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EED 222 IEP Activity Description

Complete Parts 1 and 2.

Part 1: Identify and Summarize Components of an IEP. Utilize the IEP provided with this assignment. Review the document
and record the answers to the following:
10 Points
1. Childs Name Patti Preschooler
2. What is the childs special education primary category? Developmental Delay
3. What is the duration of the IEP? List the dates 6/12/2012 6/11/2013
4. List the special education services this child receives as stated on the Services and Environment Page, Form I
Need - Socialization
Special Ed. Serv.

Instructional Setting
Special Ed. Classroom

Start Date

1200 min. per month

Duration/End Date
Spec. Ed. Teacher 6/11/13

Instructional Setting
Spec. Ed. Classroom

Start Date

2x Daily
180 minutes per month


Duration/End Date

Instructional Setting
Special Ed. Classroom

Start Date

80 minutes per month


Duration/End Date

Need Articulation and Receptive Language

Spec. Ed. Serv.
Spec. Ed. Transp.
Need Fine Motor
Spec. Ed Serv.
Occup. Therapy

Need - Supplementary Aids/Assistive Technology and Services for Student Supports for School Personnel
Spec. Ed Serv.
Instructional Setting
Consult Classroom Special Ed. Classroom

Start Date

30 min. monthly


Duration/End Date

Consult Classroom Special Ed. Classroom


30 min. monthly



Least Restrictive Environment

Patti will participate in an inclusive classroom setting.
Consider Potential Harmful Effects
Dependency on small group instruction evaluated and determined the benefits of this educational setting outweigh the potential
harmful effects.
Instructional Setting
Special Education Transportation
The student has significate health related needs in the areas of: need for additional supervision in an unstructured environment.
Vehicle Adaptation in the areas of: Other: Booster seat
5. Briefly describe the childs Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance. Include what the child can
and cannot do.
Present Levels of Academic Achievement:

Enjoys books
Likes to listen to stories and identify objects in pictures
Beginning to identify letters, especially anything that starts with the letter P
Holds book correctly and turn pages without tearing them
Likes to pretend to tell the story based on the pictures
Is working on being able to answer wh questions pertaining to a story or event that has happened
Needs to be provided with visual and verbal cues to answer wh questions related to a story or event



Able to hold a writing instrument with a modified grasp

Uses four finger instead of three in a tripod grasp
Able to make some pre writing strokes such as a vertical and horizontal line when given a model
Working on prewriting strokes such as a cross and a closed circle
Working on using scissors in the correct manner, thumb up


Able to role count to 10 and use meaningful counting to 3

Is able to sort objects by color
Can identify basis colors and shapes
Demonstrates spatial concepts over, under, and behind

Parents Input on Academic Achievement


Likes to go grocery shopping

Identifies favorite foods such as cereal
Likes to count out fruits and vegetables in the produce department
Identifies the first letter of her name
Thinks everything with the letter P is her name

Functional Performance:
Social Emotional and Behavior

Is social around her family members and likes to please them

Has difficulty when peers try to interact with her and moves to another area
Has had limited exposure to peers
Sometimes becomes aggressive, but can keep herself under control

Physical Development

Can run, jump, hop, and walk up and down stairs with alternating feet
Can climb on playground equipment
Run around obstacles and turn corners
Can throw and catch a ball

Occupational Therapy Notes on Fine Motor Skills

1) Uses immature grasp holding writing instruments

2) Able to snip with scissors, often holds scissors upside down and has difficulty holding the paper with the other hand
Speech/Language Notes on Receptive Language and Articulation

Able to point to named pictures

Identify simple body parts
Point to objects when given their function
Difficulty following two step directions without significant accommodations
Has a difficult time with the sounds /f/, /k/, and /g/ so her phonetic inventory is restricted for the presence of age-appropriate
phonemes in the initial, medial, and final positions of words at this time

Parents Input


Is a happy child who likes to please

Likes to help with chores
Likes to play outside
Wants to interact with peers but doesnt know how
When playing with another child she stays for a minute than moves away
Working on dressing independently

List at least 2 goals written for this child.

1) Socialization: To meet the goal, when a peer initiates an interaction with Patti she will remain with the peer for a minimum of
five minutes with minimal adult assistance three out of four opportunities per week consistently over six consecutive weeks.
Progress will be measure by staff observation. Data will be collected weekly and data will be kept on a tally sheet or in an
anecdotal notation format.
2) Fine Motor; to meet the goal, Patti will independently use scissors to cut across a 6 piece of sturdy paper, such as card
stock, using spring loaded scissors independently a minimum of one time per week. Progress will be measured by staff
observation and work samples. Data will be collected weekly. Data will be kept in a portfolio.


