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Lesson Plan 1

Subject: Spanish I
Period: Bell 1 and Bell 6
State and National Standards:
State Standards:
Interpretive Communication 1b: Understand new words, phrases, sentences or the main
idea with the help of visuals and graphics that accompany texts.
Interpretive Communication 1c: Make use of print and digital resources to understand the
meaning of new words and expressions.
National Standards:
Standard 1.2: Students understand spoken language.
ACTFL/CAEP Program Standards:
ACTFL Standard 4: Integration of Standards in Planning and Instruction. Candidates in a
foreign language teacher preparation programs understand and use the national Standards
for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century (2006) and their state standards to
make instructional decisions. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the standards
and integrate them into their curricular planning. They design instructional practices and
classroom experiences that address these standards. Candidates use the principles
embedded in the standards to select and integrate authentic materials and technology, as
well as to adapt and create materials, to support communication in their classrooms.
ACTFL Standard 2: Cultures, Linguistics, Literatures, and Concepts from Other
Disciplines Candidates demonstrate understanding of the multiple content areas that
comprise the field of foreign language studies.
ACTFL Standard 6: Professional Development, Advocacy, and Ethics. Candidates engage
in ongoing professional development opportunities that strengthen their own linguistic,
cultural, and pedagogical competence and promote reflection on practice. Candidates
articulate the role and value of languages and cultures in preparing all students to interact
successful in the global community of the 21st century. They understand the importance
of collaboration to advocate for the learning of languages and cultures.
Ohio GLI Goal or Objective for lesson:
Students will be able to ask a classmates name in a familiar setting in Spanish.
Student will be able to ask an adults name in a formal setting in Spanish.
Students will be able to give their name in Spanish.
Students will be able to ask who someone is in Spanish.
Students will be able to say who someone is in Spanish.
Anticipatory set:
There will be an agenda on the electronic whiteboard located at the front of the
classroom. In addition the daily vocabulary quiz will also be located on the electronic

Spanish I Schedule:
1. Vocabulary Check (daily quiz)
2. Review and begin new material.
3. No homework
Vocab Check Questions:
Translate questions 1-5.
Buenos das
Buenas tardes
Hasta pronto
Instructional Strategies:
According to Marzano (2011), the students are being organized to interact with new
content and chunking the content into digestible bites. The students will learn the
appropriate Spanish phrases to ask how someone is doing. Then the students will learn
how to respond to those questions. The content will be introduced using the language
forms one at a time.
According to Terrell (1986), binding is facilitated during vocabulary acquisition.
Presenting vocabulary in meaningful groups, using visuals and objects in order for the
students to acquire the target language. The commands that I will use during instruction
uses the binding method. For instance, I will tell the students to take out their books using
the phrase, Saquen los libros. When I use this phrase I will hold the book in the air and
repeat the phrase until the students realize that I want their books to be out.
According to Krashen (1982), visuals and fluctuation of voice will be used to ensure
comprehensible input. The PowerPoint that I will use to introduce the new material is a
visual that will ensure comprehensible input. Also the fluctuation in my voice facilitates
comprehensible input.
According to Duffy and Roehler (1986), scaffolding is being used in the classroom. As
the teacher, I am providing the students with scaffold help by enlisting the learners
interest in the task. Instructional Strategies:
1. I will take attendance once the bell rings indicating that the class period has begun.
a. This will take approximately one minute.
2. Inform the students that they must take a half sheet of notebook paper and write their
name on it.
a. The students will answer the questions to the vocabulary check on their half sheet
of paper.
b. This procedure will take two minutes to be completed.
3. While the students are taking out their supplies, I will put the vocabulary check on the
electronic whiteboard.
a. This procedure will occur simultaneously as the students are taking out their

