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Welcome to Spanish I Fall/Spring 2015/16

Maestra Santucci, Room 123
Email: chsantucci@escuela.edu
Class Website: espaolesdivertido.com
Telephone: (415) 610-1972
Ext. 111
Course Description
Welcome to Spanish I! In this course, our goal will be to acquire Spanish language. Acquiring a
language is very different than learning a language. Acquiring is something that happens to you
instead of something that you make happen. When you learned how to speak your first language, you
acquired it naturally by listening to other people speak it around you for a long time. Though learning
through studying will also take place, almost all of our class time will be spent using Spanish--not using
English to talk about Spanish, to give you more opportunities to acquire language the natural way.
You can expect to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in order to communicate in
Spanish. Throughout the course you will be introduced to different forms of Hispanic culture, from
everyday life to art, history, and literature.
Course Objectives: Novice Level Expected Outcomes

By the end of the year you will be able to:


Understand words and short phrases

Recognize the difference between basic formal and informal language
Understand verbal tasks and complete them
Hear and identify the main idea and some detail of short stories.


Request repetition of spoken language as necessary

Express common courtesies
Express basic likes and dislikes
Describe familiar images using practiced vocabulary/structure
Ask and answer questions using simple words or phrases
Retell a simple story
Read orally beginning level texts with reasonably accurate pronunciation
Engage in simple conversation

Recognize the alphabet
Use contextual clues to help understand unfamiliar print words and phrases

Use visual clues, cognates, and borrowed words to make meaning of unfamiliar text.
Describe familiar images
Describe basic needs and feelings
Describe likes and dislikes
Ask and answer questions dealing with practiced topics
Produce topical lists, memorized phrases, and strings of short sentences.
Common Core Standards
Interpersonal Communication
o Learner will engage in conversation and exchange information and opinions orally and in writing
Interpretive Communication
o Learner will understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics
Presentation Communication
o Learner will present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners in the target language
o The learner will gain knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship and perspectives of
cultures other than his/her own.
o The learner will reinforce his/her knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
o The learner will develop insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing his/her own language
and culture to others.
o The learner will use language and or demonstrate cultural knowledge and understanding beyond the school
for personal, educational, and professional growth.

Required Texts and Supplies

Provided by the school:
1. Textbook Realidades 1
2. Workbook Realidades 1

You must bring:


One three-ring binder, which will

become your graphic organizer.
One notebook for taking notes
Blue or black pens, pencils and
Optional: English/Spanish

Extra Help: I am happy to help if you feel that you need it. I am available during lunch and after
school. Please make arrangements with me or email me for an appointment. I am here to help you!
Make use of this! Make a study group!

Assignments, Tests, and Quizzes

Major assignments: You will choose 2 of the following cultural projects. The first (choice 1 or 2)

will be due no later than November 15th. The second project (choice 3 or 4) will be due by April 15th.
These projects are an opportunity for you to get creative with your bilingual and cultural awareness
process. You will notice that the cultural awareness projects (1 &2) are in English. These projects will
not only be fun, but will also get you thinking about the places where Spanish is primarily spoken and
the important people associated with Latino cultures. Projects 3 & 4 are equally creative and will
provide you with the opportunity to practice and apply the knowledge and skills you have been learning
and are necessary to communicate in Spanish. Each student must choose one in English and one in
Cultural Project Choices:
1. Travel Brochure
Individual project- English
Research a Hispanic country other than Spain or Mexico. Type a bibliography with at least 2 sources to
turn in. Use your research to create a detailed travel guide/brochure. Include information about the
weather/climate, historical sites, government, population, leisure activities, monetary system, food,
holidays, etc. Try to convince your readers to visit this country. Be sure that your brochure has pictures.
You may draw them yourself or find them on line, from magazines, or in travel agency brochures. Create a
colorful brochure promoting travel to this country.
2. Biography Research and Presentation
Individual Project- English
See me for a list of famous Latino (not American Hispanic) figures (artists, sport figures, scientists,
historical figures, etc.). Choose one of these people as the topic of your research paper. Type a well-written
2-3-page report in English (Double spaced, 1inch margins, 12 pt. Font.) Attach a bibliography with at least
3 sources, only one of which may be an encyclopedia. Give an oral presentation to the class in which you
become the person you researched. Tell us about your life. (Costumes are a nice touch, but not necessary.)
3. Skit or Puppet Show
Group project (max 4)- Spanish Only
Prepare a skit or puppet show to perform for the class en espaol. I must approve your topic in advance. It
should be approx. 10 minutes in length. You will be graded on cultural content, good pronunciation/use of
Spanish, creativity, props/costumes, and effort. Prepare a written script for your performance. You are
encouraged to see me to go over the accuracy of your script before memorizing your lines. Turn in a
participation log, in which you document the contributions of each group member. Arrange a date for your
performance with me, and turn in the typewritten script at that time.
4. Video
Group project (max 4)- Spanish Only
Prepare a video en espaol. It could be a travelogue, a restaurant scene, a skit in which there is some sort
of cultural misunderstanding, a Spanish music video, a commercial, etc. I must approve your topic in
advance. It should be approximately 3-5 minutes in length. You will be graded on cultural content, good
pronunciation/use of Spanish, creativity, and effort. Prepare a written script for your video. You are
encouraged to see me to go over the accuracy of your script before memorizing your lines and filming.
Turn in the video along with the typewritten script. I will show it in class after Ive previewed it. Turn in a
participation log, in which you document the contributions of each group member.


