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Before Every Run and Any Workout

10 Torso twist- sit with knees up to chest and twist hand touch ground
on opposite side of knee twist.
10 Leg Scissors- on you back, push your stomach to the floor and
scissor legs
10 Walking Knees knee up and hold both sides
10 High Skips
10 Butt Kicks
10 Frankensteins Swing leg up touch toe with hand
10 Forward and Backward Lunges
10 Lateral Lunges
10 Spiderman-

Jump Rope 45 sec/ Rest 15 sec. 4 sets
1 Leg Squats- Balance on 1 legs keep knee aligned with toe or
slightly back from toe (Knee should never be in front of
toe alignment) Butt out and sit down low use a bench
behind you if you need to and return to standing position.
10 reps each leg -2 sets
25 Leg LiftsKeep legs straight and hold for 5 sec when feet are 6
inches from floor.
25 Sit-ups
Start with hands together over chest. Sit up and head
and shoulders should be between hands. Do not swing
your hands to help you sit up. Start by lifting your head
and shoulders off the ground then engage your stomach.
25 Bicycles Dont pull on your neck lift shoulders and tighten

30 secs/ Rest 15 sec /4 sets. Start on your elbows and

progress to your straight arm plank. Make sure your body
is straight. Your shoulders back and butt should all be

Stick in hand Hold your stick out in front of you with your left hand
and count to 60. Keep your wrist straight. 3 Sets.
Hold your stick out in front of you with both hands at
shoulder height (perpendicular to your body) and count to
60. Repeat 3 sets
Dot Drill 30 sec / Rest 30 sec 4 sets
Start with each foot on dot. Hop to center dot landing with
both feet together. Hop to next dots with each foot on dot.
Hop to turn around then hop back to center with both feet
together. Continue hopping 2 feet apart, both feet
together 2 feet apart- turn hop and back to center
Large dots are 2 feet apart and box is 4 feet in length


Yard Shuttle Set up 3 markers 5 yards

Start in middle sprint to one side touch ground, turn and
sprint to the other end, touch ground, sprint back to
middle. Repeat 4 times / Rest 30 secs between each set.

Bounding with Stick in hand 4 markers 3 yards apart in a diagonal

Jump from 1st marker to 2nd marker landing on right foot
only, pause for 2 sec and push off with right foot and jump
to 3rd marker, landing on left foot, pause 2 sec and push
off on left foot jumping to 4th marker landing on right foot.
Walk back to 1st marker and repeat 6 sets working up to
12 sets.
Foot Work (with stick) 6 markers in a line approx. 8 feet apart.
Weave in and out of marker at end weave going backwards
(back pedal). Repeat 5 sets
With stick in hand- slide shuffle to outside of markers turn
hips and feet and slide to the outside of the next marker
(zig zag). Do not cross feet over.
With Stick and ball Control a ball and weave thru markers
up and back Repeat 2 sets) No reverse stick- move your
feet around markers
Control ball dodge 1st marker (your choice of dodge) then
gain control of ball and at next markers weave around it
move your feet. Continue alternating dodge, control, and
weave to end. Turn around and repeat drill back Repeat 2
Control ball and at each marker spin dodge to the right to
the end. On the return spin dodge to the left. Repeat 2

Star Sprints - All markers are 5 yards apart total of 9 markers.

Without ball start at marker A sprint to marker B touch with
hand sprint to marker C and then back to B, touch with

hand. Continue around until you return to marker A. Rest

40 sec. and Repeat 5 sets.

Conditioning (Dont Forget to Warm-up)

#1 Hard run for 20 to 25 mins. (goal is 2 miles)
#2 Long, slow run for 35 to 50 mins.
#3 Fartlek Run
Start run with 5 min jog.
Sprint the length of 2 telephone pole. Jog the next two
telephone pole lengths. Repeat for 20 mins (poles are
usually abt 100 feet apart.)

#4 SprintsSprint the length of 4 telephone poles and rest for 90 secs.

repeat 4 sets- working up to 8 sets by end of summer
Sprint the length of 2 telephone poles and rest for 60 secs.
Repeat 5 sets work up to 10 by end of summer.
Slide shuffle - stay low and slide between 1 set of
telephone poles. Touch ground at pole and turn so you are
sliding with opposite lead foot. This is 1 set. Repeat 4


Aerobic exercise your choice for 30 to 45 mins.

Body Weight Strength Training

Upper Body
Push Ups

3 sets of 15 These can be done with both hands on the

floor or more challenging is with one hand on a ball and
one on floor (nose to ground and keep back and butt in
line, try to progress each time you do them, You can do it)

Incline Push Ups 3 sets of 10- use a chair or step

Tricep dips 3 sets of 15 use a chair or step (make sure your elbows
are bending on the down position and are not flaying out.
keep them close to your side. You can start with your
knees bent if outstretched legs are too difficult at first.
Tricep kickbacks Use any object even a bag of rice. Hold in hand. With
elbow bent and tucked into you side. Extend your forearm
back until straight and flex wrist back return to bent
position at your side. 3 sets of 15.
Arm Circles
5 lbs in each hand any object of light weight. Extend
arms at shoulder height to side and make big circles
forward and backwards. 2 sets of 10 in both directions.

Lower Body

3 sets of 15 each leg

Wall sits -

3 sets of 60 secs

Calf raises -

3 sets of 20 you just do from ground in standing

position and raise up onto your toes and back down or you
can use a 2x4 or a step and put toes on step push up to
toes and extend back down.

Glut Holds -

3 sets for 60 sec each Lie on back bend knees and

go into bridge position. Flex but and hold

Squats -

3 sets of 15- Legs shoulder width apart, butt back and back
straight (weight on heels) sit down and come back up.
(Remember knee never goes beyond your toe!!)

Body Strg Contd

Straight Plank 3 sets 30 sec
Side Plank -

3 sets 30 sec

Balance Plank 3 sets for 30 sec. On floor on hands and knees. Lift
right arm out in front of you and left leg up off floor straight
back. Hold for 15 sec. Then move arm and leg out to side
of body right arm and left leg out so it is perpendicular to
your body. Hold 15 sec. repeat with other leg and arm.
Superman to Swimmer Lie on stomach lift head and feet up and
stretch arms out in front of you . Hold for 15 sec. bring
arms back to your side like you are doing a swimmers
stoke and hold for 15 sec. Rest for 15 and repeat for 5 sets.

Finish workout with downward dog and childs pose Big breath in and
out relax!!

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