this field was signally Slessed w ith sue
cess. W hen in 1809 N apoleon seized the Papal States, Leopold wa
throw n into prison for refusing to take an oath w hich he consideret



inlaw ful. In his solitude he grew in the love of prayer and sanctity,
n 1814 N apoleon was overthrown and Leopold was set free. H e died
he following year, at the age of eighty-three. Because of the nunerous miracles w rought at his grave, the process of his beatification
vas approved in 1893-

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a

ontiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum LeoGOD, who didst wonder
pxMdum Confess6rem te
fully teach blessed Leo
n solitudine t o t o c o r d e pold, the Confessor, to seek
luaerere, et in mdio pipuli Thee in solitude with his whole
ui salutem operari mirablli- heart, and in the midst of Thy
er docuisti: ejus quaesumus, people to work out his salva
ixemplis et maritis, fac nos tion: make us, we beseech Thee,
n tua caritate ferventes, et through his example and merits,
n 6pere efficaces. Per D6- fervent in Thy love and fruit
ful in deed. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Francis of Paula, Confessor;
ind, in Lent, of the Peria.
DLACATIONIS h o s t i a m /^\FFE R IN G Thee this host of
tibi offerentes, suppliciter
propitiation, we humbly
e, D6mine, deprecamur: ut, beseech Thee, O Lord, that,
naritis et precibus beati Leo- through the merits and prayers
x51di Confess6ris tui, legis of blessed Leopold, Thy Con
iraevaricatores convertantur, fessor, those who transgress Thy
t fideles tui salutare pabu- law may be converted, and Thy
um saepe digneque perclpi- faithful may receive the saving
.nt. Per Dominum.
nourishment often and worthily.
Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
^ UPPLICITER te rogamus,
E HUMBLY beseech Thee,
J clementissime Domine:
most merciful Lord, that
it, quos pane f6rtium satia we whom Thou hast filled with
ti, interced&ite beato Leo- the Bread of the Strong may,
>61do Confess6re tuo, jugiter t h r o u g h t h e intercession of
ibi corde p l a c e a m u s et blessed Leopold, Thy Confessor,
always be pleasing to Thee in
nente. Per D6minum.
heart and mind. Through our
Commemorations as above.


A p r il 3


Confessors, of the First Order
G andulph was born of an illustrious family in the little town c
Binasco, Lombardy. As a youth he entered the Franciscan O rder a n
began a life of the strictest penance. H e soon became renowned fc
his hum ility, love of prayer and boundless zeal for the salvation c
souls. In order to escape the praise and adm iration of .the m ultitude
who flocked to him , he set out for the w ild and rugged m ountains c
Petralia. Before he could reach the desired solitude, he was asked t
preach a Lenten sermon to the people of Polizzi. H e spoke mo;
e^quen tly , then fell ill and died on H oly Saturday, 1260. M an
miracles occurred after his death. H is body remained incorrupt an
diffused a marvelously sweet fragrance.
John was born in Pinna, in the M arch of Ancona, and was callec
bv a heavenly messenger to seek our Seraphic Father St. Francis
Through his hum ility, patience and simplicity, he was truly worth
to be called a son of St. Francis. H e died a pious death about 1275

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Confes

sors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the firs
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.
A p r il 4


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Benedict was .born of M o o rish p a re n ts w ho had been brought a
slaves from Ethiopia to Sicily. They h ad embraced Christianity an<
so exemplary was their life th at their master granted their eldest soi
his freedom. Because of his black skin and lowly origin, Benedic
suffered many hum iliations and abuse from his fellow-laborers, but h
bore a ll w ith meekness and charity. H e became acquainted w ith som
hermits w ho followed the R ule of St. Francis, and for seventeen year
he led an eremitical life in th e vicinity of Palermo. W hen the herm it
of St. Francis were ordered to unite w ith one of the established Orders
Benedict went to the Franciscan monastery at Palermo. H ere he con
tinued his pious exercises and gladly undertook the heavy work as
signed to him . H is penances were unbelievably rigorous; poverty an>
chastity he loved and guarded most scrupulously; his love of Go<
was so ardent th a t he often wept and signed aloud. Because of hi
;reat sanctity he was appointed superior, and under his guidance th
riars advanced daily in virtue. H e died in 1589 a t the age of sixty
three. H is body has remained incorrupt and emits a pleasant odor
Pope Pius V II canonized him in 1807.

Mass Tustus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:



EUS, qui beatum Bene
GOD, who didst enrich
dictum C o n f e s s 6 r e m O
blessed B e n e d i c t , Thy
tuum caelestibus donis locu Confessor, with heavenly gifts,
pletasti, eumque in Ecclesia and didst make him to shine in
tua signis et virtutibus clare the Church by signs and virtues,
re fecisti: praesta, quaesumus; grant us, we beseech Thee, that
ut, ejus maritis et precibus, through his merits and interces
tua beneficia capiamus. Per sion we may receive Thy bene
fits. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Isidore, Bishop, Confessor
and Doctor of the Church; and, in Lent, of the Feria.
The Creed is said because of the Feast of St. Isidore.

A p r il 6


Virgin, of the Third Order
( Double)
M ary Crescentia was boro in Kaufbeuren, a little town in the D io
cese ot Augsburg. Her parents were simple weavers, poor but deeply
pious. As a child Crescentia distinguished herself by her remarkable
virtue, and when she had attained the proper age, she begged to be
adm itted to th e convent of Tertiaries in her native town. She was re
ceived reluctantly, and m ade to feel her lowly position keenly. She
endured many trials from her fellow-religious, but for four years she
bore a ll w ith resignation. A new superior recognized the em inent v ir
tue of M ary Crescentia, who was appointed first portress and later
novice mistress. Finally she became superior, and fulfilled her office
w ith adm irable prudence and charity. T he last years of her life were
marked by an increase of physical sufferings, but remembering the suf
ferings of C hrist in which she wished to share, she accepted all with
holy joy. She died in 1744 and was beatified in 1900.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

place, with the following:
EUS, qui in beata MarlaGOD, who hast mercifully
Crescentia Vlrgine tua
given us an example of
Christianae perfectionis exem Christian perfection in blessed
plum miseric6rditer tribuisti: Mary Crescentia, Thy Virgin:
praesta, quaesumus; ut, ejus grant, we beseech Thee, that
imitati6ni jugiter inh*rntes, ever adhering to her example,
gloriam consequamur ster we may receive eternal glory.
nam. Per D6minum,
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.



quod offerimus, suscipe
p l a c a t u s : e t , intercednte
beata Maria-Crescntia, quae
inter mundanas sordes im
maculatum virginitatis florem
custodivit, concede; ut 6mnia
6pera nostra sint tibi sacrifi
cium laudis in odorem sua
vitatis. Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.
RETIOSI C6rporis et San
guinis tui mysteriis re
fecti, Domine, precamur: ut,
beatae Mariae-Crescentiae prae
clara virtutum exempla se
quentes, o m n i b u s am6tis
periculis, ad te feliciter per
veniamus. Qui vivis.
Commemoration as above.

EING appeased, receive, O
Lord, the sacrifice which we
offer, and through the interces
sion of blessed Mary Crescentia,
who kept the flower of virginity
unspotted in the midst of the
sinful world, grant that all our
works may be to Thee a sacri
fice of praise in the odor of
sweetness. Through our Lord.

EFRESHED by the mysteries
of Thy precious Body and
Blood, O Lord, we pray that
following the glorious example
of the virtues of blessed Mary
Crescentia, we may safely pass
all dangers and happily attain to
Thee. Who livest and reignest.

A p ril 7


Confessor, of the Third Order
W illiam was a nobleman at the court of the king of Sicily. W hile
hunting w ith the royal party, he saved the king from the attack of a
w ild boar, though ne himself was severely w ounded. Through the
intercession of St. A gatha he was restored to health, and soon asked
permission to leave the court. This being granted, he w ent to the
herm it St. Conrad of Piacenza, who instructed him in the religious life
according to the Rule of the Third Order. W illiam advanced rapidly
in perfection, and was soon revered as a saint. He died in 1404 at
the age of ninety-five, and many miracles occurred at his death.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a

Pontiff, in the first place, with the following:
MNIPOTENS s e m p i
LMIGHTY, everlasting God,
terne Deus, qui per
L w ho w o r k e s t wonders
beatum Guilieimum Confes- through blessed William, Thy
s6rem tuum mirabilia opera Confessor, grant, we beseech
ris: concede, quaesumus; ut, Thee, that ais Thou givest health



sicut, ejus intervenientibus to sick bodies through his inter

maritis, aegrotis tribuis cor- cession and merits, so Thou
p6ribus sanitatem, ita nos mayest help us to attain to the
facias ad aeternum pervenire eternal fellowship. Through our
cons6rtium. Per Dominum. Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lem, of the Feria.
A p r il 8


Confessor, of the First Order
Julian, the son of a French nobleman, had been reared in humble
but deeply pious surround:ngs, and as a young man entered the Fran
ciscan O rder. His zeal was so ardent, and his austerities were so
severe, th a t he was considered eccentric and twice dismissed from the
novitiate. H e w ithdrew to a hermitage on a neighboring mountain,
and after bearing this trial w ith adm irable fortitude, was again re
ceived in to 'th e O rder. As a true son of St. Francis, he loved poverty
and practised it to an extraordinary degree. His penance was rigorous,
his hum ility profound and his holy death in 1606 was marked with
many miracles.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum Julia
GOD, w ho d i d s t l e ad
num Confessorem tuum,
blessed Julian, Thy Con
per humilitatis et innocentia; fessor, over the "paths of humilsemitas, ad caelestis gl6ria; itv and innocence to the height
fastigium perduxisti: fac nos of heavenly glory, grant that fol
per eius vestigia gradientes, lowing in his footsteps, we may
superbe non sapere, et ad te not be wise in a vain way and
puris mentibus pervenire. Per may come to Thee with pure
minds. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.
ER hanc, quam tibi, D6h r o u g h this host which
mine, offerimus h6stiam:
we offer Thee, O Lord,
da nobis eo puritatis et hu grant us to celebrate the sacred
militatis spiritu sacra myste mysteries with that spirit of
ria peragere, quo beatus purity and humility with which
Julianus v i t a m a l u i t ad blessed Julian nourished his life
aeternitatem. Per D6minum. for eternity. Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.



^LESTI dape recreatis
concede, D6mine, beati
Juliani maritis et exemplis,
tibi puro et humili corde
servire: qui per unigeniti
Filii tui humilitatem, aeterni
tatis nobis aditum reserasti.
Per eundem Dominum.

LORD, who through the
humility of Thine onlybegotten Son hast opened to us
the entrance to eternity, grant to
us, now refreshed with heavenly
food, that through the merits
and example of blessed Julian,
we may serve Thee with a pure
and humble heart. Through the
same Jesus Christ.

Commemoration as above.
A p r il 9


Martyr, of the First Order
Thom as was born at Tolentino, Italy. As a Friar M inor he was so
distinguished for his virtue and zeal for souls th at he was sent as a
missionary to Armenia. H e labored there for several years w ith re
m arkable success, and was then sent to Persia. W ith twelve com
panions, he traveled through th a t country, preaching the Gospel and
bringing about many conversions. H e penetrated as far as C hina and
in the principal city of th at country, Cambalek (now called Peiping),
he met his brother in religion, the noted missionary. Father John o f
Montecorvino. H e returned to Rome to seek new laborers for China,
and was then sent to H industan. A fter thirty years of apostolic activity,
he won the crown of martyrdom in 1321, at the hands of the Saracens
in India.

Mass, outside of Paschal Time, Laetabitur, from the Common

of One Martyr, in the fourth place; during Paschal Time,
Protexisti, from the Common of Martyrs, in the first place;
in either case, the following are said:
EUS, qui nobis in beato
GOD, who in b l e s s e d
Thoma M a r t y r e t u o
Thomas, Thy Martyr, hast
apostolici zeli ac fortitudinis given a shining exemplar of
exemplar eximium pnebuisti: apostolic zeal andfortitude, grant
ipsius meritis et precibus through his intercession and
concede; ut propriam et ali6- merits that we may ever strive
rum salutem jugiter operari to work out our own and our
studeamus. Per D6minum. neighbors salvation. Through
our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.


, quaesumus,
D6mine, ut s a l u t a r i s
n6stia, quam contrito corde
tibi offerimus, suffragantibus
meritis beati Thomae Maryris tui, nostrdrum sit ex
piatio peccat6rum. Per Do
Commemoration as above.
u l t i p l i c a super nos
quaesumus, D dm i ne,
tnisericdrdiam tuam, ut, qui
in beati Thomae Martyris tui
festivitate gaudemus, te lar?iente, perpetua ipsius so:ietate laetemur. Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.

o n ced e


RANT, we beseech Thee, O
Lord, that the saving host
which with a contrite heart we
offer Thee, may through the in
tercession of the merits of
blessed Thomas, Thy Martyr, be
an expiation for our sins.
Through our Lord.

NCREASE Thy mercy toward
us, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
in order that we who rejoice in
the festivity of blessed Thomas,
Thy Martyr, may through Thy
grace enjoy his unending fellow
ship. Through our Lord.

A p r i l 10


Confessor, of the First Order
M ark was born of the noble family of the Fantuzzi in Bologna. He
studied a t the university there, and after receiving his degrees, en:ered the O rder of Friars M inor a t th e age of twenty-six. Bl.
lames Primadizzi was his master, and St. Bernardine of Siena his
teacher in Theology, and under such guidance be made rapid progress
in holiness. He was elected to the highest offices in the O rder, and he
always strove to m aintain the faithful observance of the Rule in his
monasteries. H um ility, zeal for souls and devotion to the holy Rule
were his outstanding virtues. H e died in 1474.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui beato Marco in T \ GOD, who didst grant to
fidei tuae praedicati6ne -L ' blessed Mark the grace to
cursum consummare, et cor6- run his course in the preaching
nam gl6riae promereri tribui- of Thy faith, and to merit the
sti: concede propitius; ut, crown of glory, m e r c i f u l l y
ejusdem fidei amore cer- grant that, fighting until death



tantes usque ad mortem, out of love for that same faith

praemia consequamur aeterna. we may obtain eternal rewards
Per D6minum.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.
A p r i l 12


Confessor, of the First Order
Angelus was born of wealthy and pious parents at Chivasso, in Pied
m ont. From his youth he was noted for his piety and brilliant mental
gifts. _ W hen his mother died, in about his thirtieth year, he resigned
nis high position in the state and entered the Franciscan O rder. Hi:
virtues won him the adm iration of his superiors, and soon honors anc
responsibilities were heaped upon him . Several Popes employed hin
to lead a crusade against heresies. H e labored indefatigabfy un til his
eighty-second year, when he begged leave to retire. H e died two ycai:
later, in 1495, after a holy preparation for death. H is body is stil

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui ad expugnan O
GOD, who in order tc
dos Ecclesiae tuae hostes,
vanquish the enemies ol
beatum Angelum Confess6- Thy Church didst endow blessed
rem tuum invicta animi for Angelus, Thy Confessor, with
titudine roborasti: ejus nobis invincible strength o f mi nd,
meritis et intercessi6ne con grant through his intercessior
cede; ut, omnium hostium and merits that, having over
superatis insidiis, perpetua come the snares of all our ene
pace laetemur. Per D6minum. mies, we may enjoy unending
peace. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria.

A p r i l 16


(Major Double)
On this day in th e year 1209, our Seraphic Father St. Francis re
ceived th e first oral approval for th e O rder from Pope Innocent III,
and the first friars received the tonsure and permission to preach. Ir
a dream the Pope h ad seen the Lateran, the greatest church in Christen
dom, falling to ruin, until one man came and supported it w ith his
shoulders. H e recognized St. Francis as the man in his dream, and
thereupon approved the new O rder.


Introitus. Deut. 4:5, 6

CITIS quod docuerim vos
oraeceota ataue
atque justitias,
licut mandavit mihi D6mii u s Deus meus; sic facietis
:t implebitis opere, ut au
dientes universa praecepta hac
iicant: En p6pulus sapiens,
jens magna! (T. P. Alleluja,
illeluja). Ps. 77:1. Atten
dite, p6pule meus, legem
neam, inclinate aurem ve
stram in verba oris mei. V.
316ria Patri.
EUS, qui ad sectandas
Unigeniti tui vias beatum
Franciscum ducem ac prae
reptorem nobis tribuere di
gnatus es: concede propitius;
it, cujus hodie mem6riam
:61imus, ejus in caelis gl6riae
Darticipes ef f i c i mereamur.
Per eundem D6minum.


Introit. Deut. 4:5,6

" y O U know that I have taught
-I you statutes and justices, as
the Lord my God hath com
manded me: so shall you do and
fulfil them in practice, that hear
ing all these precepts, they may
say: Behold a wise people, a
great nation. (P. T. Alleluia, al
leluia.) Ps. 77:1. Attend, O
My people, to My law: incline
your ears to the words of My
mouth. V. Glory be to the Fa
GOD, who didst deign to
give us blessed Francis as
a leader and lawgiver in follow
ing the paths of Thine only-begotten Son, mercifully grant that
we may be made worthy to par
ticipate in his heavenly glory
whose memory we celebrate to
day. Through the same Jesus
Commemoration is made, in Lent, of the Feria; of St.
Benedict Joseph Labre, Confessor; and of St. Mary Bernadette
Soubirous, Virgin, as in the following Masses.
Lesson from the book of
Lectio libri Sapientiae.
Eccli. 50:1,3-7
Eccli. 50:1,3-7
EHOLD him who in his life
CCE qui in vita sua suf
propped up the house, and
fulsit domum, et in die5us suis corroboravit tem in his days fortified the temple.
plum. In diebus ipsius ema- In his days the wells of water
laverunt putei aquarum, et flowed out, and they were filled
quasi mare adimpleti sunt as the sea above measure. He
iupra modum. Qui curavit took care of his nation, and de
gentem suam, et liberavit livered it from destruction. He
:am a perditidne. Qui prae- prevailed to enlarge the city, and
iraluit amplificare civitatem, obtained glory in his conversa
qui adeptus est gl6riam in tion with the people; and en
:onversati6ne gentis, et in- larged the entrance of the house



gressum domus et atrii am

plificavit. Quasi stella matu
tina in medio nebulae, et
quasi luna plena in diebus
suis lucet; et quasi sol re
fulgens, sic ille effulsit in
templo Dei.

and the court. He shone in hi;

days as the morning star in the
midst of a cloud, and as the
moon at the full. And as the
sun when it shineth, so did h<
shine in the temple of God.

Graduate. Prov. 8:32, 33

Gradual. Prov. 8:32, 33
Nunc ergo, filii, audite
Now therefore, ye children,
me: Beati qui custcSdiunt vias hear me: Blessed are they thal
meas! V. Audite disciplinam, keep my ways. Hear instructior
et estote sapientes, et nolite and be wise and refuse it not
abjicere eam.
Tractus. Ps. 15:5,6
Dominus pars hereditatis
meae et calicis mei, tu es qui
restitues hereditatem meam
mihi. V. F u n e s ceciderunt
mihi in praeclaris, etenim
hereditas mea praeclara est
mihi. V. Ps. ibid.: 11. Notas
mihi fecisti vias vitae, adim
plebis me laetitia cum vultu
tuo: delectati6nes in dextera
tua usque in finem.

Tract. Ps. 15:5,6

The Lord is the portion of mj
inheritance and of my cup, it ii
Thou that wilt restore my in
heritance to me. V. The lines
are fallen unto me in goodlj
places, for my inheritance i;
goodly to me. V. Ps. ibid.: 11.
Thou hast made known to me
the ways of life. Thou shalt fill
me with joy with Thy counte
nance: at Thy right hand are
delights even to the end.
In Paschal Time, the Gradual and Tract are omitted, ana
the following is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Is.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Is. 42:6.
42:6. Ego D6minus vocavi I the Lord have called thee ir
te in justitia, et apprehendi justice, and taken thee by the
manum tuam, et servavi te; hand, and preserved thee; and
et dedi te in foedus p<5- I
have g
puli, in lucem gentium. Al of the people, for a light of the
leluja. V.Job 23:11. Ve gentiles. Alleluia. V. Job 23
stigia D6mini secutus est pes 11. My foot hath followed the
meus; viam ejus custodivi, steps of the Lord. I have kepi
et non declinavi ex ea. Al His way, and have not declined
from it. Alleluia.
In Votive Masses before Septuagesima or after Pentecost,
the Gradual as above, but the Tract being omitted, the fol
lowing is said:



Alleluja, alleluja. V .ls.

i2:6. Ego D6minus vocavi
:e in justitia, et apprehendi
manum tuam, et servavi te;
et dedi te in foedus p6puli,
in lucem gentium. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Is. 42:6.

I the Lord have called thee in
justice, and taken thee by the
hand and preserved thee; and I
have given thee for a covenant
of the people, for a light of the
gentiles. Alleluia.

J* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 10:7-15

4* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.

TN ILLO tempore: Misit

Jesus du6decim discipulos
suos, praecipiens eis, dicens:
Euntes autem praedicate, di
cantes: Quia appropinquavit
regnum csel6rum. Infirmos
curate, m 6 r t u os suscitate,
lepr6sos mundate, daemones
ejicite: gratis accepistis, gra
tis date. Nolite possidere au
rum, neque argentum, neque
pecuniam in zonis vestris:
non peram in via, neque
duas tunicas, neque calcea
menta, neque virgam: dignus
enim est operarius cibo suo.
In quamcumque autem civita
tem aut castellum intraveri
tis, interrogate quis in ea
dignus it: et ibi manete
donec exeatis. Intrantes au
tem in domum, salutate eam,
dicentes: Pax huic d6mui. Et
si quidem fuerit domus illa
digna, veniet p a x v e s t r a
super eam: si autem non
fuerit digna, pax vestra re
vertetur ad vos. Et quicum
que non receperit vos, neque
audierit sermones v e s t r o s ,
exeuntes foras de domo vel
civitate, excutite pulverem de
pedibus vestris. Amen dico

Malt. 10:7-15

T THAT time: Jesus sent

L His twelve disciples, com
manding them, saying: Going,
preach, saying: The kingdom of
heaven is at hand. Heal the sick,
raise the dead, cleanse the lepers,
cast out devils: freely have you
received, freely give. Do not
possess gold, nor silver, nor
money in your purses: nor scrip
for your journey, nor two coats,
nor shoes, nor a staff; for the
workman is worthy of his meat.
And into whatsoever city or
town you shall enter, inquire
who in it is worthy, and there
abide till you go thence. And
when you come into the house,
salute it, saying: Peace be to
this house. And if that house
be worthy, your peace shall
come upon it; but if it be not
worthy, your peace shall return
to you. And whosoever shall
not receive you, nor hear your
words, going forth out of that
house or city, shake off the dust
from your feet. Amen, I say to
you, it shall be more tolerable
for the land of Sodom and



vobis: Tolerabilius erit terrae Gomorrha in the day of judgi

Sodomorum et Gomorrh*o- ment, than for that city.
rum in die judicii, quam illi
The Creed is said.
Offertorium. Eccli. 50:29,30
Offertory. Eccli. 50:29,30
Doctrinam sapientiae et dis
He hath written in the bool
ciplinae scripsit in codice. the doctrine of wisdom and in
Beatus qui in istis versatur struction. Blessed is he that is
bonis! (T. P. Alleluja.)
conversant in these good things
(P. T. Alleluia.)
tJSCIPE, D6mine, laudis
e c e iv e , o Lord, the hosi
h6stiam, quam in hon6of praise which we offer tc
rem beati Patris nostri Fran- Thy majesty in honor of oui
cisci tua: offerimus majestati: blessed Father Francis, anc
et per eam nosmetipsos tibi through it make of us an eter
perfice munus aeternum. Per nal sacrifice for Thee. Through
our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
Preface of our Holy Father Francis.
Communio. Matth. 10:9,10
Nolite possidere a u r u m ,
neque argentum, neque pecu
niam ; non peram in via,
neque duas tunicas, neque
calceamenta; dignus enim est
operarius cibo suo. (T. P.
ACRO pro munere tibi,
D6mine, gratias agentes,
quaesumus: ut, intercedente
beato Patre nostro Francisco,
c u j u s gaudemus triumphis,
s p i r i t u a l i b u s proficiamus
auxiliis. Per Dominum.

Commemorations as above.

Communion. Matt. 10:9,10

Do not possess gold nor silver
nor money, nor scrip for your
journey, nor two coats, nor
shoes; for th e w o r k m a n is
worthy of his meat. (P. T. Al
IVING Thee t h a n k s , O
Lord, for the sacred gift,
we beseech Thee that through
the intercession of our blessed
Father Francis, in whose tri
umph we rejoice, we may ad
vance in spiritual aids. Through
our Lord.




Sa m e D a y , A p r il 16


Confessor, Franciscan Cord-hearer
Benedict Joseph Labre was born in France. D uring the time of the
ilague he devoted himself to the care of the sick and other works of
harity. H e entered the Confraternity of the Cord of St. Francis and
istinguished himself by his piety and love of prayer before the
llessed Sacrament. Dying in 1783, he was canonized in 1881.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pontiff,

n the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui sanctum BeneGOD, who didst cause St.
dictum-Josphum ConBenedict J o s e p h , Thy
'essorem tuum, humilitatis Confessor, through zeal for hu
tudio et paupertatis am6re, mility and love for poverty, to
ibi uni adhxrlre fecisti: da cling to Thee alone, grant us
l o b i s , ejus suffragantibus through the intercession of his
nritis, terrna cuncta despi- merits to despise all the things
:ere, et calestia semper in- of this world and ever to strive
julrere. Per D6minum.
after heavenly things. Through
our Lord.
BLATA munera, clemen
MOST merciful God, gra
tissime Deus, propitius
ciously look upon the
respice: et, sancti Benedlcti- gifts we offer Thee, and through
Josephi Confess6ris tui in- the intercession of St. Benedict
ferveniente suffragio, in salu Joseph, Thy Confessor, grant
tem nobis provenire concede. that they may profit us unto
Per D6minum.
salvation. Through our Lord.
P ACRIS, D6mine, refecti
e f r e s h e d , o Lord, by the
sacred gifts, we beseech
J muneribus: quaesumus;
at s a n c t i Benedlcti-Josephi Thee that we may imitate the
Confess6ris *ui virtutes imi virtues of St. Benedict Joseph,
temur, cujus p6scimus meri Thy Confessor, through whose
ts adjuvari. Per D6minum. merits we ask that we may be
helped. Through our Lord.



Sa m e D a y , A p r il 16


Virgin, Franciscan Cord-bearer
St. Mary Bernard, affectionately known to her contemporaries as
Bernadette, was born on January 7, 1844, near Lourdes, in France.



O n February 11, 1858, the Blessed M other appeared to her for th

first time, and repeatedly thereafter during the next several weeks. Shi
was clothed in a white gown w ith a blue sash, and red roses were a
her feet. A t her side she h ad a rosary w hich she taught Bernadette t<
say. She instructed the young girl th at a shrine should be built on th<
spot. To this sacred shrine pilgrims now flock from a ll over th
w orld, and heaven has given its sanction by numberless miracles
Bernadette became a nun of the N otre Dame community at Nevers
Her whole life was one of humble obedience to the commands of God
She died in 1879, at the age of thirty-five, hidden and unknown
Pope Pius X I canonized her.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the thin

place, with the following:
UMILIUM, Deus, pro
tector et amator, qui fa
mulam tuam Mariam-Bernardam Immaculatae Virginis
M aris appariti6ne et allo
quio recreasti: praesta, quae
sumus; ut, per simplices fi
dei semitas, ad tuam in caelis
visi6nem pervenire merea
mur. Per D6minum.

GOD, the protector anc
lover of the humble, wh(
didst rejoice Thy handmaid
Mary Bernadette, with the sigh
and conversation of the Im
maculate Virgin Mary: grant
we beseech Thee, that we maj
deserve to come to the vision oi
Thee in heaven through th<
simple paths of faith. Throug!
our Lord.

,ELfiSTEM nobis, Do
mine, praebeant tua sanc
ta ferv6rem, quo beata Virgo
Maria-Bemarda seipsam hos
tiam laudis tibi placantem
exhibuit. Per D6minum.

AY Thy holy things, C
Lord, confer that heavenly
fervor with which the blessed
Virgin, Mary Bernadette, of
fered herself as a host of praise
pleasing to Thee. Through our

ACRIS, D6mine, recreati
mysteriis, quaesumus; ut
miram beatae Mariae-Bernardae constantiam aemulantes,
patientia: praemium c6nsequi
mereamur aeternum. Per Do

e f r e s h e d , o Lord, by the
sacred mysteries, we be
seech Thee that, imitating the
wonderful constancy of blessed
Mary Bernadette, we may de
serve to obtain the eternal rewaird of patience. Through our



A p r il 18


Confessor, of the First Order
( Double)
A ndrew was born in M urcia, Spain, in 1334, of a noble but impov
erished family. As a youth he lived a strict and blameless life, an d in
his twenty-second year he entered th e Franciscan O rder as a laybrother. H e was merciless tow ard himself in his penances, but full of
love and kindness tow ard others. Ever a model or virtue, he sanctified
himself through work, prayer and meditation. H e was called to his
heavenly reward in 1602.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pontiff,

in the second place, with 4he following:
EUS, qui beatum Andri
GOD, who didst adorn
am Confess6rem tuum
blessed A n d r e w , T h y
admirabilis innocentiae et Confessor, with the gift of ad
contempIati6nis munere de mirable innocence and contem
corasti: ejus nobis precibus plation, grant us through his
concade; ut, inter mundi ille prayers that, in the midst of the
cebras et pericula, tibi uni allurements and dangers of the
toto corde adhaerere valea world, we may cling to Thee
mus. Per Ddminum.
alone with our whole heart.
Through our Lord.
A NOBIS, omnipotens
RANT us, O almighty, eter
aeterne Deus: ut, im
nal God, that offering the
mensae tu caritatis pignora pledges of Thine immeasurable
offerentes, eo accendamur ar- charity, we may be enkindled
d6re, quo beatus Andrias with that ardor with which
tuis mysteriis f a m u l a r i , blessed Andrew was accustomed
eisque refici consuevit. Per to take part in Thy mysteries
and to be refreshed by them.
Through our Lord.
RETIOSI tui C6rporis et
Sanguinis, D6mine, sacra
Sacrament of Thy precious
mento roborati: quaesumus; Body and Blood, O Lord, we
ut, intercedente beato An beseech Thee that through the
drea Confess6re tuo, nulla a intercession of blessed Andrew,
te umquam viti6rum labe Thy Confessor, we may never
separemur. Qui vivis.
be separated from Thee by any
stain of sin. Who livest and


A p r il 19


Confessor, of the First Order
Conrad was born of the noble M illiani family at Ascoli, in the dis
trict of Ancona, Italy. Together w ith his friend Jerome, later Pope
N icholas IV , he entered the Franciscan O rder. H e received the doc
tor's degree in Theology, and won the respect of all for his great
learning. Nevertheless, ne always sought the lowliest occupations, and
at length asked for a mission to Africa. He was recalled from Africa
to serve on an embassy to France. After its successful term ination, he
resumed his works of charity among the poor in Paris w hile at the
same time teaching Theology in the university. W hen his friend
Jerome was raised to the Papal C hair, he was recalled to Rome to be
created a cardinal. H e became ill on the way, and died in 1289, in
his native Ascoli.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum ConGOD, who didst distin
radum jugi d o l 6 r u m
guish bl essed Conrad
Jesu Christi Filii tui medi- with incessant meditation on the
tati6ne mirabilem effecisti: sufferings of Jesus Christ, Thy
ejus nobis intercessi6ne con Son: grant us, through his in
cede; ut crucis mortificatio tercession, that we may deserve
nem in corde nostro portare, to bear the mortification of the
et vitam c6nsequi mereamur cross in our heart and to attain
sternam. Per eundem D6- to eternal life. Through the
same Jesus Christ our Lord.

A p r il 21


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
C onrad was born of humble and devout parents in Bavaria. From
his youth he showed a special devotion to the Blessed V irgin, and
recited the rosary daily. After having spent his youth on a farm,
closely united to G od, he disposed of his considerable inheritance and
entered th e Capuchins as a lay-brother. H e was professed and then
sent to Altoetting, the famous shrine of the M other of Mercy. Here
he was appointed porter, and retained the charge for forty years until
his death in 1894. He was most faithful in fulfilling his auties, and
greatly benefited all who came to him for help in soul and body.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:



EUS, q u i misericordiae
tuse januam fidelibus
patere voluisti: te supplices
exoramus; ut, intercedente
beato Conrado Confess6re
tuo, temporalia subsidia tri
buas et aet6rna. Per Do

GOD, who didst will that
O the door of Thy mercy
should be open to the faithful:
we humbly beseech Thee that
t h r o u g h t h e intercession of
blessed Conrad, Thy Confessor,
Thou mayest grant temporal and
eternal protection. Through our
Commemoration is made of St. Anselm, Bishop, Confessor
and Doctor of the Church.
The Creed is said because of the Commemoration of St.
b l a t i o n e s nostras
AY the venerable interces
tibi, D<5mine, quaesu
sion of blessed Conrad, we
mus, beati Conradi interces beseech Thee, O Lord, whom
sio veneranda commendet: Thou didst refresh with the
quem coram tuis altaribus sweetness of h e a v e n l y gifts
precantem supern6rum cha- while in prayer before Thine
rlsmatum dulcedine recreasti. adtar, commend our offerings to
Per D6minum.
Thee. Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.
tJMPSIMUS, D6mine, tua
E HAVE r e c e i v e d Thy
sancta, beati C o n r a d i
holy things, O Lord, while
m e r i t a recolentes: praesta, mindful of the merits of blessed
quaesumus; ut ejus semper Conrad; grant, we beseech Thee,
et praeclaro proficiamus ex that we may ever benefit by his
emplo et fideli muniamur excellent example and be aided
by his faithful help. Through
auxilio. Per Dominumour Lord.
Commemoration as above.

A p r i l 22


Confessor, of the First Order
Francis was born in Fabriano, Italy, the son of pious and dis
tinguished parents. From his youth he distinguished himself by his



fine talents, brilliant intellect and meek and devout temperament. H<
was cured of a serious illness at the tomb of St. Francis, and in thi:
way he came in contact w ith some of the first followers of th e saint
H e entered the Franciscan O rder when he was sixteen years of age;
and soon made rapid progress in perfection. After his ordination lit
was sent to preach, an d was wonderfully successful in his mission. Th<
friend of Brother Leo and Brother Angelus, he long h ad th eir inspiring
influence in developing the true Serapnic spirit. H is death occurred ir

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not e

Pontiff, in the first place, with the following:
R<*ESTA, quaesumus, om
RANT, we beseech Thee
nipotens Deus: ut, sicut
almighty God, t ha t a:
beatus Franciscus, verbi tui blessed Francis, in preaching
praeco, ita fecit et d6cuit, Thy word, so acted and taughl
ut magnus esse meruerit in that he deserved to be great ir
regno caelorum, nos quoque the kingdom of heaven, we also
ejus pr&ribus et imitatidne through his prayers and ex
tibi jugiter verbis et operi ample may ever strive to please
bus placere studeamus. Per Thee in wo r d and work
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of Sts. Soter and Cajus, Pope,
and Martyrs.

A p r il 23


Confessor, of the First Order
Giles, a w ell-to-do young man of Assisi, heard o f St. Francis and
repaired to the place where the first three companions were staying to
beg admission to their company. Francis quickly recognized his
w orth, and always held him in th e highest esteem because of his
simplicity, mildness and tremendous energy for doing good. W herever
Giles went, his good example served to edify everyone. His w hole ap
pearance preached poverty, hum ility and piety, and he utilized every
opportunity to encourage penance and the love of G od. His holy
death occurred in 1262.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a

Pontiff, in the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum JEgiGOD, who didst deign to
dium C o n f e s s 6 r e m
raise blessed Giles, Thy
tuum ad excelsae contempla Confessor, to th e height o f
tionis verticem sublimare heavenly contemplation: grant
dignatus es: ipsius interces- through his intercession that,



[6ne concede; ut, acti6nibus our actions ever being directed

ostris in te semper intenti, to Thee, we may attain that
acem, quae exsuperat orn peace which surpasseth all un
em sensum, consequamur. derstanding. Through our Lord.
'er Dominum.
Commemoration is made of St. George, Martyr.
A p r i l 24


Martyr, of the First Order
(Major Double)
St. Fidelis was born of a prom inent family in Sigmaringen, Germany,
i 1577. H e became a highly successful lawyer, and so great was his
Dve for his clients of the lower classes th at ne was called the "A dvoate of the Poor. H e entered the Capuchin O rder, and after his
rdination filled several im portant offices. Finally he was sent to
witzerland to check the inroads of the Calvinists and Zwinglians.
'here he received the crown of martyrdom in 1622. H e is the first
lartyr of the Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith.

Mass as in the Roman Missal.

A p r il 28

Confessor, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
Luchesius and his wife, Bonadonna, were known for their love ofiches and w orldly goods u n til the grace of God enlightened them and
hey resolved to strive instead after imperishable riches. St. Francis
iras then planning to establish the T h ird O rder, as an association for
ersons desiring to live a religious life in the w orld. Luchesius and his
rife received the news w ith great joy and were adm itted as the first
ertiaries. From th a t time on they progressed in virtue and vied with
ach other in perform ing works of charity and penance. Bonadonna
Lied in 1260, shortly before Luchesius.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a

ontiff, in the second place, with the following:
IVES in misericordia,
GOD, rich in mercy, who
didst desire that blessed
Deus, qui beatum Lu:hesium, ad poenitentiam Luchesius, once called to pen
;vocatum, pietatis et miseri- ance, should shine with the
6rdiae meritis clarere vo- merits of p i e t y and mercy:
uisti: da nobis, ejus inter- grant us, through his interces
:essi6ne et exemplo; dignos sion and example, to produce
acere poenitentiae fructus, worthy fruits of penance, and



et indulgentiam tuam pieta- through works of piety an

tis et caritatis operibus pro- charity to merit Thy forgivenes
mereri. Per Dominum.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Paul of the Cross, Cot
fessor; and of St. Vitalis, Martyr.
ER hujus sacrificii mari
HROUGH the merit of thi
sacrifice, m a k e of ou
tum immola tibi, Deus,
corda nostra e6dem igne cari hearts a holocaust to Thee, <
tatis, quo beatus Luchesius God, with that fire of love burt
inclnsus, se tibi totum conse ing with which blessed Luches
cravit. Per D6minum.
us consecrated himself wholl
to Thee. Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above
LORD, whose delights w
U, DOMINE, cujus gu
stavimus in hoc sacra
have tasted in this sacra
mento delicias, sis p6rtio no ment, be Thou our portion i
stra in terra viventium: ut, the land of the living, that, wit
cum beato Luchesio Con- blessed Luchesius, Thy Confe:
fess6re tuo, aeterna; miseri- sor, we may attain the rewar
c6rdiae praemium assequa of eternal mercy. Through ou
mur. Per Dominum.
Commemorations as above

A p r il 30


Confessor, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
Joseph Benedict was born in th e Piedmont section o f Italy. A mem
ber of the T h ird O rder, he distinguished himself through his love fo
the sick and th e poor. As a priest he was indefatigable in his zea
for souls, and ever strove to promote the love of C hrist in the Blessei
Sacrament and devotion to H is holy Passion. H e died in 1842, a vie
tim of his charity and labors for the poor and sick.

Introitus. Jer. 17:7,8

Introit. Jer. 17:7,8
e n e d i c t u s vir qui con
LESSED be the man tha
fidit in D6mino, et erit
trusteth in the Lord, anc
D6minus fiducia ejus: et erit the Lord shall be his confidence
quasi lignum, quod trans And he shall be as a tree tha
plantatur super aquas, quod is planted by the waters, tha



id humorem mittit radices

;uas: et non timebit cum
in e rit aestus. Alleluja, aleluja. Ps. 24:1,2. Ad te,
D6mine, l evavi a ni mam
neam: Deus meus, in te
:onfldo, non erubescam. V .
316ria Patri.

spreadeth out its roots toward

moisture: and it shall not fear
when the heat cometh. Alleluia,
alleluia. P s.24:l,2. To Thee,
0 Lord, have I lifted up my
soul. In Thee, O my God, I
put my trust; let me not be
ashamed. V. Glory be to the



LORD, who helpest with

EUS, qui in te confi
dentibus paterna larg- O fatherly generosity those
tite succurris: beati Josephi- who trust in Thee: grant us
3enedlcti intercessione con:ede; ut, derelictis pauperiras servientes, promissa mi;eric6rdibus praemia consejuamur. Per D6minum.

through th e intercession of
blessed Joseph Benedict that,
serving the neglected poor, we
may obtain the rewards which
are promised to the merciful.
Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made t 1 St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin.

Lectio libri Job.
Job 29:11-16, 18-20

Lesson from the book of Job.

Job 29:11-16, 18-20

rN DIEBUS illis: Assumens

L Job parabolam suam,
dixit: Auris audiens beatifi:abat me, et 6culus videns
:estim6nium reddebat mihi:
eo quod liberassem pauper
em vociferantem, et pupil
lum, cui non esset adjutor.
Benedictio perituri super me
reniebat, et cor viduae con
solatus sum. Justitia indutus
sum: et vestivi me, sicut ves:imento diademate, judicio
meo. Oculus fui caeco, et
pes claudo: pater eram pau
perum. Dicebamque: In ni
dulo meo m6riar, et sicut
palma multiplicabo dies.

TN THOSE days: Job, taking

A- up his parable, said: The ear

that heard me blessed me, and
the eye that saw me gave wit
ness to me: because I had deliv
ered the poor man that cried
out; and the fatherless, that had
no helper. The blessing of him
that was ready to perish came
upon me, and I comforted the
heart of the widow. I was clad
with justice: and I clothed my
self with my judgment, as with
a robe and a diadem. I was an
eye to the blind, and a foot to
the lame. I was the father of
the poor. And I said: I shall
die in my nest, and as a palm



tree shall multiply my days

My root is opened beside th
waters, and dew shall continui
in my harvest. My glory shal
always be renewed, and my bov
in my hand shall be repaired.
Gradual. Is. 58:7
Deal thy bread to the hungry
and bring the needy and the hat
borless into thy house: whei
thou shalt see one naked, cove
him, and despise not thy owi
flesh. V .lbid.: 10. When thoi
shalt pour out thy soul to thi
hungry, and shalt satisfy the af
flicted soul, then shall thy Iigh
rise up in darkness, and th;
darkness shall be as the noon
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 54
54:23. Jacta super D6minum 23. Cast thy ca r e u p o n thi
curam tuam, et ipse te enu Lord, and He shall sustain thee
triet: non dabit in aeternum He shall not suffer the just t(
fluctuationem justo. Alleluja. waver for ever. Alleluia.
After Septuagesima, the Tract is said.
Radix mea aprta est secus
aquas, et ros inorabitur in
messione mea. G16ria mea
semper innovabitur, et arcus
meus in manu mea instaura
Graduate. Is. 58:7
Frange esurienti panem
tuum, et egenos, vagosque
induc in domum tuam: cum
videris nudum, operi eum, et
carnem tuam ne despexeris.
V .lbid.: 10. Cum effuderis
sitienti animam tuam, et ani
mam afflictam r e p l e v e r i s ,
orietur in tenebris lux tua,
et tenebrae tuse erunt sicut

Tractus. Ps. 33:9-11

Gustate, et videte quo
niam suavis est D6minus:
beatus vir qui sperat in
eo. V. Timete Do mi n u m,
omnes Sancti ejus: qu6niam
non est indpia timentibus
eum. V. Divites eguerunt, et
esurierunt: inquirentes autem
D6minum n o n minuantur
omni bono.

Tract. Ps. 33:9-11

O taste, and see that the Lore
is sweet: blessed is the man that
hopeth in Him. V. Fear the
Lord, all ye His saints: foi
there is no want to them thal
fear Him. V. The rich hav<
wanted, and have suffered hun
ger: but they that seek the Lore
shall not be deprived of anj

During Paschal Time, the Alleluia is said.

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
54:23. Jacta super Dominum
curam tuam, et ipse te enu
triet: non dabit in aeternam
fluctuati6nem justo. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 54:23

Cast thy care upon the Lord,
and He shall sustain thee: He
shall not suffer the just tc
waver for ever. Alleluia. V Ps.


V. Ps. 51:10. Ego autem,

sicut oliva fructifera in domo
Dei, speravi in miseric6rdia
Dei in aeternum: et in sscuIum ssculi. Alleluja.


51:10. But I, as a fruitful olive

tree in the house of God, have
hoped in the mercy of God for
ever, yea for ever and ever.

Sequentia sancti Evangelii Hh Continuation of th e hol y

secundum Matthaeum.
Gospel according to Matthew.
Mattb. 25:31-40
Matt. 25:31-40
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis: Cum
Filius h6minis in
majestate sua, et omnes An
geli cum eo: tunc sedebit
super sedem majestatis suae.
Et congregabuntur ante eum
omnes gentes: et separabit
eos ab Invicem, sicut pastor
segregat oves ab hcedis: et
statuet oves quidem a dex
tris suis, hoedos autem a sini
stris. Tunc dicet rex his,
qui a dextris ejus erunt:
Venite, benedicti Patris mei,
possidete paratum vobis re
gnum a constitutione mundi.
Esurivi enim, et d e d i s t i s
mihi manducare: sitivi, et
dedistis mihi bibere: hospes
eram, et collegistis me: nu
dus, et cooperuistis me: in
firmus, et visitastis me: in
carcere eram, et venistis ad
me. Tunc respondebunt ei
justi, d i c e n t e s : D6mine,
quando te vidimus esurien
tem, et pavimus te: sitien
tem, et dedimus tibi potum?
Quando autem te vidimus
h6spitem, et collegimus te:
aut nudum, et cooperuimus
te? Aut quando te vidimus
infirmum, aut in carcere, et
venimus ad te? Et respon-

A T THAT time: Jesus said to

His disciples: W h e n t h e
Son of Man shall come in His
majesty, and all the angels with
Him, then shall He sit upon the
seat of His majesty: and all na
tions shall be gathered together
before Him, and He shall sep
arate them one from another, as
the shepherd s e p a r a t e t h the
sheep from the goats: and He
shall set the sheep on His right
hand, but the goats on His left.
Then shall the King say to them
that shall be on His right hand:
Come, ye blessed of My Father,
possess you the kingdom pre
pared for you from the founda
tion of the world. For I was
hungry, and you gave Me to eat:
I was thirsty, and you gave Me
to drink; I was a stranger, and
you took Me in: naked, and you
covered Me: sick, and you vis
ited Me: I was in prison, and
you came to Me. Then shall the
just answer Him, saying: Lord,
when did we see Thee hungry,
and fed Thee; thirsty, and gave
Thee drink? And when did we
see Thee a stranger, and took
Thee in? or naked, and covered
Thee? Or when did we see
Thee sick or in prison, and
came to Thee? And the King



dens rex, dicet illis: Amen

dico vobis, quamdiu fecistis
uni ex his fratribus meis
minimis, mihi fecistis.
Offertorium. Ps. 40:2
Beatus qui intelligit super
egenum et pauperem: in die
mala liberabit eum D6minus.
OMINE Deus, qui beato
Josepho-Benedlcto, divi
na celebranti mysteria, quod
tractabat i m i t a r i tribuisti:
ejus precibus et meritis con
cede; ut nos quoque, im
maculatam h6stiam offeren
tes, holocaustum tibi accep
tum effici mereamur. Per

answering, shall say to them:

Amen, I say to you, as long as
you did it to one of these Mj
least brethren, you did it to Me
Offertory. Ps. 40:2
Blessed is he that understand
eth concerning the needy anc
the poor: the Lord will delivei
him in the evil day. Alleluia.
LORD GOD, who dids
give blessed Joseph Bene
dict in the celebration of th<
divine mysteries the grace tc
imitate what he handled: gran
through his intercession anc
merits that we also, in offering
the immaculate host, may de
serve to become a holocaust ac
ceptable to Thee. Through oui

Commemoration as above.
Communio. Matth. 25:40
Amen dico vobis: quod
uni ex minimis meis fecistis,
mihi fecistis: venite, bene
dicti Patris mei, possidete
paratum vobis regnum ab
initio mundi. Alleluja.
IT nobis, D6mine, tui
perceptio s a c r a m e n t i
perenne subsidium: ut, intercedente beato Josepho-Bene
dlcto, misericfirdiae operibus
insistentes, temporalibus fo
veamur auxiliis, et sempi
ternis divitiis augeamur. Per
Commemoration as abovt.

Communion. Matt. 25:40

Amen, I say to you, what you
did to one of My least ones,
you did to Me. Come, ye
blessed of My Father, possess
you the kingdom prepared foi
you from the foundation of the
world. Alleluia.
AY the reception of Thy
sacrament be a constant
help to us, O Lord, that through
the intercession of blessed Jo
seph Benedict we may, in devot
ing ourselves to works of mercy,
be cared for with temporal help
and enriched with everlasting
wealth. Through our Lord.



M a y 11


Confessors, of the First Order
Benedict entered the Capuchin O rder after having finished his
studies in law. He helped establish the O rder in Germany, and there.
!as well as in Bohemia and Italy as the companion of St. Lawrence of
Brindisi, h e labored as a preacher. H e died in 1623.
Julian belonged to the ancient family of th e Cesarelli at V alle in
Istria. As a Franciscan he was noted to r his strict observance of the
Rule, and as a priest, for his zeal in promoting peace and charity
among the various political factions of the time. H e died in his native
city in 1350.
James was born in D alm atia and entered the Franciscan O rder as a
lay-brother at an early age. H e did much to promote regular disci
pline, and ever sought to unite work w ith prayer. A dorned w ith the
power of miracles, he died in 1483 a t Bitetto.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the
second orations.
M a y 14


Virgin, of the Second Order
Petronilla was a descendant of the ancient Dukes of Troyes. W hen
she was still a young woman she renounced her brilliant position and
joined the Poor Clares of Provence. Here she led a life of humility
and renunciation, and edified all by her lovable virtues. She pre
sided over a new convent in the Diocese of Beauvais, called "M o u n t
of H eaven, which Philip the Handsome had established. This
foundation developed into a veritable paradise of sanctity, and many
of the noblest women of France entered there. For eight years Petro
nilla filled th e office of abbess, and then abdicated to prepare her
self for her death, which occurred in 1353.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatam PetroGOD, who d i d s t t e ac h
nlllam Virginem tuam,
b l e s s e d Petronilla, Thy
saeculi pompam et delicias Virgin, to set aside the pomp
mortificati6ni et humilitati and delights of this world for
postp6nere d o c u i s t i : ejus mortification and humility: grant
maritis precibusque tribue; through her merits and interces-


nos vitae praesentis blandi

menta superare, et in am
plexu tuae crucis gl6riam in
venire. Qui vivis.
Commemoration is made of

sion that we may overcome the

allurements of the present life,
and find glory in embracing Thy
cross. Who livest and reignest.
St. Boniface, Martyr.

M ay 17


Confessor, of the First Order
(Double of the Second Class)
Paschal was born on the Feast of Pentecost, 1540, a t Torre Hermosa,
Spain. H is parents were poor and he was obliged to work hard even
as a child in tending the flocks of sheep. He was apparently en
dowed w ith every gift of the H oly Spirit, and when he entered the

tion to those who knew him , and G od worked man'iv miracles through
him and endowed him w ith extraordinary graces. In
1897 _Pope _
X III made him the patron of all Eucharistic societies and assemblies.

Introitus. Eccli. 47/9,10

N OMNI 6pere dedit confessi6nem Sancto, et Ex
celso in verbo gloriae. De
omni corde suo laudavit
D6minum, et dilexit Deum,
qui fecit illum. (T. P. Al
leluja, alleluja.) Ps. 102:1.
Benedic, anima mea, D6mino, et omnia quae intra me
sunt n6mini sancto ejus. V.
G16ria Patri.

EUS, qui beatum Pascha
lem confess6rem tuum,
mirifica erga C o r p o r i s et
Sanguinis tui sacra mysteria
dilecti6ne decorasti: concede
propitius; ut, quam ille ex
hoc divino convivio spiritus
percepit pinguedinem, ean
dem et nos percipere merea
mur. Qui vivis.

Introit. Eccli. 47:9,10

N ALL his works he gave
thanks to the Holy One, and
to the Most High, with words
of glory. With his whole heart
he praised the Lord, and loved
God that made him. (P. T. Al
leluia, alleluia.) Ps. 102:1.
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and
let all that is within me bless
His holy name. V. Glory be to
the Father.
GOD, who didst adorn
blessed Paschal, Thy Con
fessor, with a marvelous love
for the sacred mysteries of Thy
Body and Blood: mercifully
grant that we also may derive
that fulness of spirit which he
received from this divine ban
quet. Who livest and reignest.



Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Lesson from the Epistle of

Ap6stoIi ad C o r i n t h i o s . blessed Paul the Apostle to the
1 Cor. 1:26-31; 2:1,2
1 Cor. 1:26-31; 2:1, 2
RATRES: Videte vocati6- T ) RETHREN: See your vocanem vestram, quia non L' tion, that there are not man)
multi sapientes secundum wise according to the flesh, not
carnem, non multi potentes, many mighty, not many noble:
non multi n6biles: sed quae but the foolish things of the
stulta s u n t m u n d i elegit world hath God chosen, that He
Deus, ut confundat sapien may confound the wise; and the
tes; et infirma mundi elegit weak things of the world hath
Deus, ut confundat f6rtia: et God chosen, that He may con
ignobilia mundi, et contemp found the strong; and the base
tibilia elegit Deus, et ea, things of the world, and the
uae non sunt, ut ea quae sunt things that are contemptible,
estrueret: ut non gloriatur hath God chosen, and things
omnis caro in conspectu ejus. that are not, that He might
Ex ipso autem vos estis in bring to nought things that are:
Christo Jesu, qui factus est that no flesh should glory in
nobis sapientia a Deo, et jus His sight. But of Him are you
titia et sanctificatio et re in Christ Jesus, who of God is
demptio: ut quemadmodum made unto us wisdom, and jus
scriptum est: Qui gloriatur, tice, and sanctification, and re
in D6mino glorietur. Et ego, demption: that is, as it is writ
cum venissem ad vos, fra ten: He that glorieth may glory
tres, veni non in sublimitate in the Lord. And I, brethren,
serm6nis, aut sapientiae, an when I came to you, came not
nuntians vobis testim6nium in loftiness of speech or of wis
Christi. Non enim judicavi dom, declaring unto you the
me scire aliquid inter vos, testimony of C h r i s t . F o r I
nisi Jesum Christum, et hunc judged not myself to know any
thing among you, but Jesus
Christ, and Him crucified.

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Osee

14:6. Justus germinabit sicut
lilium, et florebit in aeternum
ante Dominum. Alleluja. V.
Eccli. 45:9- Amavit eum D6minus, et ornavit eum, sto
lam gl6riae Induit eum, et ad
portas paradisi c o ro n i v i t
eum. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V.Oseel4:6.

The just shall spring as the lily,
and shall flourish for ever be
fore the Lord. Alleluia. V. Eccli.
45:9. The Lord loved him and
adorned him, and girded him
about with a glorious girdle,
and crowned him at the gates of
paradise. Alleluia.



Outside Paschal Time the f illowing is said:

Graduate. Ps. 20:4, 5
D 6 m i n e, praevenisti eum
in benedictionibus dulcedinis,
posuisti in capite ejus coro
nam de lapide preti6so. V.
Vitam petiit a te, et tribuisti
ei longitudinem dierum in
saeculum saeculi.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Jac.
1:12. Beatus vir qui suffert
tentati6nem! Quoniam cum
probatus fuerit, accipiet coro
nam vita:. Alleluja.

Gradual. Ps. 20:4, 5

Thou, O Lord, hast presented
him with blessings of sweetness,
Thou hast set on his head a
crown of precious stones. V. He
asked life of Thee, and Thou
hast given him length of days
for ever.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Jas. 1:12.
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation! For when he
hath been proved, he shall re
ceive the crown of life. Alleluia.

In Votive Masses after Se, 'tuagesima, the Alleluia and the

following Verse are omitted, and the following is said:
Tractus. Ps. 111:1-3
Beatus vir qui timet Do
minum; in mandatis ejus
cupit nimis. V. Potens in
terra erit semen ejus; genera
tio rect6rum benedicetur. V .
Gloria et divitiae in domo
ejus; et justitia ejus manet
in ssculum saeculi.
J* Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 11:23-30
N ILLO tempore: Resp6ndens Jesus, dixit: Confi
teor tibi, Pater, D6mine caeli
et terrae, quia abscondisti
haec a sapientibus, et pruden
tibus, et revelasti ea parvulis.
Ita, Pater: qu6niam sic fuit
placitum ante te. Omnia
mihi tradita s u n t a P a t r e
meo. Et nemo novit Filium,
nisi Pater: neque Patrem quis

Tract. Ps. 111:1-3

Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord; he shall delight
exceedingly in His command
ments. V. His seed shall be
mighty on the earth; the gen
eration of the righteous shall be
blessed. V. Glory and wealth
shall be in his house: and his
justice remaineth for ever.
Continuation of the holy
Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 11:23-30
T THAT time: Jesus anL swered and said: I confess
to Thee, O Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, because Thou
hast hid these things from the
wise and prudent, and hast re
vealed them to little ones. Yea,
Father; for so hath it seemed
good in Thy sight. All things
are delivered to Me by My Fa
ther. And no one knoweth the


novit, nisi Filius, et cui vo

luerit Filius revelare. Ve
nite ad me, omnes, qui labo
ratis, et onerati estis, et ego
reficiam vos. T611ite jugum
meum super vos, et discite a
me, quia mitis sum, et hu
milis corde: et invenietis re
quiem animabus vestris. Ju
gum enim meum suave est,
et onus meum leve.


Son, but the Father: neither

doth anyone know the Father,
but the Son, and he to whom it
shall please the Son to reveal
Him. Come to Me, all you that
labor and are burdened, and I
will refresh you. Take up My
yoke upon you, and learn of Me,
because I am meek, and humble
of heart: and you shall find rest
to your souls. For My yoke is
sweet and My burden light.

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Ps. 88:25
Offertory. Ps. 88:25
Veritas mea et miseric6rMy truth and My mercy shall
dia mea cum ipso, et in n6- be with him, and in My name
nine meo exaltabitur cornu shall his horn be exalted. (P. T.
;jus. (T. P. Alleluja.)
c c e p t a sit t i b i , D6LORD, may this host of
mine, haec h6stia placapropitiation and praise be
ti6nis et laudis: et praesta; acceptable to Thee; and grant
ut, qui tuum jugiter implora that we who ever implore Thy
mus auxilium, beati Pascha help may, through the interces
lis intercessi6ne, quod fideli sion of blessed Paschal, securely
ter petimus, efficaciter conse receive that for which we con
fidently ask. Through our Lord.
quamur. Per D6minum.

Communio. Matth. 11:29

T611ite jugum meum super
vos, et discite a me quia
mitis sum et humilis corde,
et invenietis requiem animabus vestris. (T. P. Alleluja.)

Communion. Matt. 11:29

Take up My yoke upon you,
and learn of Me, because I am
meek and humble of heart; and
you shall find rest to your souls.
(P. T. Alleluia.)

ILLED with the offering of
ORPORIS tui sacri et
Thy sacred Body and pre
preti6si Sanguinis reple
ti libamine, quaesumus, D6- cious Blood, we beseech Thee,
mine Deus noster: ut, inter- O Lord our God, that through
:edente beato Paschale Con- the intercession o f b l e s s e d



fess6re tuo, caelastis beatitu- Paschal, Thy Confessor, Thou

dinis tribuas esse consortes. wouldst grant to us to be par
takers of the joy of heaven.
Qui vivis.
Who livest and reignest.
M a y 18


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Felix was born in Cantalicc, Italy, and spent his early life as a
lowly shepherd. H e entered th e Capuchin O rder as a lay-brother and
distinguished himself for his remarkable piety and submission to the
w ill of G od. H e often merited to receive th e In fan t Saviour from the
arms of the Blessed M other. T he words "D e o gratias were ever on
his lips, so th a t he became known as "B rother D eogratias. H e died
in 1587 in Rome, where for alm ost forty years he h ad gone about
begging alms. H e was canonized in 1712.

Introitus. 1 Reg. 2:7, 8

OMINUS pauperem facit
et ditat, humiliat et
sublevat: suscitat de pulvere
egenum, et de stercore elevat
pauperem, ut sedeat cum
principibus et s61ium gloriae
teneat. (T. P. Alleluja, alle
luja.) Ps. 68:33,34. Videant
pauperes et laetantur: quaerite
Deum, et vivet anima vestra;
qu6niam exaudivit pauperes
Dominus. V. G16ria Patri.

lntroit. 1 Kings 2:7, 8

HE Lord maketh poor and
maketh rich, He humbleth
and He exalteth: He raiseth up
the needy from the dust, and
lifteth up the poor from the
dunghill, that he may sit with
princes, and hold the throne of
glory. (P. T. Alleluia, alleluia.)
Ps. 68:33,34. Let the poor see
and rejoice: seek ye God and
your soul shall live; for the
Lord hath heard the poor. V.
Glory be to the Father.
AC nos, D6mine Jesu, in
RANT u s , O Lord Jesus, to
simplicitate et innocentia
walk in simplicity and in
cordis nostri ambulare: qua nocence of heart; for love of
rum am6re de sinu Matris in which virtues Thou didst de
ter beati Felicis Confess6ris scend from the lap of Thy
tui brachia descendisti. Qui Mother into the arms of blessed
Felix, Thy Confessor. Who liv
est and reignest.
Commemoration is made of St. Venantius, Martyr.



Lictio Epistolae beati Pauli Lesson from the Epistle of

blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Ap6stoli ad Colossenses.
Col. 3:12-17
Coloss. 3:12-17
RETHREN: Put ye on, as
RATRES: Induite vos si
the elect of God, holy and
cut electi Dei, sancti et
dilecti, viscera m i s e r i c6r- beloved, the bowels of mercy,
dias, benignitatem, humilita benignity, humility, modesty,
tem, modestiam, patientiam: patience: bearing with one an
supportantes invicem, et do other, and forgiving one an
nantes vobismetipsis, si quis other, if any have a complaint
adversus aliquem habet que against another: even as the
relam: sicut et Dominus do Lord hath forgiven you, so do
navit vobis, ita et vos. Super you also. But above all these
6mnia autem haec, caritatem things, have charity, which is
habete, quod est vinculum the bond of perfection: and let
perfectionis: et pax Christi the peace of Christ rejoice in
exsultet in c6rdibus vestris, your hearts, wherein also you
in qua et vocati estis in uno are called in one body: and be
c6rpore: et grati est6te. Ver ye thankful. Let the word of
bum Christi habitet in vobis Christ dwell in you abundantly,
abundanter, in omni sapien in all wisdom, teaching and adtia, docentes, et commonentes m o n i s h i n g o n e another in
vosmetipsos, psalmis, hymnis, psalms, hymns and spiritual
et canticis spiritualibus, in canticles, singing in grace in
gratia cantantes in c6rdibus your hearts to God. All whatso
vestris Deo. Omne quod- ever you do in word or in work,
cumque facitis in verbo aut do all in the name of the Lord
in 6pere, omnia in n6mine Jesus Christ, giving thanks to
D6mini Jesu Christi, gratias God and the Father by Him.
agentes Deo et Patri per ip
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 26:4.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
26:4. Unam petii a D6mino, One thing I have asked of the
hanc requiram: ut inhabitem Lord, this will I seek after: that
in domo D6mini 6mnibus I may dwell in the house of the
diebus vitae meae, ut videam Lord all the days of my life,
voluptatem Domini. Alle that I may see the delight of the
luja. V. Ps. 67:11. Parasti Lord. Alleluia. V. Ps. 67:11.
in dulcedine tua pauperi, In Thy sweetness, O God, Thou
hast provided for the poor. Al
Deus. Alleluja.



Outside Paschal Time the following is said:

Graduate. Ps. 17:17,25
Misit de summo, et accepit
me, et assumpsit me de
aquis multis. V. Et retribuet
mihi D6minus secundum jus
titiam meam, et secundum
puritatem manuum mearum
in conspectu ocul6rum ejus.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
30:22. Benedictus D6minus,
qudniam mirificavit miseri
cordiam suam mihi in civi
tate munita. Alleluja.

Gradual. Ps. 17:17,25

He sent from on high and
took me, and received me out
of many waters. V. And the
Lord will reward me according
to my justice, and according to
the cleanness of my hands be
fore His eyes.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 30 :
22. Blessed be the Lord, for He
hath shown His w o n d e r f u l
mercy to me in a fortified city.;

<% Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 11:25-30

Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 11:25-30

tempore: Respon
T THAT time: Jesus anIteorNdensILLO
swered and said: I confess
Jesus, dixit: Confi Atibi, Pater, D6mine caeli to Thee, O Father, Lord of
et terra, quia abscondisti
haec a sapientibus, et pruden
tibus, et revelasti ea parvulis.
Ita, Pater: qu6niam sic fuit
placitum ante te. Omnia
mihi tradita sunt a Patre meo.
Et nemo novit Filium, nisi
Pater: neque Patrem quis no
vit, nisi Filius, et cui volu
erit Filius revelare. Venite
ad me, omnes, qui laboratis,
et onerati estis, et ego refi
ciam vos. T611i t e jugum
meum super vos, et discite a
me, quia mitis sum, et hu
milis corde: et invenietis re
quiem animabus vestris. Ju
gum enim meum suave est, et
onus meum leve.

heaven and earth, because Thou

hast hid these things from the
wise and prudent, and hast re
vealed them to little ones. Yea,
Father; for so hath it seemed
good in Thy sight. All things
are delivered to Me by My Fa
ther. And no one knoweth the
Son, but the Father: neither doth
anyone know the Father, but the
Son, and he to whom it shall
please the Son to reveal Him.
Come to Me, all you that labor
and are burdened, and I will re
fresh you. Take up My yoke
upon you, and learn of Me, be
cause I am meek, and humble of
heart: and you shall find rest to
your souls. For My yoke is
sweet and My burden light.



Offertorium. Sap. 10:10

Offertory. Wisd. 10:10
Honestavit ilium in lab6riHe made him honorable in
>us, et complevit lab6res il- his labors, and accomplished his
ius. (T.P . Alleluja.)
labors. (P. T. Alleluia.)
DESTO votis nostris, de- ATTEND to our prayers, O
mentissime D e u s : u t
most merciful God, that
lac oblatio salutaris, qua in this saving oblation which is
ion6rem beati Felicis persol offered in honor of blessed Fe
vitur, ad delict6rum n o str lix to obtain the forgiveness of
um veniam impetrandam, in our sins, may ascend to Thee as
>d6rem suavitatis ascendat. a sweet odor. Through our Lord.
Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.
Communio. Cant. 2:16; 3:4
Communion. Cant. 2:16; 3:4
Dilectus meus mihi, et ego
My beloved to me, and I to
Ili: t^nui eum, nec dimittam. Him: I held Him and I will not
[T.P. Alleluja.)
let Him go. (P. T. Alleluia.)
X U B E R E T , qusesumus,
AY the grace of the sacra
D6mine, in c6rdibus nosment which we have re
:ris percepti gratia sacramen- ceived overflow in our hearts, we
i: qua nos beati Felicis Con- beseech Thee, O Lord, and may
:ess6ris tui imitati6ne purifi- it purify us in the imitation of
:et, atque intercessi6ne com- blessed Felix, Thy Confessor,
"nuniat. Per D6minum.
and strengthen us through his
intercession. Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.

M ay



Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
(Major Double)
Theophilus was bora of a noble family at Corte, Corsica. H e posessed the rarest gifts of both nature and grace, and after his entrance
nto the Franciscan O rder his sanctity increased daily. He undertook
o restore lax monasteries to prim itive fervor and austerity, and he
limself was an example of the true spirit of St. Francis. H e spent a
treat part of his tim e in prom oting missions and retreats, un til his
ieath in 1740.



