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4 May 2015

Maxwells 21 Irrefutable
Laws of Leadership

Marcus Moore
ID: M06069156
Page: 01


By John C. Maxwell
1. The Law of the Lid

Score: 47

Key Insights: hard work and dedication, while valuable skills to master, are not alone in
contribution to a given individuals effectiveness; by lifting the lid on leadership ability, potential
for impact can be significantly increased
Personal Insights:
An example in which I can distinctly remember seeing this law in action was when
working with my group on a Taylor Series final project assigned for Models II. Both the Models
II class and the project were based on Calculus II concepts, however our team leader had never
taken the course before herself. Thus, at first, I was a little unsure of exactly what her
contribution on our project would look like. After just one group working session, it became
clear to me in the way which she directed and motivated our group that what she lacked in
technical expertise, she compensated with in leadership ability. This is one of the first moments
that made me see the potential hidden within leadership ability and also made me consider the
potential which I could reveal through becoming a better leader myself.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is focusing
more on growing both my leadership abilities by studying and practicing leadership techniques
and also growing my comfort zone to more willingly take on leadership roles. The combination
of these two areas come together to increase my effectiveness as an individual and therefore the
potential impact I bring to an organization.
Workplace Applications

During co-op, take leadership roles

as they present themselves to provide
myself with more opportunity to
practice increasing the lid on my
leadership abilities

2. The Law Influence

Emphasize the importance of

leadership on organizational progress
Work to grow technical foundation
to increase potential

Score: 34

Key Insights: leaders influence those around them through earned respect stemming from good
character, relationship development, knowledge sharing, solid intuition and experience;
furthermore, leadership is not management, entrepreneurship, pioneering, nor a position.
Personal Insights:
This law seems almost intuitive to me. In order to lead, one must first obtain influence,
and in order to obtain influence, one must first leave a positive impression with people. For

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ID: M06069156
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example, back in my neighborhood throughout elementary school, five to ten of the kids from
the area would always meet up to play games outside until sundown. While playing, whether it
be a choice of whether or not to cut through someones yard or just how to respond to a rude
comment, an opportunity to showcase solid character would almost always arise. I would always
be sure to speak up about what I felt was right, and eventually, I began to notice that the group
giving me influence on what games we played or how we played them. Recalling this dynamic
and the impact it had amongst children playing an after school, pick-up game of basketball is
somewhat inspiring because it serves as a reminder that becoming a better leader isnt an
unattainable goal. If I could demonstrate an example of this law as a child, then certainly I can do
it now.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is to start
building and maintaining good character, strong relationships, knowledge, solid intuition and
diverse and useful set of experiences.
Workplace Applications

During co-op, I could reach out to

the other interns to begin making
By building more relationships, I
could become more aware of both
the expertise and work around me

3. The Law of Process

I could partake in a wider variety of

student organizations to add more
diversity and utility to my experience
I could challenge myself to exhibit
good characteristics when presented
with the opportunity
Score: 52

Key Insights: leaders grow and develop their skills; leaders identify what they dont know and
what they need to know in order to be better leaders and begin to collect the knowledge or skill
sets necessary to better themselves; its this ability that sets leaders apart from the rest
Personal Insights:
For this personal insight, I turn to a leader that has always amazed me with his conduct.
When I was little, my grandmother would show us movies of the Civil Rights movement. I
would watch Martin Luther King Jr. give speeches and think, Wow, this is impressive! The
phrasing is entirely appropriate! But anyone could read aloud from a piece of paper. While
impressive, this is not what amazed me. What amazed me was that when not prepared, when not
speaking from a memorized speech, how Martin Luther King Jr. could still respond in a way that
creatively balanced passion and meaning within a message. Through this law, it has become
apparent to me that this skill is not something that this great leader was born with; it is something
he developed one day at a time, as he further delved into his passion. That being said, this law
has inspired me specifically to push myself and take more opportunities to speak up, so that one
day, when the time comes, I will be able to speak as eloquently as Martin Luther King Jr.

