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Legenda das Fotos de Constelaes.

AF1-01. The Southern Cross, Carina nebula and the False Cross, from the Coal Sac
k to o Velorum.
Centred on the theta Carinae cluster
AF1-02. The Southern Milky Way, from the Pointers to the Carina nebula.
Centred on alpha Crucis in the Southern Cross
AF1-04. The Southern Cross, Coalsack and the Great Carina nebula. Image centred
near lambda Centaurii
AF1-05. The Southern Cross and Pointers, alpha and beta Centaurii. Image centred
between them.
AF1-06. From Crux to Carina, beneath the Southern Cross.
Image includes the LMC and is centred close to the south celestial p
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF2-01. From the Southern Cross and SMC to Orion. Includes Sirius, Canopus, Bete
geuse, Rigel, to the LMC.
Centred close to pi Puppis.
AF2-02. The Milky Way, extreme wide angle, from Aquila to Carina.
Includes the Galactic Centre, Southern Cross, Antares and Jupiter
AF2-03. Same scale as AF3-02 but extends northwards from Sagittarius and Scorpiu
s to the
Summer Triangle in Cygnus.
AF2-04. Centred on the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius. Image shows the Milky Way
' 'bulge' and extends
from Carina to Cygnus, with the Zodiacal light extending from the ho
rizon (lower left))
AF2-05. Centred on lambda and nu Scorpii, from Scutum to Circinus and Rigil Kent
(alpha Cen).
Excellent image of Galactic bulge.

Click thumbnails above for larger image

AF2-07. Extreme wide angle view of the Milky Way from Scutum and Aquila to Puppi
Includes the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.
AF2-08. Milky Way, north to Scutum and part of Aquila, centred close to M17. Gal
actic centre at lower right.
AF2-09. The brightest part of the Milky Way includes most of Sagittarius and som
e of Scutum
AF3-01. The equatorial Milky Way, Sirius to Capella.
Orion, the Hyades, the Pleiades, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Cape
lla, Castor and Pollux
AF3-02. The equatorial Milky Way.
Orion, Hyades, Pleiades, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Capella, Cas
tor. Pollux
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF3-03. The equatorial Milky Way, Sirius to Capella (portrait format, with
ern horizon)
Orion, Hyades, Pleiades, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Capella,
r and Pollux
AF3-04. The equatorial Milky Way, Sirius to Capella (portrait format, with
rn horizon)
Orion, Hyades, Pleiades, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Capella,
r and Pollux


AF3-05. From the Hyades to the LMC and Carina Hyades,

Orion, Canis Major, Puppis, Carina, Pictor, Dorado, Reticulum, Caelum,
Lepus, Sirius and Procyon
AF3-06. Orion, Canis Major, Columba, Lepus, Caelum,
AF3-07. From the Pleiades to the SMC Pleiades, Hyades, Orion, LMC, SMC, Eridanus
Pictor, Puppis, Reticulm, Horologium. Dorado, Aldebaran, Sirius, Rigel
, Belelgeuse, Canopus, Achernar.
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF3-08 The equatorial Milky Way east of Orion. Procyon, Betelgeuse and Sirius (l
andscape format)
AF3-09 The equatorial Milky Way east of Orion. Procyon, Betelgeuse and Sirius (p
ortrait format)
AF3-11 The northern Milky Way, from Cygnus to Cassiopeia. Pleiades, Perseus, Cap
ella, Deneb, Sadir, M31.
AF3-12 The northern Milky Way, from Cassiopeia to Capella and beyond. The Pleiad
es, Perseus, Capella, Deneb, M31
AF3-13 Across the Pole, Cassiopeia to Ursa Minor. Polaris, Kochab.
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF3-14 Polaris, the Big Dipper, Arcturus and Spica
AF3-16 Polaris, the Big Dipper to Arcturus
AF3-19 The Big Dipper and northern horizon, with Lynx, Ursa Minor, Polaris, Koch
AF3-20 The Big Dipper, western horizon The Big Dipper, Lynx, Ursa Minor, Polaris
, Kochab
AF3-21 Sagittarius and the Summer Triangle. Scorpius, Scutum, Aquila, Cygnus, Ly
ra, Vega, Altair and Deneb
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF3-22 The Summer Triangle, eastern horizon Vulpeca, Saggita, Vega, Altair and D
AF4-01 Fomalhaut, Piscis Austrinus, Capricornus, Aquarius, Microscopium
AF4-02 Capricornius
AF4-03 From Aldebaran, Eridanus, Lepus, Fornax
AF4-04 Aquarius, Capricornius, Microscopium, Piscis Austrinus
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF4-05 Regulus, Alfard, Hydra
AF4-06 Canis Major, Sirius
AF4-07 Sagttarius, Corona Australia, Telescopium
AF4-08 Cetus, Mira, Menkar, Difda
AF4-09 Scorpius, Antares etc (similar to AF4 010)