I have chosen project number___ and I have read all of the directions carefully.
I understand that all of the work for this project will be completed outside of class.
The due date is:____, but I may turn my project in as soon as it is ready. If a
presentation to the class is involved, I will ask my teacher for a presentation day at
least one-week in advance. I have spoken to my parents and they support my
project choice. (i.e. use of kitchen, video equipment, etc.)
Certain projects require you to work with a group. If so, please write the name of
the other group members and be prepared to assess your individual group members participation:

Your signature:
Parent signature:
Teacher signature:
Daily Assignments:
1. Do-Now Every class begins with a do now/warm up exercise-usually one that demonstrates
your understanding of the previous lesson and homework assignment and also lets me get to know
you better. When the final bell rings, you should be seated quietly, have your notebook, workbook
and book in front of you, and be working on your do-now exercise. As noted above you must
come prepared for each class session with pens and pencils. (Sharpen your pencils before class
2. Mini-lesson/Guided practice We then cover new material from the textbook or short novel.
You are graded on your active participation during the lesson. Volunteers are appreciated but cold
calling is a consistent element in the class. Remember that learning a new language takes oral
3. Independent Practice An in-class activity that demonstrates your grasp on the topic of the
day will be assigned: either as a group or independently, either in written form or as an oral
4. Transition When you hear the music, it is time to rap up. If you have questions about the
lesson or the homework assignment, come see me at this time. If you dont have questions please
turn your homework in and fill out your assessment sheet for the day (in your graphic organizer)
that lets me know what about the days lesson worked for you and what didnt. Please feel free to
bring Spanish-speaking music of your choice to share with the class for the transition portion of
the session (must be classroom appropriate subject matter and no swear words please).
Homework Assignments, Absences, & Weekly Assistants:
Homework will be assigned nearly every day and will only be accepted on the due date. If you
were absent and its excused, you have one extra day to make up work per absent day. It is the
students responsibility to contact a classmate and/or check the website highlighted above the day
you were absent to find out what material was covered in the missed class and to seek help with
missed work. It is to your ADVANTAGE to check the website, the day you were absent to see
what you need to make up and complete it. If your absence is unexcused your homework will be
accepted on the due date only. Come to class every day! Regular attendance is crucial when trying
to learn a new language and will affect your grade positively if you are in class daily with the goal
of becoming bilingual in your mind. You will also advance more quickly as a Spanish speaker.
Conversely, too many absences will make it more difficult to keep up with new material, will
affect your grade, and slow your progress down. Homework will be checked after the do-now
warm up in a call and response session and will help you exercise your Spanish understanding
and your ability to speak. Homework will be collected during transition at the end of class by a
weekly-delegated student assistant. The assistant will collect and distribute materials for the week
they have been designated to, and assistants will rotate throughout the year.
Quizzes and Tests
Quizzes will take place regularly and will be announced the day before. Tests will take place at
the end of each chapter. You will also have 1 mid-term test and 1 final test.
EXPECTATIONS Your Keys to Success!
Because I have high expectations for you, I also have high expectations for myself. I expect you
to be respectful, responsible students and I will in turn be a respectful, responsible teacher.

Student responsibilities
Speak Spanish not English
Be respectful of yourselves, your
teacher, your classmates and your
Come to class prepared with
materials needed to do work
Pay attention to teacher
Participate actively
Ask questions when you dont
Spend time reflecting on my work
at transition (the last 8 minutes of
class time) and fill out assessment
sheet in G.O.
Complete all assignments on time

Practice and re-do everything until

you understand it
Attend class everyday

Teacher responsibilities
Speak Spanish not English
Be respectful of myself, my
students, my colleagues and my
Come to class prepared with
organized lesson plans and needed
Listen to students
Check to make sure students
understand what I am teaching and
help them until they do
Spend time reviewing material in
class each day; build on information
they know

