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Single Song

Julien Martinoia
If I'd kept
These feelings in me one more day
It would have
Ended by killing me some way
I only needed to express
That painful devouring distress
You will not hear about it
Don't worry, you've made yourself clear
I needed to find an exit...
So I wrote
This single song
Every note's a tear
Every chord's a grief
That I felt
It's my outlet
And this heart-rending
Melody's crying
Thus I face
This loneliness
You've laid me down
You couldn't
Care less about what I suffered
That's enough
I won't remain silent longer
Though I have not your approval
I'll come alive again through all
Thanks to verses and some rhymes
I portray the aches of my mind
Let the music imbue my shouts
So I wrote
This single song
Every note's a tear
Every chord's a grief
The whole stave
Is made of wails
And this heart-rending
Melody's crying
Thus I face
This loneliness
Every note's a tear
Every chord's a grief
That I felt
It's my outlet
And this heart-rending
Melody's crying
Thus I face
This loneliness
You've laid me down
Gnero da msica

Esta msica pertence a quais gneros? Insira ou exclua abaixo aqueles que representa
m melhor esta verso. Voc pode relacionar at 6 gneros a uma msica.
Escolha tambm entre os gneros sugeridos:
Hip Hop pera Japo Country Blues Gacha Pop Romntico
Veja mais
Julien Martinoia
Julien Martinoia
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