4. Before the students start the quiz I will review the greetings and farewells.
a. I will ask questions about the content, which will be review. This will help the
students to be prepared for the vocabulary check.
b. This procedure will last two to five minutes.
5. The students will begin their quiz.
a. The students will have five minutes to complete it.
6. I will tell the students to trade their papers with another student, using the Spanish phrase
Cambien los papeles.
7. Once the students have traded papers I will go over the answers to the quiz. While I am
saying the answers and their explanations the students will grade each others quizzes.
a. The duration of this procedure is five to ten minutes.
8. The quizzes are worth five points and the students will write on the quiz the correct
number out of five.
a. I will tell the students to pass up their papers and volunteer a student to collect
b. This procedure will take approximately two minutes.
c. The purpose of the daily quizzes is to allow the students to practice and retain the
9. I will tell the students to take out their notes because they will learn new content.
10. I will introduce the new content on page six in their textbooks using the PowerPoint as a
a. See Materials Lesson Number One PowerPoint
b. The duration of this procedure is fifteen minutes.
11. The students will take out their whiteboards and number it one through seven.
12. While the students are completing their task I will project the listening activity on the
smart board.
a. Procedures eleven and twelve will take one to two minutes.
13. The students will listen to a speaker on the audio and write an a if they the speaker ask
for someones name or write b for giving a name.
a. I will play the audio three times.
b. The duration of this procedure will be five to eight minutes.
14. The students will erase their whiteboards and number them one to four.
15. The students will complete activity 3 on page 7 individually.
a. They will have five minutes to complete this activity.
16. Then I will go over the answers with the class.
a. This will last for five minutes.
*Procedures 14-16 will not be completed if there is not enough time.

Expresate textbook
Writing utensils
Notebook paper
Online expresate textbook
Whats your name? PowerPoint


Listening Activity 1
Reading Activity 3

Language Chunks/Vocabulary:

Cmo te llamas? (Whats your name?)

Cmo se llama usted? (Whats your name?)
Me llamo (My name is)
Soy (Im)
Quin es? (Who is?)
Cmo se llama (l/ella)? (What is his/her name?)
(l/Ella) es (He/She is)
(l/Ella) se llama (His/Her name is)
Buenos das
Buenas tardes
Buenas noches
Hasta luego
Hasta pronto
Hasta maana
Nos vemos
Tengo que irme

Accommodations for special learners:

All of the students with individualize education plans need extended time to finish
informal assessments. In addition, their reading, writing comprehensions are low;
therefore, they need extra time on quizzes and tests. For this lesson I will repeat the
directions of each activity and allow extra time to complete the vocabulary check.

Assessment (formal or informal):

I will observe the students during instruction. This is a form of informal assessment. The
homework in the workbook is also an informal assessment.

Lesson Plan 2
Subject: Spanish I
Period: Bell 6
State and National Standards:
State Standards:

Interpretive Communication 1b: Understand new words, phrases, sentences or the

main idea with the help of visuals and graphics that accompany texts.
National Standards:
Standard 1.2: Students understand spoken language.
Standard 1.3: Students present information to an audience of listeners or readers.
ACTFL/CAEP Program Standards:

ACTFL Standard 4: Integration of Standards in Planning and Instruction. Candidates

in foreign language teacher preparation programs understand and use the national
Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century (2006) and their state
standards to make instructional decisions. Candidates demonstrate an understanding
of the standards and integrate them into their curricular planning. They design
instructional practices and classroom experiences that address these standards.
Candidates use the principles embedded in the standards to select and integrate
authentic materials and technology, as well as to adapt and create materials, to
support communication in their classrooms.
ACTFL Standard 2: Cultures, Linguistics, Literatures, and Concepts from Other
Disciplines Candidates demonstrate understanding of the multiple content areas that
comprise the field of foreign language studies.
ACTFL Standard 6: Professional Development, Advocacy, and Ethics. Candidates
engage in ongoing professional development opportunities that strengthen their own
linguistic, cultural, and pedagogical competence and promote reflection on practice.
Candidates articulate the role and value of languages and cultures in preparing all
students to interact successful in the global community of the 21st century. They
understand the importance of collaboration to advocate for the learning of languages
and cultures.

Ohio GLI Goal or Objective for lesson:

The students will be able to create and have a short conversation with their partner in

The students will be able to ask how someone is doing in informal and formal settings
in Spanish.

Anticipatory set:

There will be an agenda on the smart board located at the front of the classroom. In
addition the daily vocabulary quiz will also be located on the smart board.

