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Goal 3

I will focus on using group work in the class room, through some of lesson that I will teach with

grade three students in Osama Bin Zaid School during my teaching practice in semester 1, ye


Group work help to improve communication skills. From my experience when students a
sitting in group they improve their communication skills through talking and working
together. Jean Piaget

Group work improves time management. From my experience students can finish the
activity in short period of time because of working together. (Gardner)

Develop students voice through discussions and increase their participation in class. Fr

my experience I note that students level of participation is increase when they are sitti
group. Jean Piaget

Group working help to increase the level of social support and encouragement. Throug

teaching practice when group have students with different level the high level encourag

low level student and help him to understand the task and answer it correctly. (Gardner)

Competency are
Planning for learning

Implementing and Managing Learn

Planning activities and lesson aims.

Language and delivery

Prepares lesson plans include the important

Using clear instructions to manage the act

things like activity and vocabularyetc. Also it

in the classroom, also it manages the mov

shows how to teach students and design a suit

between the activities in smoothly way. In

plan for each unit. Which is including: what

addition employs activities that integrate

teacher will do in the lesson, such as: activities,

language across skill areas.

recourses, and organization also. Furthermore

planning includes what language and skills
student will use for doing the activities. In
addition planning displays what value and goals
that teacher want from student to improve it
like speaking and reading skills, and also
planning and decide how students will work on
the class, individual work, pair work, group work
or whole class work.

Implementation strategies

I will manage the classroom as groups. It will be five groups in class and in each group t
will be five to four students, depending on numbers of grade three sections.

I will prepare group work for each lesson. For example, I will give each group one quest
but students have to write 5 points for answer. So in this case all group members will
participate on this activity.

I will put different levels of students on each group. Such as I will put the high level, mid

level and low level in one group and that to help each other and increase the student w
low level to become middle or high level.

I will let my MST to observe me once a week to evaluate my PDP goals.

Needed resources

Educational Implications of Piaget's Theory. (nd). Retrieved March 14, 2015, from Jean Piaget:
http://piaget.weebly.com/educational-implications-- activities.html
Gardner, H. (nd). tiple Intelligences. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from Theories of Learning in
Educational Psychology: http://www.lifecircles-inc.com/Learningtheories/Gardner.html


I use group work activity and this picture show that, also it is
present that all group members are working together.

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