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ID: M06069156
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Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is pushing
myself to invest daily in the process of becoming a better leader. I would not only like to
understand that, Champions dont become champions in the ringthey are merely recognized
there, but put that understanding into practice. And thus, I am currently investing daily in skill
sets such as public speaking and my ability to influence others in a positive way.
Workplace Applications

Take all opportunities to speak up

publicly; dont be afraid to showcase
developing skill sets
Try to learn a new piece of technical
information daily

4. The Law of Navigation

Reflect to identify and track progress

in areas where more knowledge
would be more beneficial

Score: 54

Key Insights: great leaders do not fear taking on the responsibility of mapping out the journey
with the highest chance of success based on past experience, examination of conditions, group
opinions, and seasoned intuition.
Personal Insights:
While co-oping at Procter and Gamble, I got to work with a lot of really good leaders,
however, one in particular, my AD Bonnie King, stood out in regards to her ability to navigate.
Bonnie navigated her department through multiple transitions at once. While leading her sections
on these journeys, she managed to uphold communication with almost every individual working
under herself enabling her to remain aware of the changing environment through which she
navigating. Therefore, from this observation, I see just how vital being able to navigate those
following can be and how much work it can take at times to ensure the team makes it to the
intended destination with the least amount of failures possible.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is to get
more experience with navigating teams by taking on more organizational commitments outside
of class. This would help me better understand the process of navigating so that one day if I am
called to lead a team through a transition, I will be ready.
Workplace Applications

Communicate with co-workers to

better assess transition environment;
where largest risks lay and if they
can be avoided

Start projects with a in depth

reflection of past experience
For decisions that time and resources
permits a second opinion to be
obtained, seek another input

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ID: M06069156
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5. The Law of Addition

Score: 56

Key Insights: in addition to growing and developing our own capabilities, leadership is also
about how far we can advance those surrounding through valuing others, knowing what others
value, and making yourself more valuable to others.
Personal Insights:
An example in which I recall this law being exhibited would be this semester in Bearcat
Buddies. In the community outreach program, there came a point at which we had a group
reflection for tutors with the program. At this reflection, one theme arose on several occasions,
the school had given too much work to be completed in an hour and that student growth was
believed to be hindered by the rapid progress of each session. I recognized that everyone in the
room valued the growth of their buddy, and so I saw an opportunity to help those around me
grow to become better tutors. I stated my personal insight that, We are here for the growth of
our buddies. If we feel that dont feel that our buddies are at the level where they can complete
the assignment as expected and trying to [complete the assignment] is slowing growth, then we
should meet them where they are [in their academic learning curve], and work from there. This
personal insight really helped several Bearcat Buddies re-evaluate their approach to tutoring,
ultimately helping them better assist their students and feel that they are making a more
significant impact overall. Adding to this small group of individuals and watching them go out
and have such a large impacts on the academic mentalities of many elementary school students,
as opposed to the just one, really demonstrated to me how impactful the law of addition can be.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is to better
identifying how I could potentially add to those around me. By staying alert of when I could
potentially add to a coworker or a classmate, I could multiply potential from just one person to
two or more, and thus have a larger effect on our organization collectively.
Workplace Applications

During co-op, I could share insight

from my first co-op experience to
better equip new co-ops

6. The Law of Solid Ground

I could learn, simplify, and share

complex new skills or knowledge

Score: 40

Key Insights: leaders lead from a solid foundation of mutual trust compounded through respect,
potential, and consistency; with a broken foundation of trust, leaders cannot be influential
Personal Insights:
This law seems to be a one which does not require a lot of active effort, but still remains
highly critical because if not properly maintained, it could thwart all leadership potential. Thus, I
am very fond of the use of the word foundation to describe this law. A foundation is built,
maintained, and upholds a structure therefore perfectly aligning with this law. I have many

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ID: M06069156
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examples of this law from my sisters teenage years. One of these examples would be supposedly
studying with friends, my mom saw my sister hanging out with her boyfriend at the park. Later
on, when mom asked about the study session, my sister missed her opportunity to fess up, and a
break in the foundation of trust appeared. From there, my sister was of course grounded, but
more importantly, she had lost the complete trust of my mom. This experience demonstrates to
me directly that trust is an important aspect in all relationships and reminds me that the bond
between a leader and their followers is still indeed a relationship like any other.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is focusing
more on speaking up when I make mistakes and actively work to resolve those mistakes. It takes
a good person to admit theyve made a mistake, but it takes a true leader to both admit they have
made a mistake and begin to clean it up.
Workplace Applications

