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American Cold War

Policy Towards Asia and

Latin America

Communist Revolution in China

Chiang Kai-shek (Chinese Nationalist) supported by U.S,

ruled southern and eastern China, weak leader

Mao Zedong (Chinese Communist) supported by Soviet

Union, ruled northern china, motivated leader

Taiwan Island that Chinese Nationalists fled to after Civil War

between Nationalist and Communist China

Korean War

Controlled by japan from 1910 1945

Japanese troops in North surrendered to Soviet Union and in

South to the United States after WWII (created 38th Parallel)

North Communist, South Democratic

Douglas Macarthur placed in command of troops in South Korea

to resist North Korean Invasion

U.N also backed South Korea

Because of Chinese intervention, war was ultimately a stalemate,

but U.S did manage to stop communism from spreading to South

Covert Action in Latin America

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) used mainly to gain

information, CIA used spies to gather information abroad (mainly
nuclear information)

Also began to carry out covert (secret) operations to weaken or

overthrow unfriendly governments

Guatamala in particular was seen as communist sympathizer

CIA trained an army that invaded Guatemala and overthrew


Domino Theory if one country in region becomes communist, it

is likely neighboring countries may also

Vietnam War

U.S had been supporting French control in Vietnam since 1950,

hoped to strengthen relationship and stop spread of Communism

Ho Chi Minh, leader of IndoChinese Communist Party eventually

managed to drive French out of Vietnam using a number of
revolts after WWII and finally in 1954

U.S began to support Ngo Dinh Diem in South in hopes of

stopping all of Vietnam from becoming Communist

U.S Ship U.S.S Maddox was fired upon in 1964 in the Gulf of

This forced U.S to pass Tonkin Gulf Resolution which gave Johnson
military freedom in Vietnam

Vietnam War

Tet Offensive a number of surprise attacks conducted by

Northern Vietnam and Vietcong against Southern Vietnam and

Difficult war mainly fought against Jungle Guerillas who used

tunnels and traps to combat invaders.

Richard Nixon, elected President in 1969, wanted to begin

withdrawing troops from the war without end

Vietnamization gradual withdrawal of troops which called for

South Vietnam to take more control of war

April 30th, 1975, Saigon fell to Northern Vietnam which marked

the surrender of South Vietnam.


Frustration with the draft during Vietnam caused tension


The New Left, which called for nationwide changes, was born
on many college campuses

Groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and

the Free Speech Movement grew in strength on these campuses
and would eventually strongly protest the war.

Protests eventually became violent at colleges such as Kent State

Country became very divided with Doves being against the war
and Hawks being for the war.

McCarthy Era

Senator Joseph McCarthy (from about 1950 -1956)

McCarthyism - Making accusations of treason without regard for

proper evidence.

Took advantage of

Thousands of people unfairly accused of being Communist during

era. Once accused, careers were often ruined and life was made
very difficult

Communist witch hunt

fear of Communism in U.S

World Causes of McCarthyism

Soviet Atomic Bomb

Communist China

Korean War

Soft on Foreign Policies

Domestic Causes of McCarthyism

Loyalty Review Board

House of Un-American Activities (HUAC)

(Communist Spies) Ethel & Julius Rosenberg

McCarthyisms Impact on U.S.


Labor unions weakened

Movie industry targeted, Hollywood Ten, Blacklist

Civil rights denied

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