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Abstract: Over the centuries, biology has advanced by numerous means,
including the nomenclature of several sub-topics. As of today, students
interested in studying biology have the opportunity to specialize in biology
or a desired sub-topic by completing a set of required courses at
undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels. There are several
questions to be asked when choosing this degree. The study of biology
should be defined, interpreted, valued and thought about with regards to
policy. Once the appropriate questions have been asked, a person can
further pursue the degrees required and careers available. Taking note of
the problems and other drawbacks that pursuing this career can bring, will
help an
act accordingly
Martinez and Analytical
Report April 2015 1

Cover Photo
Photo Courtesy of: Maryla Bibikova, gettyimages,
Key Support
Special thanks to Professor Esther Al-Tabaa, Teacher Assistant Fatima,
and students in the TR 10:30 RWS 1301 course for peer reviewing
specific sections in the research process.

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


Analytical Report April 2015

Letter of Transmittal
From: Louisa Alexandria

education, advanced research,


To: Student interested to pursue

biology as a career at
undergraduate, graduate and
professional levels

There are several questions to

be asked when choosing this
degree. The study of biology
should be defined, interpreted,
valued and thought about with
regards to policy. Once the
appropriate questions have
been asked, a person can
further pursue the degrees
required and careers available.
In order to have a good
understanding about biology
degrees and the workplace, it is
important to understand the
following questions:

Subject: Pursuing biology as a

The study of biology has been
advancing for centuries now.
The work done to improve this
study is taken very seriously.
This analytical report will
discuss how biology has
developed at the
undergraduate, graduate, and
professional levels.
An issue within this study that
many people are unaware of is
the crashing economy is not
able to sustain a developing
career as it would ideally.
However, many students are
able to overcome such issues
and successfully pursue biology
as a career.
Within the study of biology lie
several categories. Each
category then has its own
specialty, which can be taught
in undergraduate, graduate, and
professional courses. Thus, the
proposed thesis is that an
undergraduate biology degree is
the foundation for graduate
work that can lead to wellpaying careers in medicine,
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

What constitutes a
biology degree?
Addresses the required
courses for an
undergraduate degree and
options for further work.
Does having a biology
degree make you a
competitive candidate
in the workplace?
Focuses on the level of
competitiveness for
available jobs.
Why is a Biology
degree a valued
degree? Delves into the
primary reasons biology is
studied and pursued as a
What kind of legal
policies would
encourage employers
to hire a person with a

Analytical Report April 2015

biology degree?
Discusses the rules,
regulations and
requirements of the
workplace with a degree
in biology at different
These topics of biology will be
discussed, analyzed and

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


supported by different sources

at distinct levels (e.g. collegiate,
professional, and ultimately the
workplace levels). By doing so,
any person interested in
pursuing biology as a career will
have a better understanding of
the discipline and the preferred
course of actions.

Analytical Report April 2015

Executive Summary
The study of biology has been
advancing various amounts of
ways, from the contributions of
evolutionary theory of Charles
Darwin to the co-discoveries of
the structure of DNA of James
Watson. Today, many biologists
around the world are working
efficiently to contribute to the
discoveries, as well as the
progression, of biological
elements. Biology is now further
divided into finer categories,
ultimately providing a realm of
different courses for different
degrees. This leads to the
numerous amounts of pathways
a person can take in order to
fully comprehend and specialize
in the study of biology and its
branches whilst partaking in a
common field of science.
My primary aim of this project is
to efficiently delve into the
different fields of biology and
expand knowledge about how
the level of education/training
will affect a person in their
desired careers. This project will
also state the problems within
the science community and
provide alternative methods in
pursuing the discipline. The
research conducted will help
narrow down the study into a
finer discipline and hence
promote specialty within the

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


study whilst educating the

student population.
The goal is to delve into the
study of biology from different
perspectives. Performing
extensive research by
evaluating several studies will
express a better understanding
of the discipline and inform
readers properly. To successfully
attain this goal four research
questions will be analyzed and
1. What constitutes a
biology degree?
2. Does having a biology
degree make you a
competitive candidate
in the workplace?
3. Why is a Biology
degree a valued
4. What kind of legal
policies would
encourage employers
to hire a person with a
biology degree?
The research questions will be
analyzed through peer reviews,
articles, official websites, etc.
Information will be gathered,
organized and discussed to
express the hypothesis,
Analytical Report April 2015

purpose, overview, problems,

and solutions. Unbiased, ethical
protocol will be followed and
ultimately performing extensive
The information will be limited
to the references provided and
prior knowledge. The gathering
of the information was
performed by means of the
Internet, books, and the
knowledge of those who
Conclusions and
Biology, as previously
mentioned, has been changing
and advancing throughout
decades. Thus, the definition of
biology is the study of life, which
incorporates a wide range of
several other topics. Because it
is so broad, students interested
in studying biology can choose a
specific topic within biology.
Although several sub topics are
offered, biology can be delved
into as a whole when it comes to

