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import java.util.

//Modified into an AVL Tree by Mike Hawkins
//height variable to BSTNodeND class
//balanceLL(), balanceRL(), balanceRR(), balanceLR() - balance/rotation operatio
//balancePath(), balanceFactor()
//path() - finds the entire patch of the element
//updateHeight() - updates height variable of the node after balancing
//Re-wrote remove() method
//added a balance check after remove() or insert() called
public class BinarySearchTreeND
< K extends Comparable < ? super K > >
// ANY class that extends the base comparable type (K)
// of this data structure instance may be inserted
static final int INORDER
= 1; // select toString (int)
static final int PREORDER = 2; // select toString (int)
static final int POSTORDER = 3; // select toString (int)
static final int LEVELORDER = 4; // select toString (int)
static final int DEPTHDELTA = 5; // used to create a text tree display
public static void main (String args []) {
BinarySearchTreeND < Integer > x = new BinarySearchTreeND < Integer > (
int arr [] = {40, 20, 60, 10, 30, 50, 70, 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75
int rem [] = {40, 45, 50, 10, 55};
for (int y: arr) x.insert (y);

("X:\n" + x);
("X in-order:\n "
("X pre-order:\n "
("X post-order:\n "
("X level-order:\n "



Integer t = x.find(10);
System.out.println ("find: " + t);
System.out.println ("find: " + x.find(20));
System.out.println ("Size: " + x.getSize());
System.out.println ("MAX: " + x.max());
for (int y: rem) {
System.out.println ("Removing: " + y);
x.remove (y);
System.out.println ("result:\n" + x);
System.out.println ("X:\n" + x);
} // end main
private BSTNodeND < K > root = null;
//altered the insert method to call
//the balance method when necessary (in the insertValue method)
public void insert (K d) {

if(root == null){
root = new BSTNodeND < K > (d);
insertValue (d, root);
} // end insert, public version
public K find (K d) {
if (root == null)
return null;
BSTNodeND < K > t = findValue (d, root);
return (t==null)?null:t.data;
} // end find method
public K max () {
if (root == null)
return null;
return findMax(root).data;
} // end max method
public int getSize () {
return getSize (root);}
//Changed the remove method to perform
//balancing, if necessary.
public void remove (K d) {
root = remove (d, root);
if (root == null)
BSTNodeND<K> parent = null;
BSTNodeND<K> current = root;
while (current != null){
if (d.compareTo(current.data) < 0){
parent = current;
current = current.left;
}else if(d.compareTo(current.data) > 0){
parent = current;
current = current.right;
if (current == null){
if (current.left == null){
if (parent == null){
root = current.right;
if (d.compareTo(parent.data) < 0){
parent.left = current.right;
parent.right = current.right;

else {
BSTNodeND<K> parentOfRightMost = current;
BSTNodeND<K> rightMost = current.left;
while (rightMost.right != null){
parentOfRightMost = rightMost;
rightMost = rightMost.right;
current.data = rightMost.data;
if (parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost){
parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left;
parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left;
} // end remove data
public String toString () {
if (root == null)
return null;
return toString(root);}
public String toString (int ord) {
if (root == null)
return null;
return toString(ord, root);}
private void insertValue (K d, BSTNodeND < K > n) {
if (d.compareTo (n.data) > 0)
if (n.right == null) n.right = new BSTNodeND < K > (d, n);
else insertValue (d, n.right);
if (n.left == null) n.left = new BSTNodeND < K > (d, n);
else insertValue (d, n.left);
} // end method insertValue
//Balances the patch of the provided element
private void balancePath(K k){
java.util.ArrayList<BSTNodeND<K>> path = path(k);
for (int i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
BSTNodeND<K> A = (BSTNodeND < K >)(path.get(i));
BSTNodeND < K > parentA = (A == root) ? null : (BSTNodeND < K >)(p
switch (balanceFactor(A)){
case -2:
if (balanceFactor((BSTNodeND < K >)A.left) <= 0){
balanceLL(A, parentA);
balanceLR(A, parentA);

