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STANDARDS for Educational and Psychological Testing .. STANDARDS for Educational and Psychological Testing ‘American Educational Research Association ‘American Psychological Association National Council on Measurement in Education Copyigh © 2014 bythe Amercin Eduction Resch Auxiation, the Antec PyebaoglAso- cxteon Sint ‘ero cra ‘an Aten ks ten pit ain mazures “The digsam differents beeween a predictor construct domain and a predicor measure, and beoween a criterion construct domain and a criterion meanie. A prea conatract domain in ‘etn by speiying the sex of behaviors, Knowl ge, ll ailis, tats, dispositions, and values, that willbe included under paccularconserut labels (eg verbal reasoning, typing sped con- scientioummes). Similaely a enterion contract domain spon these oF ob behaviors or job fwtcomer tha wl be included under paniular consruct labels (eg. peformance of core job ‘ack, eamwork, attendance sls ylame, overall job perfomance). Predictor and crkeion measures m areinended osc an individuals standing on the chractrinicr assed in hose domaine “The diagram enumerates inferences about & ruber of inkages that are commonly of interes, Theft linkage (beled 1 in the diagram) isbe- fvcen scores on a predictor mesure and scores on 8 ctiterion mesrir. Tht inference steve through empirical examination of iclaionships besween the wo measres The second and fourth linkages (beled 2 and 4) are conceal similar: Both examine the ctionship of an operational messure to the construct domain of inter Logical analyse expe judgmenr, and convergence swith oF divergence from soncepealy similar or Ace messes ae ang the forms of evidence thae can be examined in testing these linkage. Linkage 3 involves the elationship beeen the predictor conscruct domain and the criterion onsrict domain, This infered linkage i xa lished on the basis of theoretical and logical analysis. I commonly draws on systematic eval- tation of jb content and exper judgment at to the individual characeriics inked to succes job performance, Linkage 5 examines a dite Letionhip ofthe predictor measure tothe cittion construct domain, ‘Some predictor measur are dxignd explicidy ss samples ofthe ctiterion construc domain of incerest ths, nomoephism berween the measure tnd the construct domain constitutes direct idence fr linkage 5. Establishing inkage 5 in ‘his fashion isthe hallmark of approaches chat rely envy om wha che Sender refers 0 3 aii evidence bed om tee content. Tete which candidates fr lifegusr postions peform rereue operstion, oF ia which candidates for word procasor positions type and edit text provide examples of rex content that fers the bat fo valid ‘A prerequisite othe se of predictor messre for personnel selection ie that ee inferences co cerming the liohage berwecn the predictor meas nd the cron construc domntn be enabled ‘As the diagram illortates, there are mile strategies for enabling this crucial Hinkage. One reatgy is direc, ia linkage 5; second involves psting linkage 1 and linkage 4; and chind Involes pring linkage 2 and linkage 3 ‘When the tt designed aa sumple of the ctiteionconseact domain, the vl evidence can be esalished diet vialskage 5. Another Ssacegy for linking 2 predictor measure and the criterion construct domain Focuses on linkages 1 andl: pcing an empirical ink beeween the pre dicoe and esiterion mensres with evidence of the adequacy with which the criterion measure represents the eiterion construct domtin, The mpi lnk berweenthe predictor meanite and thectiterion measures part of what he Shndard refs assay evidence bed on releionsips 1 other variables, The empiscal link of che test, and the erteron meamune mus be supplemented by evidence of the eevance of the criterion measure to the criterion construct domain co complete cheng bersen thet andthe ct ‘elon constr domain, Evidence of the levance ofthe criterion messre othe criterion construct domain is commonly based on job analysis, a ‘hog in some cae the nk bexween the drmain and the mesure is so dizer shat relevance 3 rent without job analysis (eg, when the citron sumed under “construct valid” in prior con- prualations of the validaon proces. A com bination oflines of evidence (expert judgment ofthe characterise predictive of jab succes, in ferences drawn om an analysis of rl niente of efferve and inefoctve job peformance, and imrvew and obseration methods) may sppore inferences about the predictor construct ake to the ererion constrict domain, Measutes of these predictor conaucts may chen be selected ‘ordesloped, andthe linkage between the peitor measure and the predictor construct domain can be established with vaious lines of evidence for linkage 2, dsessed shove The various sategier for linking predictor scores to the eiterion construct domain may Aer in ehir penal appli to any given employment eng conte, While the avalibiy of ces lines of evidence may be conssined, sch conrrsints do nc reduce the importance of establishing valid argument forthe predictive inference. For example, methods frestablishing linkages sate more limited in settings with only small samples avaiable. In such situations, gathering Toca evidence of predictoe

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