Develop relationships based off of

trust; own up to your word
Be honest; dont give any reason to
not be trusted

7. The Law of Respect

Own up to mistakes first and

foremost; dont let your boss hear
about it from someone else
When mistakes are made, try to fix
Score: 49

Key Insights: leaders are respected by those that follow them for being stronger leaders based in
natural leadership ability, respect for others, courage, success, loyalty, and value added to others.
Personal Insights:
A personal experience that aligns directly with this law that was the audition for Field
Commander, a leadership position in marching band. In marching band, I gained respect due to
my respect for others, my courage to always work hard and set a good example, my loyalty to the
band, and the value which I brought the clarinet section. Through this gained respect, I caught
the attention of my director and his staff who then continued on to select me as one of two Field
Commanders for our 240 member band following a rigorous audition process. With my strong
leadership potential, I gained the respect of my peers, and through gaining the respect of my
peers, I gained the respect of my supervisor. By developing my leadership abilities, this
experience revealed that leaders must first gain the respect of those they wish to lead, therefore
resulting in my current standard of a respectful demeanor.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is focusing
on my perceived natural ability to lead by better sculpting my visions prior to communicating
them. This will help individuals seem me as a potential leader, thus gaining respect of those
whom could one day follow me.
Workplace Applications

Marcus Moore
ID: M06069156
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During co-op, I could take extra time

to prepare for meetings
Take steps to ensure others feel
respected by me at all times

8. The Law of Intuition

Showcase the potential I have to add

to other interns progress
Demonstrate courage by speaking up
and showcasing creativity
Score: 46

Key Insights: leaders are masters of working from their intuition; they possess astute instincts to
observe intangible factors such as morale, momentum, and team dynamics to make decisions
Personal Insights:
An example in which I recognize this law was used was during Walker Lee Eveys class
presentation. Evey stated that he communicated his method of approaching the Pentagon
renovation to multiple people who disagreed with his methodology. Evey then took this
information into consideration in combination with as many facts and risks as he could,
developed an 80 for the 20, and used his intuition to continue down the path that he saw fit.
Occasionally, whether it be due to time limitations or the limitations of modern technology or
knowledge, leaders do have to make decisions based on intuition. The success of the renovation
demonstrates to me that great leaders house within them a guiding intuition which they can rely
on to get work done in an acceptable amount of time.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is focusing
on challenging my intuition more in order to see if this is a leadership attribute on which I can
rely in tight situations. In the past, I have relied heavily on data to dictate next movements, and
with some cases in which time was a limiting factor, this has served to my detriment. Thus, this
seems to be a great opportunity area for me to improve as a leader.
Workplace Applications

During co-op, dont rely so heavily on models and instead use lab results and intuition to
progress project(s)
Use intuition to connect interns with similar work dynamics to increase their capabilities

9. The Law of Magnetism

Score: 37

Key Insights: who a leader is whom they attract; if one would like to attract more influential
individuals, then first more influence must be gained on ones own part
Personal Insights:
I have always been told that I have a very strange set of logical processes. Furthermore,
my friend group typically contained great diversity. Looking back throughout the years now with

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ID: M06069156
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this law in mind, it seems that I may have attracted such diversity because of the diversity that
exists in my thought processes. I feel that this law not only exists as a method of improving ones
connections and influence, but also as a method of assessing ones performance or output. Its
strange to observe multiple functions for a single law.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, I feel I could focus on being more publicly visible with my
leadership so that I could attract more publicly visible leaders toward myself. Currently, most of
my leadership occurs in small groups or classroom thus limiting the types of people I attract.
Ultimately, this could help me attract more visible leaders, resulting in greater exposure as a
leader and thus increasing the positive influence I could have.
Workplace Applications