case +2:
if (balanceFactor((BSTNodeND < K >)A.right) >= 0){
balanceRR(A, parentA);
balanceRL(A, parentA);
//Performs and LL balance
private void balanceLL(BSTNodeND < K > node, BSTNodeND < K > nodeParent){
BSTNodeND<K> B = node.left;
if (node == root){
root = B;
if (nodeParent.left == node){
nodeParent.left = B;
nodeParent.right = B;
node.left = B.right;
B.right = node;
//Performance an LR balance
private void balanceLR(BSTNodeND < K > node, BSTNodeND < K > nodeParent){
BSTNodeND < K > B = node.left;
BSTNodeND < K > C = node.right;
if (node == root){
root = C;
if (nodeParent.left == node){
nodeParent.left = C;
nodeParent.right = C;
node.left = C.right;
B.right = C.left;
C.left = B;
C.right = node;
//Performs and RR balance
private void balanceRR(BSTNodeND < K > node, BSTNodeND < K > nodeParent){
BSTNodeND < K > B = node.right;

if (node == root){
root = B;
if (nodeParent.left == node){
nodeParent.left = B;
nodeParent.right = B;
node.right = B.left;
B.left = node;
//Performs an RL balance
private void balanceRL(BSTNodeND < K > node, BSTNodeND < K > nodeParent){
BSTNodeND < K > B = node.right;
BSTNodeND < K > C = B.left;
if (node == root){
root = C;
if (nodeParent.left == node){
nodeParent.left = C;
nodeParent.right = C;
node.right = C.left;
B.left = C.right;
C.left = node;
C.right = B;
//Gets the balance factor to determine which type of balance/rotation is n
private int balanceFactor(BSTNodeND < K > node){
if (node.right == null)
return -findHeight(node);
else if (node.left == null)
return +findHeight(node);
return findHeight(node.right) - findHeight(node.left);
private int findHeight(BSTNodeND < K > node)
if(node == null)
return -1;
return node.height;

private BSTNodeND < K > findValue (K d, BSTNodeND < K > n) {

if (n.data.compareTo(d) == 0)
return n;
if (n.data.compareTo (d) > 0)
return (n.left==null)?null:findValue (d, n.left);
return (n.right == null)?null:findValue(d, n.right);
} // end findValue
private BSTNodeND < K > findMax (BSTNodeND < K > n) {
if (n.right == null)
return n;
return findMax(n.right);
} // end findValue
private int getSize (BSTNodeND < K > t) {
if (t == null)
return 0;
return getSize (t.left) + getSize (t.right) + 1;
} // end getSize node
private BSTNodeND < K > removeRoot (BSTNodeND < K > t) {
if (t.left == null) {
if (t.right != null)
t.right.parent = t.parent;
return t.right;
if (t.right == null) {
t.left.parent = t.parent; // t.left != null because of earlier if te
st case
return t.left;
BSTNodeND < K > newTop = findMax(t.left);
remove (newTop.data, t); // lose the node instance, leave tree intact
t.data = newTop.data;
// just replace the data at the internal node
return t;
} // end remove data, tree
private BSTNodeND < K > remove (K d, BSTNodeND < K > t) {
if (t == null)
return null;
if (d.compareTo (t.data) < 0)
t.left = remove (d, t.left );
if (d.compareTo (t.data)> 0)
t.right = remove (d, t.right);
else // d equals t.data
t = removeRoot (t);
return t;
} // end remove data, tree
private String toString (BSTNodeND n) {
return toTreeString (5, n);
} // end toString
private String toTreeString (int depth, BSTNodeND n) { // depth = 0 is bad
StringBuffer st = new StringBuffer ();
char d = '\\';
// default = this is right child

if (n.parent == null) d = ' ';

