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New oMRECTIONS IN WORLD POLITICS NEOREALISM AND Helen tire and John Gerard Puggle, General Ettore I Ga a, ao nd Nd NEOLIBERALISM: The Contemporary Debate David A. Baldwin, evitor ¢ vy ‘COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS NeW vORK 1 NEOLIBERALISM, NEOREALISM, AND WORLD POLITICS David A. Baldwin In 1986 Robe. Keohane ted woe ete Newel lf Ie Cres which focured onthe reformulation of traditional ‘eas thinking about iterationa poles by Kenneth Wats (1979) Sd escons rom a vary of sable Walle ad recat the ene ‘of dasa en in oder to deinete more clearly the effects of the ltructre ofthe inleolional tem onthe behav of nab ttes. In addon, Wale viewed his ork as dillerent fom thot of eae ‘eats ins treet of power and of states as unt ofthe syste (Ook 197, 198) The ees scorn to Kechane (98628), sought {o move beyond the raion state by "devising ne international Instttions or rege.” by reiterpetng the linples of saver igny. oy chllenging the “vay of he ‘late as actor’ medel on Sehichneocest een” Wheres some ete called for more ater tion to economic and enviromental interdependence ae well a4 Changes in gotermenal functions, iformaion, and international regimes otters tacked the epistemology on which Wake based is ument Intense, th volume picks up where Neal an Is Cries Shoe many fardamontal sumptions about the natre and purpose ‘of soc seni ingly This llws them 1 engage one anothers Snguments diety ad rene in more focised ed productive asin insect yeas the most pone henge to nora. 2m anes inbied rural, hasbeen mounted by nesters {orate Th em doings these scars rom ee ‘es of orate sucha commer Wena, republican er Son and sgl vam pe 18: Geo sr Keane Tag) Comet econ eter fo ect heking fe oe ed feo pla ein hee ng yh ct and et vor er oer ng anoatonel Tracts wt interstanlinteraten. The immed nee ‘tulfrcunar eps! motutonaom ave tose teats NEOLISERALISM ANO NEOREALISM: TERMS OF THE (CONTEMPORARY DEBATE Sx foal pins, descr Belo, character the caren de ‘The Nature and Consequences of Anarchy [Although noone denies hat the iterations pte is anarch ict in some set there dsgreemert at what ths means and ‘chy t mates, Arthur Stan (19823520) ditngushes between the “uependent decom mabing” tat chareceres anarchy andthe rn decom making” In international regimes and then SuRzeSts ‘tars the sell immer of sutonomous stern tte of nary that leas them oat neratnal eg. hare Lipson (19842) hots thatthe den of anarchy is the Rose sone of interatonl ‘etsnons" bor suggests that ls importance has Ben exaggerated By {he nerelss a the expense of recognising Ihe importance of ne rational imerdependence. Robert Atelod and Ratet O. Keohane {toes eophasae the nprtanceof anarchy dened asthe absence tt goverment tut sgue tat ts constant festore of world pois fetots a vaney of pater of iteration among lates. Jouph M Ghee ts 7-98) contends hat neclbrals aed ora fe ‘Eamentlyaiverge wit respec othe nate and consequences of nuveny. He assets hat the pelea inatonalissonderessinate the importance of ores about rureal at motions Tor Sate behavior which he sees as a necesany consequence of anach drain, Neve. nd Word Politics len Miler (199120, 81-82) identifies the “discovery of ordery fears of work pls amide semingchaoe™ ns pthops the ‘ena achieverent of eorealts,” bt she agrees with pron that the kes of anarchy has been overemphasized whe intecependence hasbeen neglected. Duncan Seidl (19910 views Prtsoners Dena (70) siuaons ax examples of the reat conception of anarchy, he Greco (1988) associates PD with neoiberlam In genea, pi arcing arses Ste ‘Athough toh sides agree hat international cooperation ipo ste, they fer et the ease and Ihelinood of occurence According © Greco (this volume), neoreaise view international ‘operation at harder achieve, more afc o maintain, and ‘more dependent ona power" than do the neoliterai. None of the neberals represented in thi book deagrees with this anes: tment. Both Keohane and Crico agree thatthe future ofthe Euto- ean Community wil be an important test of thir theories. Ifthe frend toward European inegratin weakens or ules versal the ‘ora wil aim vndation I progress toward integration con ‘owes the reoberas wl presumably ew sa support fr tel Relative Versus Absolute Gane [Athough it woul! be misladng to characterize one side 8 concerned only with lave gains and the other as concerned only ‘rh absolute sin the neces Rave stered the aback ing from intentional cooperation. whe the neoralints have emphat sited lative pin. The bese rorence pont for many othe stor’ ln tvs lume isthe following passage by» leading nore sry ry gee nip Saag miors hoe ane, ene sate may ua is iproportionate gan to implement» plicy Euiayrhdpwine ee ie ves sittin for oh pris dnt opto ang See Ser wa et mcessd capac ane Stein (9824316) epithe Rhea view of elf Interest a one in Sich actors with common interest fo masimie their able {ine Ars ing to atime relive gana he asters, have no cmon interes: Lipson (1915-16) suggests that relate gant “Gotderaton re ely fo be more important in scanty mars than conor sls ico 96487 contends that necleral Inamtontsm has ben psceped iSchool bso Tine en fom itanatinalcoperaion and as eveiocke the Importance of lace ine He eget hte fda acs ay wos to pet thes rw acting aos #1 Thee te copies” (Geo IRB: asin orignal Sil {O51 doputes the reoent conterton tht concer about el tie gins nh cooperation excep inthe spe case Dipl teri eae fei wh ate gui Hea ‘Ragen tthe dtincton betwen ent andstolte Ban Tats clercut at ight seem, The relative gin problem cam be ted in terms of adele between long and shorter absoste sre, Pomel (198) woes drdtve model to age thal concerns Soc eee gan wl AN cooperation when the ty of mal iy fre high bt wot when te ty of rc slow Masta {fon ct) wes empl eave sae fo adress the questo of itinee and hw tebe pane mater Hie contusion peor Some suppot for both side ofthe debate Whe he nds concerns XSi fee gas present inthe policymaking process inal ot his thee cases, such conser were na efeced nthe ply outcomes feral te cae nhs extay fr ths volume Keohane acknowledges tha nate insatonalists have undeesiated the importene tr velave guns wold pics nde certain condion. The festnt ing scrding 1 Kechane, ft pect those condos Fhentes ta his aye eifcl sine the tehair a sates pus Ing ele guns ma he Sry smart the ter of ater por ‘log soa gin. Nesta, Nee, nd Worl Pater 7 Palorty of State Goats Noles and neoreststs agree that both rational secu and economic welate are important, bt they fer in relive et Phas on these goals. Lipson (198i) argue tat international cop {ration it more key in economic see nee than in those concer ing mltory securty” Since nerelnt tend to study secu ses sind neoliterals tend to stay pola economy hi fering ent rnlerof he este of cooperation maybe ated to the eves they lady Crieco (198) contends tht anarchy requires stats to be Frrocupes wth ete power secur, and sural. Rael (2920) {ontrcts 2 model intended to Bdge the gap betwee relies) fimphans on economic welae and neorelit emphasis of sc Inhie model states are assumed to be tying t9 maxim their fconomic weir in 3 word where miitoy force fs possibly. For ‘he most par, neoreats or nliberals tet state gol by assump ton As Keohane (ths volume points ot ether approach Is goed predicting interests. ‘The atic elt Han | Morgehas depicted concer bout the motives of statesmen a falls way to undestand foreign Picy.Insesd he advocated aesuming tat armen “think and set Interme tf ntrest defined ar power {19575-6), which, he beleved ‘ould enable analyse to understand the actors and thoughts of “tnesmen better thon they themselves do. Although contemporay ‘eoreats are una to take such an extreme postion, they af [alto emphasce copies more than tenons, Gee (5808, S00) points st that uncertindes about the fate ntenons and Intro ster lates fad etesmen f0 pay dove attention #0 {opus “the ultimate basis forthe secu and independence.” Ina simsnr ein, Krasner (1991) ees the nealberls for over: Phasing intemtons inerests, and information and underempha. Fring the diarbston of capabilites. Rechane (hs volume) apace tha he sensitaty ote to the raative gaia of other ates Sercatyinlvcnoed ty perceptions ofthe tention of such aes, Thas stats wory more about relative gain of enemies than oles. Stein (982) eplin nerasnal regs In es the pater of releences of member sae. In Steins anal, capabilies count ‘aly incor a they alle the preferences and intention of ae. Dilering views ofthe relate importance of capabliles and inten ‘ons that provide another focal point ofthe debate nations and Regimes ‘Both reoredlsts and neolberals recognize he peor inte: sional egies and instars that have emerged ince 195. They er however, wath respect Yo the sgnscane of rach amange iments, "Mach ofthe contemporary debate,” scording to Kechare ius volume), “centers the vay ofthe srsprasonlst clam that itematonl egines, and ineitations more Brood, have be Come sigueant in wold plier” The neereat agree tht Th 5 Sivlmparant pint of contendon. They bee tht release {rat the ett lo which nstuons re able 10 “mingateaarchs Snstaning fet on interstate cooperation” (Cree 1988 $85), “These st focal points ae not the ony points of conten in the debate, bu they shuld ep rent he reade othe main ag nents, Not evry cotribuor ths volume adresse alls pots ind the cate rade il oie that idl shor conta. ing to he debate nay ntoduce quatcatons ha mae thes fsa pints seem ovelytimpied. And rightly £0. Any atempt 10 ‘farcenee the ereuly wrought arguments elven schelos ‘Nib oversipes. lemportant ait 10 danfy the terms of the debate, it ako imporant