Work at the highest level possible to

attract individuals at that level or
above to better facilitate future

10. The Law of Connection

Take note of the types of people one

attacks in order to better understand
public perception of your work ethic

Score: 42

Key Insights: in order for a leader to influence individuals, connections must first be formed and
nurtured through being open and sincere, knowing ones audience, and really living ones own
message to establish credibility and a sense of humanity
Personal Insights:
The law of connection is a law the law that I feel is the most practiced. Most people these
days understand that in order to lead a team, one must first get to know the team and form
individual connections with each team member. One key example from class would be Coach
Tubervilles presentation about leading UCs football team. Coach spoke with such passion
about the background of his players, where they came from and what their experience is truly
like playing football on the collegiate level. This man had connected so much with each player
that to some he felt he had fulfilled a father figure role. This level of connection is what fosters
the environment for Tuberville to lead his team. Knowing his players and what makes them tick
enables him to really drive them to objectives with the least resistance. This is truly astonishing.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is taking my
interactions with people a step further by taking genuine interest in them and their background.
Knowing people for whom they are can make understanding their motivations and habits much
simpler, thus increasing my leadership potential.
Workplace Applications

Have lunch with other co-ops/interns

Discuss family and hobbies with

Partake in work events that foster

team building/ bonding

Marcus Moore
ID: M06069156
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11. The Law of the Inner Circle

Score: 56

Key Insights: leaders possess strong inner circles that increase their capacity
Personal Insights:
Earlier on in class, Greg Sizemore expressed the concept of a caring community The
purpose of the caring community is to challenge you to be your best while still providing you
with the support necessary to maintain a relationship. Greg stated that sometimes, one must let
people go out of a caring community because they just arent there bringing out the best or
because they may even be holding one back. This aligns perfectly with the law of the inner
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself would be to
continue building my inner circle. At this point in my life, I have a lot of freedom to really push
myself and grow. Therefore, if there was a time to develop a strong inner circle, it would be now.
Workplace Applications

Reach out to obtain a mentor

Invest in relationship with people
who have values that you align with

12. The Law of Empowerment

Challenge others; a caring

community is a two way street

Score: 35

Key Insights: great leaders not only add to others, but also empower them to be great themselves
Personal Insights:
During J.B. Berstein shared with our class the vast amount of planning and work that
went into making his dream, The Million Dollar Arm, a reality. Bernstein discussed the themes
of good business including creativity, passion, overcoming adversity, planning and ethics), three
key items to making a movie a hit (a good plan, good timing, and capital), and then shortly
afterward, he touched on the two things that tie it all together: trust and delegating work. J.B.
Bernstein recognized that he would not be able to do all of the work for his movie himself. He
recognized that he wouldnt even be able to execute all of the large, very significant work
himself. He knew that in order to properly lead the production of this film that he would have to
empower others around him to take on some responsibility in order to properly progress the
project. My major take away from Bernsteins emphasis on delegation is that people are
empowered every day to do jobs both big and small. Giving up power to another is not
threatening; it is empowering.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is
delegating responsibilities in teams. This semester I had the opportunity to develop my
understanding of team dynamics at the courses Adventure Outpost experience, and would like to

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take this new understanding and combine it with the law of empowerment to increase my
effectiveness when functioning in a team environment.
Workplace Applications

Offer to take on some of boss work

if they seem really packed

13. The Law of the Picture

Empower those around you by

identifying where work could be
done more efficiently
Score: 30

Key Insights: leaders are masters of developing a not only a vision, but a mission and strategy to
get there are well; leaders understand that they are observed by their followers-- their good
example will be repeated, and so may their bad ones
Personal Insights:
During the Pentagon renovation, Walker Lee Evey walked through the construction site
and shook every works hand individually. This example demonstrated Eveys deep care for the
project at hand. In line with this law, the workers saw this passion and copied it. They worked
diligently to match the passion of their leadership in their roles all throughout the renovation,
enabling the entire project to be completed in time and on budget. There is great potential in
setting an example from a leadership position. Furthermore, as aligned with the rest of this law,
Greg Sizemore during our first class in Baldwin had an excellent example of the law of picture.
In this class, Greg painted a picture of the concepts that would be covered throughout the course.
The picture was so well received that everyone was on board and oriented for future learning
following the class. This once again depicts the power of being able to express a clear vision.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is
expressing a clear vision. This year, Teamwork and Leadership from Within motivated me to run
for president of the National Society of Black Engineers. However, following my speech, I
received the feedback that my vision was a bit unclear. That being said, taking the college
experience by the reins, I would like to take more opportunities to develop and communicate
ways that UC could help the Cincinnati community.
Workplace Applications

