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Personal Statement Lesson Template

School Counselor: Ms. Drzewiecki Proposed Date: 10/5/15

Activity: Personal Statements: self-reflection & post-secondary preparation
Grade(s): 9th Grade

ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies):
C:A1.3. Develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, interests and motivations
C:A1.6 Learn how to set goals
C:A1.7 Understand the importance of planning
C:B1.2 Identify personal skills, interests and abilities and relate them to current career choice
C:C1.3 Identify personal preferences and interests influencing career choice and success
C:C2.1 Demonstrate how interests, abilities and achievement relate to achieving personal, social,
educational and career goals

Learning Objective(s):
1. SWBAT understand what a personal statement is and how personal statements relate to
college and career planning.
2. SWBAT take written inventory of their individual preferences, goals, and motivations
3. SWBAT draft personal statements

1. Handout 27 from The Advisory Guide
2. Writing utensils

Do Now: What sorts of things to do you wish colleges/employers knew about you that your
grades alone might not tell them? (5mins)

Share Out Do Now: (5mins)

Instruction: TW explain what personal statements are, how they are used, why they are
important, and provide examples of personal statement construction (12mins)

Independent Practice: SW complete handout 27 (13mins)

Exit Ticket: SW share out responses and submit completed handouts to advisory leader (5mins)

Follow Up: after review, completed handouts will be returned to students at next advisory
meeting. SW use prior responses to draft personal statements during full-period free write.
Advisory leader will collect completed drafts; copies will be provided to relevant college
counseling staff.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?
Process Data Goal: At least 80% of freshmen will participate in the Personal Statement lesson
during their advisory periods.
Perception Data Goal: 80% of freshmen will have sufficient enough understanding of personal
statement development to produce draft personal statement
Outcome Data Goal: 80% of freshmen will have a draft personal statement on file with their
respective advisors and counselors by the end of AY2015-16
Follow Up Goal: Advisors will assign handout 27 and personal statement free-writing to
students who have not participated in the lesson. Advisors will continue holding advisees
accountable for draft personal statements for duration of AY2015-16.

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