Ivo was born in Brittany. H e became a lawyer and was famous fo

his defense of the poor. After his ordination he entered the T h in
O rder and lived the life of a true penitent. He sanctified himsel
through meditation on heavenly things, fulfilment of the duties of hi
state, and above all, through serving the poor w ith w onderful zea
and charity. H e was especially devout at the celebration of Hoi
Mass, and edified all by the ardor of his love for Christ in th
Eucharist. H is blessed death occurred in 1303.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with thi
first orations.
Commemoration is made of St. Peter Celestine, Pope ant
Confessor; and of St. Pudentiana, Virgin.
M ay 20


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Bernardine was born in the town of M assa, near Siena, Italy, '
the ancient family of the Albizeschi. From his youth he evinced^
singular piety an a cherished a strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin
H e loved purity above all other virtues, and w hile he was habituall
meek and friendly to all, he w ould become extremely angry if de
cency were violated. A fter he entered the Franciscan O rder, he wa
appointed to preach. H is voice was naturally weak and hoarse, bi:
through the intercession of our Lady it suddenly became so powerfu
and melodious th at he was soon famous as a missionary preacher
Devotion to the M ost H oly N am e of Jesus and *0 M ary, the M othe
of Mercy, were the most frequent subjects of his discourses. H e be
came the leader of the movement w ithin the O rder back to a stric
observance of the Rule. He died rich in merits and virtue in 1444
and Pope N icholas V canonized him six years later.

Introitus. Ps. 144:21

a u d a t i o n e m Ddmini
' loquetur os meum, et
benedicat omnis caro n6mini sancto ejus. (T. P. Al
leluja, alleluja.) Ps. ibid.: 1.
Exaltabo te, Deus meus Rex,
et benedicam nomini tuo in
saeculum saeculi. V. G16ria
OMINE Jesu, qui beato
Bernardino Confess6ri
tuo eximium sancti n6minis
tui am6rem tribuisti: ejus,

Introit. Ps. 144:21

Y MOUTH shall speak thi
praise of the Lord, and le
all flesh bless His holy name
(P. T. Alleluia, alleluia.) Ps
ibid.: 1. I will extol Thee, C
God my King: and I will bles:
Thy name for ever and ever
V. Glory be to the Father.

LORD Jesus, who dids
grant to blessed Bernar
dine, Thy Confessor, a surpass
ing love for Thy holy name


quisumus, meritis et intercessi6ne spiritum nobis tuae

dilecti6nis benignus infunde.
Qui vivis.


pour forth on us, we beseech

Thee, through his merits and
intercession, the spirit of Thy
love. Who livest and reignest.

Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Lesson from th e E p i s t l e of

. Ap6stoli ad Corinthios.
blessed Paul the Apostle to the
2 Cor. 4:5-11
2 Cor. 4:5-11
RATRES: Non nosmetipsos praedicamus, sed
Jesum Christum D6minum
nostrum, nos autem servos
vestros per Jesum; qu6niam
Deus, qui dixit de tenebris
lucem splendescere, ipse il
luxit in c6rdibus nostris, ad
illuminati6nem scientiae cla
ritatis Dei, in facie Christi
Jesu. HaWmus autem the
saurum istum in vasis fictili
bus, ut sublimitas sit virtu
tis Dei, et non ex nobis. In
6mnibus tribulationem pati
mur, sed non angustiamur;
aporiamur, sed non destitui
mur; persecutidnem patimur,
sed non derelinquimur; deji
cimur, sed non perimus; sem
per mortificati6nem Jesu in
c6rpore nostro circumferen
tes, ut et vita Jesu manifes
tetur in corp6ribus nostris.
Semper enim nos qui vivi
mus, in mortem tradimur
propter Jesum; ut et vita
Jesu manifestetur in carne
nostra mortali.
Alleluja, a l l e l u j a . V. 1
Tim. 1:14 Superabundavit
autem gratia D6mini nostri
cum fide et dilectione, quae
est in Christo Jesu. Alleluja.

RETHREN: We preach not

ourselves, but Jesus Christ
our Lord, and ourselves your
servants through Jesus. For
God, who commanded the light
to shine out of the darkness,
hath shined in our hearts, to
give the light of the knowledge
of the glory of God, in the face
of Christ Jesus. But we have
this treasure in earthen vessels,
that the excellency may be of
the power of God, and not of
us. In all things we suffer tribu
lation, but are not distressed; we
are straitened, but are not desti
tute; we suffer persecution, but
are not forsaken; we are cast
down, but we perish not; always
bearing about in our body the
mortification of Jesus, that the
life also of Jesus may be made
manifest in our bodies. For we
who live are always delivered
unto death for Jesus sake; that
the life also of Jesus may be
made manifest in our mortal
Alleluia, alleluia. V 1 Tim.
1:14. Now the grace of our
Lord abounded exceedingly with
faith and love, which is in
Christ Jesus. Alleluia. V. Ps.

11 2


V. Ps. 5:12,13. Gloriabun

tur in te omnes qui diligunt
benedices justo. Alleluja.
nomen tuum, qu6niam tu

5:12,13. All they that love Thy

name shall glory in Thee, for
Thou wilt bless the just. Al

Outside Paschal Time the f Mowing is said:

Gradual. 1 Tim. 1:12

Graduate. 1 Tim. 1:12

Gratias ago ei qui me con
fortavit, Christo Jesu D6mino nostro, quia fidelem me
existimivit, ponens in mini
sterio. V.Ibid.:14. Superabundavit autem gratia D6mini n6stri cum fide et dilecti6ne, qua? est in Christo
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
5:12,13. Gloriabuntur in te
omnes qui diligunt nomen
tuum, qudniam tu benedices
justo. Alleluja.

give Him thanjcs who hath
strengthened me, even Christ
Jesus our Lord, for that He
hath counted me faithful, put
ting me in the ministry. V.
Ibid.: 14. Now the grace of our
Lord hath abounded exceedingly
with faith and love, which is in
Christ Jesus.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 5:
12,13- All they that love Thy
name shall glory in Thee, for
Thou wilt bless the'just. Al

In Votive Masses after Septuagesima the Tract Beatus

vir, from the Common is sait
f1Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 19:27-29
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Petrus ad Jesum: Ecce nos
reliquimus 6mnia, et secuti
sumus te: quid ergo erit no
bis? Jesus autem dixit illis:
Amen dico vobis, quod vos,
qui secuti estis me, in regenerati6ne, cum sederit Filius
h6minis in sede majestatis
suae, sedebitis et vos super
sedes duodecim, judicantes
duddecim tribus Israel. Et
omnis, qui reliquerit domum,
vel fratres, aut sor6res, aut
patrem, aut matrem, aut ux6-

f* Continuation o f th e h o l y
Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 19:27-29
T THAT time: Peter said to
Jesus: Behold, we have
left all things and have followed
Thee: what therefore shall we
have? And Jesus said to them:
Amen, I say to you, that you
who have followed Me, in the
regeneration, when the Son of
Man shall sit on the seat of His
majesty, you also shall sit on
twelve seats judging the twelve
tribes of Israel. And everyone
that hath left house, or brethren,
or sisters, or father, or mother,
or wife, or children, or lands for



em, aut filios, aut agros, My names sake, shall receive an

>ropter nomen meum, centu- hundredfold, and shall possess
>lum acdpiet, et vitam aper life everlasting.
iam possidebit.
Offertorium. Prov. 18:10
Offertory. Prov. 18:10
Turris fortissima, nomen
The name of the Lord is a
}omini; ad ipsum currit jus- strong tower; the just runneth
us, et exaltabitur. (T . P. to it, and shall be exalted. (P.T.
K /EN TES nostras, D<5mine
Jesu Christe, haec oblaio nomini tuo dicanda puriicet; et, intercedente beato
iernardino, ejusdem sancti
i6minis tui timorem pariter
:t am6rem faciat nos habere
>erptuum. Qui vivis.

/A Y this offering about to
i V l be dedicated to Thy name,
O Lord Jesus Christ, purify our
minds; and through the inter
cession of blessed Bernardine
may it cause us to have a per
petual fear as well as love for
Thy sacred name. Who livest
and reignest.

Communio. 2 Cor. 2:14, 15

Communion. 2 Cor. 2:14,15

Semper triumphat nos in

Christo Jesu, et od6rem notf:iae suae manifestat per nos
in omni loco; quia Christi
xrnus odor sumus Deo. (T.
P. Alleluja.)

He always maketh us to tri

umph in Christ Jesus, and manifesteth the odor of His knowl
edge by us in every place. For
we are the good odor of Christ
unto God. (P. T. Alleluia.)



CUMPTUM, D6mine Jesu

^ Christe, in festivitate beai Bernardini Confess6ris tui
>ignus futurae gloriae vivifi:et nos semper, et muniat:
it, ejus meritis et precibus,
n confessione tui nominis
idunati in terris; sub e6dem
;lori6so n6mine triumphare
um ipso mereamur in caelis.
Jui vivis.

LORD Jesus Christ, may

the pledge of future glory
which we have received on the
feast of blessed Bernardine, Thy
C o n f e s s o r , ever vivify and
strengthen us; that through his
merits and prayers we, being
united on eairth in the praising
of Thy name, may deserve to
triumph with him in heaven
under that same glorious name.
Who livest and reignest.


M a y 21


Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
Ladislaus was born at Gielniow, in Poland, in 1440. H e studied a
the University of W arsaw , and then entered the O rder of Friars M inor
A fter ordination he was sent as a missionary to Lithuania. H e wa
recalled later and ordered to preach in his native country. A fter hav
ing been elected provincial five times, he retired to the monastery a
W arsaw where he died fu ll of merits and grace in 1505.
Crispin was born at Viterbo, in Italy. H aving become a Capuchii
lay-brother, he was employed in many hum ble posts, and for fort
years gave a shining example of virtue in his office of alms-seeking
H e distinguished himself particularly by heroic love of neighbor, espe
d a ily in caring for the sick, and by his devotion to our Blesse<
M other. H e died in Rome in 1750, in his eighty-second year.
W aldo was born a t San Gemignano, in Italy. H e was the com
panion o f the saintly Tertiary priest, B arthold, and during the twenty
years in which the latter sunered from leprosy, W aldo was his com
panion and nurse. Advised by Barthold to enter the T h ird O rder
W aldo w ithdrew after the death of the sick priest to a nearby fores
where he spent the remainder of his life in hermetical seclusion
Severe penance and heavenly contemplation were his sole occupations
G od glorified him w ith many miracles both before an d after his death
which occurred in 1320.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 303 of this Supplement), with the
first orations.
M a y 22


Martyrs, of the First Order
John Forest, an Englishman, won renown as a student of Theology
at the University of O xford. H e was appointed confessor to Catherin<
of Aragon, Henry V IIIs queen. Because of his piety he was electec
provincial of the English Province. H e strove w ith all his m ight tc
counteract th e heretical teachings prom ulgated by H enry V III, anc
defended the primacy of the Pope by his preachings and writings. Al
length he was seized and put to death by a most cruel martyrdon
in 1538.
Godfrey M aurice Jones, th e son of a pious English family, enterec
the Franciscan O rder at Greenwich, near London. Expelled by th<
decree of Elizabeth before his period of probation was completed, h<
went to France and then to Rome. O ut of zeal for th e conversion ol
his own country he returned to labor in England. Six years later h<
was apprehended and after spending tw o years in prison, he was con



lemned to be hanged, draw n and quartered in 1598; his martyrdom

ook place outside London.
John W all, in religion Father Joachim of St. A nne, was born in
.ancastershire and studied for the secular priesthood in Douay and in
lie English College in Rome. A fter his ordination he returned to
England, and for twenty years worked successfully in ministering to
he faithful and in converting heretics. H e returned to France, where
le joined the O rder of St. Francis. A fter a few years he was in
Ingland again. H e was finally apprehended, and was executed at
Worcester in 1679.

Mass, in Paschal Time, Sancti tui, from the Common of

Martyrs, in the second place; outside Paschal Time, Intret,
rom the Common of Many Martyrs, in the first place. In
either case the following parts are proper:
kOMINE Jesu Ch r i s t e ,
LORD Jesus Christ, who
P - ' qui beatos M a r t y r e s
didst choose Thy blessed
tuos Joinnem, Godefrldum- Martyrs, John, Godfrey Maurice
Mauritium et Joachim cath6- and Joachim, as outstanding de
icae fldei et Romani Pontifi fenders of the Catholic faith and
cis primatus assert6res exi the primacy of the Roman Pon
mios elegisti: tribue, quae tiff: grant, we beseech Thee,
sumus; ut, ipsis intercedenti- that through their intercession,
pus, cuncti p6puli qui te all people who confess Thee to
[rerum Deum confitentur ad be the true God may return to
/er fidei rideant unitatem. the unity of the true Faith. Who
Qui vivis.
livest and reignest.
During Paschal Time, after the Epistle the following is said:
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
est vera fraternitas, qua vicit true brotherhood, which connundi crimina: Christum se- quereth the crimes of the world:
rita est, inclyta tenens regna it hath followed after Christ,
:aelstia. Alleluja. V . Te possessing the glorious kingdom
nartyrum candidatus laudat of heaven. A l l e l u i a . V. The
:xrcitus, Domine. Alleluja. white-robed army of martyrs
praiseth Thee, O Lord. Alleluia.
Outside Paschal Time, after the Gradual the following is
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is
st vera fraternitas, quae vicit true brotherhood, which connundi crimina: Christum se- quereth the crimes of the world:
uta est, Inclyta tenens regna it hath followed after Christ,
aiestia. Alleluja.
possessing the glorious kingdom
of heaven. Alleluia.



I* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 5:10-12
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis: Beiti
qui persecuti6nem patiuntur
propter justitiam: quoniam
ipsorum est regnum caelorum.
Beati estis, cum maledixerint
vobis, et persecuti vos fue
rint, et dixerint omne malum
adversum vos, mentidntes,
propter me: gaudete et ex-,
sultate, qu6niam merces ve
stra copiisa est in caelis. Sic
enim persecuti sunt prophe
tas, qui fuerunt ante vos.

^Continuation o f th e hoi;
Gospel according to Matthew
Matt. 5:10-12
T THAT time: Jesus said t<
His disciples: Blessed ar
they that suffer persecution fo
justice' sake: for theirs is th
kingdom of heaven. Blessed an
ye when they shall revile you
and persecute you, and speak al
that is evil against you, untruly
for My sake: be glad and re
joice, for your reward is ver
great in heaven. For so the;
persecuted the prophets tha
were before you.

USCIPE, D6mine, Uni
geniti tui incruentum sac
rificium: et, beatis Martyri
bus tuis Joanne, GodefridoMauritio et J6achim interce
dentibus, concede; ut, quod
illos roboravit ad pugnam,
nos pariter in fidei confessi6ne confirmet. Per eun
dem D6minum.

ECEIVE, O Lord, the un
b l o o d y sacrifice of Th]
only-begotten Son: and throug!
the intercession of Thy blessec
Martyrs, John, Godfrey Maur
ice and Joachim, grant that thai
which strengthened them for th<
fight may likewise confirm us ir
the confession of the Faith.
Through the same Jesus Christ.

ENSiE caelestis dulce
dine recreati, te sup
plices exoramus, omnipotens
D e u s : ut , intercedentibus
b e a t i s Martyribus t u i s ,
Joanne, Godefrido-Mauritio
et J6achim, fideles tui, ejus
dem sacramenti virtute, in
tuis roborentur pugnis; et
qui erraverunt ad illud de
gustandum reducantur. Per

EFRESHED with the sweet
ness of the heavenly table,
we humbly beseech Thee, C
almighty God, that through the
intercession of Thy blessed Mar
tyrs, John, Godfrey Maurice anc
Joachim, Thy faithful people
may by the power of the sam<
sacrament be strengthened ir
Thy battles, and those wh<
have strayed may return to par
ticipation in it. Through ou



Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
( Semi-double)
M ay

B artholomew, a prom inent man in the town of M ontepulciano, lived

truly C hristian life, and together w ith his wife raised their children
i the fear an d love of G od. A ttracted by the example of th e Franiscans, he gave all his possessions to the poor and entered the Franiscan O rder, after his w ife h ad taken th e vow of perpetual chastity,
lis life as a religious was a model of C hristian perfection. H e lived a
Dng life, and died in 1330.
Benvenute was born in Recanati, Italy. He joined the Franciscan
lonventuals as a lay-brother, and was appointed to the task of cooklg. H e performed the most m enial duties w ith joy, and ever sought
le lowest place. As often as duty permitted, he sought the presence
f our Eucnaristic Lord, and through constant prayer and meditation
ought to draw even nearer to the D ivine M aster. God worked many
liracles through him , and granted him extraordinary favors. H e died
l 1289.
G erard was engaged in the wars against the infidels in Palestine and
fter his return to Italy entered the T h ird O lder. He lived the life of
herm it near his native village of V illam agna, in Tuscany. H e disinguished himself especially through his care of the sick and love of
he poor. H e died in 1265.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Conessors not Pontiffs (p. 303 of this Supplement), with the
econd orations.
M a y 24


Martyrs, of the First Order
John of Prado was born of a wealthy and prom inent Spanish family,
arly in life he entered the Franciscan O rder and even as a novice
istinguished himself in all the religious virtues. A fter his ordination
e fulfilled several monastic offices, then began his missionary career,
te w ent to Morocco where he sought out the captive C hristians, con>led them and brought them the sacraments. A t length he was cast
ito chains, but he continued to preach th e Gospel of C hrist u n til his
lost cruel death at the hands of the infidels in 1631.
John of Cetina, Spain, took service in his youth w ith a nobleman,
id soon learned to love pleasure and th e frivolities of the court. A t
ngth he realized th e folly of his mode of life, entered th e Franciscan
raer and became a priest. A nother young m an of the court, Peter of
uenas, entered th e O rder at about the same tim e as a lay-brother,
hey both w ent to preach C hristianity to the M ohamm edans. They
ere seized by th e Saracen king of G ranada and put to death together

11 8


During Paschal Time, the Mass Sancti tui, from the Com
mort of Martyrs, in the seco id place; outside Paschal Timt
the Mass Salus autem, from t le Common of Many Martyrs, it
the third place. In either cast the following parts are proper
AY the brotherly group o
RATERNA nos, Domine,
Thy Martyrs gladden u;
Martyrum tu6rum cor6na
laetificet: qua: et fidei nostra? O Lord; may they give to ou
praebeat incrementa virtutum; faith an increase in strengtl:
et multiplici nos suffragio and encourage us by their unite
consoletur. Per D6minum. prayers. Through our Lord.

During Paschal Time, after

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ha:c
est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crimina: Christum se
cuta est, inclyta tenens regna
caelestia. A l l e l u j a . V .T e
martyrum candidatus laudat
exercitus, Domine. Alleluja.

the Epistle the following is said

Alleluia, alleluia. V. This i
true brotherhood, which con
quereth the crimes of the world
it hath followed after Christ
possessing the glorious king
dom of heaven. Alleluia. V. Th
white-robed army of martyr
praiseth Thee, O Lord. Alleluia

Outside Paschal Time, af, ?r the Epistle the following i

Graduate. Ps. 33:18, 19
Clamaverunt justi, et Do
minus e x a u d i v i t eos : et
ex 6mnibus tribulati6nibus
eorum liberavit eos. V. Juxta
est D6minus his, qui tribula
to sunt corde: et humiles
spiritu salvabit.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crimina: Christum se
cuta est, Inclyta tenens regna
caelfotia. Alleluja.

Gradual. Ps. 33:18, 19

The just cried, and the Lor<
heard them: and delivered then
out of all their troubles. V. Th
Lord is nigh unto them that ar
of a contrite heart: and He wil
save the humble spirit.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This i
true brotherhood, which con
quereth the crimes of the world
it hath followed after Chrisl
possessing the glorious king
dom of heaven. Alleluia.

t t e n d , o Lord, to ou
DESTO, D6mine, supplisupplications w h i c h w
L cationibus nostris, quas
in Sanctorum tu6rum com- make in commemoration of Th



lemoratidne deferimus: ut,

ui nostrae justitiae fiduciam
ion habemus; e6rum qui tibi
1acuerunt meritis adjuvelur. Per Dominum.

saints: in order that we, who

have no confidence in our own
justice, may be aided by the
merits of t hose who have
pleased Thee. Through our

'~\ILESUMUS, D6mi n e ,
^salutaribus repleti mysiriis ^ ut, quorum solemnia
elebramus, e6rum orati6nius adjuvemur. Per D6linum.

EING filled with the saving
mysteries, we beseech Thee,
O Lord, that we may be aided
by the prayers of those whose
feast we celebrate. Through our

M ay 25


( Double of the Second Class)
A fter the canonization of St. Francis by Pope Gregory IX , th e body
f the saint was transferred, in 1230, to a splendid tomb in the new
hurch erected to receive it. St. Bonaventure describes th e event as
allows: "W h ile the sacred treasure, signed w ith th e signet of the
lost H igh K ing, was being transported from one place to another. H e
-hose image was impressed upon it was pleased th at, by its healthiving ardor, the affections of many of the faithful should be drawn
) follow after C h rist." In 1253, on the anniversary of the transference
F the body. Pope Innocent IV consecrated the church. It was raised
y Benedict X IV to the dignity of a Patriarchal Basilica and Papal

Mass Terribilis, from the Common of the Dedication of a

'.hurch, with the orations there.
Commemoration of the Transference of the Body of St.
rancis is made before all other commemorations :
^\EUS, qui beati Patris
nostri Francisci corpus
issi6nis Filii tui signaculis
ecorasti, et animam in caelis
lirabiliter sublimasti: confde propitius; ut, qui ejus:m Translati6nem celebraus, carnem nostram cum vi
is crucifigere, et ad caele-

GOD, who didst adorn the
body of our blessed Father
Francis with the signs of the
Passion of Thy Son, and didst
wonderfully exalt his soul in
heaven: mercifully grant that
we who celebrate the transfer
ence of that body may be able
to crucify our flesh with its



stem patriam pervenire valea- vices and arrive at our heavenl

mus. ( Per eundem D 6- home. (Through the same Jesu
Commemoration is then made of St. Gregory VII, Pop
and Confessor; afterward, in private Masses only, of S
Urban, Pope and Martyr.
UNERA tibi, Domine, O ANCTIFY, O Lord, the gift
dicata sanctifica: et.
et, in- O consecrated to Thee, an
tercedente beato Patre nostro through the intercession <jf ou
Francisco, cujus Translati6- blessed Father Francis, the tran:
nem CQlimus, ab omni nos ference of whose body we cel<
culparum labe purifica, et brate, purify us from every stai
igne caritatis accende. (Per of sin and inflame us with th
fire of love. (Through on
Commemorations as above.
The Common Preface is said.
AY heavenly grace, we b<
c c l e s i a m tuam, quaesu
seech Thee, O Lord, er
mus, D6mine, gratia cae
lestis amplificet: quam beati hance Thy Church, which Tho
Patris nostri Francisci, cujus didst will to adorn by the glon
hddie Translati6nem c61imus ous merits and example of ou
illuminare voluisti glori6sis blessed Father Francis, the trans
nrfritis et exemplis. (Per ference of whose body we cele
brate today. (Through ou
Commemorations as above.
M a y 26
Virgin, of the Third Order

M ary Anne was born at Q uito, in Ecuador, South America. SI

joined the T h ird O rder Secular, and moreover took the three vows <
religion and lived like a recluse in her own house. She loved pray
and penance, and God granted her many extraordinary graces in r
w ard. Through her intercession the sick were healed and the dea
raised to life, and she herself was endowed w ith th e gifts of prophe(
and the reading of hearts. She died as a victim of charity during tl
plague in the year 1645.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the thi\

place, with the following:


"'\EUS, qui inter sseculi
etiam illecebras beatam
lariam-Annam, ut lilium iner spinas, virginali castitate
t jugi poenitentia florescere
oluisti: praesta, quaesumus;
t, ejus meritis et intercesi6ne, retrahamur a vitiis, et
erfecti6ra sectemur. Per D6linum.


GOD, who didst will that
blessed Mary Anne should,
like a lily among thorns, grow
in virginal purity and unending
penance, even among the allure
ments of the world: grant, we
beseech Thee, that through her
merits and intercession, we may
withdraw from vice and strive
for the more perfect things.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Philip Neri, Confessor; and
f St. Eleutherius, Pope and Martyr.
s c e n d a n t ad te, D6AY the prayers we offer
^ mine, quas in beats
Thee on the solemnity of
klarlae-Annae solemnitate of- blessed Mary Anne ascend to
erimus preces, et hdstia haec Thee, O Lord, as well as the
alutaris virgineo f r a g r a n s host of salvation, fragrant with
id6re. Per D6minum.
the odor of virginity. Through
our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
'"''FLESTI alimdnia refecti,
EFRESHED wi t h heaven
supplices te, D6mine,
ly nourishment, we humbly
e p r e c a m u r : ut, beata: beseech Thee, O Lord, that be
lariae-Annse precibus et ex- ing cleansed through the inter
mplo ab omni labe mun- cession and example of blessed
ati; et cdrpore tibi placea- Mary Anne from every stain, we
lus et mente. Per D6minum. may please Thee in body and
soul. Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.

M a y 29


Martyrs, of the First Order
( Semi-double)
Stephen of N irb o n n e and Raymond of Carbonier were sent by the
)pe as inquisitors to the Diocese of Toulouse where, in company with
her religious and secular priests, they strove to combat the Albigensian



heresy. They were invited to the palace of the heretical Count of Tou
louse, and there cruelly murdered on the Vigil of the Ascension, 1242
They died singing the " T e D eum .

During Paschal Time, the Mass Sancti tui, from the Com
mon of Martyrs, in the second place; outside Paschal Timt
the Mass Intret, from the Common of Many Martyrs, in th
first place. In either case the following parts are proper:
EUS, pro cujus am6re ac
fidei tuendzc zelo beati
Stephanus et Raymundus gla
diis impi6rum occubuere:
praesta, quaesumus; ut, e6rum
suffragiis in fide stabiles, te
semper ex animo diligamus.
Per Dominum.

GOD, for whose love
well as for the zealous d
fense of the Faith blessed St<
phen and Raymond met death b
the swords of the i m p i o u s
grant, we beseech Thee, that b(
ing firm in our faith throug
their intercession, we may eve
love Thee from the depth of ou
hearts. Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made of St. Mary Magdalene' of Pazz.

During Paschal Time, after the Epistle the following is said
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crlmina: Christum se
cuta est, Inclyta tenens regna
caelestia. A l l e l u j a . F. Te
Mdrtyrum candidatus laudat
exercitus, D6mine. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. This i

true brotherhood, which cor
quereth the crimes of the world
it hath followed after Chrisl
possessing the glorious kingdor
of heaven. Alleluia. V. Th
white-robed army of martyi
praiseth Thee, O Lord. Alleluia

Outside Paschal Time, after the Gradual the following i

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crimina: Christum se
cuta est, Inclyta tenens regna
caelestia. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. This i

true brotherhood, which cor
quereth the crimes of the work
it hath followed after Chris
possessing the glorious kingdoi
of heaven. Alleluia.


^ A N C T I F I C A , D6mine,
munera in beat6rum St^ihani et Raymundi festivitate
>rop6sita: ut, sicut per hsc
livlna mysteria illis gl6riam
ontulisti, ita nobis indul;entiam tribuas placatus et
lacem. Per Dominum.
Commemoration as above.
j^ttMPSIMUS, D6mine, *J ternse vitae sacramenta, te
i u m i 1i te r deprecantes; ut,
[uorum merita venerando re6 l i mus , fidei constantiam
mitemur. Per D6minum.


ANCTIFY, O Lord, the gifts
offered on the festivity of
blessed Stephen and Raymond:
that, as through these divine
mysteries Thou didst confer
glory on them, so to us, being
appeased, Thou mayest grant
mercy and peace. Through our

E HAVE received, O Lord,
the sacraments of eternal
life, humbly beseeching Thee
that we may imitate the con
stancy of faith of those whose
merits we venerate and honor.
Through our Lord.

Commemoration as above.
M ay 30


Confessor, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
Ferdinand III, K ing of Castile and Leon, was the cousin of King
t. Louis of France. H e was not yet twenty when he ascended the
irone, but he gave undeniable evidence of tne traits befitting a monrch. Throughout his reign he was forced to wage w ar against the
[ohammedans w ho were threatening to exterminate C hristianity. His
:markable success in arms was due to th e purity of his intention in
phtinp, for ever uppermost in his heart was tne protection of the
liristian faith. He h ad an unshakable trust in the pow erful help of
tary. H e died an exemplary death in 1252, and at his canonization
i 1671 his body was found still incorrupt.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a

ontiff, in the second place, with the following:
-'\EUS, qui beato ConfesGOD, who didst grant to
' s 6 r i t u o Ferdinando
Thy blessed Confessor,
radiari praelia tua, et fidei Ferdinand, to fight Thy battles



inimicos superare dedisti:

concide; ut, ejus nos intercessi6ne muniti, ab h6stibus
mentis et c6rporis liberamur.
Per D6minum.

and to conquer the enemies o

the Faith; grant that, protecte<
by his intercession, we may b
freed from the enemies of sou
and body. Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made of St. Felix, Pope and Martyr.

+ Sequintia sancti Evangelii J" Continuation of the hoi;
Gospel according to Luke.
secundum Lucam.
Luke 19:12-26
Luc. 19:12-26
T THAT time: Jesus spok
tempore: Dixit
this parable to His disci
suis para A
bolam hanc: Homo quidam
n6bilis abiit in regi6nem
longinquam accipere sibi re
gnum, et revirti. Vocatis
autem decem servis suis, de
dit eis decem mnas, et ait ad
illos: Negotiamini dum ve
nio. Cives autem ejus fide
rant eum: et miserunt legati6nem post illum, dicantes:
N61umus hunc regnare super
nos. Et factum est, ut rediret
accepto regno: et jussit vo
cari servos, quibus dedit pe
cuniam, ut sciret quantum
q u i s q u e negotiatus esset.
Venit autem primus, dicens:
D6mine, mna tua decem
mnas acquislvit. Et ait illi:
Euge bone serve, quia in m6dico fuisti fidilis, eris potes
tatem habens super decem
civitates. Et alter venit, di
cens: D6mine, mna tua fecit
quinque mnas. Et huic ait:
Et tu esto super quinque
civitates. Et alter venit, di
cens: D6mine, ecce mna tua,
quam habui rep6sitam in su
dario: timui enim te, quia

pies: A certain nobleman wen

into a far country, to receive fo
himself a kingdom, and to re
turn. And calling his ten serv
ants, he gave them ten pounds
and said to them: Trade till
come. But his citizens hatei
him: and they sent an embassag
after him, saying: We will no
have this man to reign over us
And it came to pass that he re!
turned, having received th<
kingdom: and he commandec
his servants to be called, t(
whom he had given the money
that he might know how mucl
every man had gained by trad
ing. And the first came, saying
Lord, thy pound hath gainec
ten pounds. And he said ti
him: Well done, thou goo<
servant; because thou hast beei
faithful in a little, thou shal
have power over ten cities. Am
the second came, saying: Lore
thy pound h a t h g a i n e d fiv
pounds. And he said to him
Be thou also over five cities
And another came, saying: Lore
behold, here is thy pound, whic


lomo austerus es: tollis quod

ion posuisti, et metis quod
ion seminasti. Dicit ei: De
jre tuo te judico, serve nejuam. Sciebas quod ego
lomo austerus sum, tollens
juod non pdsui, et metens
juod non seminavi: et quare
ion dedisti pecuniam meam
id mensam, ut ego veniens,
:um usuris utique exegissem
llam? Et astantibus dixit:
\uferte ab illo mnam, et
late illi, qui decem mnas ha>et. Et dixerunt ei: D6mine,
tabet decem mnas. Dico
autem vobis: Quia omni hajenti dabitur, et abundabit:
ab eo autem, qui non habet, et
quod habet, auferetur ab eo.


I have kept laid up in a napkin:

for I feared thee, because thou
art an austere man: thou takest
up what thou didst not lay
down, and thou reapest that
which thou didst not sow. He
saith to him: Out of thine own
mouth I judge thee, thou wicked
servant. Thou knewest that I
was an austere man, taking up
what I laid not down, and reap
ing that which I did not sow:
and why, then, didst thou not
give my money into the bank,
that at my coming I might have
exacted it with usury? And he
said to them that stood by: Take
the pound away from him, and
give it to him that hath ten
pounds. And they said to him:
Lord, he hath ten pounds. But
I say unto you, that to everyone
that hath shall be given, and he
shall abound: and from him
that hath not, even that which
he hath shall be taken from him.

M ay 31


(Double of the Second Class)
Devotion to the Blessed M other of God has ever been a characteristic
f the O rder of St. Francis. St. Francis h ad tow ard her a childlike
onfidence, and w illed th at spirit to his followers. St. Bonaventure
lys of him th at "h e loved w ith an unspeakable affection the M other
f the Lord Jesus C hrist, forasmuch as th a t she h ad made the Lord
f Glory our Brother, and th at through her we have obtained mercy,
i her, after Christ, he put his chief trust, making her his own
atron and th a t of his brethren. T odays feast, w hich though
'idely celebrated is not in the Universal C alendar, was instituted
y the Tertiary Pope, Benedict X V . It honors M ary through whose
ands her D ivine Son deigns to bestow all graces on men.



Introitus. Hebr. 4:16

Introit. Hebr. 4:16

ET us go with confident
cum fiducia
ad thronum gratiae, ut L to the throne of grace, tha
miseric6rdiam consequamur we may obtain mercy and fine
d eam us

et gratiam inveniamus in
auxilio opportuno. (T. P.
Alleluja, alleluja.) Ps. 120:
1. Levavi 6culos meos in
montes: unde veniet auxili
um mihi. V. Gloria Patri.

grace in seasonable aid. (P. T

Alleluia, alleluia.) Ps. 120:1
I have lifted up my eyes to th<
mountains, from whence helf
shall come to me. V. Glory b<
to the Father.




Jesu Christe,
noster apud Patrem me O our Mediator with thi
Father, who hast deigned t<
diator, qui beatissimam Vir
ginem, Matrem tuam, Ma
trem quoque nostram et
apud te mediatricem consti
tuere dignatus es: concede
propitius; ut, quisquis ad te
beneficia petiturus accesserit,
cuncta se per eam impe
trasse laetetur. Qui vivis et
regnas cum eodem Deo

appoint the most Blessed Vir

gin, Thy Mother a n d ou
Mother likewise, to be also ;
Mediatrix with Thee: merci]
fully grant that whosoever shall
come to Thee to ask benefitl
may rejoice that through he
he has received them. Wh<
livest and reignest with th<
same Father, God.

In private Masses, commemoration is made of St. Petronilla

Lectio Isaiae Prophetae.
Is. 55:1-3,5

Lesson from Isaias the

Prophet. Is. 55:1-3,5

MNES sitientes, venite

LL you that thirst, come ti
ad aquas: et qui non A the waters: and you tha
habetis argentum, properdte, have no money make haste, bu
emite absque argento et
absque ulla commutati6ne
vinum et lac. Quare appen
ditis argentum non in pani
bus, et laborem vestrum non
in saturitate? Audite audi-

wine and milk without mone

and without any price. Why d
you spend money for that whic
is not bread, and your labo
for that which doth not satisf
you? Hearken diligently to mi



intes me, et comedite bomm, et delectabitur in crasitudine anima vestra. Inlinate aurem vestram, et velite ad me: audite, et vivet
mima vestra. Ecce gentem,
luam nesciebas, vocabis: et
>entes, quae te non cognorerunt, ad te current prop
er Dominum Deum tuum,
;t sanctum Israel, quia gloificavit te.

and eat that which is good, and

your soul shall be deligihted in
fatness. Incline your ear and
come to me: hear, and your
soul shall live. Behold thou
shalt call a nation, which thou
knewest not: and the nations
that knew thee not shall run
to thee because of the Lord
thy God, and for the Holy
One of Israel, for He hath
glorified thee.

Graduate. Eccli. 24:25,26

Gradual. Eccli. 24 '25, 26

In me gratia omnis viae

:t veritatis, in me omnis
;pes vitae et virtutis. V.
fransite ad me, omnes qui
roncupiscitis me, et a geneati6nibus meis impiemini.
Alleluja, al l el uj a. V.
Salve, Mater miseric6rdiae,
Slater spei et gratiae, O Maia. Alleluja.

In me is all grace of the way

and of truth, in me is all hope
of life and of virtue. V. Come
over to me, all ye that desire
me, and be filled with my
Alleluia, al l el ui a. V. Hail,
Mother of mercy, Mother of
hope and of grace, O Mary.

After Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the following Verse are

mined, and the Tract is said:
Tractus. Apoc. 22:16, 17
Ego sum radix et genus
5avid, stella splendida et
natutina. V. Et spiritus et
ponsa dicunt: Veni; et qui
udit, dicat: Veni. V. Et qui
itit, veniat; et qui vult,
ccipiat aquam vitae gratis.

Tract. Apoc. 22:16, 17

am the root and stock of
David, the bright and morn
ing star. V. And the spirit and
the bride say: Come; and he
that heareth, let him say: Come.
V. And he that thirsteth, let him
come; and he that will, let him
take the water of life freely.

During Paschal Time, the Gradual is omitted and in its

ilace the following is said:


A lleluja, alleluja. V . Is.

60:4. Leva in circuitu 6culos tuos, e t vide: om nes isti
congregati sunt, venerunt
tib i. A llelu ja. V . F ilii tu i
d e longe v enient, e t filiae
tuae d e la te re su rg en t. A llelu ja .

A lleluia, alleluia. V . Is. 60:4

L ift u p thy eyes ro und about!
and see: all these are gathereq
together, they are com e to
A lleluia. V . T h y sons sh a ll <
fro m a far, a n d thy d a u g h te rl
shall rise u p a t thy side. AUe\
lu ia .

} Sequentia sancti Evangelii I *i Continuation of the h o \ '

secundum Joannem.
1 Gospel according to John.
J o a n n . 1 9 :2 5 -2 7

John 1 9 :2 5 -2 7

I N ILLO tempore: Stabant

A T TH A T time: There stood

juxta crucem Jesu Mater 1
by the cross of Jesus H il
ejus, et soror Matris ejus, I Mother, and H is M other's sis'
Maria Cleophae, et Maria I ter, Mary of Cleophas, and
Magdalena-. Cum vidisset 1 Mary Magdalen. W hen Jesul
ergo Jesus Matrem, et d i- 1 therefore had seen H is M othe\
scipulum stantem, quem dili- 1 and the disciple standing whom
gebat, dicit M atri suae: M ur 1 H e loved, H e saith to H ii
lier, ecce filius tuus. D einde I M other: W om an, behold th^
dicit discipulo: Ecce M ater 1 son. A fter th at H e saith to th
tua. E t ex illa hora accepit I disciple: Behold thy M other
eam discipulus in sua.
A nd from th a t h o u r, the di'
ciple took h er to h is ow

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Jer. 18:20

Offertory. Jer. 18:20

Recordare, Virgo Mater, 1 Remember, O Virgin Moi

in conspectu Dei, ut loquaris 1 in the sight of God, to s
pro nobis bona, et ut aver-1 good for us, so that He
tat indignati6nem suam a 1 turn away His indignation
nobis. ( T . P. Alleluja.)
I us. (P. T. Alleluia.')


ATRIS tuae ac mediatri-1 Y THE prayers c

cis nostrae pr&ibus,
Mother and our M
D6mine, quaesumus: haec ho-1we beseech Thee, O Lc
stiarum oblatio nosmetipsos, I this offering of hosts
tua gratia largiSnte, tibi per-1 us, by the gift of T
ficiat munus aeternum. Qui 1 an eternal gift to TV
1 livest.



Commemoration as above.
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Festivitate.
Communio. Esth. 15:17
Valde mirabilis es, O Maia, et facies tua plena est
gratiarum. (T. P. Alleluja.)
^U BV fiN IA T nobis, D6^
mine, beate Mariae, Ma
ris tuae ac nostrae mediaricis, oratio: ut per haec
>acrosancta commercia, tua
?ratia largiente, ad redempi6nis aeternae proficiamus
iugmntum. Qui vivis.
Commemoration as above.

Communion. Esther 13:17

Thou, O Mary, art very ad
mirable, and thy face is full
of graces. (P. T. Alleluia.)
AY the prayer of blessed
Mary, Thy Mother and
our Mediatrix, aid us, O Lord:
that through these all-holy mys
teries, by the gift of Thy grace,
we may go on to an increase of
eternal redemption. Who livest.

J une


Virgin, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
Angela was born in 1470 at Desenzano, in Italy. As a child she
/as called " th e Little Saint, and at the age of thirteen she entered
he T hird O rder. She was zealous in prayer, mortification and love
f neighbor, especially of the poor and sick. Ever tireless in instructing
hildren in religion, she later included other branches of knowledge
i her teaching. From this developed the O rder of U rsulines which
he founded for the C hristian education of girls. Her death took place
i 1540.

Mass as in the Roman Missal.

J une 2


Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
H erculan was born in U m bria. H aving joined the Franciscan Order,
e strove to draw nearer to G od by the practice of hum ility and pov



erty. As a home missionary he converted many sinners by bringing be

fore their minds the sufferings of C hrist. H e died, after performin
many miracles, in 1451.
Felix, a native of Sicily, became a Capuchin at the age of twenty
eight. H e distinguished himself by his strict observance of the vow;
being especially exact in the practice of holy poverty. Through hi
simplicity and purity of heart he obtained a great love for Jesus i
the Blessed Sacrament. H e died in 1787, when he was seventy-tw
years old.
John Pelingotto was a successful merchant, who was ever just an
entertained a sympathetic love for the poor and needy. H e gave u
his business in order to attend to the things of th e spirit. Soon aftc
this he entered the T h ird O rder. In 1304 he closed his life in th
highest practice of humility, charity and fear of G od.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Confe.

sors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the firs
Commemoration is made of Sts. Marcellinus, Peter and Eras
mus, Bishop, Martyrs.
June 3


Confessor, of the First Order
( Semi-double)
Andrew worked in the neighborhood of Assisi as a zealous pastor
and after the death of his mother and sister, he begged St. Franci
to adm it him to the number of the friars. He was remarkable for hi;
success in preaching penance and for his reverence for holy obedience
W orn out by his labors and fu ll of m erit, he died in 1254.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pontiff

in the second place, with the following:


EUS, dulcedo c6rdium et

lumen beat6rum, qui
beatum Andriam Confessdrem tuum mira rerum caele
stium contemplatione recrea
sti: concede; ut, ipsius meri
tis et intercessione, ita te
cognoscamus in terris, ut in
revelatione glfiriae tuae gau
dere mereamur in caelis. Per

GOD, Thou sweetness o

hearts and light of th
blessed, who d i d s t q u i c k e i
blessed Andrew, Thy Confessoi
with wonderful contemplation o
heavenly things: grant thai
through his merits and interces
sion, we may so know Thee o
earth that we may deserve to r
joice in the revelation of Th
glory in heaven. Through ou



J une 7

Widow, of the Third Order
H um iliana, the daughter of a wealthy count of Florence, at the w ill
of her father m arried a nobleman who later subjected her to harsh
ind hum iliating treatm ent. She, however, remained loving and gentle
oward him until his death. Thereafter she lived as a Tertiary, in
seclusion, mortification and sympathetic love for the poor. H er blessed
leath took place in 1246.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in the

second place, with the following:
m n ip o te n s ?e m p i tfrne Deus, d u l c e d o
:6rdium et praemium Beat6rum, qui beatam Humilialam, tuo a m 6 r e s u c c e n
sam, suavissima contempla:i6nis dulcidine replevisti:
:oncede propitius; ut, ejus
meritis et imitatione tibi
ugiter adhaerentes, tua? cel
situdinis speciem contemplari
oerpetuo mereamur. Per D6-

LMIGHTY, everlasting God,
L Thou sweetness of hearts
and reward of the blessed, who
didst inflame blessed Humiliana
with love for Thee and didst fill
her with the most delightful
s w e e t n e s s o f contemplation:
mercifully grant that, ever cling
ing to Thee, through her merits
and example, we may deserve to
contemplate forever the beauty
of Thy majesty. Through our

J une 8


Virgin, of the Second Order
Baptista was the daughter of D uke Julius Caesar of Cam erino, in
taly. For a tim e she led a rather idle and frivolous life, w ith little
hought of eternity. H er conversion was brought about by the preachng of a Franciscan, w ho spoke so touchingly of th e sufferings of
Christ th a t she was moved to forsake the w orld and become a Poor
'la re . She strove after perfection so earnestly th a t she was a source
>f edification to all. especially by her patience under severe trials and
ifflictions. H er blessed death took place in 1326, when she was almost
eventy years old.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

blace, with the following:



EUS, qui beatam Bap
tistam Virginem tuam,
dol6rum Jesu Christi Filii
tui jugi meditati6ne mirabi
lem effecisti: ejus nobis intercessi6ne concede: ut crucis
mortificati6nem in corde no
stro portare, et vitam c6nsequi mereamur aeternam. Per
eundem D6minum.


GOD, who didst distin

guish blessed B a p t i s t a
Thy Virgin, through ceaseles
meditation on the sufferings o
Jesus Christ, Thy Son: gran
through her intercession that w
may deserve to carry the mor
tification of the cross in ou
heart, and to attain to eterna
life. Through the same Jesu

J une 9


Confessors, of the First Order
Pacificus, after being educated by the Benedictines, joined the Fran
ciscan O rder. He shortly began to shine as an example of perfection
being particularly zealous in the priestly ministry. H e was remarkabl
devout toward the M other of G od, establishing societies and buiUlin
a chapel in her honor. He wrote a textbook on M oral Theology, an<
was so highly thought of in Rome th at Pope Sixtus IV sent him ai
his legate to the Island of Sardinia to promote the important worl
of repelling the Turks. H e died in 1482 while engaged in this task
Lawrence, born of a noble family at V illam agna in Abruzzi, enterec
the Franciscan O rder in spite of the remonstrances and threats of hi:
father. O rdained a priest, he soon became a renowned preacher, con
verting souls as much by his example as by his words. W hile he wa
delivering a Lenten course he suffered a collapse in the pulpit, an<
died shortly thereafter, in the year 1535. Pope Pius X I beatified him

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Confes

sors not Pontiffs (p. 30} of this Supplement), with the secont,
Commemoration is made of Sts. Primus and Felician
J u n e 13


Confessor, of the First Order
(Double of the Second Class, with a Simple Octave)
T he great wonder-worker St. Anthony of Padua was born in Portu
gal. A .pious youth, he entered an Augustinian monastery at the ag
of fifteen. Here he obtained a thorough knowledge of Theology and
remarkable familiarity w ith Holy Scripture. H earing the fate of th



ranciscan martyrs of M orocco, he was filled w ith a desire to obtain

sim ilar crown, and under the inspiration of grace, he obtained leave
join the Franciscan O rder. According to his wish he was sent to
lorocco, but was forced to return to Sicily because of illness. After
ic General C hapter of 1221, he w ent to M onte Paolo where he lived
i prayer and solitude. A t length his gifts for preaching were disivered, and he was appointed to the office of preacher. I n 1224
Francis named him the first Franciscan Lector of Theology, and
c taught in Bologna. Shortly thereafter he was sent as a preacher
;ainst the Albigensians in southern France. Returning to Italy in
27, he devoted his last years to the welfare of the O rder and the
ire of souls. H e continued to preach until he fell ill, and then reaired to Padua where in 1231 he died a holy death a t the age of
lirty-six. Because of the numerous miracles w rought through his inTcession both before and after his death, he was canonized on May
), 1232, less than a year after his death.

Introitus. Eccli. 15:5

N MEDIO Ecclesiae aperuit
L os ejus, et implevit eum
)6minus spiritu sapientiae et
ntellectus; stolam gl6riae inluit eum. (T. P. Alleluja,
Ueluja.) Ps. 91:2. Bonum
st confiteri Domino, et psalere n6mini tuo, Altissime.
f. G16ria Patri.

Introit. Eccli. 15:5

N THE midst of the church
the Lord hath opened his
mouth, and hath filled him with
the spirit of wisdom and under
standing; He hath clothed him
with a robe of glory. (P. T.
Alleluia, alleluia.) Ps. 91:2. It
is good to give praise to the
Lord, and to sing to Thy name,
O Most High. V. Glory be to
the Father.

tuam, Deus,
beati Ant6nii Confess6is tui solmnitas votiva laeificet: ut spirituilibus sem>er muniatur auxiliis, et
;audiis p e r f r ui mereatur
:t6rnis. Per D6minum.

AY the votive festival of
blessed Anthony Thy Con
fessor, give joy to Thy Church,
0 God, that she may ever be
upheld by spiritual help and
may deserve to enjoy eternal
bliss. Through our Lord.

Lyctio libri Sapientiae.

Sap. 7:7-13
"APTAVI, et datus est mihi
sensus: et invocavi, et
enit in me spiritus sapiniae: et praeposui illam regnis
t sedibus, et divitias nihil
sse duxi in comparati6ne
Ilius. Nec comparavi illi la-

Lesson from the book of

Wisdom. Wisd. 7:7-15
WISHED, and understanding
w as g i v e n me: and I
called upon God, and the spirit
of wisdom came upon me: and
1 preferred her before kingdoms
and thrones, and esteemed riches
nothing in comparison of her.

c c l e s ia m



pidem preti6sum: qu6niam

omne aurum in comparati6ne
illius, arna est exigua, et
tamquam lutum aestimabitur
argentum in conspectu illius.
Super salutem et speciem
dil6xi illam, et prop6sui pro
luce habere illam: quoniam
inextinguibile est lumen il
lius. Venerunt autem mihi
omnia bona pariter cum illa,
et innumerabilis honestas per
manus illius, et laetatus sum
in 6mnibus: quoniam ante
cedebat me ista sapientia, et
ignorabam qu6niam horum
6mnium mater est. Quam
sine ficti6ne didici, et sine
invidia communico, et hone
statem illius non abscondo.
Infinitus enim thesaurus est
hominibus; quo qui usi sunt,
participes facti sunt amicitiae
Dei, propter disciplinae dona
commendati. M i h i a u t e m
dedit Deus dicere ex senten
tia, et praesumere digna ho
rum, quae mihi dantur: qu6niam ipse sapientiae dux est,
et sapientium emendator.

Neither did I compare unto hi

any precious stone: for all go!
in comparison of her is as a li
tie sand, and silver in respect I
her shall be counted as clay,
loved her above health ar
beauty, and chose to have hi
instead of light: for her ligl
cannot be put out. Now all goo
things came to me together wit
her, and innumerable richi
through her hands, and I r
joiced in all these: for this wi
dom went before me, and
knew not that she was tl
mother of them all. Which
have learned without guile, an
communicate without envy, an
her riches I hide not. For si
is an infinite treasure to mer
which they that use, become th
friends of God, being coir
mended for the gift of disc:
pline. And God hath given m
to speak as I would, and to cor
ceive thoughts worthy of thos
things that are given me: b<
cause He is the guide of wi:
dom, and the director of th

Gradual. Eccli. 24:3, 4

In the midst of his own pec
pie he shall be exalted, an
shall be admired in the holy a!
sembly. V. In the multitude c
the elect he shall have praisi
and among the blessed he sha
be blessed.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Eccl
48:15. In vita sua fecit 48:15. In his life he did gre:
monstra, et in morte mirabi wonders, an d in d e a t h h
lia operatus est. Alleluja.
wrought miracles. Alleluia.
Graduate. Eccli. 24:3, 4
In medio p6puli sui exal
tabitur, et in p l e n i t u d i n e
s a n c t a admirabitur. F. In
multitudine elect6rum habe
bit laudem, et inter bene
dictos benedicatur.



During Paschal Time, after the Epistle the following is said:

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.
4:4. In multitudine electdlm habibit laudem, et inter
enedictos benedicitur. Al:luja. V . I b i d . 48:15. In
ita sua fecit monstra, et in
lorte mirabilia operatus est.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Eccli.

24:4. In the multitude of the
elect he shall have praise, and
among the blessed he shall be
blessed. Alleluia. V.Ibid. 48:
15. In his life he did great won
ders, and in death he wrought
miracles. Alleluia.

In Votive Masses after Septuagesima, after the Gradual the

illeluia and the following Verse are omitted, and in their
lace is said:
Tractus. Eccli. 39:12,13
Collaudabunt multi sapiinam ejus, et usque in saecuun non delebitur. V. Non
xedet memoria ejus, et nolen ejus requiritur a genera6ne in generati6nem. V.
bid. 48:15. In vita sua fecit
lonstra, et in morte mirailia operatus est.

Tract. Eccli. 39:12,13

Many shall praise his wisdom,
and it shall never be forgotten.
V. The memory of him shall not
depart away, and his name shall
be in request from generation to
generation. V.Ibid. 48:15. In
his life he did great wonders,
and in death he wrought mira

Sequintia sancti Evangilii *1* Continuation of the holy

secundum Matthaeum.
Gospel according to Matthew.
Matth. 5:13-19
Matt. 5:13-19
N ILLO timpore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis: Vos
;tis sal terrae. Quod si sal
ranuerit, in quo salietur?
d nihilum valet ultra, nisi
: mittatur foras, et conculcix ab hominibus. Vos estis
ix mundi. Non potest clvis abscdndi supra montem
Ssita. Neque accindunt lumam, et ponunt eam sub
6dio, sed super candela
rum, ut luceat 6mnibus qui
domo sunt. Sic luceat lux
;stra coram hominibus, ut

time: Jesus said to

His disciples: You aure the
salt of the earth. But if the
salt lose its savor, wherewith
shall it be salted ? It is good for
nothing any more but to be cast
out, and to be trodden on by
men. You are the light of the
world. A city seated on a moun
tain cannot be hid. Neither do
men light a candle and put it
under a bushel, but upon a can
dlestick, that it may shine to
all that sire in the house. So
let your light shine before men,



videant 6pera vestra bona et

glorificent Patrem vestrum,
qui in caelis est. Nolite putire, qu6niam veni s61vere
legem aut prophetas: non
veni sdlvere, sed adimplere.
Amen quippe dico vobis,
donec transeat caelum et terra,
jota unum, aut unus apex
non praeteribit a lege, donec
6mnia fiant. Qui ergo s61verit unum de mandatis istis
minimis, et docuerit sic h6mines, minimus vocabitur in
regno el6rum: qui autem
fecerit et docuerit, hic ma
gnus vocabitur in regno cae16rum.

that they may see your goo

works, and glorify your Fath<
who is in heaven. Do not thin
that I am come to destroy tl
Law, or the Prophets: I am n<
come to destroy, but to fulfi
For amen I say unto you, ti
heaven and earth pass, one j<
or one tittle shall not pass <
the Law, till all be fulfillet
He therefore that shall brea
one of these least commanc
ments, and shall so teach mei
shall be called the least in th
kingdom of heaven. But I
that shall do and teach, he sha
be called great in the kingdoi
of heaven.

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Eccli. 49:1, 2

Offertory. Eccli. 49:1,2

His memory is like the con

Mem6ria ejus in compositi6nem odoris, in omni ore position of a sweet smell, hi
quasi mei indulcabitur me remembrance shall be sweet i
moria ejus. (T. P. Alleluja.) honey in every mouth. (P. 1


FFERING Thee hosts c

tibi, Domine, in
beati Ant6nii Confess6- O the feast of blessed Ai
thony, Thy Confessor, O Lore

ris tui solemnitate offerentes:

te supplices deprecamur; ut,
sicut ipsum caelestibus donis
cumulasti, ita nos facias tuo
am6re ferventes. Per D6minum.

we humbly pray Thee that, <

Thou hast filled h im w it
heavenly gifts, so Thou would
make us to glow with Thy lov
Through our Lord.

Communion. Eccli. 51:30

Communio. Eccli. 31:30
Dedit mihi Dominus lin
The Lord hath given me
guam merendem meam, et in tongue for my reward: and wi
ipsa laudabo eum. (T. P. it I will praise Him. (P .T . A


IVINIS, D6mine,' mune
ribus satiati: quaesumus;
it, beati Antonii Confess6ris
:ui meritis gloridsis, salutaris
victimae desideratum sentianus effectum. Per D6milum.


ILLED with the divine gifts,
we beseech Thee, O Lord,
that through the glorious mer
its of blessed Anthony, Thy
Confessor, we may feel the de
sired effect of the saving vic
tim. Through our Lord.

J u n e 15

Widow, of the Second Order
Jolenta was the daughter of the H ungarian king, Bela IV, and the
granddaughter of the emperor of the Greeks. She came from a family
loted for its sanctity as well as its nobility, including St. Elizabeth
and Bl. Cunegundis, Bl. Constance and Bl. M argaret. Y ielding to the
wish of her parents, she married the Polish count, Boleslaus. As count
ess, she did all in her power to spread the Franciscan O rder throughDut Poland. After the death of her husband she entered a convent of
:he Poor Clares, and as abbess she was a faithful and loving mother
:o her spiritual daughters and a generous friend to the poor. Bl.
[olenta died in 1298.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in the

second place, with the following:
p \ M N I P O T E N S sempitrne Deus, qui beatam
Folntam ab hon6ribus divi:i i s q u e miseric6rditer abitraxisti, et humilem Filii tui
:rucem et carnis mortificati6lem eligere feclsti: ejus meitis et intercessi6ne concede;
it terrna omnia despicianus, ac caellstia sincero corde
quaerimus. Per eundem D6ninum.

LMIGHTY, everlasting God,
L who didst mercifully withd r a w b l e s s e d Jolenta from
honors and riches and didst
cause her to choose instead the
humble cross of Thy Son and
the mortification of the flesh:
grant us, through her merits
and intercession, to despise all
the things of this earth, and to
seek after heavenly things with
a sincere heart. Through the
same Jesus Christ.

Commemoration is made of Sts. Vitus, Modestus and Cresentia, Martyrs.





Confessor, of the First Order
Guy was the son of a distinguished family of Cortona. Reared in
an atmosphere of piety and learning, he was highly accomplished in
many fields. In 1211, when St. Francis was preaching in Cortona,
Guy met him and requested to be adm itted to the O rder. In prayer,
fasting and all virtues he gave an example of religious perfection,
and after his ordination, his zeal for souls and his eloquence as a
preacher won him the esteem of all who knew him . G od rewarded
him w ith many miracles, and St. Francis appeared to him before his
death, which occurred about 1250, to lead him to his heavenly reward.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum Guidum Confessorem tuum,
religi6sae perfecti6nis exem
plar et evangelicae praedicati6nis ministrum praebuisti:
ejus, quaesumus, intercessi6ne
concede: ut per bona 6pera
pr6ximis nostris lucis exem
pla monstremus. Per Domi

G O D , w h o didst give
blessed Guy, Thy Con
fessor, as a model of religious
perfection and as a servant for
the preaching of the Gospel:
grant, we beseech Thee, through
his intercession, that we may set
a shining example to our fell o w - me n by g o o d works.
Through our Lord.

J u n e 20


Widow, of the Third Order
M ichelina, the daughter of an Italian nobleman, was pious from
her youth. After the death of her husband and only son, G od granted
her the grace to seek the things of heaven w ith a greater readiness.
She entered the T h ird O rder, and gave all her w ealth to the poor.
She bore w ith heroic patience the scorn and abuse of her parents and
relatives, and strove to make herself in all things worthy of the re
wards o f heaven. H aving predicted the day of her death, she died ir
her fifty-sixth year, in 1356.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in the

second place, with the following:





EUS, qui beatam Michelinam, a terrenis soluam affectibus, ad am6rem

uum dispositione admirabili
xanstulisti: tribue nobis,
[uaesumus; ut, ejus meritis
it imitatione a n6xiis cupilitatibus expediti, quae tibi
unt placita, liberis mentibus
exsequamur. Per Dominum.

GOD, who by a wonderful

arrangement didst guide
blessed Michelina, freed from
all worldly desires, to Thy love;
grant, we beseech Thee, that,
being freed from all harmful
desires through her merits and
example, we may seek Thy will
with a ready heart. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration is made of the Octave Day of St. An

thony of Padua, Confessor, of the First Order, as in the follow
ing Mass; and of St. Silverius, Pope and Martyr.

th e

S a m e D a y , J u n e 20


( Simple)
Mass as on the Feast of St. Anthony, June 13, with the
^UBVfiNIAT plebi tuae,
quaesumus, Domine, praelari Confess6ris tui bedti
Vnt6nii dev6ta et jugis otiio; quae in praesenti nos tua
;r4tia dignos efficiat, et in
uturo gaudiis donet aetlrnis.
Per D6minum.)

AY the faithful amd unceas
ing intercession of Thy
glorious Confessor, blessed An
thony, aid Thy people, we be
seech Thee, O Lord; and may
it maike us worthy of Thy grace
in this life, and in the next,
give us eternal joy. (Through
our Lord.)

The Creed is not said.

(_T(5STIAS tibi, D6mine, in
FFERING Thee hosts on
the feast of blessed An
beati Ant6nii Confess6is tui solemnitate offerentes: thony, Thy Confessor, O Lord,
: supplices deprecamur; ut, we humbly pray Thee that, as
icut ipsum caelestibus donis Thou hast filled him with heav-



cumulasti, ita nos ficias tuo

am6re fervntes. (Per D6minum.)
IVINIS, D6mine, mune
ribus satiati: quaesumus;
ut, beati Ant6nii Confessoris
tui meritis gloriosis, salutaris
victims desideratum sentia
mus effectum. (Per Domi

enly gifts, so Thou wouldst

make us to glow with Thy love.
(Through our Lord.)
ILLED with the divine gifts,
we beseech Thee, O Lord
that through' the glorious merits
of blessed Anthony, Thy Con
fessor, we may feel the desired
effect of the saving Victim
(Through our Lord.)

J u n e 23


Confessor, of the Third Order
Joseph was born in 1811 a t Castelnuovo, in Italy. From his earliest
years he gave evidence of such piety th at those w ho knew him com
pared him w ith St. Aloysius. He became a priest and worked tirelessly
first as a pastor, then at the College of St. Francis of Assisi at T u rin.1
He cherished a tender devotion to the most Blessed Sacrament and to
the Blessed V irgin. As a priest he strove, like St. Paul, to become all
to a ll. H e died in I860 and was beatified by Pope Pius X I.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui ad plurimos
GOD, who didst adorn
pro s a l u t e animarum
blessed Joseph, Thy Con
perferendos labores beatum fessor, with wonderful charity
Josephum Confessorem tuum and undaunted patience foi
mirabili caritate et invicta carrying out many works for th<
patientia decorasti: concede salvation of souls: mercifully
propitius, ut ejus exemplis grant that, taught by his exam
instructi et intercessionibus pie and supported by his inter
adjuti; aeterna: vitae praemia cession, we may obtain the re
consequamur. Per D6minum. wards of eternal life. Througl
our Lord.
Commemoration is made of the Vigil of St. John tht
BLATUM tibi munus,
AY the gift offered to The
ascend as an odor o
quaesumus, D6mine, in


od6rem suavitatis ascendat:

et intercedente beato Josepho
Confessore tuo, nos c6rpore
et mente purificet. Per Do
Commemoration as above.
i v in it a t is tuae, Do
mine, sempiterna fruiti6ne satiemur: quam beatus
Josephus Confessor tuus in
sacro altaris mysterio prae
gustabat. Per Dominum.


sweetness, O Lord; and through

the intercession of blessed Jo
seph, Thy Confessor, may it
cleanse us in body and soul.
Through our Lord.
AY we be filled, O Lord,
with the eternal enjoy
ment of Thy Godhead, which
blessed Joseph, Thy Confessor,
tasted beforehand in the holy
mystery of the altar. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration as above.
The Last Gospel )s of the Vigil.
J u n e 27


Confessor, of the First Order
Benvcnute, who was a nobleman and a soldier, was received into
the O rder by St. Francis himself in 1222. St. Francis appointed him
to the service of the lepers, and therein he became an example of
religious obedience and tender charity toward the sick. H e was de
voted to C hrist in the Eucharist, and felt tow ard the Blessed M other
a special love. H e died about 1235, and the miracles w rought in his
name were so great th at he has always been honored w ith special

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:
OMINE Jesu, qui bea
LORD Jesus, who didst
tum Benvenutum Conmake blessed Benvenute
fess6rem perfecta sui abnega- the Confessor a glorious imitator
tione imitat6rem tui glorio of Thyself through perfect selfsum effecisti: da nobis, quae abnegation: grant us, we be
sumus; ut, voluntatem tuam seech Thee, that ever doing Thy
semper exsequentes, ejusdem will, we may deserve to par
gl6ria; participes esse merei- ticipate in his glory. Who liv
mur. Qui vivis.
est and reignest.



Commemoration is made of the Octave of St. John the Bap

tist, as in the Mass of the feast.
If this day falls on a Saturday, commemoration is made of
the anticipated Vigil of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles, as is
noted in the Missal on the following day.

J uly 4


Martyr, of the Third Order
Raymond belonged to a noble family of the city of Palm a, on thej
island of M ajorca. Converted from the frivolities of courtly existence
by a bishop's sermon on the life of St. Francis, he was at once fired
w ith zeal for spreading th e faith of C hrist. H aving joined th e T h ird
O rder, he bu ilt a college in w hich missionaries of the Franciscan Order]
could be trained in the languages of the various A frican peoples.
Throughout his life he founded many institutions to serve the missions.
H e himself led a life of prayer and contemplation in addition to the
numerous apostolic activities w ith which he was burdened. As an old
man of seventy-nine he went to preach in Africa, and was martyred
there by the M ohammedans in the year 1315.

Mass In virtute tua, from the Common of One Martyr, in

the third place, with the following:
~|~~^EUS, qui beatum Ray- O GOD, who didst adorn
mundum M a r t y r e m
blessed R a y m o n d , Thy
tuum animarum zelo ac fidei Martyr, with zeal for souls and
dilatandae studio decorasti: an ambition for the spreading of
concide nobis, famulis tuis; the Faith: grant us, Thy serv
ut, ipsius pricibus et inter ants, that through his prayers
cessione, fidem, quam tua and intercession we may pre
gratia suscipimus, firmiter serve firmly unto death that
ad mortem usque teneamus. faith-which we have received by
Per Ddminum.
Thy grace. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of the Octave of Sts. Peter and
The Creed is said because of the Octave of Sts. Peter and
Preface of the Apostles.



J uly 8


Widow, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
Elizabeth was the daughter of Peter III, King of Aragon. As a
jroung woman, she combined great virtue w ith the most lovable quali:ies, so th a t her accomplishments were praised in all the royal courts
of Europe. A t an early age she was betrothed to King Denis of
Portugal, w ith whom she lived happily for the first few years of her
carriage. Later the king gave himself over to a dissolute life th at was
i scandal to the whole country. Elizabeth by prayer and penance, finally
won him back to his duty. Throughout her life, Elizabeth was afflicted
with many trials, occasioned first by the infidelity of her husband, and
later by the ambition of her own s o n ; yet through her forbearance and
:ender love she was always able to bring difficulties to a happy con
clusion. She distinguished herself by her works of charity, especially
toward the poor in th e hospitals and public asylums. After the death
of her husband she became a Tertiary, and lived in a sm all house
near the convent of the Poor Clares at Coimbra. She died in 1336, and
was canonized in 162).

Mass as in the Roman Missal.

J uly 9


Martyrs, of the First Order
(Major Double)
This group of Franciscan martyrs gave their lives at Gorcum, in
H olland. They died in defense of the primacy of the Pope and of
:he Real Presence of Jesus C hrist in the Holy Eucharist. W ith them
were eight others, all priests. D uring their long and cruel martyrdom
it the hands of their C alvinist torturers, they gave a wonderful example
)f heroic C hristian fortitude, and through m utual love and encourage
ment, a beautiful token of fraternal solidarity. T h e year of their
death was 1572. They were canonized by Pope Pius IX in 1867.

Introitus. Bar. 4:23

MISI vos cum luctu et
ploratu; reducet autem
ros mihi D6minus cum gaulio et jucunditate in sempi;6rnum. Ps. 150:1. Laudate
D6minum in sanctis ejus,
audite eum in firmamento
rirtutis ejus. V. G16ria Patri.
EUS, qui sanct6rum Mar
tyrum tu6rum Nicolai

Introit. Bar. 4:23

SENT you forth with mourn
ing and weeping: but the
Lord will bring you Dack to me
with joy and gladness for ever.
Ps. 150:1. Praise ye the Lord in
His holy places, praise ye Him
in the firmament of His power.
V. Glory be to the Father.
GOD, who didst reward
with the crown of eternity

14 4


et Sociorum ejus glori6sum

pro fide tua certamen aeter
nitatis laurea decorasti: con
cede propitius; ut, eorum
meritis et imitati6ne certantes
in terris, cum ipsis coronari
mereamur in caelis. Per D6minum.

the glorious struggle of Thy holy

Martyrs, Nicholas and his com
panions, for Thy faith: merci
fully grant that, by their merits
and example fighting on earth,
we may deserve to be crowned
with them in heaven. Through
our Lord.

Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Lesson from th e E p i s t l e of

blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Ap6stoli ad Ephesios.
Ephesians. Eph. 6:10-18
Eph. 6:10-18
RETHREN: F i n a l l y , be
De cetero con
fortamini in Domino, et B strengthened in the Lord,
in potentia virtutis ejus. In
duite vos armaturam Dei, ut
possitis stare adversus insi
dias diaboli. Qu6niam non
est nobis colluctatio adversus
carnem et sanguinem, sed ad
versus principes et potestates,
adversus mundi rect6res tene
brarum harum, contra spiri
tualia nequitiae, in caelestibus.
Propterea accipite armaturam
Dei, ut possitis resistere in
die malo, et in 6mnibus per
fecti stare. State ergo suc
cincti lumbos vestros in veri
tate, et induti loricam justi
tiae, et calceati pedes in prae
paratione Evangelii pacis: in
6mnibus sumentes scutum fi
dei, in quo possitis omnia
tela nequissimi ignea exstin
guere: et galeam salutis as
sumite (quod est verbum
Dei), per omnem orationem
et o b s e c r a t i o n e m orantes
omni t&npore in spiritu: et
in ipso vigilantes in omni in
stantia et obsecrati6ne pro
6mnibus sanctis.

and in the might of His power

Put ye on the armor of God,
that you may be able to stand
against the deceits of the devil.
For our wrestling is not against
flesh and blood, but against
p r i n c i p a l i t i e s and powers,
against the rulers of the world
of this darkness, against the
spirits of wickedness in the high
places. Therefore take unto you
the armor of God, that you may
be able to resist in the evil day,
and to stand in all things per
fect. Stand therefore, having
your loins girt about with truth,
and having on the breastplate of
justice, and your feet shod with
the preparation of the gospel of
peace: in all things taking the
shield of faith, wherewith you
may be able to extinguish all the
fiery darts of the most wicked
one: and take unto you the hel
met of salvation (which is the
word of God) by all prayer and
supplication praying at all time:
in the spirit: and in the same
watching with all instance and
supplication for all the saints.


Graduate. Deut. 32:43

Deus sanguinem Sanct6rum suorum ulciscitur, et
vindictam retribuet in hostes
e6rum, et propitius erit ter
rae p6puli sui. V Is. 51:11.
Venient in Sion laudantes, et
laetitia sempiterna super ca
pita edrum, gaudium et lae
titiam tenebunt.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Hasc
est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crimina: Christum se
cuta est, inclyta tenens regna
caelestia. Alleluja.


Gradual. Deut. 32:43

God will revenge the blood of
His saints, and will render ven
geance to their enemies, and He
will be merciful to the land of
His people. V. Is. 51:11. They
shall come into Sion singing
praises, and joy everlasting shall
be upon their heads: they shall
obtain joy and gladness.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is
true brotherhood, which conquereth the crimes of the world:
it hath followed after Christ,
possessing the glorious kingdom
of heaven. Alleluia.

In Votive Masses after Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the

following Verse are omitted, and in their place is said:
Tractus. Ps. 125:5, 6
Qui seminant in lacrimis,
in gaudio metent. V. Euntes
ibant et flebant, mittentes se
mina sua. V. Venientes au
tem vinient cum exsultatidne,
portantes manipulos suos.

Tract. Ps. 125:5,6

They that sow in tears shall
reap in joy. V. Going they went
and wept, casting their seeds.
V. But coming they shall come
with joyfulness, carrying their

During Paschal Time the Gradual is omitted, , and in its

place the following is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crimina: Christum se
cuta est, inclyta tenens regna
caelistia. Alleluja. V. Ps. 89:
14,15. Repleti sumus mane
miseric6rdia tua; et exsulta
vimus, et delectati sumus.
Laetati sumus pro diebus qui
bus nos humiliisti, annis qui
bus vidimus mala. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is

true brotherhood, which conquereth the crimes of the world:
it hath followed after Christ,
possessing the glorious kingdom
of heaven. Alleluia. V .P s.8 9 :
14,15. We are filled in the
morning with Thy mercy; and
we have rejoiced, and aure de
lighted. We have rejoiced for
the days in which Thou hast
humbled us: for the years in
which we have seen evils. Al



J* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 6:22-28
N ILLO tempore: Dixit Je
sus discipulis suis: Beati
tritis, cum vos 6derint h6mines, et cum separaverint
vos, et exprobraverint, et eje
cerint nomen vestrum tam
quam malum propter Filium
h6minis. Gaudete in illa die,
e t e x s u l t a t e : ecce enim
merces vestra multa est in
caelo. Secundum haec enim
faciebant p r o p h e t i s patres
e6rum. Verumtamen vae vo
bis divitibus: quia habetis
consolati6nem vestram. V*
vobis, qui saturati estis: quia
esurietis. Vae vobis, qui ride
tis nunc: quia lugebitis et
flebitis. Vae cum benedixerint
vobis h 6 m i n e s : secundum
haec enim faciebant pseudo
prophetis patres e6rum. Sed
dico vobis, qui auditis: Dili
gite inimicos vestros, benefdcite his qui oderunt vos.
Benedicite maledicentibus vo
bis, et orate pro calumniantibus vos.
Offertorium. Ezech. 20:41
In od6rem suavitatis susci
piam vos, cum eduxero vos
de pdpulis, et sanctificabor in
vobis in 6culis nationum.

HE* Continuation o f th e h o l y
Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 6:22-28
T THAT time: Jesus said to
L His disciples: Blessed shall
you be when men shall hate you,
and when they shall separate
you, and shall reproach you, and
cast out your name as evil for
the Son of Mans sake. Be glad
in that day and rejoice; for be
hold, your reward is great in
heaven. For according to these
things did their fathers to the
prophets. But woe to you that
are rich; for you have your con
solation. Woe to you that are
filled; for you shall hunger.
Woe to you that now laugh; for
you shall mourn and weep. Woe
to you when men shall bless
you; for according to these
things did their fathers to the
false prophets. But I say to you
that hear: Love your enemies,
do good to them that hate you.
Bless them that curse you, and
pray for them that calumniate

Offertory. Ezech. 20:41

will accept of you for an
odor of sweetness, when I shall
have brought you out from the
people, and I will be sanctified
in you in the sight of the na

E S P I C E , D6mine, de T OOK, O Lord, from Thy
sanctuary and from Thy
sanctuario tuo et de exc e 1s o cael6rum habitaculo, high dwelling in heaven upon


acrificium quod i m m o l a nus: et, sanguine sanct6rum

Martyrum tu6rum clamante,
:orda nostra igne caritatis
flammescant, et ad te preces
nostra; in od6rem suavitatis
iscendant. Per D<5minum.


the sacrifice which we immolate;

and through the blood of Thy
holy Martyrs which cricth unto
Thee, may our hearts burn with
the fire of love and our prayers
rise unto Thee as an odor of
sweetness. Through our Lord.

Communio. Sap. 5:5

Communion. Wisd. 5:5
Ecce qu6modo computati
Behold how they are num
sunt inter filios Dei, et inter bered among the children of
sanctos sors ill6rum est!
God, and their lot is among the
EUS, virtutis auctor et
largitor: per sanct6rum
Martyrum tu6rum fidem et
constantiam concede; ut nos,
sacro convivio refecti, e6dem
accendamur ard6re, quo ipsi
pro veritate C6rporis et San
guinis tui vitam tibi in holo:4ustum obtulere. Qui vivis.

GOD, the author and giver
of virtue, grant through
the faith and constancy of Thy
holy Martyrs that we, refreshed
at the sacred banquet, may be
enkindled with that same ardor
out of which they offered their
lives to Thee as a holocaust for
'.he truth of Thy Body and
Blood. Who livest and reignest.

J u l y 10


Martyrs, of the First Order
( Double)
Bl. Emmanuel and his companions were martyred at Damascus,
luring the massacre by the Druses in 1860. In the group there were
iix priests and tw o lay-brothers. W hen th eir monastery was attacked.
Father Emmanuel, realizing th a t death was inevitable, w ent to the
rhurch to consume the Sacred Species. H e was interrupted by the
issassins and beheaded. H is companions were shortly afterw ard mur-
lered in various ways. Together w ith three M aronite laymen, they
vere beatified in 1926.

Introitus. Ps. 43:22, 26

Introit. Ps. 43:22,26
ROPTER te mortificamur
OR Thy sake we are killed
tota die, aestimati sumus
all the day long; we are
licut oves occisi6nis. Ex- counted as sheep for the slaugh-



surge, D6mine, adjuva nos,

et rldime nos propter nomen
tuum. Ps. ibid.: 2. Deus,
auribus nostris audivimus,
patres nostri annuntiaverunt
nobis. V. G16ria Patri.

ter. Arise, O Lord, help us, and

redeem us for Thy names sake.
Ps. ibid.: 2. We have heard, O
God, with our ears, our fathers
have declared to us. V. Glory be
to the Father.


LORD Jesus Christ, who
didst grant blessed Em
manuel and his companions the
grace to seal their confession of
Thy name with the shedding of
their blood; increase Thy mercy,
that through their merits and in
tercession Christian people may
be strengthened in the confes
sion of the Faith, and the
heathen who walk in darkness
may be led to the light of the
Gospel. Who Iivest and reign

C5MINE Jesu C h r i s t e ,
qui beatis Emmanueli et
S6ciis ejus gratiam contulisti
ut confessi6nem tui ndminis
effuso sanguine confirmarent:
m u l t i p l i c a miseric6rdiam
tuam, ut e6rum meritis et
pricibus Christianus populus
in fidei confessi6ne firmetur;
et gens in tenebris ambulans
ad lumen Evangelii perduca
tur. Qui vivis.

Commemoration is made of the Seven Holy Brothers, Mar

tyrs; and of Sts. Rufina and Secunda, Virgins and Martyrs.
Lectio Epistola beati Petri
1 Petr. 4:13-19
ARISSIMI: Communican
tes Christi passionibus
gaudete, ut et in revelatione
gI6ria ejus gaudeatis exsul
tantes. Si exprobramini in
n6mine Christi, beati eritis;
qu6niam quod est hon6ris,
gl6riae et virtutis Dei, et qui
est ejus Spiritus, super vos
requiescit. Nemo autem ve
strum patiatur ut homidda,
aut fur, aut maledicus, aut
aliendrum appetitor. Si au
tem ut Christianus, non eru
bescat; g l or i f i ce t autem

Lesson from the E p i s t l e of

blessed Peter the Apostle.
1 Pet. 4:13-19
EARLY beloved: If you par
take of the sufferings of
Christ, rejoice, that when His
glory shall be revealed, you may
also be glad with exceeding joy,
If you be reproached for the
name of Christ, you shall be
blessed; for that which is of the
honor, glory and power of God,
and that which is His Spirit
resteth upon you. But let none
of you suffer as a murderer, oi
a thief, or a railer, or a covetei
of other mens things. But if a:
a Christian, let him not b<



Deum in isto n6mine. Qu6niam tempus est ut incipiat

judicium a domo Dei. Si
autem primum a nobis, quis
finis eorum qui non credunt
Dei Evanglio? Et si justus
vix salvabitur, impius et pec
cator ubi parebunt? Itaque
et hi qui patiuntur secundum
voluntatem Dei, fideli Creat6ri commendent animas suas
in benefactis.

ashamed; but let him glorify

God in that name. For the
time is, that judgment should
begin at the house of God. And
if first at us, what shall be the
end of them that believe not the
Gospel of God? And if the just
man shall scarcely be saved,
where shall the ungodly and the
sinner appear? Wherefore let
them also that suffer according
to the will of God, commend
their souls in good deeds to the
faithful Creator.

Graduate. 2 Machab. 7:6, 9

D6minus Deus a s p i c i e t
veritatem, et consolabitur in
nobis. V. Rex mundi de
functos nos pro suis legibus,
in aeternae vitae resurrecti6ne
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
est vera f r a t i r n i t a s , quae
numquam potuit violari cer
tamine; qui effuso sanguine
secuti sunt D6minum. Al

Gradual. 2 Mach. 7:6, 9

The Lord God will look upon
the truth, and will take pleasure
in us. V. The King of the
world will raise us up, who die
for His laws, in the resurrection
of eternal life.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is
true brotherhood, which could
never be violated by conflict;
and they, after shedding their
blood, have followed the Lord.

1* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 12:4-8
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis: Ne
terreamini ab his qui occi
dunt corpus, et post haec non
habent amplius quid faciant.
Ostendam autem vobis quem
timeatis: timete eum qui
postquam occiderit habet po
testatem mittere in gehen
nam. Ita dico vobis, hunc
timete. Nonne quinque pas
seres veneunt dip<5ndio, et

4" Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 12:4-8
A T THAT time: Jesus said to
His disciples: Be not afraid
of them who kill the body, and
after that have no more that
they can do. But I will show
you whom you shall fear: fear
ye Him who after He hath
killed, hath power to cast into
hell. Yea, I say to you, fear
Him. Are not five sparrows sold
for two farthings, and not one
of them is forgotten before



unus ex illis non est in oblivi6ne coram Deo? Sed et

capilli capitis vestri omnes
numerati sunt. Nolite ergo
timere: multis passeribus meli6res estis vos. Dico autem
vobis: O m n i s quicumque
confessus fuerit me coram
hominibus, et Filius h6minis
confitebitur illum coram an
gelis Dei.
Offertorium. Ps. 36:28
D6minus amat judicium, et
non derelinquet sanctos suos:
in aeternum conservabuntur.
UNERA et vota, Do
mine Jesu, quae pro de
bito beatorum Martyrum Em
manuel is et Soci6rum hondre
deferimus, tibi grata reddintur; ac per eadem sicut ipsis
pro fide certantibus mirabi
lem dignatus es conferre vic
toriam, ita in nobis immo
tam tribuas in virtute con
stantiam. Qui vivis.

God? Yea, the very hairs of

your head are all numbered.
Fear not, therefore; you are of
more value than many spar
rows. And I say to you, whoso
ever shall confess Me before
men, him shall the Son of Man
also confess before the angels of

Offertory. Ps. 36:28

The Lord loveth judgment,
and will not forsake His saints:
they shall be preserved forever.
LORD Jesus, may the gifts
and offerings which we
bring for the becoming honor of
the blessed Martyrs, Emmanuel
and his companions, be made
pleasing to Thee; and as Thou
didst deign to grant them a mar
velous victory when they fought
for the Faith, so mayest Thou
grant us through these gifts an
unmoved constancy in virtue.
Who livest and reignest.

Commemorations as above.
Communio. Luc. 12:4
. Dico autem vobis amicis
meis: Ne terreamini ab his
qui occidunt corpus, et post
hate non habent amplius quid
O N C E D E , quaesumus,
D6mine Jesu, interce
dentibus beatis Martyribus
Emmanueie et S6ciis: ut divi
nis epulis roborati, sicut ipsi

Communion. Luke 12:4

And I say to you, My friends:
Be not afraid of them who kill
the body, and after that have no
more that they can do.
RANT, we beseech Thee, O
Lord Jesus, through the in
tercession of the blessed Mar
tyrs, Emmanuel and his com
panions, that strengthened by


claram martyrii palmam obti

nere meruerunt; ita nos pro
missam gloriae cor6nam acci
pere valeamus. Qui vivis.


the heavenly banquet, we may

be worthy to receive the prom
ised crown of glory, even as they
merited to obtain the glorious
palm of martyrdom. Who livest
and reignest.

Commemorations as above.
J u l y 11


Virgin, of the' Second Order
(Major Double)
Veronica was born of devout parents in M ercatello, Italy. She en
tered the convent of Capuchin nuns a t C ittl di Castello, in Um bria,
where the prim itive rule of St. C lare was observed. Obedient, humble,
mortified, a model of the true religious, she was favored by G od w ith
interior conversations and revelations. Later He deigned to impress on
her head the crown of thorns am id untold sufferings, finally giving
her all the stigmata. H er spirit was tried most rigorously and a t the
conclusion, the bishop was able to report to Rome th a t she h a d scru
pulously obeyed all his commands, rejoicing and remaining calm and
peaceful in every trial. Veronica became ever more purified by
sufferings and austere mortifications, and died, in 1727, after fifty
years o f convent life. She was canonized in 1839.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

place, with the following:
OMINE Jesu Christe,
LORD Jesus Christ, who
qui beatam Ver6nicam
didst distinguish blessed
Virginem, Passi6nis tuas si Veronica the Virgin with the
gnis mirabilem effecisti: con marks of Thy Passion: merci
cide propitius; ut, carnem fully grant that, crucifying our
c r u c i f i g e n t e s , ad gaudia flesh, we may deserve to attain
aetrna pervenire mereamur. to eternal joys. Who livest and
Qui vivis.
Commemoration is made of St. Pius I, Pope and Martyr.
USCIPE, misiricors Deus,
e c e iv e , o merciful God,
quas tibi humiliter ofthe hosts of praise which we
ferimus, laudis hdstias: et, humbly offer Thee; and through
nterveninte beata Ver6nica the intercession of blessed Ve
/irgine tua; fac eas nobis ad ronica, Thy Virgin, grant that

15 2


perpetuum provenire subsi- 1 they may become for us a per

dium. Per D<5rpinum.
| petual help. Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.
RANT, we beseech Thee, O
/'ELfiSTI munere robora
Lord God, that strength
tos fac nos, quaesumus,
Domine Deus noster, beatae ened with the heavenly gift, we
Ver6nicae Virginis tuae et may be both taught by the ex
exemplis instrui, et patroci ample of blessed Veronica, Thy
niis adjuvari. Per Dominum. Virgin, and helped through her
intercession. Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.

J u l y 13
Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Francis was born at M ontilla, in A ndalusia, Spain, of distinguished
and devout parents. A fter having finished his studies w ith th e Jesuits,
he entered the O rder of Friars M inor. H is zeal for souls and the
sanctity of his life won him the veneration of all. In his hum ility
he asked to be relieved of the offices committed to him and to be
sent to the foreign missions. Accordingly he was sent to South
America, where for twenty years he labored w ith extraordinary suc
cess among the Indians. He learned the different dialects w ith ease,
and G od granted him marvelous power over hearts, so th at savage
Indians became meek as children and begged for Baptism a t his hands.
H e w rought many miracles even during his lifetime, and birds,
beasts and all nature obeyed his command, just as in the case of
Francis of Assisi. H e died on the feast of his beloved patron, St.
Bonaventure, 1610.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a

Pontiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui plurimas Am6ricae gentes per beatum
Franciscum ad sinum Eccle
siae perduxisti: ejus meritis
et precibus, indignationem
tuam a peccatis nost r i s
averte, et in gentes, quae te
non cognoverunt, tim6rem

GOD, who d i d s t leae
O many of the people ol
America to the bosom of th<
Church through blessed Fran
cis: by his merits and prayer:
turn away Thine indignatior
from our sins, and mercifull]
send forth the fear of Th]



i6minis tui benignus im- name among those peoples who

mitte. Per D6minum.
know Thee not. Through our
Commemoration is made of St. Anacletus, Pope and
Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Lesson from

Ap6stoli ad Romanos.

Rom. 10:10-18
RATRES: Corde e n i m
creditur ad justitiam: ore
autem confessio fit ad sa
lutem. Dicit enim Scriptura:
Omnis, qui credit in illum,
non confundatur. Non enim
est d i s t i n c t i o Judaei, et
Gneci: nam idem D6minus
omnium, dives in omnes qui
invocant illum. Omnis enim,
quicumque invocaverit no
men D6mini, salvus erit.
Qu6modo invocabunt, in
quem non crediderunt? Aut
qu6modo credent ei, quem
ion audierunt? Qu6modo
lutem audient sine praedi:ante? Qu6modo vero prae
dicabunt, nisi mittantur: si
nit scriptum est: Quam spe:i6si pedes evangelizantium
sacem, evangelizantium bola! Sed non omnes obediiint Evangeiio. Isaias enim
licit: D6mine, quis credidit
luditui nostro ? Ergo fides
:x auditu, auditus autem per
'erbum Christi. Sed dico:
<umquid non audierunt? Et
luidem in omnem terram
:xivit sonus e6rum, et in
ines orbis terrae verba' ed

the Epistle of
blessed Paul the Apostle
to the Romans.
Rom. 10:10-18
RETHREN: For with the
heart we believe unto jus
tice; but with the mouth, con
fession is made unto salvation.
For the Scripture saith: Who
soever believeth in Him shall
not be confounded. For there
is no distinction of the Jew
and the Greek: for the same
is Lord over all, rich unto all
that call upon Him. For who
soever shall call upon the name
of the Lord, shall be saved.
How then shall they call on
Him in whom they have not
believed ? Or how shall they
believe in Him of whom they
have not heard? And how shall
they hear, without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, un
less they be sent? as it is writ
ten: How beautiful are the feet
of them that preach the gos
pel of peace, of them that bring
glad tidings of good things!
But all do not obey the Gospel.
For Isaias saith: Lord, who
hath believed our report? Faith
then cometh by hearing, and
hearing by the word of Christ.
But I say: Have they not
heard? Yes, verily, their sound
hath gone forth into all the
earth, and their words unto the
ends of the whole world.



{* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Marcum.
Mare. 16:15-18
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus d i s c i p u l i s suis:
Euntes in mundum univer
sum, praedicate Evangelium
omni creaturae. Qui credide
rit, et baptizatus fuerit, sal
vus erit: qui vero non cre
diderit, condemnabitur. Si
gna autem eos, qui credide
rint, haec sequentur: In n6mine meo dxm6nia ejicient;
linguis loquantur novis: ser
pentes tollent: et si morti
ferum quid biberint, non eis
nocebit: super aegros manus
imponent, et bene habebunt.

UNUS quod tibi offe
rimus, det nobis, qua;sumus, omnipotens D e u s ,
fidei, spei, et caritatis aug
mentum: et ut mereamur as
sequi quod promittis, interveniente b e a t o Francisco
Confess6re t u o , fac nos
amare quod praecipis. Per

Commemoration as above.
T SUMPTIS, D6mine,
reddamur digni mune
ribus: intercedente b e a t o
Francisco Confess6re t u o ,
fac nos tuis semper obedire
mandatis. Per D6minum.

Commemoration as above.

J* Continuation of the hoi;

Gospel according to Mark.
Mark 16:15-18
T THAT time: Jesus sai<
to His disciples: Go ye in
to the whole world, and preacl
the Gospel to every creature
He that believeth and is bap
tized shall be saved: but hi
that believeth not shall be con
demned. And these signs shal
follow them that believe: Ir
My name they shall cast ou
devils; they shall speak wit!
new tongues; they shall tak<
up serpents; and if they shal
drink any deadly thing, it shal
not hurt them; they shall la;
their hands upon the sick am
they shall recover.
AY the gift which w<
offer Thee, bring us, wi
beseech Thee, O almighty God
an increase of faith, hope anc
charity; and, that we may meri
to obtain what Thou dost prom
ise, cause us, through the in
tercession of blessed Framcis
Thy Confessor, to love wha
Thou dost command. Througl
our Lord.

N ORDER that we may b
made worthy of the gift
which we have received, C
Lord, cause us, through the in
tercession of blessed Francis
Thy Confessor, to be ever obc
dient to Thy c o m m a n d s
Through our Lord.



J uly 14

Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of the Church,
of the First Order
(Double of the Second Class, with a Simple Octave)
St. Bonaventure was born a t Bagnorea in the Papal States. A t the
age of four he became seriously ill and was restored to health, ac
cording to a legend, by th e prayers of St. Francis, w ho upon his re
covery, uttered th e w ords: " O buona ventura *'Oh, good things
yet to com e! Thereafter the child was called Bonaventure. H e en
tered the Franciscan O rder a t an early age, and his teacher, A lexan
der of H ales, said th at he did not know which to admire the more,
the talent of th e young religious o r his virtue. Because of his exten
sive and profound knowledge, he was appointed professor of Theology
at the University of Paris, where he had formed a warm and enduring
friendship w ith St. Thom as Aquinas. H e became M inister General,
and so prudently did he fulfil his office during a difficult period of
seventeen years th at he is considered the second founder of the
O rder. H e was raised to the dignity of cardinal and entrusted w ith
the presidency of the Council of Lyons, but he fell ill a t the Third
Session and died in 1274. Because of th e unction of his writings,
he is called " T h e Seraphic D octor.

Introitus. Eccli. 15:5

I N MEDIO Ecclesiae apeA- ruit os ejus, et implevit
eum D6minus spiritu sapintix1 et intellectus; stolam
;16riae induit eum. Ps. 91:2.
Bonum est confiteri D6mino,
:t psallere n6mini tuo, Al
tissime. V. G16ria Patri.

Introit. Eccli. 15:5

TN THE midst of the Church
i the Lord hath opened his
mouth, amd hath filled him
with the spirit of wisdom and
understanding; He hath dothed
him with a robe of glory. Ps.
91:2. It is good to give praise
to the Lord: and to sing to Thy
name, O Most High. V. Glory
be to the Father.

EUS, qui Ecclesiae tuae
beatum Bonaventuram
lonfessdrem t u u m a t q u e
ontificem, Doct6rem mira>ilem tribuisti: concede pro>itius; ut, apud te hunc
>ium semper intercess6rem
iabere mereatur. Per D6-

GOD, who in Thy Con
fessor and Pontiff blessed
Bonaventure, hast given to Thy
Church a wonderful teacher,
mercifully grant that she may
ever deserve to have him as a
pious intercessor with Thee.
Through our Lord.


Lectio libri Sapientiae.

Sap. 8:2-7, 16-19
APIENTIAM amavi, et
exquisivi a j u v e n t u t e
mea, et quaesivi sponsam
mihi eam assumere, et ama
tor factus sum formae illius.
Generositatem illius glorifi
cat, contubernium h a b e n s
Dei: sed et 6mnium D6minus dilexit illam. Doctrix
enim est disciplinae Dei, et
electrix operum illius. Et
si divitiae appetuntur in
vita, quid sapientia locuple
tius, quae operatur 6mnia?
Si autem sensus operatur:
quis horum, quae sunt, magis
quam illa est artifex? Et si
justitiam quis diligit: lab6res hujus magnas habent vir
tutes: sobrietatem enim, et
prudentiam docet, et justi
tiam, et virtutem, quibus uti
lius nihil est in vita homi
nibus. Intrans in domum
meam conquiescam cum illa:
non enim habet amaritudi
nem conversatio illius, nec
taedium convictus illius, sed
laetitiam et gaudium. Haec
cogitans apud me, et com
memorans in corde meo:
qu6niam immortalitas est in
cognatione sapientiae, et in
amicitia i l l i u s delectatio
bona, et in operibus ma
nuum illius honestas sine defecti6ne, et in certamine lo
quelae illius sapientia, et
praeclaritas in communicati6ne sermonum ipsius: circuibam quaerens, ut mihi

Lesson from the book of

Wisd. 8:2-7,16-19
ISDOM have I loved, anc
have sought her out fron
my youth, and have desired t(
take her for my spouse, and .
became a lover of her beauty
She glorifieth her nobility b]
being conversant with God; yea
and the Lord of all things hatl
loved her. For it is she tha
teacheth the knowledge of God
and is the chooser of His works
And if riches be desired in life
what is richer than wisdom
which maketh all things? Anc
if sense do work, who is a mor<
artful worker than she of thos(
things that are? And if a mar
love justice, her labors hav<
great virtues; for she teacheth
temperance, and prudence, anc
justice, and fortitude, which ar(
such things as men can hav(
nothing more profitable in life
When I go into my house '
shall repose myself with her
for her conversation hath nc
bitterness, nor her company an)
tediousness, but joy and glad
ness. Thinking these things wit!
myself, and pondering them it
my heart: that to be allied te
wisdom is immortality, and tha
there is great delight in he
friendship, and inexhaustibli
riches in the works of he
hands, and in the exercise o
conference with her, wisdom
and glory in the communicatio!
of her words: I went abou
seeking that I might take her t(



Ham assumerem. Puer au- myself. And I was a witty

em eram ingeniosus, et sor- child and had received a good
itus sum animam bonam.
Graduate. Eccli. 45:1,4
Gradual. Eccli. 45:1,4
Dilictus Deo et hominiHe was beloved of God and
i u s , cujus mem6ria in bene- men, whose memory is in bene
lictidne est. V. In fide et diction. V. He sanctified him in
enitate ipsius sanctum fecit his faith and meekness, and
Ilum, et eligit eum ex omni chose him out of all flesh.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ibid.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. I b id .
(7:15, 16. Eruditus es in 47:15,16. Oh, how wise wast
uventute tua, et implitus es, thou in thy youth, and thou
)uasi flumen, sapiintia. Al- wast filled as a river with wis
dom. Alleluia.
In Votive Masses after Se Otuagesima, the Alleluia and the
ollowing Verse are omitted, and the following is said:
Tractus. Eccli. 45:2, 5;
Sfmilem ilium fecit in
;16ria sanctorum, et magniIcavit eum in tim6re inimi6rum, et in verbis suis montra placavit. V. Glorificavit
Hum in conspictu regum, et
ussit illi coram p6pulo suo,
t ostindit illi gl6riam suam.
Eruditus es in juventute
iia, et implitus es, quasi
lumen, sapiintia.

Tract. Eccli. 45:2,3; 47:15,16

He made him like the saints
in glory, and magnified him in
the fear of his enemies, and
with his words he made prodi
gies to cease. V. He glorified
him in the sight of kings, and
gave him commandments in the
sight of his people and showed
him His glory. V. Oh, how
wise wast thou in thy youth,
and thou wast filled as a river
with wisdom.

During Paschal Time the Gradual is omitted, and in its

lace is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.
5:4; 47:15,16. In fide et
rnitate ipsius sanctum fecit
lum, et eligit eum ex omni
irne. Alleluja. V. Eruditus
s in juventute tua, et imlitus es, quasi flumen, saiintia. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Eccli.

45:4; 47:15, 16. He sanctified
him in his faith and meekness,
and chose him out of all flesh.
Alleluia. V. Oh, how wise wast
thou in thy youth, and thou
wast filled as a river with wis
dom. Alleluia.



J* Sequentia sancti Evangel i i 4* Continuation of the hoi

Gospel according to Matthew.
secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 5:13-19
TN ILLO tempore: Dixit
i Jesus discipulis suis: Vos
estis sal terrae. Quod si sal
evanuerit, in quo salietur?
Ad nihilum valet ultra, nisi
ut mittatur foras, et concul
catur ab hominibus. Vos
estis lux mundi. Non potest
dvitas absc6ndi supra mon
tem p<5sita. Neque accen
dunt lucernam, et ponunt
eam sub m6dio, sed super
candelabrum, ut luceat 6mnibus qui in domo sunt. Sic
luceat lux vestra coram ho
minibus, ut videant 6pera
vestra bona, et glorificent
Patrem vestrum, qui in caelis
est. Nolite putare, qu6niam
veni s61vere legem aut pro
phetas: non veni s61vere, sed
adimplere. Amen quippe
dico vobis, donec transeat
caelum et terra, jota unum
aut unus apex non praeteribit
a lege, donec 6mnia fiant.
Qui ergo s61verit unum de
mandatis istis minimis, et
docuerit sic h6mines, mini
mus vocabitur in regno cae16rum: qui autem fecerit et
docuerit, hic magnus vocabi
tur in regno cael6rum.

Matt. 5:13-19
T THAT time: Jesus said t
His disciples: You are th
salt of the earth. But if the sal
lose its savor, wherewith shal
it be salted? It is good fo
nothing any more but to be ca:
out, and to be trodden on b
men. You are the light of th
world. A city seated on
mountain cannot be hid. Neithe
do men light a candle and put i
under a bushel, but upon
candlestick, that it may shine ti
all that are in the house. S|
let your light shine before men
that they may see your gooJ
works, and glorify your Fathe
who is in heaven. Do no
think that I am come to de
stroy the Law, or the Prophets
I am not come to destroy, bu
to fulfil. For amen I say unt
you, till heaven and earth pas!
one jot or one tittle shall nc
pass of the Law, till all be ful
filled. He therefore that shal
break one of these least coir
mandments, and shall so teac
men, shall be called the least i
the kingdom of heaven: but h
that shall do and teach, h
shall be called great in the kinj
dom of heaven.

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Eccli. i 1:20

Offertory. Eccli. 51:20

My foot walked in the rig!

Ambulavit pes meus iter
rectum, a juventute mea in way; from my youth up
vestigabam sapientiam.
sought after wisdom.






sacrificium offerentes, te
uppllciter exoramus, ornniotens Deus: ut, sicut Pasi6nis ejus jugis meditatio
itellectum sancti Bonavenliras Pontificis erudivit; ita
lentes et corda nostra igne
aritatis inflammet. Per eunlem D6minum.

FFERING the u n b l o o d y
sacrifice of Thy Son, we
humbly beseech Thee, O al
mighty God, that as constant
meditation on His Passion did
enlighten the intellect of St.
Bonaventure, Thy Pontiff, so it
may inflame our souls and
hearts with the fire of charity.
Through the same Jesus Christ.

Communion. Col. 3:12

Communio. Coloss. 3:12
Induite vos ergo sicut
Put ye on, therefore, as the
lecti Dei, sancti et dilecti, elect of God, holy and beloved,
riscera miseric6rdis, benig- the bowels of mercy, benignity,
iitatem, humilitatem, mo humility, modesty, patience.
lestiam, patientiam.
"ABLATA tibi, Domine, in
solemnitate sancti Boaventurae Doctoris h6stia
navissima spiritum n o b i s
dilecti6nis infundat: ut,
jus meritis et exemplo, te
i 6mnibus et super 6mnia
iligentes, ad perfecta: cariitis patriam pervenire valeams. Per Dominum.

AY the most sweet Host
which we have offered
Thee, O Lord, on the solemnity
of St. Bonaventure the Doctor,
pour out upon us the spirit of
Thy love, that, through his
merits and example, loving Thee
in all things and above all
things, we may reach the home
of perfect charity. Through our

J u l y 15


(Major Double)
Since the time of Sultan Kamel (1 2 1 9 ), the Franciscans have been
boring to preserve the Holy Places in Palestine, and have carried on
is work a t the cost of the greatest sacrifices. About tw o thousand
:iests and brothers of the O rder have given their lives for their re
gion in the N ear East, and over six thousand have died as martyrs
charity there during the recurrent plague. Because of th e many
rvices and sacrifices of the Franciscans, they were perm itted to



celebrate a feast in honor of th e H oly Sepulchre. Since 1917, th

feast has been celebrated on July 15; it was on this day, in th e yea
1099, th a t the First Crusade freed Jerusalem from the Saracens.

Introitus. Is. 11:10

N DIE illa erit radix
Jesse, qui stat in signum
populfirum, ipsum gentes de
precabuntur, et erit Sepul
crum ejus glori6sum, alle
luja, alleluja. Ps. 83:2,3.
Quam d i l i c t a tabernacula
tua, D6mine virtutum! Con
cupiscit et deficit anima mea
in atria D6mini. V. G16ria

Introit. Is. 11:10

TN THAT day there shall b
A the root of Jesse, who stanc
eth for an ensign of the people
Him the gentiles shall beseect
and His Sepulchre shall be glo
rious. Alleluia, alleluia. Ps
83:2,3 How lovely are Th
tabernacles, O Lord of hosts
My soul longeth and faintet
for the courts of the Lord. V
Glory be to the Father.

(5MINE J e s u Christe,
qui pro nobis mortem
subire, et in Sepulcro de
positus, tirtia die resurgere
voluisti: c o n c e d e famulis
tuis; ut, qui Sepulcri tui
mem6riam rec61imus, resurrecti6nis quoque gl6rise par
ticipes esse mereamur. Qui

LORD Jesus Christ, whj
didst will to suffer deatl
for us, and, being placed in
sepulchre, to rise again on th
third day: grant to Thy servant
that we who celebrate the mem
ory of Thy sepulchre may d
serve to participate in the glor
of Thy Resurrection. Who liv
est and reignest.

Commemoration is made i '/ St. Henry, the Emperor, Cor,

Lectio Actuum Apostol6rum.

Act. 13:16, 26-31

TN DIfiBUS illis: Surgens
Paulus, et manu silentium
indicens, ait: Viri fratres,
filii generis Abraham, et qui
in vobis timent Deum, vobis
verbum salutis hujus missum
est. Qui enim habitabant
Jerusalem, et principes ejus,
ignorantes Jesum, et voces
prophetarum, quae per omne

Lesson from the Acts of the

Acts 13:16,26-31
N THOSE days: Paul, risin
up and with his hand b<
speaking silence, said: Mei
brethren, children of the stoc
of Abraham, and whosoev<
among you fear God, to you tf:
word of this salvation is sen
For they that inhabited Jeri
salem, and the rulers thereo
not knowing Jesus, nor ti



abbatum leguntur, judicantes

mplevrunt: et nullam cauam mortis invenientes in
o, petierunt a Pilato, ut inerficerent eum. Cu mq u e
onsummassent 6mnia quae
e eo scripta erant, deponfnes eum de ligno, posuerunt
um in monumento. Deus
ero suscitavit eum a m6ruis ttoia die: qui visus est
ser multos dies his, qui
iimul ascenderant cum eo de
jalilaea in Jerusalem, qui
lsque nunc sunt testes ejus
id plebem.

voices of the prophets, which

are read every Sabbath, judging
Him have fulfilled them. And
finding no cause of death in
Him, they desired of Pilate
that they might kill Him. And
when they had fulfilled all
things that were written of
Him, taking Him down from
the tree, they laid Him in a
sepulchre. But God raised Him
up from the dead the third day:
who was seen for many days by
them who came up with Him
from Galilee to Jerusalem, who
to this present are His witnesses
to the people.

Graduale. Ps. 98:5

Exaltate D6minum Deum
lostrum, et adorate scabelum pedum ejus, qu6niam
anctum est. V. Gen. 28:17.
) quam metuendus est locus
ste! Vere non est hic aliud,
lisi domus Dei et porta
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
5 :8, 9 T611ite h6stias, et in'oite in atria ejus; adorate
)6minum in atrio sancto
jus. Alleluja.

Gradual. Ps. 98:5

Exalt ye the Lord our God,
and adore His footstool, for it
is holy. V. Gen. 28:17. How
dreadful is this place! Truly
this is no other but the house
of God and the gate of heaven.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 95:
8,9. Bring up sacrifices, and
come into His courts; adore ye
the Lord in His holy court.

In Votive Masses after Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the

allowing Verse are omitted, and the following is said:
Tractus. Ps. 131:7,8
Introibimus in tabernacuim ejus, adorabimus in loco
bi steterunt pedes ejus. V.
urge, D6mine, in requiem
lam, tu et area sanctifica6nis tuae. V. Ps. ibid.:14.
laec requies mea in saeculum

Tract. Ps. 131:7, 8

We will go into His taber
nacle, we will adore in the
place where His feet stood.
V. Arise, O Lord, into Thy rest
ing place, Thou and the ark
which Thou hast sanctified.
V. Ps. ibid.: 14. This is My rest

16 2


saeculi: hic habitabo, qu6-1 for ever and ever: here will
niam elgi eam.
| dwell, for I have chosen it.
During Paschal Time, however, the Gradual is omitted, an
in its place is said:
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps.
95:8. Tollite h6stias, et in
troite in atria ejus; adorate
D6minum in atrio sancto
ejus. Alleluja. V. Joann.
20:4. Currebant duo simul;
et ille alius discipulus prae
cucurrit citius Petro, et venit
prior ad monumentum. Al

Alleluia, alleluia. Ps. 95 :t

Bring up sacrifices, and com
into His courts; adore ye th
Lord in His holy court. All<
luia. V.John 20:4. They bot
ran together; and that othe
disciple did outrun Peter, an
came first to the sepulchre. A

4* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 24:1-12

J* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 24:1-12
N THE first day of th
week, very early in th
morning, the women came t
the sepulchre, bringing th
spices which they had preparec
And they found the stone rollei
back from the sepulchre. Angoing in, they found not th
body of the Lord Jesus. And i
came to pass, as they wei
astonished in their mind at thi:
behold, two men stood by ther
in shining apparel. And as the
were afraid, and bowed dow
their countenance toward th
ground, they said unto their
Why seek you the living wit
the dead? He is not here, bi
is risen. Remember how H
spoke unto you, when He wa
yet in Galilee, saying: The So
of Man must be delivered int
the hands of sinful men, and b
crucified, and the third day ris
again. And they remembere

NA Sabbati valde dilu

culo, venerunt mulieres O
ad monumentum, portantes
qua: paraverant ar6mata: et
invenerunt lapidem revolu
tum a monumento. Et in
gressae non invenerunt cor
pus D6mini Jesu. Et factum
est, dum mente consternatae
essent de isto, ecce duo viri
steterunt secus illas in veste
fulgenti. Cum timerent au
tem, et declinarent vultum in
terram, dixerunt ad illas:
quid quaeritis viventem cum
m6rtuis? non est hic, sed
surrexit: recordamini, quali
ter locutus est vobis, cum
adhuc in Galilaea esset, di
cens: Quia op6rtet Filium
hdminis tradi in manus h6minum peccat6rum, et cru
cifigi, et die tertia resurgere.
Et recordatae sunt verb6rum
ejus. Et regressae a monu-


n 6 n t o , nuntiaverunt haec
imnia illis undecim, et ci
eris 6mnibus. Erat autem
tlaria Magdalene, et Joanna,
t Marfa Jac6bi, et ceteras
[uae cum eis erant, quae dic>ant ad Apistolos haec. Et
risa sunt ante illos sicut deiram^ntum, verba ista: et
ion crediderunt illis. Petrus
tutem surgens, cucurrit ad
nonumentum: et procumjens vidit linteamina sola
>6sita, et abiit secum mirans,
juod factum fuerat.


His words. And going back

from the sepulchre, they told all
these things to the Eleven, and
to all the rest. And it was
Mary Magdalen, and Joanna,
and Mary of James, and the
other women that were with
them, who told these things to
the Apostles. And these words
seemed to them as idle tales;
and they did not believe them.
But Peter, rising up, ran to the
sepulchre, and stooping down,
he saw the linen cloths laid by
themselves; and he went away
wondering in himself at that
which was come to pass.

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Ps. 41:5
Offertory. Ps. 41:5
Transibo in locum taberI shall go over into the place
laculi admirabilis, usque ad of the wonderful tabernacle,
lomum Dei, alleluja.
even to the house of God, alle
EUS, qui per depositi6GOD, who didst sanctify
nem sanctissimi -C6rpothe sepulchre through the
:is Fxlii tui in Sepulcro, burial in it of the most holy
dem Sepulcrum sanctificasti: Body of Thy Son: grant, we be
:oncede, quaesumus; ut in seech Thee, that we may dwell
loc Sepulcro anima et corde in this sepulchre in mind and
labitemus. Per eundem D6- heart. Through the same Jesus
Commemoration as above.
Preface of Easter, Te quidem, Domine, omni tempore
gloriosius praedicare, etc.

Communio. Prov. 8:34

Communion. Prov. 8:34
Beatus qui audit me, et
Blessed is he that heareth me,
[ui vigilat ad fores meas and that watcheth daily at my
luotfdie, et observat ad po gates, and waiteth at the posts
tes 6stii mei, alleluja!
of my doors, alleluia.



EUS, qui nos sancti Se
pulcri Filii tui laetari
facis hon6re: praesta, quaesu
mus; ut, in e<Sdem sepulti,
mundo moriamur, et tibi soli
vivamus. Per eundem D6minum.
Commemoration as above.

GOD, who dost make u
to rejoice in the honor o
the holy sepulchre of Thy Son
grant, we beseech Thee, tha
buried in it, we may die to th
world and live to Thee alone
Through the same Jesus Christ

J u ly



(Major Double)
Mass as in the Roman Missal.
Commemoration is made of the Canonization of our Hoi'
Father Francis, Confessor, as in the following Mass.
O n t h e S a m e D a y , J u l y 16


(Major Double)
After the
during life,
lected and
on July 16,

death of St. Francis, many miracles occurred through hi

Pope Gregory IX , who had known th e Saint personali
caused the numerous reports of these wonders to be col
proved, and coming himself to Assisi, canonized Franci

Introitus. Ps. 72:24

ENUISTI manum dex
teram meam, et in voluntite tua deduxisti me, et cum
gl6ria suscepisti me. Ps.
ibid.: 1. Quam bonus Israel
Deus, his qui recto sunt
corde! V. GI6ria Patri.

Introit. Ps. 72:24

HOU hast held me by m
right hand; and by Thy wil
Thou hast conducted me, an<
with Thy glory Thou hast re
ceived me. Ps. ibid.:l. Hou
good is God to Israel, to ther
that are of a right heart! V
Glory be to the Father.

EUS, qui ad sectandas
GOD, who didst deign fc
give us blessed Francis a
Unigeniti tui vias bea
tum Franciscum ducem ac a leader and lawgiver in follow



raecept6rem nobis tribuere ing the paths of Thine onlyignitus es: concede propi begotten Son: mercifully grant
us; ut, cujus h6die mem6- that we may be made worthy to
iam c61imus, ejus in caelis participate in his heavenly glory
16riae participes effici me- whose memory we celebrate to
eamur. Per eundem D6- day. Through the same Jesus
Commemoration is made of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli
Lesson from the Epistle of
Ap6stoli ad Gilatas.
blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Gal. 6:14-18
Gal. 6:14-18
^RATRES: Mihi autem abRETHREN: But God forbid
1 sit gloriari, nisi in cruce
that I should glory, save in
)6mini nostri Jesu Christi: the cross of our Lord Jesus
r quem mihi mundus cru- Christ: by whom the world is
ifixus est, et ego mundo. In crucified to me, and I to the
Christo enim Jesu neque cir- world. For in Christ Jesus
umcisio iliquid valet, neque neither circumcision a v a i l e t h
iraeputium, sed nova creatu- anything, nor uncircumcision,
a. Et quicumque hanc re but a new creature. And who
giam secuti fuerint, pax soever shall follow this rule,
uper illos et miseric6rdia, peace on them, and mercy, and
:t super Israel Dei. De ce- upon the Israel of God. From
ero nemo mihi molestus henceforth let no man be trou
it: ego enim stigmata D6- blesome to me; for I bear the
lini Jesu in c6rpore meo marks of the Lord Jesus in my
orto. Gritia Domini no- body. The grace of our Lord
tri Jesu Christi cum spiritu Jesus Christ be with your spirit,
brethren. Amen.
estro, fratres. Amen.
Graduate. Ps. 72:25,26
Gradual. Ps. 72:25, 26
Quid mihi est in caelo?
What have I in heaven? and
t a te quid v6Iui super ter besides Thee what do I desire
am ? V. Defecit caro mea upon earth ? V. For Thee my
t cor meum: Deus cordis flesh and my heart hath fainted
lei, et pars mea Deus in away: Thou art the God of my
heart, and the God that is my
portion for ever.
Alleluja, a l l e l u j a . V.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Francis,
'ranciscus pauper et humilis, poor and humble, entereth rich
aelum dives i n g r e d i t u r , into heaven, and is honored
aelestibus honoritur. Alle- with celestial hymns. Alleluia.



Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 11:25-30
N ILLO tempore: Resp6ndens Jesus, dixit: Confi
teor tibi, Pater, Domine caeli
et terrae, quia abscondisti
haec a sapientibus et pruden
tibus, et revelasti ea parvulis.
Ita, Pater: quoniam sic fuit
placitum ante te. Omnia
mihi tradita sunt a Patre
meo. Et nemo novit Filium,
nisi Pater: neque Patrem
quis novit, nisi Filius, et cui
voluerit Filius revelare. Ve
nite ad me, omnes qui labo
ratis, et onerati estis, et ego
reficiam vos. T611ite jugum
meum super vos, et discite a
me quia mitis sum, et hu
milis corde: et invenietis re
quiem animabus vestris. Ju
gum enim meum suave est,
et onus meum leve.

Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 11:25-30
T THAT time: Jesus ai
L swered and said: I confe:
to Thee, O Father, Lord (
heaven and earth, because Tho
hast hid these things from th
wise and prudent, and hast r<
vealed them to little ones. Ye<
Father: for so hath it seeme
good in Thy sight. All thinf
are delivered to Me by My Fs
ther. And no one knoweth th
Son, but the Father: neitht
doth any one know the Fathe
but the Son, and he to whom
shall please the Son to reve;
Him. Come to Me, all you thi
labor and are burdened, and
will refresh you. Take up M
yoke upon you, and learn o
Me, because I am meek, an
humble of heart: and you shal
find rest to your souls. For M
yoke is sweet and My burde

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Ps. 29:12
Offertory. Ps. 29:12
Thou hast turned my mourr
Convertisti, D6mine, planc
tum meum in gaudium mihi: ing into joy for me, O Lord
conscidisti saccum meum et Thou hast cut my sackcloth, an
hast compassed me with glac
circumdedisti me laetitia.
ECEIVE, O Lord, the ho:
tJSCIPE, D6mine, laudis
of praise which we offt
hostiam, quam in hon6rem beati Patris nostri Fran- to Thy majesty in honor of ou
clsci tuae offerimus majestati: blessed Father Francis, an
et per eam nosmetlpsos tibi through it make of us an eterna
perfice munus aeternum. Per sacrifice for Thee. Through ou



Commemoration as above.
Preface of our Holy Father Francis.
Communio. Job 22:28, 29
In viis tuis splendebit lunen; qui enim humiliatus
ierit, erit in gl6ria.
^ ACRO pro munere tibi,
J D6mine, gratias agentes,
uaesumus: ut, interced&ite
ieato Patre nostro Francisco,
ujus gaudemus triumphis,
piritualibus p r o f i c i a m u s
uxlliis. Per D6minum.

Communion. Job 22:28, 29

Light shall shine in thy ways;
for he that hath been humbled
shall be in glory.
IVING Thee thanks, O
Lord, for the sacred gift,
we beseech Thee that through
the intercession of our blessed
Father Francis, in whose tri
umph we rejoice, we may ad
vance in spiritual aids. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration as above.
Last Gospel from the Mass of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
J u l y 21


Widow, of the Third Order
A ngelina was the daughter of the D uke of M arsciano. As a child
f twelve she resolved to enter the cloister, but when she reached the
ge of fifteen she m arried in obedience to the wish of her father,
ifter the death of her husband tw o years later, A ngelina joined the
Tiird O rder and soon gathered around her a group of young women
'ho engaged in ministering to the spiritual and m aterial needs of
thers. She was bitterly opposed by many, and forced w ith her comanions to leave the Kingdom of N aples. She went to Foligno, where
tie founded the first community w ith solemn vows according to the
iile of the T h ird O rder. She died in 1435.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in the

econd place, with the following:
GOD, who didst adorn
-\E U S , qui beatam Angellblessed Angelina with the
nam eximiae humilitatis
t carititis dono decorasti: gift of deep humility and char
oncede propitius; ut, ejus ity: mercifully grant that, imi
x e m p 1a sectantes,' aeterna tating her example, we may ob
audia consequimur. Per tain everlasting joys. Through
our Lord.



Commemoration of the Octave Day of St. Bonaventure, c

in the following Mass; and of St. Praxedes, Virgin.
(3STIA, D6mine, quam
AY the host, O Lor<
tibi in hon6rem beatae
which we offer Thee i
Angelins offerimus, ad puri honor of blessed Angelina ris
tatem impetrandam, in odo unto Thee as an odor of swee
rem suavitatis ascendat. Per ness to obtain purity for u
Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.

j^ELESTI alimonia re
fecti, te, D6mine, de
precamur: ut beatae Angelinae precibus caritatem conse
cuti, te super 6mnia toto
corde et mente diligamus.
Per D6minum.

EFRESHED with heavenl
nourishment, we beseec
Thee, O Lord, that obtainin
charity through the intercessio
of blessed Angelina, we ma
love Thee above all things, witi
our whole heart and soul
Through our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
O n t h e S am e D a y , J u l y 21


Mass as on the Feast of St. Bonaventure, July 14, with th
EUS, qui sanctum Bonaventuram Confessorem
atque Pontificem, Eccfesias
Doct6rem Seraphicum tribui
sti: concede; nos et ejus eruditi6ne proficere, et tuae ca
ritatis igne succendi. (Per
T NCRUfiNTUM Filii tui
sacrificium offerentes, te
suppliciter exoramus, omni
potens Deus: ut, sicut Pas-

GOD, who didst give t
the Church the Seraphi
Doctor St. Bonaventure, Con
fessor and Pontiff: grant u
both to profit by his learnin
and to be enkindled with th
fire of Thy charity. (Throug!
our Lord.)
FFERING the unbloody sa<
rifice of Thy Son, we hum
bly beseech Thee, O almight
God, that as constant meditatioi


;i6nis ejus jugis meditatio

ntell&rtum sancti BonaventuPontificis erudivit; ita
nentes et corda nostra igne
aritatis inflammet. (Per eun
dem D6minum.) '
BLATA tibi, D6mine, in
solemnitate sancti Bona/enturae Doct6ris h6stia sua/issima spiritum nobis tux
Jilecti6nis infundat: ut, ejus
niritis et exemplo, te in
Omnibus et super 6mnia dilijintes, ad perf&tse caritatis
natriam pervenire valeamus.
(Per Dominum.)


on His Passion did enlighten

the intellect of St. Bonaventure,
Thy Pontiff, so it may inflame
our souls and hearts with the
fire of charity. (Through the
same Jesus Christ.)
AY the most sweet Host
which we have offered
Thee, O Lord, on the solemnity
of St. Bonaventure the Doctor,
pour out upon us the spirit of
Thy love, that, through his
merits and example, loving
Thee in all things and above all
things, we may reach the home
of perfect charity. (Through our

J u l y 23


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
St. Lawrence was born at Brindisi in 1559, and at the age of
ixteen entered the Capuchin Order. He distinguished himself by his
treat virtue and also by his w ide le a rn in g ; his command of foreign
anguages was especially remarkable. H is labors as a missionary were
ibundantly fruitful. W ith Blessed Benedict of U rbino he established
he Capucnin O rder in Germany to check the inroads of Lutheranism.
*7hen the C hristian armies of Europe w ent to H ungary to w ithstand
he invading Turks Lawrence was appointed ranking chaplain, and it
ras largely through his exhortations and his faith in G od th at the
Christians won the victory. H e filled the office of Vicar G eneral of
lis O rder, and after his term expired was frequently employed by
he Holy See in missions of peace and mercy. He died in 1 6 1 9 while
ngaged in restoring peace between w arring factions.

Introitus. Eccli. 42:15, 16

> 6pera ejus: sol illuminans
>er 6mnia respixit, et gl6ria
Domini plenum est opus
jus. Ps. 67:2. Exsurgat
jeus, et dissipantur inimici
jus, et fugiant qui odirunt

lntroit. Eccli. 42:15,16

Y THE words of the Lord
are his works: the sun giv
ing light hath looked upon all
things, and full of the glory of
the Lord is his work. Ps. 67:2.
Let God arise and let His ene
mies be scattered; and let them



eum a facie ejus. V. Gloria that hate Him flee from befon
His face. V. Glory be to the
EUS, qui, ad ardua quae
GOD, who didst grant t(
blessed Lawrence, Thj
que pro n6minis tui
gl6ria et animarum salute, Confessor, the spirit of counse
beato Laurentio Confessori and fortitude for carrying ou
tuo spiritum consilii et forti every kind of difficult thing tc
tudinis contulisti: da nobis the glory of Thy name and the
in e6dem spiritu et agenda salvation of souls: grant us ir
cognoscere; et c6gnita, ejus the same spirit to know what i:
intercessi6ne, perficere. Per to be done, and through his in
tercession, to accomplish whal
D6 minum.
we know. Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made of St. Apollinaris, Bishop and

Martyr; and of St. Liborius, Bishop and Confessor.
If today is Saturday, commemoration is made of the antici
pated Vigil of St. James, and the Gospel is read from the
Vigil at the end of Mass. The commemoration is made of St.
Liborius, with the Oration Exaudi, from the Mass Sacerdotes
tui, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pontiff, in tht
second place.
Lectio Epistolae bedti Pauli
Ap6stoli ad Corinthios.
2 Cor. 5:14-21
RATRES: Caritas Christi
urget nos: aestimantes hoc,
qu6niam si unus pro 6mnibus m6rtuus est, ergo omnes
m6rtui sunt: et pro 6mnibus
m6rtuus est Christus: ut, et
qui vivunt, jam non sibi vi
vant, sed ei, qui pro ipsis
mortuus est et resurrexit.
Itaque nos ex hoc neminem
n6vimus secundum carnem.
Et si cogn6vimus secundum
carnem Christum: sed nunc
jam non n6vimus. Si qua
ergo in Christo nova creatu-

Lesson from the Epistle of

blessed Paul the Apostle
to the Corinthians.
2 Cor. 5:14-21
RETHREN: The charity ol
Christ presseth us: judging
this, that if one died for all,
then all were dead: and Chrisl
died for all: that they also who
live may not now live to them
selves, but unto Him who died
for them, and rose again
Wherefore, henceforth we know
no man according to the flesh,
And if we have known Chrisl
according to the flesh, but now
we know Him so no longer. I!
then any be in Christ a new
creature, the old things arc



ra, vetera transierunt: ecce

facta s u n t 6 mn i a n o v a .
Omnia autem ex Deo, qui
nos reconciliavit sibi per
Christum: et dedit nobis
ministerium reconciliati6nis.
Qu6niam quidem Deus erat
in Christo mundum reconci
lians sibi, non reputans illis
delicta ips6rum; et p6suit in
nobis verbum reconciliati6nis. Pro Christo ergo Iegati6ne fungimur, tamquam
Deo exhortante per nos. Ob
secramus pro Christo, recon
ciliamini Deo. Eum, qui non
n6verat peccatum, pro nobis
peccatum fecit, ut nos effi
ceremur justitia Dei in ipso.

passed away: behold, all things

are made new. But all things
are of God, who hath reconciled
us to Himself by Christ: and
hath given to us the ministry of
reconciliation. For God indeed
was in Christ, reconciling the
world to Himself, not imputing
to them their sins; and He hath
placed in us the word of recon
ciliation. For Christ therefore
we are ambassadors, God as it
were exhorting by us. For
Christ, we beseech you, be
reconciled to God. Him who
knew no sin, He hath made sin
for us, that we might be made
the justice of God in Him.

Graduale. Exod. 15:2,3

Fortitudo mea et laus mea
D6minus, et factus est mihi
in salutem: iste Deus meus,
et glorificabo eum. V. D6minus quasi vir pugnator,
Omnipotens nomen ejus.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.
46:6. Invocavit Altissimum
potentem in oppugnando ini
micos undique, et audivit
illum magnus et sanctus
Deus. Alleluja.
Hh Sequentia sancti Evangeiii
secundum Lucam.
Luc. 9:1-6
N ILLO tempore: Convo
catis Jesus du6decim Ap6stolis, dedit illis virtutem, et
potestatem super 6mnia daem6nia, et ut langu6res cura
rent. Et misit illos praedicare
regnum Dei, et 'sanare inffr-

Gradual. Exod. 15:2,3

The Lord is my strength and
my praise, and He is become
salvation to me: He is my God,
and I will glorify Him. V. The
Lord is as a man of war, Al
mighty is His name.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Eccli.
46:6. He called upon the most
high Sovereign when the ene
mies assaulted him on every
side, and the great and holy
God heard him. Alleluia.
Continuation of the holy
Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 9:1-6
T THAT time: Calling together the twelve Apostles,
Jesus gave them power and
authority over all devils, and to
cure diseases. And He sent
them to preach the kingdom of
God, and to heal the sick. And



mos. Et ait ad illos: Nihil

tuleritis in via, neque vir
gam, neque peram, neque
panem, n e q u e pecuniam;
neque duas tunicas habeatis.
Et in quamcumque domum
intraveritis, ibi manete, et
inde ne exeatis. Et quicum
que non receperint vos:
exeuntes de civitate illa,
etiam pulverem pedum vestr6rum excutite in testimo
nium supra illos. Egressi
autem circuibant per ca
stella, evangelizantes, et cu
rantes ubique.
Offertorium. Is. 49:2
Posuit os meum quasi gla
dium acutum, in umbra ma
nus suae protexit me, et p6suit me s i c u t s a g i t t a m
AD CAELESTE convivium
fac nos, Deus, salutari
bus poenitentiae lacrimis di
gnos accedere: quod beato
Laurentio vitae candor sua
vissimum efficiebat. Per D6minum.

he said to them: Take nothing

for your journey; neither staff,
nor scrip, nor bread, nor money;
neither have two coats. And
whatsoever house you shall en
ter into, abide there, and depart
not from thence. And whoso
ever will not receive you, when
you go out of that city, shake
off even the dust of your feet,
for a testimony against them.
And going out, they went about
through the towns, preaching
the Gospel and healing every
Offertory. Is. 49:2
He hath made my mouth like
a sharp sword, in the shadow
of His hand He hath protected
me, and hath made me as a
chosen arrow.
AKE us worthy, O God,
through saving tears of
penance to approach that heav
enly banquet which the purity
of his life rendered so sweet to
blessed Lawrence. Through our

Commemorations as above.
Communion. Wisd. 8:11
Communio. Sap. 8:11
shall be admired in the
In conspectu potentium
admirabilis ero, et facies sight of the mighty,' and the
principum mirabuntur me. faces of princes shall wonder
at me.
AY we be filled with the
i v i n i t a t i s tu i, D6everlasting enjoyment of
mine, sempiterna fruiti6ne satiemur; quam beatus Thy Divinity, O Lord, of which



Laurentius in sacro altaris blessed Lawrence, in the sacred

mysterio praegustabat. Per mystery of the altar, had a fore
taste. Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
J u ly


Virgin, of the Second Order
Cunegundis was the daughter of K ing Bela IV of H ungary, and the
iece of St. Elizabeth. She lived in virginity w ith her husband Duke
Boleslaus of Cracow who later became kin:
of Poland. A fter his
death she renounced her titles, gave her weal i to the poor, and entered the convent of Poor Clares in Sandeck. She died in 1292.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatam CuneGOD, who didst forearm
gundem dulcedinis tuae
blessed Cunegundis with
benedictionibus praevenisti, the blessings of Thy sweetness,
ac virginem etiam in conju and preserve her a virgin even
gio conservasti: praesta, quae in the married state: grant, we
sumus, ut ipso intercedinte, beseech Thee, that through her
per v its puritatem tibi jugi intercession we may deserve
ter adhaerere: et per ejus ve ever to cling to Thee by purity
stigia gradientes, ad te per of life, and imitating her ex
venire feliciter mereamur. ample, happily to attain to
Per D6minum.
Thee. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of the Vigil of St. James, Apostle;
and of St. Christina, Virgin and Martyr.
Last Gospel from the Mass of the Vigil.

J u ly



Virgin, of the Second Order
Mary M agdalen was born in Brescia of a noble line. She took the
habit of St. Clare at the convent of the Capuchin nuns and there
became an example o f a ll the C hristian virtues. She distinguished
herself especially through her love of penance, her hum ility and
obedience th e fru it of her frequent meditations on th e Passion of
C hrist and the M ost Blessed Sacrament. H er death occurred in 1737.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

place, with the following:





GOD, who in blessed

EUS, qui in beata MariaMary M a g d a l e n , Thy
Magdalena Virgine tua,
innocentiae et mortificati6nis Virgin, hast mercifully given an
exemplum miseric6rditer tri example of innocence and mor
buisti: concede ut, abjectis tification: grant that, laying
saecularibus desideriis, per aside worldly desires, we may
veritatis ac justitiae semitas happily come to Thee through
ad te feliciter veniamus. Per the paths of truth and justice.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Pantaleon, Martyr.
LLO nos igne, quasumus,
AY the Holy Spirit, we be
Domine, Spiritus Sanctus
seech Thee, O Lord, in
inflammet, quo beata Maria- flame us with that fire with
Magdalena indesinenter fla which blessed Mary Magdalen;
gravit; ut ad tua preti6sa unceasingly burned; so that wei
mysteria digne ac fructu6se may worthily and fruitfully ap
accedamus. Qui vivis cum proach Thy precious mysteries.
Deo Patre in unitate ejusdem Who livest and reignest with
God the Father in unity with
Spiritus Sancti.
the same Holy Spirit.
Commemoration as above.
EFRESHED with heavenly
EFECTI, Domine, alimo
nourishment, we humbly
nia aelesti, te supplices
exoramus: ut, intercedente beseech Thee, O Lord, that
beata Maria-Magdalena, per t h r o u g h t h e intercession of
eius vestigia gradientes, gau blessed Mary Magdalen we may,
dia consequamur aeterna. Per walking in her footsteps, attain
eternal joys. Through our Lord.
Commemoration as above.

J u l y 30


Confessors, of the First Order
Influenced by the preaching of St. John Capistran, Simon, w hile a
student at the University of Cracow, left the w orld and became a
Franciscan. As a priest ne converted many through his preaching and
example. H e was noted for his spirit of prayer, m editation a n a pen-



mce. Poverty and charity were his outstanding virtues, and he died
n 1482 during a plague, a m artyr of charity.
Peter of M ogliano, a doctor at the University of Perugia, was also
ronverted through the power of a sermon, and entered the Franciscan
3rder. H e was noted for his learning and zeal for souls an d the
loliness of his life. H aving engaged m many labors for souls, and
illed many offices in the O rder, he died in 1490.
A rchangel, at first a herm it, left his hermitage at the command of
the Pope and entered the Franciscan O rder. H e was a zealous shep
herd of souls, a faithful observer of the Rule and an ardent pro
moter of the welfare of the Order. H e died a holy death in 1460.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Confessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the
second orations.
Commemoration is made of Sts. Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs.

A u g ust 2


(Double of the Second Class)
About half an h ours w alk from Assisi there was a dilapidated
rhapel called Portiuncula. Francis, after having rebuilt it, received it
is a gift from the Benedictines. This chapel became the cradle of
he three Franciscan O rders. It was the favorite church of St. Francis,
ind in 1216 he obtained^ for it the Portiuncula Indulgence from our
Divine Lord Himself. It is now covered over by a magnificent basilica,
ind by Papal decree it bears the title of " T h e H ead and M other of All
Churches of the Franciscan O rd er.

Introitus. Prov. 8 :34, 35

EATUS homo qui audit
me, et qui vigilat ad
:ores meas quotidie, et oblervat ad postes 6stii mei!
Jui me invenerit inveniet
fitam, et hauriet salutem a
D6mino. Ps. 44:2. Eructa'it cor meum verbum bonum,
lico ego opera mea Regi.
G16ria Patri.
EUS, qui per sanctissi
mam Genitricem tuam,
uper Angelorum choros exiltatam, hominibus dispensa-

Introit. Prov. 8 :34, 35

LESSED is the man that
heareth me, and that watcheth daily at my gates, and waiteth at the posts of my doors!
He that shall find me shall find
life, and shall have salvation
from the Lord. Ps. 44:2. My
heart hath uttered a good word,
I speak my works to the king.
V. Glory tie to the Father.
GOD, who didst will that
all good things be dis
pensed to mankind through Thy
most holy Mother, who hath


f r a n c is c a

ri bona cuncta voluisti: per

ipsam tribue nobis, de tibi
consecrata ejus /Ede memo
riam agintibus; ut nunc peccat6rum indulgentiam et gra
tiarum c6piam impetremus,
ac tandem beat6rum spiri
tuum cons6rtium et gaudium
caelestis mansidnis habeamus.
Qui vivis.


been exalted above the choir;

of angels: through her grant ui
who commemorate the dedica
tion to Thee of her sanctuary
that we may now obtain for
giveness for our sins and ai
abundance of graces, and on<
day have the companionship ol
the blessed spirits and the joj
of the heavenly dwelling. Whc
livest and reignest.