Spanish I Schedule:
1. Vocabulary Check (daily quiz)
2. Review and begin new material.
3. Homework: Workbook page 1: Exercises 1, 2, 3 and page 2: Exercises 7, 8, 9
Vocab Check Questions:

Write this sentence in Spanish: My name is (your name).

When do you use the usted form and when do you use the familiar/informal form?
What does l mean and what does ella mean?
When speaking to someone that is younger than you, how would you ask for their name?
Using the appropriate Spanish phrases, what is the name of the person sitting next to you?
Instructional Strategies:

According to Marzano (2011), the students are being organized to interact with new
content and chunking the content into digestible bites. The students will learn the
appropriate Spanish phrases to ask how someone is doing. Then the students will learn
how to respond to those questions. The content will be introduced using the language
forms one at a time.
According to Terrell (1986), binding is facilitated during vocabulary acquisition.
Presenting vocabulary in meaningful groups, using visuals and objects in order for the
students to acquire the target language. The commands that I use during instruction uses
the binding method. For instance, I will tell the students to take out their books using the
phrase, Saquen los libros. When I use this phrase I will hold the book in the air and
repeat the phrase until the students realize that I want their books to be out.
According to Krashen (1982), visuals and fluctuation of voice will be used to ensure
comprehensible input. The PowerPoint that I will use to introduce the new material is a
visual that will ensure comprehensible input. Also the fluctuation in my voice facilitates
comprehensible input.
According to Duffy and Roehler (1986), scaffolding is being used in the classroom. As
the teacher, I am providing the students with scaffold help by enlisting the learners
interest in the task.

1. I will take attendance once the bell rings indicating that the class period has begun.
a. This will take approximately one minute.
2. Inform the students that they must take a half sheet of notebook paper and write their
name on it.
a. The students will answer the questions to the vocabulary check on their half sheet
of paper.
b. This procedure will take two minutes to be completed.
3. While the students are taking out their supplies, I will put the vocabulary check on the
smart board.
a. This procedure will occur simultaneously as the students are taking out their
4. Before the students start the quiz I will review the greetings, farewells, and the phrases
used to ask for someones names.
a. I will ask questions about the content, which will be review. This will help the
students to be prepared for the vocabulary check.
b. This procedure will last two to five minutes.
5. The students will begin their quiz.
a. The students will have five minutes to complete it.
6. I will tell the students to trade their papers with another student, using the Spanish phrase
Cambien los papeles.
7. Once the students have traded papers I will go over the answers to the quiz. While I am
saying the answers and their explanations the students will grade each others quizzes.
a. The duration of this procedure is five to ten minutes.
8. The quizzes are worth five points and the students will write on the quiz the correct
number out of five.
a. I will tell the students to pass up their papers and volunteer a student to collect
b. This procedure will take approximately two minutes.
c. The purpose of the daily quizzes is to allow the students to practice and retain the
9. I will tell the students to take out their notes because they will learn new content.
10. I will introduce the new content on page eight in their textbooks using the PowerPoint as
a guide.
a. See Materials Lesson Number Two PowerPoint
b. The duration of this procedure is fifteen minutes.
11. I will tell the students to take out their whiteboards and number it one through five.
a. While the students are completing their task I will project the listening activity on
the smart board. This will be listening activity 5 on page 9 (Escuchemos) in the
online textbook.
12. Explain the directions to the students.
a. The students will listen to a speaker and must decide if they hear the speaker
greeting one another or asking each other how they are.

b. Place the letter a if you hear the speaker greeting one another. Or place a b if
you hear the speaker asking each other how they are.
c. Write your answer next to your number.
13. Play the audio three times. This ensures that the students will have the opportunity to
listen. This procedure will last for ten minutes
14. Review the answers with the students.
a. Tell the students to erase and put their whiteboards away.
15. Tell the students to take out their workbooks and turn to page one. Inform the students
that their homework is to complete all of the activities on that page.