I could develop a clear vision of my

project to get more coworkers
excited about it from an earlier point

14. The Law of Buy-In

I could show up to work and set a

good example for the younger
interns to help the company progress
Score: 48

Key Insights: people first follow leaders, not their visions; people buy the why before they buy
the what or how; if ignored, this law may be the downfall of ones leadership capability.

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ID: M06069156
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Personal Insights:
A very simple way of looking at this law in action would be high school student
government elections. In my school, student government was more of a popularity contest.
Platforms were important, but only to the degree that each candidate had to have one. Other than
that, people voted for the person they felt deserved the position. People vote for people they feel
deserve the position. People buy products from companies they feel deserve their money. And
similarly, people follow people they feel deserve to be followed.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is reaching
out and letting people get to know me as an individual before they get to know me as a person
pushing some agenda or platform.
Workplace Applications

Be open and sincere with your

values; respectful voice your

15. The Law of the Victory

Let coworkers get to know you

Score: 51

Key Insights: leaders utilize their passions to rally the team and map a route to victory regardless
of the barriers that may lay in the way
Personal Insights:
Another way I see this law is as the products of passion. If passionate about something,
one is willing to put in work and suffer to obtain it. To me, this law communicates that there is
always a route to victory as long as there is passion. J.B. Bernsteins many initial rejections to his
Million Dollar Arm concept demonstrate this clearly. Bernstein faced many rejections and
instead of getting discouraged and losing sight of his goal, he dug in a little deeper and kept
trying because he understood that if theres a way to make his dreams happen, then he had the
will to find it. This no-fail option to working sets leaders up to take their organizations far.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself lays in
maintaining this no-fail mentality of goal approach. It sets me up to work hard for the things I
want and to not become discouraged at the many small battles lost on the way to a victory in
the war.
Workplace Applications

Recovery from bad lab results

Tough department problem to
overcome; dont give up, just work

Balancing home and work lives

Missed promotion opportunity

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16. The Law of the Big Mo

Score: 44

Key Insights: momentum, whether a problem or an asset, falls into the responsibility of the
Personal Insights:
Coming to UC my major extracurricular commitment shifted from marching band to the
National Society of Black Engineers or NSBE. It quickly became apparent to me that momentum
was dwindling in the student organization. Coming from a very large, well established marching
band to NSBE definitely served as a light in day comparison of the potential impact of
momentum. In high school marching band, leading the organization was stressful but possible
due to years and years of built up momentum. In NSBE, it seems that momentum is working in
just the opposite direction. Due to this dwindling of momentum, I have observed presidents grow
overwhelmed as they try their best to move the organization in the slightest way. The
juxtaposition of these two experiences has really dictated to me the significance of momentum
and how important it is to the progress of an organization.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is looking
into more ways of creating momentum where none exists in order to at least get NSBE moving
in the right direction.
Workplace Applications

I can work within company culture

to keep momentum up

17. The Law of Priorities

I can create momentum with a

positive and optimistic approach to
Score: 38

Key Insights: leaders still prioritize; setting priorities helps leaders to connect each task at hand
to the overall vision; but focusing on the top priorities, leaders maximize return
Personal Insights:
While this law can easily be applied to a work load, it can also be extended to ones
personal life. During Santa Onos presentation to our class, he mentioned several times how
setting and recognizing his priorities plays a large factor in his everyday life. By making things
like his family and his faith high values in his life, Santa Ono maximizes the return of fulfillment
he gains from his time investments. I feel this is a very interesting way to look at this law.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is focusing
more on assigning value to certain tasks based on potential risk and reward. Having this skill
would enable me to better manage my time and my energy when approaching my workload.