Commemoration is made c 1 St. Albhonsus Liguori, Bishop

Confessor and Doctor of th> Church; and of St. Stephen 1,
Pope and Martyr.
Lctio libri Sapientiae.
Eccli. 24:21-31
GO quasi Libanus non
incisus vaporavi habitati6nem meam, et quasi bal
samum non mistum odor
meus. Ego quasi terebinthus
extendi ramos meos, et rami
mei hon6ris et gratiae. Ego
qu:isi vitis fructificavi suavitiLem odoris; et flores mei
fructus hon6ris et honestatis.
Ego mater pulchrae dilecti6nis, et tim6ris, et agniti6nis,
et sanctse spei. In me gratia
omnis viae et veritatis: in me
omnis spes vita: et virtutis.
Transite ad me, omnes qui
concupiscitis me, et a generati6nibus meis implimini;
spiritus enim meus super
mei dulcis, et hereditas mea
super mei et favum. Memo
ria mea in generati6nes sa:cul6rum. Qui edunt me, ad
huc esurient; et qui bibunt
me, adhuc sitient. Qui audit
me, non confunditur; et qui

Lesson from the book of

Eccli. 24:21-31
PERFUMED my dwelling as
the frankincense not cut,
and my odor is as the purest
balm. I have stretched out my
branches as the turpentine tree,
and my branches are of honoi
and grace. As the vine I have
brought forth a pleasant odor;
and my flowers are the fruit ol
honor and riches. I am the
mother of fair love and of fear,
and of knowledge and of holy
hope. In me is all grace of the
way and of the truth, in me is
all hope of life and of virtue
Come over to me, all ye that de
sire me, and be filled with my
fruits; for my spirit is sweel
above honey, and my inheritance
above honey and the honey
comb. My memory is unto ever
lasting generations. They thal
eat me shall yet hunger; anc
they that drink me shall yei
thirst. He that hearkeneth tc
me shall not be confounded



operantur in me, non pecca- and they that work by me shall

junt: qui elucidant me, vi- not sin. They that explain me
:am aeternam habebunt.
shall have life everlasting.
Graduate. Prov. 8:20, 21
Gradual. Prov. 8:20,21
Ego in viis justitiae imbuI
walk in the way of justice,
lo, in m^dio semitarum judi in the midst of the paths of
cii, ut ditem diligentes me, judgment, that I may enrich
et thesauros e6rum repleam. them that love me, and may fill
V. Ezech. 37:26, 27. Funda their treasures. V. Ezech. 37:
bo eos et multiplicabo, et 26,27. I will establish them
dabo sanctificati6nem meam and will multiply them, and
in medio e6rum in perpe will set my sanctuary in the
tuum; et erit tabernaculum midst of them for ever; and
meum in eis.
my tabernacle shall be with
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Tob.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Tob. 13:
13:17. Tu autem laetaberis 17. But thou shalt rejoice in
in filiis tuis, qu6niam omnes thy children, because they shall
benedicentur, et congrega all be blessed, and shall be
buntur ad D6minum. Alle gathered together to the Lord.
In Votive Masses after Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the
following Verse are omitted, and the following is said:
Tractus. Luc. 1:46-50
Magnificat anima mea D6ninum, et exsultavit spiritus
neus in Deo, Salutari meo.
V. Quia respexit humilitaem ancillae suae, ecce enim
;x hoc beatam me dicent
>mnes generati6nes. V. Quia
ecit mihi magna qui potens
:st; et sanctum nomen ejus,
:t miseric6rdia ejus a progelie in progenies timentibus

Tract. Luke 1:46-50

My soul doth magnify the
Lord, and my spirit hath re
joiced in God my Saviour. V.
Because He hath regarded the
humility of His handmaid; for
behold, from henceforth all
generations shall call me blessed.
V. Because He that is mighty
hath done great things to me;
and holy is His name, and His
mercy is from generation unto
generations to them that fear

During Paschal Time the Gradual is omitted, and in its

lace is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Is. I Alleluia, alleluia. V .Is. 55:3.
i5:3. Inclinate aurem ve-1Incline your ear, and come to



stram, et venite ad me; au

dite, et vivet anima vestra.
Alleluja. V.Bar. 4:37. Ecce
veniunt filii tui collecti ab
Oriente usque ad Occiden
tem, in verbo Sancti, gau
dentes in hon6rem Dei. Al

me; hear and your soul shall

live. Alleluia. V.Bar. 4:37
Behold, thy children come gath
ered together from the east even
to the west, at the word of the
Holy One rejoicing for the
honor of God. Alleluia.

f* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 1:26-38
N ILLO tempore: Missus
est Angelus Gabriel a
Deo in civitatem Galilaeae,
cui nomen Nazareth, ad Vir
ginem desponsatam viro, cui
nomen erat Joseph, de domo
David, et nomen Virginis
Maria. Et ingressus Angelus
ad eam, dixit: Ave, gratia
plena; D6minus tecum; be
nedicta tu in mulieribus.
Quae cum audisset, turbata
est in serm6ne ejus, et cogi
tabat qualis esset ista salu
tatio. Et ait Angelus ei: Ne
timeas, Maria; i n v e n i s t i
enim gratiam apud Deum:
ecce concipies in utero, et
paries filium, et vocabis no
men ejus Jesum. Hic erit
magnus, et Filius Altissimi
vocabitur, et dabit illi D6minus Deus sedem David
patris ejus; et regnabit in
domo Jacob in aeternum, et
regni ejus non erit finis.
Dixit autem Maria ad Ange
lum: Qudmodo fiet istud,
qu6niam virum non cogn6sco? Et resp6ndens Angelus
dixit ei: Spiritus Sanctus
superveniet in te, et virtus

4" Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 1:26-38
T THAT time: The Angel
Gabriel was sent from God
into a city of Galilee called
Nazareth, to a Virgin espoused
to a man whose name was
Joseph, of the house of David;
and the Virgins name was
Mary. And the Angel being
come in, said unto her: Hail,
full of grace, the Lord is with
thee; blessed art thou among
women. Who, having heard,
was troubled at his saying, and
thought with herself what man
ner of salutation this should be.
And the Angel said to her:
Fear not, Mary, for thou hast
found grace with God. Behold,
thou shalt conceive in thy
womb, and shalt bring forth a
Son, and thou shalt call His
name Jesus. He shall be great,
and shall be called the Son oi
the Most High, and the Lord
God shall give unto Him the
throne of David, His father:
and He shall reign in the houst
of Jacob for ever, and of Hi:
kingdom there shall be no end
And Mary said to the Angel:
How shall this be done, becausf
I know not man? And the An


Altissimi obumbrabit tibi.

Ide6que et quod nascitur ex
te Sanctum, vocabitur Filius
Dei. Et ecce Elisabeth, co
gnata tua, et ipsa concipit
filium in senectute sua; et
hic mensis sextus est illi,
quae vocatur stirilis; quia
non erit impossibile apud
Deum omne verbum. Dixit
autem Maria: Ecce ancilla
D6mini, fiat mihi secundum
verbum tuum.


gel answering, said to her: The

Holy Ghost shall come upon
thee, and the power of the Most
High shall overshadow thee.
And therefore also the Holy
which shall be born of thee
shall be called the Son of God.
And behold, thy cousin Eliza
beth, she also hath conceived a
son in her old age; and this is
the sixth month with her that
is called barren; because no
word shall be impossible with
God. And Mary said: Behold
the handmaid of the Lord; be
it done to me according to thy

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Jud. 13:31
Benedicta tu a Deo tuo in
omni tabernaculo Jacob! qu6niam in omni gente qua;
audierit nomen tuum, magni
ficabitur super te Deus Israel.

Offertory. ]ud. 13:31

Blessed art thou by thy God
in every tabernacle of Jacob, for
in every nation which shall hear
thy name the God of Israel shall
be magnified on occasion of

UNERA devoti6nis no
strae, Domine, qua, re
censentes dicatam tibi beatae
Marlas Virginis /Edem, lae
tanter offirimus: accedintibus ipsius Virginis miritis,
nobis et inc6mmoda nostrae
infirmitatis am6veant, ac lar
gius dona tuae virtutis impindant. Per D6minum.

AY the gifts of our devo
tion, O Lord, which we
joyfully offer to Thee, com
memorating the dedication to
Thee of the sanctuary of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, through
the merits of the same Virgin
remove from us the weaknesses
of our infirmity a n d mo r e
abundantly impart to us the
gifts of Thy strength. Through
our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
Preface of the Blessed Vir, in Mary, et te in Festivitate.



Communio. Luc. 1:28

Ave, Marla, gratia plena;
D6minus tecum; benedicta
tu in mulieribus, alleluja.
e c o l e n t i b u s , D6mine, consecratam tibi
beatae Mari* Virginis /Edem
prosit caeleste convivium: ut,
ejusdem Virginis ope, di
gnius immensam in nos Filii
tui miseric6rdiam celebre
mus, et dilecti6nem erga eum
perpetuam nutriamus. Qui

Communion. Luke 1:28

Hail Mary, full of grace; the
Lord is with thee; blessed art
thou among women, alleluia.
AY the heavenly banquet
be beneficial, O Lord, to
us who commemorate the dedi
cation to Thee of the sanctuary
of the most Blessed Virgin
Mary; that through the help of
this most holy Virgin we may
the more worthily celebrate the
great mercy of Thy Son toward
us, and nourish an enduring
love for Him. Who with Thee
liveth and reigneth.

Commemorations as above.
A u g u st 4


Founder of the Order of Friar Preachers, Confessor
(Double of the First Class)
Dominic, born in Spain in 1170, was at first a secular priest, then
a Canon of Osma. About the time th at St. Francis was establishing
his O rder, he founded the O rder of Friar Preachers to combat the
Albigensian heresy in France. H e was noted for the spotless purity of
his life, his wisdom and his w ide learning, and he was second to
none in devotion to the Blessed V irgin M ary. St. Dominic was a per
sonal friend and adm irer of St. Francis, and the ancient friendship
between the two founders is perpetuated by their O rders. H e died
August 6, 1221, and was canonized in 1234.

Mass In medio, from the Common of a Doctor, with the

EUS, qui Ecclesiam tuam
beati Dominici Confess6ris tui, Patris nostri, illu
minare dignatus es meritis et
doctrinis: concede; ut, ejus
intercessi6ne, temporalibus
non destituatur auxiliis, et

GOD, who hast vouch
safed to m a k e T h y
Church illustrious by the merits
and teaching of blessed Domi
nic, Thy Confessor, our Father:
grant that through his interces
sion she may not be deprived of



spiritualibus semper proficiat temporal succor, and may have

incrementis. Per Dominum. continual increase of spiritual
favors. Through our Lord.
Graduate. Ps. 36:30,31
Gradual. Ps. 36:30, 31
Os justi meditabitur sa
The mouth of the just shall
pientiam, et lingua ejus lo m e d i t a t e wisdom: and his
quitur judicium. V. Lex Dei tongue shall speak judgment.
ejus in corde ipsius, et non V. The law of his God is in his
supplantabuntur gressus ejus. heart, and his steps shall not be
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Pie
Alleluia, alleluia. V. O kind
Pater Dominice, tu6rum me ly Father Dominic, mindful of
mor 6perum, sta coram sum thy works, stand before the face
mo Judice pro tuo ccetu of the most high Judge for thy
group of poor ones.
To be omitted in Votive Masses
TN CELfiSTI Hierarchta
ID the hierarchies of heav
L Nova sonet harmonia,
Novo ducta cantico;
Now new hymns of praise are
Forth in sounds of sweet accord.

Cui conc6rdet in hac via

Nostri chori melodia,
Congaudens Dominico.

With our songs of love so

Unto Dominic they render
Praise; new glory they afford.

Ex ^gypto vastitatis
Virum sus voluntatis
Vocat auctor saeculi.

God, the Maker of all na

Called from Egypts desolations
By His will the holy man.

In fiscilla paupertatis
Flumen transit vanitatis,
Pro salute p<5puli.

Poverty his ship he maketh;

Oer the river, lo! it taketh
Him; the vain world doth it

In figura catuli
Praedicator saeculi
Matri praemonstratur.

Eer his birth, the Preacher

Was prefigured to his mother
By a dog with torch of fire.



Portans ore faculam,.

Ad am6ris regulam
P6pulos hortatur.

Thus the saint, his torchlight

'Mid the nations so despairing,
Kindles them with loves desire.

Hic est novus Legislator,

Hic Elias aemulator,
Et detestans crimina.

He, the new lawgiver, teacheth.

And Elias-like he preacheth,
Sin denouncing with his might;

Samson-like, his foxes send

Vulpes dissipat Samsonis,
Et in tuba Gede6nis
Gideon-like, his trumpet rend
Hostis fugat agmina.
Mankinds foemen in the fight.
A defunctis revocatum
Matri vivum reddit natum,
Vivens adhuc c6rpore.

When the Holy Sign he maketh,

From deaths sleep a child he
Whom the mother, joyful, takes.

Signo crucis imber cedit,

Turba Fratrum panem edit,
Missum Dei munere.

Floods now cease, and bread

from heaven
For his fainting sons is given,
Which into their hands he

Felix, per quem gaudia,

Tota jam Ecclesia
Sumens, exaltatur.

Happy he, whose elevation

Is the Churchs exaltation
And her joy and weal indeed.

Orbem replet semine,

In cael6rum agmine
Tandem collocatur.

To his heavenly home at

By the saints, he hath ascended
From the earth he filled with

Jacet granum occultatum,

Sidus latet obumbratum;
Sed plasmator 6mnium

Like the hidden grain he

Like the clouded star he hideth;
But the Maker of the spheres,


Ossa Joseph pullulare,

Sidus iubet radiare
In salutem gentium.


Josephs dry bones readorning,

Hath revealed the star of morn
To the people it appears.

quam probat carnis

O celestial fragrance, telling
That such virtues once were
Omnem superans od6rem,
In the dust the tomb doth hold!
Tumuli fragrantia!
.i^Egri currunt, et curantur
Caeci, claudi reparantur
Virtutum frequentia.

Thither come the flock for

Blind and lame and sick, reveal
Grace and powers manifold.

Laudes ergo Dominico

Personamus mirifico
Voce plena:

Therefore now, with jubila

Bless and praise him, every na
Cry aloud, and beg his care;

Clama, petens suffragia,

Ejus sequens vestigia,
Plebs egna.

Sing St. Dominic the glori

Sing St. Dominic victorious;
Ask his help with loving prayer.

Et tu Pater pie, bone

Pastor gregis et patr6ne,
Prece semper sedula,

And thou, Father kind and

Shepherd, patron, hear us ever;
Plead, for us before God's

Apud curiam summi Re

Derelicti vices gregis
C o m m l n d a per saecula.
Amen. Alleluja.

Make thy voice, with God

Help us, for all grace availing,
Lead us to our heavenly home.
Amen. Alleluia.

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Ps. 20:3,4
Offertory. Ps. 20:3,4
Desiderium animae ejus
Thou hast given him his
tribuisti ei, D6mine, et vo- souls desire, O Lord, and hast.



luntate labiorum ejus non

fraudasti eum: posuisti in
capite ejus cor6nam de la
pide preti6so.

not withholden from him the

will of his lips; Thou hast set
on his head a crown of precious

UNERA tibi, D6mine,
dicata sanctifica: et,
meritis beati Dominici Con
fessoris tui, Patris nostri,
nobis proficiant ad medelam.
Per D6minum.

Lord, the gifts
offered Thee; and through
the merits of blessed Dominic,
Thy Confessor, our Father, may
they avail us for a healing
remedy. Through our Lord.

allow , o

The Preface of our Holy

Prcefatio Sancti Patris Nostri
Father Dominic
World without
Per omnia saecula saecul6
R. Amen.
R. Amen.
V. The Lord be with you.
V. Dominus vobiscum.
R. And with thy spirit.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
V. Lift up your hearts.
V. Sursum corda.
R. We have lifted them up
R. Habemus ad D6miunto the Lord.
V. Let us give thanks to the
V. Gratias agamus Do
Lord our God.
mino Deo nostro.
R. Dignum et justum est.
R. It is meet and just.
dignum et justum T IS truly meet and just, fit
est, aequum et salutare, I ting and availing unto salva
nos tibi semper, et ubique
gratias agere, Domine sancte,
P a t e r omnipotens, aeterne
Deus: qui in tuae sanctae Ec
clesiae dec6rem ac tutamen
apost61icam vivendi formam
per beatissimum Patriarcham
Dominicum renovare volui
sti. Ipse enim, Genitricis
Filii tui semper ope sufful
tus, praedicati6ne sua compe
scuit haereses, fidei pugiles
gentium in salutem instituit,
et innumeras animas Christo
lucrifecit. Sapientiam ejus

tion, that we should always and

everywhere give thanks unto
Thee, O holy Lord, Father al
mighty, eternal God: who didst
will for the glory and protec
tion of Thy Church to restore
the Apostolic w ay o f l i f e
through the most blessed Patri
arch, Dominic. For he, ever
strengthened by the help of the
Mother of Thy Son, hath put
down heresies by his preaching,
hath established warriors of the
Faith for the salvation of the
nations, and hath won souls be-


narrant populi, e j u s q u e
laudes nuntiat Ecclesia. Et
ideo cum Angelis et Archangelis, cum Thronis et Dominati6nibus, cumque omni
m i l i t i a caelastis exercitus,
hymnum gl6riae tuae canimus,
sine fine dicantes:
, quaesumus,
omnipotens Deus: ut,
qui peccat6rum nostr6rum
p6ndere premimur, beati Do
minici Confess6ris tui, Pa
tris nostri, patrocinio sublevimur. Per Dominum.
o n ced e

18 5

yond number for Christ. The

peoples declare his wisdom, and
the Church shows forth his
praises. And therefore, with the
Angels and Archangels, with the
Thrones and Dominations, with
all the heavenly hosts, we sing
a hymn to Thy glory, saying
without ceasing:
RANT, we beseech Thee, O
almighty God, that we,
who are weighed down by the
burden of our sins, may be
lifted up by the intercession of
blessed Dominic, Thy Confes
sor, our Father. Through our

A ug u st 7


Martyrs, of the First Order
A gathangelus was bora at Vendome in 1598, and Cassian a t N antes
in 1607. a Both entered the Capuchin O rder, and after completing
their studies, were sent to the A frican missions. They met in Cairo,
and having labored there for a number o f years, out of a desire to
help the schismatic Copts return to the C hurch, they journeyed to
Abyssinia. Scarcely h a d they begun their work when they were cast
into prison (1 6 3 8 ). They were tortured repeatedly, urged w ith physi
cal violence to renounce their faith, and finally hanged w ith their
own cords.

Mass Salus autem, from the Common of Many Martyrs,

in the third place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatis Agathangelo et Cassiano, tuo
am6re succensis, sanguinem
pro fide effundere tribuisti:
concide propitius; ut, ipsis
intercedentibus, sic contra

GOD, who having en
kindled blessed Agathan
gelus and Cassian with love for
Thee, and didst grant them to
shed their blood for the Faith:
mercifully grant that, through



hostes animae dimicamus in

terris, ut a te coronari
mereamur in caelis. Per D6minum.

their intercession, we may sc

fight against the enemies of oui
soul on earth that we may deserve to be crowned by Thee ir
heaven. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Cajetan, Confessor; and of
St. Donatus, Bishop and Martyr.
Graduate. Ps. 33:18, 19
Clamaverunt justi, et D6minus exaudivit eos, et ex
6mnibus tribulati6nibus e6rum liberavit eos. V. Juxta
est D6minus his qui tribu
lato sunt corde: humiles spi
ritu salvabit.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crimina: Christum se
cuta est, inclyta tenens regna
caelestia. Alleluja.
IAT tibi, Domine, haec
hostia placabilis beat6rum
Agathangeli et Cassiani com
memoratione martyrii: per
quam et maculas cordis no
stri clementer abstergas, et
vota depr6mpta suscipias.
Per D6minum.

Gradual. Ps. 33:18, 19

The just cried and the Lord
heard them, and delivered them
out of all their troubles. V. The
Lord is nigh unto them that are
of a contrite heart, and He will
save the humble of spirit.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is
true brotherhood, which conquereth the crimes of the world:
it hath followed after Christ,
holding the glorious kingdom of
A / AY this host in commemoration of the martyrdom
of blessed Agathangelus and
Cassian become acceptable to
Thee, O Lord; and through it
do Thou wash away all stain
from our hearts and receive our
proffered prayers. Through our

Commemorations as above.
ENSA caelastis, D<5mine,
vivificet nos semper et
muniat: quae beatos Agathangelum et Cassianum jugiter
aluit ad victoriam. Per D6minum.
Commemorations as above.

AY this heavenly table, O
Lord, whi c h constantly
nourished blessed Agathangelus
and Cassian to victory, ever en
liven and protect us. Through
our Lord.



A ug u st 9


Confessor, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
St. John Mary Vianney, better known as the Cur6 of Ars, was born
in D ardilly, near Lyons, France, on M ay 8, 1786. From his earliest
childhood he evinced singular p ety, and cherished an ardent desire
to become a priest. A lthough he possessed but mediocre talents, his
diligence and piety overcame all obstacles and he was finally or
dained. A few years afterw ard he was appointed Cure of the parish
of Ars, w hich a t th at time was known for its indifference to the
Faith. Soon, however, under his spiritual care it became a center of
fervor and divine charity, and immense crowds were draw n from all
parts to this little village on account of his saintly ministry. As a
member of the T h ird O rder, h e was a glorious example of the true
Franciscan spirit o f' poverty, humility and charity. H e died in 1859,
and Pope Pius X I canonized him in 1925.

Introitus. Gal. 6:14

Introit. Gal. 6:14
IHI absit gloriari, nisi
OD forbid that I should
in cruce D6mini nostri
glory, save in the cross of
Jesu Christi, per quem mihi our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom
mundus crucifixus est, et ego the world is crucified to me and
mundo. Ps. 30:2. In te, I to the world. Ps. 30:2. In
D6mine, speravi, non con Thee O Lord, have I hoped, let
fundar in sternum: in justi me never be confounded: de
tia tua libera me. V. G16ria liver me in Thy justice. V.
Glory be to the Father.
m n ip o t e n s et mise
l m i g h t y and merciful
ricors Deus, qui beatum
God, who didst distinguish
Joannem - M a r i a m pastorali blessed John Mary with pastoral
studio et jugi orationis ac zeal and unflagging ardor for
poenitentiae ard6re mirabilem prayer and penance: grant, we
effecisti: da, quaesumus, ut beseech Thee, that by his exam
ejus exmplo et interces- ple and intercession we may be
si6ne; animas fratrum lucra able to gain the souls of our
ri Christo, et cum eis aster brethren for Christ, and with
nam gl6riam c6nsequi valea them attain to everlasting glory.
mus. Per eundem D6minum. Through the same Jesus Christ.
Commemoration is made of the Vigil of St. Lawrence, Mar
tyr; and of St. Romanus, Martyr.



Ezech. 33:7, 10-12

T TU, fili h6minis, specu
latorem dedi te domui
Israel; audiens ergo ex ore
meo sermdnem, annuntiabis
eis ex me. Tu ergo, fili h6minis, dic ad domum Israel:
Sic locuti estis, dicintes:
Iniquitates nostra: et peccata
nostra super nos sunt, et in
ipsis nos tabescimus: qu6modo ergo vlvere potirimus ?
Dic ad eos: Vivo ego, dicit
Ddminus Deus, nolo mortem
impii, sed ut convertatur Im
pius a via sua, et vivat. Con
vertimini, convertimini a viis
vestris pissimis; et quare
moriemini, domus Israel ? Tu
itaque, fili hdminis, dic ad
filios p6puli tui: Impletas
Impii non nocebit ei, in qua
cumque die convirsus fuerit
ab impietate sua.

Lesson from Ezechiel the

Ezech. 33:7,10-12
O THOU, O son of man, ]
have made thee a watch
man to the house of Israel
therefore thou shalt hear thf
word from My mouth, and shalt
tell it them from Me. Thot
therefore, O son of man, say tc
the house of Israel: Thus yoi
have spoken, saying: Our iniqui
ties and our sins are upon us,
and we pine away in them;
how then can we live? Say tq
them: As I live, saith the Lord
God, I desire not the death of
the wicked, but that the wicked
turn from his way and live.
Turn ye, turn ye from your evil
ways: and why will you die, O
house of Israel? Thou, there
fore, O son of man, say to the
children of thy people: The
wickedness of the wicked shall
not hurt him, in what day so
ever he shall turn from his

Graduale. Ps. 44:2

Gradual. Ps. 44:2

L6ctio Ezechiolis Prophetae.

My heart hath uttered a good

Eructivit cor meum verbum
bonum: dico ego 6pera mea word: I speak my works to the
Regi. V. Ps. 38:4. Conca king. V. Ps. 38:4- My heart
luit cor meum intra me, et grew hot within me, and in my
in meditati6ne mea exarde meditation a fire shall flame
scet ignis.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Eccli.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.
48:1. Surrfxit quasi ignis, 48:1. He stood up as a lire,
et verbum ipsius quasi fa and his word burnt like a torch.
I Alleluia.
cula ardebat. Alleluja.
In Votive Masses after Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the
following Verse are omitted, and the following is said:


Tractus. Ezech. 34:15, 16

Ego pascam oves meas.
y. Quod perierat requiram,
:t quod abjectum erat re
ducam. V. Quod confractum
Fuerat alligabo, et quod inFirmum fuerat consolidabo.
V. Et quod pingue et forte
:ustodiam. V . Et p a s c a m
illas in judicio.


Tract. Ezech. 34:15,16

I will feed my sheep. V. I
will seek that which was lost,
and that which was driven away
I will bring again. V. I will
bind up that which was broken,
and I will strengthen that which
was weak. V. And that which
was fat and strong I will pre
serve. V. And I will feed them
in judgment.

During Paschal Time the Gradual is omitted, and in its

place the following is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Luc.
4:18. Evangelizare pauperi
bus misit me, sanare contri
tos corde. Alleluja. V. 1
Cor. 9:22. Omnibus 6mnia
factus sum, ut omnes face
rem salvos. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V . Luke

4:18. He hath sent me to
preach the gospel to the poor, to
heal the contrite of heart. Al
leluia. V. 1 Cor. 9:22. I be
came all things to all men, that
I might save all. Alleluia.

1 Sequentia sancti Evangeiii

secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 9:35-38; 10:1
TN ILLO tempore: Circui^ bat Jesus omnes civitates
et castella, docens in synag6gis e 6 r u m , e t praedicans
evangeiium regni, et curans
amnem languorem et omnem
infirmitatem. Videns autem
turbas, misertus est eis, quia
erant vexati, et jacentes sicut
3ves non habentes past6rem.
Tunc dicit discipulis suis:
Messis quidem multa, operirii autem pauci. Rogate
ergo D6minum messis, ut
mittat operarios in messem
suam. Et convocatis du6de:im discipulis suis, dedit
illis potestatem spirituum im-

1 Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 9:35-38; 10:1
T THAT time: Jesus went
about all the cities and
towns, teaching in their syna
gogues, and preaching the gos
pel of the kingdom, and healing
every disease, and every infirm
ity. And seeing the multitudes,
He had compassion on them, be
cause they were distressed, and
lying like sheep that have no
shepherd. Then He saith to His
disciples: The harvest indeed is
great, but the laborers are few.
Pray ye therefore the Lord of
the harvest, that He send forth
laborers into His harvest. And
having called His twelve disci
ples together, He gave them



mundorum ut ejicerent eos, power over unclean spirits, t<

et curarent omnem langu6- cast them out, and to heal al
rem et omnem infirmitatem. manner of diseases and all man
ner of infirmities.
Offertory. Col. 1:24,25
Offertorium. Coloss. 1:24, 25
I rejoice in my sufferings, ant
Gaudeo in passi6nibus, et
adimpleo ea quae desunt pas fill up those things that ari
sionum Christi in carne mea, wanting of the sufferings o
pro corpore ejus quod est Christ, in my flesh, for Hi
Ecclsia, cujus factus sum body which is the Church
whereof I am made a minister
ego minister.
UPER hanc illibatam ho
stiam, omnipotens sempi
terne Deus, descendat in
visibilis plenitudo Spiritus
Sancti: et praesta, ut intercedente beato Joanne-Maria,
casto c6rpore et mundo corde
ad tantum semper mysterium
accedamus. Per D6minum
. . . in unitate ejusdem Spi
ritus Sancti.

AY the invisible fulness of
the Holy Spirit come upor
this spotless host, O almighty
everlasting God; and grant thal
through the intercession oi
blessed John Mary, we may
ever approach so great a mys
tery with a chaste body and a
dean heart. Through our Lord
. . . in unity with the same Holj

Commemorations as above.
Communio. Luc. 6:18, 19
Communion. Luke 6:18,19
Many sick and they that were
Multitudo languentium, et
qui vexabantur a spiritibus troubled with unclean spirit:
immundis veniebant ad Je- came to Jesus; for virtue wenl
sum; quia virtus de illo exi out from Him, and healed all.
bat, et sanabat omnes.
dape ree f r e s h e d with the Fooc
fecti, te, D6mine, de of Angels, we beseech
precamur: ut sicut in fortitu Thee, O Lord, that, as blessed
dine hujus panis beatus Jo- John Mary bore all difficulties
annes-Maria adversa 6mnia with unflinching c o n s t a n c }
invicta constantia toleravit; through the strength of this
ita nos, ejus meritis et imi bread, so w e, a d v a n c i n g
tatione, de virtute in virtu- through his merits and example




em euntes, ad te feliciter from virtue to virtue may hap

lerducamur. Per D6minum. pily be led to Thee. Through
our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
Last Gospel of the Vigil of St. Lawrence.
A u g u s t 11


Widow, of the Second Order
B l. Louise, th e daughter of Bl. Amadeus, D uke of Savoy, was
torn on the Feast o f the H oly Innocents. From childhood she showed
marked love for prayer and retirement, and always wore a garment
if haircloth under her robes of state. She married th e Prince of
'h alo n , w ho was not only a virtuous man himself, but also desired
bove all things to have a saint for a wife. T hrough their combined
fforts they thoroughly reformed th e life at court, and although they
ttended social functions, they never allowed them to dissipate their
;irit of piety. Louise became a widow a t twenty-seven. She deined all further offers of m arriage, and having no children, felt
ree to enter the convent of Poor Clares a t Orbe. H ere she advanced
apidly in every virtue, and fostered a tender devotion to the Passion
f C hrist and to our Blessed Lady. Her death occurred in 1503.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in the

econd place, with the following:
EUS, qui in beata LudoGOD, who hast given us
vica, per omnes vitae
a singular example of vir6mitas traducta, singulare tue in blessed Louise, whom
irtutis exemplum proposui- Thou didst lead through all the
ti: concede; ut, in via qua paths of life: grant that in the
os vocasti, ejusdem vestigia way by which Thou hast called
squamur, et cum ipsa ad te us, we may follow her foot
ervenire mereamur. Per D6- steps, and with her deserve to
come to Thee. Through our
Commemoration is made of Sts. Tiburtius and Susanna,
Tirgin, Martyrs.
N BEAT/*E Ludovlcae festi
RINGING these gifts to
vitate haec tibi munera deThee on the festivity of
;rntes: quaesumus, D6- blessed Louise, we beseech Thee,
line; ut, ejus precibus et O Lord, t h a t t h r o u g h her



exemplo, terrena despicia- prayers and example we ma;

mus, et inquiramus aeterna. despise all earthly things an<
strive after eternal. Through ou
Per Dominum.
Commemorations as above.
OURISHED with the Fooi
n g e l o r u m esca nutriof Angels, we beseecl
L ti: concede, quaesumus,
D6mine; ut amoris tui flam Thee, O Lord: grant that thi
ma, qua beata Ludovfca aestu flame of Thy love, with whicl
abat, vehementior in c6rdi- blessed Louise burned, may b<
bus nostris quotidie accenda enkindled daily more vehement
tur. Per Dominum.
ly in our own hearts. Througl
our Lord.
Commemorations as above.

In Churches of the Second Order



Sa m e D ay , A u g u s t 11


Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the thin
place, with the following:
The Gloria in excelsis is not said:
EA us, O God, our Sav
XAUDI nos, Deus, salu
taris noster: ut, sicut de
that as we rejoice ii
beatae Clarae Virginis tuae, the festivity of blessed Clare
quam praevenimus, festivitate Thy Virgin, which we antici
gaudemus, ita piae devotionis pate, so we may be instructed ii
erudiamur affectu. Per D6- affections of pious devotior
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of Bl. Louise, Widow; and of St.'
Tiburtius and Susanna, Virgin, Martyrs.
Gradual. Ps. 44:5
Graduate. Ps. 44:5
With thy comeliness and th
Specie tua et pulchritudine
tua intende, prospere procede beauty set out, proceed prospei
et regna. VPropter verita ously, and reign. V. Because o
tem, et mansuetudinem, et truth and meekness and justice
justitiam: et deducet te mira and thy right hand shall conduc
thee wonderfully.
biliter dextera tua.


Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 11:34-36
N ILLO tempore: Dixit Je
sus turbis: Lucerna c6rporis tui est oculus tuus. Si
oculus tuus fuerit simplex,
totum corpus tuum lucidum
erit: si autem nequam fuerit,
Stiam corpus tuum tenebr6sum erit. Vide ergo, ne lu
men quod in te est tinebrae
iint. Si ergo corpus tuum
:otum lucidum fuerit, non
labens aliquam partem tenejrarum, erit lucidum totum,
:t sicut lucrna fulgoris iluminabit te.
c c e p t a tibi sit, do > mine, dev6tae p l e b i s
iblatio: ut, cujus natalitia
>raevenit, ejus se mritis de
ribulatidne percepisse co;n6scat auxilium. Per D6ninum.


J*Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 11:34-36
T THAT time: Jesus said to
k the multitudes: The light
of thy body is thy eye. If thy
eye be single, thy whole body
will be lightsome: but if it be
evil, thy body also will be dark
some. Take heed, therefore,
that the light which is in thee
be not darkness. If then thy
whole body be lightsome, hav
ing no part of darkness, the
whole shall be lightsome, and as
a bright lamp shall enlighten

" V / AY this offering of Thy deiVl voted people be pleasing
to Thee, O Lord: that through
the merits of her whose birth
it anticipates they may know
that they have received help in
need. Through our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
Communio. Matth. 23:6
Communion. Matt. 23:6
M^dia nocte clamor factus
At midnight there was a cry
st: ecce sponsus venit, exite made: Behold, the Bridegroom
bviam Christo D6mino.
cometh, go ye forth to meet
Christ the Lord.

^ ATlASTl, D6mine, fami- ' | 'HOU hast filled Thy family
liam t u a m muneribus
with sacred gifts, O Lord;
ieris: ejus, quaesumus, sem- ever strengthen us, we beseech
er interventione nos rffove, Thee, through the intercession
Lijus solemnia praevenimus, of her whose solemnity we an
'er D6minum.
ticipate. Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above


A u g u s t 12


Foundress of All the Poor Clares, Virgin
(Double of the First Class)
St. C lare was the daughter of Favorino Scifi, Count of Sassorosso,
and his wife, the Servant of G od, O rtolana. A t the age of eighteen
she heard St. Francis preach, and determined to follow him on the
way of perfection. She fled from her parental home during the night,
and went to St. Mary of the Angels, where she was invested w ith the
robes of penance by St. Francis nim self. Later he found a home foi
her and her first companions near the C hurch of St. D am iano. Here
they served God in poverty, penance and seclusion from the w orld,
according to th e Rule St. Francis gave them . A fter many years of
uninterrupted sufferings, St. C lare died (1 2 5 3 ), fu ll of grace in the
eyes of G od and man. She was canonized tw o years after her death.

Introitus. Ps. 44:11

UDI, fllia, et vide, et in dlna aurem tuam, et
obliviscere p6pulum tuum et
domum patris tui. Ps. ibid.:
2. Eructavit cor meum ver
bum bonum: dico ego 6pera
mea Regi. V. G16ria Patri.
AMULOS tuos, qussumus, D6mine, beatae Vir
ginis tua: Clarae votiva natalitia recensentes: caelestium
gaudi6rum sua facias interventi6ne participes, et tui
Unigeniti cohsredes. Qui

Introit. Ps. 44:11

EARKEN, O daughter, and
see, and incline thy ear,
and forget thy people and thy
fathers house. Ps. ibid.: 2. My
heart hath uttered a good word:
I speak my works to the king
V. Glory be to the Father.
E BESEECH Thee, O Lord:
make us, Thy servants,
who celebrate the festival oi
Thy blessed Virgin, Clare, by
her intercession partakers of th<
joys of heaven and co-heirs wit!
Thine only-begotten Son. Whc
with Thee liveth and reigneth.

Lectio libri Sapientis.

Cant. 2:10-14
N DILECTUS meus 16quitur mihi: Surge, pro
pera, amica mea, columba
mea, form6sa mea, et veni.
Jam enim hiems transiit, im
ber abiit, et recessit. Flores
apparuerunt in terra nostra,
tempus putati6nis advenit:

Lesson from the book of

Cant. 2:10-14
EHOLD, my Beloved speak
eth to me: Arise, m at
haste, My love, My dove, M;
beautiful one, and come. Fo
winter is now past, the rain i
over and gone. The flowers hav
appeared in our land, the tim
of pruning is come; the voice o


vox turturis audita est in

terra nostra: ficus pr6tulit
grossos suos: vines florentes
dederunt o d 6 r e m s u u m .
Surge, arnica mea, speci6sa
mea, et veni. Columba mea
in foraminibus petrae, in ca
verna maceriae, ostende mihi
faciem tuam, sonet vox tua
in turibus meis: vox enim
tua dulcis, et facies tua dec6ra.
Graduale. Ps. 44:15,16
Adducentur Regi virgines
post eam: prdximae ejus af
ferentur tibi. V. Afferentur
in laetitia et exsultatidne: ad
ducentur in templum Regis.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Jud.
13:22. Benedixit te D6minus
in virtute sua, quia per te
id nihilum redegit inimicos.


the turtle is heard in our land;

the fig tree hath put forth her
green figs; the vines in flower
yield their sweet smell. Arise,
My love, My beautiful one, and
come. My dove in the clefts of
the rock, in the hollow places
of the wall, show Me thy face,
let thy voice sound in My ears:
for thy voice is sweet and thy
face comely.
Gradual. Ps. 44:15,16
After her shall virgins be
brought to the King: her neigh
bors shall be brought to Thee.
V. They shall be brought with
gladness and rejoicing: they
shall be brought into the temple
of the King.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Jud. 13:
22. The Lord hath blessed thee
by His power, because by thee
He hath brought the enemies to
naught. Alleluia.

In Votive Masses after Se Huagesima, the Alleluia and the

1ollowing Verse are omitted, and the following is said:
Tractus. Ps. 44:12
Concupivit Rex dec6rem
uum, qu6niam ipse est D6ninus Deus tuus. V. Ps.
bid.: 11. Audi, filia, et vide,
:t inclina aurem tuam. V.
-Isc est virgo sapiens, et una
le numero prudentum. V.
'ud. 13:22. Benedixit te D6ninus in virtute sua, quia
>er te ad nihilum redegit

Tract. Ps. 44:12

The King hath greatly de
sired thy beauty, for He is the
Lord thy God. V. Ps. ibid.:ll.
Hearken, O daughter, and see,
and incline thy ear. V. This is a
wise virgin, and one of the num
ber of the prudent. V.Jud. 13:
22. The Lord hath blessed thee
by His power, because by thee
He hath brought the enemies to

During Paschal Time, the Gradual is omitted, and in its

ilace is said:



Alleluja, alleluja. V. Sap.

4:1. O quam pulchra est
casta generatio cum claritate!
A l l e l u j a . V.Jud. 13:22.
Benedixit te D6minus in vir
tute sua, quia per te ad ni
hilum redegit inimicos. Al

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Wisd.

4:1. O how beautiful is the
chaste generation with glory!
Alleluia. V. ]ud. 13:22. The
Lord hath blessed thee by His
power, because by thee He hath
brought the enemies to naught,

Sequentia sancti Evangelii * Continuation of the holy

setundum Matthaeum.
Gospel according to Matthew.
Matth. 25:1-13
Matt. 25:1-13
tempore: Dixit
T THAT time: Jesus spoke
suis para A this parable to His disciJ

bolam hanc: Simile erit re

gnum caelOrum decem virgi
nibus; quae, a c c i p i e n t e s
lampades suas, exierunt Obvi
am sponso et sponsi. Quin
que autem ex eis erant fa
tuae, et quinque prudentes:
sed quinque fatuae, acceptis
lampadibus, non sumpserunt
oleum secum; prudentes vero
acceperunt Oleum in vasis
suis cum lampadibus. Mo
ram autem faciente sponso,
dormitaverunt omnes et dor
mierunt. Media autem nocte
clamor factus est: Ecce spon
sus venit, exite Obviam ei.
Tunc surrexerunt omnes vir
gines illae, et ornaverunt limpades suas. Fatuae autem sa
pientibus dixerunt: Date no
bis de Oleo vestro: quia limpades nostrae exstinguuntur.
Responderunt prudentes, di
centes: Ne forte non suffi
ciat nobis et vobis, ite pOtius ad vendentes, et emite
vobis. Dum autem irent
emere, venit sponsus: et quae

pies: The kingdom of heaven

shall be like to ten virgins, who
taking their lamps went out to
meet the bridegroom and the
bride. And five of them were
foolish, and five wise. But the
five foolish, having taken their
lamps, did not take oil with
them; but the wise took oil in
their vessels with their lamps.
And the bridegroom tarrying,
they all slumbered and slept
And at midnight there was a cry
made: Behold the bridegroorr
cometh, go ye forth to meet him
Then all those virgins arose anc
trimmed their lamps. And the
foolish said to the wise: Give u>
of your oil, for our lamps ar(
gone out. The wise answered
saying: Lest perhaps there be noi
enough for us and for you, gc
ye rather to them that sell, anc
buy for yourselves. Now whils
they went to buy, the bride
groom came: and they that weri
ready went in with him to thi
marriage, and the door was shut
But at last came also the othe


paratae erant intraverunt cum

eo ad nuptias, et clausa est
janua. Novissime vero ve
niunt et reliquae virgines, di
centes: D6mine, Domine,
aperi nobis. At ille resp6ndens, ait: Amen dico vobis,
nescio vos. Vigilate Itaque,
quia nescitis diem neque


virgins, saying: Lord, Lord,

open to us. But he answering
said: Amen I say to you, I
know you not. Watch ye there
fore, because you know not the
day nor the hour.

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Ps. 44:15, 16
Adducentur Regi virgines
post eam: proximae ejus af
ferentur tibi in laetitia et ex
sul tati6ne: adducentur in
templum Regi Domino.

Offertory. Ps. 44:15,16

After her shall virgins be
brought to the King: her neigh
bors shall be brought to Thee
with gladness and rejoicing:
they shall be brought into the
temple, to the Lord King.

BLATA tibi, quaesumus,
Domine, dona sanctifi
ca: quae Majestati tuae ac
cepta faciat beatae Virginis
tuae Clarae intercessio ve
neranda. Per D6minum.

ANCTIFY these offerings
made to Thee, we beseech
Thee, O Lord; and may the
venerable intercession of Thy
blessed Virgin, Clare make them
acceptable to Thy majesty.
Through our Lord.

Communio. Matth. 25:4, 6

Quinque prudentes virgines
acceperunt 61eum in vasis
iuis cum lampadibus. Media
autem nocte clamor factus
est: Ecce Sponsus venit,
exite 6bviam Christo Do
R(3TEGANT, quaesumus,
D6mine, plebem tuam,
;lori6sae Virginis tuae Clarae
r o n t i n u a t a praesidia: et
sumpta pro illius gl6ria C6r-

Communion. Matt. 25:4, 6

The five wise virgins took oil
in their vessels with the lamps.
And at midnight there was a
cry made: Behold, the Bride
groom cometh, go ye forth to
meet Christ the Lord.

AY the continual help of
Thy glorious Virgin, Clare,
protect Thy people, we beseech
Thee, O Lord; as also the sacra
ments of Thy sacred Body and



poris tui sacri, et preti6si precious Blood, which we have

Sanguinis sacramenta. Qui received in her honor. Who
livest and reignest.
In Churches of the Second Order the feast is a Double of
the First Class with a Common Octave, during which a com
memoration is made and the Creed is said.
A u g u s t 13


Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
A t the age of thirteen John became a Franciscan. In the solitudes
of M ount A lverna, where St. Francis h ad received the Stigmata, he
lived a strict life of penance and prayer. Later on he preached penance
throughout Italy, until he had reached an advanced age. H e died at
A lverna on August 10, 1322.
Vincent was a Franciscan lay-brother. By the most severe practices
of penance, and by the purity of his life, he strove to be ever more
pleasing to G od. A fter tnis, nis greatest concern was the sanctification
of his neighbor. A dorned w ith the gift of prophecy and of miracles,
he died a t A quila in 1504.
Novellonus, a t first a fickle young m an, was converted through the
prayers of his wife and his mother. A fter his w ifes death he en
tered the T h ird O rder, where he strove to atone for the sins of his
early life by severe penance, ^ hard labor, earnest prayer and tendei
love for th e poor. H e died in 1280 a t the age or eighty.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the
first orations.
Commemoration is made of Sts. Hippolyte and Cassian
A u g u s t 14


Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
A man o f noble birth, Sanctis was a gifted student, and h ad pros
pects of a brilliant future in the w orld. O ne day h e m ortall
w ounded an enemy in self-defense, and in order to atone for thi
deed, h e entered the Franciscan O rder as a lay-brother. .H e re hi
distinguished himself especially through obedience, hum ility ant
severe penance. A t his prayer, G od perm itted a painful ulcer to de
velop in his own thigh at the spot where he h ad wounded th e othe
m an. H e died, fu ll of merits, in 1390.



Francis took the habit of the T h ird O rder of Penance in th e prime

of life, gave his w ealth to the poor, and for fifty years thereafter led
the life of a herm it in strict seclusion and rigorous penance. He
begged his food, giving to the poor whatever he could spare. A t his
death in 1350, he was credited w ith th e g ift of prophecy and miracles.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the
second orations.
Commemoration is made of the Vigil of the Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin Mary; and of St. Eusebius, Confessor.
Last Gospel of the Vigil of the Assumption.
A u g u s t 17

Confessor, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
Roch was the son of a w ealthy nobleman of France. His parents
reared him devoutly, and when he was left orphaned at th e age of
twenty, he gave his immense fortune to the poor. According to an
ancient tradition, he then joined the T h ird O rder. H e w ent on a
pilgrimage to Rome, where he found the plague raging. H e re
mained to nurse the sick throughout many towns in Italy, until he
too was stricken w ith the disease. Refused adm ittance to the hos
pital where he had labored so long, he was forced to seek refuge in
a deserted h u t in the woods. H ere he was fed by a dog until he
regained his health. He returned home, but being taken for a spy
he was cast into prison. For five years he languished there, u n til his
death in 1327 a t the age of thirty-two.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:
OPULUM tuum, quaesu
mus, D6mine, continua
pietate cust6di: et, beati
Rochi Confess6ris tui suffra
gantibus maritis, ab omni fac
animae et c6rporis contagi6ne
securum. Per Dominum.

UARD Thy people in Thine
unending clemency, we be
seech Thee, O Lord; and make
them, through the merits and
intercession of blessed Roch,
Thy Confessor, safe from every
contagion of soul and body.
Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made of St. Hyacinth, Confessor; of the

Octave of the Assumption; and of the Octave Day of St.



*1* Sequentia sancti Evangelii i Continuation of the holy

secundum Matthaeum.
Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 9:35-38; 10:1
Matth. 9:55-38; 10:1
N ILLO tempore: Circul- A T THAT time: Jesus went
about all the cities and
bat Jesus omnes civitates
et castella, docens in syna- towns, teaching in their syna
g6gis e6rum, et praedicans gogues, and preaching the gos
evangflium regni, et curans pel of the kingdom, and healing
omnem languorem, et omnem every disease and every infirmity.
infirmitatem. Videns autem And seeing the multitudes He
turbas, misertus est eis: quia had compassion on them, be
erant vexati, et jacentes si cause they were distressed, and
cut oves non habentes past6- lying like sheep that have no
rem. Tunc dicit discipulis shepherd. Then He saith to His
suis: Messis quidem multa, disciples: The harvest indeed is
operarii autem pauci. Ro great, but the laborers are few.
gate ergo Dominum messis, Pray ye therefore the Lord of
ut mittat operarios in mes- the harvest, that He send forth
sem suam. Et convocatis duo laborers into His harvest. And
decim discipulis suis, dedit having called His twelve disci
illis potestatem spirituum ples together, He gave them
immund6rum ut ejicerent power over unclean spirits, to
eos, et curarent omnem lan- cast them out, and to heal all
gu6rem et omnem infirmita- manner of diseases and all man
ner of infirmities.
The Creed is said because of the Octave of the Assumption.
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Assumptione.

A u g u s t 18


Virgins, of the Second Order
Bl. Beatrice, daughter of a Portuguese nobleman, was noted for
her great beauty as w ell as for her remarkable piety. A t the court
a t Castile the queen became jealous of the admiration paid to her, and
had her cast into prison on false charges. M iraculously released by
the Blessed Virgin, she was com m anded by her to go to Toledo. For
forty years, Beatrice lived in retirement w ith the Cistercian nuns at
T oledo; then, in 1484, under divine inspiration, she, together with
twelve companions, began the O rder o f Conceptionists. She died
shortly thereafter, in 1490.
Paula was born near M antua, in Italy. A t th e age o f fifteen she
entered the convent of the Poor Clares, where she progressed rap



idly in perfection. Because of her eminent virtues she was thrice

elected abbess. She died in 1514, and Pope Pius IX declared her
blessed in 1866.

Mass Virgines laudent, from the Common of Many Virgins,

in the second place (p. 310 of this Supplement), with the
second orations.
Commemoration is made of the Octave of the Assumption;
and of St. Agapitus, Martyr.
The Creed is said because of the Octave of the Assumption.
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Assumptione.
A u g u st



Bishop and Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Louis, son of the king of N aples and Sicily, was related to St.
Louis of France and St. Elizabeth of H ungary. In childhood h e was
sent to Barcelona as a hostage for the release of his father, w ho h ad
been taken prisoner in w ar, and there he came under th e influence
of the Franciscans. T h e young prince m ade remarkable progress in
learning and sanctity, so th a t upon his release from captivity, he
became a priest. Scarcely a year after his ordination, moreover, hav
ing renounced his title to the crown, he was consecrated Bishop of
Toulouse. Before consecration, he begged to be allowed to join the
Friars M inor in fulfilment of a vow he had made, and his request
was granted. For the rest of his short life he lived as a true
Franciscan, and devoted him self to the welfare of his diocese. H e died
in 1297 a t th e age of twenty-four, having been bishop only a year
and a half. Because of the many miracles w rought at his tomb,
he was canonized in 1317, during th e lifetim e of his m other.

Mass Statuit, from the Common of a Confessor Pontiff,

with the following:
EUS, qui beatum LudoviGOD, who didst teach
cum Confess6rem tuum
blessed Louis, Thy Con
atque Pontificem, cseleste re fessor and Pontiff, to prefer
gnum terreno praeponere do the heavenly kingdom to an
cuisti, ac puritate illibata et earthly one, and didst wonder
eximia in pauperes caritate fully adorn him with spotless
mirabiliter d e c o r a s t i : con purity and outstanding charity
cade; ut, ejusdem virtutes toward the poor: grant that,
aemulantes in terris, coronari imitating his virtues on earth,
cum ipso mereamur in caelis. we may deserve to be crowned
with him in heaven. Through
Per D6minum.
our Lord.



Commemoration is made of St. John Eudes, Confessor; and

of the Octave of the Assumption.
Lectio libri Sapientiae. .
Sap. 4:7-14

Lesson from the book of

Wisd. 4:7-14

HE just man, if he be pre

si morte praeoccu
patus fuerit, in refrigerio Tvented with death, shall be
Senectus enim venerabi in rest. For venerable old age
lis est non diuturna, neque
ann6rum numero computata.
Cani autem sunt sensus h6minis, et astas senectutis vita
immaculata. P l a c e n s Deo
factus est dilectus, et vivens
i n t e r peccat6res translatus
est. Raptus est, ne malitia
mutaret intellectum ejus, aut
ne fictio deciperet animam
illius. Fascinatio enim nuga
citatis obscurat bona, et in
c on s t an t i a concupiscentiae
transvertit sensum sine mal
itia. Consummatus in brevi
explevit tempora m u l t a :
placita enim erat Deo anima
illius: propter hoc properavit
educere illum de medio ini

is not that of long time, nor

counted by the number of years;
but the understanding of a man
is gray hairs, and a spotless life
is old age. He pleased God and
was beloved, and living among
sinners he was translated. He
was taken away lest wickedness
should alter his understanding,
or deceit beguile his soul. For
the bewitching of vanity obscureth good things, and the
w a n d e r i n g of concupiscence
overturneth the innocent mind.
Being made perfect, in a short
space he fulfilled a long time;
for his soul pleased God: there
fore He hastened to bring him
out of the midst of iniquities.

Graduale. Eccli. 44:16

Gradual. Eccli. 44:16

Ecce sacerdos magnus, qui

in diebus suis placuit Deo.
V. Ibid.: 20. Non est inven
tus similis illi, qui conserva
ret legem Excelsi.

Behold a great priest, who in

his days pleased God. V .lbid.:
20. There was not found the
like to him, who kept the law
of the Most High.

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Rosa

vernans caritatis, lilium vir
ginitatis, stella fulgens, Ludovice, vas sanctitatis, ora
pro nobis D6minum. Alle

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Flower

ing rose of charity, lily of vir
ginity, shining star, Louis, ves
sel of sanctity, pray for us to
the Lord. Alleluia.


*{ Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 12:42-48
T N ILLO tempore: Dixit
i D6minus Petro: Quis, pu
tas, est fidilis dispensator et
prudens, quem constituit do
minus supra familiam suam,
ut det illis in tempore tritici
mensuram? Beatus ille ser
vus, quem, cum venerit d6minus, invenerit ita facien
tem. Vere dico vobis, qu6niam supra 6mnia quae pos
sidet constituet illum. Quod
si dixerit servus ille in corde
suo: Moram facit d6minus
meus venire; et cceperit per
cutere servos et ancillas, et
edere, et bibere, et inebriari,
viniet d6minus servi illius in
die qua non sperat et hora
qua nescit, et dividet eum,
partemque ejus cum infideli
bus ponet. Ille autem servus,
qui cogn6vit voluntatem d6mini sui, et non praeparavit,
et non fecit secundum volun
tatem ejus, vapulabit multis;
|ui autem non cogn6vit, et
ecit digna plagis, vapulabit
paucis. Omni autem cui mul
tum datum est, multum quae
ritur ab eo: et cui commen
daverunt multum, plus pe
tent ab eo.

The Creed is said because

ACRIFICIA, D6mine, quae
in hon<5rem sancti Ludovici Confess6ris tui atque


}" Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 12:42-48
T THAT time: The Lord said
to Peter: Who (thinkest
thou) is the faithful and wise
steward, whom his lord setteth
over his family, to give them
their measure in due season?
Blessed is the servant whom,
when his lord shall come, he
shall find so doing. Verily, I
say to you, he will set him over
all that he possesseth. But if
that servant shall say in his
heart: My lord is long a com
ing; and shall begin to strike
the menservants and the maid
servants, and to eat and to
drink and be drunk: the lord of
that servant will come in the
day that he hopeth not, and at
the hour that he knoweth not,
and shall separate him, and shall
appoint him his portion with
unbelievers. And that servant
who knew the will of his lord,
and prepared not himself, and
did not according to his will,
shall be beaten with many
stripes. But he that knew not,
and did things worthy of stripes,
shall be beaten with few stripes.
And unto whomsoever much is
given, of him much shall be re
quired; and to whom they have
committed much, of him they
will demand the more.
>/ the Octave of the Assumption.
AY the sacrifices, O Lord,
which we offer Thy maj
esty in honor of St. Louis, Thy



Pontificis, tuae offerimus ma

jestati: nobis sint ad salu
tem efficacia, et tuae placita
pietati. Per D6minum.

Confessor and Pontiff, be effica

cious for our salvation and
pleasing to Thy g o o d n e s s .
Through our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Assumptione.
Communio. Sap. 7:7,8
Venit in me spiritus sapi
entiae, et praep6sui illam re
gnis et sedibus, et divitias
nihil esse duxi in compara
tione illius.
T M M f i N S A M clementiam
-L tuam, omnipotens Deus,
suppliciter exoramus: ut, intercedente b e a t o Ludovico
Confess6re tuo atque Ponti
fice, per haec sancta, quae
sumpsimus, cuncta nobis ad
versantia, te adjuvante, vin
camus. Per Dominum.

Communion. Wisd. 7:7, 8

The spirit of wisdom came
upon me, and I preferred her
before kingdoms and thrones,
and esteemed riches nothing in
comparison of her.
E HUMBLY implore Thy
immeasurable clemency, O
almighty God, that through the
intercession of blessed Louis,
Thy Confessor and Pontiff, we
may, with Thine aid, through
the holy things which we have
received, conquer all things ad
verse to us. Through our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
In Churches of the Second Order
O n t h e S a m e D a y , A u g u s t 19
(Major Double)
Mass as on the Feast of St. Clare, August 12, with the
EUS, qui Ecclesiam tuam
beatae Virginis Clarae
miris illustras virtutum splen
doribus, et nova prole foecundas: concede propitius;
ut, per ejus vestigia gradien-

GOD, who didst wonder
fully glorify Thy Church
with the splendors of the vir
tues of Thy blessed Virgin,
Clare, and didst make her fruit
ful with a new progeny: merci-



tes, aeterna: gloriae claritatem fully grant that, walking in her

consequi mereamur. Per Do footsteps, we may deserve to
attain to the brightness of eter
nal glory. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Louis of Toulouse, Bishop
and Confessor; of St. John Eudes, Confessor; and of the
The Creed is said.
Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Assumptione.
A u g u s t 22


(Double of the Second Class)
Since the days of St. Francis, who himself was deeply attached to
her, the Friars Minor have honored the Blessed Virgin in a par
ticular way. St. Bernardine of Siena spoke beautifully of her seven
joys. In honor of Mary, the friars wear the Rosary of the Seven Joys
on their cord. The Feast of the Seven Joys was approved bv Pope
Pius X in 1906.

Introitus. Hab. 3:18, 19

GO autem in D6mino
gaudebo, et exsultabo in
Deo Jesu meo. Deus D6minus fortitudo mea, super ex
celsa deducet me. Alleluja,
alleluja. Ps. 102:1. Benedic,
anima mea, D 6 m i no , et
6mnia quae intra me sunt,
n6mini sancto ejus. V. G16ria
E U S , q u i sanctissimae
Genitricis tuse spiritum
miris in te gaudiis exsultare
fecisti: concede propitius; ut,
ejus meritis fulti, superna
jugiter consolati6ne replea
mur. Qui vivis.

Introit. Hab. 3:18, 19

UT I will rejoice in the
Lord, and I will joy in
God my Jesus. The Lord God
is my strength, He will lead me
upon high places. Alleluia, al
leluia. Ps. 102:1. Bless the
Lord, O my soul, and let all
that is within me bless His
holy name. V. Glory be to the
GOD, who didst make the
spirit of Thy most holy
Mother to exult in Thee with
wondrous joys: mercifully grant
that, relying on her merits, we
may ever be filled with heavenly
consolation. Who livest and

Commemoration is made, in private Masses only, of Sts.

Tim othy, H ippolyte and Symphorian, Martyrs.



Lectio libri Sapientiae.

Cant. 2:1-14
GO flos campi, et Hlium
convallium. Sicut Hlium
inter spinas, sic arnica mea
inter filias. Sicut malus inter
ligna silvarum, sic dilectus
meus inter filios. Sub um
bra illius, quem desiderave
ram, sedi: et fructus ejus dul
cis gutturi meo. Introduxit me
in cellam vinariam, ordinavit
in me caritatem. Fulcite me
fl6ribus, stipate me malis:
quia am6re langueo. Laeva
ejus sub capite meo, et dex
tera illius amplexabitur me.
Adjuro vos, filiae Jerusalem,
per capreas cerv6sque camp6rum, ne suscitetis, neque
evigilare faciatis dilictam,
uoadusque ipsa velit. Vox
ilicti mei, ecce iste venit
saliens in m6ntibus, transi
liens colles: similis est dilic
tus meus capreae, hinnuloque
cerv6rum. En ipse stat post
parietem nostrum, respiciens
per fenistras, prospiciens per
cancillos. En dilictus meus
16quitur mihi: Surge, pr6pera, amica mea, columba
mea, form6sa mea, et veni.
Jam enim hiems trinsiit,
imber abiit, et recissit. Flores
apparuirunt in terra nostra,
tempus putationis advinit:
vox turturis audita est in
terra nostra: ficus protulit
grossos suos: vineae florintes
dedirunt od6r em s u u m .
Surge, amica mea, speci6sa
mea, et veni: columba mea

Lesson from the book of

Cant. 2:1-14
AM the flower of the field
and the lily of the valleys.
As the lily among thorns, so is
My love among the daughters.
As the apple tree among the
trees of the woods, so is my Be
loved among the sons. I sat
down under His shadow whom
I desired: and His fruit was
sweet to my palate. He brought
me into the cellar of wine, He
set in order charity in me. Stay
me up with flowers, compass
me about with apples: because
I languish with love. His left
hand is under my head, and His
right hand shall embrace me.
I adjure you, O ye daughters of
Jerusalem, by the roes and the
harts of the fields, that you stir
not up, nor make the beloved to
awake, till she please. The voice
of my Beloved, behold He cometh leaping upon the mountains,
skipping over the hills: my Be
loved is like a roe or a young
hart. Behold, He standeth be
hind our wall, looking through
the windows, looking through
the lattices. Behold, my Beloved
speaketh to me: Arise, make
haste, My love, My dove, My
beautiful one, and come. For
winter is now past, the rain is
over and gone. The flowers
have appeared in our land, the
time of pruning is come; the
voice of the turtle is heard in
our land; the fig tree hath put
forth her green figs; the vines
in flower yield their sweet smell.



in foraminibus petrae, in ca
verna maceriae, ostende mihi
faciem tuam, sonet vox tua
in auribus meis: vox enim
tua dulcis, et facies tua dec6ra.

Arise, My love, My beautiful

one, and come: My dove in the
clefts of the rock, in the hollow
place of the wall, show Me thy
face, let thy voice sound in My
ears: for thy voice is sweet, and
thy face comely.

Graduate. Is. 61:10

Gaudens gaudebo in D6mino, et exsultabit anima
mea in Deo meo. V. Quia
induit me vestimentis salu
tis, et indumento justitiae
circumdedit me, quasi spon
sam ornatam monilibus suis.

Gradual. Is. 61:10

1 will greatly rejoice in the
Lord, and my soul shall be joy
ful in my God. V. For he hath
clothed me with the garments
of salvation, and with the robe
of justice he hath covered me,
as a bride adorned with her
Alleluia, alleluia. V. H ebr.
1:9. Thou hast loved justice and
hated iniquity; therefore God,
thy God, hath anointed thee
with the oil of gladness above
thy fellows. (Alleluia.)

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Hebr.

1:9. Dilexisti justitiam, et
odisti iniquitatem: propterea
unxit te Deus, Deus tuus,
61eo exultati6nis prae partici
pibus tuis. (Alleluja.)

In Votive Masses after Se. tuagesima, the Alleluia and the

following Verse are omitted, and the following is said:
Tractus. Luc. 1:46-49
Magnificat anima mea D6ninum, et exsultavit spiritus
meus in Deo Salutari meo.
V. Quia respexit humilitatem
incillae suae; ecce enim ex
-loc beatam me dicent omnes
?enerati6nes. V. Quia fecit
nihi magna qui potens est,
;t sanctum nomen ejus.

Tract. Luke 1:46-49

My soul doth magnify the
Lord, and my spirit hath re
joiced in God my Saviour. V.
Because He hath regarded the
humility of His handmaid; be
hold, from henceforth all gen
erations shall call me blessed.
V. Because He that is mighty
hath done great things to me;
and holy is His name.

During Paschal Time, the Gradual is omitted, and in its

blace is said:
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 34:9.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
34:9. Anima mea exsultabit My soul shall rejoice in the
n D6mino, et delectabitur Lord, and shall be delighted in
super salutari suo. Alleluja. His salvation. Alleluia. V. Tob.



V. Tob. 3:22. Benedi ctum

est nomen tuum, Deus, qui
post lacrimati6nem et fletum,
exsultati6nem infundis. Al

3:22. Blessed is Thy name, O

God, who after tears and weep
ing pourest in joyfulness. Al

To be omitted in Votite Masses

G ~ A U D E , V ir go Mater
Verbo Deum concepisti,
Gabriele nuntio.

IRGIN Mother of our Sav

Who didst bear, at heaven's
God's own Word, as Gabriel

Fac, O Nati per virtutem,

Make us, through thy Son's
Fructum nobis in salutem
great power,
Fruitful; in our final hour
Afferat devotio.
Keep us safe and comforted.
Gaude, visitans, exsulta,
Fecit enim in te multa
Rex potanti brachio.

Mary, by thy Visitation,

When thou sang'st in exulta
Of the works God wrought
in thee:

Fac nos Inopes augeri

Caeli donis, ac repleri
Spiritali gaudio.

Fill us, poor, with heavenly

Guide our footsteps; turn our
Ever toward eternity.

Gaude, parens Deo plena:

Peperlsti sine poena,
Cum pudoris lilio.

Hail, thou Mother of thy Maker,

Purest Virgin, yet partaker
Of the joys of motherhood.

Fac, o clemens, servi tui

Mereamur per te frui
Alma pacis praemio.

Grant thy servants, gentlt

To desire nothing other
Than the peace that flows from



Gaude: Magi ab Oriente

Dona, stella praelucente.
Attulerunt Filio.

Mary, by the adoration

Which the Kings of Eastern
Offered to thine Infant Son:

Fac nos fide jam videre

Ac spe Jesum et sincerae
Caritatis studio.

Make us now to love and

serve Him,
Hope in Him, and so deserve
Whom, through faith, the Magi

Gaude: amissum quem dola Jesus lost, in deepest sorrow

Thou didst seek, and on the
Loqui Puerum stupebas
In Doct6rum medio.
Find, 'mid Doctors of the
?ac, o miseris patr6na,
leperire caeli bona,
Zalle amissa devio.

Mary, refuge of the sinful,

Grant that those who, blind and
Follow evil, may withdraw.

3aude, Mater: dulcis Nati, Mother, by the joy that filled

Quem vidisti mortem pati,
Fulget Resurrectio.
When the glorious visi on
thrilled thee
Of thy resurrected Son:
Fac nos imo vitiorum
ixcitari, ac supern6rum
Lgi desiderio.

Fill us with a shame all

And our hearts from evil turn
Make us seek the Eternal One.

>aude: in astra sublimaris,

Ubi Christo sociaris
Rerum in imperio.

O rejoice! 'Mid stars enthroned,

Queen of men and angels
Sharer of Christ's regal might;



Fac, o caelos ascendamus,

Grant that, mid the throne:
Atque tecum gaudeamus
of heaven,
In Sanct6rum s61io. Amen. Eer through thee may we b<
Joys of everlasting light. Amen
4" Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Lucam.
Luc. 1:26-38

4* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 1:26-38

ILLO tempore: Missus

T THAT time: The Angel
Gabriel was sent from Goc
Angelus Gabriel a Deo AGalilaeae cui no into a city of Galilee callec
men Nazareth, ad Virginem
desponsatam viro, cui nomen
erat Joseph, de domo David,
et nomen Virginis Maria. Et
ingr&sus Angelus ad eam,
dixit: Ave, gratia plena; Do
minus tecum; benedicta tu in
mulieribus. Quae cum audisset, turbata est in serm6ne
ejus, et cogitabat, qualis es
set ista salutitio. Et ait An
gelus ei: Ne timeas, Maria,
invenisti enim gratiam apud
Deum: ecce concipies in ute
ro, et paries filium, et voca
bis nomen ejus Jesum. Hic
erit magnus, et Filius Altissimi vocabitur, et dabit illi
Dominus Deus sedem David
patris ejus; et regnabit in
domo Jacob in aeternum, et
regni ejus non erit finis.
Dixit autem Maria ad Ange
lum: Quomodo fiet istud,
quoniam virum non cogn6sco? Et resp6ndens Angelus,
dixit ei: Spiritus Sanctus
superveniet in te, et virtus
Altissimi obumbrabit tibi.
Idedque et quod nascetur ex
te Sanctum, vocabitur Filius

Nazareth, to a Virgin espousec

to a man whose name was Jos
eph, of the House of David; anc
the Virgins name wais Mary
And the Angel being come in
said unto her: Hail, full o:
grace; the Lord is with thee
blessed art thou among women
Who having heard, was trou
bled at his saying, and though
with herself what manner o
salutation this should be. An<
the Angel said to her: Fear not
Mary, for thou hast found graci
with God: behold, thou shal
conceive in thy womb, and shal
bring forth a Son, and thoi
shalt call His name Jesus. H
shall be great, and shall b
called the Son of the Mos
High, and the Lord God shal
give unto Him the throne o
David, His father; and He shal
reign in the house of Jacob fo
ever, and of His kingdom ther
shall be no end. And Mar
said to the Angel: How shal
this be done, because I kno\
not man? And the Angel an
swering, said to her: The Hoi
Ghost shall come upon thee, am


Dei. Et ecce Elisabeth, coenita tua, et ipsa concepit

filium in senectute sua; et
hic mensis sextus est illi
quae vocatur sterilis; quia
non erit impossibile apud
Deum omne verbum. Dixit
lutem Maria: Ecce ancilla
D6mini: fiat mihi secundum
rerbum tuum.


the power of the Most High

shall overshadow thee. And
therefore also the Holy which
shall be born of thee shall be
called the Son of God. And be
hold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she
also hath conceived a son in her
old age; and this is the sixth
month with her that is called
barren; because no word shall
be impossible with God. And
Mary said: Behold the hand
maid of the Lord: be it done
to me according to thy word.