Expresate textbook
Writing utensils
Notebook paper
Online expresate textbook

Workbook page 1: Exercises 1, 2, and 3

Listening activity 5
Language Chunks/Vocabulary:
Cmo ests? (How are you?)
Estoy bien. (Im fine.)
Estoy regular. (Im all right.)
Estoy mal. (Im not so good.)
Ms o menos. (So-so)
Cmo est usted? (How are you?)
Qu tal? (Hows it going?)
Accommodations for special learners:
All of the students with individualize education plans need extended time to finish informal
assessments. In addition, their reading, writing comprehensions are low; therefore, they need
extra time on quizzes and tests. For this lesson I will repeat the directions of each activity and
allow extra time to complete the vocabulary check.
Assessment (formal or informal):
I will observe the students during instruction. This is a form of informal assessment. The
homework in the workbook and the activities on the online textbook are also an informal
Lesson Plan 3
Subject: Spanish I
Period: Bell 6

State and National Standards:

State Standards:
Interpretive Communication 1b: Understand new words, phrases, sentences or the main
idea with the help of visuals and graphics that accompany texts.
Interpretive Communication 1c: Make use of print and digital resources to understand the
meaning of new words and expressions.
National Standards:
Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information.
Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language.
ACTFL/CAEP Program Standards:
ACTFL Standard 4: Integration of Standards in Planning and Instruction. Candidates in
foreign language teacher preparation programs understand and use the national Standards
for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century (2006) and their state standards to
make instructional decisions. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the standards
and integrate them into their curricular planning. They design instructional practices and
classroom experiences that address these standards. Candidates use the principles
embedded in the standards to select and integrate authentic materials and technology, as
well as to adapt and create materials, to support communication in their classrooms.
ACTFL Standard 2: Cultures, Linguistics, Literatures, and Concepts from Other
Disciplines Candidates demonstrate understanding of the multiple content areas that
comprise the field of foreign language studies.
ACTFL Standard 6: Professional Development, Advocacy, and Ethics. Candidates engage
in ongoing professional development opportunities that strengthen their own linguistic,
cultural, and pedagogical competence and promote reflection on practice. Candidates
articulate the role and value of languages and cultures in preparing all students to interact
successful in the global community of the 21st century. They understand the importance
of collaboration to advocate for the learning of languages and cultures.
Ohio GLI Goal or Objective for lesson:
The students will be able to introduce someone in Spanish.
The students will be able to ask where someone is from in Spanish.
The students will be able to say where they and others are from in Spanish.
Anticipatory set:
There will be an agenda on the smart board located at the front of the classroom. In
addition the daily vocabulary quiz will also be located on the smart board.
Spanish I Schedule:
1. Vocabulary Check (daily quiz)
2. Review and begin new material.
3. Homework: Workbook page 1: Exercises 1, 2, 3
Vocab Check Questions:

The name of the man in this picture is Ricardo.


Greet this person in two ways.

Cmo se llama l?
Respond as if you were the person in the picture. Cmo ests?
Sir = _____ Miss = ______
Maam = _______
What does ms o menos means?

Instructional Strategies:
According to Marzano (2011), the students are being organized to interact with new
content and chunking the content into digestible bites. The students will learn the
appropriate Spanish phrases to ask how someone is doing. Then the students will learn
how to respond to those questions. The content will be introduced using the language
forms one at a time.
According to Terrell (1986), binding is facilitated during vocabulary acquisition.
Presenting vocabulary in meaningful groups, using visuals and objects in order for the
students to acquire the target language. The commands that I will use during instruction
uses the binding method. For instance, I will tell the students to take out their books using
the phrase, Saquen los libros. When I use this phrase I will hold the book in the air and
repeat the phrase until the students realize that I want their books to be out.
According to Krashen (1982), visuals and fluctuation of voice will be used to ensure
comprehensible input. The PowerPoint that I will use to introduce the new material is a
visual that will ensure comprehensible input. Also the fluctuation in my voice facilitates
comprehensible input.
According to Duffy and Roehler (1986), scaffolding is being used in the classroom. As
the teacher, I am providing the students with scaffold help by enlisting the learners
interest in the task.
I will take attendance once the bell rings indicating that the class period has begun.
a. This will take approximately one minute.
Inform the students that they must take a half sheet of notebook paper and write their
name on it.