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


competitiveness in the
workplace. Once a career is
selected, biology majors have
some advantage over others
science majors, nonetheless, it
is depends solely on the
education and experience a
person has. In addition,
although it is hard to measure
the value of biology, many
people around the world
consider it important. By
meeting required criteria, a
person with a biology degree
can work with an employer at
any point of his/her education.
For the most part, biology
students continue their
education in graduate work,
research and medicine.
Although it may be difficult, it is
not impossible for bachelor
graduates to attain their dream
job, especially for biology
students. Biology offers so many
different experience
opportunities (working in a lab,
performing research with a
professor, etc.,) that it can
almost be impossible not to find
a task.

Analytical Report April 2015

Table of Contents
Cover Page
Letter of
Summary............................ 4-5
Table of
.. 6
................... 7
Study Focus One: Biology
................ 8-9
Study Focus Two: Level of
Competitiveness in the
Workplace for a

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


Study Focus Three: The

Value of
................... 12
Study Focus Four: Legal
Policies that Biologists
................. 13
Discussion......................... 1415
Conclusion and
............. 16
................. 17
........... 18-19

Analytical Report April 2015

The study of biology has been
progressing over the centuries.
Biologists are working efficiently
to further expand on the
knowledge of the topic. Biology
has, in fact, been expanding so
much that it in now divided into
finer categories. This leads to
the various amounts of
pathways a person can take in
order to fully comprehend and
specialize in the study of biology
and its branches.
This formal reports purpose is
to successfully delve into the
study of biology and how its
interpreted in the collegiate
level, professional level and
ultimately the workplace. When
this project is completed,
readers will have a better
understanding of what biology
is, how biology is interpreted,
legal policies biologists
encounter, and why biology is
valued at all levels. It is
important to fully comprehend
the study of biology because it
ultimately advances the
knowledge of living life and
living organisms. It is
hypothesized that an
undergraduate Biology degree is
the foundation for graduate
work that can lead to well
paying careers in medicine,
education, and advanced
The level at which a person
desires to study biology is a
personal decision. From there,
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

the priority task is the search for

job availability. Whether a
person decides to earn a
bachelors degree and continue
to professional work or advance
straight to the workplace, social,
financial, political, etc.,
problems may arise.
Therefore, in order to
successfully understand the
pros and cons of studying
biology, biology in its entirety
will be analyzed and outline as
four questions:

What constitutes a
biology degree?

Figure 1. Forensic Biologist

working in a laboratory


Does having a biology

degree make you a
competitive candidate
in the workplace?

Why is a Biology
degree a valued

Analytical Report April 2015

What kind of legal

policies would
encourage employers
to hire a person with a
biology degree?

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


The final goal is to educate the

student population about the
benefits of studying biology and
the drawbacks that may affect
the process, but certainly not
make it impossible.

Analytical Report April 2015

Study Focus One: Biology Defined

As it was previously mentioned,
biology has advanced
throughout the centuries. The
field of biology is so broad that
it seems impossible to cover
everything in one setting.
Biology is a combination of
many sciences such as botany,
zoology, physiology, genetics,
ecology, etc.1 Within these
branches in biology yet lie a
plethora of topics ranging from
the history of the selected
category to the recent
discoveries and future
predictions. The general degree
plan for biological sciences has
incorporated many other
disciplines within the plan,
promoting biology as a wellrounded study. A survey done by
Marocco in 2000 defined a de
facto common core as
containing courses in genetics,
ecology/evolution, biochemistry,
cell biology and microbiology;
from an outside department,
general chemistry, organic
chemistry, physics, calculus and
statistics were included as core
requirements as well.2 By
1 Taylor, H. L. (1944) Is Biology
a Science? Science, New Series,
Vol. 99, No. 2575, pp. 364-365.
Retrieved from
2 Cheesman, K., French, D.,
Cheesman, I., Swails, N.,
Thomas, J. (2007). Is there Any
Common Curriculum for
Undergraduate Biology Majors in
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

completing this set of common

core classes at a desired
university, communication and
understanding amongst
biologist worldwide is endorsed.
Processes of teaching biology
have been altered several ways.
Biology is such a complex
discipline that biologists, up to
this day, argue it. Different
behaviors biologists are
Figure 2. Biologys several

