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8 Risk Assessment

8.1 Schedule Risk:

? The Test Schedule is subject to delivery of the Software & support to the E-Te
st Team on time.
Mitigation Plan
The Test team will closely monitor the progress of the onsite an
d offshore development teams and escalate anticipated delays to the Project Mana
ger in advance. In case of delays, the team shall spare no effort at completing
tasks in time.
? Change in Application might require work of test scripts, which requires addit
ional efforts.
Mitigation Plan The effort involved in the rework of scripts will be intimated t
o the onsite coordinator and the test team shall spare no effort at completing t
asks in time.
? Incase of server failure during the course of load testing, the testing will c
ome to an abrupt halt. Additional efforts are required to bring the environment
back up and running.
Mitigation Plan The effort involved in restoring the environment will be intimat
ed to the development team after consultation with support services and the test
team shall spare no effort at completing tasks in time.
8.2 Technology Risk:
? Testing is subject to the availability of the intranet network connection for
the Load test machines
Mitigation Plan The E-Test Team will co-ordinate with the concerned Project manag
er and conduct formal meetings with the concerned teams.
? Testing is subject to the availability of the same application to be deployed
on which test scripts were generated.
Mitigation Plan The Test Team will contact the onsite coordinator and sort out t
he issue.
? Load runner 7.51 does not completely support Application Server Monitoring
Mitigation Plan The monitoring feature provided inbuilt in the application server
or in-house built monitoring scripts will be used.
and suggestions to improve the same will be given as part of the Executive summ
ary report.

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