a. The students will answer the questions to the vocabulary check on their half sheet
of paper.
b. This procedure will take two minutes to be completed.
While the students are taking out their supplies, I will put the vocabulary check on the
smart board.
a. This procedure will occur simultaneously as the students are taking out their
Before the students start the quiz I will review the greetings, farewells, and the
phrases used to ask for someones names.
a. I will ask questions about the content, which will be review. This will help the
students to be prepared for the vocabulary check.
b. This procedure will last two to five minutes.
The students will begin their quiz.
a. The students will have five minutes to complete it.
I will tell the students to trade their papers with another student, using the Spanish
phrase Cambien los papeles.
Once the students have traded papers I will go over the answers to the quiz. While I
am saying the answers and their explanations the students will grade each others
a. The duration of this procedure is five to ten minutes.
The quizzes are worth five points and the students will write on the quiz the correct
number out of five.
a. I will tell the students to pass up their papers and volunteer a student to collect
b. This procedure will take approximately two minutes.
c. The purpose of the daily quizzes is to allow the students to practice and retain the
Go over the homework in the students workbook page 1.
a. I will volunteer students to say their answers and the rest of the class will correct
their answers if they are wrong.
b. The duration of this procedure will be ten minutes.
I will tell the students to take out their notes because they will learn new content.
I will introduce the new content on page ten and eleven in their textbooks using the
PowerPoint as a guide.
a. See Materials Lesson Three PowerPoint
b. The duration of this procedure is fifteen minutes.
Once the students have learned how to introduce someone they will be paired with
another student.
The students will introduce their partner to the class.
Show the YouTube video about native speakers having a conversation with one
a. The students will answer questions about the video
b. After the video the students will have homework in their workbooks on page


Writing utensils and notebook paper

Website to YouTube video:
YouTube video
Workbook activities
Language Chunks/Vocabulary:
ste es (nombre). l/ella es (adjective).
Compaero(a) de clase (Classmate)
Estudiante (Student)
Profesor(a) (Professor)
Amigo(a) (Friend)
Mejor amigo(a) (Best friend)
Encantada (Pleases/Nice to meet you)
Mucho gusto (Pleases/Nice to meet you)
Igualmente (Likewise)
De dnde eres? (Where are you from?)
Soy de ____.
De dnde es usted? (Where are you from?)
De dnde es (l/ella)? (Where is he/she from)
Es de ____. (He/She is from___.)
Accommodations for special learners:
All of the students with individualize education plans need extended time to finish
informal assessments. In addition, their reading, writing comprehensions are low;
therefore, they need extra time on quizzes and tests. For this lesson I will repeat the
directions of each activity and allow extra time to complete the vocabulary check.
Assessment (formal or informal):
I will observe the students during instruction. This is a form of informal assessment. The
homework in the workbook and the activities on the online textbook are also an informal

Lesson Plan 4
Subject: Spanish
Period: Bell 6
State and National Standards:
State Standards:
Presentational Communication Standard 2a: Create and present more extensive lists and
Cultures Communication Standard 2d: Use authentic digital and print media.
National Standards:
Standard 1.1: Students provide and obtain information.
Ohio GLI Goal or Objective for lesson:
The students will be able to ask and give phone numbers.
The students will be able to identify the Spanish numbers ranging from zero to thirty one
in Spanish.
Anticipatory set:
The vocabulary check will be displayed on the smartboard.
Vocabulary Check Questions:
1. What is the subject pronoun of you all in the feminine form (Spain)?
2. What is the subject pronoun of I in Spanish?
3. Identify the verb: Juan es de Puerto Rico.
4. Write the number 5 in Spanish.
5. Write the number 1 in Spanish.

I used old vocabulary words for questions 1-3 because I want the students to retain the
information that was taught to them last week. I have also incorporated new vocabulary
in questions 4-5 to represent pre-test questions. This will show me whether or not the
students have prior knowledge in the new content.