constantly experiencing are as
"[Biology] may require new
knowledge from unfamiliar
fields; it demands a
reassessment of values
appropriate to new objectives; it
means the discarding of some
the 21st Century? Bioscience,
Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 516-522.
Retrieved from
Analytical Report April 2015 10

cherished fundamentals and

the adoption of new ones; it
may call for a rearrangement of
topics and materials; and it may
well suggest the exploration of
new methods and techniques"3
As much as the study of biology
has advanced, there is yet so
much more to cover. This is
beneficial for students who plan
to study biology because there
is a realm of information to be
discovered notwithstanding the
fact that it is simple to transfer
disciplines within the subtopics
of biology. The capricious
discipline requires much
attention as well as careful
organization from those who
desire to study it.

3 Taylor, H. L. (1944) Is Biology

a Science? Science, New Series,
Vol. 99, No. 2575, pp. 364-365.
Retrieved from
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

Analytical Report April 2015 11

Study Focus Two: Level of Competitiveness in

the Workplace for a Biologist
There have been several
debates on whether or not a
person with a degree in biology
supersedes a person with a
different science e.g. for a job
opportunity in a laboratory.
However, who gets the job when
both candidates have earned an
education in biology?
Contrary to popular belief, one
does not need a Ph.D. to
become a scientistmany
people who have received
training in science do not end up
working in a lab 4 In other
words, attaining greater
education does not guarantee a
position with an employer. This
does not indicate that those who
have not attained the additional
education will not work in a lab,
but rather indicating that it is
not impossible for a candidate
without the additional education
to receive the job over a person
who has.
When it comes down to an
employer deciding whom to give
a job to, many factors come into
place. Granted, like previously
4 Reiske, H. (2002). What Can
You Do with a Biology Degree?
Bios, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 61-65.
Retrieved from
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

mentioned, further education

does not indicate job security;
however, experience in the
actual workplace contributes to
competitiveness. Specialists in
biology have mentioned that it
is probably one of the reasons
potential employers are more
interested in getting
experiences employees those
who have survived the
Figure 3. Biologist in the

m/online-educationguide/science/biologyworkplace than graduates with
high GPAs and no experience5
Henceforth, high GPAs from an
accredited college are important
5 Davis, J.D., Korschgen, A.J., &
Saigo, B.W. (1989). Employment
Prospects in Biotechnology. The
American Biology Teacher, Vol,
51, No. 6, pp. 346-348.
Retrieved from http://0www.jstor.org.lib.utep.edu/stable
Analytical Report April 2015 12

when employers are deciding

job offerings, however,
experience tends to override
any other factor.
Conclusively, biology does make
a person a competitive
candidate in the workplace.
Attaining a masters, even a
bachelors, in biology does open

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


the doors to many job offerings.

However, increasing the
chances of succeeding to attain
the job and ultimately making a
person a more competitive
candidate depends of the
amount of experience he/she
has in the raw workplace.

Analytical Report April 2015 13

Study Focus Three: The Value of Biology

The study of biology is valued at
several degrees. Ranging from
the study of ecology to the
study of medicine, biology is
present in our everyday lives.
According to a Professor J.
Graham Kerr, author of the
pamphlet entitled Education
and Biology, such biological
outlook would correct political
judgments, tend to correct racial
prejudices, and bring about a
closer understanding and
sympathy between different
classes and societies, and,
indeed with all living things.6
Biology is believed to correct
social flaws existing today, thus,
improving the lifestyle of
todays society. In addition,
biology may be essential in
many other fields of study such
as politics, sociology and
economics6 as seen in Figure 4.
Biology is a valued degree by
the mere fact that it is involved
into several other disciplines.
Henceforth, biology is a
universal science and crucial to

6 The Importance Of Biology

(n.d.) (1935). The British
Medical Journal, Vol. 1, No.
3877, p. 886-887. Retrieved
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

Because biology is such a broad

topic, many people are taking
an interest in the plethora of
careers it can open doors to,
including those in medicine. In
fact, biology majors are now
becoming medical technologists
(MT), medical lab technicians
Figure 4. Men discussing
sociology, economy and

(MLT), and clinical laboratory
scientists (CLS).7 In other
words, biologists are doing
much more to further the
knowledge of human
development. This knowledge is
crucial for biologist to contribute
to the improvement of human

7 Dalh, T. (2013) Is Bachelor in

Biology a Worthless Degree?
Retrieved from
Analytical Report April 2015 14

In the midst of it, the value of

biology is subjective. However,
studies show that biology is a
valued degree in the sense that
it is applicable to several other
disciplines. It, correspondingly,
offers a range of careers for
those interested.

