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CHILLI: SPIKE: CHILLI: DANIEL: CHILL: DANIFI : CHILL: DANIL: : CHILLI: SPIKE: CHILL: DANIEL: FMILY: DANIEL: EMILY: DANIEt: EMILY: DANIEL: EMILY: DANIEL: LUKE: SPIKE: LUKF DANIEL: LUKE: PAST SIMPLE 19.05 2015 Hi, guys! Did you enjoy the music? Yes, we did. We really enjoyed it. It was great! Especially the last number - ‘Kingston Town’, {'m glad you liked it. Kingston is my grandparents’ home town in Jamaica. The song is an old Bob Marley-number. Are your grandparents still there in Kingston? No, they came to work in Britain in the 1950s and stayed here. Were you always musical? Well, | learnt how to play the guitar when | was at school. When did you start the band? This band? About a year ago. But | started my first band when | was at college. We were called ‘The Easy Beats. We weren't very good but it was fun. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Oh, here's Luke. We must go. OK, don’t miss the bus! See you! Would you like a piece of gum, Emily? Yes, please. Were you angry with me tonight? | was a bit angry, | suppose. What did | do wrong? You didn’t talk to me. | did. Anyway, you didn't dance with me. You didn't ask! Come on, you two. Stop arguing. Let's go to the bus station. The bus leaves in a few minutes. Oh, no! What's the matter? The last bus wasn’t at 11.30, It was at 11.10. How are we going to get home? Walk! 6> @ Listen and read Luke Freeman is talking to Police Constable Jean Watson. We had a good time at the disco. We left at 11.15 but we missed the last bus. We decided to walk home along the sea Suddenly, we heard a cry for help. 4, We went down to the beach and saw a man lying there. That was at about 11.45. Iran to a phone box to call the police and an ambulance. 1 dialled 999. ‘The others stayed on the beach with the man, He was unconscious. They didn’t move him but Emily put Daniel's jacket over him. A few minutes later an ambulance arrived and took the man to hospital. ? 9 Prac ) Complete the man’s statement with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. weed. Last nigh} (go) ' .. to my favourite restaurant in West Street TdeaverGt the resteuremt at apput 2) p'clock. Ik be) “400 a warm evening andt (degiiey*.. to walk along he beac Suddenly, { chearY?”Erotse. I cturnY”” BE 00) “Eifee boys at it eighteen. One boy (come) “P7745 to me and osi}.""tag the time. When ijook) “°6évin at my watch, Aap Bice ae the ground. Another boy (take) y Wallet. 1 shou! 4Sr help. Then they unyOawary. Infinitive Past simple Infinitive ast stmpre uy bought have pad come came hit ube do did leave left fall fell make made get got put pee ae are weer wore 90 went dake 400K. 7 Comprehension Put the sentences in the correct order to summarise the story. Ic} They missed the lost bus B -a) They heard a cry for help. G.b) Emily put Daniel's jacket over the man. 4. 6) They missed the last bus. % 4) The ambulance arrived and took the man to hospital. 2.2) They decided to walk home along the sea front. 5. f) Luke ran to phone the police and the ambulance service. Q_g) Luke made a statement at the police station. 4 b) They went down to the beach and saw a man lying there. A: What did the man do last night? B: He went to his favourite restaurar 1 What time/he leave the restaurant? What/he do then? What/he hear? What/he see? What/one boy do? What/the man do? What/another boy do? What/happen next? eyanken a> Listen to the first part of the dialogue and answer T (true) or F (false). 1 Spike didn’t like the last song. & 2. Kingston is a town in Jamaica. 4 3 Chilli’s grandparents were from Britain. # 7 4 Chills first band was called The Easy Beats. * b> Listen to the second part of the dialogue and answer the questions. 1 What does Danie! offer to Emily on the way to the bus station? : 2. Why is Emily angry with Daniel? 3 Why did they start to walk home? Lis Pie of, Mr 2. Table te per _ olomeorl eer Ay beer 8 Kat bute — Hey stal Ha bod hus! “ Bea ae) ‘ ores in 7 Fae inn ae i Phe pook: dest Visteds Pracies 7 fees hous aay, ad ee % Washed my project, Ge fauwe. | sre To as Hebedit te = | Plat gti am found Z| ane SIO) nr Oyeed in Tare We Liverccl z Hap Watched x — oe @ |QK8, ltl Student A: Look at Nigel's computer diary. Ask Student B questions to fn« ‘out what he did last week. Then answer Student B's questions. ‘A: What aid Nigel do on Monday morning? B: He walked into town, Now write your own diary for last week.

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