Click thumbnails above for larger image

AF4-10 Scorpius, Antares etc (similar to AF4-09)
AF4-11 Scorpius, Sagittarius, Lupus
AF4-12 Scorpius, Norma.
AF4-13 Scorpius, Ophiuchus (slightly hazy, not good night)
AF4-14 Libra and Antares
Click thumbnails above for larger image


Sagittarius, Corona Australis

Andromeda, M31
(Portrait format) Andromeda, Cassiopeia, M31
(Landscape format) Andromeda, Cassiopeia, M31
Aquila, Saggita

Click thumbnails above for larger image

AF5-05 Auriga, Capella
AF5-06 Auriga, Capella, wider view than AF5-05
AF5-07 Bootes, Corona Borealis, Arcturus, Izar, Alphekka, Murphid
AF5-09 Corona Borealis
AF5-10 Corona Borealis, Bootes west
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF5-11 Cassiopeia (landscape format)
AF5-12 Cassiopeia (portrait format)
AF5-13 Cassiopeia (landscape, deeper image)
AF5-14 Cygnus
AF5-16 Cancer, Castor, Pollux, Procyon
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF5-17 Coma Berenices, Denbola, Cor Caroli
AF5-18 Draco, Ursa Major, big dipper
AF5-19 Delphinus, Saggita, Altair
AF5-21 Gemini, Auriga, Castor, Pollux, Alhena, Betelgeuse
AF5-22 Gemini, Auriga, Castor, Pollux, Alhena, Betelgeuse
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF5-23 Gemini, Canis Minor, Castor, Pollux, Procyon
AF5-24 Hercules, Vega
AF5-25 Leo, Regus, Denebola
AF5-26 Lyra, Vega
AF5-27 Leo Minor, Lynx, M44
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF5-28 Orion, Rigel, Betelgeuse
AF5-29 Perseus, Capella, M45 (Pleiades)
AF5-30 Pegasus (landscape)
AF5-32 The square of Pegasus
AF5-33 Taurus, Hyades, Pleiades, Alnath, Bellatrix (portrait)
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF5-34. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Draco, Big Dipper, Kochab
AF5-35. Ursa Major, Big Dipper
AF5-36. Ursa Major, Canes Venatici, Big Dipper
AF5-37. (not as good as AF5-36) Ursa Major, Canes Venatici, Big Dipper
AF5-38. Ursa Major (part), The Big Dipper
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF5-39. Ursa Minor, Kochab, Polaris
AF5-40. Pagasus, Pisces, Hamal
AF5-41. The Big Dipper meets the horizon.
Ursa Major, Big Dipper, Alcor, Mizar, Alioth, Megrez, Pheka, Merak,

