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Question 1

The nine elements of digital citizenship provide a framework for understanding

the technology issues that are important to educators. They should be used to
identify current areas of need in a school or district technology program, as well
as emerging issues that may become increasingly important in coming years.
Digital Access
This is the first identified element of Digital Citizenship which is the full electronic
participation in the society. Technology provides opportunities for large number
of people to communicate and interact very quickly. However, not everyone has
access to all the tools of this new digital society. Because of socioeconomic
status, disabilities, and physical location (among the factors), these opportunities
are not equally available to all student and teachers.
Issues on digital Access
The first issue in the Access is that technology is changing at a rapid rate. As the
computer hardware power is growing and multiplying every year. Given the rapid
change in power and to new technologies, Access is not universal.
1. The Digital Divide a Socio-economic Divide
The first issue surrounding access is that of the ability to access, in general,
data and information through the use of digital devices
2. The Digital Divide- a Divide infrastructure
This is about the infrastructure of the developing countries that often impedes
the broad range of access, in addition to the socio-economic factors.
3. The Digital Divide a Divide in content
According to Dutton (2004) nearly 70% of the websites are in English,
although this has changed substantially, the fact of the matter remains that
English dominates the web.
4. The Digital Divide a Gender Divide
The statistics show that, on average, women are online in developing
countries 23% less than that of their male counterpart. These include
economic and educational opportunities, access to support communities, as
well as accessing career opportunities.
5. The Digital Divide a Skill Divide
To operate computer is the biggest opportunity to adoption of technology for
development. This skills relate to digital literacies. This is perhaps a greater
issue than that of physical access, as those that are disadvantaged due to

socio-economic factors have less exposure to digital technology, thereby
implementing their ability in education and in the job market. However, it
should be noted that despite socio-economic factors playing a role in the level
of skills, it is not all bound to social strata but also personal.
6. The Digital Divide the Universal Access Divide
Those that suffer from some physical disability are often disenfranchised
when it comes to access, both skill but moreover the hardware and software
utilised and available. Furthermore, the cost of such hardware and software is
also exorbitant.
According to the productivity paradox
As the technology, or paradigm, it becomes more accessible and accepted ,
the next stage is the diffusion of the new paradigm from the innovative
sectors to the economy as a whole. The next stage of the paradigm is where
there is a shift in emphasis to both organisational and social innovation. This
is where there is a divide between the technology available and the skill
required are lacking.

Question 2
Web evaluation and design
Authority - on this website you cannot see the name of the author. Secondly
you cannot see the origin of the news they post on their timeline
Objectivity it is based on the facts. Readers are not given opportunity to
comment on news update they are posting. The sponsorship doesnt show up.
Authenticity on this website there is no reference like place of publication or
names of the authors, place, date, year.
Reliability it is not trustworthy because the sponsorship doesnt show up in
in every article. The sponsorship is not playing a role in this website. What I
see is only the name of the media brand.
Timelines - some of the articles doesnt show dates, some are old posts like
we see post that are three months back.
Relevance here the information is hard to interpret the information because
it is written in bombastic word and idioms which most people dont know.
Some of the messages are figurative; its hard to get the meaning of the
Efficiency on this website they did not include much information and it was
easy to follow or access the provided information. Every story has its title.
There is no a lot of adverts popping up when you are on this website.

Authority on this website you can see the name of the person who generated
the information. The author is providing a relevant information
Objectivity it is based on fact but people or visitors are given a platform where
they will leave their comments for what they see from the post. The sponsorships
here is active as we can see where they give you option to subscribe to get latest
news via notifications on your phone or any device you are using.
Authenticity - on this site they do provide information all reference about the
author and about the published info when you open it.
Reliability It is reliable. The sponsor plays a big role since it has more sponsors
and they compete for customers on this website.
Timelines they provide visitors with new information always and all articles
shows what time they happened. The old updates you can search them on the
search bar

Relevance - it is easy to access the information because just after you get result
page you can see thumbnails that attract you to go and read on the post. But it
has a lot of adverts which people dont like and its becoming cinfusing.
Efficiency - it is simple to understand, it categories like galleries, weather, and
top stories but hard to return to the home page. It is fast when searching and
everything is updated very well.

Usability this is the measure of how easy it is for visitors to understand an
accomplish what my site is intended to do for them
Visuals websites are visual medium. Whether they are built for communicating,
reading, shopping or marketing purpose, websites rely on visuals to both delight
and convey meaning.
Clarity my website will always mean to convey information, convert new
customers, or both.
Trust trust, simply put, is everything. In a way, my website and all my social
media efforts are aimed at one purpose : building well-placed trust in my brand
in the hearts and minds of my customers and prospects.
Search Engine Optimised - This is probably the most behind-the-scenes trait of a
solid web design. It involves using the right HTML tags for my page titles,
heading and links. I will also implement Google Authorship to further assist in
surfacing my content in search results.
Scalability this is especially important for sites on a budget. I will make sure
that my site is built with growth in mind. The design will allow for additional
pages as needed
Make a use of effective writing as web is different from print, iy is necessary to
adjust the writing style to users preferences and browsing habits. Promotional
writing wont be read .
Strive for simplicity The keep it simple- primary (KIS) will be the primary goal
of my site design. Because users dont go on sites to enjoy the design ;
furthermore, in most cases they are looking for the information despite the
Conventions are our friends Conventional design of site elements doesnt result
in a boring web site. In fact, conventions are very useful as they reduce the
learning curve.
Test early, test often This so-called TETO-principle will be applied to my site as
usability test often provide crucial insights into significant problems and issue
related to a given layout.