to dart wha the debate a abot. Although the Inn four sues have ged prominent nearer debates be cen realm and is cries, pone i central tthe erent dee ‘hwcen neers and neater ination. Ft the cue bute does ot revolve around techniques of satecrlt In 1977 Keohane and Nye ited the assumption thot mtr forces" ‘Ne and efecve snetument of policy” (pp. 23-29) a8 one ofthe fundamental tents of robs one that they proceeded eal into {Gurstion, Yet 1968, Gee's description of he five cetal propo Sons of res mentions ony a concer for power and seca {nd Sys nothing soot the Uy of malta fre. Deep Been se eencs tothe by some ofthe athors eg -Crles 198821: ier 199176, 7: Reasner 191330), only Raber Powell (9915) devotes mach attention fo the question of the uty of milary technique of wateca te not clear why this ue rectves so tle tenon snc It doesnot seem ta have been resolved. One should abe sured Wit rerrtacer the debate eve, ‘Second ever ees of ream. especially inthe 190, 19408, ‘and 15t,eten cat the debate a one Between alts moras td egos power alelstors Inthe caren debte, however, bath Sides argue om asumption that ster behave ke opi vale imocmizer, Moral considerations sre hardly mentioned. Tr the question of whether to tet sates the een ESP internat ‘onal pls has ben pushed into the tockground. Although neo. relist and neoliberal ogre onthe relive importance of om ste atre, bah eat eater a the pmary actor. And fourth, tit [Snot dette Herween conflict heorats and coaperion theorist ‘The win ens hat cone and cooperaon ae inns elements of lovermatonal polis and that bth an be studied at the same tne areacceped by both ies. The books by neoralist Joseph M. Gseco (0550) and neoliberal Robert O. Keohane (984 are conbutons to ‘hoor of cont and cooperation. Although nears ae re ly to amphasv confit and neler are more ikly to emph= tie cooperation, both sides have moved beyond the simple dicot. fom betveen copention and confi that characterized eal ds high "That to sy, the authors genuinely ty fo understand nd advet one anothers arguments. The sre fone of the ean ‘ho volume signals a dere fo advance knowledge rater than 62 ‘sore debating points n detente of nen potions "There However. one ursastacorysopet of the debate, Thi right be Caled the terminlogeal diension. Loaded terms and Sean sleight of hand are anathema fo scolar debate In this ‘elume eich choo of thought arson unforanate abel. Research Programs. as Stephen Krsner (199) punts eu, have connotations ell as devotions. And the connotation of “realism” (or "neo- eas) oneof looking atthe wos as realy. TMS Was ot nly the connotation Bt the denoation a wel for woof the inte- teeualfrtthors of nora For EH. Cart, rai focused on sa wa and hat "con opin eh ced on SONUGTUING a ea For Hoof Moreton SELSRAI Sine by concent on “hun rate Ey Techno pesca they seal ne pe Steganos ren rset "tne powe ty sae event oie Pe lay eta cantempae ded min ony ime ena es ae SNES net eee Taerasbcegan secant ra ee Se oti cae Iv is unfortunate ha he caren debate til uss the misleading terns ra and enon. The debate im this weume tbe ‘Sean those who stad the ord as its and those who stay the nhl ant should ber ite between two groups of scholars with Malone degreerents 2 foo to describ ad interpret there fe term ati is bjctionable less Hea of ale lading Anan beszone t's thely offre and mislead. Nether rea not Tefen tains teenconadered the eros of the she. TRE ponte of Batam concent Te ee Bray Ts tural ore prominently nwo of een polis nda of etd pic, et ey ee rae Pantare wh reset fothe opens oer democracies 1 SST SEPIA tbr har ben gel confined the rnc pce eas ‘See sche, the re ee Cor rc! en and itt rr nun) a 10 deeply embed Bra iinet tattle can be done, Pehaps 35 the doe Pree can devel ere sae bs raises EE Rcogkt Keohane ts volume) ro wnceforate with the libel He suggests that tera instutonaian “hovows a8 much from els arom beam This secon has sketched the main ouines ofthe debate. The reminder ofthis essay wil dscuss the htoal root of the conte porary debate andthe related topics of anarchy, socal order, and owe. Alter that, some posable diecton for future research will Serevewed, HISTORICAL ROOTS OF THE DEBATE The previous section suggested that the current debate between neoraim and near has moved beyond 9 mere hashing lad arguments between resists and their les This does not fear, howeves hat there are no Nitra antecedent for variout ‘ane ofthe curent debate, ‘There have heen many thikers over the centres wh have em phasred intentional anarchy relance el ely te wey har fore. and the imporance of blnce-o power calclasons Thucydides, Machel, and Thomas Hobbes ar equenly ted as Ine ancestors fram. Lewis, vaious thinkers have emphasized iterations eco- nomic interdependence intemaorl la tc instttons, internat oral communication, and rcetal noms. The