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Ahmed 1

Selman Ahmed
POLS: 1100
Date: 03/27/15
Analyze Paper
I believe that everyone have their own opinions when it comes to political issues that are
going on now. For example, a son would not agree with his fathers thoughts on political issues.
He would have his own, however he would not disagree when it comes to following rules in a
fathers house. In this case, father is a leader of a family, so a son has to follow what father says.
For instance, a son could not come home later than what father says, if he breaks that rule there
would be punishments. This would be a little family political issue. In this paper I am going to
address the political awareness of students and their positions on various current issues.
It shows that all of students know a current president of the United States, and also most
of them know a recent Vice President of the United States. However, only some of them know
Utahs U.S Senators, Utahs the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Governor of Utah. I
think it is disappointing not knowing your own states people that work in governments place. It
is very great to know who are leading your states and knowing what they are doing for your state
to make a better place.
Moreover, most of students agreed when it was said that the United States government
should promote additional tax cuts to stimulate the economy. I also support that, because I think
cutting tax would develop the economy. Students want the idea of that the United States should
implement a more restrictive immigration policy. I think the reason they want that is because
they do not want undocumented immigrants in the country. Multiple of students disagree on the
notion of United States relaxing 1st Amendment rights to fight terrorism. They highly agree on

Ahmed 2

citizens having right to keep and bear arms. 63% of students agree on perception of the federal
government and states should be recognizing the same sex marriages.
Furthermore, most of students want the United States to implement stricter rules dealing
with emissions to reduce global warming if rules reduce economic productivity which will help a
county to be a better place. Students strongly agree that physician-assisted suicide to be allowed
for terminally- ill patients if they so choose. It shows that patients have right to do with their life
whatever they want, and that is freedom. Students want the United States to implement a system
of universal health care for all citizens. That would be great, it would help many citizens to have
opportunity to go to the right hospital in the nations. Students like to see the United States to take
a stronger military stance towards Russia, Iran, North Korea, and terrorists. Many students
disagree on the idea the United States to be conducting surveillance on its citizens through NSA.
In my opinion, the students in my class are liberal in their political views, because from
what I have seen they believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for
all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and
individual and human rights. They believe that the role of the government should be to
guarantee that no one is in need. They want to see liberal policies generally emphasize the need
for the government to solve problems. They are more quite involved, and open to change.
However, there are also some students in my class who are conservative in their political
views, because they believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets,
individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. They believe the
role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.

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Well at the end, we all want the same things in life; we all want freedom. We all want the
opportunity for prosperities, and as few people suffering as possible. That will make us to live in
harmony and dignity.

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