The reversal of the motion of Mars, between the Hyades and Pleiades, Septemb
er 3, 1990 to March 17, 1991
AF6a-01. Sep-3, 1990
AF6a-02. Sep 23, 1990
Click thumbnails above for larger image
The reversal of the motion of Mars, between the Hyades and Pleiades, Septemb
er 3, 1990 to March 17, 1991 (continued)
AF6a-03. Oct 23, 1990
AF6a-05. Jan-6, 1991
Jupiter and Saturn between the Hyades and Pleiades, December 2000 Extreme wi
de field
AF6b-02. Dec 29, 2000 (one of a series of four)
Jupiter and Saturn between the Hyades and Pleiades, 1999-2000
AF6c-01. Nov-6, 1999
AF6c-02. Oct 31, 2000 (two of a series of three)
Click thumbnails above for larger image
Jupiter and Saturn move into Taurus, 1999-2000
AF6d-01. Nov-6, 1999
AF6d-02. Dec 29, 2000
AF6d-05. Dec 29, 2000, longer focal length
AF6d-06. Dec 29, 2000, longer still focal length
Venus among the Pleiades
AF6f-01. Venus + Pleiades, April 3
Click thumbnails above for larger image
Venus among the Pleiades
AF6f-02. Venus + Pleiades, April 6
Photographs corresponding to binocular and small telescope views
AF7-01. The Pleiades and Hyades
AF7-02. The Pleiades, binoculars
AF7-06. The Hyades, binoculars
AF7-07. M67, NGC 2682 in Cancer, telescope
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF7-08. double cluster, h and x Per, NGC 869 and 884. telescope
AF7-09. M46, NGC 2437 in Puppis, telescope
AF7-10. M44, NGC 2632 'Praesepe' in Cancer (with Jupiter), telescope (see also A
AF7-11. M44, NGC 2632 'Praesepe', Cancer, telescope
AF7-12. M41, NGC 2287 'Praesepe' in Canis Major
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF7-21. The Great Carina nebula, NGC 3372, binoculars
AF7-24. M8 (NGC 6523 with NGC 6530), M20 (NGC 6514) and M23 (NGC 6494) in Sagitt
arius, telescope
AF9-05. Mira (o Cet) at maximum and minimum
Star trails with stationary camera
AF8-01. North celestial pole trail
AF8-03. Orion, setting trails
Click thumbnails above for larger image

AF8-05. Orion trails, 30 min exp

AF8-06. Orion trails, ~3h exp
AF8-08. Big dipper trails
Aurorae and miscellaneous wide field images
AF9-01. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC + SMC), including Comet Wilso
AF9-02. The Zodiacal light and northern Milky Way
Click thumbnails above for larger image
Aurorae and miscellaneous wide field images (continued)
AF9-03. The Zodiacal light and northern Milky Way, with Jupiter and Venus
AF9-04. The Aurorae Borealis, with the Pleiades. Centred on Auriga-Perseus borde
with Capella the brightest star, with Tejat Prior and Tejat Posterio
r, divided by a planet.
AF9-05. Mira (o Cet) at maximum and minimum
The Sun and solar eclipses
AF10-02. solar eclipse 16 Feb, 1980, India 33-image multi-exposure, with palm tr
AF10-03. solar eclipse 11 June, 1983, Indonesia Detail of prominences, and inner
Click thumbnails above for larger image
The Sun and solar eclipses (continued)
AF10-04. Solar eclipse 11 June, 1983, Indonesia. Solar corona image covers about
4 degrees
AF10-06. Annular solar eclipse 23 Sept, 1987 China. Multi-element exposure, with
'oriental' building
AF10-07. Solar eclipse 23 Sept, 1987 China Montage of 3 telescope images, just b
efore, at and just after max eclipse.
AF10-08. Solar eclipse 23 Sept, 1987 China Montage of 38 images with times, from
first to last contact
AF10-10. Solar eclipse 11 July, 1991, La Paz, Mexico 30+ image multi-exposure. C
hurch in foreground
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF10-11. Solar eclipse 11 July, 1991, La Paz, Mexico.
Beautiful solar corona and prominence. Image about 3 degrees across
AF10-12. Solar eclipse 11 July, 1991, La Paz, Mexico. Diamond ring effect
AF10-15. Solar eclipse 9 Mar, 1997. Partial eclipse seen through cloud
AF10-16. Solar eclipse 9 Mar, 1997. Partial eclipse, one degree field
AF10-17. Annular solar eclipse 16 Feb, 1999, WA. 30+ image multi-exposure, gum t
ree in foreground
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF10-18a. Annular solar eclipse 16 Feb, 1999,
aximum eclipse
AF10-18b. Annular solar eclipse 16 Feb, 1999,
AF10-18c. Annular solar eclipse 16 Feb, 1999,
ximum eclipse
The Moon and lunar eclipses
AF11-02. The moon and its ashen light.
AF11-04. 9-image multi-exposure sequence of a
Click thumbnails above for larger image

WA. Limb in contact, just before m

WA. Maximum annular eclipse
WA. Limb in contact, just after ma

total lunar eclipse. A beauty!