// case of root
else if (n == n.parent.left) d = '/'; // case that this is left child
st.append ((n.left == null)?"":toTreeString (depth + DEPTHDELTA, n.le
st.append (String.format ("%" + depth + "s%s\n", d, n.data)); // ND: fi
xed 4/17/2009
st.append ((n.right == null)?"":toTreeString (depth + DEPTHDELTA, n.rig
return st.toString();
} // end method toTreeString
private String toInOrderString (BSTNodeND n) {
StringBuffer st = new StringBuffer ();
st.append ((n.left == null)?"":toInOrderString(n.left));
st.append (n.data + " ");
st.append ((n.right == null)?"":toInOrderString(n.right));
return st.toString();
} // end toInOrderString
private String toPreOrderString (BSTNodeND n) {
StringBuffer st = new StringBuffer ();
st.append (n.data + " " );
st.append ((n.left == null)?"":toPreOrderString(n.left));
st.append ((n.right == null)?"":toPreOrderString(n.right));
return st.toString();
} // end toPreOrderString
private String toPostOrderString (BSTNodeND n) {
StringBuffer st = new StringBuffer ();
st.append ((n.left == null)?"":toPostOrderString(n.left));
st.append ((n.right == null)?"":toPostOrderString(n.right));
st.append (n.data + " ");
return st.toString();
} // end to PostOrderString
// See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal
private String toLevelOrderString (BSTNodeND n) {
StringBuffer st = new StringBuffer ();
BSTNodeND node;
java.util.ArrayDeque < BSTNodeND > q
= new java.util.ArrayDeque < BSTNodeND > ();
q.add (n);
// start queue by adding this (root?) to queue
while (q.size() > 0) {
node = q.remove();
// remove the head of qu
st.append (node.data + " ");

// process head data to

if (node.left != null) q.add (node.left);

// insert left child at

end of queue
if (node.right != null) q.add (node.right); // insert right child at
end or queue
} // end queue processing
return st.toString();
} // end to LevelOrderString
private String toString (int order, BSTNodeND n) {
String st = null;
switch (order) {
st = toInOrderString (n);

case PREORDER: st = toPreOrderString (n);

case POSTORDER: st = toPostOrderString (n);
case LEVELORDER: st = toLevelOrderString(n);
return st;
} // end toString int
private ArrayList<BSTNodeND<K>> path(K k) {
java.util.ArrayList<BSTNodeND<K>> list = new java.util.ArrayList<>();
BSTNodeND<K> current = root;
while (current != null){
if (k.compareTo(current.data) < 0){
current = current.left;
}else if (k.compareTo(current.data) > 0){
current = current.right;
return list;
//updates the new AVL variable - height
private void updateHeight(BSTNodeND < K > node){
if (node.left == null && node.right == null){
node.height = 0;
}else if (node.left == null){
node.height = 1 + ((BSTNodeND < K >)(node.right)).height;
}else if (node.right == null){
node.height = 1 + ((BSTNodeND < K >)(node.left)).height;
node.height = 1 + Math.max(((BSTNodeND < K >)(node.right)).height, (
(BSTNodeND < K >)(node.left)).height);
} // end class BinarySearchTreeND
class BSTNodeND
< L extends Comparable< ? super L > >
L data;
protected int height = 0;
BSTNodeND < L > left = null, right = null, parent = null;
BSTNodeND (L d) {
data = d;}
BSTNodeND (L d, BSTNodeND p) {
data = d;
parent = p;
} // end data + parent

} // end class BSTNodeND

// A class that can be used with the BinarySearchTreeND data structure
// Notice the use of the generic parameter Example
class Example implements Comparable < Example > {
String data;
public Example (String d) {
data = d;}
// you, of course, will want a more interesting compareTo method
public int compareTo (Example e) {
return data.compareTo (e.data);
} // end compareTo method
public String toString () {
return data;
} // end toString
} // end class Example

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