Grade and return all assignments as

they are turned in
Help you practice and redo
everything until you understand it
Attend class everyday

Class Policies
Absence Policy
Our class will spend between 4-5 hours a week acquiring language (the easy way!) If you are
absent, you must get notes and handouts from someone in class and you may have to spend a
similar amount of time at home to make up the learning that you have missed (the hard way!).
Check with me on your first day back with work you have made-up completed. Most absences
will reflect your daily participation grade on the day(s) you missed. Please refer to homework
assignments and absences above for more info.
Tardy Policy
If you are not in your chair working on your do-now at the designated class start time, you will
be counted tardy. I will close the class door when we start class. If you need to open the door to
enter the classroom you will be entered tardy, as I check attendance during the do-now. Please
refer to the school handbook for tardy policy and how many are considered a referral or detention.
Speaking Policy
If I ask a question in Spanish, you must answer in Spanish. If you MUST say something in
English, you must first ask, En ingls, por favor? I encourage you to speak often in this class,
but please raise your hand and wait to be called on before doing so.
Food and Gum Policy
You are allowed to bring to class an enclosed water bottle. There is no gum or food allowed in
class. I want to be able to understand you!
Hall Pass Policy
If you need to use the restroom, you must take the hall pass with you and return it to the hook
when you return. Only one person may use the hall pass. If you abuse your hall pass privilege (i.e:

use it excessively), it will be revoked for an unspecified amount of time. Try to use the restroom
during breaks and between classes.
Digital Citizenship Policy
1.There are no cell phones allowed in class under any circumstance. If I see one, I will send it to
the principal. When we use computers in the classroom, they will be for educational purposes
only. Your technology time will be revoked and daily participation grade compromised if you are
abusing class time to check emails or log on to any unauthorized website.
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is being honest and responsible with regard to your schoolwork. Most
basically, it means that your work is your work, and anything that you have found somewhere
else is credited to its source. Students will receive a non-negotiable 0 on any assignment in
which academic integrity has been breached.

You may not copy another students work or allow someone to copy your work
You may not use online translators to write sentences or essays
You must cite any website, book, article, etc. from which you gather information.

Hat Policy
No hats worn in the classroom
In An Emergency
We will follow school policy in regards to emergency procedure and we will be discussing
evacuation routes and other protocol in the first week of school.
If you would like to invite a family member to the class who is open to share some aspect of their
cultural heritage, or will enhance our Spanish class time in some other way, they are welcome.
Please make arrangements with me the week before.
Grading Policy
EVALUATION: Standards Based Grading
Your grade will be determined by how your performance compares to the standard expected for
each category.
You are confident and are reaching for the next level
You consistently meet the stand without help from the teacher and are ready to move on.
You can meet the standard in familiar tasks and situations.
You know what to do to meet the stand and can do some things, but need help accomplishing it.
You know what the standard is, but are confused and probably frustrated. You need some help to get started!


You grade will be broken down in the following manner:

35% Class participation: 1. You speak in Spanish 2. You come prepared and on time. 3. You give
all you do your best effort 4. You demonstrate respect to yourself, your classmates, your school
and your teacher. 5. You are engaged positively. You maintain eye contact with the teacher and
sit up straight. You do not disrupt your learning or your classmates learning. If you are absent,
your class participation grade will be determined by how well you communicate with me and get
brought up to speed during and/or after your absence.
25% Quizzes and in class assignments
25% Tests and projects- Rubricks for projects will be handed out the second week of class and
will be posted on the class website.
15% Homework All assignments are complete and on time. All of our assignments are entered on
our class website and will always be posted on the board the day before they are due. If you have
questions about this, please ask me.
Group Project Grading: If you are turning in an assignment as a group, your individual grades will
be based on the quality of work your group produced. You will, however, fill out peer
assessments for major group projects, which will affect your individual final grade. You will also
complete a team start-up checklist/participation log that I will provide for your group before
you begin, to help your group establish: 1. Who will do what 2.How you will deal with conflict
should problems arise 3. How you will organize scheduling to make sure that everyone can work
together without time constraints.
If you have run into a challenge you cannot resolve as a group, please come see me as a group, to
see how we can move forward from that point. I will also schedule a meeting with any group
member who has been unanimously assessed by their group as a poor contributor to the groups
Extra Credit: In RARE cases, I do offer extra credit assignments for missed work or failed tests. If
something is happening in your life that you feel is challenging your ability to perform at your
best, please come see me and I will try and accommodate your needs.

Remember! You must have a C or better for your final average to

be invited into Spanish 2!!!!

Finally, welcome again to Spanish. I expect that we will have a good class,
enabling us to do many fun and exciting activities as we learn about Spanish, the
people who speak it, and the countries where it is spoken.


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