ancent Stoic con- ception of themrsves ax cre ofthe word could be viewed 29 Challenge 10 tatecenic view of word polis. Fay Chin [Plosophers Believed that "Cou had endowed dlferent regions mith Ernied bur vasedprodects in one give mankind an incentive fo trade, that through a world economy they would become united Ina world scey. and ax cen of one God hey would Teen 10 Tove eachother” (ine 133710), "The mereanlirts, who dominated Intemational thought i the severeeth and elgteeth cet, wewed bth wealth el power in aerosum terns Thats, one country’s ain was another's tos. In ‘hei emphasis on preparation or war and elave gi, the eran ‘ss ean be viewed a foreshadowing some ofthe concerns of tee reste" ‘Pehaps the osst counterpart ofthe modern debate between ream and netteralsn found in the works ofthe ples at he en ol he eighteenth centr. They attached mos al the ens ‘ince by eats: They espoused the bea of world ciation Sid word ekcenship, promote the ofthe pinay of domestic tain oes foreign Ulan evounced mary llance, and di TNE cee tet the tlane of power coud ensure pace. They [hued the muta ire of sate ad advocated fe tae, SENN mpucd ould help prevent war (rs 1936 aber Toa st Hlney 199) The en century Woodrow Won ined the ide that et tra poate pence nt the eso urea neato rs wea peat tne same gs Acording Fl ibe, it Meenas enh te lade om the enghenment fo Won + "Sap ie deas about new spac’ rete defintely depen SEIS enced by the sees whch the eee centre iu deeoped ont objet (citer 191.37) ‘bg he period been the Reo ord ws intratnl senate to emeye nan academe fd espe he ance wa oR For dsenbes ths ped as carce Tea ne teumpton ofan undering harmony f ineratoral ree Moopled wih a beet that improved understanding and (eta ntttions cold ithe word ofthe scourge of wat trio eps tet enn 8 rd Gh ie eapecatons generated by the aeademie stay of iter Sonos in ee 957 The sion Man tort tang tthe Molotor Rtenop agree and the lure TP UMaeet aon rnesons agaist Vly dnlsioned ners: TLAS'Stlsns scholar and plated the seeds rom which moder Sil ew ‘Ace rid War I reas emerge a the dominant paradigm among tematonalrstone sho, Although w debate bxtmeen SEnak ha eabom ccued inthe 145-55 period. among pot! ‘Sitter authentic poled teats were had Wind Fo {Sue ao irs 190 Here 15, Morgen 182 Wht sn Cok snd Movs 1988 and Schling 1986, Despite the dom se Giatams Bid Mica tate on Fanconi #29 Seenh to pene ppened inte it soy 194 Claude 159), SEE" ass Te Untng of Exrpe append i 138 Hua sr etenaam spavned maneose Mudie fro inepaton ieee Nesta, Neem. and Wil aca 19 During the 19705 and 1980 the debate Eetncen neoceaim sac ‘eral iettonaem began fo take more define shapes Thee es: ply important works on the bea side were the special nue of Intentional Organisation on "Transnational Relations apd World Pol ‘ein 197 (Keohane snd Nye 1972); Keohane and Nye's Powe end Interdependence in 197, andthe specie of lnteratnal Orena on on “Inerational Regimes" in 1982 (Kraan 19800). Th fst fised questions about the sateen fore of relam and dee ‘ised Sich nonstate acters as the Roman Catholic Chute the Ford Foundation, and mulinatonal busines enterprise. Inthe second Keohane and Nye in thei intodeton and cnciason to the lane book esp chalenged elm with rept othe ates cor stsumption, the relative importance of milly secaty om foreign policy agendss, the role f mitary force in Intemational pols, and the fngibity of power rescures among ite ars ‘The third, edited by Stephen D. Krsner, set forth bth reat snd Iterated Croan) views on international cooperation and int The especialy important works of necreasts during the 19705. and 1980" molded Kenneth Walle "Theory of Iteration Rel Mone” in 17S, hie Toyo neato Palin 1979, an ovep ‘Greco's "Anarchy andthe Limit of Cooperation: A Realist Csgue ithe Rew ibe son ah. The it wat reoeasts, much a Morgentfu's ext (1948) served touchstone {oe realists inthe 1805. The thd explicly challenged wollber| nai fom heres pepe nine Ns ‘Although the rest vision has dominated thinking about word police mock ofthe time snc Thucydides wrote i resi om te Peloponnesian War, alematve visions have always existed. The Contemporary dete between nerenlism and neiberai fife: fncrom, yet route in. a debate hat har been going on For centre. Imerdertlay the ileal groundwork forthe debate, the net hue sections adec conceptual and theoretical prbles aed Hy the contributor. Two fendamental concepts sed by Both necberle and neoeaiss are anarchy and power. The net two sections are Intended to ale the reader to some ofthe fcr esate vith theve concepts, 14 en an ANARCHY ANO SOCIAL ORDER, ‘Aout he concept of anarchy ha nas been portato seas inert tiers pitt has ben es prominent in ‘Retrenes Ins eume, however he ump arch an important efor mote he neler author we {nc reader however shld ot be le ina unkng