Question 3
Q.3.1 Intelligence level have traditionally only been measured in terms of math
based thinking and linguistic skills. However, there are actual several level of IQ.
Gardner came up with the following:

Linguistic verbal
Logical Mathematical
Bodily _ Kinaesthetic

3. it is a well - known fact that todays teens are digital natives - born wired
into an ultra-connected world. They are early adopters and active consumers of
trends in social media, often before the rest of old people. And they are not
slowing down.

78% of teen had a cell phone and almost half (47%) of those were smart
phones. So the only one way to target teens is by getting them online
The communication plan for people to my site is to inspire the emotion,
present information in a logical, sequential pattern. Using F-Shaped
pattern: two horizontal stripes followed by a vertical stripe.

Question 4

Digital etiquette is a basic set of rules pertaining to behaviour that needs to be

followed to ensure the internet is better for all. Basically it means the use of
good manners in online communication such as e-mail, forums, blogs, and social
network sites.
Etiquette in business
A brand reputation is everything, where a positive brand image can actually
sway buying decisions. The stats from several surveys conducted in 2003,
showed that:

73% of consumers say positive reviews them trust a business more

79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal
90% of survey respondents claimed that positive online reviews influenced
by buying decisions.
Facebook and Twitter are growing strongly as recommendation channels

Question 5

Plagiarism is not a new phenomenon, but given the proliferation of easily

accessible electronic resources in recent times, it has become so much easier for
students to cut and paste slabs of text. This can sometimes lead to assignments
being submitted that are inadequately referenced or, worse still, assignments
being submitted that are largely (or entirely) the work of someone else.
These include the use of the various proprietary and freeware packages available
for the electronic detection of plagiarism, and honour codes that incorporate
punitive systems to discredit plagiarists.
Definition: In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer
deliberately uses someone elses language, ideas, or other original (not commonknowledge) material without acknowledging its source.
Creative commons can reduce plagiarism by
Improve the Design and Sequence of Assignments
Design assignments that require students to explore a subject in
Support each step of the research process.
Attend to Sources and the Use of Reading
The reasons and consequences of plagiarism
Students may fear failure or fear taking risks in their own work.
Students may have poor time-management skills or they may plan poorly for the time

and effort required for research-based writing, and believe they have no choice but to
Instructors and institutions may fail to report cheating when it does occur, or may not
enforce appropriate penalties.
Consequences :
Poor academic practice
Where poor academic practice has been found to have occurred, the member(s)
of staff must ensure the Student is aware of what they have done.
Serious plagiarism
The member of Academic Staff designated the School Investigating Officer may
act as the Investigating Officer and/or Case Presenter for the purpose of the
student conduct case.

Question 6
When it comes to reviewing ethical and legal issues within the business context,
we need to explore it from three angles. The first is that of the role of the
employee plays within the company, with the second angle being that of the
employer and the staff. Finally business and its consumers and the community
within which it operates will be explored
Legal issues Promulgating law is lengthy process and technology changes
Privacy In todays digital age, we often sign privacy agreements online with
websites and social media platforms. Yet often we do not read these and they are
often vague and broad in spectrum. We give out personal information, which can
later then be used for data mining when companies need a large database in
which to send advertising an promotional campaigns. Furthermore, many of
these companies then sell this information to other companies, where we have
not given our permission to use our information
On this case study the scandal widened when more and more information was
being reported concerning various international figureheads and organisational
that were under digital surveillance. And the European Union offices in the US
and UK was spied on, German Chancellor Angela Markels cell phone was tapped,
chinas networks were being hacked, the list went on. It was later reported that
35 world leaders cell phones were monitored. This scandal carried on right
through to 2014 when it was discovered that major internet giant companies had
signed deal with the US government in providing information on their customer
stored on their servers. According to me this was against the law of privacy.

Bibliography/ Referencing
Digital Citizenship Module Manual (2015) (first edition)
http://search.ebscohost.com [Online] Available
Halen, H (1965 -) Rethink Digital Citizenship (Etiquette)
New york city : Cambridge scholars (2011)
Page : 17

Filipo, T.M (1958-2003) Digital fluencies and Divide [online] Available

http/www.socialens.com/the digital fluency.html
Accesed : 15 March 2015

Virginia ,W (1945-2002) Association citizenship 16 th edition

Madrid : published by Robert , R (1990)
Page 88 Accessed on 22 April 2015

Jeremy B. Williams
Brisbane Graduate School of Business [PDF]
Queensland University of Technology, AUSTRALIA
Page 1-8 Accessed on 23 April 2015
Council of Writing Program Administrators
[online] available
Accessed : 24 April 2015

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