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ID: M06069156
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Workplace Applications

I could prioritize my work

I could focus on completing one task
at a time

I could not start a new task until the

previous one is either completed or
progressed as far as possible

18. The Law of Sacrifice

Score: 47

Key Insights: hard work and dedication are required of leaders, and thus sacrifice is not an
unusual topic for most successful leaders
Personal Insights:
In high school, as a Field Commander, I recall that leading the band was an entirely
different experience than being a part of it. When just a marcher, your time commitment includes
showing up on time and working hard to march to the best of your abilities. When one becomes a
Field Commander, the responsibilities shift to not only showing up and working hard, but also
ensuring everyone else shows up and is working their personal hardest, and that everyone has a
prepared place to show up to, and ensuring that that place to show up to remains a place that
everyone feels welcomed and comfortable. The list can continue on and on. The responsibilities
of the leader are truly set by them self, which when passionate, can get very time consuming. But
this is the price most leaders pay in order to see their visions to fruition.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is balancing
the time that I give an organization with the time I invest in living a fulfilling home life. This
seems to be a great opportunity at this point in my life because there is great flexibility to make
major shifts as I still in college.
Workplace Applications

Maintain a work life balance while

leading other co-ops/interns

Work to grow technical foundation

to increase potential

19. The Law of Timing

Score: 53

Key Insights: leaders possess a seasoned sense of timing stemming from understanding,
experience, and intuition.
Personal Insights:
One example of perfect execution of the law of timing that I would like to discuss is the
DUI class held closer to the end of the semester. Most of the individuals I talked to in the class
felt that the topic only lightly touched on leadership, and were thus a bit confused by the

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ID: M06069156
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discussion. However, Greg Sizemore recognized sharing this information as the right action and
this time in the class as the right time to execute the action, thus obtaining a large audience to
hear this potentially life-saving message that everyone needed to hear. This is a key example of
the law of timing because it enables one to see the right timing based on experience and intuition
can open up an audience to a completely new topic that they previously didnt give much
concern to at all. And that is the power of the law of timing, taking advantage of the right set of
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is to
observe more in depth the factors contributing to the success or failure of an initiative to better
be able to identify decent timing for certain actions. This will help me ultimately set myself up
for success in the long run, and thus increase my leadership potential (law of respect).
Workplace Applications

Observe factors that play into

decision making in regards to timing

20. The Law Explosive Growth

Manage he timing on my progress

properly to increase the chances of
Score: 37

Key Insights: leaders must attract and grow not just followers, but also other leaders in order to
experience explosive growth
Personal Insights:
The law of explosive growth to me is all about connecting the connectors. Leaders are
those that connect with people and have gained followings. When leaders are able to come
together and combine their followings, large projects can be done at a much faster rate. I believe
this is the gist of the law of explosive growth: utilizing the connectors to come together as one in
order to achieve a common goal.
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is
identifying the leaders within an organization. By identifying these individuals, I could
potentially get them on board with my own or another vision more quickly, thus speeding
progress up into explosive growth,
Workplace Applications

Identify leaders within my

Work to get leaders throughout
company on board

21. The Law of Legacy

Delegate portions of work to leaders

and their followers

Score: 33

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Key Insights: leaders understand that they will one day leave behind a legacy and actively work
toward what they would like their legacy left after they are gone to be
Personal Insights:
Personally, I feel that while one should live with an understanding that they will one day
perish, I do not believe that people should live their lives surrounding their legacy. Similar to
Stephen Ayres, I believe that leaders should be more focused on the impact they have had on
their team members and the growth they have fostered in them than their legacy. This being said,
I also see how the concept of a legacy could ensure that a leader is conscious of the message they
are making with their lifes decisions. Overall, this seems to be a decent law on which to end the
Opportunity Areas: With this law, it seems that a great opportunity area for myself is
recognizing what message my life will leave behind, so that if need be, I can adjust to, in
Maxwells terms, live to legacy I would like to leave behind..
Workplace Applications

Reflect on my actions to determine

whether or not they align with my
ideal legacy

Ensure company I am working for

has values which align with the
legacy I want to leave behind

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