ht nares ‘Strand edits bce gies the mesg of eae oF he cm avery one a the mow apgery terms In poi siseouse, Often tis used to denote chaos an sede —> Hebe tna ofall opt alt Nees ad noite however eee Ahad pots exit some oder—even Roop they may Fee om the notre even doses of hat ede. Thus Many TeSGSe dete encima te sve of goverment Tht {cimton however, bogatheqeston a wht mea by ove stent Many ofthe aes ered on br goverment hve cou ipa te nrmton ee: Poidng wel ppt ma ‘ment een at, terpeinglasteplsing commer ‘Sing aleve opt rPeve promo pbc heath ecetiing pote rie ae ll goverment ith coon {Gpans a the ern lvl Toe rgget ta conepions of ‘chy asthe sence of govemmert ae buted 0 Some distinc ty govermetalchoroesone ta fe mang the teratins ees ler hier onto oti sume demonstrates Sveti cing so pacelynBch governmental hrc Reade shall creflly scthise not oni he deinions of anarchy sed by conous sare but ale the conequenes the Mute ot paral readers shoul ek eter uch conse Gumces on lope be deduced roman seurnpen of orrchy ot Uihemer they shold te ete os empire hepteves toe ese. She enfeson aman beh nesters en nese ch “Sc stots ty 0 develop generations aot scl phe cma, When ished lo ep» scl phenomenon, ol se {Sve supposed oaks whats than tans? rape the {Sate sou the nee and Csequece of neato achy woul bene rom asking ths question. The rolem of expaning Inverstonal order can be tought ofa #subiype of the gener problem of exsning soil order Sada sence theres devoped Suside the fed of iteration rotons may provide hep Sia. Kenneth Soulling for example rupgest tate ame tee focal mechani tht produce orderin tes te so enponsiie Tororder atthe eel the nation state andthe nterational poles sree Boling 117. He erin hem on cng ‘eafons, hed systems, and image integration. The Ret emp Ses reward the second poise athe tid hrerron perception and interests. Bouding posttest all scl yo. ter elven sme combinto of tee processes fo acheve and ‘nin socal ode. is any oe eamples of ech proces atthe inerational evel Exchange processes ae Gosely osotated with rade, eonom ter dependence and other Kinds of problems suaed by neler Then seater ete fo deterrence and si phesomena of parte ar nett meres, age ltegrtonproeses ae Re o> Iran of toxe who uy preference formation, ksming and misper Cp. Boulings thew s but one example of the indo general Socal scence del tat might be elf ituiting the prob leo socal order in word polis. lustates how single model Can incorporate the necbral emphasis on economl interdepe dence, the eoresist empha on miary deterrence and thea ‘CAPABILITIES AND COOPERATION “although power is 2 key concept in rai theory” Waltz breve, "ity proper definition remain a mater of contoversy” (vate 1986339) Another leading neoreaist. Robert Gp, de- exbes the "concept of power a ane ofthe most roubesome ln the eto iterations elon (198119) and suggests hat the “am rand sant of definitions should bean embaraeren to poise emit (197720) Although power pars lee coca le elites ther ith ao proved to Be a wousesome concep fot them (alsin 1989). In preparing the reader forthe essays that Ieow: therefore stmight be hepfl olden some of he probes 18 Did A. Bain of power analyse (or capabity analysis). Thee ine the spec Sidon ot cope and domain the xero-sum problem, and the fang- iy question ‘Scope and Domaln® ‘When eres ad nsieras debate the signin fe ove gain nenatonal pits, they rometines egies! ope caer inds of pai they have in mand, Usual the answer [facelacpatties Taner however begs yer another gues ter tamey? Capable to get whom todo what "Tost common encepton of power in sol snc ets pow Jlrs nea pee rua eatonsip in which the power See ere des tit propensity a TES neor As Nel poise, "Anyone whe employ cual np ted scope 90510). Ths ‘Stele one ees he poe “ny A as per cash A eau The later Phase prompt ene fo ask what ieee pacy A cuss with epee chor Idee the pase TSS Sei State’ maheu amare to soc questo shoul be ‘a nat be reuvemen ot sope and domain be specie ot ‘Sennyimpled says nothing abot the level pei. This he Sequtement'sakaed by ether of he fllng two sateen: "SR Umie utes ha he poner to ogo sesoy ts made Sreoporn "The United Sets asthe pert gel et of natn 0 US r ings Although the pve lt things” may Be oper vague doe satay the mtu reqavement for 8 ea Ingfel steent of casa power reins. Se rect coma Rovon of power an propose "te old stn nven tht an agent i perl tote etn that he ‘cette mare than they ale a PD, Ws topo ahematv, honest doesnot lira the eed 1 spe: Upto and domain inter of sop ones ened to sk wich 2eESTsaner Inter sh domain oe eed 10 ask whch ie” canbe afd” Some nerestst and aera hols pane agite soe the ee te pec scope and demi y sing {he loom tabi (or ose race) nthe heres. Tis mere {Rinse aay flocs rom aca cnseso potential uses. Any inten beta snes epee ited om rediton abut