What accommodations does the child need when in the general education classroom, Accommodations Page, Form E?
1) Provide Patti with visual and verbal cues when answering wh questions during all subjects in both class

2) Allow Patti to use spring loaded scissors and cut on heavy stock paper during all subjects in both class
3) Provide Patti with small groups of children, no more than 2 or 3, to interact with during centers or outdoor play during all
subjects in both class work/assignments/assessments.

Part 2: Planning Intervention Based on Goals and Objectives. Use the Intervention Plan form and submit it along with the
above Part 1.
10 points
1. Choose 2 goals targeted in the IEP and record them in their entirety on the Intervention Plan form. You may use the
two you identified in Part 1.
2. Develop and record specific activities that will provide the child the opportunity to practice these skills.
3. Record any specific materials you would need or any changes to the environment that may be needed. This could
include special seating, allowing more time for the child to complete the activity, assistive technology or
communication devices (pictures, switches, voice output tools.)
4. Record how you will monitor and assess progress. How will you know when the child has mastered this skill? How
will you record the data? Checklists and photos can be used; however, there are many ways to track progress. Be
creative! Remember to utilize your text as well as supplemental materials provided on Blackboard.

Use the Intervention Plan Form on the next page. Scroll down.

Activity Based Lessons

Child Name: Patti Preschooler

IEP Goal

Teacher: Patty Sankovich

Activities Planned

Materials and/or Needed

Changes to the Environment

Date: 11/30/2014
Monitoring Progress
(how will you document the childs

Socialization; to meet the Activity 1: During center time

I wouldnt need to change the To document Pattis progress I will
goal, when a peer initiates when Patti is playing on her own
environment or routine and thereinitially be involved to encourage the
an interaction with Patti
and approached by another child to wouldnt be a need for any
additional minutes required for the
she will remain with the
play. I will observe the interaction additional materials to
interaction. I will make note of the
peer for a minimum of five and initially encourage Patti to show strengthen the socialization
time she is approached by another
minutes with minimal adult the other child what she has been skills.
child and continue to monitor how the
assistance three out of
working on or playing with to
time increases per interaction. I will
four opportunities per
encourage her to stay interacted
use a weekly data tally sheet to
week consistently over six with the other child.
record the number of interactions
consecutive weeks.
Activity 2: During outside play
Patti has and how that number
Progress will be measured time when Patti is playing on her
increases over time. At the end of
by staff observation. Data own and approached by another
the week I will complete a weekly
will be collected weekly
child to play. I will observe the
tally to allow documentation on how

and will be kept on a tally interaction and initially encourage

sheet or in an anecdotal Patti to show the other child how
notation format.
she can hang from the monkey bars
which will promote staying
interacted with the other child.
Activity 3: Since Patti likes to
assist in doing household chores, I
could ask Patti and another child to
help me hand out our math
manipulatives. I would be able to
walk away and appear to be busy
doing something else while
observing the two children
interacting. This activity will take
Pattis focus away from the fact that
shes doing something one on one
with another child and allow her to
become more comfortable with that
Fine Motor; to meet the Activity 1: When we are focusing
goal, Patti will
on our letter of the week. I will give
independently use
Patti special spring loaded scissors
scissors to cut across a 6 to cut across a 6piece of card
piece of sturdy paper, such stock. At a later time, I will have
as card stock, using spring Patti cut the 6 piece of card stock
loaded scissors
across again about 1 away from
independently a minimum the initial cut. The next time we cut
of one time per week.
I will encourage Patti to cut the 1
Progress will be measured strip into small squares so that we
by staff observation and can glue them to an outline of our
work samples. Data will letter of the week. With doing the
be collected weekly. Data activity at different times during the
will be kept in a portfolio. week it will allow Patti to gain
confidence in her cutting skills,
while we are meeting our weekly
goals and not singling her out from

we are reaching our weekly goals.

Next, I will compile the daily and
weekly tally sheets to be sure we are
meeting our six consecutive weekly
goals. Additionally, I will take pictures
to share both with
Patti and her family to document the
progress she is making in
overcoming her socialization

Special Materials: Patti will

Monitoring Progress: To monitor
need spring loaded scissors and Pattis progress I will keep examples
instead of construction paper, I of her work in a portfolio. It will be
will provide her with card stock. evident that she is making progress
If the other children notice she in the cutting examples provided
has different paper, I will change weekly. Additionally, I will take
it up for them too, so that she
pictures showing Patti as she is using
doesnt feel as though she is
her fine motor skills to master the
doing things differently than her card stock cutting. Not only will this
peers. This is an activity that I provide documentation that Patti is
love to do. I change it up with doing the work, but it will also help
different colors of paper and of build her self- confidence.
course, the letter of the week is
different, so the children dont
become bored with the activity.
In addition to the fine motor skill
used to cut, Patti will also be

the children with our letter of the

week activity.

handling small pieces of paper,

aligning them on a letter outline.
Additionally, she will be
working with a glue stick to
apply the small pieces of paper
to the letter. The whole process
will strengthen Pattis fine motor

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