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Summer 2015 Reading

By David Holmes

Registered Investment Advisor Bible Teacher


Jesus Pending Return and the Final Judgment are clear and certain revealed events to come.
Be assured, there is judgment coming! In the meantime, believers are taught to be growing in the
faith and witnessing of Jesus, His rule and His salvation not merely going to church. Many
overlook, forget or even deny the Gods given testimony of the rainbow Gen. 9:12-17. that He will
not again destroy the earth by water, but seed time and harvest . Jesus illustration of the
wicked steward in Matthew 25 gives sufficient light to be diligent, investors and expect gains
while we live, work, grow and serve Him in all things, not fear!2Tim.1:7

To the consternation of some, a multitude of urgent and radical claims continue to be put forth
concerning a prophesied gigantic American financial collapse. Claims, exhortations and efforts
range from self-banking, being total self-sustaining, gold coins, only cash, money placed in
banks with zero interest, CDs and Annuities, years of food put aside . Meanwhile, Greece
threatens to abandon the Euro and says they cant make the IMF June 2015 payment and
Venezuela businesses are switching to the dollar. Drudge, 5/25/15
Unquestionably, money is somewhat difficult to understand, particularly paper money which is
the only money we have today! But recall, the Indians who sold Manhattan Island for beads! In
his recently released book MONEY, Steve Forbes says Money is an instrument of
measurement. All perceptions, strategies and government policies pertaining to money
should proceed from this truth.p.ix
While, this explanation avoids the issue of
store of value, which many assume and
with gold denominated money was a very
significant factor, I find it a significant
description and alert.
Earlier, Benoit Mandelbrot in his book The
(Mis)Behavior of Markets2004 and Stephen
Leeb in The Coming Economic Collapse 2006
prophesied another of the usual sudden
unavoidable disasters without any God,
of course. Others, like Forbes, John Lott
Freedomics 2007,
Milton & Rose Friedman Free To
Choose, 1980
have sought to give more
measured accounts with calls for restraint,
honesty, accountability and hope (my take,
implied or assumed) hope that our Creator-God
as God and that history shows His
providence and mercy provides that as
men sow, so shall they reap all under His
control. None of these give such explicit testimony to trusting God and His Word as our
forefathers of the Pilgrim and Revolution day. See The Patriots Reference 2010 The Frozen Water Trade is
instructive. Who wants to return to ice boxes and no refrigeration, no air conditioning?
To the best of my recall, none of the above specifically addresses Jesus coming and the Final
Judgment. However, the clear Scripture teaching that we shall reap according to what we sow
Galatians 6:7-10
and that the Lord said The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to
a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof Mt.21:23 give clear guidance for His people to be
diligent, positive and busy. It is significant Revelatory light for hope in His blessings and mercy
which I believe are pictured in Americas foundation, rise and blessing and are well depicted in
the hymn: America, the Beautiful.

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