eae, Neen, and Wl Pita $7 Which other actors can be alle in which ays. The oberon theta state haa ret del ofepabty to win # war ag {rat deal of eapatlty begs two al questons—"capaility to gt ‘thom to do what” Without some sort of anawers 10 these {uetions, the atibution of capably make tere ‘Wale (1979131) suggests thatthe capable of ster can be ranked according to "how they sare onal of the flowing tems Sie of population and terior, resouree endowment economic ex aly, mary rngth plc! stabity and competence” Kis fot ces however, what erin are to be used forthe scoring Perhaps hr reference othe nae for ates to use the xpabies 1 reve ther itrerte (197913) provides eat the propre teri, bt this ina ie vague Use of the determinants national capbites, rich ax that by Wat, reremble Morgnthaus famous “lements of atonal power (G967i06-t0). 4 caret reding of Morgenthau, however, provides tues au to the scope and domain that undeie Ne elements of tational over. Why isthe geography of ttaly important? “Fer, Cinder al conditions of warare of which we know, he propria Santon tar made iextremely dic fo invade Cental Eorope Irom Ul” (10). Why tr el-sufcleny in food production impor tant Becnse "counties enjoying self sficiency suchas the United ‘Sate and Roses, need ot divert ther atonal enerper Foreign Policies tom thew primary objectives in order fo make sure hat Populaons wil not starve in war” (09) Why ate rae mae Epona? Because “what holds tr of food i of course seo tve of {howe natural sources which ae important for indus production nd. more paral, forthe waging of wae” (10 RY snd tral opacy an important element of matinal power? Because "he tecology of made wartare and commuricaons has made the ‘vel development of heavy industries an inapensble element of rational power” Since victory in modem war depends upon the ‘number ard quliy of highways, alos, tucks ships, alpanes {nko sod equipment nd weapons of a tnds rom meso ets ‘nd sutomate nies to oxygen ass sd guided mise, the cor tion among nations for power tnsfrms ise agely nt the Production ef bigs, better and more implmente of wat” (11) Fd In dscusing milly preparedness as an element of nator pr tapas gat date ero cae ce Spreat mar iropharca se gh a Fsstchsieataraed ersten] ihe en oe cana eed to come to terms with the works of Harold and Margaret Sprost unrmmattiooniniment ai Gi semen tne ee sere ea a tater aon yams Fat ihe capaives of nabon-slates could not be estimated outside areseretl rmvb nh ungameatge re Peace aes id aaepe, rmination pigtes tegen Siti atin a iSite oat treet at ered Mae 30 Secs eae anny a 6G Stine ot spoons so what tobe ender cn tana wt The Zero Sum Problem ‘Theda ta omer rss, inthe ene tha more for oe etre keno anathe,comon In hee ier ‘Sein coin hep ga ee ere remployment this notion. Ine eateme form (ns Ter tare poe for ere nor ous meen es for ance) HE itietapetyrs angle al orkspotetea erample siberaon, Neriam, ant Worl Pltes 19 should do the jb. Ihave dcused thee eampleseleewhere and ‘i ony bey mention them er: 1. Before Fay comes to ve on Robinson Crocs land, ne: ‘her has any power. Alter ida’s areal, Crusoe may scqite power with espect o Friday: bt this power gin cant be oft by 8 ost In power by Fay, nce Feidy had no poner to begin with, Tl Crusoe handeuts Rimsel to Fadny he may increge Bi ability to alet Fridays moverens but he simutanesualy terest Friday’ oly to fet his Crusoe’) movement 3. The United State” mary involvement in Vieinam increased rot only American sity to alfectVemamese ple Pt aso Viet ames aby to affect American poy (alvin 17,19), "Those who eepoure the view tat power ls necesay 2er-3m are unlialy to be persuaded by such camps, They seem Yo be rng 2 unidimensional conception of power along the folowing liner If bateships (or whatever) are the measure of power, 1 Impossible fortwo counties to improve thes power psiion v2 sone another atthe same tie, The queston, of couse, ts whether "he ot of monolithic mesure of power le use. A multiven- ‘nal concept of power, which allows for vaiaton nse, weigh ‘noc domain, rakes such monolithic messes problematic, One Scope and domain are ntrodued, its both poate and plausible to dese an inretae in ttteships by both octors as an incense int "he aby ofeach dest cope the other (domain. Teas of ours tre that police sometimer ser pam presidential elections, fr erample win for Repubans is defeat for Democrats In international pots, however, sch situations ae fare. Thomas Seheling pointed out fng age tat such station woul are Ina war ef compete extermination, fal otherwise not cron in wat” (Scheling 19604-5). "Winning in scone, he ob Served meant gaining Felt to one's ov valve ryrem, notre {veto one's adversary. Except for terre station of pure confit Schelings approach enabler one fo envison confit uations Iwhich everyone may be a