Instructional Strategies:
According to Krashen (1982), visuals and fluctuation of voice will be used to ensure
comprehensible input. I will use the smartboard to display and play the audio of the
Spanish numbers and say them in Spanish without translating it to English. The students
will be able to follow along because the actual numeric number is the same in English
and Spanish; however, they are pronounced and written differently.
According to Terrell (1986), binding is facilitated during vocabulary acquisition.
Presenting the new content in meaningful groups, using visuals and objects in order for
the students to acquire the target language. My instructions will be in Spanish. For
example, saquen los libros y una hoja de papel. This tells the students to get out their
books and a sheet of paper. I do not translate the sentence for them; however, I use the
actual textbook and hold it up in the air to indicate that I want them to take out their

books. In addition, I will say cambien los papeles and the students know after much
repetition that it means trade papers.
According to Duffy and Roehler (1986), scaffolding is being used in the classroom. As
the teacher, I am providing the students with scaffold help by enlisting the learners
interest in the task.

1. I will take attendance once the bell rings indicating that the class period has begun.
a. This will take approximately one minute.
2. Inform the students that they must take a half sheet of notebook paper and write their
name on it.
a. The students will answer the questions to the vocabulary check on their half sheet
of paper.
b. This procedure will take two minutes to be completed.
3. While the students are taking out their supplies, I will put the vocabulary check on the
smart board.
a. This procedure will occur simultaneously as the students are taking out their
4. Before the students start the quiz I will review the greetings, farewells, and the phrases
used to ask for someones names.
a. I will ask questions about the content, which will be review. This will help the
students to be prepared for the vocabulary check.
b. This procedure will last two to five minutes.
5. The students will begin their quiz.
a. The students will have five minutes to complete it.
6. I will tell the students to trade their papers with another student, using the Spanish phrase
Cambien los papeles.
7. Once the students have traded papers I will go over the answers to the quiz. While I am
saying the answers and their explanations the students will grade each others quizzes.
a. The duration of this procedure is five to ten minutes.
8. The quizzes are worth five points and the students will write on the quiz the correct
number out of five.
a. I will tell the students to pass up their papers and volunteer a student to collect
b. This procedure will take approximately two minutes.
c. The purpose of the daily quizzes is to allow the students to practice and retain the
9. Go over the activities that the students had for homework on page one and three.
10. Students will take out their learning goal sheets and write their goal for the class period.
Then they will rate themselves 0-4.
a. The learning goal is: I will be able to identify the numbers, ask and give telephone
numbers in Spanish.
b. This procedure will last for two minutes.
11. Once the students have written their learning goal, I will use the online textbook on page
18 to demonstrate how the numbers are spelled and pronounced in Spanish.

a. Clicking each number will allow the students to hear how the numbers are
pronounced in Spanish.
b. This procedure will last for three minutes
12. Then the students will complete activity 20 on page 18. The students will write their
answers on their whiteboards with markers.
a. This procedure will last for ten minutes.
b. I will review the activity with the students.
13. Then I will introduce the language chunks for asking and giving telephone numbers in
a. This procedure will last for ten minutes.
14. I will introduce the content using the PowerPoint as a visual to facilitate comprehensible
a. See materials lesson 4 PowerPoint
15. The students need practice speaking the content.
a. Each student will be in groups of three.
b. Within their groups they will create dialogues.
c. They must discuss about five key points in their dialogues.
d. The key points are: greetings, conditions, introductions, telephone numbers, and
e. The students have ten minutes to create their dialogues
16. Each student will present their dialogues to the class.
a. This procedure will last for ten to fifteen minutes.
Textbooks and a writing utensil
Smart board
Materials Lesson 4 PowerPoint
Language Chunks/Vocabulary:
Cul es tu telfono? (Whats your telephone number?)
Cul es el telfono de (nombre)? (Whats (names) telephone number?)
Es (nmeros). (Its (numbers)).
El telefono de (nombre) es (#). (The number of (name) is (#).
Nmero (number)
Numbers 0-31
Accommodations for special learners:
The students with IEPs need extended time to finish assessments. In addition, their
reading and writing comprehension are low; therefore, they need extra time on quizzes
and tests. For this lesson I will repeat the directions and allow extra time for the
vocabulary check (bell ringer).

Assessment (formal or informal):

The dialogues will be used as an informal assessment. The purpose of the activities will
demonstrate whether or not the students are retaining the information that was presented
to them.

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