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Position Paper

Many people have been unable to accept truth throughout history. They
have strived to oppress those that would argue or disagree with their own
interpretation of truth; going so far as to re-write history in order to agree with
the truth that they can except. Caligula, Mugabe, Zedong, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin,
Hirohito, and Hussein, were only a few who believed that people could not be free
to choose what truths to believe in. Through observation, research, trial and
history, President Lincoln, Prime Minister Churchill and President Reagan all
believed, and fought for and maintained that free people should be able to choose
from a multitude of sources to acquire truth and apply it to their own individual
circumstances; it should not be dictated to them by their governments.

My opinion on what truth is that is the; absolute, awful, naked, plain, simple,
unpleasant, and whole. Throughout history, truth has not been very pleasant but it
is and was something that is very necessary and will always come out; even if it is
suppressed it will eventually come out. Most historical events have many aspects of
them that deal with the idea of truth. For an example the Berlin Wall was built to
separate and keep people that were in it from knowing how good the rest of the
world really is, and that they were missing out on. One another perfect example is

North Korea; there whole country was formed on lies that drew people from South
Korea to move to the north with the promise of a better life for them and their
families. But in retrospect they are trapped in a place that has no connection with
the rest of the world, and most don't even know.

The real idea of truth is different for everyone but for me it is the idea
that everyone has the right to know who their government is and what their
government is doing. I know that we have it better than most people because the
U.S. is a free country and is controlled by the people. And that if there is
something that people don't like then we have the right to speak up and demand
change. But also at the same time I feel that there is room for not having the
truth being out. There are few reasons why the truth aren't and should not be out;
they are reasons like for national sincerity that if the truth is out the country or
people would be endangered. And there are things that people don't need to know
about for safety. The truth of America is that we never give up and that it would
be better to die on our feet then on our knees.

Martin A. Treptow was a American soldier that was gunned down on the
western front in France during WWI trying to get a message between battalions.

When his body was recovered they found a note in his pocket, the note was his
pledge to America. This pledge was so moving that Ronald Reagan put it into one of
his most famous speeches, and it read;
''America must win this war. Therefore I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I
will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole
struggle depended on me alone.''

Private Martin A. Treptow (Killed in action)

America is the greatest country in the world, because the people in it are will to
trade for it, pay for it, and die for it. But will never surrender for it.
Ronald Reagan

6 Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the

Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as
well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.
John 14:6-7

There are many examples of truth throughout the bible from the word of
God to books of the bible talking about how Gods word really is the truth and that
as long as you believe that Gods word, then everything will work out and be saved
in the end. Then the truth of Jesus, Gods one and only son that was willing to come
to earth and be born to the Virgin Mary. And was to teach about the word, till the
day that he was betrayed, beaten, and then was crucified on the cross.

Throughout history there have been many people that have tried to reject
the idea of truth of what I share and or the truth of Gods word. This will never
stop, people will always have their opinions on that the true meaning of truth really
is. And the people that questions don't have to be extremist that push their ideas
on to others by force or manipulation. Every person around the world has their own
slightly different from the person next to them, there idea of truth and what
truth means to them.

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