winner of loser. tis wort noting thst ‘Schein’ view of winning relative f0 one's on value sytem oP tures the easnce of Case's concepaon of vcoy i war: The Imporant thing. according fo Clases, is to acomplish one's pola! goals not meet fo denroy the enemy (clusewite Settee ee ener eee 1976, Several esay inthis volume by authors om both sides af the Ucbate som to employ 2 2ersum conception of power The eae ‘Mihace we deade wheter sch usage appropiate in the contest (fa para sy Fungiaty -Fungitity” relers ote ease with wich apa in oe ssaeatetante din cert et, Aah he asm tOn Epa resources ae gy fone f fen associated th eae in ao found sone neler works Robert Aa TESTOR Sacssion ofthe sostegy of Tr TAT, for ewe (ela I underying standard tr of which a TH is equal (TEAM aden Ta 19, In eaing the contain othe Rane te eader should ask what lve of omer fag the SRST Theing snd wht the empetn’ ate forthe es 6 Shichi found “fe quem of what assumption about the fngiity of power sous eapsitis) st te for neratinal toi hat Te Niate goed anawer rs instrcive to ote hat ne of he "TET eden tor used om ar sssurpoon of igh ngiy Tecate of ar Projet, wich has «rao fos in terme of Rope tes tng war} anda broad ors ems of ie (. Seer enue “fue nar surprising, W one stodes only one issuers, then anatans Inthe Uy of pone esurces tom one sath 10 seen ns mater And ihe fger the tne frame of one SOO etre uefa high Sng stumps yo Tee feanes sin eeaorsees more ngs ae fongble in he ong ‘on than the shor. ‘tater sbot whether he fongibiyof power resource gh creas at seem rots inthe ens tht teeter odemet SLSR eee Many woul pee that Joan hs much mor fl: FREUD ues thane miitary oes, tht "he poet SECs person dees ot ge us the power 1 teach thst person Toei he pose” ad tht he poser" bomb ad burn iige ay teeempleey or enytarstormed ia he power twin he elmore he aban: Deutch 198530; bo suc eval TERI Sint peer nsouces in pel oe low fang When addressing the question of whether judge poltieal power sources high ot Tow in fury, i ws tab“ Compared “shat” The answer omtines givens money. [ut why use money asa standard of comparison nthe is plac, ial the Best example we have of fungie rsoures actually operat: Ing in socal process tn the second place, there age scholar erate derenbing and analyzing what mony sand how i works Inthe thi pace. on the principe that lr seal oat rm what ‘ne know and move fo what we understand less well tray be ‘tell to compare mane ae ecmomi exchange withthe ole ‘of power resources in poi exchange Inthe fourth place I snot flee what ther standard Ie aalsble Although one igh ie the tter end ofthe Lquitycontnaum ae 2 standard of eompareon {Ler a sluaton in which each resource bat ly one use, meet [eo oul probaly find tmre waft compere polities! power sources withthe zel-eotd phenomenon of money than with 2 Iypothtal ese that has never been found inthe el woe. And fit. has often been suggested that power i ke money Parsons 196 Baldwin 1971 1989; Deutch 1959 It is imporant fo nder- stand both the advantages snd diadvantges of such an analogy (Baldwin 1970. ‘Discusion of concerns aout rave gins a motivator of state behavior often eure that ates calc and compare the vale of ‘apy gains more oles the way consumers eat and com fare the vale of gods ina markt Although sues doattempt uch ‘Blealtion they face deals that conumers Sonat. Ina mone. "eed market. money server not ony a1 medium of exchange but ko asa sandndaed measure of economic valu. In palin, how ver there Is no genecaly recognlzed measuring rod of poliial ‘luctoasate comparison, Ittesometines suggeted thal money {acitatestheoning about economic Behave and that the #brence ‘of politcal counterpart to money impedes therzing about pois ‘Wat 9 hae spate ths se, ming a mere mesure rent problem. He concedes tat polit eapaity "annet bee Pressed in units suchas dallas, that weuld Have cat meaning and Teapplcable to dierent wsuments and ends (19027-28) but he ‘es the absence of numbers in Adam Sr’ theory in suppot of his contention tat the lack of» oltea! counterpart to money has -othing tod with theory constuction ee lor tetntrs og cater tae srreetan ertan tas nares tas rumors san ec acy sa ae rea et te ran Trine aegadomaratcon riers tee a eae hands Rocrgesiehesapattccsnstapunet eter Seotecn a net so much the diffe easurement ater aurora cetaromey FUTURE DIRECTIONS atl Rapoyet 1960) once ditinguited among “gh” Gm sai Sapna hme snes wh of REN curwinone ante and dette tn which opr Fetal te conineerch ther). The esas in th vlume dea Teale ase as detec. bough nether ie ily fo seine th ther complete can er fom the other and {fety nae cur understanding oneal politi. Relate vray betmporont im police, but in csp abso ins “The debate teceen neces and neciberasm continues 1 sche. Each of theese in thi ole consis am impertsnt ‘Sosfson we ns dette