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. 1 Reg. 2:1
Exsultavit cor meum in
06mino, et exaltatum est
:ornu meum in Deo meo;
]uia laetata sum, D6mine, in
salutari tuo. Alleluja.
D MENSAM tuam, mi" sericors Deus, in exsul
ationis pariter et confessi6tis voce procedimus: ob sara beati Virginis gaudia
upplicantes; ut domus tuse
nereamur ab ubertite replei, deque torrente mirifici
oluptatis rite potari. Per

Offertory. 1 Kings 2:1

My heart hath rejoiced in the
Lord, and my horn is exalted in
my God; because I have joyed,
O Lord, in Thy salvation. Al
MERCIFUL God, we ap
proach Thy table with ex
pressions of both exultation and
praise, beseeching Thee, through
the sacred joys of the Blessed
Virgin, that we may be filled
with the riches of Thy house,
and abundantly refreshed from
the torrent of Thy wonderful
delights. Through our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
Preface of the Blessed Vii gin Mary, et te in Exsultatione.
Communio. Ps. 29:12
C o n v e r t i s t i , D6mine,
lanctum meum in gaudium
lihi, cons ci di st i saccum
ieum, et circumdedisti me
etitia. Alleluja.

Communion. Ps. 29:12

Thou hast turned for me, O
Lord, my mourning into joy,
Thou hast cut my sackcloth, and
hast compassed me with glad
ness. Alleluia.



TNEFFABILIS a m o r i s pli gnora, Domine Jesu, quae
celebratis inclytae Genitricis
tuae gaudiis laeti recepimus:
ejusdem Virginis ope, nos
inter hujus temporis conso
lantur angustias, et ad peren
nes tribuant pervenire deli
cias. Qui vivis.

LORD JESUS, may th<
pledge of Thy ineffable
love which we have receivec
with rejoicing, celebrating the
joys of Thy glorious Mother,
console us through the interces
sion of the same Virgin amic
the trials of this life, and lead
us to the attainment of ever
lasting joys. Who livest and

Commemorations as above.
A u g u st 25


Confessor, of the Third Order
(Double of the Second Class)
St. Louis was born a t Poissy near Paris in 1215. H is mothei
Queen Blanche trained him not only for the earthly kingdom hi
was to possess, but also for the heavenly kingdom he was to win
H e became a Tertiary of St. Francis early in life. H e was a mode
king, husband, father and C hristian. H e ruled wisely and justly
and was especially attentive to the needs of the poor and the clergy
He undertook tw o crusades to the Holy Land, during the first o
which he was taken prisoner by the Saracens and subjected to man;
indignities and threats of death in an attempt to make him renouqo
his religion. D uring the second crusade, he fell ill of the plagui
contracted w hile visiting his soldiers, and died in 1270.

Introitus. Ps. 36:30,31

S JUSTI meditabitur sa
pientiam, et lingua ejus
loquetur judicium: lex Dei
ejus in corde ipslus. Ps.
ibid.: I. Noli aemulari in
malignantibus: neque zelave
ris facientes iniquitatem. V.
G16ria Patri.

Introit. Ps. 36:30, 31

HE mouth of the just shal
meditate wisdom, and hi
tongue shall speak judgment
the law of his God is in hi
heart. Ps. ibid.: 1. Be no
emulous of evildoers; nor env
them that work iniquity. V
Glory be to the Father.

EUS, qui beatum LudoGOD, who d i d s t leai
blessed Louis, Thy Cor
vlcum Co nf es s6 re m
tuum de terreno regno ad fessor, from an earthly kingdor
csel&tis regni gloriam trans- to the glory of the heavenl



ulisti: ejus, quaesumus, miitis et intercessi6ne; Regis

regum Jesu Christi Filii tui
:acias nos esse cons6rtes. Qui

kingdom: make us, we beseech

Thee, through his merits and
intercession, companions of the
King of Kings, Jesus Christ Thy
Son. Who with Thee liveth
and reigneth.

Lictio libri Sapientis.

Lesson from the book of

Wisd. 10:10-14
HE Lord conducted the just
through the right ways, and
showed him the kingdom of
God, and gave him the knowl
edge of the holy things; made
him honorable in his laDors, and
accomplished his labors. In the
deceit of them that overreached
him, He stood by him, and
made him honorable. He kept
him safe from his enemies, and
He defended him from seducers,
and gave him a strong conflict,
that he might overcome, and
know that wisdom is mightier
than all. He forsook not the
just when he was sold, but de
livered him from sinners; He
went down with him into the
pit, and in bands He left him
not, till He brought him the
sceptre of the kingdom, and
power against those that op
pressed him; and showed them
to be liars that had accused him,
and gave him everlasting glory.

Sap. 10:10-14
rUSTUM deduxit D6minus
I per vias rectas, et ostindit
Ili regnum Dei, et dedit illi
ciintiam sanctorum: honetavit ilium in lab<5ribus, et
omplivit lab6res illius. In
raude circumvenientium ilum affuit illi, et honestum
ecit illum. Custodivit illum
b inimicis, et a seductdribus
utivit illum, et certamen
orte dedit illi, ut vinceret,
t sciret qu6niam 6mnium
>otintior est sapiintia. Haec
'inditum justum non derelluit, sed a peccatoribus libeavit eum: descendltque cum
!lo in f6veam, et in vinculis
on dereliquit illum, donec
ffirret illi sceptrum regni,
t potintiam advirsus eos
ui eum deprimibant: et
lendaces ostindit qui macuivirunt illum, et dedit illi
aritatem stirnam, D6minus
>eus noster.
Graduale. Ps. 91:13,14
Justus ut palma floribit:
cut cedrus Libani multipliibitur in domo D6mini. V.
s. ibid.:3. Ad annuntianum mane miseric6rdiam
lam, et veritatem tuam per

Gradual. Ps. 91:13,14

The just shall flourish like
the palm tree: he shall grow up
like the cedar of Libanus in the
house of the Lord. V . Ps. ibid.:3.
To show forth Thy mercy in the
morning, and Thy truth in the



Alleluja, alleluja. V. Jac.

1:12. Beatus vir, qui suffert
tentati6nem: quoniam, cum
probatus fuerit, accipiet cor6nam vita:. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V .Jas

1:12. Blessed is the man tha
endureth temptation; for wher
he hath been proved, he shal
receive the crown of life. A1

J* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 19:12-26

Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 19:12-26

T THAT time: Jesus spok<

N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis para A this parable to His disci
hanc: Homo quidam ples: A certain nobleman wen
nobilis abiit in regi6nem lon
ginquam accipere sibi re
gnum, et reverti. Vocatis
autem decem servis suis,
dedit eis decem mnas, et ait
ad illos: Negotiamini dum
vnio. Cives autem ejus fide
rant eum: et miserunt legati6nem post illum, dicantes:
N61umus hunc regnare super
nos. Et factum est, ut rediret
accepto regno: et jussit vo
cari servos, quibus dedit pe
cuniam, ut sciret quantum
quisque negotiitus esset. Ve
nit autem primus, dicens:
D6mine, mna tua decem
mnas acquisivit. Et ait illi:
Euge bone serve, quia in
m6dico fuisti fidelis, eris po
testatem habens super decem
civitates. Et alter venit, di
cens: Domine, mna tua fecit
quinque mnas. Et huic ait:
Et tu esto super quinque
civitates. Et alter venit, di
cens: D6mine, ecce mna tua,
quam habui rep6sitam in su
dario: timui enim te, quia

into a far country, to receive foi

himself a kingdom, and to re
turn. And calling his ten serv
ants, he gave them ten pounds
and said to them: Trade till
come. But his citizens hate<
him: and they sent an embassagafter him, saying: We will no
have this man to reign over us
And it came to pass that he re
turned, having received th
kingdom: and he commando
his servants to be called, t
whom he had given the monej
that he might know how mud
every man had gained by trac
ing. And the first came, saying
Lord, thy pound hath gained te
pounds. And he said to him
Well done, thou good servan
because thou hast been faithfi
in a little, thou shalt have pow<
over ten cities. And the secon
came, saying: Lord, thy poun
hath gained five pounds. An
he said to him: Be thou als
over five cities. And anoth<
came, faying: Lord, behold, hei
is thy pound, which I have ke]


lomo austerus es: tollis quod

ion posuisti, et metis quod
non seminasti. Dicit ei: De
ore tuo te judico, serve ne
quam. Sciebas quod ego
homo austerus sum, tollens
quod non p6sui, et metens
quod non seminavi: et quare
non dedisti pecuniam meam
ad mensam, ut ego vniens,
cum usuris utique exegissem
illam? Et astantibus dixit:
Auferte ab illo mnam, et
date illi, qui decem mnas
habet. Et dixerunt ei: D6mine, habet decem mnas.
Dico autem vobis: Quia
omni habenti dabitur, et
abundabit: ab eo autem, qui
non habet, et quod habet,
auferetur ab eo.


laid up in a napkin; for I feared

thee, because thou art an austere
man: thou takest up what thou
didst not lay down, and thou
reapest that which thou didst
not sow. He saith to him: Out
of thine own mouth I judge
thee, thou wicked servant. Thou
knewest that I was an austere
man, taking up what I laid not
down, and reaping that which I
did not sow; and why, then,
didst thou not give my money
into the bank, that at my com
ing I might have exacted it with
usury? And he said to them that
stood by: Take the pound away
from him, and give it him that
hath ten pounds. And they said
to him: Lord, he hath ten
pounds. But I say unto you, that
to everyone that hath shall be
given, and he shall abound: and
from him that hath not, even
that which he hath shall be
taken from him.

The Creed is said.

Offertory. Ps. 88:25
Offertorium. Ps. 88:25
My truth and My mercy shall
Veritas mea et misericor
dia mea cum ipso: et in n6- be with him; and in My name
mine meo exaltabitur cornu shall his horn be exalted.
R/ESTA, quaesumus, om
nipotens Deus: ut, sicut
beatus Ludovicus Confessor
tuus, spretis mundi oblecta
mentis, soli Regi Christo
placare studuit; ita ejus ora
tio nos tibi reddat acceptos.
Per eundem Dominum.

RANT, we beseech Thee,
almighty God: that even as
blessed Louis, Thy Confessor,
spurning the blandishments of
the world, sought to please
Christ the King alone, so his
prayer may render us well-pleas
ing unto Thee. Through the
same Jesus Christ.



Communio. Matth. 24:46, 41

Beatus servus quem, cum
venerit dominus, invenerit
vigilantem: amen dico vobis,
super omnia bona sua con
stituet eum.

Blessed is the servant whom

when the Lord shall come, H(
shall find watching; amen I saj
to you, He shall place him ovei
all His goods.

EUS, qui beatum Con
fessorem tuum Ludovicum mirificasti in terris, et
gloriosum in caelis fecisti:
eundem, quaesumus, Eccle
siae tuse constitue defenso
rem. Per Dominum.

GOD, who didst give Thy
blessed Confessor, Louis,
renown upon earth and glory in
heaven: do Thou, we beseech
Thee, appoint him to be defend
er of Thy Church. Through our

Communion. Matt. 24:46,47

In Churches of the Third Order, of which Order St. Louis

is the Patron, the feast is a Double of the First Class with a
Common Octave. Each day during the Octave, provided a
Double of the First or Second Class does not occur, com
memoration is made of the Octave of St. Louis; and the Creed
is said daily, according to the rubrics.
A u g u s t 26


Confessors, of the First Order
Tim othy was born at Montecchfo, in Italy of a distinguished fam
ily. A t an early age he entered th e Franciscan O rder to escape the
dangers of the w orld. H e observed the Rule strictly and surpassed
his brethren in the virtues of humility, modesty and patience. He
died when sixty years of age, in the year 1504.
Bernard, born of humble parents, spent his youth as a shepherd in
Italy. A t the earliest age possible for him he entered the Capuchin
O rder as a lay-brother. H e had a great respect for th e priesthood,
and distinguished himself especially through gentleness, a love oi
prayer, an a consideration for the poor.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the
first orations.
Commemoration is made of St. Zephyrin, Pope and Martyr.



Se p t e m b e r 1


Martyrs, of the First Order
John, a priest, *nd Peter, a lay-brother, were sent by St. Francis
as missionaries to Aragon, in Spain. They labored there success
fully by word, example and prayer. Filled w ith zeal for the Faith
and a desire for martyrdom, they w ent to V alencia, the residence of
the M ohamm edan ruler Azotus, and preached openly in the public
square against th e false teachings of M ohamm ed. W hen they re
fused to stop preaching in spite of contradictions and abuse, the
ruler ordered them beheaded. Their m artyrdom, which took place
in 1231, won for him , however, the grace of conversion.

Mass Intret, from the Common of Many Martyrs, in the

first place, with the following:


RANT, we beseech Thee, O

O N C E D E , quaesumus,
omnipotens D e u s , in G almighty God, help to
firmitati nostrae presidium: our infirmity; that as we glory
ut, sicut beat6rum Martyrum in the triumph of Thy blessed
tu6rum Joannis et Petri glo Martyrs, John and Peter, so we
riamur triumphis: ita e<5rum may not hesitate to imitate their
constantiam imitari non pi constancy which we joyfully
geat, quam celebrare delec celebrate. Through our Lord.
tat. Per D6minum.
Commemoration is made of St. Giles, Abbot; and of the
Twelve Holy Brothers, Martyrs.
Graduate. Exod. 13:11
Glori6sus Deus in Sanctis
suis: mirabilis in majestate,
faciens prodigia. V. Ibid.: 6.
Dextera tua, EWmine, glorificata est in virtute, dextera
manus tua confregit inimi
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ha:c
est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crimina: Christum

Gradual. Exod. 15:11

God is glorious in His saints:
wonderful in majesty, doing
wonders. V. Ibid.: 6. Thy right
hand, O Lord, is glorified in
strength, Thy right hand hath
broken the enemies.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is
true brotherhood, which conquereth the crimes of the world;



secuta est, inclyta tenens it hath followed after Christ

regna caelestia. Alleluja.
possessing the glorious kingdorr
of heaven. Alleluia.
In Churches of the Third Order
O n t h e Sa m e D a y , Se pt e m b e r 1


(Major Double)
Mass as on the feast, August 25, with the following:
EUS, qui beato Ludovi
GOD, who didst grant to
co inter fallaces tem
blessed Louis to desire
poralis regni delicias veram with his whole heart the true
atirni regni felicitatem toto happiness of the eternal king
corde concupiscere tribuisti: dom amid the deceitful delights
ipsius nobis meritis et imita- of a temporal kingdom: grant
ti6ne concide; ut, per ejus through his merits and example
vestigia gradientes, valeamus that, following in his footsteps,
nunc bona caduca despicere, we may be able now to despise
et aetirna tandem gaudia transitory goods and one day to
possidire. Per D6minum.
possess eternal joys. Through
our Lord.
Commemoration is made of Bl. John and Peter; of St. Giles
the Abbot; and of the Twelve Holy Brothers, Martyrs.

Se pt e m b e r 2


Martyrs, of the First and Third Orders
John Francis was born in Rambervillers in Lorraine. H e joined
the O rder a t Nancy, in France. A fter ordination he taught T he
ology and was guardian of th e Nancy friary. Later h e was trans
ferred as guardian to Paris. Charged in the courts of the Revolu
tion w ith allow ing his subjects to exercise the sacred m inistiy even
though they had not taken th e oath to uphold the wicked Civil
Constitution of the Clergy, he was imprisoned in Paris. O n September
2, 1792, he was martyred.
A ppollinaris was born near Fribourg, Switzerland. A t th e age of
twenty-three he joined the Capuchin O rder. A fter ordination he
served as a home missionary in Switzerland. Later h e was trans
ferred to Paris, where he proved himself especially zealous in tend
ing the sick and dying. H e was imprisoned w ith Bl. John Francis,
and w ith him martyred for the Faith.



Severin was bom at Rouen. W hile still a youth he joined the

rhird Order Regular of St. Francis. After ordination he served as
rhaplain for the nuns of St. Elizabeth in Paris, and he directed them
ilong the way of virtue with remarkable success. W ith the other witlesses to the Faith he was imprisoned for refusing to take the Civil
jath. W hile he was reciting his Office, he was set upon and murdered
for the Faith. These three members of the great Seraphic Family, to
gether with one hundred and eightv-eight other martyrs of the
French Revolution, were enrolled in the number of the Blessed by
Pius XI.

Mass Salus autem, from the Common of Many Martyrs,

in the third place, with the following:
CCLESIAM tuam, quae
AKE u s ever to love Thy
sumus, D6mine, fac nos
Church with filial devo
semper filiili pietate dili tion, we beseech Thee, O Lord;
dere: cujus in juribus pro in the defense of whose rights
pugnandis beati M dr tyres Thy blessed Martyrs, John Fran
tui Joannes-Franciscus, Apol cis, Apollinaris and Severin,
linaris et Severinus, ad mor fought valiantly even unto death.
tem usque fdrtiter certave Through our Lord.
runt. Per D6minum.
Commemoration is made of St. Stephen the King, Confessor.

Graduate. Ps. 33:18,19

Clamaverunt justi, et Dominus exaudivit eos: et ex
6mnibus tribulati6nibus eo
rum liberavit eos. V. Juxta
est D6minus his qui tribu
lato sunt corde: et humiles
spiritu salvabit.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec
est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crimina: Christum se
cuta est, Inclyta tenens re
gna caelestia. Alleluja.
N HOSTES tuos, D6mine
Deus, fortitudinem nobis
c6nferat hac mensa caelestis:
qua beatos Martyres tuos sic
aluit ad certamen, ut vict6riam c6nsequi mererentur.
Per D6minum.

Gradual. Ps. 33:18,19

The just cried, and the Lord
heard them; and delivered them
out of all their troubles. V. The
Lord is nigh unto those that are
of a contrite heart: and He will
save the humble of spirit.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is
true brotherhood, which conquereth the crimes of the world;
it hath followed after Christ,
possessing the glorious king
dom of heaven. Alleluia.
AY this heavenly table, O
Lord God, which so nour
ished Thy blessed Martyrs for
the fight that they deserved to
attain victory, confer upon us
strength against Thine enemies.
Through our Lord.



Commemoration as above.
a l u t a r i s hostiae participati6ne roboratos, fac
nos, D6mine Jesu, beatorum
Martyrum Joannis-Frandsci,
Apollinaris et Severxni invic
tam imitari in fide et cari
tate constantiam. Qui vivis.

TRENGTHENED by partici
pating in the Host of salva
tion, make us, O Lord Jesus
to imitate the invincible con
stancy in faith and charity 01
the blessed Martyrs, John Fran
cis, Apollinaris and Severin.
Who livest and reignest.

Se p t e m b e r 4


Virgin, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
From her infancy Rose was a child of grace. W hen she was three
her prayer raised her deceased aunt to life, and at seven she retired to
a cell in her fathers house to give herself up to prayer and penance.
At the age of ten she was instructed by O ur Lady to join the Third
O rder, and shortly afterward she began to preach penance to the
people of Viterbo. Exiled along w ith her whole family, by the ene
mies of the Pope, she predicted the death of the Emperor. Back in
her native city she wished to enter the convent of the Poor Clares, but
was refused admittance. She died in 1252, at the age of eighteen, and
her incorrupt body was removed to the convent of the Poor Clares
by Pope Alexander IV. She was canonized by Pope Callistus III
in 1457. M iracles are constantly occuring at her tomb.

Introitus. Ps. 118:46,47

T OQUfiBAR de testimoniis
tuis in conspectu regum,
et non confundebar: et me
ditabar in mandatis tuis,
quae dilexi nimis. Ps. ibid.:
1. Beati immaculati in via:
qui ambulant in lege Do
mini. V. G16ria Patri.
EUS, qui beatam Rosam
sanctarum tuarum Vir
ginum collegio aggregare di
gnatus es: tribue nobis, quae
sumus; ut, ejus precibus et

Introit. Ps. 118:46,47

T SPOKE of Thy testimonies
before kings, and I was not
ashamed; I meditated also on
Thy commandments, which I
g r ea t l y l o v e d . Ps. ibid.: 1.
Blessed are the undefiled in the
way, who walk in the law of
the Lord. V. Glory be to the
GOD, who didst deign to
unite blessed Rose to the
company of Thy holy Virgins:
grant us, we beseech Thee, that
through her prayers and merits


meritis, a culpis 6mnibus ex

piemur, et tuse majestatis
cons6rtio perfruamur aterno.
Per D6minum.


we may be purified from all

faults, and enjoy the eternal fel
lowship of Thy majesty. Through
our Lord.

Lectio Eplstolse beati Pauli

Lesson from the Epistle of
Apdstoli ad Corinthios.
blessed Paul the Apostle to the
I Cor. 1:26-31
1 Cor. 1:26-31
RATRES: Videte vocaRETHREN: See your voca
ti6nem vestram, quia non
tion, that there are not
multi sapientes s e c u n d u m many wise according to the flesh,
carnem, non multi potentes, not many mighty, not many
non multi ndbiles: sed quae noble. But the foolish things of
stulta sunt mundi, eligit the world hath God chosen, that
Deus, ut confundat sapien He may confound the wise; and
tes: et infirma mundi elegit the weak things of the world
Deus, ut confundat f6rtia: et hath God chosen, that He may
ignobilia m u n d i , et c on confound the strong; and the
temptibilia elegit Deus, et base things of the world, and
ea, qu* non sunt, ut ea, the things that are contemptible,
quae sunt, destrueret: ut non hath God chosen, and things
gloriatur omnis caro in con that are not, that He might
spectu ejus. Ex ipso autem bring to nought things that are;
vos estis in Christo Jesu, qui that no flesh should glory in
factus est nobis sapiintia a His sight. But of Him are you
Deo, et justitia, et sanctifi in Christ Jesus, who of God is
catio, et redemptio: ut quem made unto us wisdom, and jus
admodum scriptum est: Qui tice, and sanctification, and re
gloriatur, in D6mino glori- demption; that, as it is writ
ten: He that glorieth, may glory
in the Lord.

Graduate. Ps. 40:13

Me autem propter inno
centiam suscepisti. V. Et con
firmasti me in conspectu tuo
in aeternum.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Sap.
4:13. In brevi explevit tem
pora multa, placita enim
erat Deo anima illius. Al

Gradual. Ps. 40:13

But Thou hast upheld me by
reason of my innocence. V. And
hast established me in Thy sight
for ever.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Wisd.
4:13. In a short space she ful
filled a long time, for her soul
pleased God. Alleluia.



i*Sequentia sancti Evangllii

secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 25:1-13
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis para
bolam hanc: Simile erit re
gnum calorum decem virgi
nibus; quae accipientes lam
pades suas, exierunt 6bviam
sponso et sponsa. Quinque
autem ex eis erant fatua, et
quinque p r u d e n t e s . Sed
quinque fatua, acceptis lam
padibus, non sumps er un t
61eumsecum: prudentes vero
acceperunt 61eum in vasis
suis cum lampadibus. Mo
ram autem faciente sponso,
dormitaverunt omnes et dor
mierunt. Media autem nocte
clamor factus est: Ecce spon
sus venit, exite obviam ei.
Tunc surrexrunt omnes vir
gines illa, et ornaverunt lam
pades suas. Fatua autem
sapientibus dixerunt: Date
nobis de 6Ieo vestro, quia
lampades nostra exstingu
untur. Responderunt pru
dentes, dicentes: Ne forte
non sufficiat nobis, et vobis,
ite p6tius ad vendentes, et
emite vobis. Dum autem
irent emere, venit sponsus:
et qua parata erant, intrave
runt cum eo ad nuptias, et
clausa est janua. Novissime
vero veniunt et reliqua vir
gines, di c en t e s: D6mine,
Domine, aperi nobis. At ille
resp6ndens, ait: Amen dico
vobis, nescio vos. Vigilate
Itaque, quia nescitis diem,
neque horam.

I4 Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 25:1-13
A T THAT time: Jesus spok<
this parable to His disci
pies: The kingdom of heaver
shall be like to ten virgins, whc
taking their lamps went out tc
meet the bridegroom and the
bride. And five of them were
foolish, and five wise. But the
five foolish, having taken their
lamps, did not take oil with
them: but the wise took oil in
their vessels with the lamps.
And the bridegroom tarrying,
they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a
cry made: Behold, the bride
groom cometh, go ye forth to
meet him. Then all those vir
gins arose and trimmed theii
lamps. And the foolish said to
the wise: Give us of your oil,
for our lamps are gone out. The
wise answered, saying: Lest per
haps there be not enough for us
and for you, go ye rather to
them that sell, and buy for your
selves. Now whilst they went to
buy, the bridegroom came: and
they that were ready, went in
with him to the marriage, and
the door was shut. But at last
came also the other virgins, say
ing: Lord, Lord, open to us. But
he answering, said: Amen I say
to you, I know you not. Watch
ye therefore, because you know
not the day nor the hour.


Offertorium. Ps. 20:4

Praevenisti earn, D6mine,
benedicti6nibus dulcdilis, posuisti in capite ejus
:or6nam de Iapide pretioso.
N OD(5REM suavitatis
ascendat ad te, D6mine,
hoc sacrificium laudis, quod
tibi in festivitate beatae Rosae
Virginis immolamus: et con
cede; ut, ejus exemplo, ma
jestati tuae virtutum maritis
iugiter placeamus. Per D6minum.
Communio. Job 31:18
Ab infantia mea crevit
mecum miseratio, et de utero
matris meae egressa est me
iELfiSTIBUS, D6mine,
pasti deliciis: te sup
plices exoramus; ut, intercedente beata Rosa Virgine
tua, ad coenam nuptiarum
Agni pervenire valeamus.
Qui tecum.


Offertory. Ps. 20:4

Thou hast prevented her, O
Lord, with blessings of sweet
ness ; Thou hast set on her head
a crown of precious stones.
AY this sacrifice of praise
which we immolate to
Thee on the festivity of blessed
Rose, the Virgin, rise unto Thee,
O Lord, as an odor of sweet
ness; and grant that, after her
example, we may ever be pleas
ing to Thy majesty by the merits
of virtues. Through our Lord.
Communion. Job 31:18
From my infancy mercy grew
up with me, and it came out
with me from my mother's
ED with heavenly delights,
O Lord, we humbly pray
Thee that through the interces
sion of blessed Rose, Thy Vir
gin, we may be able to attain to
the nuptial banquet of the Lamb.
Who with Thee liveth and

Se p t e m b e r 5


Martyr, of the First Order
Gentle was born of a noble family at M atelica, in the M arch.
A fter a pious youth, he entered th e Franciscan O rder and worked
as a missionary in Egypt and Persia. G od granted him th e gift of
tongues and miracles, and he won thousands of souls to the true
Faith before he was finally slain by the Saracens in 1340. H is body
was transferred to Venice.

Mass In virtute, from the Common of One Martyr, in the

third place, with the following:



^ ^ E BESEECH Thee,
Lord, that Thou maye:
endlessly perfect praise to Thj
self from our mouths; wh
didst grant to blessed Gentli
Thy Martyr, the gift of tongue
for the conversion of the inf
dels. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Lawrence Justinian, Bisho
and Confessor.
E, DOMINE, quaesumus,
ut ex ore nostro inces
santer tibi laudes perficias:
qui beato Gentili Martyri
tuo ad infidelium conversio
nem linguarum donum in
didisti. Per D6minum.

Se p t e m b e r 6


Confessors, of the First Order
Liberatus was a count of the noble family of Brunforte in thi
M arch of Ancona. H aving received the habit of St. Francis, he ob
tained permission after ordination to lead a strictly contemplativi
life. H e became the perfect model of a religious and edified a ll witl
whom he came in contact. W orn out by the ardor of his love anc
the rigor of his penance, he died in 1258, speaking to his brethrer
of the joys of heaven. T he place of his burial, called San Liberato,
is the scene of many miracles.
Peregrinus was a scion of a noble family of Falerone. A studeni
in the university city of Bologna, he was converted, along w ith Bl
Rizzerius, by the preaching of St. Francis, and begged to be ad.
m itted to the O rder. St. Francis said to Peregrinus: "T h o u , Pere
grinus, shalt follow in the O rder the ways of hum ility (as is recordet:
in the "L ittle Flowers of St. F ra n c is " ). U ntil th a t time, Peregrinu!
had studied philosophy and law w ith remarkable success, and it wa!
extremely difficult for him to reconcile himself to the vocation of a
lay-brother. H e persevered, however, and reached such a high degree
of sanctity th a t his contemporaries considered him one of the most
perfect religious in the whole w orld. H e received the gift of miracles
even in this life, and after his death, which occurred about 1239,
his tomb was the scene of many prodigies.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the
first orations.
S e p te m b e r 9


Widow, of the Second Order
Seraphina was of the family of the Counts of U rbina. From her
earliest days she felt draw n to G od, and strove in all things to be
perfect. She married the widowed prince, Alexander Sforza, and



completely won his affection and th a t of her tw o step-children. W hen

Alexander was forced to take up arms, he left the affairs of govern
m ent to his young wife, in whose wisdom and ability h e h ad the
greatest confidence. She ruled for six years, but when her husband
returned, he was completely changed. H e brought his param our into
his house, and ordered Seraphina to seek a home w ith the Poor Clares.
She obeyed, but refused to take the habit until he forced her to it.
She then became a most perfect religious, faithful to the most trifling
ordinances. She prayed constantly for her husbands conversion, ana
a t length he came to the convent and on his knees begged his holy
w ifes forgiveness. She continued to live in the convent, striving
more and more to promote the temporal and spiritual welfare o f her
sisters, especially during her term as abbess. She died fn 1478.

Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in the

second place, with the following:
EUS, qui per beatam
GOD, who through blessed
Seraphinam eximium
Seraphina hast given us
nobis patientiae exemplum an extraordinary example of pa
tribuisti: praesta supplicibus tience: grant to Thy suppliants
tuis; ut et ipsius instruimur that we may be both instructed
exemplis, et ab 6mnibus, by her example, and preserved
ejus patrocinio, liberamur from all adversities through her
protection. Through our Lord.
adversis. Per Dominum.
Commemoration is made of St. Gorgonius, Martyr.

S e p t e m b e r 10


Martyrs, of the First and Third Orders
In 1614 a strict edict was issued in Japan against a ll Christians,
and martyrdom was the consequence for thousands w ho refused to
deny the F a ith . In 1867 Pope Pius IX beatified tw o hundred of these
martyrs of Tapan. Forty-five of them , w ho died between the years
1617 and 1632, belong to the Franciscan family: eighteen missionaries
of the First O rder, whose superior was Bl. A pollinaris, and twentyseven members of the T h ird O rder. Among th e latter were mothers
w ho not only gave up their own life for th e Faith, but even per
mitted their children to be beheaded rather than see them left to the
care of their pagan countrymen.

Introitus. Ps. 36:39

Introit. Ps. 36:39
ALUS autem just6rum a
UT the salvation of the just
Domino: et protector
is from the Lord: and He
e6rum est in tempore tribu- is their protector in the time of
lati6nis. Ps. ibid.: 1. Noli trouble. Ps. ibid.: 1. Be not



xmulari in malignantibus: emulous of evildoers, nor envy

neque zelaveris facientes ini them that work iniquity. V.
quitatem. V. G16ria Patri. Glory be to the Father.
R I S T A , quaesumus,
omnipotens Deus: ut, bea
torum Martyrum tu6rum
Apollinaris et Soci6rum ex
emplo excitati; 6mnia p6tius
mala in hoc saeculo, quam
anima: detrimentum patia
mur. Per D6minum.

RANT, we beseech Thee,
a l m i g h t y Go d, that
aroused by the example of Thy
blessed Martyrs, Apollinaris and
his companions, we may suffer
every evil in this world rather
than harm to our souls. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration is made of St. Nicholas of Tolentino,

Lectio Epistola beati Pauli
Lesson from the Epistle of
Ap6stoli ad Hebraeos.
blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Hebr. 11:33-39
Hebr. 11:33-39
RATRES: Sancti per fi
RETHREN: The saints by
dem vicerunt regna, ope
faith conquered kingdoms,
rati sunt justitiam, adepti wrought justice, obtained prom
sunt repromissi6nes, obtura ises, stopped the mouths of
verunt ora le6num, exstinxe lions, quenched the violence of
runt impetum ignis, effuge fire, escaped the edge of the
runt aciem gladii, convalue sword, recovered strength from
runt de infirmitate, fortes weakness, became valiant in bat
facti sunt in bello, castra tle, put to flight the armies of
verterunt exterorum: accepe foreigners; women received their
runt mulieres de resurrec- dead raised to life again. But
ti6ne m6rtuos suos. Alii others were racked, not accept
autem distenti sunt, non sus ing deliverance, that they might
cipientes redempti6nem, ut find a better resurrection. And
melidrem invenirent resur- others had trial of mockeries
recti6nem. Alii vero ludibria and stripes, moreover also of
et verbera experti, insuper et bands and prisons; they were
vincula et carceres: lapidati stoned, they were cut asunder,
sunt, secti sunt, tentati sunt, they were tempted, they were
in occisi6ne gladii m6rtui put to death by the sword, they
sunt, circuierunt in melotis, wandered about in sheepskins,
in pellibus caprinis, egentes, in goatskins, being in want, dis
angustiati, afflicti: quibus tressed, afflicted: of whom the
dignus non erat mundus: in world was not worthy; wander-



olitudinibus e r r a n t e s , ' in
n6ntibus et speluncis, et in
:avernis terrae. Et hi omnes
estimdnio fidei probati, inrnti sunt in Christo Jesu
D6mino nostro.

ing in deserts, in mountains,

and in dens, and in caves of the
earth. And all these, being ap
proved by the testimony of faith,
have been found in Christ Jesus
our Lord.

Graduate. Ps. 33:18,19

Clamaverunt justi, et D6ninus exaudivit eos, et ex
imnibus tribulati6nibus e6rum liberavit eos. V. Juxta
s t D6minus his qui tribula:o sunt corde, et humiles
;piritu salvabit.

Gradual. Ps. 33:18,19

The just cried, and the Lord
heard them, and delivered them
out of all their troubles. V. The
Lord is nigh unto those that are
of a contrite heart, and He will
save the humble of spirit.

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Hac

:st vera fraternitas, quae vicit
nundi crimina: Christum se:uta est, inclyta tenens regna
raeiestia. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. This is

true brotherhood, which conquereth the crimes of the world;
it hath followed after Christ,
possessing the glorious kingdom
of heaven. Alleluia.

>1* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Matthaeum.
Malth. 3:10-12
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus turbis Juda6rum:
Beati, qui persecuti6nem pa
tiuntur p r o p t e r justitiam:
qu6niam ips6rum est regnum
cael6rum. Beati estis, cum
maledixerint vobis, et perse
cuti vos fuerint, et dixerint
omne malum adversum vos
mentientes, propter me: gau
dete et exsultate, qu6niam
merces vestra copi6sa est in
caelis; s ic e ni m persecuti
sunt prophetas, qui fuerunt
ante vos.

f* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 5:10-12
T THAT time: Jesus said to
L the multitudes of the Jews:
Blessed are they that suffer per
secution for justice sake, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye when they shall
revile you, and persecute you,
and speak all that is evil against
you, untruly, for My sake. Be
glad and rejoice, for your re
ward is very great in heaven;
for so they persecuted the proph
ets that were before you.

Offertorium. Sap. 3:1,2, 3

Offertory. Wisd. 3:1, 2, 3
Just6rum anima in manu
The souls of the just are in
Dei sunt, et non tanget illos the hand of God, and the tor-



tormentum malitis: visi sunt ment of evil shall not touc

oculis insipientium mori, illi them; in the sight of the ui
autem sunt in pace, alleluja. wise they seemed to die bi
they are in peace, alleluia.
EUS, qui caritas es, in
GOD, who art charitj
tercedentibus beatis
through the intercessio:
Martyribus tuis Apollinare of Thy blessed Martyrs, Apolli
et Sdciis, ita nos tibi caritate naris and his companions, S(
conjunge: ut tu in nobis bind us to Thee in charity tha
jugiter, et nos in te manea Thou mayest ever remain in u
mus. Per D6minum.
and we in Thee. Through ou
Commemoration as above.

Communio. Matth. 10:27

Communion. Matt. 10:27
Quod dico vobis in tene
That which I tell you in tta
bris dicite in lumine, dicit dark, speak ye in the light, saitl
D6minus: et quod in aure the Lord; and that which yoi
auditis predicate super tecta. hear in the ear, preach ye upoi
the housetops.
UMPTIS, D6mine, salu
AVING received the aids ol
our salvation, we beseech
tis nostrae subsidiis: da,
qutesumus; ut, intercedenti Thee, O Lord: g r a n t tha
bus beatis Martyribus tuis through the intercession of Th)
Apollinare et S6ciis, nullis a blessed Martyrs, Apollinaris anc
te tentati6nibus separemur. his companions, we may be
se par at e d from Thee by nc
Per Ddminum.
temptations. Through our Lord
Commemoration as above.

S e p t e m b e r 11


Confessor, of the First Order
Bl. Bonaventure was bom of humble parentage in Spain. W hile
occupied with tending sheep, he spent his time in prayer and devotion
to the Blessed Virgin. A t the wish of his parents he m arried, but
lived w ith his wife in virginal chastity. A fter her early death, he
entered the Franciscan O rder as a lay-brother. In Rome he estab
lished the monastery of St. Bonaventure on the Palatine, where the



primitive R ule o f St. Francis was kept in fu ll vigor. T h e fame of his

sanctity and wisdom spread rapidly, and he became the consoler and
adviser of many, even the Pope. Dying in 1684, he was beatified by
Pope Pius X .

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pontiff, in the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui nobis in beato
G O D , who in blessed
Bonaventura Confess6re
Bonaventure, Thy Confes
tuo mira evangelic* perfec- sor, hast given us a wonderful
ti6nis exempla tribuisti: con example of Evangelical perfec
cede propitius; ut, ipso in- tion: me r c i f ul l y gr an t that
tercedente, quae tibi sunt pla through his intercession we may
cita studeamus agn6scere ac strive to know what is pleasing
festinemus implore. Per D6- to Thee and hasten to fulfil it.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of Sts. Protus and Hyacinth, Mar

UNfiRIBUS oblatis, D i
mine, vim tuae benedicti6nis infunde: -ut, beati
Bonaventurae Confess6ris tui
suffragantibus miritis, salu
tares in nobis operantur ef
fectus. Per D6minum.

Secret '
OUR out upon the gifts of
fered to Thee the strength of
T hy blessing, O Lord; that
through the i nt e r ces si o n and
merits of blessed Bonaventure
Thy Confessor, they may work
in us salutary effects. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration as above.
/ELfiSTIS mensae robur,
quaesumus, D6mine, nos
tuis faciat obedlre mandatis:
ut cum beato Bonaventura
Confess6re tuo valeamus in
sancta caritate persistere, ac
promissa te diligentibus remunerati6ne potiri. Per D6minum.

Commemoration as above.

A Y th e s t r en g t h of the
heavenly table make us
obedient to Thy commands, we
beseech Thee, O Lord; that,
with blessed Bonaventure Thy
Confessor, we may be able to
remain steadfast in holy charity,
and receive the reward promised
to t hose who love Thee.
Through our Lord.



S e p t e m b e r 13


Confessor, of the First Order
Francis was born in C alderola, in Italy. H e joined th e Friars
M inor of the Province of the M arch, at the tim e when the great
St. James and many other holy friars were giving b rillian t examples
of sanctity to the w orld. Francis strove zealously to follow in their
footsteps, and soon attained to a lofty degree of perfection. A lthough
he was highly cultured and learned, he always preached to the people
in the simplest manner and strove by hum ility and meekness to bring
about conversions and to reconcile enemies. H e was a m ost devoted
servant of th e M other of G od, and spread devotion to her under the
title of "Q ueen of Peace." H e died in 1507.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum Franriscum Confess6rem Ec
clesiae tuae dignum ministrum
praebuisti, ac mirifica dissi
dentes componendi gratia
decorasti: ejus meritis et in
tercessione concede; ut, in
tua caritate firmati, nullis a
te tentatidnibus separemur.
Per Dominum.

G O D , who d id s t give
blessed Francis, the Con
fessor, to Thy Church as a
worthy servant, and didst honor
him with a wonderful grace for
reconciling o p po ne n t s : grant
through his merits and interces
sion that, being strengthened in
Thy love, we may be separated
from Thee by no temptations.
Through our Lord.

quam tibi offerimus,
D6mine, in hon6rem beati
Frandsci Confessdris tui, sit
nobis in necessitatibus auxi
lium, et peccat6rum salutare
remedium. Per Dominum.

AY this propitiatory host
which we offer Thee, O
Lord, in honor of blessed Fran
cis, Thy Confessor, be unto us
a help in need and a salutary
remedy for sin. Through our

ARITATEM tuam, quae
sumus, D6mine, in c6rdibus nostris accende: ut,
beati Francisci Confess6ris
tui meritis, te semper dili-

TJNKINDLE Thy love in our
hearts, we beseech Thee, O
Lord, that through the merits of
blessed Francis, Thy Confessor,
we may ever love Thee, and

H JEC pla ca bi l i s hdstia,



gere, et ad te pervenire va-|may be able to attain to Thee,

leamus. Per Dominum.
| Through our Lord.
Se p t e m b e r



(Double of the Second Class)
St. Francis im itated C hrist so faithfully th a t tow ard the end of his
life G od deigned to rew ard him by im printing upon his body the
marks of the Five W ounds. In 1224, w hile St. rran cis was at prayer
on M ount A lverna, he saw a six-winged seraph all afire descending
toward him from heaven. As the seraph drew near, Francis noticed
among the wings the form of O ne Crucified. W hen the vision dis
appeared, Francis felt his own heart afire, and saw his hands and
feet marked w ith the im print of nails. T h e heads of the nails were
round and black, the points somewhat long and bent, as if they were
turned back. O n his rig h t side was a w ound, from which blood
flowed staining his tunic. Francis was able to conceal his w ounds from
most of the brethren. A fter his death they were carefully examined and
attested by an ecclesiastical decree. Pope Benedict X I instituted today's
feast in honor of the Holy Stigmata.

Introitus. Gal. 6:14

IHI autem absit gloriari,
nisi in cruce D6mini
nostri Jesu Christi, per quem
mihi mundus crucifixus est,
et ego mundo. Ps. 141:2.
Voce mea ad D6minum cla
mavi, voce mea ad D6minum
deprecatus sum. V. G16ria
O M I N E Je su Christe,
qui frigescnte mundo,
ad inflammandum corda no
stra tui am6ris igne, in carne
beatissimi Patris nostri Francisci passi6nis tuae sacra
Stigmata renovasti: concade
propitius; ut, ejus maritis et
prficibus, crucem jugiter fera
mus, et dignos fructus poeni
tentiae faciamus. Qui vivis.

Introit. Gal. 6:14

UT God forbid that I should
glory, save in the cross of
our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom
the world is crucified to me, and
I to the world. Ps. 141:2. I
cried to the Lord with my voice;
with my voice I made supplica
tion to the Lord. V. Glory be to
the Father.
LORD Jesus Christ, who
w hen the w or l d was
growing cold, in order to en
kindle in our hearts the fire of
Thy love, didst renew in the
body of blessed Francis the sa
cred marks of Thy Passion:
mercifully grant that through
his merits and prayers we may
ever carry the cross and bring
forth worthy fruits of penance.
Who livest and reignest.



Lectio Epistols beati Pauli

Apostoli ad Galatas.
Gal. 6:14-18
RATRES: Mi h i autem
absit gloriari, nisi in
cruce Domini nostri Jesu
Christi: per quem mihi mun
dus crucifixus est, et ego
mundo. In C h r i st o enim
Jesu neque circumcisio ali
quid valet, neque praeputium,
sed nova creatura. Et quicumque hanc regulam secuti
fuerint, pax super illos et
miseric6rdia, et super Israel
Dei. De cetero nemo mihi
molestus sit: ego enim stig
mata Domini Jesu in c6rpore meo porto. Gratia Da
mini nostri Jesu Christi cum
spiritu vestro, fratres. Amen.

Lesson from the Epistle of

blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Gal. 6:14-18
RETHREN: But God forbid
that I should glory, save in
the cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ; by whom the world is
crucified to me, and I to the
world. F or in C h r i s t Jesus
neither circumcision availeth any
thing, nor uncircumcision, but
a new creature. And whosoever
shall follow this rule, peace on
them, and mercy, and upon the
Israel of God. From henceforth
let no man be troublesome to
me; for I bear the marks of the
Lord Jesus in my body. The
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with your spirit, brethren.

Graduate. Ps. 36:30, 31

Os justi meditabitur sa
pientiam, et lingua ejus loquetur judicium. V. Lex Dei
ejus in corde ipsius, et non
supplantabuntur gressus ejus.

Gradual. Ps. 36:30, 31

The mouth of the just shall
meditate wisdom, and his tongue
shall speak judgment. V. The
law of his God is in his heart,
and his steps shall not be sup

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Gal.

2:19,20. Christo confixus
sum cruci: vivo autem ego,
jam non ego; vivit vero in
me Christus. (Alleluja.)

Alleluia, a l l e l u i a . V .G a l.
2:19,20. With Christ I am
nailed to the cross; and I live,
now not I, but Christ liveth in
me. (Alleluia.)

In Votive Masses after Se, }>tuaeesima, the Alleluia and the

following Verse are omitted, and the following is said:
Tractus. Ps. 20:3, 4
Tract. Ps. 20:3, 4
Desiderium animae ejus
Thou hast given him his
tribuisti ei, et voluntate Ia- souls desire, and hast not with-


)i6rum ejus non fraudasti

um. V. Qu6niam praeveniti eum in benedicti6nibus
ulcidinis. V. P os u i s t i in
apite ejus cor6nam de 14iide pretioso.


holden from him the will of his

lips. V. For Thou hast pre
vented him with blessings of
sweetness. V. Thou hast set on
his head a crown of precious

During Paschal Time the Gradual is omitted, and in its

lace is said:
Al l e l uj a , a l l el u j a. V.
Christo confixus sum cruci:
ivo autem ego, jam non
go; vivit vero in me Chrisis .
Alleluja. V. Franciscus
auper et humilis, caelum
ives i n g r e d i t u r , hymnis
elistibus honoratur. Allejja.

A l l e l u i a , alleluia. V. With
Christ I am nailed to the cross;
and I live, now not I, but
Christ liveth in me. Alleluia.
V. Francis, poor and humble,
entereth rich into heaven, and
is honored with celestial hymns.

Sequence as on the Solemnity of our Holy Father Francis,

ktober 4.
>Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Lucam.
Luc. 9:23-26
N ILLO tempore: Dicebat
Jesus ad omnes: Si quis
alt post me venire, dbneget
:metipsum, et tollat crucem
iam quotidie, et sequatur
ie. Qui enim voluerit aniiam suam salvam fdcere,
srdet illam: nam qui perdi:rit animam suam propter
e, salvam faciet illam. Quid
lim pr6ficit homo, si lucriir universum mundum, se
item ipsum perdat, et deimintum sui faciat? Nam
ii me erubuerit, et meos
rm6nes: hunc Filius h6mis erubiscet, cum vinerit in
ajestite sua, et Patris, et
nctdrum Angel6rum.

i Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 9:23-26
A T THAT time: Jesus said to
all: If any man will come
after Me, let him deny himself,
and take up his cross daily, and
follow Me. For whosoever will
save his life shall lose it; for
he that shall lose his life for
My sake, shall save it. For
what is a man advantaged if he
gain the whole world, and lose
himself, and cast away himself?
For he that shall be ashamed of
Me and of My words, of him
the Son of Man shall be ashamed
when He shall come in His
majesty, and that of His Father,
and of the holy angels.


The Creed is


Offertorium. Ps. 20:3,4

Desiderium animae ejus
tribuisti ei, D6mine, et vo
luntate labi6rum ejus non
fraudasti eum: posuisti in
capite ejus cor6nam de la
pide preti6so.

Offertory. Ps. 20:3,4

Thou hast given him Hi:
soul's desire, O Lord, and has
not withholden from him th<
will of his lips; Thou hast se:
on his head a crown of preciou:

ADSIT nobis, quaesumus,
D6mine Jesu Christe,
beatissimi Patris nostri Frandsci pia, humilis, et dev6ta
supplicatio, in cujus carne,
praerogativa mirabili, passi6nis tuae sacra Stigmata reno
vasti: et praesta; ut, virtute
praesentis oblati6nis, tuae pas
sionis circa nos beneficia ju
giter sentiamus. Qui -vivis.

AY the loving, humble anc
devout supplication of oui
most blessed Father Francis b<
given us, we beseech Thee, C
Lord, in whose flesh, by a won
derful prerogative, Thou dids
renew the sacred marks of Th;
Passion; and grant that, in vir
tue of this oblation, we ma;
ever perceive in ourselves thi
benefits of Thy Passion. Wh<
livest and reignest.

Preface of our Holy Pati er Francis, as on October 4Communio. Matth. 16:24

Communion. Matt. 16:24
Qui vult venire post me,
Who will come after Me, le
ibneget semetlpsum, et tol him deny himself, and take u]
lat crucem suam, et sequatur his cross, and follow Me.
EUS, qui mira crucis
mysteria in beato Patre
nostro Francisco Confess6re
tuo multif6rmiter demonstra
sti: da nobis, quaesumus; de
votionis suae semper exempla
sectari, et assidua ejusdem
crucis meditati6ne mu ni r i .
Per D6minum.

GOD, who in diverse way
didst show forth in ou
blessed Father Francis, Thy Con
fessor, the wonderful mysterie
of the cross: grant us, we be
seech Thee, ever to follow th
example of his devotion, and t
be fortified by constant medita
tion on that same cross. Throug
our Lord.



S e p t e m b e r 18


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
St. Joseph was bora in Cupertino, in th e old kingdom o f N aples.
H e entered th e Capuchin O rder but was dismissed^ because of his
lack of promise. At last th e Conventuals received him as a laybrother, but perceiving his remarkable hum ility and infused wisdom,
placed him in the clericate and ordained him three years later. He
was in ecstasy so frequently th a t his biographer states he spent more
than h alf his religious life lifted above the earth. Because of the
extraordinary nature of his visions and ecstasies, they were carefully
inquired into. A fter he had passed through many trials and suffer
ings, he died in 1663, a t the monastery at Osimo. Pope Clement X III
canonized him in 1767.

Mass as in the Roman Missal.

S e p t e m b e r 23


Foundress of All the Poor Clares, Virgin
( Major Double)
T he body of St. Clare was a t first buried in the Church of St.
George, in Assisi, where St. Francis body had likewise been tem
porarily placed. Seven years after her death, in 1260, it was moved
to the church erected in her honor (also in A ssisi), and buried deep
under, the high altar. For alm ost six centuries it remained hidden. It
was unearthed in 1850, and in 1872 was transferred to a special crypt
w hich had been built to receive it.

Introitus. Ps. 70:20,21

ONVJERSUS vivificasti
me, et de abyssis terrae
iterum reduxisti me: multi
plicasti magnificentiam tuam,
et conversus consolatus es
me. Ps. ibid.: 1,2. In te,
D6mine, speravi, non con
fundar in aeternum: in justi
tia tua libera me, et ripe
me. V. G16ria Patri.

Introit. Ps. 70:20,21

U R N I N G , T h o u hast
brought me to life, and hast
brought me back again from the
depths of the earth; Thou hast
m u l t i p l i e d Thy magnificence,
and turning to me, Thou hast
comforted me. Ps. ibid.: 1,2.
In Thee, O Lord, I have hoped;
let me never be put to confu
sion. Deliver me in Thy justice
and rescue me. V. Glory be to
the Father.
GOD, who didst will that
EUS, qui splend6rt vir
tutum beatam Claram
blessed Clare, through the
innumeris virginibus praelu- splendor of her virtues, should



cite voluisti: ipsius miritis

et intercessi6ne concide; ut,
qui ejus Inventi6nem rec61imus, et hie in luce semper
ambulimus, et in caelesti re
gno perpitua vultus tui hi
laritate pirfrui mereamur.
Per Dominum.

be a light to innumerable vir

gins: grant, through her merits
and intercession, that we who
celebrate the finding of her body
may both ever walk in light
here, and deserve to enjoy in
the heavenly kingdom the un
ending happiness of Thy face.
Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made of St. Linus, Pope and Martyr;

and of St. Thecla, Virgin and Martyr.
Lectio libri Sapientias.
Cant. 2:10-14
N DILECTUS meus 16quitur mihi: Surge, pr6pera, amica mea, columba
mea, form6sa mea, et veni.
Tam enim hiems transiit, im
ber ibiit et recessit. Flores
apparuerunt in terra nostra,
tempus putati6nis advinit:
vox turturis audita est in
terra nostra: ficus pr6tulit
grossos suos: vineae florintes
d e d i r u n t od6r em suum.
Surge, amica mea, speci6sa
mea, et veni: columba mea
in foraminibus petra, in cavirna maceriae, ostende mihi
faciem tuam, sonet vox tua
in auribus meis: vox enim
tua dulcis, et facies tua dec6ra.

Graduate. Is. 58:10, 11

Oriitur in tenebris 1 u x
tua, et tinebra tua erunt
sicut meridies. V. Et riquiem
tibi dabit D6minus Deus
tuus semper, et implebit
splend6ribus animam tuam,
et ossa tua liberabit.

Lesson from the book of

Cant. 2:10-14
EHOLD, my Beloved speaketh to me: Ari se, make
haste, My love, My dove, My
beautiful one, and come. For
winter is now past, the rain is
over and gone. The flowers have
appeared in our land, the time
of pruning is come; the voice of
the turtle is heard in our land;
the fig tree hath put forth her
green figs; the vines in flower
yield their sweet smell. Arise,
My love, My beautiful one, and
come: My dove in the clefts of
the rock, in the hollow places
of the wall, and show Me thy
face, let thy voice sound in My
ears; for thy voice is sweet, and
thy face comely.

Gradual. Is. 58:10, 11

Thy light shall rise up in the
darkness, and thy darkness shall
be as the noonday. V. And the
Lord thy God will give thee rest
continually, and will fill thy
soul with brightness, and de
liver thy bones.



Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.

51:17. Propterea confitebor,
et laudem dicam tibi, et
benedicam nomini Domini.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Eccli.

51:17. Therefore I will give
thanks, and praise Thee, and
bless the name of the Lord.

Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 25:1-13
TN ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis pa
rabolam hanc: Simile erit re
gnum cael6rum decem virgi
nibus, quae, accipientes lam
pades suas, exierunt 6bviam
sponso et sponsae. Quinque
autem ex eis erant fatuae, et
quinque prudentes: sed quin
que fatuae, acceptis lampadi3us, non sumpserunt 61eum
secum; prudentes vero acce
perunt 61eum in vasis suis
:um lampadibus. Moram au:eni faci6nte sponso, dormi:averunt omnes et dormieunt. Media autem nocte
:lamor factus est: Ecce spon
sus venit, exite obviam ei.
[une surrexerunt omnes vlr;ines illae, et ornaverunt lam
pades suas. Fatuae autem sa
rientibus dixerunt: Date no
lis de 61eo vestro: quia
ampades nostrae exstinguunur. Responderunt pruden
tes, dicentes: Ne forte non
ufflciat nobis et vobis, ite
sotius ad vendentes, et emite
'obis. Dum autem irent
mere, venit sponsus: et quae
jaratae erant intraverunt cum
o ad nuptias, et clausa est
dnua. Novissime vero veliunt et reliquae virgines, di-

+ Continuation of the Holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 25:1-13
T THAT time: Jesus spoke
-this parable to His disci
ples: The kingdom of heaven
shall be like to ten virgins, who
taking their lamps went out to
meet the bridegroom and the
bride. And five of them were
foolish, and five wise. But the
five foolish, having taken their
lamps, did not take oil with
them; but the wise took oil in
their vessels with their lamps.
And the bridegroom tarrying,
they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a
cry made: Behold, the bride
groom cometh, go ye forth to
meet him. Then all those virgins
arose and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said to the
wise: Give us of your oil, for
our lamps are gone out. The
wise answered, saying: Lest per
haps there be not enough for
us and for you, go ye rather to
them that sell, and buy for
yourselves. Now whilst they
went to buy, the bridegroom
came: and they that were ready
went in with him to the mar
riage, and the door was shut.
But at last came also the other
virgins, saying: Lord, Lord, open
to us. But he answering, said:
Amen I say to you, I know you



centes: D6mine, D6mi ne , not. Watch ye therefore, be

aperi nobis. At ille resp6n- cause you know not the day nor
dens, ait: Amen dico vobis, the hour.
nscio vos. Vigilate itaque,
quia nescitis diem neque
Offertory. Ps. 51:10
Offertorium. Ps. 51:10
Ego autem, sicut oliva
But I, as a fruitful olive tree
fructifera in domo Dei, spe in the house of God, have
ravi in misericordia Dei in hoped in the mercy of God for
aeternum, et in saeculum sae ever, yea for ever and ever.
UNERA, D6mine, in
Inventi6ne beat* Cl arse
Virginis tibi dicata sanctifi
ca: et, ejus meritis et inter
cessione, d^ nobis famulis
tuis; ut, a terrenis cupidita
tibus expiati, ad caelestia de
sideria transeamus. Per Do
Commemorations as above.

ANCTIFY, O Lord, the gifts
offered to Thee on the find
ing of the body of blessed Clare,
the Virgin; and through her
merits and intercession grant to
us, Thy servants, that purified
from earthly desires, we may
pass over to heavenly desires.
Through our Lord.

Communio. Ps. 51:11

Confitebor tibi in saecu
lum, quia fecisti: et exspec
tabo nomen tuum, qu6niam
bonum est in conspectu
Sanct6rum tu6rum.

Communion. Ps. 51:11

will praise Thee for ever
because Thou hast done it; and
I will wait on Thy name, for it
is good in the sight of Thy

UOD de sancti altaris
, tui benedicti6ne perce
pimus, sit nobis, D6mine,
contra spiritales nequ i ti a s
singulare praesidium: cujus
virtute beata Clara ab ho
stium incursu liberari pro
meruit. Per D6minum.

AY that which we have
received from the blessing
of Thy holy altar, O Lord, be
unto us in the face of diabolical
wickedness a singular protection;
through the strength of which
blessed Clare merited to be
freed from the invasion of ene
mies. Through our Lord.

Commemorations as above.



S e p t e m b e r 24


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Pacificus was bora of a distinguished family in San Severino, Italy,
but being early left an orphan, was forced to endure great hardship
and abuse a t the hands of his uncle. H e entered th e O rder of Friars
M inor a t the age of seventeen, and after his ordination spent his time
preaching to th e poor and uneducated. H is health failed early in life,
and for over thirty years he endured illness. T he more his physical
vitality declined, the greater grew his spiritual strength. H e bore all
his sufferings w ith patience and resignation to the w ill of G od, and
died a most holy death in 1721. H e was canonized in 1839-

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a

Pontiff, in the first place, with the following:
ARGITOR 6mnium bonoGOD, Thou giver of every
' rum, Deus, qui beitum
good gift, who didst dis
Pacificum Confess6rem tuum tinguish blessed Pacificus, Thy
eximiae patientiae virtute, et Confessor, with the virtue of
solitudinis amore decorasti: extraordinary patience and a love
ejus nobis intercessi6ne con for solitude: grant us through
cede; ut, per eadem vestigia his intercession that, walking in
gradientes, eadem assequa his footsteps, we may also ob
mur et praemia. Per D6mi- tain the same reward. Through
our Lord.
Commemoration is made of Our Lady of Ransom.
The Creed is said because of the Feast of Our Lady of
T SACRIFICIUM, quod N ORDER that the sacrifice
beati Pacifici intervewhich we, through the inter
niente suffragio, majestati vention of blessed Pacificus, of
tuae offerimus, D6mine, ac fer to Thy majesty, O Lord, may
ceptable tibi, nobisque sit be acceptable to TTiee and salu
salutare: fac nos ea cordis tary to us, cause us to complete
humilitate, e6que spiritus the sacred mystery with that hu
ard6re sacrum mysterium per mility of heart and that ardor
agere, quo ipse quotidie pe of spirit with which he daily
accomplished it. Through our
regit. Per Dominum.
Commemoration as above.



Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, et te in Festivitate.

RO caelesti convivio, quo
nos excipere dignatus es,
D6mine, gratias agentes: te
humiliter deprecamur; ut,
qui manducavimus tuam car
nem, et bibimus tuum san
guinem, intercedente beato
Pacifico, v i t a m habeamus
sternam. Qui vivis.

IVING Thee thanks for the
heavenly banquet at which
Thou didst deign to receive us,
O Lord, we humbly implore
that we who have eaten Thy
Flesh and drunk Thy Blood
may, through the intercession of
blessed. Pacificus, possess eternal
life. Who livest and reignest.

Commemoration as above.
Last Gospel of the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom.
S e p t e m b e r 25


Confessor, of the First Order
Francis M ary, born of hum ble parents at Camporosso, in Italy, en
tered the Capuchin O rder when he was twenty-one. H is whole life as
a religious m ight be summed up in his own w ords: " I came to the
convent to be its beast of burden. H is love of our Blessed Lady was
most tender, and his devotion to C hrist in the Blessed Sacrament led
him to spend whole nights in prayer before the tabernacle. H e crowned
his life of penance and charity by offering himself as a victim to God
during the epidemic which in 1866 devastated the city of Genoa. On
the very day of his death the epidemic began to abate. He was beati
fied by Pope Pius X I.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a

Pontiff, in the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum Franciscum-Marlam, in hu
militate tibi servientem, per
omne caritatis opus mirabi
lem effecisti: da ut ejus intercessi6ne et eximplo; tua
in c6rdibus nostris caritas
jugiter augeatur. Per. D6minum.

GOD, who didst distin
guish blessed Francis
Mary, Thy h u m b l e servant,
through every work of charity:
grant that through his interces
sion and example Thy love may
ever be increased in our hearts.
Through our Lord.



BLATI(3NEM nostram,
quaesumus, D 6 m i n e ,
beati Frandsci-Mariae Confess6ris tui merita veneranda
commendent: qui caritatis
laude se tibi acceptabile 6btulit holocaustum. Per Domi

AY the great merits, we
beseech Thee, O Lord, of
blessed Francis Mary, Thy Con
fessor, who in praise of charity
gave himself to Thee as an ac
ceptable holocaust, commend our
offering to Thee. Through our

FLESTIS, D6mine, par
ticipatio s a cr ame nt i :
jeati Frandsci-Mariae suffra
gantibus maritis, mortalis vi
tae consoletur angustias; nosque caelestis patriae faciat
praegustare delicias. Per D6ninum.

AY the reception of the
heavenly sacrament, O
Lord, through the merits and in
tercession of blessed Francis
Mary, console us in the troubles
of this mortal life and cause us
to taste beforehand the joys of
the heavenly fatherland. Through
our Lord.

Se p t e m b e r



Virgin, of the Third Order
Lucy was the daughter of devout and distinguished parents. In
'hildbood she was miraculously saved from death by St. N icholas,
ind from th a t tim e she devoted herself to a life of prayer. Becoming
icquainted w ith the Tertiaries of St. Francis, she joined the O rder.
Later she entered th e convent of th e Tertiaries of St. M ary M agdalen
n Salerno, where she quickly distinguished herself bv her mortificaions, hum ility and obedience. God granted her th e gift of contemplaion, and made her instrumental in converting, consoling and exhortng hundreds of souls. She died in 1400, after a long and painful
lmess, and many miracles gave testimony of her sanctity.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

ilace, with the following:
O N C E D E , quaesumus,
RANT, we beseech Thee, O
omnipotens Deus, inalmighty God, through the
:ercednte beata Lucia Vir intercession of blessed Lucy,
gine tua: ut, ejus exmplo et Thy Virgin, that after her exam-



imitati6ne, tibi casto c6rpore ple and in imitation of her, we

servire et mundo corde pla. may strive to serve Thee with a
cre studeamus. Per D6mi- chaste body and to please Thee
with a clean heart. Through our
Commemoration is made of Sts. Cyprian and Justina, Vir
gin, Martyrs.
S e p t e m b e r 27

Confessor, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
Elzear, Count of Ariano, in Italy, was the husband of Bl. D elphina
(whose feast is celebrated on December 9 ) , w ith whom he lived in
perfect continency. As a member of the T h ird O rder he was espe
cially generous to the poor and ever defended their rights: he was
popularly called "Protector of the Poor.'* In the adm inistration of
his vast estates, he was guided always by charity rather than justice.
H e and his w ife worked together to instil virtue into the lives oi
those about them. He died in 1325.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not c

Pontiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui beatum Elzearium Confess6rem tuum,
inter cetera virtutum insignia,
virginali pudicitia in conju
gio decorasti: concede propi
tius; ut, cujus sacra solemnia
celebriter veneramur in ter
ris, ejus beata consfirtia feli
citer consequamur in caelis.
Per Dominum.

GOD, who didst adorr
blessed Elzear, Thy Con
fessor, with virginal chastity ir
the married state, among othei
noteworthy virtues: mercifullj
grant that we may happily ob
tain his blessed fellowship ir
heaven whose holy feast we joy
fully keep on earth. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration is made of Sts. Cosmas and Damian

J* Sequentia sancti Evangelii
Continuation of the holy
secundum Matthaeum.
Gospel according to Matthew.
Matth. 19 :3-12
Matt. 19:3-12
T THAT time: There came
N ILLO tempore: Accesse
runt ad Jesum pharisaei,
L to Jesus th e P h a rise e ;
tentantes eum, et dicentes: Si tempting Him, and saying: Is


licet h6mini dimittere ux6rem suam quacumque ex

causa? Qui respondens, ait
eis: Non legistis, quia, qui
fecit h6minem ab initio,
misculum et fiminam fecit
eos? et dixit: Propter hoc
dimittet homo patrem et ma
trem, et adhaeribit ux6ri suae,
et erunt duo in carne una.
Itaque jam non sunt duo,
sed una caro. Quod ergo
Deus conjunxit, homo non
siparet. Dicunt illi: Quid
ergo M6yses mandavit dare
libillum repudii, et dimit
tere? Ait illis: Qu6niam
M6yses ad duritiam cordis
vestri p e rm is it vobis di
mittere ux6res vestras: ab
initio autem non fuit sic.
Dico autem vobis, quia qui
cumque d im is e rit ux6rem
suam, nisi ob fornicationem,
et aliam duxerit, moechatur:
et qui dimissam duxerit, moe
chatur. Dicunt ei discipuli
ejus: Si ita est causa h6minis cum ux6re, non ixpedit
nubere. Qui dixit illis: Non
omnes capiunt verbum istud,
sed quibus datum est. Sunt
enim eunuchi, qui de matris
utero sic nati sunt: et sunt
eunuchi, qui facti sunt ab
hominibus: et sunt eunuchi,
qui seipsos c a stra v e ru n t
propter regnum cael6rum.
Qui potest capere, capiat.


it lawful for a man to put away

his wife for every cause? Who
answering, said to them: Have
ye not read that He who made
man from the beginning, made
them male and female? and He
said: For this cause shall a man
leave father and mother, and
shall cleave to his wife, and
they two shall be in one flesh.
Therefore now they are not two,
but one flesh. What, therefore
God hath joined together, let no
man put asunder. They say to
Him: Why then did Moses com
mand to give a bill of divorce,
and to put away? He saith to
them: Because Moses by reason
of the hardness of your heart
permitted you to put away your
wives; but from the beginning
it was not so. And I say to you,
that whosoever shall put away
his wife, except it be for forni
cation, and shall marry another,
committeth adultery; and he
that shall marry her that is put
away, committeth adultery. His
disciples say unto Him: If the
case of a man with his wife be
so, it is not expedient to marry.
Who said to them: All men
take not this word, but they to
whom it is given. For there are
eunuchs who were born so from
their mother's womb: and there
are eunuchs who were made so
by men: and there are eunuchs
who have m ade th em selves
eunuchs for the kingdom of
heaven. He that can take it,
let him take it.


