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Siple 1

Bethany Siple
Mrs. Sutliff
English Ten
28 May, 2015
The Impact of a Changing Climate
Our world is made of earth, oxygen and living beings. There is nothing new, just what we
started with almost five billion years ago. Everything that we do will affect us sooner or later,
good or bad. We cannot change what we have done to this world, nor can we restart and become
new again. The damage is done. The question is; What can be done to save our home?
The effects of climate change are about 99.99% caused by us. We are ruining our planet
and when it's gone, there'll be nothing left. The number one cause of climate change is the
countless emissions of carbon dioxide that we keep putting in our environment. The burning of
gasolineand other fossil fuels is to blame. The killer is Carbon Dioxide; It is what is ruining our

lives. The Earth is crying for our help, and we cant seem to answer the call.
Another probable cause of our changing climate is the excessive usage of chemical
fertilizers and pesticides put inDenotative
the ground and air to "protect" our crops when it will only hurt
them even more in the near future. Lastly, deforestation is most definitely one of the top causes
because without oxygen produced by the trees and plants of nature what will we do. We are
willingly ripping and cutting up our number one source of all life. Besides the sun, oxygen is the
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thing we could not survive without for more than a few measly seconds, and people are

willy-nilly chopping down trees for pencils and calendars with cats on them.
If I have to decide one thing that was worse than what causes climate change, I would have
to say what we continue to do even though we have witnessed the harsh effects of our changing

Siple 2
This Is Logos
inches.Sea levels could continue to rise between four and thirty six inches over the next one
hundred years(Climate Change).We have seen the floods, the droughts, and the crop failures to
know that the world is changing and though some things may benefit from it, most will not. The
struggling economy will benefit little to none because of climate change. "Lobster catches have
plummeted because of heat stresses"(Climate Impacts). It is my greatest question as to why we
keep doing the same agonizing things to the Earth and expect nothing bad to come from it. Well,
something has happened and it is surely not good. What can mass extinctions, loss of coral reefs,
and rise in sea levels be classified as?, because, to many, they are natural disasters. Our world is
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dying and nothing is being done about it. That is the definition of selfishness.
has this

world been gifted? The only thing the human race has done to Earth is kill it. This world has
given everything and more than what Mankind could ever have hoped to want.
One may think that climate change is not an immediate threat, and that our planet isnt
dying, however it has a larger impact on your health than you would think.Weather and climate
change play a significant role in peoples health (Climate Change). Climate change impacts will
most likely vary by place, the size of the population, and the length of time exposed to climate
change impacts. Places such as Africa, Vietnam, and other poor countries will be affected more
so than places like America and Britain because they are already really hot and overpopulated
which do not mix well. A hotter climate makes us way more susceptible to deadly diseases.
Climate change affects us in many ways. It can hurt, help us, and do nothing. Climate
change is not just a rising temperature; its migrating species, rising sea levels, deadly spread of
diseases, and economic struggle. It is the extremities and the killer storms that is ruining our way
of life. There may be nothing to do to take back what we have done, but we can always prevent

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further damage to the world by listening to what nature wants. No more deforestation or burning
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fossil fuels. Change is in your hands and your hands alone. Without help from us the world we
have come to love will no longer thrive with life. It will become a dead, desolate rock that has no
life and no love. This world needs a change.

Siple 4
Works Cited

"Human Health". EPA. 2009.

Markham, Derek. "English 3rd hour Warming Effects and Causes". Planet Save. 2014.
Trenbeth, Kevin. "Current Extreme Weather". Climate Communication . 7 September 2011.
Jeff Tollefson. Climate Change: Case of the Missing Heat. Nature. 15 January 2014.

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