There ave, however see esis ‘Fine dete hat need fer elon and eee ‘Te tnstmporntresech need is eter enderstanding of the condtons that promote or inhi interational ceopraion. The State eneen econ anders ha generated test ‘SShnyomes wo tara ar sin The it SEMIN Sttegy ot vcs: Bah he terete nd prac ‘Sidious ihc sateen rote cnpeton dene ‘SRentan The second hypothe opgess ht he mamber of cors Mec the Bethcd oF copersion Although cooperation might See tech fever ars. Nes (19% ha rece Suggested TSTADindonhip may te mere complicated than tt The thd satan, Seal, nd Ward Pais 29 hypothesis rts aco’ expectations about fate interaction with tne anther in ther willingness to cooperate, Although this topic hos tren studied deductive. eave lite empl work has focused ‘ont. Fourth, international regimes have been hypothesized as pro= ‘oie af oopeation. The question of how much ference regimes make, however, remains» matter of pate, In 192 the journal Inna Orgnestion devoted» spel ee 103th hypothents feeuing on “epistemic communis” In fostering cooperaton though te contabutors to that volume est he hypotensive Issueareas. many opportunities for further reseurch remain The ‘th hypothe concerns the exe t which nenatinal eoope tion affected bythe distribution of power among nor. Although hegemonic abity theory conster ane variation of ths hypothe: fe others deere 0 be explored. These ie hypotheses provide ® "eh research agenda for both neoliberal and nee scholars. ‘The queston of whether and how to ake acount of domestic polite anther avenue of research. As the ees in his volume ‘emonstote one cannot bithely assume that neoiterals adeno ‘ge the importance of domestic pls while neoreasts ignore i In these esays for this volume, both Greco and Keohane ge titer efor to forge theoretic links between domestic pois Sr inveratonl relations, Miler (1992) argues that consideration ‘domes polis i eevant to undertandng how Rates define their interes, hy they choose some salegies and reject thes, tnd the condone unt which ats oe hay to bie by interna tional agreements, And Mastanduno'scontbution tothe volume provides an impressive concuson that domes factors are mt © Sindevtanding the way in which relate gaia concn are ara Inte nt pote ‘One adn pont of contention between eras and resists hasbeen diagrement with respec othe uty of multary fore Has thie sragicemnt disappeared inthe debate Betevenneoiber kvm ord nrrcalon? fhe newer inch, Alig some of he Suthrs in ths lume ras these. only Rabe! Poel gives It Prominent place in his analy thot farther ctestion ofeach choo! pion, 1 ficult determin whether thi Iau Bae teen rerlved or merely put onthe tack borer Inany cise the relative ub of varios techniques of tatecat in romoting imerstional cooperation a potently rewarding ave nue of research. Miltary state. economic state, propogsnds {diplomacy can be-~and Rave been-—vsed to promote copes "on. Both reveals and neoliberal ned t9 move Beyond» pro “ssumptions about the uty of thee techniques. More emp ‘esearch esate Looking bak on the post-World Wa If debate between team and tease. Is L: Clade (1981198, 200) challenged the “notion ‘the eset oppestion of realism and ies and suggested that they “ave moe rope regarded as complementary rater han compete approves to teatonal was” Joo Here (981201 fyeed wih Coude and deserted i on poston a8 eaet iter tis” Jseph Nye (128828 251) hae echoed hese tat hehe “pproaches ate complementary and eapresed the hope tht "the TB il be able to tether rather than repeat he let 170 “he debte between the whe emphorize the conan on tematonl eeapeaton and thne whe sets the cpporuntig for toch ccopeatan, however wil rotund ahold na dapper Hamiakind needs + healthy tenion between what Reinhold Nie tube has Ibeed the “children a ight” andthe “ehldren of ae eait eten of igh undetestinae he een power fori nd pola eprint oe aaa Becher swe coma fo the seas hen ot nae wba so pressed by the poe ese pete tees the ao eogse feo dnd unig Semen {Su hanich eens perme he ecu hon ‘osiom, The robe eran eran te eevee, eral ores SGN” Fors ducati aw ety t+ cig sec ‘Seeman ae Bld (58) Foe i ah hip on icy cmt {ikon ace adathew i seme Dene as 4 Oniereniet aug trv (48 apd Hester 985, 3 eins tape tres more daly Baden (9, Dana teers othe acne or acy i ett wie per fered onde te te diene he Shi at 2. aes concetion of eerie f ay fle! ther seme Sefentsmadh aaa notin ef pover as Robert Ol (68) Casa ets of powe canbe ted int vray of way Waly defn at fone in ems of who alec whom tere song Sina te ehrotons abd rk ote ee ee "state see aonsnen spose somes epee ibe po ley on aps ni Spreuret crap meters gue pests Cr Sprst +: csr tat canoe wha spc tof ger {fieton af wher ae Runa ahr arom I Bese ‘Socely as manremen pratensis cnn prt 1. dco lt pte on Mine 9). 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