Se p t e m b e r



Confessor, of the First Order
Bernardine was the son of an ancient and noble fam ily. From his
youth he evidenced rare gifts of nature and grace, and studied at the
University of Padua with remarkable success. H e was converted by a
sermon of St. James of the M arch, w ho adm itted him to th e Fran
ciscan O rder and gave him the name of Bernardine in honor of St.
Bernardine of Siena, at whose canonization James h ad just been pres
ent. Bernardine was ordained and sent out as a missionary to preach
against the vices and vanity of the tim es; for twenty-five years he was
an indefatigable preacher. H e established a kind of loan-bank for the
poor, called "M ounts of Piety, an d was ever solicitous for the wel
fare of the lower classes. H e died in 1494, honored and loved by all.
T he beautiful prayer, Anima C hristi, which St. Ignatius Loyola so
dearly loved, was composed, it is thought, by Bl. Bernardine.

Introitus. Ps. 71:12-14

pau p erem a
' potente, et pauperem cui
non erat adjutor: animas
pauperum salvas faciet, ex
usuris et iniquitate r&dimet
animas e6rum. Ps. 40:2.
Beatus qui intlligit super
egenum et pauperem: in die
mala liberabit eum D6minus.
V. GI6ria Patri.

Introit. Ps. 71:12-14

E SHALL deliver the poor
from the mighty, and the
needy that had no helper; he
shall save the souls of the poor,
he shall redeem their souls from
usuries and iniquity. Ps. 40:2.
Blessed is he that understandeth
concerning the needy and the
poor; the Lord will deliver him
in the evil day. V . Glory be to
the Father.

EUS, qui ad fidles p6pulos e viti6rum coeno
liberandos, beatum Bernardinum apostolico zelo inflam
mare dignatus es: przesta,
quaesumus; ut, ejus intercessi6ne, a peccatis 6mnibus et
periculis expediti, ad caele
stem patriam perducimur.
Per D6minum.

GOD, who didst deign to
inflame blessed Bernardine
with Apostolic zeal in order to
free the faithful from the sor
didness of vice: grant, we be
seech Thee, that being freed
through his intercession from all
sins and dangers, we may be led
to our heavenly home. Through
our Lord.

ib e r a b it

Commemoration is made of St. Wenceslaus, Martyr.



Eccli. 45:1-6
ILECTUS Deo et homini
bus, cujus mem6ria in
benedicti6ne est. Similem
ilium fecit in gl6ria Sanct6rum, et magnificavit eum in
tim6re inimic6rum, et in ver
bis suis monstra placavit.
Glorificavit illum in con
spectu regum, et jussit illi
coram p6pulo suo, et osten
dit illi gI6riam suam. In fide
et lenitate ipsius sanctum fe
cit illum, et elegit eum ex
omni carne. Audivit enim
eum, et vocem ipsius, et in
duxit illum in nubem. Et
dedit illi coram praecepta, et
legem vitae et disciplinae.

Lesson from the book of

Eccli. 45:1-6
E WAS beloved of God and
men, whose memory is in
benediction. He made him like
the saints in glory, and magni
fied him in the fear of his ene
mies, and with his words he
made prodigies to cease. He
glorified him in the sight of
kings, and gave him command
ments in the sight of his people,
and showed him his glory. He
sanctified him in his faith and
meekness, and chose him out of
all flesh. For He heard him,
and his voice, and brought him
into a cloud. And He gave him
commandments before His face,
and a law of life and instruc

Graduate. Eccli. 48:1

Surrexit quasi ignis, et
verbum ipsius quasi facula
a rd e b a t. V.Sap. 10:11,12.
In fraude circumvenientium
illum affuit illi D6minus;
custodivit illum ab inimicis,
et a seduct6ribus tutavit il
lum, et dedit illi claritatem

Gradual. Eccli. 48:1

He stood up as a fire, and his
word burned like a torch. V.
Wisd. 10:11,12. In the deceit
of them that overreached him,
the Lord stood by him; and He
kept him safe from his enemies,
and defended him from seduc
ers, and gave him everlasting

L6ctio libri Sapientiae.

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Is.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Is. 25:4.
25:4- Factus est fortitudo He has been a strength to the
pauperi, fortitudo egeno in poor, a strength to the needy in
tribulati6ne sua. Alleluja. his distress. Alleluia.
t* Sequentia sancti Evangeiii Hr" Continuation of the holy
secundum Lucam.
Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 9:1-6
Luc. 9:1-6
N ILLO tempore: Convo
T THAT time: Jesus, callL ing together the twelve
catis Jesus du6decim Ap6stolis, dedit illis virtutem et Apostles, gave them power and



potestatem super 6mnia daem6nia, et ut langu6res cu

rarent. Et misit illos pnedicare regnum Dei, et sanare
infirmos. Et ait ad illos: Ni
hil tuliritis in via, neque
virgam, neque peram, neque
panem, neque pecu n iam ,
neque duas tunicas habeatis.
Et in quamcumque domum
intraveritis, ibi manete, et
inde ne exeatis. Et quicum
que non re c e p e rin t vos:
exeuntes de c iv ita te illa ,
Itiam pulverem pedum ve
strorum excutite in testim6nium supra illos. Egressi
autem circuibant per castella,
evangelizantes et cu ra n tes
Offertorium. Is. 43:2
Cum transieris per aquas,
tecum ero, et flumina non
opirient te: quia ego Do
minus Salvator tuus.
qui tollit peccata mundi,
tibi, D6mine, immolamus,
suppliciter ex o ra n tes, u t,
beato B e rn a rd in o intercednte, d e lic t6 ru m veniam
consequamur. Per eundem

authority over all devils, and to

cure diseases. And He sent
them to preach the kingdom of
God, and to heal the sick. And
He said to them: Take nothing
for your journey, neither staff,
nor scrip, nor bread, nor money;
neither have two coats. And
whatsoever house you shall en
ter into, abide there, and de
part not from thence. And who
soever will not receive you,
when ye go out of that city,
shake off even the dust of your
feet, for a testimony against
them. And going out, they went
about through the towns, preach
ing the Gospel, and healing
Offertory. Is. 43:2
When thou shalt pass through
the waters, I will be with thee,
and the rivers shall not cover
thee; for I am the Lord thy
Lord, the spotless Lamb
who taketh away the sins of the
world, humbly beseeching Thee
that, through the intercession of
blessed Bernardine, we may ob
ta in p a rd o n fo r o u r sin s.
Through the same Jesus Christ.

Commemoration as above.
Communion. Wisd. 10:10
Communio. Sap. 10:10
T h e L ord g a v e him the
Dedit illi D6minus scien
tiam Sanctorum, honestavit knowledge of the holy things,
illum in laboribus, et com made him honorable in his la
bors, and acco m p lish ed his
plevit lab6res illius.


ANGELORUM esca recreati: te, D6mine, humi
liter deprecamur; ut, per
merita et intercessi6nem bea
ti B e rn a rd in i Confess6ris
tui, nos facias ab omni malo
cdrporis et animx liberari.
Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.


with the Food
of Angels, we humbly be
seech Thee, O Lord, that through
the merits and intercession of
blessed Bernardine, Thy Confes
sor, Thou mayest cause us to be
freed from every evil of body
and soul. Through our Lord.


O cto ber 1


Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
John was bora in Poland, and at an early age entered the Fran
ciscan O rder. W h en St. John Capistran w ent to Poland, John joined
his reform. H e strove zealously to bring back the schismatic Russians
and Armenians to unity w ith th e C atholic C hurch. H is death occurred
in 1484.
N icholas was a secular priest, a member of the T h ird O rder, w ho
sanctified him self in solitude and ever strove to lead others to the
perfection of the eremitical life. H e was th e founder of several com
munities of herm its. H e died in 1449, a t th e age of a hundred.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Confes

sors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the second
Commemoration is made of St. Remigius, Bishop and Con
O ctober 3


Founder of the Three Orders, Confessor
Introitus. Ps. 141:8
Introit. Ps. 141:8
DUC de custodia animam
RING my soul out of prison
meam ad confitendum
that I may praise Thy name;
nomini tuo: me exspectant the just wait for me, until Thou



justi, donec retribuas mihi.

Ps. ibid.: 2. Voce mea ad
D6minum clamavi, voce mea
ad D6minum deprecatus sum.
V. G16ria Patri.

reward me. Ps.ibid.:2. I cried

to the Lord with my voice; with
my voice'I made supplication to
the Lord. V. Glory be to the

The Gloria in excelsis is not said.

EUS, qui supirbis resi
stis, et gratiam praestas
humilibus: da nobis, quaesu
mus, intercedente beato Pa
tre nostro Francisco, cujus
s o lim n ia praevenimus, su
perbe non sapere, sed tibi
placita humilitate proficere;
ut, per ejus vestigia grad iin te s , dona tuae gratia:
consequamur. P er D 6m inum.

GOD, who resistest the
proud and g iv e st Thy
grace to the humble: grant us,
we beseech Thee, that through
the intercession of our blessed
Father Francis, whose solemnity
we a n tic ip a te , we may n ot
be proudly wise, but may grow
in humility pleasing to Thee; so
that, following in his footsteps,
we may obtain the gifts of Thy
grace. Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made of St. Therese of the Child Jesus,

Virgin; and of the Transference of the Body of St. Clare,
Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli
Ap6stoli ad C6rinthios.
2 Cor. 3:1-8
Scimus, qu6niam si terristris domus
nostra hujus habitati6nis dis
solvatur, quod aedificati6nem
ex Deo habimus, domum
non manufactam, aeternam in
caelis. Nam et in hoc in
gemiscimus, habitationem no
stram, quae de caelo est, superindui cupientes; si tamen
vestiti, non nudi inveniamur.
Nam et qui sumus in hoc
ta b e rn a c u lo , ingemiscimus
gravati; eo quod n61umus

Lesson from the Epistle of

blessed Paul the Apostle to the
2 Cor. 5:1-8
RETHREN: we know, if our
earthly house of this habita
tion be dissolved, that we have
a building of God, a house not
made with hands, eternal in
heaven. For in this also we
groan, desiring to be clothed
upon with our habitation that
is from heaven; yet so that we
be found clothed, not naked.
For we also, who are in this
tabernacle, do groan, being bur
dened ; because we would not be
unclothed, but clothed upon,



exspoliari, sed supervestiri,

ut absorbeatur, quod mortale
est, a vita. Qui autem efficit
nos in hoc ipsum, Deus, qui
dedit nobis pignus spiritus.
A u d en te s ig itu r semper,
scientes qudniam dum sumus
in c6rpore, peregrinamur a
D6mino (per fidem enim
ambulamus, et non per spe
ciem). Audemus autem, et
bonam voluntatem habemus
magis peregrinari a cdrpore,
et prassntes esse ad D6minum.

that that which is mortal may

be swallowed up by life. Now
He that maketh us for this very
thing, is God, who hath given
us the pledge of the Spirit.
Therefore, having always confi
dence, knowing that, while we
are in the body we are absent
from the Lord (for we walk by
faith, and not by sight). But
we are confident, and have a
good will to be absent rather
from the body and to be present
with the Lord.

Graduale. Ps. 41:2,3

Gradual. Ps. 41:2, 3

Quemadmodum desiderat
cervus ad fontes aquarum,
ita desiderat anima mea ad
te, Deus. V. Sitivit dnima
mea ad Deum fortem, vi
vum; quindo veniam, et ap
parebo ante faciem Dei?

As the hart panteth after the

fountains of water, so my soul
panteth after Thee, O God. V.
My soul hath thirsted after the
strong living God; when shall
I come and appear before the
face of God?

J* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 9:23-26

*i* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 9:23-26

N ILLO tempore: Dicebat

Jesus ad omnes: Si quis
vult post me venire, abneget
semetipsum, et tollat crucem
suam quotidie, et sequatur
me. Qui enim voluerit ani
mam suam salvam facere,
perdet illam: nam qui perdi
derit animam suam propter
me, salvam faciet illam. Quid
enim pr6ficit homo, si lucre
tur universum mundum, se
autem ipsum perdat, et de
trimentum sui faciat? Nam
qui me erubuerit, et meos

AT THAT time: Jesus said to

all: If any man will come
after Me, let him deny himself,
and take up his cross daily, and
follow Me. For whosoever will
save his life shall lose it; for he
that shall lose his life for My
sake shall save it. For what is
a man advantaged if he gain
the whole world, and lose him
self, and cast himself away? For
he that shall be ashamed of Me
and of My words, of him the
Son of Man shall be ashamed
when He shall come in His



sermones, hunc Filius homi majesty, and that of His Fa

nis erubescet, cum venerit in ther, and of the holy angels.
majestate sua, et Patris, et
sanct6rum angelorum.
Offertorium. Ps. 41:4

Offertory. Ps. 41:4

F u e ru n t m ihi lacrimae
My tears have been my bread
meas panes die ac nocte, dum day and night, whilst it is said
dicitur mihi quotidie: Ubi to me daily: Where is thy God ?
est Deus tuus?


A N C T I P a tris n o stri
n t i c i p a t i n g the feast of
Frandsci natalitia prae AL our Holy Father Francis,
venientes, munera tibi offeri we offer Thee our gifts, O Lord,
mus, Domine, te humiliter
deprecantes; ut hic ejus imitat6res, et in caelesti patria
ejusdem gl6riae cons6rtes cle
menter efficias. Per D6minum.

humbly praying Thee that Thou

mayest mercifully make us par
ta k ers of his g lo ry in the
heavenly home, even as Thou
hast made us his imitators here.
Through our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
Communion. Ps. 41:5
Communio. Ps. 41:5
poured out my soul in me;
Effudi in me anim am
meam; qu6niam transibo in for I shall go over into the
locum tabernaculi admirabi place of the wonderful taber
nacle, even to the house of God.
lis, usque ad domum Dei.
EFfiCTI cibo p o tu q u e
cael&ti, supplices te, Do
mine, deprecamur: ut, intercedinte beato Patre nostro
Francisco, cujus n a ta litia
praevenimus, jucundos facias
suae interisse festivitati, et
ad caelestem Jerusalem felici
ter pervenire. Per D6minum.

Commemorations as above.

EFRESHED with heavenly
food and drink, we humbly
beseech T h ee, O Lord, that
through the intercession of our
blessed Father Francis, whose
feast we anticipate, Thou mayest
cause us joyfully to take part
in his feast and happily to ar
rive at the heavenly Jerusalem.
Through our Lord.



T h e Sa m e D ay , O c t o b e r 3


Foundress of A ll the Poor Clares, Virgin
St. C lare was canonized in 1255. Five years later, on October 3,
1260, her m ortal remains were transferred from their original burial
place to a new church built in her honor. O n September 23, 1850,
the coffin was u n e arth e d ; and on September 29, 1872, her bones were
transferred to a shrine especially built to receive them in th e crypt
of her church. T odays commemoration recalls the transference of 1260.

Mass as on the Feast of St. Clare, August 12, with the

EUS, qui Splend6re vir
tutum beatam Claram
innumeris virginibus praelu
cere voluisti: ipsius miritis
et intercessi6ne concede; ut,
}ui ejus Translati6nem rec6[imus, et hic in luce semper
imbuiemus, et in caelesti re?no perpetua vultus tui hi
laritate perfrui mereamur.
Per D6minum.

GOD, who didst will that
blessed Clare, through the
splendor of her virtues, should
be a light to innumerable vir
gins: grant through her merits
and intercession that we who
celebrate the transference of her
body may both ever walk in
light here, and deserve to enjoy
in the heavenly kingdom the un
ending happiness of Thy face.
Through our Lord.

UNERA, D 6 m in e, in
T ra n s la ti6 n e beatae
Clarae Virginis, tibi dicata,
sanctifica: et, ejus meritis et
intercessi6ne da nobis famu
lis tuis; ut, a terrenis cupidi:atibus expiati, ad caelestia
desideria tran se am u s. Per

ANCTIFY, O Lord, the gifts
offered to T h ee on th e
transference of the body of
blessed Clare, the Virgin; and
through her merits and inter
cession, grant to us. Thy serv
ants, that purified from earthly
desires, we may pass over to
heavenly desires. Through our
AY that which we have re
ceived from the blessing
of Thy holy altar be unto us, O
Lord, in the face of diabolical
wickedness a singular protection;

UOD de sancti altaris
,tui benedicti6ne perce
pimus, sit nobis, D6mine,
rontra spiritales n e q u itia s
singulare praesidium: cujus



virtute beata Clara ab h6- through the strength of which

stium incursu liberari pro- blessed Clare m e rite d to be
meruit. Per D6minum.
freed from the invasion of ene
mies. Through our Lord.
O cto ber 4


Founder of the Three Orders, Confessor
(Double of the First Class, with a Common Octave)
Born in 1181, our Holy Father passed a somewhat frivolous and
thoughtless youth. U pon nis conversion, however, he practised the
virtues of charity, hum ility and poverty so absolutely th at he is one
of the outstanding figures of his age, and certainly the most faithful
follower of C hrist the w orld has ever known. H e founded the Ordei
of Friars M inor, the Poor Clares, and the T h ird O rder of Penance.
H e died in 1226 and was canonized two years later by his friend,
Pope Gregory IX .


T ET us all rejoice in the Lord,
celebrating a festival day in
honor of blessed Francis, for
whose solemnity the angels re
joice and give praise to the Son
of God. Ps. 32:1. Rejoice in
the Lord, O ye just; praise becometh the upright. V. Glory
be to the Father.
GOD, who dost enlarge
Thy Church with a new
progeny through the merits of
our blessed F a th e r F ra n c is:
grant us that in imitation of
him we may despise earthly
things and ever rejoice in the
participation of heavenly gifts.
Through our Lord.
Lesson from the Epistle of
blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Gal. 6:14-18
Gal. 6:14-18
RATRES: M ihi autem
RETHREN: But God forbid
absit gloriari, nisi in
that I should glory, save in
cruce D6mini nostri Jesu the cross of our Lord Jesus

omnes in
D6mino, diem festum
celebrantes sub hon6re beati
Francisci, de cujus solemnitate gaudent Angeli, et col
laudant Filium Dei. Ps.32:l.
Exsultate, justi, in D6mino:
rectos decet collaudatio. V.
G16ria Patri.
EUS, qui E cclesiam
tuam beati Patris nostri
Frandsci meritis, fcetu nova
prolis amplificas: tribue no
bis, ex ejus imitati6ne, ter
rena despicere, et caelestium
donorum semper participati6ne gaudere. Per D6minum.
Lectio Epfstol* beati Pauli
Apostoli ad Galatas.
audeam us


Christi: per quem mihi .mun

dus crucifixus est, et ego
mundo. In Christo enim
Jesu neque circumcisio iliquid valet, neque praepu
tium, sed nova creatura. Et
quicumque hanc regulam se
cuti fuerint, pax super illos,
et miseric6rdia, et su p er
Israel Dei. De cetero nemo
mihi molestus sit: ego enim
stigmata D6mini Jesu in
c6rpore meo porto. Grdtia
D6mini nostri Jesu Christi
cum spiritu vestro, fratres.
Graduale. Eccli. 30:6, 7
Quasi stella matutina in
medio nebulae, et quasi luna
plena in diebus suis lucet.
V. Et quasi sol refulgens, sic
ille effulsit in templo Dei.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. O
Patriarcha pauperum, Frandsce, tuis precibus auge tu6rum numerum in caritate
Christi: quos c a n c e llitis
manibus, cacutiens, ut m6riens Jacob, benedixisti. (Al


Christ; by whom the world is

crucified to me, and I to the
world. For in C h ris t Je su s
neither circumcision a v a ile th
a n y th in g , nor uncircumcision,
but a new creature. And who
soever shall follow this rule,
peace on them, and mercy, and
upon the Israel, of God. From
henceforth let no man be trou
blesome to me; for I bear the
marks of the Lord Jesus in my
body. The grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ De with your spirit,
brethren. Amen.
Gradual. Eccli. 50:6, 7
He shone in his days as the
morning star in the midst of a
cloud, and as the moon at the
full. V. And as the sun when
it shineth, so did he shine in
the temple of God.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. O patri
arch of the poor, Francis, in
crease through thy intercession
the number of thy followers in
the charity of Christ: whom
th o u , becom ing blind, didst
bless with crossed arms, like the
dying Jacob. (Alleluia.)

In Votive Masses after Sep tuagesima, the following is said:

Graduale. Ps. 72:21,2}
Gradual. Ps. 72:21, 23
I n fla m m a tu m est cor
My heart hath been inflamed,
meum, et renes mei commu and my reins have been changed.
tati sunt. V. Ut jumentum V. I am become as a beast be
factus sum apud te, et ego fore Thee, and I am always with
semper tecum.
Tractus. Ps. 72:25,26,28
Tract. Ps. 72:25, 26, 28
Quid mihi est in caelo? et
What have I in heaven? and
a te quid v61ui super ter besides Thee, what do I desire
ram? V. Defecit caro mea upon earth ? V. For Thee my



et cor meum: Deus cordis

mei, et pars mea Deus in
sternum! V. Mihi autem ad
haerere Deo bonum est, p6nere in D6mino Deo spem

flesh and my heart hath fainted

away; 'fhou art the God of my
heart, and the God that is my
portion for ever! V. But it is
good for me to adhere to my
God, to put my hope in the
Lord God.

During Paschal Time, the Gradual is omitted, and in its

place is said:
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 72:26.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
72:26. Defecit caro mea et For Thee my flesh and my heart
cor meum: Deus cordis mei, hath fainted away; Thou art the
et pars mea Deus in ster God of my heart, and the God
num! A lle lu ja . V. Fran- that is my portion for ever!
ciscus pauper et humilis, Alleluia. V. Francis, poor and
cslum dives in g r id it u r , humble, entereth rich into heav
hymnis cslestibus honoratur. en, and is honored with celes
tial hymns. Alleluia.
To be omitted in Votive Masses
a n c t i t a t is nova signa
O! New signs of sanctity,
Prodierunt laude digna,
Deserving praise in high
Mira valde, et benigna
Wonderful and fair to see,
In Francisco cridita.
In Francis now behold!

Regulatis novi gregis

Jura dantur novs legis,
Renovantur jussa Regis
Per Frandscum tradita.

To the newly-gathered band

Francis gives the King's com
And guided by His mighty
The New Law does unfold.

Novus ordo, nova vita

Mundo surgit inaudita;
Restauravit lex sancita
Statum evangelicum.

Before the worlds astonished

Arise the life and Order new
Whose holy rules again renew
The Evangelic state.

Legi Christi paris forms

Francis to Christs law conforms
Reformatur jus confdrme;
The life monastic he reform;
Tenet ritus dats norms
And all the Apostolic norm:
Culmen apost61icum.
He keeps inviolate.


Chorda rudis, vestis dura

Cingit, tegit sine cura,
Panis datur in mensura,
Calceus abjicitur.


Scant the measure of his food;

Scant his raiment, coarse and
A cord his girdle plain and
He goes with feet unshod.

Paupertatem tantum quaerit, For naught but poverty he yearns;

From money he in loathing
De terrenis nihil gerit,
Hic Frandscus cuncta terit,
All earthly things now Fran
L6culus despicitur.
cis spurns,
Despising all for God.
He seeks a place to weep apart,
Quaerit loca lacrimarum,
And mourns in bitterness of
Promit voces cor amarum,
Gemit mcestus tempus ca
The time he lost while taking
Perditum in saeculo.
In earthly things so vain.
Montis antro sequestratus
Plorat, orat humi stratus,
Tandem mente serenatus
Latitat ergastulo.

Within a mountain cavern lone

He hides to weep, and lying
Prays aloud with sigh and
Then peace returns again.

There in that rocky cave's re

Ibi vacat rupe tectus,
Ad divina sursum vectus,
Hnrapt in contemplation sweet,
Spernit ima judex rectus,
The wise judge spurns the
filigit aelestia.
earth beneath,
To heaven he aspires.
His flesh by penance is subdued,
Carnem frenat sub censura
Transfigured wholly and re
Transformatam in figura,
newed ;
Cibum capit de Scriptura,
The Scriptures are his daily
Abigit terrestria.
He scorns all base desires.



Then like a seraph from the

Tunc ab alto vir hierarcha
Venit ecce Rex monarcha,
Of heaven, comes the King of
Pavet iste patriarcha
Visi6ne territus.
The patriarch, in deep affright,
Beholds the vision dread.
Defert ille signa Christi,
Cicatrices confert isti,
Dum miratur corde tristi
Passionem tacitus.

It bears the marks of Christ,

and lo!
While Francis stands in speech
less woe
It pierces him, and blood does
From out the wounds so red.

Sacrum corpus consignatur, His body, like Christs Crucified,

Is signed on hands and feet.
Manu, pede vulneratur,
Dextrum latus perforatur,
His side,
Pierced through and through,
Cruentatur sanguine.
is slowly dyed
In crimson streams of blood.
Prophetic secrets now are heard;
Verba miscent arcan6rum,
Great wisdom has the Lord
Multa clarent futur6rum,
Videt Sanctus vim dict6rum
Upon the saint; the mystic
Mystico spiramine.
His soul with light does flood.
Patent statim miri clavi,
Foris nigri, intus flavi,
Pungit dolor poena gravi,
Cruciant aculei.

Now in those bleeding wounds,

Black nails appear, cause pain
Sharp are the points, and
The anguish and the woe.

No human instrument did aught

Cessat artis armatura
In membrorum apertura
To make those wounds; they
Non impressit hos natura,
were not brought
To him by natures hand, nor
Non tortura mallei.
By cruel hammer-blow.



Signis crucis, quae portasti, We pray thee, by the crosss

Per quae mundum trium
Marked on thy flesh, whereby
Carnem hostem superasti
twas thine
The world, the flesh, all things
Inclyta vict6ria:
To conquer gloriously:
O Francis, take us to thy care,
Nos, Francisce, tueamur,
Protect us here from every
In adversis protegamur,
Ut mercide perfruamur
In caelasti gl6ria.
That we thy great reward may
In heaven eternally.
O holy Francis, Father sweet,
Pater pie. Pater sancte,
Devoutly we thine aid entreat.
Plebs dev6ta, te juvante,
May we and all thy children
Turba Fratrum comitante,
Mereatur praemia.
Crowned victors in the strife.
In virtues path our footsteps
Fac cons6rtes supern6rum
Quos inf6rmas vita mo
And guide us where the saints
now reign,
Consequatur grex Min6That we, thy children, may
Sempiterna gaudia.
The joys of endless life.
Amen. Alleluja.
Amen. Alleluia.
4" Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 11:25-30
N ILLO tempore: Resp6ndens Jesus, dixit: Confi
teor tibi, Pater, D6mine caeli
et terrae, quia abscondisti
haec a sapientibus, et pru
dentibus, et revelasti ea par
vulis. Ita, Pater: qu6niam
sic fuit placitum ante te.
Omnia mihi tradita sunt a
Patre meo. Et nemo novit
Filium, nisi Pater: neque Pa
trem quis novit, nisi Filius,

*f Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 11:25-30
T THAT time: Jesus answered and said: I confess
to Thee, O Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, because Thou
hast hid these things from the
wise and prudent, and hast re
vealed them to little ones. Yea,
Father; for so hath it seemed
good in Thy sight. All things
are delivered to Me by My Fa
ther. And no one knoweth the
Son but the Father: neither doth



et cui voluerit Filius reve

lare. Venite ad me, omnes,
qui la b o ra tis , et onerati
estis, et ego reficiam vos.
Tollite jugum meum super
vos, et discite a me, quia
mitis sum, et humilis corde:
et inveniatis requiem animibus vestris. Jugum enim
meum suave est, et onus
meum leve.

anyone know the Father but

the Son, and he to whom it
shall please the Son to reveal
Him. Come to Me, all you that
labor and are burdened, and I
will refresh you. Take up My
yoke upon you, and learn of
Me, because I am meek, and
humble of heart; and you shall
find rest to your souls. For My
yoke is sweet and My burden
The Creed is said during the whole Octave.
Offertorium. Phil. 1:20, 21
Offertory. Phil. 1:20, 21
Magnificabitur Christus in
Christ shall be magnified in
c6rpore meo, sive per vitam, my body, whether it be by life
sive per mortem; mihi enim or by death; for to me, to live
vivere Christus est, et mori is Christ, and to die is gain.
CNERA tibi, D6mine,
dicata sanctifica: et, intercedente beito Patre no
stro Francisco, ab omni nos
culparum labe purifica. Per
Prtefatio Sancti Patris Nostri
Per 6mnia ssecula sscul6rum.
R. Amen.
V. Ddminus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
V. Sursum corda.
R. Habemus ad D6minum.
V. Gratias agimus D6mino Deo nostro.
R. Dignum et justum est.

ANCTIFY the gifts offered
to T hee, O L o r d ; and
through the intercession of our
blessed Father Francis, purify
us from every stain of guilt.
Through our Lord.
Preface of our Holy Father
World without end.
R. Amen.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
V . Lift up your hearts.
R. We have lifted them up
unto the Lord.
V. Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
R. It is meet and just.

ERE dignum et justum T IS truly meet and just,

est, aequum et salutare, I fitting and availing unto sal
nos tibi semper et ubique vation, that we should always

gritias igere, Domine sancte, and

everywhere give thanks


'ater o m n ip o te n s, asterne
>eus; qui venerandum Coness6rem famulum tuum beaum Frandscum, tua, Deus,
ltissima bonitate et clenentia, Sanct6rum tu6rum
neritis et virtutibus subli
nasti. Mentimque ipsius,
iancti S p iritu s operati6ne,
mor ille Seraphicus ardenissime incindit interius; cuusque corpus sacris Stigmaibus in s ig n iv it exterius,
ligno crucifixi Jesu Christi
D6mini nostri. Per quem
najestatem tuam laudant An
geli, addrant Dominati6nes,
remunt Potestates. Caeli caeorumque Virtutes ac beata
iiraphim, s6cia exsultati6ne
oncilebrant. Cum quibus
it nostras voces, ut admitti
ubeas deprecamur, supplici
:onfessi6ne dicentes:


unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father

almighty, eternal God; who in
Thine immeasurable goodness
and clemency, O God, hast ele
vated the revered Confessor Thy
servant, blessed Francis, to the
merits and virtues of Thy saints.
And by the operation of the
Holy Spirit, that seraphic love
most ardently inflamed his mind
interiorly, and exteriorly signed
his body with the sacred Stig
mata, the sign of our crucified
Lord, Jesus Christ. Through
whom the Angels praise Thy
majesty, the Dominations wor
ship it, the Powers are in awe.
The heavens and the heavenly
Hosts and the blessed Seraphim
join together in celebrating their
joy. With whom, we beseech
Thee, join Thou our voices also,
w h ile we say w ith hum ble

Communion. Rom. 8:18

Communio. Rom. 8:18
The sufferings of this time
Non sunt condignae pasiiones hujus timporis ad fu- are not worthy to be compared
uram gl6riam, quae revela- with the glory to come, that
shall be revealed in us.
jitur in nobis.
c c l e s i a m tuam, quasumus, D6mine, gratia caestis amplificet: quam beati
Patris nostri Francisci Con:ess6ris tui illuminare vouisti glori6sis miritis, et
sxemplis. Per D6minum.

AY heavenly grace, we be
seech Thee, O Lord, fill
Thy Church, which Thou didst
will to adorn by the glorious
merits and ex am p le of ou r
blessed Father Francis, Thy Con
fessor. Through our Lord.

During the Octave, a commemoration of the Feast of our

Holy Father Francis is made, except on the Feast of the Holy
For a Votive Mass, the preceding Mass is used, with, how
ever, this lntroit:



Introitus. Gal. 6:14

IHI autem absit gloria
ri, nisi in cruce Do
mini nostri Jesu Christi: per
quem mihi mundus crucifixus
est, et ego mundo. Ps. 141:2.
Voce mea ad D6minum cla
mavi, voce mea ad D6minum
deprecatus sum. V. G16ria

Introit. Gal. 6:14

UT God forbid that I shoul
glory, save in the cross
our Lord Jesus Christ; by whon
the world is crucified to me am
I to the world. Ps. 141:2.
cried to the Lord with m
voice; with my voice I mad
supplication to the Lord. V
Glory be to the Father.

O ctober 5


Virgin, of the Second Order
Felix was born of the wealthy and distinguished family of th
M eda, in M ilan, Italy. A t the age of twelve she took the vow o
perpetual chastity, and later entered the convent of Poor Clares a
M ilan. Here she endured many trials and suffered violent temptation
from the devil. Her constancy never wavered and she at last emerge
from her struggles victorious. U nder her guidance th e religious spiri
of the community grew apace. A t an advanced age she was entrustei
w ith the founding of another convent at Pesaro. She died four year
later, in 1444, after having instructed and strengthened her sisters ii
the true spirit of St. Francis.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the thin

place, with the following:
EUS qui beatam Felicem
Virginem tuam, per va
rias tentati6nes p ro b a ta m ,
spiritu fortitudinis roborasti:
ejus nobis intercessi6ne et
maritis concade; ut ab Amni
um hostium insidiis miseric6rditer liberemur. Per D6-

GOD, who didst strengthei
blessed Felix, Thy Virgin
with the spirit of fortitude, hav
ing proved her through variou:
trials: grant us, through her in
tercession and merits, to b<
mercifully freed from the snare:
of all enemies. Through oui

Commemoration is made of the Octave of our Holy Fathei

Francis, from the feast of October 4: and of St. Placidus ana
Companions, Martyrs.
The Creed is said because of the Octave.



jETIFICA nos, Domine,
l a d d e n u s , o Lord, in
-< in domo orati6nis tuae,
the house of Thy prayer;
tque imp6sitae sacris altari- and may the hosts placed on
us h6stiae, beat* Felicis in- Thy holy altars, through the in
;rcessi6ne, fiant nobis in tercession of blessed Felix, be
t6rnse vitae proventum. Per come for us an aid to eternal
life. Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
The Preface of our Holy Father Francis.
UOS, Domine, ad coe- N THY mercy, O Lord, pre
serve those whom Thou didst
nam Agni vocasti, tua
iiserati6ne conserva: atque call to the table of the Lamb:
ieata Felice pro nobis inter- and through the intercession of
edente, concede; ut vitam blessed Felix, grant that we
pprehendamus aeternam. Per may lay hold of eternal life.
Through the same Jesus Christ.
rundem D6minum.
Commemorations as above.

O ctober 6


Virgin, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
M ary Frances was born o f a m iddle-class family at N aples. God
ihowered her w ith graces from her early childhood, and granted her
he rarest gifts of contemplation. A t th e age of seventeen, she received
he offer of a brilliant m arriage, but, much to her fathers anger, she
refused. She then became a Tertiary, w hile continuing to live at home,
she frequently enjoyed apparitions, and being particularly devoted to
:he Passion, she was permitted to experience some of the sufferings
jf our Saviour. Ill health and mistreatment made a continual agony
Df her life, yet she offered all up in union w ith the sufferings of
nir Lord. She lived in continual union w ith God until her death
in 1791.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

place, with the following orations:
GOD, who didst wish that
EUS, qui beatam MarJam-Francfscam Virgi
blessed Mary Frances, the
nem, imaginis Filii tui cru Virgin, should be made like to
cifixi conformem fieri volui- the image of Thy crucified Son:



sti: ejus nobis meritis et in- grant us through her merits ai]
tercessidne concede; ut, in intercession that, transformed a
eandem imaginem transfor cording to that image on eart
mati in terris, glorificari cum we may deserve to be glorifu
ipsa mereamur in caelis. Per with her in heaven. Throu^
eundem D6minum.
the same Jesus Christ.
Commemoration is made of St. Bruno, Confessor; and
the Octave of our Holy Father Francis.
The Creed is said because of the Octave.
'CCIPE, D6mine, munera,
e c e iv e , o Lord, the gif
. qua in beatae Maria;which we bring on tf
Franciscae Virginis celebri feast of blessed Mary France
tate deferimus: cujus nos the Virgin: by whose protectio
patrocinio m u n iri confidi we trust we shall be protectei
mus. Per Dominum.
Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.

Preface of our Holy Father Francis.

U/ESUMUS, omnipotens
. Deus: ut, qui caelestia
percepimus a lim e n ta , per
haec, beata Maria-Francisca
Virgine tua exorante, ab
dmnibus liberemur adversis.
Per D6minum.
Commemorations as above.

mighty God, that we wh
have received heavenly nourisl
ment may, at the prayer c
blessed Mary Frances, Thy Vil
gin, be freed by it from all ac
versity. Through our Lord.

O ctober 8

Widow, of the Third Order
(Major Double)
St. Bridget was born about 1302 in Sweden, of a noble and illustri
ous family. She was favored w ith a vision of the Crucified at the ag
of ten, and ever afterw ard meditated on the Passion. She marriei
Prince U lf, a young man of outstanding virtue, and together the
entered the T hird O rder. Bridget reared her eight children in th
fear and love of G od, and when her husband died she founded th
O rder of Bridgettines. She wrote an account of the numerous revela
tions w ith which G od favored her during life. She died at Rome, 1373

Mass as in the Roman Missal.



Commemoration is made of the Octave of our Holy Father

The Creed is said because of the Octave.
Preface of our Holy Father Francis.
O c t o b e r 10


Martyrs, of the First Order
(Major Double)
D aniel, the provincial of C alabria, a man of remarkable piety, and
c companions Angelus, Samuel, D onulus, Leo, Hugolinus and
icholas went to Africa to preach to the M ohammedans. They
:re soon apprehended by the M ohammedans, and urged to renounce
eir faith. They remained steadfast, encouraging one another and
ioicing in the crown th at awaited them. They .w ere beheaded on
ctober 10, 1227, and their bodies later were taken to Spain. M any
iracles occurred through their intercession. Pope Leo X canonized
em in 1516.

ntroitus. Eccli. 44:15, 14

Introit. Eccli. 44:15, 14
, APIfiNTIAM Sanct6rum
ET the people show forth the
' narrent p6puli: et laudes
' wisdom of the saints, and
irum nuntiet Ecclesia: n6- the Church declare their praises;
ina autem eorum vivent in but their names live for ever.
sculum saeculi. Ps. 32:1. Ps. 32:1. Rejoice in the Lord,
csultate, justi, in D6mino: O ye just: praise becometh the
ctos decet collaudatio. V . upright. V. Glory be to the Fa
16ria Patri.
^RATERNA nos, D6mine,
AY the brotherly group of
Martyrum tu6rum cor6na
Thy Martyrs bring us joy,
itificet: qua? et fidei nostrae O Lord; and may they give to
aebeat incrementa virtutum, our faith increase in virtue and
multiplici nos suffragio console us through their joint
insoletur. Per D6minum. intercession. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Francis Borgia, Cpnfessor;
id of the Octave of our Holy Father Francis.
Lesson from the Epistle of
.ectio Epistolae beati Pauli
blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Apdstoli ad Corinthios.
2 Cor. 6:4-10
Cor. 6:4-10
RETHREN: Let us exhibit
^RATRES: E xhibeam us
ourselves as the ministers of
n o sm etlp so s sicut Dei
inistros in multa patientia, God, in much patience, in tribu-



in tribulati6nibus, in necessi
tatibus, in angustiis, in pla
gis, in carc6ribus, in sediti6nibus, in lab6ribus, in vigi
liis, in jejuniis, in castitate,
in scientia, in longanimitate,
in suavitate, in Spiritu Sanc
to, in caritate non ficta, in
verbo veritatis, in virtute
Dei, per arma justitiae a
dextris et a sinistris: per glo
riam et ignobilitatem: per
infamiam et bonam famam:
ut seduct6res et veraces: sicut qui ign6ti, et c6gniti:
quasi morientes, et ecce vivi
mus: ut castigati, et non
mortificati: quasi tristes, sem
per autem gaudentes: sicut
egentes, multos autem locu
pletantes: tamquam nihil ha
bentes, et omnia possidentes.

lation, in necessities, in di
tresses, in stripes, in prisons, :
seditions, in labors, in watci
ings, in fastings, in chastity; :
knowledge, in long-suffering, i
sweetness, in the Holy Ghos
in charity unfeigned, in ti
word of truth, in the power <
God, by the armor of justice o
the right hand and on the lef
by honor and dishonor; by ev
report and good report; as d
ceivers and yet true; as ui
known and yet known; as dyinj
and behold, we live; as cha
tised and not killed; as sorrov
ful yet always rejoicing; i
needy yet enriching many; !
having nothing and possessin
all things.

Graduale. Ps. 33:18,19

Clamaverunt justi: et D6minus exaudivit eos, et ex
omnibus tr ib u la ti6 n ib u s
eorum liberavit eos. V. Juxta
est D6minus his qui tribula
to sunt corde, et humiles spi
ritu salvabit.

Gradual. Ps. 33:18, 19

The just cried, and the Loi
heard them, and delivered thei
out of all th'eir troubles. V . Ti
Lord is nigh unto those that ai
of a contrite heart, and He wi
save the humble of spirit.

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Haec

est vera fraternitas, quae vicit
mundi crimina: Christum se
cuta est, inclyta tenens regna
caelestia. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. This

true brotherhood, which coi
quereth the crimes of the worlc
it hath followed after Chris
possessing the glorious kingdoi
of heaven. Alleluia.

i* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

f1Continuation of the holy
secundum Lucam.
Gospel according to Luke.
Luc. 6:17-23
Luke 6:17-23
T T H A T tim e: Comir
N ILLO tempore: Descen
down from the mountaii
dens Jesus de monte, ste
tit in loco campestri, et turba Jesus stood in a plain place, an
discipul6rum ejus, et multi- the company of His disciple


:udo copiosa plebis ab omni

fudaea, et Jerusalem, et mariima, et Tyri, et Sid<5nis, qui
'enerant, ut audirent eum,
:t sanarentur a languoribus
mis. Et qui vexabantur a
ipiritibus immundis, cura>antur. Et omnis turba quaeebat eum tangere: quia vir
us de illo exibat, et sana>at omnes. Et ipse elevatis
iculis in discipulos suos, di:ebat: Beati pauperes: quia
restrum est regnum Dei.
ieati, qui nunc esuritis: quia
aturabimini. Beati, qui nunc
letis: quia ridebitis. Beati
ritis, cum vos oderint h6nines, et cum separaverint
ros, et exprobraverint, et eji:erint nomen vestrum tam]uam malum, propter Filium
i6minis. Gaudete in illa die,
:t exsultate: ecce enim merces
restra multa est in cado.


and a very great multitude of

people from all Judea and Jeru
salem, and the seacoast both of
Tyre and Sidon, who were come
to hear Him, and to be healed
of their diseases. And they that
were troubled w ith u n clean
spirits were cured. And all the
multitude sought to touch Him,
for virtue went out from Him
and healed all. And He, lifting
up His eyes on His disciples,
said: Blessed are ye poor, for
yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are ye that hunger now,
for you shall be filled. Blessed
are ye that weep now, for you
shall laugh. Blessed shall you
be when men shall hate you,
and when they shall separate
you, and shall reproach you, and
cast out your name as evil, for
the Son of Mans sake. Be glad
in that day and rejoice; for be
hold, your reward is great in
The Creed is said because of the Octave.
Offertorium. Ps. 149:5, 6
Offertory. Ps. 149:5, 6
Exsultabunt sancti in gl6The saints shall rejoice in
ia, laetabuntur in cubilibus glory, they shall be joyful in
;uis: exaltationes Dei in fau- their beds; the high praises of
:ibis e6rum. Alleluja.
God shall be in their mouth.
ITE R A T A mysteria, D6AY we handle these mys
L mine, pro sanct6rum Marteries, O Lord, repeated
yrum tu6rum commemora- for the commemoration of Thy
:i6ne, dev6ta mente tracti- holy Martyrs, with a devout
nus: quibus praesidium nobis soul; and by them may protec
rrescat, et gaudium. Per D6- tion and joy increase for us.
Through our Lord.
Commemorations as above.
Preface of our Holy Father Francis, as on October 4.



Communion. Matt. 10:27

Communio. Matth. 10:27
That which I tell you in th<
Quod dico vobis in tene
bris, dicite in lumine, dicit dark, speak ye in the light
Dominus; et quod in aure saith the Lord; and that which
auditis, praedicate super tecta. you hear in the ear, preach ye
upon the housetops.
R/ESTA, quzesumus, om
RANT, we beseech Thee, C
almighty God, that we may
nipotens Deus: ut, quo
rum memoriam sacramenti also follow, to our profit, the
participatione rec61imus, fi faith of those whose memory
dem quoque proficiendo sec we celebrate by participating ir
temur. Per Dominum.
the sacrament. Through our
Commemorations as above.

O c t o b e r 11


(Double of the Second Class)
Mass as in the Roman Missal.
Commemoration is made of the Octave Day of St. Francis.
EUS, qui te parvulis et
humilibus revelare non
dedignaris: tribue nobis, quae
sumus, imitati6ne beati Pa
tris nostri Frandsci; et stul
tam hujus mundi dediscere
sapilntiam, et solum ediscere
Jesum Christum crucifixum,
Filium tuum. Qui tecum.

UNERA tibi, D6mine,
dicata sanctifica: et, intercedente beato Patre nostro
Francisco, ab omni nos cul
parum labe purifica. Per D6minum.

GOD, who dost not dis
dain to reveal Thyself tc
the small and humble: grant us.
we beseech Thee, in imitation of
our holy Father Francis, both tc
unlearn the foolish wisdom ol
this world, and to learn only
Jesus Christ crucified, Thy Son
W ho w ith T hee liv e th and
ANCTIFY the gifts offered
to T h ee, O L ord, and
through the intercession of oui
blessed Father Francis, purify
us from every stain of guilt
Through our Lord.


c c l e s i a m tuam, quaesu
mus, Domine, gratia cae
lestis amplificet: quam beati
Patris nostri Frandsci Con
fessoris tui illuminare -volui
sti gloriosis meritis, et exem
plis. Per Dominum.


AY heavenly grace, we be
seech Thee, O Lord, fill
Thy Church which Thou didst
will to adorn by the glorious
merits and example of our bless
ed Father Francis, Thy Confes
sor. Through our Lord.

O c t o b e r 12


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Seraphin was born of poor Italian parents. A t the age of sixteen, he
entered the Capuchin O rder as a lay-brother. H e filled th e office of
porter, but always found time to help others in their work. Devoted
to prayer and meditation on the sufferings of C hrist, he lived a life
of close union w ith G od. His death came in 1604.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:
EUS, qui in corde beati
GOD, who didst excite in
Seraphim am 6ris tu i
the heart of blessed Seraflammas excitasti: ejus, quae phin the flames of Thy love:
sumus, nobis intercessi6ne grant us, we beseech Thee,
concede; ut, illius vestigia through his intercession that,
sectantes, iisdem ard6ribus following his footsteps, we may
accendamur. Per Dominum. be enkindled with the same ar
dor. Through our Lord.

O c t o b e r 19


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
St. Peter was born at A lcantara, in Spain, in the year 1499. As a
child he was favored w ith the gift of prayer, and strove to foster in
himself the true spirit of mortification. H e entered the Franciscan O rder
and at once gave himself w holly to union w ith G od. H is corporal
nances were amazing, and God showed how pleasing they were to
im by sustaining St. Peter in miraculous ways. H e was eminently
successful as a preacher of missions. T he intim ate friend of St. Teresa



of Avila, St. Peter, becoming her spiritual director, aided her in the
reform of the O rder of Carmel. H e filled many high offices, but
always remained humble and obedient. In 1562 he died, and St. Teresa
saw his soul take its flight to heaven. Later he appeared to her and
said: " O happy penance, th a t has merited for me such wondrous
g lo ry ."

Introitus. Gal. 6:14

IHI autem absit gloria
ri, nisi in cruce D6mini nostri Jesu Christi:
per quem mihi mundus cru
cifixus est, et ego mundo. Ps.
33:2. Benedicam D6minum
in omni tempore, semper
laus ejus in ore meo. V. G16ria Patri.

Introit. Gal. 6:14

UT God forbid that I should
glory, save in the cross of
our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom
the world is crucified to me, and
I to the world. Ps. 33:2. I will
bless the Lord at all times; His
praise shall be always in my
mouth. V. Glory be to the Fa

EUS, qui beatum Petrum
Confess6rem tuum ad
mirabilis poenitentiae et altlssimse contemplationis mu
nere illustrare dignatus es:
concide propitius; ut, ejus
suffragantibus meritis, carne
mortificati, caelestium don6rum participes fieri merea
mur. Per D6minum.

GOD, who didst deign to
adorn blessed Peter, Thy
Confessor, with the gift of ad
mirable penance and highest
contemplation: mercifully grant
that by the intercession of his
merits we, being mortified in
the flesh, may deserve to be
made partakers of heavenly
gifts. Through our Lord.

Lictio Epistola beati Pauli

Ap6stoli ad Philippenses.

Lesson from the Epistle of

blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Phil. 3:7-12
T> RETHREN: The things that
D were gain to me, the same
I have counted loss for Christ.
Furthermore, I count all things
to be but loss for the excellent
knowledge of Jesus Christ my
Lord; for whom I have suffered
the loss of all things, and count
them but as dung, that I may
gain Christ, and may be found
in Him, not having my justice,
which is of the law, but that

Phil. 3:7-12
RATRES: Quae mihi fuirunt lucra, hac arbitratus
sum propter Christum detri
menta. Verumtamen existi
mo 6mnia detrimentum esse
propter eminentem scientiam
Jesu Christi D6mini mei:
propter quem 6mnia detri
mentum feci, et arbitror ut
stircora, ut Christum lucri
faciam, et invgniar in illo,
non habens meam justitiam,



quae ex lege est, sed illam,

quae ex fide est Christi Jesu:
quae ex Deo est justitia in
fide, ad cognoscendum illum,
et virtutem resurrecti6nis ejus,
et societatem passi6num il
lius: configuratus morti ejus:
si quo modo occurram ad
resurrecti6nem, quze est ex
m6rtuis. Non quod jam ac
ceperim, aut jam perfectus
sim: sequor autem, si quo
modo comprehendam, in quo
et co m p reh en su s sum a
Christo Jesu.

which is of the faith of Christ

Jesus; which is of God, justice
in faith, that I may know Him,
and the power of His resurrec
tion, and the fellowship of His
sufferings; b ein g m ade co n
formable to His death: if by
any means I may attain to the
resurrection which is from the
dead. Not as though I had al
ready attained, or were already
perfect; but I follow after, if I
may by any means apprehend
wherein I am also apprehended
by Christ Jesus.

Graduate. Ps. 36:30,31

Os justi meditabitur sa
pientiam, et lingua ejus lo
quatur judicium. V. Lex Dei
ejus in corde ipsius, et non
supplantabuntur gressus ejus.

Gradual. Ps. 36:30,31

The mouth of the just shall
meditate wisdom, and his tongue
shall speak judgment. V. The
law of his God is in his heairt,
and his steps shall not be sup

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Cru

cis cultor 6ptime, sancte Pe
tre, forma verae sanctitatis,
impetra nobis, tuis precibus,
fructus dignos poenitentiae, ut
tecum simus aeternae gloriae
consortes. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. O thou

great lover of the cross, St.
Peter, image of true sanctity,
obtain for us through thy prayers
worthy fruits of penatnce, that
with thee we may be partakers
of eternal glory. Alleluia.

In Votive Masses after Se 'ytuagesima, the Alleluia and the

following Verse are omitted, and the Tract is said.
Tractus. Ps. 111:1-3
Beatus vir qui timet D6minum: in mandatis ejus cu
pit nimis. V. Potens in terra
erit semen ejus: generatio
rect6rum benedicetur. V. G16ria et divitiae in domo ejus,
et justitia ejus manet in sae
culum saeculi.

Tract. Ps. 111:1-3

Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord; he delighteth
exceedingly in His command
ments. V. His seed shall be
mighty upon earth; the genera
tion of the righteous shadl be
blessed. V. Glory and wealth
shadl be in his house; and his
justice remaineth for ever amd



During Paschal Time the

place is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Gal.
2:19. Christo confixus sum
cruci: vivo autem ego, jam
non ego, vivit vero in me
Christus. Alleluja. V . Cru
ris cultor 6ptime, sancte Pe
tre, forma verae sanctitatis,
impetra nobis, tuis prfcibus,
fructus dignos poenitentiae, ut
tecum simus aeternas gloria?
cons6rtes. Alleluja.

Gradual is omitted, and in its

Alleluia, alleluia. V .Gal.2:19.
With Christ I am nailed to the
cross; and I live, now not I, but
Christ liveth in me. Alleluia.
V. O thou great lover of the
cross, St. Peter, image of true
sanctity, obtain for us through
thy prayers worthy fruits of
penance, that with thee we may
be partakers of eternal glory.

Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 12:32-34
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis: No
lite timere, pusillus grex,
quia complacuit Patri vestro
dare vobis regnum. Vendite
quae possidetis, et date elee
mosynam. Facite vobis sac
culos qui non veterascunt,
thesaurum non deficientem
in caelis: quo fur non appr6piat, neque tinea corrumpit.
Ubi enim thesaurus vester
est, ibi et cor vestrum erit.

Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 12:32-34
T THAT time: Jesus said

to His disciples: Fear not,

little flock, for it hath pleased
your Father to give you a king
dom. Sell what you possess,
and give alms. Make to your
selves bags which grow not old,
a treasure in heaven which faileth not; where no thief approacheth, nor moth corrupteth.
For where your treasure is, there
will your heart be also.

Offertorium. Ps. 20:2,3

In virtute tua, Domine,
laetabitur justus, et super sa
lutare tuum exsultabit vehe
menter: desiderium animae
ejus tribuisti ei.

Offertory. Ps. 20:2,3

In Thy strength, O Lord, the
just shall joy, and in Thy salva
tion he shall rejoice exceeding
ly ; Thou hast given him his
soul's desire.

BLATIONEM nostram,
E IN G ap p e ased through
the merits of St. Peter, ac
q u z s u m u s, D6mine,
sancti Petri meritis placatus cept, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
aissume: quam, dum in carne our offering; which while he
viveret, purissimis manibus lived in the flesh he touched


contrectivit et 6btulit.


Per and offered w ith m ost p u re

hands. Through our Lord.

Communio. Matth. 19:28, 29

Amen dico vobis quod vos
qui reliquistis 6mnia et se
cuti estis me, centuplum ac
cipiatis, et vitam aeternam

Communion. Matt. 19:28,29

Amen, I say to you that you,
who have left all things and
have followed Me, shall receive
a hundredfold, and shall possess
life everlasting.

R ISTA , quaesumus, om
nipotens Deus: ut, beati
Petri Confess6ris tui semper
:acta sectantes, fructum, quem
ie caelesti hoc alimento per
repit, ipsi quoque percipere
nereamur. Per D6minum.

RANT, we beseech Thee,
almighty God, that al
ways imitating the deeds of
blessed Peter, Thy Confessor,
we also may deserve to receive
the fruit which he received
from this heavenly nourishment.
Through our Lord.

O c t o b e r 21


Bishop and Confessor, of the First Order
James was bora of a noble Polish family. After entering the Fran:iscan O rder, he became noted for his many spiritual accomplishments
tnd for his virtues, particularly his zeal for souls. H e labored espeially in Russia, which was then inhabited partly by heathens, partly
ly schismatic Greeks. He was constrained to accept the dignity of
Archbishop of Halicz, but he never relaxed his missionary labors.
Throughout his life, and especially as archbishop, he was tenderly
levoted to the M other of G od. After a life spent in toil for the
piritual and temporal welfare of his subjects, he died in 1409 and
ras buried in the habit of his O rder. H is body is incorrupt.

Mass Statuit, from the Common of a Confessor not a Poniff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui in beato Jac6bo Confessore tuo atque
'ontifice apost61icum evan;elizandi spiritum mirabilier renovasti: praesta, quaeumus; ut, ipso intercedente,

GOD, who didst wonder
fully renew the Apostolic
spirit of preaching the Gospel
in blessed James, Thy Confes
sor and Pontiff: grant, we be
seech Thee, that through his



fide ac m6ribus tibi jugiter intercession we may ever cling

adhaereamus. Per Dominum. to Thee in faith and morals.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Hilarion, Abbot; and of
St. Ursula and Companions, Virgins -and Martyrs.
J*Continuation of the holy
f* Sequintia sancti Evangelii
Gospel according to John.
secundum Joannem.
John 10:11-16
Joann. 10:11-16
T THAT time: Jesus said to
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
the Pharisees: I am the
Jesus phariseis: Ego sum
pastor bonus. Bonus pastor good shepherd. The good shep
animam suam dat pro 6vibus herd giveth his life for his sheep.
suis. Mercenarius autem, et But tiie hireling, and he that is
qui non est pastor, cujus non not the shepherd, whose own
sunt oves pr6pris, videt lu the sheep are not, seeth the
pum venientem, et dimittit wolf coming, and leaveth the
oves, et fugit: et lupus rapit, sheep, and flieth: and the wolf
et dispergit oves. Mercena catcheth and scattereth the sheep.
rius autem fugit, quia mer And the hireling flieth, because
cenarius est, et non pertinet he is a hireling, and he hath no
ad eum de 6vibus. Ego sum care for the sheep. I am the
pastor bonus: et cogn6sco good shepherd; and I know
meas, et cogn6scunt me m ei. Mine, and Mine know Me. As
Sicut novit me Pater, et ego the Father knoweth Me, and 1
agn6sco Patrem: et animam know the Father; and I lay
meam pono pro 6vibus meis. down My life for My sheep.
Et alias oves habeo, quse And other sheep I have that are
non sunt ex hoc ovili: et not of this fold; them also 1
illas op6rtet me adducere, et must bring, and they shall hear
vocem meam audient, et fiet My voice, and there shall be one
unum ovile, et unus pastor. fold and one shepherd.

In Consecrated Churches
O c t o b e r 22


(Double of the First Class, with a Common Octave)
T h e dedication of a church to God is a solemn and sacred event.
Instead of each church keeping the anniversary of its own dedication,
the O rder sets aside this day on which all consecrated churches cclc
brate their dedication.

Mass Terribilis, from the Common of the Dedication of t

The Creed is said.



O c t o b e r 23


Virgin and Martyr, of the Second Order
A Poor C lare at the tim e of the French Revolution, Josephine was
forced to leave her convent and return to her family home a t V alen
ciennes. W hen th a t city was captured by the A ustnans, she resumed
convent life w ith the U rsulines of the city, among whom her own
sister was numbered. W hen the French retook Valenciennes, Josephine
was arrested and condemned to death as a traitor for having resumed
the religious life contrary to law . Together w ith her sister and four
other companions, she was beheaded in 1794.

Mass Me exspectaverunt, from the Common of Virgins, in

the second place, with the following:
ORDIBUS nostris, Do
LORD JESUS, graciously
mine Jesu, timorem tuum
pour into our hearts fear
et am6rem benignus infunde: and love for Thee; that through
ut, meritis et exemplis beatas the merits and exam ple of
Josephinae Virginis et Mar blessed Josephine, Thy Virgin
tyris tuae, mortem ipsam po and Martyr, we may choose
tius eligamus, quam tibi ul death rather than dare to offend
lam offensam irrogare tente- Thee. Who livest and reignest.
mus. Qui vivis.
In consecrated churches, a commemoration is made of the
Octave of the Dedication, and the Creed is said.
ONERA, D o m in e, in
LORD, in Thy mercy en
hon6rem beatas Josephilighten us who lay gifts
nas Virginis et Martyris tuae, on Thy holy altar in honor of
sacris altaribus imponentes, blessed Josephine, Thy Virgin
nos miserator illustra: ut, ad and Martyr; that after her ex
ejus ex em plum , discamus ample we may learn to despise
mundi gaudia fastidire, et the joys of the world, and to
caeli praemia suspirare. Per sigh after the rewards of heaven.
Through our Lord.
AY the workings of this
ANEAT in nobis, D6mine, intercedente bea
divine sacrament remain
ta Josephina Virgine et Mar in us, O Lord, through the in
tyre tua, divini operatio sa tercession of blessed Josephine,
cramenti: ut inde, hujus Thy Virgin and Martyr; that



temporis inter angustias, per

enne ad vitia fugienda reme
dium, et ad comparanda m6rita simul habeamus auxi
lium. Per Dominum.

amid the trials of this life we

may obtain thence both a last
ing remedy for avoiding faults
and help for amassing merits.
Through our Lord.

O c t o b e r 25


Confessor, of the First Order
Balthassar was the son of a noble old family. H aving become a
Franciscan, he was made professor of Theology and then provincial of
the O rder. H e distinguished himself by all the virtues or a good re
ligious, practised the greatest severities, and rejoiced to be counted
the least among the brethren. H e labored untiringly in the pulpit and
confessional, and died in 1492 at the age of seventy-three.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the first place, with the following:
DESTO supplicati6nibus
TTEND to our supplications,
nostris, omnipotens De L O almighty God, who hast
us, qui beatum Balthassarem, given blessed Balthassar, Thy
Confess6rem tuum, dignum Confessor, to the faithful as a
praedicati6nis ac Sacramenti worthy minister of preaching
Poenitentiae ministrum fideli and of the Sacrament of Penance;
bus praebuisti: ejus meritis et and grant by his merits and
intercessione concede; ut ad intercession that we may dili
aeternam animarum salutem gently labor for the eternal sal
sedulo laboremus, ac digna vation of souls, and may per
virtutum opera faciamus. Per form worthy deeds of virtue.
Through our Lord.

In consecrated churches, a commemoration is made of the

Octave of the Dedication.
of Sts. Chrysanthus and Daria,
Commemoration is
In consecrated churches the Creed is said.
o n c e d e , quasumus,
RANT, we beseech Thee,
Domine, per intercessi6O Lord, through the inter
nem beati Balthassaris; ut cession of blessed Balthassar,
haec sacrificia debilitati no that these sacrifices may bring
strae subsidium c6nferant, et aid to our weakness and may



animas nostras ab omni pec keep our souls from all con
cati contagi6ne d e fe n d a n t. tagion of sin. Through our
Per D6minum.
Commemorations as above.
u a e su m u s, D 6m ine,
, per haec sancta mysteria,
quae sumpsimus; ut intercedente beato Balthassare Confess6re tuo, et justi in tua
dilectione firmantur, et pec
catores ad salutis tramitem
reducantur. Per Dominum.

E BESEECH Thee, O Lord,
through these holy mys
teries which we have received,
that at the intercession of blessed
Balthassar, Thy Confessor, both
the just may be strengthened in
Thy love, and sinners may be
brought back to the way of sal
vation. Through our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
O c t o b e r 26


Confessor, of the First Order
Bonaventure was born of poor but devout parents in Potenza, Italy.
He entered the O rder of M inors Conventual, where he was trained
in the spirit of hum ility, self-abnegation and obedience. As a priest
he labored w ith remarkable success, although his sermons were simple
and his appearance unassuming. H e was appointed master of novices,
and strove to inspire his charges w ith the prim itive Franciscan spirit.
W hen an epidemic broke out in the town, h e was fearless in nursing
the plague-stricken and w rought many miraculous cures. Throughout
his life he was a shining example of every virtue. H is blessed death
took place in 1711.

Mass Os justi, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the first place, with the following:
EUS, qui in beato Bonaventura Confess6re tuo
eximium obedintiae exem
plum constituere dignatus es:
praesta, quaesumus; ut, ejus
imitati6ne v o lu n ta te m no
stram abnegintes, mandatis

GOD, who didst deign to
give us a surpassing ex
ample of obedience in blessed
Bonaventure, Thy C o n fesso r:
grant, we beseech Thee, that
denying our will after his exam
ple, we may ever be able to ad-



tuis perpetuo inhaerere valea-1here to Thy commandments,

mus. Per Dominum.
| Through our Lord.
In consecrated churches, commemoration is made of the
Octave of the Dedication, and the Creed is said.
Commemoration is made of St. Evaristus, Pofie and Martyr.
In Consecrated Churches
O c t o b e r 29


(Major Double)
Mass Terribilis, from the Common of the Dedication of a
The Creed is said.
O c t o b e r 30


Confessor, of the First Order
Angelus was born at Acri, in Italy, and entered the Capuchin O rder
three times before he finally received the grace of perseverance. As a
priest he was greatly devoted to the Holy Mass. A renowned preacher,
he used only the simplest language in obedience, it is said, to in
structions received from G od. M any great hum iliations aw aited him
at every turn of life, but he never relaxed his zeal in th e service of
others, especially of those w ho caused him most suffering. H e died
in 1739.

Mass Tustus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in toe second place, with the following:
riRABILIS in S anctis
1tuis, omnipotens Deus,
a rt w o n d e rfu l in Thy
qui beati Angeli spiritum ad saints, and who didst deign to
teipsum trahere dignatus es: attract to Thyself the spirit of
ejus meritis et intercessi6ne blessed Angelus: grant through
concede, cuncta nos terrena his merits and intercession that
respuere, et in am6re su we may ever despise earthly
pernae patriae continua caele things, and may be strength
stium meditati6ne roborari. ened, through continual medita
Per Dominum.
tion on celestial things, in the
love of the heavenly fatherland.
Through our Lord.



O c t o b e r 31


Confessors, of the First Order
Christopher, first a parish priest, later entered the Franciscan O rder
out of adm iration for St. Francis, whom he knew personally. He was
sent by his superiors to southwest France, and there worked zealously
for the conversion of the Albigensian heretics. He died in 1272.
As a young m an, Thom as was given to th e pursuit of worldly
pleasures and honors, but G od mercifully enlightened him and led
him to w ithdraw from th e w orld and do penance in th e Franciscan
Order. H e was favored w ith extraordinary gifts of prayer, and because
of his sanctity was sent to preach against the heretical Fraticelli,
though he was not a priest. Later on he went to the schismatic Greeks
in the East. H e suffered many hardships among them , and was even
about to receive the crown of martyrdom when the Pope offered a
large sum for his release. H e returned to Italy, where he died a holy
death in 1447.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Confes

sors not Pontiffs (p. 305 of this Supplement), with the first
Commemoration is made of the Vigil of A ll Saints.
The Last Gospel is from the Mass of the Vigil of A ll Saints.

N ovem ber 3

Confessor, of the First Order
Rayncr was born of the noble family of the M ariani in Arezzo,
Italy. H e entered the Franciscan O rder as a lay-brother, and distin
guished himself by his fraternal charity, profound hum ility, perfect
obedience and Evangelical poverty. H e was the constant companion of
Benedict of Arezzo, the great missionary of the East, and w ent w ith
him on a ll his apostolic travels. H e was also a close friend of
B rother Masseo, th e beloved companion of St. Francis. He died in
1304, and in 1802 he was beatified by Pope Pius V II.

Mass Justus, from the Common of a Confessor not a Pon

tiff, in the second place, with the following:




OMINE Jesu C h riste ,

qui beatum Raynfrium
Confess6rem tuum, per ar
duas humilitatis, pauperta
tis, obedientiae, et patientia;
semitas, in tui imitati6ne
mirabilem effecisti: ejus no
bis intercessi6ne et exemplo
concede; ut secundum te vi
vere valeamus. Qui vivis.

LORD Jesus Christ, who
didst distinguish blessed
Rayner, Thy Confessor, in his
imitation of Thee through the
hard paths of humility, poverty,
obedience and patience: grant
through his intercession and ex
ample that we may be able to
live in a manner pleasing to
Thee. Who livest.

Commemoration is made of the Octave of All Saints.

