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Listening Focus VI

The process

Changes to the listening lesson:

- Notes outline!

- Working individually more

- Doing some homework as preparation
- Focusing on skills
- Working on following your plans for listening. How will you prepare?
What will you do? Is it working? Etc.

1. Predicting Content
Partner discussion:
YouTube Videos

1. What did you learn about

2. What is Gross National

1. Predicting Content
What is the title?
What is the topic?

What type of listening is it?

a. What do you think you might hear?

b. Use the videos, vocabulary, and information

provided in Unit 6 to help you write notes.

2. First Listening
A. Recall your plan from the last lesson (Rock Climbing) - check
your notes if you need to!
B. Follow your plan for listening. Take notes on a separate paper.

You will turn in your notes AND the outline at the end of the

3. Evaluate & Make Adjustments

A. If you took notes:
i. Review your notes. Is there important information missing?
ii. Plan what you will be listening for next. Identify areas in the listening
that are still unclear. This could be vocabulary, details, data, etc. Write a few
notes, words, etc., to help you.
B. If you only listened:
i. Review your predictions. Were they accurate? Change or add information
as needed.
ii. Plan what you will be listening for next. Identify areas in the listening
that you will include in your notes. This can be main points, vocabulary
words, data, etc. Write notes, words, or phrases to help you take notes.

4. Second Listening
A. Follow your plan for what you will do as you will listen and
what information you will be listening for.

Class Discussion
Lets work together to figure out confusing parts of the listening,
new vocabulary, and main ideas.

5. Reflect & Plan

Individually: Write down answers to all questions
1. Take a few moments to reflect on the listening process. What was difficult?
What was easy? How did you recognize main points? How did you add
2. What was your plan from the last listening?
3. Did you follow your plan?



4. If you followed your plan, how did you follow it? If you did not follow your
plan, why?
5. Plan for your next listening. Write down at least one thing that you would
like to do it could be the same as last time, or it could be something new.
What do you plan to do and how will you prepare to do it?

1. Listen to the entire Student Presentation while reading the
Underline all the vocabulary words from Vocab 1 & mark
the part of speech (N, V, Adj. ).
Circle all transition words.
2. Complete exercise B, p. 107: Listen to the last half of the
presentation again and complete the Idea Map.

3. Use the Summary Frame and Idea Map to write a summary

of the Student Presentation.

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