Study Focus Four: Legal Policies that Biologists

Employers who are seeking to
hire a person for any position
require a set of protocols to be
met. This promotes order and
organization in the workplace.
For biology majors, minimum
requirements must be met in
order to attain a career with an
For example, the Centers for
Disease Control (photographed
in Figure 5) have a set of
qualifications that delve into
specific requirements ranging
from the degrees from
accredited colleges a biology
major must attain though
specialized training that must be
Qualification GS-401-5 describes
the first and most basic
qualification for a biologist
seeking a job within the CDC:
"Applicants must have
successfully completed a full 4year course of study in an
accredited college or university
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

leading to a bachelors or higher

degree in the biological
sciences or a combination of
education and experience with
at least a 24 semester hours in
the biological sciences plus
appropriate experience or
additional education."8
The standards are
straightforward yet flexible for
applicants. For the majority of
job requirements offered with
the CDC, two options are listed.
In the case that one cannot be
met, there is a substitution of
equal merit. A biologist should
also expect to perform
research or other professional
and scientific work or
subordinate technical work in
any of the fields of science
8 Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. (n.d.) (2010).
Other Mission Supports.
Retrieved from
Analytical Report April 2015 15

Figure 5. Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention
characteristics, life processes,
and adaptations and relations to
the environment8

01005-antibiotic_resistancelethal_infectionsconcerned with living
organisms, their distribution,

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


As was mentioned in previous

answered questions, biology is
such a broad topic that covers
many other sciences, as well as
non-sciences. In the case of the
CDC, biologists are enabled to
work professionally and
technically in a desired field of
science as long as the given
topics are studied.

Analytical Report April 2015 16

Results Discussion
Study Focus One: Biology
The study of biology is a broad
topic that has been broken up
into finer categories. Ranging
from studies like zoology to
ecology, biology offers a
plethora of topics to specialize
in. If desired, biology can be
studied as a whole.
Biology is also defined by the
required courses that must be
taken in order to receive a
degree. Those courses include
several maths and sciences that
are essential to the contribution
of biology. The development of
biology has incorporated these
topics to prepare a person for a
well-rounded career.
In addition, biology has been
changing to adopt new ideas.
New research contributes to the
advancement of the study as a
whole constantly improving the
Study Focus Two: Level of
Competitiveness in the
Workplace for a Biologist
Competition within any degree
is present. In biology,
competition can be a factor that
can hinder a graduates career
seeking process. On top of a
high GPA for the required
courses, employers are seeking
a well-rounded graduate with
experience under his/her belt.
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

Although it is not certain, a

graduate with higher education
can override a person with a
lower degree. However, the
chances of succeeding in
attaining the desired career
depend solely on the additional
hours of extra-curricular
activities that a person
completes. This proves
employers that he/she has
survived the workplace and thus
increases their credibility and
Competitiveness for a biologist
in the workplace depends on a
personal level of achievement.
The more well-rounded a person
is (e.g. high GPA, completed
internship, etc.) the more likely
are his/her chances of attaining
a job with an employee.
Study Focus Three: The
Value of Biology
Although there is no exact
measurement of the value,
biology is cherished by many
people around the world.
Because the study of biology
consists of several smaller
studies, it is valued for its
relevancy to other topics.
Biology is believed to improve
the lifestyle of human beings by
the extensive progress done by
biologists around the world.
Everyday people are working in
the fields of medicine,
Analytical Report April 2015 17

education, research, etc., that

biology can potentially lead to.
Studying biology can offer many
opportunities for networking,
even with persons who do not
study biology. The value of
biology is subjective, but
definitely significant to the
improvement of human lifestyle.
Study Focus Four: Legal
Policies that Biologist
Students who plan to study
biology must be aware of the
requirements an employer sets.
Whether a person applies to the
CDC or not, standards are high
for biology related careers.

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


A minimum of a bachelors
degree form accredited colleges
is required for most employers.
Experience is an addition that
increases credibility and can be
acquired by working summers,
internships, etc., Most
employers are seeking a wellrounded employee who knows
how to handle any situation.
Conclusively, employers who are
looking for a biologist have high
standards. Employees are
expected to work professionally
and technically. Employees are
also expected to follow proper
protocol lawfully whether they
pursue medicine, education,
research etc. Ethical labor is
enforced as well as moral