The Creed is said because of the Octave of A ll Saints.
N ovem ber 4


Bishop and Confessor, Cardinal Protector of the Seraphic Order
(Major Double)
St. Charles was born of the noble family of Borromeo. H e was a
nephew of Pope Pius IV, and w hile still a young man, was made
Cardinal and Archbishop of M ilan. H e was an example to all for his
virtues, mortification and zeal for the sanctification of his people. He
was one of the greatest and holiest prelates of the sixteenth century,
and his death in 1584 was the source of great sorrow to his people
and the Church.

Mass as in the Roman Missal.

N ovem ber 5


(Major Double)
Introitus. Ps. 33:20, 21
ULT-i^E tribulationes ju
storum, et de his Omni
bus liberabit eos D6minus.
Dominus custddit 6mnia ossa
e6rum, unum ex his non
conteretur. Ps. ibid.: 2. Bene
dicam Ddminum in omni

Introit. Ps. 33:20,21

ANY are the afflictions of
the just; but out of them
all will the Lord deliver them.
The Lord keepeth all their
bones; not one of them shall be
broken. Ps.ibid.:2. I will bless
the Lord at all times; His praise



tempore, semper laus ejus in shall be always in my mouth.

ore meo. V. G16ria Patri.
V. Glory be to the Father.
UGE in nobis, D6mine,
LORD, who workest won
resurrectidnis fidem, qui
ders in the relics of Thy
in Sanct6rum tu6rum reli- saints: increase in us faith in
uiis mirabilia operaris: et the resurrection, and make us
ac nos immortalis gl6riae to share in that immortal glory,
participes, cujus in e6rum the pledge of which we honor
cineribus pignora venerdmur. in their ashes. Through our
Per D6minum.


Commemoration is made of the Octave of All Saints.

Lectio libri Sapientis.
Eccli. 44:10-15
I VIRI miseric6rdiae sunt,
quorum pietates non de
fuerunt: cum s&nine e6rum
permanent bona, haereditas
sancta nep6tes eirum, et in
te sta m e n tis ste tit semen
e6rum: et filii eorum prop
ter illos usque in sternum
manent: semen e<5rum et gl6ria e6rum non derelinquetur.
C6rpora ipsorum in pace sepulta sunt, et nomen e6rum
vivit in g e n e ra ti6 n e m et
generationem. Sapientiam ip
sorum narrent p6puli, et lau
dem edrum nuntiet Ecclesia.

Graduale. Ps. 149:5

Exsultabunt Sancti in gl6ria, laetabuntur in cubilibus
suis. V. Ps. ibid.: 1. Can
tate D6mino canticum no
vum, laus ejus in ecclesia
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
67:4. Justi epulentur, et

. Lesson from the book of

Eccli. 44:10-15
HESE were men of mercy,
whose godly deeds have not
failed; good things continue
with their seed, their posterity
are a holy inheritance, and their
seed hath stood in the covenants.
And their children for their sakes
remain for ever; their seed and
their glory shall not be forsaken.
Their bodies are buried in peace,
and their name liveth unto gen
eration and generation. Let the
people show forth their wisdom,
and the Church declare their

Gradual. Ps. 149:5

The saints shall rejoice in
glory; they shall be joyful in
their beds. V. Ps. ibid.: 1. Sing
ye to the Lord a new canticle,
let His praise be in the Church
of the saints.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 67:4.
Let the just feast, and rejoice



exsultent in consp&tu Dei, before God, and be delighted

et delectentur in laetitia. Al with gladness. Alleluia.
Sequintia sancti Evangelii
secundum Lucam.
Luc. 6:17-23
N ILLO timpore: Descen
dens Jesus de monte, ste
tit in loco campestri, et turba
discipul6rum ejus, et multi
tudo copi6sa plebis ab omni
Judaa, et Jerusalem, et ma
ritima, et Tyri, et Sid6nis,
qui vinerant, ut a u d ire n t
eum, et sanarentur a languo
ribus suis. Et qui vexaban
tur a spiritibus immundis,
curabantur. Et omnis turba
qurbat eum tangere: quia
virtus de illo exibat, et sana
bat omnes. Et ipse elevatis
6culis in discipulos suos, dicibat: Beati pauperes, quia
vestrum est regnum Dei.
Beati, qui nunc esuritis: quia
s a tu ra b im in i. Beati, qui
nunc fletis: quia ridebitis.
Beati eritis cum vos 6derint
homines, et cum separaverint
vos, et exprobraverint, et eje
cerint nomen vestrum tam
quam malum, propter Filium
h6minis. Gaudete in illa die
et exsultate: ecce enim mer
ces vestra multa est in caelo.

<% Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 6:17-23
T THAT time: Jesus coming

down from the mountain

stood in a plain place, and the
company of His disciples, and a
very great multitude of people
from all Judea and Jerusalem,
and the seacoast both of Tyre
and Sidon, who were come to
hear Him, and to be healed of
their diseases. And they that
w ere tro u b le d w ith unclean
spirits were cured. And all the
multitude sought to touch Him,
for virtue went out from Him
and healed all. And He, lifting
up His eyes on His disciples,
said: Blessed are ye poor, for
yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are ye that hunger now,
for you shall be filled. Blessed
are ye that weep now, for you
shall laugh. Blessed shall you
be when men shall hate you,
and when they shall separate
you, and shall reproach you,
and cast out your name as evil,
for the Son of Mans sake. Be
glad in that day and rejoice; for
behold, your reward is great in

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Ps. 67:36
Offertory. Ps. 67:36
Mirabilis Deus in Sanctis
God is wonderful in His
suis! Deus Israel ipse dabit saints! The God of Israel is He
virtutem et fortitudinem ple- w ho w ill g iv e pow er and



bi suae: benedictus Deus! strength to His people: blessed

be God! Alleluia.
clementiam tuam: ut, Sanct6rum tu6rum, quorum reli
quias veneramur, suffragan
tibus meritis,' h6stia, quam
offerimus, nostr6rum sit ex
piatio delict6rum. Per D6minum.
Commemoration as above.

E IMPLORE Thy clemency,
O Lord, that through the
intercession of the saints whose
re lic s we v e n e ra te , the host
which we offer may be an ex
piation of our sins. Through
our Lord.

Communio. Ps. 32:1

Communion. Ps. 32:1
Gaudete, justi, in D6miRejoice in the Lord, O ye
no: rectos decet collaudatio. just; praise becometh the upright.
u l t i p l i c a super nos,
quaesumus, D dm ine,
per haec sancta quae sumpsi
mus, miseric6rdiam tuam: ut,
sicut in tu6rum solemnitate
Sanctorum, quorum reliquias
cdlimus, pia devoti6ne laeta
mur; ita edrum perpetua so
cietate, te largiente, fruamur.
Per D6minum.

u l t i p l y upon us Thy
mercy, we beseech Thee,
O L ord, th ro u g h these holy
mysteries which we have re
ceived; that as we rejoice with
pious devotion in the solemnity
of Thy saints whose relics we
venerate, so through Thy gra
ciousness we may enjoy their un
ending companionship. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration as above.
N o vem ber 6


Widow, of the Second Order
M argaret was born of the ancient and noble dukes of Lorraine.
After the death of her husband, D uke Rene of A lencon, she ruled
the duchy w ith great prudence and charity. She evinced tender love
for the poor, and built churches, convents an a hospitals in many
places. Later, turning the government over to her son, she joined the
T h ird O rder, and finally, the Second O rder. She died in 1 5 2 1 a t the
convent of Poor Clares in Argenton, which she herself had founded.



Mass Cognovi, from the Common of Holy Women, in the

second place, with the following:
GOD, author of all vir
AUCTOR virtutum 6mnitues, who didst glorify
um, Deus, qui beatam
Margaritam famulam tuam blessed Margaret, Thy servant,
eximiis in omni vita: statu with e x tra o rd in a ry merits in
meritis illustrare dignatus es: every station, in life: grant us
ipsius nobis intercessi6ne through her intercession that we
concade; ut in vocatione, qua may live faithfully in the voca
vocati sumus, fideliter ambu tion in which we have been
lemus, et lucis exempla jugi called, and ever give a good
ter ostendamus. Per D6mi- example. Through our Lord.

Commemoration is made of the Octave of A ll Saints.

The Creed is said because of the Octave of All Saints.
N ovem ber 7


Virgin, of the Second Order
Helen was born of the noble family of the Enselmini, in Padua.
She was received into the Second O rder by St. Francis himself, and
St. A nthony of Padua was for a long tim e her spiritual director. She
was afflicted w ith numerous physical maladies, but was also enlight
ened w ith many heavenly consolations. She died in 1242 a t the age
of thirty-four, having spent twenty-two years in religion. H er body
is incorrupt.

Mass Dilexisti, from the Common of Virgins, in the third

place, with the following:
GOD, true health of the
EUS, recte valentium et
aegrotantium salus, qui O
well and the sick, who
beatam Helenam Virginem didst adorn blessed Helen, Thy
tuam mira in morbis forti Virgin, with marvelous strength
tudine morumque innocentia in illness and with innocence of
decorasti: ejus nobis inter- conduct: grant us through her in
cessidne concede; ut, aegritu tercession that, patiently endur
dines et adversa patienter ing sickness and trials, we may



to le ra n te s , mortalis vita attain to the correction of the

emendationem, et aeternae sa mortal life and the salvation of
lutem consequamur. Per D6- eternal life. Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made of the Octave of All Saints.
The Creed is said because of the Octave of A ll Saints.
N o v e m b e r 12


Confessors, of the First and Third Orders
_ Gabriel was born of an ancient ducal family. H e entered the Fran:iscan O rder and distinguished himself through his strict observance
>f th e Rule, and through his hum ility. As a preacher he brought
ibout many conversions, and as a superior he concerned himself espe:ially w ith the lay-brothers and strove to lead them on the path of
xrfection. H e died a blessed death in 14)6.
John, a native of Pisa, entered the Franciscan T h ird O rder and
ledicated himself to the works of charity. H e established a brotherlood whose purpose was to support and assist the poor. H e received
he surname " o f Peace" because of his efforts to remove discord.
Ic died in 1433-

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Conessors not Pontiffs (p. 303 of this Supplement), with the
econd orations.
Commemoration is made of St. Martin, Pope and Martyr.
N o v e m b e r 13

Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
D idacus, born in A ndalusia, a province of Spain, as a youth lived
le life of a herm it, and then entered the Franciscan O rder as a layrother. A lthough uneducated, he was marvelously filled w ith heav
ily wisdom. H e distinguished himself by his hum ility, charity and
al for regular observance. Later he went as a missionary to the
anary Islands, where he established a monastery. In Rome he offered
imself for the care of the sick, and healed many through the Sign
r the Cross. H e died at Alcala in his native land in 1463, and was
monized by Pope Sixtus V . H e is the Patron of Franciscan layothers.

lntroit. Eccli. 3:20,21

Introitus. Eccli. 3 :20, 21
E HUMBLED Himself in all
TUMILIAVIT se in 6mthings, and found grace be
T- nibus, et coram Deo inSnit gratiam, qu6niam ma- fore God; for great is the power



gna potantia Dei, et ab hu

milibus honoratur. Ps. 102:1.
Benedic, anima mea, D6minum, et 6mnia interi6ra mea,
nomen sanctum ejus. V. G16ria Patri.

of God, and He is honored by

the humble. Ps. 102:1. Bless
the Lord, O my soul, and let all
that is within me bless His holy
name. V. Glory be to the Father.



m n i p o t e n s sempi
ALMIGHTY, eternal God
terne Deus, qui dispo O who by a wonderful dis
s itio n e m ira b ili, infirma position dost choose the weal
mundi eligis, ut f6rtia quae
que confundas: concede pro
pitius humilitati nostrae; ut,
piis beati Didaci Confess6ris
tui precibus, ad perennem in
caelis gl6riam sublimari me
reamur. Per D6minum.

things of the world in order tc

confound aH strong things: mer
cifully grant to our lowlines:
that through the pious prayer:
of blessed Didacus, Thy Con
fessor, we may be lifted up t(
eternal glory. Through our Lord.

Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli

Lesson from the Epistle of
blessed Paul the Apostle to th<
Apostoli ad Corinthios.
1 Cor. 1:26-31; 2:1,2
1 Cor. 1:26-31; 2:1, 2
vocati6RETHREN: See your voca
nem vestram, quia non B tion, that there are not man
multi sapientes secundum wise according to the flesh, nc

cairnem, non multi potentes,

non multi nobiles: sed quae
stulta su n t m undi e le g it
Deus, ut confundat sapientes;
et infirma mundi elegit Deus,
ut confundat f6rtia; et igno
bilia mundi, et contemptibi
lia elegit Deus, et ea, quae
non sunt, ut ea quae sunt de
strueret: ut non g lo r ie tu r
omnis caro in conspectu ejus.
Ex ipso autem vos estis in
Christo Jesu, qui factus est
nobis sapientia a Deo, et
justitia et sanctificatio et re
demptio: ut quemadmodum
scriptum est: Qui gloriatur,

many mighty, not many noble

but the foolish things of th
world hath God chosen, that H
may confound the wise; and th
weak things of the world hat
God chosen, that He may cor
found the strong; and the bas
things of the world, and tk
things that are contemptible
hath God chosen, and thin;
that are not, that He might brin
to naught things that are: that n
flesh should glory in His sigh
But of Him are you in Chri:
Jesus, who of God is mad
unto us wisdom, and justice, ar
sanctification, and redemptioi


in D6mino gloriatur. Et ego,

mm venissem ad vos, fra:res, veni non in sublimitate
;erm6nis, aut sapientis, anliintians vobis testim6nium
Ihristi. Non enim judicavi
ne scire aliquid inter vos,
risi Jesum Christum, et hunc
Graduale. Ps. 20:4,5
D6mine, praevenisti eum
n benedictionibus dulcediiis, posuisti in capite ejus
or6nam de lapide pretioso.
'. Vitam patiit a te, et triuisti ei longitudinem dieum in saeculum saeculi.


that, as it is written: He that

glorieth may glory in the Lord.
And I, brethren, when I came to
you, came not in loftiness of
speech or of wisdom, declaring
unto you the testimony of Christ.
For I judged not myself to
know anything among you but
Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.
Gradual. Ps. 20:4, 5
Lord, Thou hast prevented
him with blessings of sweetness;
Thou hast set on his head a
crown of precious stones. V.
He asked life of Thee, and Thou
hast given him length of days
for ever and ever.

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps.91:13.
1:13. Justus ut palma flo- The just shall flourish like the
5bit, sicut ced ru s L ibani palm tree; he shall grow up
mltiplicabitur. Alleluja.
like the cedar of Libanus. Al
* Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Matthaeum.
Matlh. 18:1-6
N ILLO tempore: Accesse
runt discipuli ad Jesum,
icentes: Quis, putas, major
it in regno cael6rum ? Et adfcans Jesus parvulum, stalit eum in medio e6rum, et
sxit: Amen dico vobis, nisi
inversi fueritis, et efficiaini sicut parvuli, non intraitis in regnum caelorum,
uicumque ergo humiliavet se sicut parvulus iste, hic
t major in regno cael6rum.
: qui susceperit unum parllum talem in n6mine meo,

Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Malt. 18:1-6
T THAT time: The disciples
came to Jesus, saying: Who
thinkest Thou is the greater in
the kingdom of heaven? And
Jesus, calling unto Him a little
child, set him in the midst of
them, and said: Amen, I say to
you, unless you be converted,
and become as little children,
you shall not enter into the
kingdom of heaven. Whosoever
therefore shall humble himself
as this little child, he is the
greater in the kingdom of heaven.
And he that shall receive one



me suscipit. Qui autem scan

dalizaverit unum de pusillis
istis, qui in me credunt, ex
pedit ei, ut suspendatur mola
asinaria in collo ejus, et de
m e rg a tu r in p ro fu n d u m

such little child in My name,

receiveth Me. But he that shal'
scandalize one of these littli
ones that believe in Me, it wer<
better for him that a millstoni
should be hanged about his neck
and that he should be drownei
in the depth of the sea.

Offertorium. Gal. 6:14

Mihi autem absit gloriari,
nisi in cruce D6mini nostri
Jesu Christi, per quem mihi
mundus crucifixus est, et ego

Offertory. Gal. 6:14

But God forbid that I shouli
glory, save in the cross of ou
Lord Jesus Christ; by whom th
world is crucified to me and
to the world.

JEC h6stia, quaesumus,
D 6m ine, quam sancti
Didaci Confess6ris tui solemnitate offerimus: ipso etiam
intercedente, et vincula no
strae pravitatis absolvat, et
tuae nobis miseric6rdiae dona
conciliet. Per Dominum.

AY this host, we beseec
Thee, O Lord, which w
offer on the solemnity of Si
Didacus, Thy Confessor, throug
his intercession both loose th
bonds of our sinfulness and ol
tain for us the gifts of Th
mercy. Through our Lord.

Communio. Matth. 11 :29

Communion. Matt. 11 :29
Tdllite jugum meum super
Take up My yoke upon yoi
vos, et discite a me quia and learn of Me, because I ai
mitis sum et humilis corde; meek and humble of heart; an
et invenietis requiem ani- you shall find rest to your soul
mabus vestris.
EUS, qui familiam tuam,
his sacrificiis p u rg a
tam, beati Didaci Confess6ris tui celebritate laetificas:
concide, quaesumus; ut ejus
humilitatis et patientiae imi
tetur vestigia, et ad gaudia
p e rv e n ia t sempiterna. Per

GOD, who dost rejoi
T hy fam ily , p u rifie
through these sacrifices on tl
solemnity of blessed Didaci:
Thy Confessor: grant, we b
seech Thee, that it may imita
his example of humility and p
tience, and arrive at everlastir
joys. Through our Lord.



N o v e m b e r 16


Virgin, of the Second Order
(Major Double)
A t the age of sixteen, Agnes desired to follow her sister, St. Clare,
>ut it was only after a heroic struggle against the opposition of her
:amily th a t she was at last able to enter the convent. She spent her
ime in prayer, work and penance. Sent to Florence to found a con'ent, she governed it w ith great prudence, ever seeking to instil in
he hearts of her sisters the spirit of St. Francis and St. C lare. Later
he returned to the convent at Assisi, where she died in 1253.

Mass Vultum tuum, from the Common of Virgins, in the

ourth place, with the following:
(5M INE Jesu Christe,
qui beatam Agntem
nuitis virginibus evangelica?
>erfecti6nis exemplum, et
lucem praeposuisti: da, quaeumus; ut, spiritus ille serahicus, quem sapienter douit, ac sanctitatis exemplis
lirifice confirmavit, purus in
obis jugiter perseveret. Qui

LORD Jesus Christ, who
didst place blessed Agnes
before many virgins as an exam
ple of Evangelical perfection,
and as a guide: grant, we be
seech Thee, that that seraphic
spirit which she wisely taught
a n d wonderfully confirmed
through the example of her
holiness, may ever remain pure
in us. Who livest.

Commemoration is made of St. Gertrude, Virgin.

Gospel Simile erit, from the Mass Dilexisti, Common of
'irgins, in the third place.
N o v e m b e r 17


Virgins, of the Second and Third Orders
Salome was of the royal family of Poland. She married the Hunirian Prince Koloman, and lived with him in virginal chastity. She
rved God in the T h ird O rder in hum ility, prayer, fasting and morfication. A fter the death of her husband, she entered a convent of
le Poor Clares where, as abbess, she was a true teacher a n d model
every virtue. She died in 1268.



Jane was the daughter of a poor but pious family o f Signa, in Italy.
Simplicity of heart and innocence of life distinguished this little shep
herdess, and a t the age of twenty-five, she entered the T h ird Ordei
and withdrew into a small h u t where she lived solely on alm s. Hei
blessed death occurred in 1307, after she had spent nearly forty year!
in this hermetical life.

Mass Virgines laudent, from the Common of Many Virgins

in the second place (p. 310 of this Supplement), with the
second orations.
Commemoration is made of St. Gregory, bishop and Con
N ovem ber



Widow, Patroness of the Third Order
(Double of the Second Class)
Elizabeth was the daughter of K ing Andrew of H ungary. Whe:
still but a child she was sent to the court of the Landgrave c
Thuringia, to whose son Louis she was betrothed. H er m arried lif
was singularly happy. But after th e death of her husband in th
Crusades, her relatives began to persecute her. They denounced he
as unfit to rule, and charged th a t she wasted her substance an
squandered th e treasury. She was driven from the castle w ith h<
children and forced to seek refuge w ith the Franciscans. In Eisenac
she entered the T h ird O rder, and under the direction of C onrad c
M arburg quickly brought to perfection the virtues th a t h ad adorne
her since childhood. In 1231, already ripe for heaven at th e age c
twenty-four, she died. She was canonized four years after her deat
by Pope Gregory IX .

Introitus. Jud. 8:8

RAT ha?c in 6mnibus fa
m osissim a, qu6niam
timebat Dominum valde, nec
erat qui loqueretur de illa
verbum malum. Ps. 44:2.
Eructavit cor meum verbum
bonum, dico ego 6pera mea
Regi. V . G16ria Patri.

UC5RUM corda
Deus miserator,
et, beatae Elisabeth
glori6sis, fac nos


Introit. Jud. 8:8

HE was greatly renow n e
am ong a ll, because sh
feared th e L ord very m uct
neither was there anyone th;
spoke an ill word of her. P
44:2. My heart hath uttered
good word: I speak my wort
to the King. V. Glory be to tl
n l i g h t e n , o mercifi
God, the h e a rts o f Th
faithful; and through the gloi
ous prayers of blessed Elizabel



mundi despicere; et caelesti make us to despise the good

semper consolati6ne gaudere. things of this world and ever to
Per D6minum.
rejoice in heavenly consolation.
Through our Lord.
Commemoration is made, in private Masses only, of St.
Pontianus, Pope and Martyr.
Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli

Ap6stoli ad Tim6theum.
1 Tim. 5:3-10
ARISSIME: Viduas hon6ra, quae vere viduae
iunt. Si qua autem vidua
:ilios, aut nep6tes habet, di;cat primum domum suam
egere, et mutuam vicem red
iere parentibus: hoc enim
icceptum est coram D eo.
Juae autem vere vidua est, et
lesolata, speret in Deum, et
nstet obsecrati6nibus et orai6nibus, nocte ac die. Nam
|uae in deliciis est, vivens
n6rtua est. Et hoc praecipe,
it irreprehensibiles sint. Si
luis autem su6rum, et mixile domesticorum curam non
labet, fidem negavit, et est
nfideii deterior. Vidua eliatur non minus sexaginta
nndrum, quae fuerit unius
iri uxor, in operibus bonis
;stim6nium habens, si filios
ducdvit, si hospitio recepit,
: satnct6rum pedes lavit, si
:ib u la ti6 n e m patientibus
lbministrivit, si omne opus
onum subsecuta est.

Lesson from the Epistle of

blessed Paul the Apostle to
1 Tim. 5:3-10
EARLY b e lo v e d : Honor
widows that are widows in
deed. But if any widow have
children, or grandchildren, let
her learn first to govern her own
house, and to make a return of
duty to her parents; for this is
acceptable before God. But she
that is a widow indeed, and
desolate, let her trust in God,
and continue in supplications and
prayers night and day. For she
that liveth in pleasures is dead
while she is living. And this
give in charge, that they may be
blameless. But if any man have
not care of his own, and espe
cially of those of his house, he
hath denied the Faith, and is
worse than an infidel. Let a
widow be chosen of no less than
threescore years of age, who
hath been the wife of one hus
band, having testimony for her
good works, if she have brought
up children, if she have received
to harbor, if she have washed
the saints' feet, if she have
ministered to them that suffer
tribulation, if she have diligent
ly followed every good work.



Graduate. Jud. 8:3, 6

Gradual. Jud. 8:3, 6

Fecit sibi secritum cubicu

lum, in quo cum puillis suis
clausa morabatur. V. Et ha
bens super lumbos suos cili
cium, jejunabat 6mnibus die
bus vite s u e .

She made herself a private

chamber, in which she abode
shut up with her maids. V. And
she wore haircloth upon her
loins, and fasted all the days of
her life.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Job. 31:

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Job
31:32. Foris non mansit per 32. The stranger did not stay
egrinus, 6stium meum via without; my door was open tc
the traveler. Alleluia.
tori patuit. Alleluja.
J* Sequentia sancti Evangelii
secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 13:44-32

Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 13:44-32

T THAT time: Jesus spok<

N ILLO tempore: Dixit
this parable to His disci
Jesus discipulis suis para Ahanc: Simile est re pies: The kingdom of heaven i:
gnum caeldrum thesauro absc6ndito in agro: quem, qui
invenit homo, abscdndit, et
prae gaudio illius vadit, et
vendit universa qua: habet,
et emit agrum illum. Iterum
simile est regnum ca:16rum
homini negotiatori, quaerenti
bonas margaritas. In v en ta
autem una preti6sa margarita,
abiit, et vindidit 6mnia quae
habuit, et emit eam. Iterum
simile est regnum ca:16rum
saginae missa: in mare, et ex
omni ginere piscium congre
ganti. Quam, cum impleta
esset, educentes, et secus lit
tus sedentes, elegerunt bonos
in vasa, malos autem foras
miserunt. Sic erit in consum
mation? saeculi: exibunt An
geli, et separabunt malos de
medio justorum, et mittent
eos in caminum ignis: ibi
erit fletus, et stridor dentium.

like unto a treasure hidden in ;

field: w h ic h a man h av in ;
found, hid it, and for joy there
of goeth and selleth all that hi
h a th , and b uyeth th a t field
Again, the kingdom of heavei
is -like to a merchant seekin;
good pearls. Who when he hac
found one pearl of great price
went his way and sold all tha
he had, and bought it. Agair
the kingdom of heaven is lik
to a net cast into the sea, an
gathering together of all kin
of fishes. Which, when it wa
filled, they drew out, and sittin
by the shore, they chose out th
good into vessels, but the ba
they cast forth. So shall it t
at the end of the world: th
angels shall go out, and sha
separate the wicked from amon
the just, and shall cast thei
into the furnace of fire; thei
shall be weeping and gnashin


In te lle x is tis haec 6mnia?

Dicunt ei: fitiam. Ait illis:
Ideo omnis scriba doctus in
regno c*16rum similis est
h6mini p a trifa m ilia s , qui
profert de thesauro suo nova
et vetera.


of teeth. Have ye understood

all these things? They say to
Him: Yes. He said unto them:
Therefore, every scribe instructed
in the kingdom of heaven is
like to a man that is a house
holder, who bringeth forth out
of his treasure new things and

The Creed is said.

Offertorium. Act. 10:4
Offertory. Acts 10:4
Orati6nes tuae et eleemo
Thy prayers and thy alms are
synae tuae ascenderunt in me ascended for a memorial in the
moriam in conspectu Dei.
sight of God.
tfNERA, D6mine, no
strae devoti6nis offeri
mus: ut tibi grata, et nobis
salutaria, beat* Elisabeth pia
supplicati6ne, reddantur. Per

E OFFER Thee, O Lord,
the gifts of our devotion;
that they may be rendered pleas
ing to Thee and salutary to us,
through the pious supplication
of blessed Elizabeth. Through
our Lord.

Commemoration as above.
Communio. Eccli. 26:21,22
Sicut sol 6riens mundo in
altissimis Dei, sic mulieris
bonae species in ornamentum
domus ejus: lucerna splen
dens su p e r cand elab ru m

Communion. Eccli. 26:21, 22

As the sun when it riseth to
the world in the high places of
God, so is the beauty of a good
wife for the ornament of her
house: as the lamp shining upon
the holy candlestick.

UOS, D6mine, salutari,bus dignatus es repara
re mysteriis: beata: Elisabeth,
quaesumus, intercessidne; cae
lestibus semper nutrias ali
mentis. Per D6minum.

AYEST Thou, we beseech
Thee, O Lord, through
the intercession of blessed
Elizabeth, ever nourish with
heavenly food those whom
Thou hast deigned to renew
through the saving mysteries.
Through our Lord.

Commemoration as above.



N o vem ber



Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
Leonard was born at Port M aurice near Genoa, in Italy. Aftei
finishing his studies, he intended to become a physician, but God
called him to a higher vocation in the Franciscan O rder. H e entered
the O rder at Rome, and there strictly observed the Rule in the prim i
tive spirit of St. Francis. H e became famous as a defender of the
Imm aculate Conception of the M other of G od, and through his letter!
and preaching did much to spread this devotion. Through his elo
quence, which was strengthened and supported by his holiness and
mortification, he converted countless sinners during the forty-four year!
in w hich he gave missions and retreats. H e died in 1731 and wa:
canonized in 1867 by Pope Pius IX . Pius X I appointed him the Patror
of all priests engaged in giving missions to the people.

Introitus. Is. 58:11

impiebit spiend6ribus animam tuam,
et ossa tua liberabit; et eris
quasi hortus irriguus, et sicut
fons aquarum, cujus non de
ficient aquae. Ps.80:2. Ex
sultate Deo, adjut6ri nostro,
jubilate Deo Jacob. V. G16ria Patri.

Introit. Is. 58:11

HE Lord will fill thy soul
with brightness, and delivei
thy bones; and thou shalt b<
like a watered garden, and lik<
a fountain of w ate r whose
waters shall not fail. Ps. 80:2
Rejoice to God our helper, sinf
aloud to th e G od of Jacob
V. Glory be to the Father.



o m in u s

EUS, qui in obstinatis

GOD, who in turning th<
peccatorum c6rdibus ad O hardened hearts of sin
poenitentiam flectendis bea ners to penance d id s t mak<
tum Leonardum Confess6rem
tuum 6pere ac serm6ne po
tentem effecisti: da, quaesu
mus; ut, per ejus preces et
merita, e c6rdibus nostris
contritidnis lacrimas elicere
valeamus. Per D6minum.

blessed Leonard, Thy Confessor

mighty in deed and word: gran
us, we im p lo re T h ee, tha
th ro u g h h is intercession anc
merits we may be able to drav
forth from our hearts tears oi
contrition. Through our Lord

Commemoration is made of St. Sylvester, Abbot; and of St

Peter of Alexandria, Bishop and Martyr.


Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli

Ap6stoli ad Ephesios.
Eph. 1:3-14
RATRES: B enedictus
Deus et Pater Domini no
stri Jesu Christi, qui bene
dixit nos in om ni benedicti6ne spirituali in caelesti
bus in Christo, sicut elegit
nos in ipso ante mundi constituti6nem, ut essimus sancti
et immaculati in conspectu
ejus in caritate. Qui prae
destinavit nos in adopti6nem
fili6rum per Jesum Christum
in ipsum, secundum prop6situm voluntatis suae, in laudem
gl6riae gratiae suae, in qua gra
tificavit nos in dilicto Fllio
suo. In quo habimus re
demptionem per sanguinem
:jus, remissionem peccat6rum, secundum divitias gra
tiae ejus, quae superabundavit
in nobis, in omni sapiintia
et prudintia. Ut notum fa:eret nobis sacramintum vountatis suse, secundum bene
placitum ejus, quod prop6>uit in eo, in dispensatione
plenitudinis tim porum , in
staurare omnia in Christo,
qua; in caelis, et quae in terra
;unt, in ipso. In quo itiam
;t nos sorte vocati sumus,
praedestinati secundum prop6situm ejus, qui operatur
im n ia secundum consilium
voluntatis suae: ut simus in
audem gl6riae ejus nos, qui
tnte speravimus in Christo,
[n quo et vos, cum audissitis
'erbum verititis (Evangilium


Lesson from the Epistle of

blessed Paul the Apostle to the
Eph. 1:3-14
RETHREN: Blessed be the
G od and F a th e r o f o u r
Lord Jesus Christ, who hath
blessed us with spiritual bless
ings in h eavenly places, in
Christ; as He chose us in Him
b efo re th e foundation of the
world, that we should be hojy
and unspotted in His sight in
charity. Who hath predestinated
us unto the adoption of chil
dren through Jesus Christ unto
Himself, according to the pur
pose of His will; unto the praise
of the glory of His grace, in .
which He hath graced us in His
beloved Son. In whom we have
redemption through His blood,
the remission of sins, according
to the riches of His grace, which
hath superabounded in us in all
wisdom and prudence. That He
might make known unto us the
mystery of His will, according*
to His good pleasure, which He
hath purposed in Him, in the
dispensation of the fulness of
times, to reestablish all things
in Christ, that are in heaven and
on earth, in Him. In whom we
also are called by lot, being pre
destinated according to the pur
pose of Him who worketh all
things according to the counsel
of His will; that we may be
unto the praise of His glory, we
who before hoped in Christ. In
whom you also, after you had
heard the word of truth (the
Gospel of your salvation); in



salutis vestra); in quo et

credentes signati estis Spi
ritu promissi6nis sancto, qui
est pignus hereditatis nostrae,
in redempti6nem acquisiti6nis, in laudem gloria.' ipsius.

whom also believing, you were

signed with the Holy Spirit of
promise, who is the pledge of
our inheritance, unto the re
demption of acquisition, untc
the praise of His glory.

Graduale. Is. 58:1,8

Quasi tuba exalta vocem
tuam , et annuntia populo
meo scelera e6rum, et d6mui
Jacob peccata eorum. V. Sa
nitas tua citius oriatur, et
anteibit faciem tuam justitia
tua; et gl6ria D6mini c611iget te.

Gradual. Is. 58:1, 8

Lift up thy voice like i
trumpet, and show My peoph
their wicked doings, and th<
h o u se of Jacob th e ir sins
V. Thy health sh a ll sp e e d ilj
arise, and thy justice shall g(
before thy face, and the glory ol
the Lord shall gather thee up.

A lle lu ja , alleluja. V .2
Tim. 4:16,17. O m nes me
d e r e liq u e ru n t, Dominus
autem mihi astitit et confor
tavit me, ut per me praedica
tio impleatur. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. 2 Tim

4:16,17. All forsook me, bu
the Lord stood by me, an<
strengthened me, that by me th<
preaching may be accomplished

4" Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 10:1-9
N ILLO tempore: Designa
vit D6minus et alios sep
tuaginta duos: et misit illos
binos ante faciem suam in
omnem civitatem et locum,
quo erat ipse venturus. Et
dicebat illis: Messis quidem
multa, operarii autem pauci.
Rogate ergo d6minum mes
sis, ut mittat operarios in
messem suam. Ite: ecce, ego
mitto vos sicut agnos inter
lupos. Nolite portare saccu
lum, neque peram, neque
calceamenta, et neminem per
viam salutaveritis. In quamcumque domum intraveritis,
primum dicite: Pax huic d6mui: et si ibi fuerit filius

Hh Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 10:1-9
T THAT time: The Lor<

appointed also other sev

enty-two; and He sent them tw<
and two before His face int(
every city and place whither Hi
Himself was to come. And Hi
said to them: The harvest in
deed is great, but the laborer
are few. Pray ye therefore thi
Lord of the harvest that Hi
send laborers into His harvest
Go. Behold, I send you a
lambs among w olv es. Carr;
neither purse, nor sc rip , no
shoes; and salute no man b
the way. Into whatsoever hous
you enter, first say: Peace be ti
this house. And if the son o
peace be there, your peace shal



pacis, requiescet super ilium

pax vestra: sin autem, ad
In eadem
y o s re v e rt6 tu r.
autem domo manete, edentes,
:t bibentes quae apud illos
sunt: dignus est enim opera
rius mercede sua. Nolite
:ransire de domo in domum.
Et in quamcumque civitatem
intraveritis, et su sc e p e rin t
/os, manducate quae appoluntur vobis: et curate in
firmos, qui in illa sunt, et
licite illis: Appropinquavit
'n vos regnum Dei.
The Creed is said.

rest upon him; but if not, it

shall return to you. And in the #
same house remain, eating and
drinking such things as they
have; for the laborer is worthy
of his hire. Remove not from
house to house. And into what
city soever you enter, and they
receive you, eat such things as
are set before you; and heal the
sick that are therein, and say to
them: The kingdom of God is
come nigh unto you.

Offertorium. 2 Cor. 3:5, 6

Non sumus sufficientes co
gitare aliquid a nobis, quasi
:x nobis; sed sufficientia no;tra ex Deo est, qui et id6leos nos fecit ministros novi
L qui in ara crucis pro nobis
;e ipsum obtulit, tibi, D6nine, offerentes, quaesumus:,
it passi6nis ejus jugis medi
atio corda nostra inflammet,
|ui beatum Leonirdum quoidie offerentem in conspectu
uo adussit et inflammavit.
Per eundem D6minum.

Offertory. 2 Cor. 3:5, 6

We are not sufficient to think
anything of ourselves, as of our
selves; but our sufficiency is
from God, who also hath made
us fit ministers of the new
FFERING Thee, O Lord,
the Immaculate Lamb who
offered Himself for us on the
altar of the cross, we beseech
Thee that constant meditation
on His Passion may inflame our
hearts, as it k in d le d and in
flamed blessed L eo n ard , w ho
daily made the offering in Thy
sight. Through the same Jesus

Commemorations as above
Communio. 2 Cor 5 :20
Communion. 2 Cor. 5:20
For Christ we are ambassa
Pro Christo legatione fun;imur, tamquam Deo exhor- dors, God as it were exhorting
ante per nos. Obsecramus by us. For Christ we beseech
>ro Christo, reconciliamini you, be reconciled to God,



ITO anticipent nos miseric6rdiae tua, quaesu
mus, D6mine, meritis beati
Leonardi Confess6ris tui: et
quos divinis alimentis recrea
sti; fac, ipso intercedinte,
usque in finem tua protecti6ne munltos. Per D6minum.

AY Thy mercies quickly
overtake us, we beseech
Thee, O Lord, th ro u g h th e
merits of blessed Leonard, Thy
Confessor; and through his in
tercession, cause to be estab
lished in Thy protection to the
end, those whom Thou hast re
joiced with divine nourishment.
Through our Lord.

Commemorations as above.
In Churches of the Third Order


Sa m e D a y , N o v e m b e r 26


(Major Double)
Mass as on the feast of November 19, with the following:
RlBUE nobis, quaesumus,
RANT us, we beseech Thee,
O almighty God, that con
o m n ip o ten s Deus: ut,
eximplo b e a ts E lisa b eth tinuing in s u p p lic a tio n s and
nocte ac die obsecrati6nibus prayers night and day, after the
et orati6nibus instantes, cae example of blessed Elizabeth, we
lestium consolati6num merea may deserve to be partakers of
mur esse participes. Per Do heavenly consolations. Through
our Lord.
Commemoration is made of St. Leonard of Port Maurice,
Confessor; and of St. Sylvester, Abbot; then of St. Peter of
Alexandria, Bishop and Martyr.

N o v e m b e r 27


Confessors, of the First Order
A t the ge of twenty-five, Bernardine was converted by a sermon
of St. James of the M arch, and entered the Franciscan O rder. Through
the mortification of his body he m aintained an angelic purity. He
frequently meditated on the Passion of Christ, and as a missionary



evinced great charity, hum ility and zeal for the salvation of souls.
As superior, he distinguished himself by his strict observance of the
Rule. Full of merits, he died in 1503 in his thirty-eighth year.
As a boy. H um ble found his greatest joy in assisting a t H oly Mass,
and never interrupted his prayer and m editation, even though working
in the fields. H aving joined the Franciscan O rder as a lay-brother in
his twenty-seventh year, he became an example to all through his
hum ility, piety, union w ith G od and patience in suffering. He died in
1637, and was beatified by Pope Leo X III.

Mass Confiteantur tibi, from the Common of Many Con

fessors not Pontiffs (p. 30} of this Supplement), with the
first orations:
N o v e m b e r 28


Confessor, of the First Order
(Major Double)
James was born in the M arch of Ancona, Italy. H e studied at the
Universitv of Perugia w ith b rilliant success; then casting aside all
w orldly honors, he entered the Franciscan O rder. Throughout his re
ligious life he practised the most rigorous penance, striving to imitate
our H oly Father Francis in all things. As a missionary, he preached
w ith remarkable success, especially in the German states: and in the
Crusade against th e Turks he was the companion of St. John Capistran.
It is said th at h e converted fifty thousand heretics and baptized tw o
hundred thousand unbelievers. God granted him the gifts of super
natural wisdom, prophecy and miracles, but hum ility ever remained his
outstanding virtue. H e died in 1476, and was canonized by Pope
Benedict X III. H is incorrupt body is preserved in Naples.

Introitus. Ps. }l:10

GO autem, sicut ollva
fructifera in domo Dei,
5perivi in miseric6rdia Dei
in sternum et in ssculum
ssculi. Ps. 111:1. B eatus
vir qui timet D6minum! in
mandatis ejus volet nimis.
V. G16ria Patri.

EUS, qui ad animarum
salutem, et peccat6res e
yriti6rum coeno ad viam virtu
tis revocandos, beatum Ja:6bum C o nfess6rem tuum

Introit. Ps. }1:10

UT I, as a fruitful olive tree
in the house of God, have
hoped in the mercy of God for
ever, yea, for ever and ever.
Ps. 111:1. Blessed is the man
that feareth the Lord; he shall
delight exceedingly in His com
mandments. V. Glory be to the
GOD, who for the salva
tion of souls and to draw
sinners back from the abyss of
vice to the path of virtue, didst
make blessed James, Thy Con-



Evangelii praeconem eximium

effecisti: concede propitius;
ut, ejus intercessi6ne, a pec
catis 6mnibus expiati, vitam
consequamur asternam. Per

fessor, a surpassing preacher of

the Gospel: mercifully grant
that, being cleansed from all
sins through his intercession, we
may a tta in to e te rn a l life .
Through our Lord.

Lectio libri Sapientia;.

Lesson from the book of

Eccli. 45:1-6

Eccli. 45:1-6
ILfiCTUS Deo et homi
nibus, cujus mem6ria
in benedictione est. Similem
illum fecit in gloria sanct6rum, et magnificavit eum in
timore inimicorum, et in ver
bis suis monstra placavit.
Glorificavit illu m in co n
spectu regum, et jussit illi
coram p6pulo suo, et osten
dit illi gloriam suam. In fide
et lenitate ipsius sanctum
fecit illum, et elegit eum ex
omni carne. Audivit enim
eum, et vocem ipsius, et in
duxit illum in nubem. Et
dedit illi coram praecepta, et
legem vitae, et disciplinae.

E WAS beloved of God and

men, whose memory is in
benediction. He made him like

Graduate. 1 Tim. 4:12, 16

Gradual. 1 Tim. 4:12, 16

Exemplum esto fidelium

in verbo, in conversati6ne, in
caritate, in fide, in castitate.
V. H oc enim fa c ie n s, et
telpsum salvum facies, et eos
qui te audiunt.

Be thou an example of the

faithful in word, in conversa
tion, in charity, in faith, in
chastity. V. For in doing this,
thou shalt both save thyself and
them that hear thee.

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.

49:4. Gubernavit ad Domi
num cor ipsius, et in diebus
peccatorum corroboravit pie
tatem. Alleluja.

A lle lu ia , alleluia. V. Eccli.

49:4. He directed his heart
toward the L o rd , and in the
days of sinners he strengthened
godliness. Alleluia.

the saints in glory, and magni

fied him in the fear of his ene
mies, and with his words he
made prodigies to cease. He
glorified him in the sight of
kings, and gave him command
ments in the sight of his peo
ple, and showed him His glory.
He sanctified him In his faith
and meekness, and chose him
out of all flesh. For He heard
him, and his voice, and brought
him into a cloud. And He gave
him commandments before His
face, and a law of life and in


Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Lucam.
Luc. 10:1-9
N ILLO tempore: Designa
vit Dominus et alios sep
tuaginta duos: et misit illos
binos ante faciem suam in
omnem civitatem et locum,
quo erat ipse venturus. Et
dicebat illis: Messis quidem
multa, operarii autem pauci.
Rogate ergo d6minum mes
sis, ut mittat operarios in
messem suam. Ite: ecce, ego
mitto vos sicut agnos inter
lupos. Nolite portare saccu
lum, neque peram, neque cal
ceamenta, et neminem per
viam salutaveritis. In quam
cumque domum intraveritis,
primum dicite: Pax huic do
mui: et si ibi fuerit filius
pacis, requiescet super illum
pax vestra: sin autem, ad
vos revertetur. In eadem
autem domo manete, edentes,
et bibentes quae apud illos
sunt: dignus est enim opera
rius mercede sua. Nolite
transire de domo in domum.
Et in quamcumque civitatem
intraveritis, et su sc e p e rin t
vos, manducate quae appo
nuntur vobis: et curate in
firmos, qui in illa sunt, et
dicite illis: Appropinquavit
in vos regnum Dei.

>1* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 10:1-9
A T THAT time: The Lord
appointed also other sev
enty-two; and He sent them
two and two before His face
into every city and place whither
He Himself was to come. And
He said to them: The harvest
indeed is great, but the laborers
are few. Pray ye, therefore, the
Lord of the harvest that He send
laborers into His harvest. Go.
Behold, I send you as lambs
among wolves. Carry neither
purse, nor scrip, nor shoes; and
salute no man by the way. Into
whatsoever house you enter, first
say: Peace be to this house. And
if the son of peace be there,
your peace shall rest upon him;
but if not, it shall return to you.
And in the same house remain,
eating and drinking such things
as they have; for the laborer is
worthy of his hire. Remove not
from house to house. And into
what city soever you enter, and
they receive you, eat such things
as are set before you; and heal
the sick that are therein, and
say to them: The kingdom of
God is come nigh unto you.

Offertory. Eccli. 9:23

Offertorium. Eccli. 9:23
Let thy glory be in the fear of
In timore Dei sit tibi glo
riatio, et in sensu sit cogita God, and let the thought of
tus Dei, et omnis enarratio God be in thy mind, and all thy
tua in praeceptis Altlssimi. discourse on the commandments
of the Highest.



U SC IPE , D<5mine, mu
nera, quae tibi in beati
Jac6bi Confess6ris festivitate
d e fe rim u s: u t hsec sacro
sancta mysteria nos, ipso intercedente, sanctificent, et ad
gaudia perducant sempiterna.
Per Dominum.
Communio. Matth. 11:28
Venite ad me, omnes qui
laboratis et onerati estis, et
ego reficiam vos.
u p p l ic e s te rog am u s,
o m n ip o ten s Deus: ut,
quos tuis reficis sacramentis,
beati Jac6bi Confessoris me
ritis et exemplo, tibi etiam
placitis m6ribus d ig n a n te r
deservire concedas. Per D6minum.

ECEIVE, O Lord, the gifts
which we bring Thee on
the feast of blessed James, Thy
Confessor; that these most holy
mysteries may, through his in
tercession, sanctify us and lead
us to everlasting joys. Through
our Lord.
Communion. Matt. 11:28
Come to Me, all you that
labor and are burdened, and I
will refresh you.
E HUMBLY beseech Thee,
almighty God, in Thy
condescension to grant that we
whom Thou dost refresh with
Thy sacraments may, by the
merits and example of blessed
James, Thy Confessor, serve
Thee by acceptable conduct.
Through our Lord.

.SAINTS-----The Common Masses are the same as in the Roman M issal, w ith
the exception of the following which do not appear there.


Introitus. Ps. 131:16,17
a c e r d o t e s sion indu
am salutari, et sancti
ejus exsultati6ne exsultabunt,
dicit D6minus: illuc produ
cam cornu David, paravi lu
cernam Christo meo. Ps.
ib id .:l. Memento, D6mine,
David, et omnis mansuetu
dinis ejus. V. GI6ria Patri.

Introit. Ps. 131:16,17

T WILL clothe the priests of

Sion with salvation, and her

saints shall rejoice with ex
ceeding great joy, saith the
Lord. There will I bring forth
a horn to David: I have pre
pared a lamp for My anointed.
Ps. ibid.:l. O Lord, remember
David, and all his meekness.
V. Glory be to the Father.

EUS, qui nos beat6rum
N. et N., Confessorum
tu6rum atque Pontificum,
confessi6nibus glori6sis cir
cumdas et pr6tegis: da no
bis, et e6rum imitati6ne pro
ficere, et intercessi6ne gau
dere. Per D6minum.

GOD, who dost surround
and protect us by the glo
rious confessions of blessed N.
and N., Thy Confessors and
Pontiffs: grant us that we may
both profit by their example
and rejoice in their intercession.
Through our Lord.

Alia Oratio
c c l e s i a m tuam, D6mine, beat6rum N . et
N., Confess6rum tu6rum at
que Pontificum continua protectidne cust6di: ut, sicut il
los pastorilis sollicitudo glo-

Second Collect
/^JU A RD Thy Church, O Lord,
by the continual protection
of blessed N. and N., Thy Con
fessors and Pontiffs: that, as
pastoral solicitude rendered them
glorious, so their intercession




ri6sos reddidit; ita nos e6- may make us always fervent in

rum intercessio in tuo sem love of Thee. Through our Lord.
per faciat amore ferventes.
Per Dominum.
Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Lesson from the Epistle of
Apostoli ad Hebraeos.
blessed Paul the Apostle to
the Hebrews.
Hebr. 13:7-17
Hebr. 13:7-17
RETHREN: Remember your
RATRES: Mementote
pracposit6rum vestrorum
prelates who have spoken
qui vobis locuti sunt verbum the word of God to you: whose
Dei: quorum intuentes exi faith follow, considering the end
tum conversationis, imita of their conversation. Jesus
mini fidem. Jesus Christus Christ yesterday, and today: and
heri, et hodie: ipse et in sae the same for ever. Be not led
cula. Doctrinis variis et pere away with various and strange
grinis nolite abduci. Opti doctrines. For it is best that the
mum est enim gratia sta heart be established with grace,
bilire cor, non escis, quae not with meats, which have not
non profuerunt ambulanti profited those that walk in them.
bus in eis. Habemus altare, We have an altar, whereof they
de quo edere non habent have no power to eat who serve
potestatem qui tabernaculo the tabernacle. For the bodies
deserviunt. Quorum enim of those beasts whose blood is
animalium infertur sanguis brought into the holies by the
pro peccato in sancta per high priest for sin are burned
pontificem, horum corpora without the camp. Wherefore
cremantur extra castra. Prop Jesus also, that He might sanc
ter quod et Jesus, ut sancti tify the people by His own
ficaret per suum sanguinem Blood, suffered without the
populum, extra portam pas gate. Let us go forth therefore
sus est. Exeamus igitur ad to Him without the camp,
eum extra castra, imprope bearing His reproach. For we
rium ejus portantes. Non have not here a lasting city, but
enim habemus hic manintem we seek one that is to come.
civitatem sed futuram inqui By Him therefore let us offer
rimus. Per ipsum ergo offe the sacrifice of praise always to
ramus h6stiam laudis sem God, that is to say, the fruit
per Deo, id est, fructum la of lips confessing to His name.
biorum confitentium nomini And do not forget to do good
ejus. Beneficentiae autem, et and to impart: for by such sac
communidnis nolite oblivi rifices Gods favor is obtained.
sci: talibus enim hostiis pro Obey your prelates and be sub
meretur Deus. Obedite prae- ject to them. For they watch as



positis vestris, et subjacete being to render an, account ol

eis. Ipsi enim pervigilant, your souls.
quasi rati6nem pro animabus
vestris reddituri.
Graduate. Ps. 106:22,32
Sacrificent D6mino sacrifi
cium laudis: et annuntient
6pera ejus in exsultati6ne.
V. Et exaltent eum in eccle
sia plebis: et in cathedra
seniorum laudent eum.
Alleluja, alleluja. V. 2
Para. 6:41. Sacerdotes tui,
Domine Deus, induantur
salutem, et sancti tui lae
tentur in bonis. Alleluja.

Gradual. Ps. 106:22,32

Let them sacrifice to the Lord
the sacrifice of praise: and de
clare His works with joy. V.
And let them exalt Him in the
Church of the people: and
praise Him in the chair of the
Alleluia, alleluia. V. 2 Para.
6:41. Let Thy priests, O Lord
God, put on salvation, and
Thy saints rejoice in good
things. Alleluia.

After Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the following Verse

are omitted, and in their place is said:
Tractus. Ps. 131:8-10
Surge, Domine, in requiem
tuam: tu et area sanctifica
tionis tuae. V. Sacerd6tes tui
induantur justitiam: et sancti
t u i exsultent. V. Propter
David servum tuum, non
avertas faciem Christi tui.

Tract. Ps. 131:8-10

Arise, O Lord, into Thy rest
ing place: Thou and the ark,
which Thou hast sanctified. Let
Thy priests be clothed with jus
tice: and let Thy saints rejoice.
For Thy servant Davids sake,
turn not away the face of Thy

During Paschal Time the Gradual is omitted, and the

following is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. 2
Para. 6:41. Sacerd6tes tui,
D6mine Deus, induantur sa
lutem, et sancti tui laetentur
in bonis. Alleluja. V. Jer.
31:14. Ego D6minus inebri
abo animam sacerd6tum pin
guedine: et pdpulus meus
bonis meis adimplebitur.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. 2 Para.

6:41. Let Thy priests, O Lord
God, put on salvation, and Thy>
saints rejoice in good things.
Alleluia. V.Jer. 31:14. I, the
Lord, will fill the soul of the
priests with fatness: and My
people shall be filled with My
good things. Alleluia.



J* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Marcum.
Marc. 13:33-57
N ILLO timpore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis: Vi
dete, vigilate, et orate. Ne
scitis enim quando tempus
sit. Sicut homo, qui peregre
profectus reliquit domum
suam, et dedit servis suis
potestatem cujusque 6peris,
et janit6ri praecepit ut vigi
let. Vigilate ergo (nescitis
enim quando d6minus do
mus veniat: sero, an media
nocte, an galli cantu, an
mane): ne cum venerit re
pente, inveniat vos dormi
entes. Quod autem vobis
dico, 6mnibus dico: Vigilate.
Offertorium. Ps. 105:5
Beati, qui custodiunt judi
cium et faciunt justitiam in
omni tempore.
UNERA nostra, DOmine, sacris altiribus
offerentes, qussumus de
mentiam tuam: ut eadem,
suffragantibus beat6rum N.
et N. Pontificum meritis, et
supremam tibi gldriam ope
rentur, et uberrimam nobis
gratiam assequantur. Per D<5minum.
Alia Secreta
ANC nostrae oblati6nis
h6stiam, Deus, gratam
6culis tu* majestatis effici
ant beatirum N. et N. Pon
tificum expetita suffragia:
qui digne in hoc saeculo sa-

4* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Mark.
Mark 15:55-37
T THAT time: Jesus said
L to His disciples: Take ye
heed, watch and pray. For ye
know not when the time is.
Even as a man who, going into
a far country, left his house
and gave authority to his serv
ants over every work and com
manded the porter to watch.
Watch ye therefore (for you
know not when the lord of the
house cometh, at even, or at
midnight, or at the cock-crow
ing, or in the morning): lest
coming on a sudden, he find you
sleeping. And what I say to you,
I say to all: Watch.
Offertory. Ps. 103:3
Blessed are they that keep
judgment and do justice at all
FFERING our gifts, O
Lord, on the sacred altars,
we beseech Thy clemency: that
they, through the intercession
of the merits of blessed N. and
N., the Pontiffs, may both effect
supreme glory for Thee and at
tain plentiful grace for us.
Through our Lord.

Second Secret
AY the accepted prayers of
blessed N. and N., the
Pontiffs, make this host of our
offering pleasing, O God, in
the sight of Thy majesty: for
in this world they worthily of-



crificia tibi, ac preces in sa fered sacrifices to Thee and

lutem p6puli obtulerunt. Per prayers for the salvation of the
people. Through our Lord.
Communio. Marc. 13:34
Communion. Mark 13:34
Homo peregre profectus
A man going into a far coun
reliquit domum suam, et de try left his house, and gave
dit servis suis potestatem cu- authority to his servants over
jusque 6peris, et janit6ri every work, and commanded
the porter to watch.
praecepit ut vigilet.
EFECTIONE sacra enu
AUSE u s , O almighty God,
tritos, fac nos, omnipo
who have been nourished
tens Deus, vestigiis beat6- with the sacred repast, always
rum N . et N. Pontificum to press on in the footsteps of
semper insistere: qui studue blessed N. and N., the Pontiffs:
runt perpeti devoti6ne te who strove to honor Thee with
c61ere, et indefessa 6mnibus unending devotion and to help
caritate proficere. Per D6- all by an unwearied charity.
Through our Lord.
Second Postcommunion
Alia Postcommunio
AY the celestial table, O
ENSA caelestis, omnipo
tens Deus, interceden
almighty God, through the
tibus beat6rum N. et N. intercession of the merits of
Pontificum meritis, supernas blessed N. and N., the Pontiffs,
in 6mnibus vires firmet et strengthen and increase heavenly
augeat: ut et fidei donum vigor in all: that we may both
integrum custodiamus, et per guard intact the gift of faith
ostensum salutis tramitem and walk through the indicated
ambulemus. Per D6minum. path of salvation. Through our


Introitus. Ps. 144:10, 11
D6mine, 6mnia 6pera
tua, et Sancti tui benedicant
tibi: gldriam regni tui di
cent, et potentiam tuam loquentur. Ps. ibid.:l. Exalta
bo te, Deus meus Rex, et

Introit. Ps. 144:10, 11

ET all Thy works, O Lord,
' praise Thee, and let Thy
saints bless thee. They shall
speak of the glory of Thy king
dom, and shall tell of Thy
power. Ps. ibid.:l. I will extol
Thee, O God my King, and I



benedicam n6mini tuo in

saeculum, et in saeculum sae
culi. V. Gldria Patri.
o n c e d e , quaesumus,
omnipotens Deus: ut ad
meli6rem vitam beat6rum N.
et N. Confess6rum tu6rum
exempla nos provocent; qua
tenus, quorum memoriam
agimus, etiam actus imite
mur. Per Dominum.
Alia Oratio
EUS, qui nos beat6rum
N. et N. Confessorum
tuorum meritis et interces
sione laetificas: concede pro
pitius: ut, qui tua per eos
beneficia p6scimus, dono
tuae gratiae consequamur.
Per D6minum.

Lectio libri Sapientia;.

Eccli. 2:1-13

will bless Thy name for ever,

yea, for ever and ever. V. Glory
be to the Father.
RANT, we beseech Thee,
almighty God: that the
example of blessed N. and N.,
Thy Confessors, may urge us
to a better life; so that we may
imitate the deeds of those
whose memory we celebrate.
Through our Lord.
Second Collect
GOD, who dost make us
glad through the merits
and intercession of blessed N.
and N., Thy Confessors: merci
fully grant that we who have
implored Thy benefits through
them, may obtain our desire by
the gift of Thy grace. Through
our Lord.
Lesson from the book
of Wisdom.
Eccli. 2:1-13
E THAT fear the Lord,
wait for His mercy; and
go not aside from Him, lest
ye fall. Ye that fear the Lord,
believe Him; and your reward
shall not be made void. Ye that
fear the Lord, hope in Him;
and mercy shall come to you
for your delight. Ye that fear
the Lord, love Him; and your
hearts shall be enlightened. My
children, behold the generations
of men; and know ye that no
one hath hoped in the Lord,
and hath been confounded. For
who hath continued in His com
mandment, and hath been for
saken? or who hath called upon

sustinete misericordi Y
am ejus; et non deflectatis

ab illo, ne cadatis. Qui ti

metis Dominum, credite illi;
et non evacuabitur merces
vestra. Qui timetis Domi
num, sperate in illum; et
in oblectationem veniet vo
bis miseric6rdia. Qui timetis
D6minum, diligite illum; et
illuminabuntur corda vestra.
Respicite, filii, nationes ho
minum; et scit6te quia nul
lus speravit in D6mino et
confusus est. Quis enim per
mansit in mandatis ejus, et
derelictus est? aut quis in-



vocavit eum, et despexit il

lum? Qu6niam pius et mise
ricors est Deus, et remittet in
die tribulationis peccata; et
protector est Omnibus exqui
rentibus se in veritate.

Him, and . He despised him ?

For God is compassionate and
merciful, and will forgive sins
in the day of tribulation; and
He is a protector to all that
seek Him in truth.

Graduale. Ps. 30:24,25

Diligite Dominum, omnes
Sancti ejus, quoniam verita
tem requiret DOminus, et re
tribuet abundanter facienti
bus superbiam. V . Viriliter
agite, et confortetur cor ve
strum, omnes qui speratis in
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
9:11. Sperent in te qui no
verunt nomen tuum, qu6niam non dereliquisti quae
rentes te, Domine. Alleluja.

Gradual. Ps. 30:24,25

love the Lord, all ye His
saints, for the Lord will require
truth, and will repay them abun
dantly that act proudly. V. Do
ye manfully, and let your heart
be strengthened, all ye that hope
in the Lord.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 9:11.
Let them trust in Thee who
know Thy name, for Thou hast
not forsaken them that seek
Thee, O Lord. Alleluia.

After Septuagesima the Alleluia and the following Verse

are omitted, and in their place is said:
Tractus. Ps. 33:9-11
Tract. Ps. 33:9-11
Gustate et videte quOniam
O taste and see that the Lord
suavis est Dominus: beatus is sweet: blessed is the man
vir qui sperat in eo! V. Ti that hopeth in Him. V. Fear
mete DOminum, omnes San the Lord, all ye His saints; for
cti ejus; quoniam non est there is no want to them that
inOpia timentibus eum. V. fear Him. V. The rich have
Divites eguerunt et esurie wanted, and have suffered hun
runt; inquirentes autem D6- ger; but they that seek the
minum non minuentur omni Lord shall not be deprived of
any good.
During Paschal Time, the
place is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Ps.
9:11. Sperent in te qui no
verunt nomen tuum, qu6niam non dereliquisti quae
rentes te, Domine. Alleluja.
V. Ps. 139:14- Justi confite-

Gradual is omitted and in its

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 9:11.
Let them trust in Thee who
know Thy name, for Thou hast
not forsaken them that seek
Thee, O Lord. Alleluia. V. Ps.
139:14. The just shall give



buntur nomini tuo, Domine, glory to Thy name, O Lord, and

et habitabunt recti cum vultu the upright shall dwell with
Thy countenance. Alleluia.
tuo. Alleluja.
f< Sequentia sancti Evangel ii
secundum Lucam.
Luc. 12:35-40
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis: Sint
lumbi vestri praecincti, et
lucernae ardentes in manibus
vestris, et vos similes homi
nibus exspectantibus d6minum suum quando revertatur
a nuptiis, ut, cum venerit
et pulsaverit, confestim ape
riant ei. Beati servi illi,
quos, cum venerit d6minus,
invenerit vigilantes; amen
dico vobis quod praecinget
se, et faciet illos discum
bere, et transiens ministrabit
illis. Et, si venerit in secunda
vigilia, et si in tertia vigilia
venerit, et ita invenerit, be
ati sunt servi illi. Hoc au
tem scit6te, quoniam si sciret
paterfamilias qua hora fur
veniret, vigilaret utique et
non sineret perfodi domum
suam. Et vos est6te parati;
quia, qua hora non putatis,
Filius hominis veniet.

>1* Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Luke.
Luke 12:35-40
A T THAT time: Jesus said
to His disciples: Let your
loins be girt, and lamps burn
ing in your hands, and you
yourselves like to men who wait
for their lord, when he shall
return from the wedding; that
when he cometh and knocketh,
they may open to him immedi
ately. Blessed are those servants
whom the Lord, when He com
eth, shall find watching. Amen
I say to you, that He will gird
Himself, and make them sit
down to meat, and passing will
minister unto them. And if He
shall come in the second watch,
or come in the third watch, and
find them so, blessed are those
servants. But this know ye, that
if the householder did know
at what hour the thief would
come, he would surely watch,
and would not suffer his house
to be broken open. Be you then
also ready: for at what hour
you think not, the Son of Man
will come.

Offertory. Ps. 67:4

Offertorium. Ps. 67:4
Justi epulentur et exsul
Let the just feast, and re
tent in conspectu Dei, et joice before God, and be de
lighted with gladness.
delectentur in laetftia.
RANT to us, O Lord, who
(5STIAS ad altare tuum
offer hosts at Thine altar,
offerentibus, Domine,
da nobis illum pietatis affec- that pious affection which Thou



tum, quem beatis N. et N.

Confess6ribus tuis infudisti:
ut pura mente ac fervido
corde rei sacrae attendamus,
et sacrificium tibi placitum
nobisque proficuum immo
lemus. Per Dominum.

didst infuse into blessed N. and

N., Thy Confessors; that we
may assist at this holy action
with a pure mind and a burn
ing heart, and immolate a sac
rifice pleasing1 to Thee and
profitable to us. Through our

Alia Secreta
\ / llNERA, Ddmine, obUta sanctifica: et inter
cedentibus beatis N. et N.
Confessoribus tuis, nos per
hsec a peccatdrum nostr6rum
maculis emunda. Per D6minum.
Communio. Luc. 12:37
Beatiservi illi, quos, cum
venerit D6minus, invenerit
vigilantes! Amen dico vobis
quod praecinget se, et faciet
illos discumbere, et transiens
ministrabit illis.

Second Secret
ANCTIFY, O Lord, the gifts
offered Thee, and through
the intercession of blessed N.
and N., Thy Confessors, cleanse
us through these offerings from
the stains of our sins. Through
our Lord.

RIBUAT nobis, omnipo
tens Deus, suffragantibus
beatdrum N. et N. Confess6rum tu6rum pfecibus, re
fectio sacra subsidium: ut
et castitatis munditiam ob
servemus in c6rpore, et lu
men veritatis exhibeimus in
6pere. Per Dominum.
Alia Postcommunio
u p p l ic e s te rogamus,
omnipotens Deus: ut,
quos tuis feficis sacramentis,
intercedentibus beatis N. et
N. Confessdribus tuis, tibi
etiam placitis mdr ibus

Communion. Luke 12:37

Blessed are those servants
whom the Lord, when He com
eth, shall find watching! Amen,
I say to you, that He will gird
Himself and make them sit
down to meat, and passing will
minister unto them.
AY the sacred banquet, O
almighty God, through
the intercessory prayers of
blessed N. and N., Thy Con
fessors, aid us, that we may
preserve spotless chastity in
body and exhibit the light of
truth in deed. Through our
Second Postcommunion
E HUMBLY beseech Thee,
almighty God, gra
ciously to grant that we, whom
Thou dost refresh with Thy
sacraments, may through the
intercession of blessed N. and



dignanter tribuas deservire. N., Thy Confessors, serve Thee

Per Dominum.
worthily in a pleasing manner
of life. Through our Lord.
Introitus. Ps. 148:12-14
IRGINES laudent no
men Domini, quia ex
altatum est nomen e j u s
solius: confessio ejus super
caelum et terram. Ps. ibid.:l.
Laudate D6mirium de caelis,
laudate eum in excelsis. V.
G16ria Patri.
omnipotens Deus: ut
qui beatarum Virginum N.
et N. puritatem humili ve
neramur obsequio; tiam
piae conversationis imita
mur exemplum. Per D6minum.
Alia Oratio
IDELES tuos, quaesumus,
D6mine, intercedentibus
beatis Virginibus N. et N.,
ita c6rpore et mente purifici: ut a n6xiis delectati
onibus elongentur, ac tua
jugiter suavitate pascantur.
Per D6minum.

Lctio Epistolae beati Pauli

Apostoli ad Corinthios.
1 Cor. 7:25-34
RATRES: De virginibus
praeceptum D6mini non
habeo; consilium autem do,
tamquam miseric6rdiam con-

Introit. Ps. 148:12-14

ET maidens praise the name
' of the Lord: for His name
alone is exalted; the praise of
Him is above heaven and earth.
Ps. ibid.:l. Praise ye the Lord
from the heavens: praise ye
Him in the high places. V.
Glory be to the Father.
RANT, we beseech Thee,
almighty God, that we
who honor with humble rever
ence the purity of the blessed
Virgins, N. and N., may imi
tate the example of their pious
life. Through our Lord.