The Moon and lunar eclipses (continued)

AF11-05. 3-image multi-exposure of a lunar eclipse, with the asteroid Vesta.
AF11-07. 7-image multi-exposure of the lunar eclipse of 30 Dec, 1982.
AF11-08. The total lunar eclipse of July 16, 2000. The eclipsed moon in Sagittar
ius, with the Milky Way. wide field view
AF11-10. The total lunar eclipse of July 16, 2000. The bronze moon at full eclip
se. 3 degree field.

Click thumbnails above for larger image

AF11-19. 26 day moon, waning crescent.
AF11-21. 24 day moon, waning crescent.
AF11-22. 22 day moon, last quarter.
AF11-23. 19 day moon, waning gibbous.
AF11-24. 17 day moon, waning gibbous.
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF11-32. 11 day moon, waxing gibbous.
AF11-25. A few hours after full moon.
AF11-27. 12 day moon, waxing gibbous.
AF11-35. 9 day moon, waxing gibbous
AF11-28. 7 day moon, first quarter.
Click thumbnails above for larger image
AF11-29. 4 day moon, waxing crescent.
AF11-31. 3 day moon, waxing crescent.
AF12-03. Comet Bennett, 1969Y1. 1970
AF12-04. Comet West, 1975V1. (10 Mar 1976)
AF12-11. Comet Wilson and supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 3 May,
Click thumbnails above for larger image
Comets (continued)
AF12-13. Comet Swift-Tuttle, 12 Dec 1992
AF12-14. Comet Hyakutake 1996 B2 Hyakutake crosses the Big Dipper, 26 Mar, 1996.
Images include Coma Berenices and Arcturus
AF12-16. Comet Hyakutake 1996 B2
AF12-19. Comet Hale-Bopp 1996 O1 (10 Mar 1997) Clear separation of the blue ion
tail and dusty tail reflecting sunlight
AF12-20. Comet Hale-Bopp 1996 O1 (12 Mar 1997) Hale-Bopp against the northern Mi
lky Way. Very long ion tail
Click thumbnails above for larger image
Comets (continued)
AF12-23. Comet Hale-Bopp 1996 O1 (1 April 1997) Comet Hale-Bopp aurorae and wood
en house.
Photographed from Canada.
AF12-25. Comet Hale-Bopp 1996 O1 (1 April 1997) Comet Hale-Bopp with fine ion an
d reflection tails
AF12-26. Comet Hale-Bopp 1996 O1 (2 April 1997) Comet Hale-Bopp and aurorae with
trees and wintery foreground (Canada).
AF12-27. Comet Hale-Bopp 1996 O1 (4 April 1997) Comet Hale-Bopp seen from a Cana
dian city
AF12-29. Comet Hale-Bopp 1996 O1 (19 April 1997) Comet Hale-Bopp seen above a sn

ow-covered mountain
Click thumbnails above for larger image
Comets (continued)
AF12-32. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (14 January
iro Observatory, W. Australia.
AF12-33. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (18 January
vatory, W. Australia.
AF12-34. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (19 January
8, Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.
AF12-35. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (19 January
8, Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.
AF12-36. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (19 January
8, Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.
Click thumbnails above for larger image
Comets (continued)
AF12-37. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (19 January
8, Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.
AF12-38. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (19 January
Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.
AF12-39. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (20 January
Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.
AF12-40. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (20 January
8, Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.
AF12-41. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (20 January
Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.

2007) daytime binocular view from Ch

2007) daytime view, from Chiro Obser
2007) 35mm focal length lens at F/1.
2007) 35mm focal length lens at F/1.
2007) 35mm focal length lens at F/1.

2007) 35mm focal length lens at F/1.

2007) 20mm focal length lens at F/2,
2007) 20mm focal length lens at F/2,
2007) 20mm focal length lens at F/1.
2007) 20mm focal length lens at F/2,

Click thumbnails above for larger image

Comets (continued)
AF12-42. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (1 February 2007) 85mm focal length lens at F/1.
8, Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.
AF12-43. Comet McNaught 2006 P1 (1 February 2007) Landscape format, 85mm focal l
ength lens at F/1.8, Chiro Observatory, W. Australia.

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