Analytical Report April 2015 18

Conclusion and Recommendations

This analytical report discussed
the different factors that make
up biology as a topic, a degree
and a career. Four research
questions were answered which
analyzed the definition of
biology and what it means to
the human population,
interpretation of the study and
how competitive it is in the
workplace, value of biology as a
topic and as a career and legal
policies biologists encounter
when seeking a career.
Globally, biologists are working
together to efficiently improve
the lifestyle of humans.
Studying biology opens a realm

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


of opportunities from research

to education to medicine and
etc. Transitioning career can be
simple with a background in
As a biologist, you may
encounter several drawbacks.
The most important concept to
remember is that your success
will depend on not how many
problems you encounter rather
how you react to problems.
Gaining credibility can be done
by gaining experience. Working
the extra mile will pay off in the

Analytical Report April 2015 19

Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. (n.d.) (2010).
Other Mission Supports.
Retrieved from
Cheesman, K., French, D.,
Cheesman, I., Swails, N.,
Thomas, J. (2007). Is there
Any Common Curriculum for
Undergraduate Biology
Majors in the 21st Century?
Bioscience, Vol. 57, No. 6,
pp. 516-522. Retrieved from
Dalh, T. (2013) Is Bachelor in
Biology a Worthless
Degree? Retrieved from
Davis, J.D., Korschgen, A.J., &
Saigo, B.W. (1989).
Employment Prospects in
Biotechnology. The
American Biology Teacher,
Vol, 51, No. 6, pp. 346-348.
Retrieved from http://0-

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


Reiske, H. (2002). What Can You
Do with a Biology Degree?
Bios, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 6165. Retrieved from
Taylor, H. L. (1944) Is Biology a
Science? Science, New
Series, Vol. 99, No. 2575,
pp. 364-365. Retrieved from
The Importance Of Biology (n.d.)
(1935). The British Medical
Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3877, p.
886-887. Retrieved from

Analytical Report April 2015 20

Biology science of life of living
matter in all its forms and
phenomena, especially with
reference to origin, growth,
reproduction, structure, and
Bachelors Degree degree
awarded by a college or
university to a person who has
completed undergraduate
Botany science of plants; the
branch of biology that deals with
plant life

Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) the branch of the U.S.
Public Health Service under the
Department of Health and
Human Serviced charged with
the investigation of control of
contagious disease in thee
Clinical laboratory scientists
(CLS) highly skilled scientists
who discover the presence or
absence of disease and provide
data that helps physicians
determine the best treatment
for the patient

Ecology the branch of biology
dealing with the relations and
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

interactions between organisms

and their environment, including
other organisms
Economy thrifty management;
frugality in the expenditure or
consumptions of money,
materials, etc.
Education the act or process of
imparting or acquiring general
knowledge, developing the
powers of reasoning and
judgment, and generally of
preparing oneself or others
intellectually for mature life
Employer a person or business
that employs one or more
people, especially for wages or
Employee a person working for
another person or a business
firm for pay

Financial pertaining to
monetary receipts and

Genetics the science of
heredity, dealing with
resemblance and differences of
related organisms resulting from
the interaction of their genes
and the environment
Grade point average (GPA) a
measure of scholastic
Analytical Report April 2015 21

attainment computed by diving

the total number of grade points
received by the total number of
credits or hours of course work

means of drugs, surgical

operations or appliances, or
manipulations; often divided
into medicine proper, surgery
and obstetrics

Internship any official or formal

program to provide practical
experience for beginners in an
occupation or profession

Ph.D. (doctorate) the highest

degree awarded by a graduate
school, usually to a person who
has competed at least three
years of graduate study and a
dissertation approved by a
board of professors

Laboratory a building, part of a
building, or other place
equipped to conduct scientific
experiments, tests,
investigations, etc., or to
manufacture chemicals,
medicines, or the like

Masters Degree a degree
awarded y a graduate school or
department, usually to a person
who has completed at least one
year of graduate study
Medical technologists (MT)
allied health professionals that
analyzes and tests body fluids
and tissues
Medical lab technicians
(MLT) collect samples and
perform tests to analyze body
fluids, tissue, and other
Medicine the art or science of
restoring or preserving health or
due physical condition, as by
Louisa Alexandria Martinez

Politics the science of political

Physiology the branch of
biology dealing with the
functions and activities of living
organism and their parts,
including all physical and
chemical processes

Research diligent and
systematic inquiry or
investigation into a subject in
order to discover or revise facts,
theories, applications, etc.

Semester a division
constituting half of the regular
academic year, lasting typically
from 15 to 18 weeks
Sociology the science or study
of the origin, development,
organization, and functioning of
human society
Analytical Report April 2015 22

Workplace a persons place of

Louisa Alexandria Martinez


Zoology the science or branch
of biology dealing with animals

Analytical Report April 2015 23

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