Second Collect
O PURIFY Thy faithful in
body and soul, we beseech
Thee, O Lord, through the in
tercession of the blessed Vir
gins, N. and N., that they may
be removed from harmful de
lights and ever nourished with
Thy sweetness. Through our
Lesson from the Epistle of
blessed Paul the Apostle to
the Corinthians.
1 Cor. 7:25-34
RETHREN: Concerning vir
gins, I have no command
ment of the Lord; but I give
counsel, as having obtained


secutus a D6mino, ut sim

fidelis. Existimo ergo hoc
bonum esse propter in
stantem necessitatem, qu6niam bonum est homini sic
esse. Alligatus es uxori?
noli quaerere soluti6nem. So
lutus es ab ux6re? noli
quaerere ux6rem. Si autem
acceperis ux6rem, non pec
casti. Et si nupserit virgo,
non peccavit. Tribulati6nem
tamen carnis habebunt hu
jusmodi. Ego autem vobis
parco. Hoc itaque dico, fra
tres: Tempus breve est: re
liquum est, ut et qui habent
ux6res, tamquam non ha
bentes sint; et qui flent,
tamquam non flentes; et qui
gaudent, tamquam non gau
dentes; et qui emunt, tam
quam non possidentes; et
qui utuntur hoc mundo, tam
quam non utantur; praeterit
enim figura hujus mundi.
Volo autem vos sine sollici
tudine esse. Qui sine ux6re
est, sollicitus .est quae D6mini sunt, qu6modo placeat
Deo. Qui autem cum ux6re
est, sollicitus est quae sunt
m u n d i , qu6modo placeat
ux6ri, et divisus est. Et mu
lier innupta et virgo c6gitat
quae Domini sunt, ut sit
sancta corpore et spiritu: in
Christo Jesu, Domino nostro.


mercy of the Lord, to be faith

ful. I think therefore that this
is good for the present neces
sity, that it is good for a man
so to be. Art thou bound to a
wife? Seek not to be loosed.
Art thou loosed from a wife?
Seek not a wife. But if thou
take a wife, thou hast not
sinned. And if a virgin marry,
she hath not sinned. Neverthe
less, such shall have tribulation
of the flesh. But I spare you.
This therefore I say, brethren:
the time is short; it remaineth,
that they also who have wives,
be as if they had none; and
they that weep, as though they
wept not; and they that rejoice,
as if they rejoiced not; and they
that buy, as though they pos
sessed not; and they that use
this world, as if they used it
not: for the fashion of this
world passeth away. But I would
have you to be without solici
tude. He that is without a wife,
is solicitous for the things that
belong to the Lord, how he
may please God. But he that
is with a wife, is solicitous
for the things of the world,
how he may please his wife:
and he is divided. And the
unmarried woman and the
virgin thinketh on the things
of the Lord, that she may be
holy both in body and in spirit:
in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Graduate. Ps. 44:3, 10

Gradual. Ps. 44:3,10
Speciosus forma prae filiis
Thou art beautiful above the
hdminum, diffusa est gratia sons of men: grace is poured
in labiis tuis. V. Filiae regum abroad in Thy lips. V. The



in hon6re tuo: astitit regina daughter of kings in Thy glory:

a dextris tuis in vestitu deau the queen stood on Thy right
hand, in gilded clothing, sur
rato, circumdata varietate.
rounded with variety.
Alleluja, alleluja. V Sap.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Wisd. 4:
4:1. O quam pulchra est 1. O how beautiful is the chaste
casta generatio cum clari generation with glory: for the
tate ! immortalis est enim memory thereof is immortal.
memdria illius. Alleluja.
After Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the following Verse
are omitted, and in their place is said:
Tract. Ps. 44:14-16
Tractus. Ps. 44:14-16
All the glory of the King's
Omnis gloria ejus filise
Regis ab intus, in fimbriis daughter is within golden
aureis, circumamicta varie borders, clothed round about
tatibus. V. Adducentur Regi with varieties. V. After her shall
virgines post eam, pr6ximae virgins be brought to the King;
ejus afferentur tibi. V. Affe her neighbors shall be brought
rentur in laetitia et exsulta- to Thee. V. They shall be
ti6ne, adducentur in tem brought with gladness and re
plum Regis.
joicing, they shall be brought
into the temple of the King.
During Paschal Time, the
lowing is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Sap.
4:1. O quam pulchra est
casta generatio cum clari
tate! immortalis est enim
memoria illius. Alleluja. V.
Is. 56:3. Ego D6minus dabo
eis nomen melius a filiis et
filiabus: nomen sempiternum
dabo eis, quod non peribit.

Gradual is omitted, and the fol

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Wisd. 4:
1. O how beautiful is the chaste
generation with glory: for the
memory thereof is immortal.
Alleluia. V. Is. 56:5. I the Lord
will give them a name better
than sons and daughters: I will
give them an everlasting name
which shall never perish. Alle

4* Sequentia sancti Evange 4* Continuation of the holy

lii secundum Matthaeum.
Gospel according to Matthew.
Matth. 25:1-13
Matt. 25:1-13
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
T THAT time: Jesus spoke
Jesus discipulis suis para
this parable to His dis
bolam hanc: Simile erit reg- ciples: The kingdom of heaven


num cal6rum decem virgini

bus, quae accipientes ldmpades suas, exierunt 6bviam.
sponso et sponsa. Quinque
autem ex eis erant fatuae, et
quinque prudentes. Sed quin
que fatuae, acceptis lampa
dibus, non sumpserunt 61eum secum: prudentes vero
acceperunt 61eum in vasis
cum lampadibus. Moram au
tem faciinte sponso, dormi
taverunt omnes et dormie
runt. M6dia autem nocte
clamor factus est: Ecce spon
sus venit, exite 6bviam ei.
Tunc surrexerunt omnes vir
gines illae, et ornaverunt
lampades suas. Fatua autem
sapientibus dixerunt: Date
nobis de 61eo vestro, quia
lampades nostrae exstingu
untur. Responderunt pru
dentes, dicentes: Ne forte
non sufficiat nobis, et vobis,
ite p6tius ad vendentes, et
emite vobis. Dum autem
irent emere, venit sponsus;
et qua parata erant, intra
verunt cum eo ad nuptias,
et clausa est janua. Novissi
me vero veniunt et reliqua
virgines, dicentes: D6mine,
D6mine, aperi nobis. At ille
resp<5ndens ait: Amen, dico
vobis, nescio vos. Vigilate
itaque, quia nescitis diem,
neque horam.


shall be like to ten virgins,

who taking their lamps went
out to meet the bridegroom
and the bride. And five of
them were foolish, and five
wise. But the five foolish,
having taken their lamps, did
not take oil with them: but the
wise took oil in their vessels
with the lamps. And the bride
groom tarrying, they all slum
bered and slept. And at mid
night there was a cry made:
Behold the bridegroom cometh,
go ye forth to meet him. Then
ail those virgins prose and
trimmed their lamps. And the
foolish said to the wise: Give
us of your oil, for our lamps
are gone out. The wise an
swered, saying: Lest perhaps
there be not enough for us and
for you, go ye rather to them
that sell, and buy for your
selves. Now whilst they went
to buy, the bridegroom came:
and they that were ready, went
in with him to the marriage,
and the door was shut. But at
last came also the other virgins,
saying: Lord, Lord, open to us.
But he answering said: Amen
I say to you, I know you
not. Watch ye therefore, be
cause you know not the day
nor the hour.

Offertory. Ps. 33:6

Offertorium. Ps. 33:6
Come ye to the Lord and be
Accedite ad D6minum, et
illuminamini; et facies ve enlightened; and your faces
shall not be confounded.
stra non confundentur.



u n e r i b u s tibi, Do
mine, pro beatarum
Virginum N. et N. hon6re
dicatis benedictionem tuam
propitiatus effunde: ut per
eadem, et a vitiis omnibus
emundemur, et caelestibus de
liciis impleamur. Per Do

EING appeased, O Lord,
pour forth Thy benediction
upon the gifts offered Thee in
honor of the blessed Virgins,
N. and N .: that, through these
gifts, we may be both cleansed
from all faults and filled with
heavenly delights. Through our

Alia Secreta
FFERENTES tibi h6stiam laudis, misericors
Deus, apud majestatem tuam
beatarum Virginum N. et N.
suffragio commendemur: quae
consonis operibus in sua vir
ginitate jucundum tibi habi
taculum praepararunt. Per

Second Secret
"V A AY we, who offer Thee
LVl. this sacrifice of praise, O
merciful God, be commended to
Thy majesty through the inter
cession of the blessed Virgins,
N. and N., who, by appropri
ate deeds in their virginity, pre
pared for Thee a pleasing habi
tation. Through our Lord.

Communio. Matth. 25:10

Communion. Matt. 25:10
Venit Sponsus; et Vir
The Bridegroom came; and
gines quae paratas erant in the virgins that were ready
traverunt cum eo ad nupti went in with Him to the mar
as, et clausa est janua.
riage, and the door was shut.
UMPTA mysteria, quae
sumus, Domine, suffra
gantibus beatarum Virgi
num N. et N. meritis, in
citent nos jugiter et illu
strent: ut digne advntum
Filii tui praestolemur, et ad
supernas ejus nuptias admit
tamur. Per eundem D6minum.

AY the mysteries we have
received ever inspire and
enlighten us, we beseech Thee,
O Lord, through the merits and
prayers of the blessed Virgins,
N. and N., that we may worth
ily await the coming of Thy
Son, and be admitted to His
heavenly nuptials. Through the
same Jesus Christ.

Alia Postcommunio
Second Postcommunion
ORPORIS et Sanguinis
AY the holy sacrifice of
Thy Body and Blood, O
tui sacra libatio, Do
mine, intercedentibus beatis Lord, through the intercession


Virginibus N. et N. ab Om
nibus nos caducis rebus
avertat: ut valeamus tui et
sincira in terris caritate pro
ficere, et perpetua in caelis
visi6ne gaudere. Qui vivis.


of the blessed Virgins, N . and

N., turn us away from all tran
sitory things: that on earth we
may be able to grow in sincere
love of Thee, and in heaven re
joice in the perpetual vision of
Thee. Who livest and reignest.


Introitus. Ps. 107:13, 14
A NOBIS, Deus, auxi
lium de tribulatione,
quia vana salus hominis; in
Deo faciemus virtutem; et
ipse ad nihilum deducet ini
micos nostros. Ps. ibid.:2.
Paratum cor meum, Deus,
paratum cor meum: cantabo,
et psallam in gloria mea. V.
Gloria Patri.

Introit. Ps. 107:13, 14

RANT u s , O Lord, help
from trouble, for vain is
the salvation of man; through
God we shall do mightily; and
He will bring our enemies to
nothing. Ps. ibid.:2. My heart
is ready, O God, my heart is
ready: I will sing, and will give
praise with my glory. V. Glory
be to the Father.

EUS, cujus munere vir
tus in infirmitate per
ficitur: da Omnibus beatarum
N. et N. Martyrum tuarum
glOriam recolantibus; ut,
quae abs te sumpserunt robur
ut vincerent, abs te quoque
nobis vincendi gratiam sem
per obtineant. Per Dominum.

GOD, by whose grace
power is made perfect in
infirmity: grant to all who re
call the memory of blessed N.
and N., Thy Martyrs, that as
they took from Thee their
strength that they themselves
might triumph, so likewise from
Thee they may ever obtain for
us the grace of triumphing.
Through our Lord.
Second Collect
RANT u s , we beseech Thee,
Lord our God, to ven
erate with unceasing devotion
the sufferings of blessed N. and
N., Thy Martyrs: that we may .
at least honor them with hum
ble reverence whom we cannot
worthily extol. Through our

Alia Oratio
A NOBIS, quaesumus,
Domine Deus noster,
beatarum N. et N. Mar
tyrum tuarum palmas in
cessabili devotiOne venerari:
ut, quas digna mente cele
brare non pOssumus, humi
libus saltem frequentemus
obsequiis. Per DOminum.



Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Lesson from the Epistle of

Ap6stoli ad Corinthios.
blessed Paul the Apostle to
the Corinthians.
2 Cor. 4:6-11,16,17
2 Cor. 4:6-11,16, 17
RATRES: Deus illuxit in
RETHREN: G o d h a t h
c6rdibus nostris ad illu- B shined in our hearts, to
minati6nem scientiae clari give the light of the knowl
tatis Dei, in facie Christi
Jesu. HaWmus autem the
saurum istum in vasis ficti
libus, ut sublimitas sit vir
tutis Dei, et non ex nobis.
In 6mnibus tribulati6nem pitimur: sed non angustiamur.
Aporiimur: sed non desti
tuimur. Persecuti6nem pati
mur: sed non derelinquimur.
Dejicimur: sed non perimus.
Semper mortificati6nem Jesu
in c6rpore nostro circumfe
rentes, ut et vita Jesu mani
festetur in corp6ribus no
stris. Semper enim nos, qui
vivimus, in mortem tradimur
propter Jesum: ut et vita
Jesu manifestatur in carne
nostra mortali. Propter quod
non deficimus; sed licet is,
qui foris est, noster homo
corrumpatur, tamen is, qui
intus est, renovitur de die
in diem. Id enim, quod in
praesenti est momentaneum
et leve tribulati6nis nostrae,
supra modum in sublimitate
aeternum gloriae pondus ope
ratur in nobis.

edge of the glory of God, in

the face of Christ Jesus. But
we have this treasure in earthen
vessels, that the excellency may
be of the power of God, and
not of us. In all things we
suffer tribulation: but are not
distressed. We are straitened:
but are not destitute. We suffer
persecution: but are not for
saken. We are cast down: but
we perish not. Always bearing
about in our body the mortifica
tion of Jesus, that the life also
of Jesus may be made manifest
in our bodies. For we who live
are always delivered unto death
for Jesus' sake: that the life
also of Jesus may be made
manifest in our mortal flesh.
For which cause we faint not;
but though our outward man
is corrupted, yet the inward
man is renewed day by day.
For that which is at present
momentary and light of our
tribulation worketh for us above
measure exceedingly an eternal
weight of glory.

Graduate. Ps. 59:13,14

Gradual. Ps. 59:13, 14

Da nobis, Deus, auxilium

Grant us, O Lord, help from
de tribulati6ne, quia vana trouble, for vain is the salva
salus h6minis. V. In Deo fa tion of man. V. Through God
ciamus virtutem; et ipse ad we shall do mightily; and He


nihilum deducet tribulantes

Alleluja, alleluja. V. Apoc.
7:14. Ven6runt de tribulati6ne magna, et lavrunt sto
las suas, et de^bavfrunt eas
in singuine Agni. Alleluja.


shall bring to nothing them

that afflict us.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Apoc.
7:14. They are come out of
great tribulation, a n d have
washed their robes, and have
made them white in the Blood
of the Lamb.

After Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the following Verse

are omitted, and in their place is said:
Tractus. Ps. 65:10-12
Probasti nos, Deus; igne
nos examinasti sicut exami
natur argentum. V. Induxi
sti nos in laqueum, posuisti
tribulati6nes in dorso nostro,
imposuisti h6mines super ca
pita nostra. V. Transivimus
per ignem et aquam, et edu
xisti nos in refrigerium.

Tract. Ps. 65:10-12

Thou, O God, hast proved
us; Thou hast tried us by fire,
as silver is tried. V. Thou hast
brought us into a net, Thou
hast laid afflictions on our back,
Thou hast set men over our
heads. V. We h a v e passed
through fire and water, and
Thou hast brought us out into
a refreshment.

During Paschal Time the Gradual is omitted, and the fol

lowing is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Apoc.
7:14. Venirunt de tribulati6ne magna, et lavlrunt sto
las suas, et dealbaverunt eas
in sanguine Agni. Alleluja.
V.Ibid. 12:11, 12. Non dilex^runt animas suas usque
ad mortem: proptrea laeta
mini, caeli, et qui habitatis
in eis. Alleluja.

Alleluia, alleluia. V . Apoc. 7:

14. They are come out of great
tribulation, and have washed
their robes, and have made them
white in the Blood of the
Lamb. Alleluia. V.Ibid. 12:11,
12. They loved not their lives
unto death: therefore rejoice,
O heavens, and you that dwell
therein. Alleluia.

4" Sequentia sancti Evanglii

Continuation of the holy
secundum Matthaeum.
Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 13:44-52
Matth. 13:44-52
T THAT time: Jesus spoke
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
L this parable to His dis
Jesus discipulis suis para
bolam hanc: Simile est reg ciples: The kingdom of heaven
num cael6rum thesauro abs- is like unto a treasure hidden



condito in agro. Quern qui

invenit homo, absc6ndit, et
prae gaudio illius vadit, et
vendit univirsa quae habet,
et emit agrum illum. Iterum
simile est regnum cslcSrum
h6mini negotiatori quaerenti
bonas margaritas. Inventa
autem una preti6sa marga
rita, abiit et vendidit 6mnia
quae habuit, et emit eam.
Iterum simile est regnum
cael6nun sagenae missae in
mare, et ex omni genere pi
scium congreganti. Quam,
cum impleta esset, educen
tes, et secus littus sedentes,
eleglrunt bonos in vasa, ma
los autem foras miserunt.
Sic erit in consummati6ne
saeculi. Exibunt angeli et
separabunt malos de medio
just6rum, et mittent eos in
caminum ignis. Ibi erit fletus
et stridor dentium. Intellexi
stis haec omnia? Dicunt ei:
Etiam. Ait illis: Ideo omnis
scriba doctus in regno cae
lorum similis est h6mini patrifamilias, qui profert de
thesauro suo nova et vtera.

in a field. Which a man having

found, hid it, and for joy there
of goeth and selleth all that he
hath and buyeth that field.
Again, the kingdom of heaven
is like to a merchant seeking
good pearls. Who,, when he
had found one pearl of great
price, went his way and sold
all that he had and bought it.
Again, the kingdom of heaven
is like to a net cast into the sea
and gathering together of all
kind of fishes. Which, when
it was filled, they drew out: and
sitting by the shore, they chose
out the good into vessels, but
the bad they cast forth. So shall
it be at the end of the world.
The angels shall go out and
shall separate the wicked from
among the just, and shall cast
them into the furnace of fire.
There shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth. Have ye un
derstood all these things? They
say to Him: Yes. He said unto
them: Therefore every scribe
instructed in the kingdom of
heaven is like to a man that is
a householder, who bringeth
forth out of his treasure new
things and old.

Offertorium. Ps. 104:4

Offertory. Ps. 104:4

Seek ye the Lord, and be

Quserite Dominum, et con
firmamini: quaerite faciem strengthened: seek His face
ejus semper.


BLATA tibi, D6mine /'"^.RACIOUSLY regard the

Deus, in hon6rem beagifts offered Thee, O Lord
tarum N. et N. Martyrum I God, in honor of blessed N.



tuarum dona intuere propi

tius: ut accptum nostrae tibi
faciant servitutis obsequium,
et opportunum nobis tribu
ant tua; protectionis auxili
um. Per D6minum.

and N., Thy Martyrs; that they

may make the offering of our
service acceptable to Thee, and
bestow on us the timely help
of Thy protection. Through our

Alia Secreta
NTENDE, quaesumus, D6mine, munera altaribus
tuis pro beatarum Martyrum
tuarum N. et N. hon6re pro
posita: ut, sicut per haec sa
cra mysteria illis gloriam
contulisti, ita nobis indul
gentiam largiaris. Per D6minum.

Second Secret
OOK, we beseech Thee, O
' Lord, upon the gifts placed
on Thy altar for the honor of
Thy blessed Martyrs, N . and
N .; that as through these sa
cred mysteries Thou hast be
stowed glory on them, so Thou
mayest give us Thy pardon.
Through our Lord.

Communio. Matth. 13:44

Simile est regnum cael6rum thesauro abscOndito in
agro. Quam qui invenit ho
mo, abscOndit; et prae gau
dio illius vadit et vendit uni
versa quae habet et emit
agrum illum.

Communion. Matt. 13:44

The kingdom of heaven is
like unto a treasure hidden in a
field. Which a man having
found, hid it: and for joy
thereof goeth and selleth all
that he hath and buyeth that

ANCTIFICET et r6boret nos, quaesumus, D6mine, supern6rum munerum
fructu6sa receptio: ut, suf
fragantibus beatis Martyri
bus tuis N. et N., et viti6rum aestibus obsistamus et
contra 6mnium impetus ho
stium repugnemus. Per D6minum.

AY the fruitful reception
of the heavenly gifts sanc
tify and strengthen us, we be
seech Thee, O Lord; that
through the prayers of Thy
blessed Martyrs, N. and N., we
may both resist the burning of
vices and fight back against the
attacks of all enemies. Through
our Lord.

Second Postcommunion
Alia Postcommunio
RANT u s , we beseech Thee,
R IS T A nobis, quaesumus,
Lord, through the inter
D6mine, intercedentibus
beatis Martyribus tuis N. et cession of Thy blessed Martyrs,
N .: ut, quod ore contingi- N. and N., that what we have



mus, pura mente capiamus. touched with our mouth we

Per D6minum.
may receive with a pure mind.
Through our Lord.
Introitus. Ps. 19:19
OMINE Deus virtutum,
non discedimus a te:
vivificabis nos, et nomen
tuum invocabimus. Ps. ibid.:
2. Qui regis Israel, intende,
qui deducis velut ovem Jo
seph. V. Gldria Patri.

Introit. Ps. 19:19

LORD God of hosts, we
depart not from Thee:
Thou shalt quicken us, and we
will call upon Thy name. Ps.
ibid.:2. Give ear, O Thou that
rulest Israel, Thou that leadest
Joseph like a sheep. V. Glory
be to the Father.

ONCEDE, quzesumus,
omnipotens Deus: ut
venerdnda nobis beatarum
N. et N. intercssio tribuat
caeleste subsidium; quarum
vita miribilis 6mnibus salu
tare praestat exemplum. Per

RANT, we beseech Thee,
almighty God, that the
venerable intercession of Blessed
N. and N. may give us heav
enly help; as their admirable
life gives to all a salutary ex
ample. Through our Lord.

Alia Oratio
UORUM corda fidelium,
Deus miserator, illustra;
et, beatarum N. et N. preci
bus ac meritis glori6sis; fac
nos terrena cuncta despicere,
et dona caelestia possidere.
Per D6minum.

Second Collect
TLLUMINE the hearts of Thy
faithful, O merciful God;
and through the prayers and
glorious merits of blessed N.
and N., cause us to despise all
earthly things and to possess
heavenly gifts. Through our

Lectio Epistol* beati Pauli Lesson from the Epistle of

blessed Paul the Apostle
Apdstoli ad Tim6theum.
to Timothy.
1 Tim. 2:9-15; 5:3-6
1 Tim. 2:9-1}; 5:3-6
EARLY beloved: I will that
ARISSIME: Volo mulie
women pray in decent ap
res orare in habitu or
nato, cum verecundia et so parel, adorning themselves with
brietate ornantes se, et non modesty and sobriety, not with


in tortis crinibus, aut auro,

aut margaritis, vel veste preti6sa; sed quod decet mu
lieres, promittentes pietatem
per 6pera bona. Mulier in
silentio discat cum omni subjecti6ne. Docere autem mu
lieri non permitto, neque
dominari in virum; sed esse
in silentio. Adam enim pri
mus formatus est, deinde
Heva. Et Adam non est se
ductus, mulier autem se
ducta in praevaricatione fuit.
Salvabitur autem per fili6rum generationem, si per
manserit in fide, et dilecti6ne, et sanctificati6ne cum
sobrietate. Viduas hon6ra,
quae vere viduae sunt. Si qua
autem vidua filios aut nep6tes habet, discat primum
domum suam regere, et mu
tuam vicem reddere parenti
bus; hoc enim acceptum est
coram Deo. Quae autem vere
vidua est et desolata, spe
ret in Deum, et instet obse
crationibus et orati6nibus
nocte ac die. Nam quae in
deliciis est, vivens mortua
est. Et hoc praecipe ut irre
prehensibiles sint: in Chri
sto Jesu Domino nostro.


plaited hair, or gold, or pearls,

or costly attire; but as it becometh women professing god
liness, with good works. Let
the woman learn in silence,
with all subjection. But I suffer
not a woman to teach, nor to
use authority over the man: but
to be in silence. For Adam was
first formed; then Eve. And
Adam was not seduced; but the
woman being seduced, was in
the transgression. Yet she shall
be saved through childbearing;
if she continue in faith, and
love, and sanctification, with so
briety. Honor widows that are
widows indeed. But if any
widow have children, or grand
children, let her learn first to
govern her own house, and to
make a return of duty to her
parents: for this is acceptable
before God. But she that is a
widow indeed, and desolate, let
her trust in God, and continue
in supplications and prayers
night and day. For she that
liveth in pleasures, is dead
while she is living. And this
give in charge, that they may
be blameless: in Christ Jesus,
our Lord.

Graduale. Ps. 32:20, 21

Gradual. Ps. 32:20, 21

Anima nostra sustinet Do

minum, quoniam adjutor et
protector noster est. V. Quia
in eo laetabitur cor nostrum,
et in n6mine sancto ejus
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.
1:16. Initium sapientiae ti-

Our soul waiteth for the

Lord: for He is our helper and
protector. V. For in Him our
heart shall rejoice; and in His
holy name we have trusted.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Eccli. 1 :
16. The fear of the Lord is (he



mor D6mini; cum electis fe

minis graditur, et cum justis
et fidelibus agn6scitur. Alle

beginning of wisdom; it walketh with chosen women, and is

known with the just and faith
ful. Alleluia.

After Septuaeesima, the Alleluia and the following Verse

are omitted, ana in their place is said:
Tract. Ps. 47:10-12
Tractus. Ps. 47:10-12
Suscepimus, Deus, mise
We have received Thy mercy,
ricordiam tuam in medio O God, in the midst of Thy
templi tui. V. Secundum no temple. V. According to Thy
men tuum, Deus, sic et laus name, O God, so also is Thy
tua in fines terrae; justitia praise unto the ends of the
plena est dextera tua. V. earth: Thy right hand is full
Laetetur mons Sion, et ex of justice. V. Let Mount Sion
sultent filiae. Judse, propter rejoice, and the daughters of
judicia tua, Domine.
Juda be glad because of Thy
judgments, O Lord.
During Paschal Time, the
lowing is said:
Alleluja, alleluja. V. Eccli.
1:16. Initium sapientiae ti
mor D<5mini; cum electis fe
minis graditur, et cum justis
et fidelibus agn6scitur. Alle
luja. V. Ps. 23:6. Haec est
generatio quaerentium D6minum, quaerentium faciem
Dei Jacob. Alleluja.

Gradual is omitted and the fol

f* Sequentia sancti Evangelii

secundum Matthaeum.
Matth. 13:44-32
N ILLO tempore: Dixit
Jesus discipulis suis pa
rabolam hanc: Simile est
regnum cael6rum thesauro
abscdndito in agro: quem
qui invenit homo, absc6ndit,
et prae gaudio illius vadit, et
vendit universa quae habet,
et emit agrum illum. Iterum

+ Continuation of the holy

Gospel according to Matthew.
Matt. 13:44-52
T THAT time: Jesus spoke
L this parable to His dis
ciples: The kingdom of heaven
is like unto a treasure hidden
in a field. Which a man having
found, hid it, and for joy there
of goeth, and selleth all that
he hath, and buyeth that field.
Again, the kingdom of heaven

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Eccli. 1:

16. The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom; it walketh with chosen women, and is
known with the just and faith
ful. Alleluia. V. Ps. 23:6. This
is the generation of them that
seek Him, of them that seek
the face of the God of Jacob.



simile est regnum cael6rum is like to a merchant seeking

h6mini negotiat6ri, quarenti good pearls. Who when he had
bonas margaritas. Invgnta - found one pearl of great price,
autem una pretiosa marga went his way, and sold all that
rita, ibiit, et vendidit 6mnia he had, and bought it. Again,
uae habuit, et emit earn, the kingdom of heaven is like
terum simile est regnum to a net cast into the sea, and
cael6rum saginas missae in gathering together of all kind
mare, et ex omni ginere pi of fishes. Which, when it was
scium congreganti. Quam filled, they drew out, and sit
cum im p lta esset educa ting by the shore, they chose
tes, et secus littus sedintes, out the good into vessels, but
elegerunt bonos in vasa, ma the bad they cast forth. So shall
los autem foras misirunt. Sic it be at the end of the world.
erit in consummati6ne sae The angels shall go out, and
culi: exibunt Angeli, et se shall separate the wicked from
parabunt malos de medio among the just, and shall cast
just6rum, et mittent eos in them into the furnace of fire:
caminum ignis: ibi erit fle there shall be weeping and
tus, et stridor dintium. In gnashing of teeth. Have ye un
tellexistis haec 6mnia? Di derstood all these things? They
cunt ei: Etiam. Ait illis: say to Him: Yes. He said unto
Ideo omnis scriba doctus in them: Therefore every scribe
regno cael6rum similis est instructed in the kingdom of
h6mini patrifamilias, qui heaven, is like to a man that
profert de thesauro suo nova is a householder, who bringeth
et vitera.
forth out of his treasure new
things and old.

Offertorium. Ps. 104:3

Offertory. Ps. 104:3
Laudamini in n 6 m i n e
Glory ye in His holy name:
sancto ejus, laetitur cor quae let the heart of them rejoice
rentium Dominum.
that seek the Lord.
tibi, Do
mine Deus, h6stiam
pro beatirum N. et N. hon6re prop6sitam, te suppli
ces exoramus: ut spem no
stram in te firmiter colloca
mus, et pias petiti6nes cor
dis nostri abs te jugiter habeimus. Per Ddminum.
ffer en tes

FFERING Thee, O Lord
God, the host brought for
ward for the honor of blessed
N. and N., we humbly pray
Thee that we may place our
hope firmly in Thee, and ever
have the pious requests of our
heart from Thee. Through our



Alia Secreta

Second Secret

D6mine, suffragantibus
beatarum N. et N. precibus,
tibi reddatur acceptum: ut
nobis idem et culparum ve
niam largiatur, et merit6rum c6piam operetur. Per

AY our sacrifice, O Lord,

through the prayers and
suffrages of Blessed N. and N.,
be rendered acceptable to Thee;
that the same sacrifice may be
stow on us the remission of our
faults and produce an abun
dance of merits. Through our

Communio. Matth. 13:45, 46

Communion. Matt. 13:45,46

Simile est regnum casto

rum hdmini negotiat6ri quas
en ti bonas margaritas: in
venta autem una preti6sa
margarita, abiit, et vendidit
6mnia q u i habuit, et emit

The kingdom of heaven is

like to a merchant seeking good
pearls: who when he had found
one pearl of great price, went
his way, and sold all that he
had, and bought it.



IVINI operatio Sacra

menti, omnipotens De
us, suffragantibus beatarum
N. et N. meritis, illuminet
nos pariter et inflammet: ut
et sanctis jugiter desideriis
ferveamus; et bonis operibus
abundemus. Per D6minum.

AY the working of the

divine Sacrament, O Al
mighty God, by the interces
sion of the merits of blessed
N. and N., illumine us and in
flame us: that we may both
ever burn with holy desires
and abound in good works.
Through our Lord.

Alia Postcommunio

Second Postcommunion

CCEPTC5RUM munerum
AY the power of the gifts
now received, O Lord
virtus, D6mine Deus,
intercedentibus beatis N. et God, through the intercession of
N., suos in nobis effectus blessed N. and N., work in us
Impleat: ut simul et mortalis their effects; that it may at
vitae subsidium c6nferat, et once both bestow the aid of
gaudium perpetuas felicitatis mortal life and obtain the joy
of perpetual felicity. Through
obtineat. Per D6minum.
our Lord.

Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, audi nos.
Christe, exaudi nos.
Pater de caelis, Deus, mise
rere nobis.
Fili, Re de mpt or mundi,
Deus, miserere nobis.
Spiritus Sancte, Deus, mise
rere nobis.
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus,
miserere nobis.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, have
mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the
world, have mercy on us.
God the H ol y Ghost , have
mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have
mercy on us.

Sancta Maria,
Sancta Dei Genitrix,
Sancta Virgo virginum,
Sancte Michael,
Sancte Gabriel,
Sancte Raphael,

Holy Mary,
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
St. Michael,
St. Gabriel,
St. Raphael,

Omnes s a n c t i Angeli et All ye holy Angels and

Archangeli, orate pro nobis.
Omnes sancti beatorum Spiri All ye holy orders of blessed
tuum 6rdines, orate pro
Sancte Joannes-Baptista, ora St. John Baptist,
pro nobis.
Sancte Joseph, ora pro nobis. St. Joseph,
Omnes sancti Patriarchae et All ye holy Patriarchs and
Prophetae, orate pro nobis.



Sancte Petre,
Sancte Paule,
Sancte Andrea,
Sancte Jac6be,
Sancte Joannes,
Sancte Thoma,
Sancte Jac6be,
Sancte Philippe,
Sancte Bartholomaee,
Sancte Matthaee,
Sancte Simon,
Sancte Thaddaee,
Sancte Matthia,
Sancte Barnaba,
Sancte Luca,
Sancte Marce,


Omnes s a n c t i Apostoli et All ye holy Apostles and

Evangelists, o r i t e pro
Omnes sancti Discipuli Do All ye holy Disciples of
mini, orate pro nobis.
the Lord,
Omnes sancti I nnocentes, All ye holy Innocents,
orate pro nobis.
Sancte Stfphane, ora.
Sancte Laurenti, ora.
Sancte Vincenti, ora.

St. Stephen,
St. Lawrence,
St. Vincent,

Sancti Fabiane et Sebastiane,

Sancti Joannes et Paule,
Sancti Cosma et Damiane,
Sancti Gervasi et Protasi,

Sts. Fabian and Sebastian,



Sts. John and Paul,

Sts. Cosmas and Damian,
Sts. Gervase and Protase,








Sancte Petre-Baptista cete- St. Peter Baptist and ye

rique Martyres Japonenother Martyrs of Japan,
ses, orate pro nobis.
Sancte N i c o 1 a e ceterique St. Nicholas and ye other
Martyrs of Gorkum,
Ma r t y r es Gorcomienses,
orate pro nobis.
Sancte F i d e l i s , ora pro St. Fidelis,
Omnes s a n c t i Martyres, All ye holy Martyrs,
orate pro nobis.



Omnes sancti Pontifices et All ye holy Bishops and

Confess6res, o r a t e pro
Omnes s a n c t i Doct6res, All ye holy Doctors,
orate pro nobis.
Sancte Antoni,
Sancte Benedicte,
Sancte Bernarde,
Sancte Dominice,
Sancte P a te r noster
Sancte Ant6ni de Padua,
Sancte Bernardine,
Sancte Joannes a Capi

St. Anthony,
St. Benedict,
St. Bernard,
St. Dominic,
Our Holy Father Francis,
St Anthony of Padua,
St. Bernardine,
St. John Capistran,

Pray for us.




Omnes sancti Sacerd6tes et Levitae,

Omnes sancti Monachi
et Eremita?,
Sancta Mari a-Magdalena,
Sancta Agatha,
Sancta Lucia,
Sancta Agnes,
Sancta Caecilia,

St. James of the March,

St. Peter of Alcantara,
O St.
o St.
o St.

Francis Solanus,
Peter Regalatus,
John Joseph,
Joseph of Leonissa,
Lawrence of Brindisi,

St. Joseph of Cupertino,


John Baptist Mary,

St. Theophilus,
St. Conrad,
St. Joseph Benedict,
St. Salvator,
/*\ All ye holy Priests and

All ye holy Monks and
St. Mary Magdalen,




Pray for us.

Sancte Jac6be de Marchia,

Sancte Petre de Alcan
Sancte Francisce Solane,
Sancte Petre Regalate,
Sancte Didace,
Sancte Paschalis,
Sancte Benedicte,
Sancte Pacifice,
Sancte Joannes-Joseph,
Sancte Leonarde,
Sancte Felix,
Sancte Joseph a Leo
Sancte Seraphine,
Sancte Laurenti a Brundusio,
Sancte Joseph a Cuper
Sancte Ferdinande,
Sancte Ludovice,
Sancte Ivo,
Sancte Elzeari,
Sancte Roche,
Sancte Conrade,
Sancte Joannes Baptista
Sancte The6phile,
Sancte Conrade,
Sancte J o s e p h -Bene
Sancte Salvator,


Sancta Catharlna,
Sancta Clara,
Sancta Agnes Assisiensis,
Sancta C a t h a rl na de
Sancta Colta,
Sancta Ver6nica,
Sancta Rosa de Viterbio,
Sancta Hyaclntha,
Sancta Maria-Francisca,
Sancta Angela,
Sancta Marla-Magdalena,
Sancta Anastasia,
Sancta Elisabeth Hungiriae,
Sancta Elisabeth Portugaliae,
Sancta Ma r g a ri t a de
Sancta Birgltta,


Agnes of Assisi,
Catherine of Bologna,


Rose of Viterbo,
Mary Frances,
Mary Magdalen,
Elizabeth of Hungary,


St. Elizabeth of Portugal,

St. Margaret of Cortona,
St. Bridget,

Omnes sancta; Virgines et All ye holy Virgins and

Vlduae, orate pro nobis.
Omnes Sancti et Sanctze All ye holy men and women,
trium Ordinum sancti Pa
Saints of the Three Orders of
our holy Father Francis, make
tris nostri Frandsci, inter
intercession for us.
cedite pro nobis.
Omnes Sancti et Sancta; Dei, All ye holy men and women,
Saints of God, make interces
intercidite pro nobis.
sion for us.
Propitius esto, parce nobis, Be merciful, spare us, O Lord.
Propitius esto, exaudi nos, Be merciful, graciously hear us,
O Lord.
Ab omni malo,
Ab omni peccato,
Ab ira tua,
A subitanea et impro
visa morte,
Ab insidiis diaboli,
Ab ira, et odio, et omni
mala voluntate,

From all evil,

From all sin,
From Thy wrath,
From sudden and unprovided death,
From the snares of the
From anger, hatred, and
all ill-will,



A spiritu fornicationis,
A fulgure et tempestate,
A flagello terraemotus,
A peste, fame et bello,

In die judicii,
Ut nobis parcas,
Ut nobis indulgeas,

We sinners,
That Thou wouldst spare
That Thou wouldst par
don us,
That Thou wouldst bring
us to true penance,
That Thou wouldst vouch
safe to govern and pre
serve Thy Holy Church,
That Thou wouldst vouch
safe to p r ese rve our
Apostolic Prelate, and
all orders of the Church
in holy religion,

We beseech Thee, hear us.

U t ad veram poeni
tentiam nos perdu
cere digneris,
U t Ecclesiam tuam
sanctam + regere et
conservare digneris,
Ut domnum Apost61icum et omnes eccle
siasticos 6rdines t in
sancta religi6ne con
servare digngris,

Deliver us, O Lord.__________

A morte perpetua,
Per mysterium sancta;
Incarnati6nis tuae,
Per adventum tuum,
Per nativitatem tuam,
Per baptismum et san
ctum jejunium tuum,
Per crucem et passi6nem tuam,
Per mortem et sepultu
ram tuam,
Per sanctam resurrectio
nem tuam,
Per admirabilem ascen
sionem tuam,
Per adventum Spiritus
Sancti Paracliti,

From the spirit of forni

From lightning and tem
From the scourge of earth
From plague, famine and
From everlasting death,
Through the mystery of
Thy holy Incarnation,
Through Thy coming,
Through Thy nativity,
Through Thy baptism and
holy fasting,
Through Thy cross and
Through Thy death and
Through Thy holy Resur
Through Thine admirable
Through the coming of the
Holy Ghost the Para
In the day of judgment,


That Thou wouldst vouch

safe to humble the ene
mies of Holy Church,
That Thou wouldst vouch
safe to give peace and
true concord to Chris
tian kings and princes,
That Thou wouldst vouch
safe to grant peace and
unity to all Christian
That Thou wouldst vouch
safe to call every wand e r e r b a c k to t h e
C h u r c h s unity, and
guide to the light of the
Gospel ail unbelievers,
That Thou wouldst vouch
safe to confirm and pre
serve us in Thy holy
That Thou wouldst lift up
our minds to heavenly
That Thou wouldst render
eternal blessings to all
our benefactors,
That Thou wouldst deliver
our souls, and the souls
of our brethren, rela
tions, and benefactors,
from eternal damnation,
That Thou wouldst vouch
safe to give and preserve
the fruits of the earth,
That Thou wouldst vouch
safe to grant eternal rest
to all the faithful de

We beseech Thee, hear us.

Ut inimicos sanctae Ec
clesia t humiliare di
Ut rigibus et principi
bus christianis t pa
cem et veram con
cordiam donare di
Ut cuncto p<5puIo C hri
stiano + pacem et
unitatem largiri di
Ut omnes errantes ad
unitatem Ecclesia re
vocare, t et infideles
universos ad Evange
lii lumen perducere
Ut nosmetipsos in tuo
sancto ser vi t io t
confortare et conser
vare dignaris,
Ut mentes nostras t ad
callstia desideria fri
Ut 6mnibus benefacto
ribus nostris t sempitdrna bona retribuas,
Ut animas nostras, f
Fratrum, propinqudrum, et benefact6nun
nostrorum t ab aterna da m n a t i 6 n e
Ut fructus terra + dare
et conservire digne
U t 6mni bu s fidelibus
defunctis t requiem
aternam donare dignris,

331 .



Ut nos exaudire digneris, te That Thou wouldst vouchsafe

graciously to hear us, we be
rogamus, audi nos.
seech Thee, hear us.
Fili Dei, te rogamus, audi Son of God, we beseech Thee,
hear us.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecca Lamb of God, who takest away
ta mundi, parce nobis, D6the sins of the world, spare
us, O Lord.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecca Lamb of God, who takest away
ta mundi, exaudi nos, D6the sins of the world, gra
ciously hear us, O Lord.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecca Lamb of God, who takest away
ta mundi, miserere nobis.
the sins of the world, have
mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christe, audi nos.
Christe, exaudi nos.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Kyrie, eleison.
Lord, have mercy.
Christe, eleison.
Christ, have mercy.
Kyrie, eleison.
Lord, have mercy.
Pater noster (secreto).
Our Father (in silence).
V. Et ne nos inducas in ten V. And lead us not into tempta
R. Sed libera nos a malo.
R. But deliver us from evil.
Psalmus 69
Deus, in adjut6rium meum
intende: * D6mine, ad
adjuvandum me festina.
Confundantur et revereantur,
* qui quaerunt ani mam
Avertantur retrorsum, et eru
bescant, * qui volunt mihi
A v e r t a n t u r statim erube
scentes, * qui dicunt mihi:
Euge, euge.

Psalm 69

O God, come to my assistance:

* O Lord, make haste to help
Let them be confounded and
ashamed: * t ha t seek my
Let them be turned backward,
and blush for shame, * that
desir-e evils to me.
Let them be presently turned
away blushing for shame, *
that say unto me: 'Tis well,
'tis well.
Exsultent et laetentur in te Let all that seek Thee rejoice
omnes qui quaerunt te: *
and be glad in Thee: * and
et dicant semper: Magnilet such as love Thy salvation



ficitur DOminus, qui dili

say always: The Lord be
gunt salutare tuum.
Ego vero eggnus et pauper But I am needy and poor, * O
sum: * Deus, adjuva me.
God, help me.
Adjutor meus, et liberator Thou art my helper and my de
meus es tu: * D6mine, ne
liverer: * O Lord, make no
G16ria Patri. Sicut erat in Glory be to the Father. As it
was in the beginning.
V. Salvos fac servos tuos.
R. Deus meus, sperantes in
V. Esto nobis, DOmine, tur
ris fortitudinis.
R. A facie inimici.
V. Nihil proficiat inimicus
in nobis.
R. Et filius iniquitatis non
apponat nocere nobis.
V. DOmine, non secundum
peccata nostra facias no
R. Neque secundum iniqui
tates nostras retribuas no
V. Oremus pro Pontifice no
stro N.
R. Dominus conservet eum,
et vivificet eum, t et bea
tum faciat eum in terra,
t et non tradat eum in
animam inimic6rum ejus.
V . Oremus pro benefactori
bus nostris.
R. Retribuere dignare, D6mine, f Omnibus nobis
bona facientibus propter
nomen tuum, t vitam
aeternam. Amen.
V. Oremus pro fidilibus de

V. Save Thy servants.

R. Who hope in Thee, O my
V. Be unto us, O Lord, a tower
of strength.
R. From the face of the enemy.
V. Let not the enemy prevail
against us.
R. Nor the son of iniquity have
power to hurt us.
V. O Lord, deal not with us ac
cording to our sins.
R. Neither requite us according
to our iniquities.
V. Let us pray for our Sovereign
Pontiff N.
R. The Lord preserve him and
give him life, and make him
blessed upon the earth; and
deliver him not up to the
will of his enemies.
V. Let us pray for our benefac
R. Vouchsafe, O Lord, for Thy
names sake, to reward with
eternal life all those who do
us good. Amen.
V. Let us pray for the faithful



R. Requiem asternam dona

eis, D omi ne , + et lux
perpetua luceat eis.
V. Requiescant in pace.
R. Amen.
V. Pro fratribus nostris ab
R. Salvos fac servos tuos, +
Deus meus, sperantes in
V. Mitte eis, D6mine, auxi
lium de sancto.
R. Et de Sion tuere eos.
V. D6mine, exaudi oratio
nem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te ve
V. D6minus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.

R. And let my cry come unto

V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.

EUS, cui pr6prium est
misereri semper et par
cere: suscipe deprecati6nem
nostram; ut nos et omnes
famulos tuos quos delict6rum catena constringit, mi
seratio tua: pietatis clementer

Let us pray
GOD, whose property is
always to have mercy and
to spare, receive our petition;
that we and all Thy servants
who are bound by the chains of
sins, may by the compassion of
Thy goodness mercifully be ab

R. Eternal rest grant unto them,

O Lord, and let perpetual
light shine upon them.
V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.
V. For our absent brethren.
R. Save Thy servants, who hope
in Thee, O my God.
V. Send them help, from the
holy place.
R. And from Sion protect them.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.

quassumus, Do
RACIOUSLY hear, we be
mine, supplicum preces, G seech Thee, O Lord, the

et confitentium tibi parce

peccatis: ut pariter nobis in
dulgentiam tribuas benignus,
et pacem.

prayers of Thy suppliants, and

pardon the sins of them that
confess to Thee; that in Thy
bounty Thou mayest grant us
both pardon and peace.

TNEFFABILEM nobis, D6mine, misericordiam tuam

clementer ostende: ut simul
nos a peccatis 6mnibus exuas,
et a poenis, quas pro his
meremur, eripias.

LORD, in Thy clemency,

show unto us Thine in
effable mercy; that Thou may
est both loose us from all our
sins and deliver us from the
punishments which we deserve
for them.



EUS, qui culpa offende

GOD, who by sin art of
ris, poenitentia placaris: O fended and by penance
preces pdpuli tui supplicin- pacified, mercifully regard the
tis propitius fespice; et fla
gella tuae iracundiae, guae pro
peccatis nostris me remur ,

prayers of Thy people making

supplication to Thee; and turn
away the scourges of Thine an
ger, which we deserve for our

/''N M N l P O T EN S sempiterne Deus, misefere fa

mulo tuo Pontifici nostro N.,
et dirige eum secundum tuam
clementiam in viam salutis
aeternae: ut, te donante, tibi
placita cupiat, et tota vir
tute perficiat.

LMIGHTY, everlasting God,

k have mercy upon Thy serv
ant N., our Sovereign Pontiff,
and direct him according to Thy
clemency in the way of ever
lasting salvation: that by Thy
grace he may both desire those
things that are pleasing to Thee,
and perform them with all his

EUS, a quo sancta deside

GOD, from whom a r e
ria, recta consilia, et ju O holy desires, right coun
sta sunt 6pera: da servis tuis sels and just works, give to Thy
illam quam mundus dare
non potest pacem: ut et corda
nostra manditis tuis dedita,
et h6stium sublita formidine,
tempora sint, tua protectione,

servants that peace which the

world cannot give; that our
hearts may be devoted to the
keeping of Thy commandments,
and, the fear of enemies being
removed, the times by Thy pro
tection may be peaceful.

RE igne Sancti Spiritus NFLAME, O Lord, our reins

renes nostros et cor no I and hearts with the fire of
strum, D6mine: ut tibi casto the Holy Ghost: that we may
c6rpore serviimus, et mundo serve Thee with a chaste body,
corde placeamus.
and please Thee with a clean
Deus, 6mnium
GOD, the Creator and Re
Cdnditor et Redemptor, O deemer of all the faithful,
animibus famulorum famu- give to the souls of Thy serv
larumque tuirum remissio ants departed the remission of
nem cunct6rum tribue pecca- adl their sins; that, through
tdrum: ut ind ul ge nt i a m. pious supplications, they may



quam semper optaverunt, piis obtain the pardon which they

supplicationibus consequan have always desired.
REVENT, we beseech Thee,
nostras, quaeACTIONES
sumus, Domine, aspi P O
Lord, our actions by Thy
rando praeveni, et adjuvando
prosequere: ut cuncta nostra
oratio et operatio a te sem
per incipiat, et per te coepta

holy inspirations, and carry them

on by Thy gracious assistance;
that every prayer and work of
ours may always begin from
Thee, and through Thee be hap
pily ended.


LMIGHTY and everlasting

terne Deus, qui viv6rum A God, who hast dominion
dominaris simul et mortuO- over the living and the dead,
m n ipo ten s

rum, omniumque misereris

quos tuos fide et Opere fu
turos esse praenoscis: te sup
plices exoramus; ut pro qui
bus effundere preces decrevi
mus, quosque vel praesens
saeculum adhuc in carne re
tinet vel futurum jam exutos
c6rpore suscepit, intercedenti
bus Omnibus sanctis tuis,
pietatis tuae clementia Om
nium delictorum suOrum ve
niam consequantur. Per D6minum.

and art merciful to all who

T h ou f o r ek n o we s t shall be
Thine by faith and good works:
we humbly beseech Thee that
they for whom we intend to
pour forth our prayers, whether
this present world still detain
them in the flesh, or the world
to come hath already received
them out of their bodies, may,
through the intercession of all
Thy saints, by the clemency of
Thy goodness, obtain the remis
sion .of all their sins. Through
our Lord.

V. DOminus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
V. Exaudiat nos omnipotens
et misericors DOminus.
R. Amen.
V. Et fidelium animae per
misericOrdiam D ei r e
quiescant in pace.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.
V. May the almighty and merci
ful Lord graciously hear us.
R. Amen.
V. And may the souls of the
faithful departed, t h r o u g h
the mercy of God, rest in
R. Amen.

R. Amen.



Holy Name of Je s u s ............................................... 16
Bl. Bentivolius of Boni and Bl. Gerard Cagnoli. . 18
Bl. Angela of F olig n o ........................................... 19
Bl. Odoric, Bl. Roger and Bl. G ile s ....................
Sts. Berard, Peter, Accursius, Adjutus and Otto. . 20
Bl. Thomas, Bl. Charles and Bl. Bernard ..........
Espousals of the Blessed Virgin M a ry ................
St. Hyacintha of Mariscotti ................................... 29
Bl. Louise and Bl. P a u la ....................................... 30
Bl. Eustochium and Bl. Veridiana ......................
Bl. Matthew of Girgenti .......................................
St. Joseph of Leonissa ...........................................
St. Peter Baptist and Companions ......................
Bl. Rizzerius, Bl. Giles Mary and Bl. Anthony ..
Bl. John of T rio ra .................................................
Bl. Jane of Valois .................................................
Bl. Andrew of Segni .............................................
Translation of the Body of St. Anthony of Padua
Bl. Philippa Mareri ...............................................
Bl. Luke Belludi ...................................................
St. Conrad ...............................................................
Bl. Peter of T re ja ...................................................
St. Margaret of C ortona.........................................
25 (Leap Year 26) Bl. Sebastian ..................................
26 (Leap Year 27) Bl. Isabella ....................................
28 (Leap Year 29) Bl. Antonia of Florence ..............




Mysteries of the Way of the C ro ss......................
Bl. Agnes of P rag u e...............................................
St. John Jo sep h .......................................................
St. Colette ...............................................................
St. Catherine of B ologna.......................................
Bl. John Baptist and Bl. Christopher..................
Bl. Agnellus ...........................................................
Translation of the Body of St. Bonaventure . . . .
St. Salvator of H o rta .......................... ....................
Bl. John, Bl. Mark and Bl. H ippolyte................
St. Benvenute .........................................................
Bl. Didacus Joseph ...............................................
St. John Capistrano.................................................
Bl. Jane Mary .........................................................
St. Peter Regalatus .................................................


Bl. Leopold .............................................................
Bl. Gandulph and Bl. John of P in n a ..................
St. Benedict the Moor ...........................................
Bl. Mary Crescentia.................................................
Bl. William ...........................................................
Bl. Julian ...............................................................
Bl. Thomas .............................................................
Bl. Mark Fantuzzi ...................................................
Bl. Angelus .............................................................
Commemoration of Our Holy Father St. Francis
St. Benedict Joseph L a b re .....................................
St. Bernadette .........................................................
Bl. Andrew of H ibernon.......................................
Bl. Conrad of Ascoli .............................................
St. Conrad of Parzham ...........................................
Bl. Francis of F abriano.........................................
Bl. Giles of Assisi .................................................
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen.....................................
Bl. Luchesius ...................................................
St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo ..........................






Bl. Benedict, Bl. Julian and Bl. Ja m e s..............

Bl. Petronilla .........................................................
St. Paschal Baylon .................................................
St. Felix .................................................................
Sts. Theophilus and Ivo .......................................
St. Bernardine of Siena .........................................
Bl. Ladislaus, Bl. Crispin and Bl. W a ld o ..........
Bl. John Forest, Bl. Godfrey Jones and Bl.
Joachim .......... _...................................................
Bl. Bartholomew, Bl. Benvenute and Bl. Gerard
Bl. John of Prado, Bl. John of Cetina and Bl.
Peter .....................................................................
Dedication of the Patriarchal Basilica of our
Seraphic Father St. Francis ...............................
Bl. Mary Anne .......................................................
Bl. Stephen and Bl. Raymond ..............................
St. Ferdinand .........................................................
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mediatrix ..........................


St. Angela Merici .................................................

Bl. Herculan, Bl. Felix and Bl. J o h n ..................
Bl. Andrew of H yspello.........................................
Bl. Humiliana .........................................................
Bl. Baptista Varani .................................................
Bl. Pacificus and Bl. Lawrence ............................
St. Anthony of Padua ...........................................
Bl. Jolenta ...............................................................
Bl. Guy ...................................................................
Bl. Michelina .........................................................
Octave of the Feast of St. A nthony....................
Bl. Joseph Cafasso ...............................................
Bl. Benvenute of G ubbio.......................................


Bl. Raymond Lull ...................................................
St. Elizabeth of Portugal .......................................
St. Nicholas and Companions ..............................






Bl. Emmanuel and Companions .......................... 147
St. Veronica Giuliani ............................................. 151
St. Francis S olanus................................................. 152
St. Bonaventure ..................................................... 155
Feast of the Most Holy Sepulchre of our Lord .. 159
Commemoration of the Canonization of Our Holy
Father St. Francis ............................................... 164
Bl. Angelina ........................................................... 164
St. Lawrence of Brindisi ...................................... - 169
Bl. Cunegundis ....................................................... 173
Bl. Mary Magdalen Martinengo ........................... 173
Bl. Simon, Bl. Peter and Bl. Archangel ............. 174

St. Mary of the Angels (Portiuncula) ................ .175
St. Dominic ............................................................180
Bl. Agathangelus and Bl. C assian........................ .185
St. John Mary V ianney..........................................187
Bl. Louise of Savoy ............
Vigil of St. Clare ....................................................192
St. Clare of Assisi
Bl. John of Alverna, Bl. Vincent and Bl. Novcllonus ................................................................198
Bl. Sanctis and Bl. Francis
St. Roch
Bl. Beatrice of Silva and Bl. P a u la
St. Louis of Toulouse
Octave Day of St. Clare of A ssisi........................204
Feast of the Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin . . . 205
St. Louis of F rance
Bl. Timothy and Bl. B ernard
Bl. John of Perugia and Bl. Peter of Sassoferrato
Octave Day of St. L o u is.......................................
Bl. John Francis, Bl. Apollinaris and Bl. Severin
St. Rose of Viterbo ...............................................




SEPTEMBER (Continued)


Bl. Gentle ...............................................................

Bl. Liberatus and Bl. Peregrinus .........................
Bl. Seraphina .........................................................
Bl. Apollinaris and Companions..........................
Bl. Bonaventure of Barcelona..............................
Bl. Francis of Calderola..........................................
The Stigmata of Our Holy Father St. Francis . . .
St. Joseph of Cupertino.........................................
Finding of the Body of St. C lare...........................
St. Pacificus .............................................................
Bl. Francis Mary of Camporosso ........................
Bl. Lucy .................................................................
St. Elzear ...............................................................
Bl. Bernardine of Feltre ......................................


Bl. John of Dukla and Bl. Nicholas of ForcaP ale n a....................................................................247
Vigil of Our Holy Father St. Francis ................ ..247
Transference of the Body of St. C la re ................ ..251
Solemnity of Our Holy Father St. F rancis.......... ..252
Bl. Felix Meda .........................................................260
St. Mary Frances .......................................................261
St. Bridget ...............................................................262
St. Daniel and Companions ...................................263
Maternity of the Blessed Virgin M a ry ................ .266
Octave Day of Our Holy Father St. Francis . 266
St. Seraphin ........................................................... .267
St. Peter of Alcantara ............................................267
Bl. James of Strepa ................................................271
Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church . .. 272
Bl. Josephine Leroux ............................................273
Bl. Balthassar of C hiavari......................................274
Bl. Bonaventure of Potenza.................................. .275
Octave Day of Dedication of the Church .......... .276
Bl. Angelus of Acri ................................................276
Bl. Christopher of Romandiola and Bl. Thomas
of Florence ..........................................................277




Bl. R ayner.............................. ................................

St. Charles Borrom eo.............................................
Feast of the Holy R elics.........................................
Bl. Margaret of Lorraine.......................................
Bl. Helen Enselmina...............................................
Bl. Gabriel Ferretti and Bl. John of P eac e........
St. Didacus .............................................................
St. Agnes of Assisi .................................................
Bl. Salome and Bl. Jane of Signa ......................
St. Elizabeth of Hungary .....................................
St. Leonard of Port M aurice.................................
Octave Day of St. Elizabeth of H ungary..............
Bl. Bernardine of Fossa and Bl. Humble of
Bisignano ...........................................................
St. James of the March .........................................
All the Saints of the Seraphic O rd e r ..................



Bl. Anthony Bonfadini .........................................
Commemoration of All the Dead of the Seraphic
Order .......................................................................
Bl. Nicholas ...........................................................
The Immaculate Conception .................................
Bl. Elizabeth Bona and Bl. Delphina ................
Bl. Peter of Siena .................................................
Bl. H ugoline........................ ..................................
The Finding of the Body of Our Holy Father
St. Francis ...........................................................
Bl. Conrad of Offida and Bl. B arthold..............
Bl. Nicholas Factor ...............................................
Bl. Margaret of Colonna and Bl. M a tth ia..........




Accursius, St......................................
Adjutus, St..........................................
Agathangelus, Bl...............................
Agnellus of Pisa, Bl.........................
Agnes of Assisi, St............................
Agnes of Prague, Bl.........................
All Saints of the Three Orders . . .
. . . December
All Souls of the Three Orders
Andrew of Hibernon, Bl..................
Andrew of Segni, Bl........................
Andrew of Hyspello, Bl..................
Angela Merici, St..............................
Angela of Foligno, Bl.......................
Angelina of Marsciano, Bl............... .. . July
Angelus of Chivasso, Bl...................
Angelus of Acri, Bl..........................
Anthony Bonfadini, Bl.................... . . . December
Anthony of Padua, St.......................
Anthony of Padua, Octave of St. . .
Anthony, Translation of the
Body of St......................................
Anthony of Stroncone, Bl................
Antonia of Florence, Bl..................
Apollinaris and Companions, Bl. . .
Apollinaris Morel, Bl.......................
Archangel of Calatafimi, Bl............ .. . July
Balthassar of Chiavari, Bl................ .. . October
Baptista Varani, Bl..........................
Barthold, Bl.......................................
Bartholomew Pucci, Bl....................
Beatrice of Silva, Bl........................
Benedict Joseph Labre, St................









Benedict of Urbino, Bl......................
Benedict the Moor, St........................
Benvenute, St.......................................
Benvenute of Gubbio, Bl..................
Benvenute of Recanati, Bl...................
Bentivolius of Boni, Bl......................
Bernadette, St...................................... . . April
Berard and Companions, St.................
Bernard of Corleone, Bl......................
Bernard of Offida, Bl........................... . August
Bernardine of Feltre, Bl....................... . September
Bernardine of Fossa, Bl....................... . November
Bernardine of Siena, St........................ . May
Bonaventure, St..................................... July
Bonaventure, Octave of St................... July
Bonaventure, Translation of the
Body of St........................................
Bonaventure of Barcelona, Bl.............. . September
Bonaventure of Potenza, Bl................
Bridget of Sweden, St........................... . October






Cassian, Bl............................................. . August

Catharine of Bologna, St...................... . March
Charles Borromeo, St............................ . November 4
Charles of Sezza, Bl.............................. . January
Christopher, Bl...................................... . March
Christopher of Romandiola, Bl........... . October 31
Clare of Assisi, St................................ . August
Clare of Assisi, Octave of St............... . August
Clare, Finding of the Body of St.
. September 23
Clare, Transference of the Body of St.. . October
Clare, Vigil of St.................................. . August
Colette, St.............................................. . March
Conrad of Ascoli, Bl............................ . April
Conrad of Offida, Bl............................ . December 14
Conrad of Parzham, St........................ . April
Conrad of Piacenza, St.......................... . February 19
Crispin of Viterbo, Bl.......................... . May
Cunegundis, Bl...................................... . July





. October



. October



. October



. May
. December
. November
. March
. August



Elizabeth of Hungary, St.................... . November

Elizabeth of Hungary, Octave of St.. . . November
Elizabeth of Portugal, St...................... July
Elizabeth Bona, Bl................................ . December
Elzear, St................................................ . September
Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions, Bl.. July
Eustochium, Bl...................................... . February



Felix Meda, Bl...................................... . October

Felix of Cantalice, St............................ . May
Felix of Nicosa, Bl................................ . June
Ferdinand, King, St.............................. . May
Fidelis of Sigmaringer, St.................... . April
Francis, Our Holy Father, St............... . October
Francis, Finding of the Body of St. . . December 12
Francis, Canonization of our
Holy Father, St................................ July
Francis, Octave Day of St.................... . October 11
Francis, Imprinting of the Stigmata
of Our Holy Father, St.................... . September 17
Francis, Solemn Commemoration of
Our Holy Father, St........................ . April
Francis, Vigil of Our Holy Father, St.. . October
Francis Mary, Bl.................................... . September 25
Francis of Calderola, Bl.................... . September 13
Francis of Fabriano. Bl........................


Daniel and Companions, St................
Dedication of the Church,
Anniversary of .................................
Dedication of the Church,
Octave Day o f .................................
Dedication of Patriarchal Basilica
at Assisi ..........................................
Delphina, Bl..........................................
Didacus, St............................................
Didacus Joseph, Bl................................
Dominic, St............................................



Francis of Pesaro, Bl..............................August
Francis Solanus, St.................................. July
Gabriel Ferretti, Bl................................ November
Gandulph, Bl...........................................April
Gentle, Bl................................................ September
Gerard Cagnoli, Bl..................................January
Gerard of Villamagna, Bl......................May
Giles Mary, Bl......................................... February
Giles of Assisi, Bl................................... April
Giles of Lorenzana, Bl............................January
Godfrey Jones, Bl....................................May
Guy, Bl.................................................... June


Helen Enselmina, Bl.............................. November

Herculan, Bl............................................ June
Hippolyte, Bl.......................................... March
Hugoline, Bl............................................ December
Humble of Bisignano, Bl...................... November
Humiliana, Bl.......................................... June
Hyacintha of Mariscotti, St....................January


Isabella, Bl............................................. . February 26

Ivo, St.......................................................May
James, Bl.................................................. May
James of Strepa, Bl................................ October
James of the March, St..........................November
Jane Mary of Maille, Bl........................March
Jane of Signa, Bl....................................November
Jane of Valois, Bl.................................. February
Joachim, Bl.............................................. May
John of Alverna, Bl................................August
John Baptist, Bl...................................... March
John Capistrano, St................................ March
John Forest, Bl........................................May
John Francis, Bl...................................... September
John Joseph, St...................................... March
John Mary Vianney, St..........................August
John of Cetina, Bl..................................May
John of Dukla, Bl.................................. October
John of Parma, Bl..................................March






Peace, Bl................................
Perugia, Bl............................
Pinna, Bl..............................
Prado, Bl..............................

John Pelingotto, Bl............................

Jolenta, Bl...........................................
Joseph Benedict Cottolengo, St......... . . April


Joseph of Cupertino, St...................... . . September 18

Joseph of Leonissa, St.........................
Josephine Leroux, Bl..........................
Julian, Bl............................................. . . April
Julian of Valle, Bl..............................
Ladislaus of Gielniow, Bl.................. . . May
Lawrence of Brindisi, St.................... . . July
Lawrence of Villamagna, Bl.............. . . June
Leonard of Port Maurice, St.............. . . November
Leopold, Bl..........................................
Liberatus, Bl................ ....................
Louis, King, St.................................... . . August
Louis, King, Octave of St.................. . . September
Louis of Toulouse, St......................... . . August
Louise, Bl............................................ . . January
Louise of Savoy, Bl............................ . . August
Luchesius, Bl....................................... . . April
Lucy, Bl................................................ . . September
Luke Belludi, Bl.................................. . February
Margaret of Colonna, Bl.................... . . December
Margaret of Cortona, St...................... . . February
Margaret of Lorraine, Bl................... .. November
Mark, Bl................................................. . April
Mark of Montegallo, Bl....................... . . March
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Espousals of . , . January
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Immaculate
Conception of ................................ . December
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Maternity of ., . October











Mary, Blessed Virgin, Mediatrix
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Seven Joys of . . August
Mary Anne, Bl......................................
Mary Crescentia, Bl...............................
Mary Frances, St....................................
Mary Magdalen Martinengo, Bl......... July
Matthew of Girgenti, Bl....................... . February
Matthia, Bl............................................ . December
Michelina, Bl........................................ . June
Mysteries of the Way of the Cross .. . March
Name, Feast of the Holy ..................
Nicholas and Companions, St.............
Nicholas Factor, Bl..............................
Nicholas of Forca-Palena, Bl...............
Nicholas Tavilei, Bl..............................
Novellonus, Bl......................................


. January
. December 23
. October
. December 5


Odoric, Bl..............................................
Otto, St..................................................
Our Lady of Mount Carm el................ July
Pacificus of Arano, Bl..........................
Paschal Baylon, St................................
Paula, Bl................................................
Paula Montaldi, Bl................................
Peregrinus, Bl........................................
Peter, St..................................................
Peter Baptist and Companions, St.
Peter of Alcantara, St...........................
Peter of Duenas, Bl..............................
Peter of Mogliano, Bl..........................
Peter of Sassoferrato, Bl......................
Peter of Siena, Bl..................................
Peter of Treja, Bl..................................
Peter Regalatus, St................................
Petronilla, Bl.........................................
Philippa Mareri, Bl..............................
Portiuncula, Feast o f ..........................




. September 24
. June
. May
. August
. September 6
. January
. February 5
. October 19
. May
. September 1
. December 10
. February 20
. March
. May
. February 16
. August




Raymond, Bl..................................
Raymond Lull, Bl.......................... ........ July
Rayner, Bl......................................
Relics, Feast of the H o ly ............ ........ November 5
Rizzerius, Bl..................................
Roch, St..........................................
Roger, Bl........................................
Rose of Viterbo, St.......................
Salome, Bl......................................
Salvator of Horta, St....................
Sanctis, Bl......................................
Sebastian, Bl.............................
Sepulchre, Feast of the Holy ....
Seraphin, St....................................
Seraphina, Bl.................................
Severin, Bl.....................................
Simon of Lypnicza, Bl................
Stephen, Bl..............................

........ November 17
........ March
........ July
........ September 9
........ September 2
....... July


Theophilus, St..........................
Thomas, Bl....................................
Thomas of Florence, Bl............... .......October
Thomas of Tolentino, Bl............ ........April
Timothy, Bl.............................



Veridiana, Bl........................... ....... February

Veronica Giuliani, St................ .......July
Vincent, Bl.............................. ....... August



Waldo, Bl................................
William of Scicli, Bl................



Common of the Saints ..............................

Litany of the Saints of the Seraphic Order


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