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New dialogue between Science and Christian Faith

Alexandre Choi

- fill by will The Heliocentrism of the Copernican Revolution was the center of fire between
the world focused on the Renaissance man and the worldview of mathematical
consistency. And it was not the ignorance of reformers like Kuhn and others wanted to
dethrone them with his paradigm shift. Until today they want to ridicule Christians on
things that were not their concern.
But even after many discussions about such small things, the Earth remains at the
center of so many wonderful pictures of the universe. And modern astronomers
persist to say that there is no specific place where is the center of the universe. Even
with much more advances of science, they do not yet know much.
It is supposed as if seeing. They need an artifice to imagine the immensity of the
The device is called God.
To visualize the effect of the entire universe uses God as he could witness the
immensity of the universe. But dispenses God when He wants to show how the
universe works.
Science is jammed when ignores God.
And if their god is small they cannot imagine much. Their god is small because
they are small. Their knowledge is short and their understanding is flawed. And if
there is no God, then there is nothing, even if of the nothing something can appear
without God.
The science needs now new fire.
The new salvation comes again from the Christian faith.
The Christians passed through the evolution. Not from monkeys. But of the living
being to the life-giving Spirit. (1Corinthians 15:45 The first man Adam was made a
living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.)
Our God is Great. He is very great, more than universe. He is creator of the
universe. Incidentally, after the last book of Hawking, He is the creator of the net of
the laws of the universe.

And God is programming the universe. He have the control of the memory, all
computational memory of the universe. He is only one who has this control.
God creates and controls the time. For him all things are present. (Luke 20:38
For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.)
Theologically it was called as prescience of God. When we attribute prescience
to God, we mean that all things always were, and ever continue, under his eye; that to
his knowledge there is no past or future, but all things are present, and indeed so
present, that it is not merely the idea of them that is before him (as those objects are
which we retain in our memory), but that he truly sees and contemplates them as
actually under his immediate inspection. (Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian
Religion. Vol. III.21.5. tr. Henry Beveridge. 1845) It means that before God the past,
present and future coexist simultaneously.
But this is not only prescience. It is Resurrection.
After rising from the dead God controls time of the universe. The time was
recreated. The time was created again. Resurrection is the only one time machine.
God changes the past and we do not know. He does not kill your grandfather. He gives
life and life in abundance. Resurrection is fill by His will all the universe. He is only
one who has this control, even if it is at the small details.
But we must now use the mathematical consistency to say it.
Seth Lloyd calculates the computational capacity of the universe.
Merely by existing, all physical systems register information. And by evolving
dynamically in time, they transform and process that information. The laws of physics
determine the amount of information that a physical system can register (number of
bits) and the number of elementary logic operations that a system can perform
(number of ops). The universe is a physical system. This paper quantifies the amount
of information that the universe can register and the number of elementary operations
that it can have performed over its history. The universe can have performed no more
than 10120 ops on 1090 bits. ( Seth Lloyd. Computational capacity of the universe.
arXiv:quant-ph/0110141v1. 2001. Phys.Rev.Lett.88:237901,2002)
It is supposed as if seeing. They need an artifice to imagine the immensity of the
universe. But now the device is called universe as computer.
And that means: to store the history that has passed it will only be necessary 1090
bits and to store and process the dynamic process of history it will be sufficient 10 120
The controversy will now be on the amount of memory required for this universe.
While some want much larger numbers to show that the universe may not be
controllable, others will argue that anyway there is no God. More than that, far from
entering again in intrigues with atheists, beyond the philosophical refinements,
theological discussions with the science and philosophy of science itself, the new
dialogue prepares to new vision of the universe.
To simplify the discussion, the new type of dialogue between Science and
Christian Faith is show that while religion and science works observing and
experimenting in the line of visible time, finally the Christian faith receives scientific

and technological support to show that beyond history is possible to control the past,
present and future through and accessing them simultaneously.
The efficacy of a scientific theory should be evaluated by the complete and
consistent calculation of the idea of the real universe. This requires visualization such
as God would be seeing the universe. In Einsteins language it was God does not
play dice with the universe! while for many other physicists and scientists, such a
Leibniz, there was no further necessity of using this hypothesis. All these questions
raised by science have provoked theology to reconsider its theological concepts for
modern times. They have created many discussions and confusions. At the same time,
they created new methods and new and more refined reflections, visualizing and
provoking new frontiers never reached before.
Beyond these conquest of science, the Twentieth Century has made possible, for
the new Twenty-First Century, new images of God. The possibilities of the technology
of information have opened new directions of science and of modern and post-modern
civilization. The imagination of the possible future is the theme of modern debates for
the market of more advanced technologies of information and of other areas of our
lives. The frontiers have now passed beyond our own lives and virtual and artificial
And if...? The questions which have been prohibited until now are possible
thinks to the advances in these conquests of todays world.
And if the Universe were a Great Big Computer? When the scientists and
engineers began to calculate the computational possibilities of the universe, this
question was made in the manner of Hollywood films such as Matrix (1999). Since
the 1960s, when science fiction films began to use new filming techniques which
were totally realistic so that persons could begin to visualize the possible future, from
imaginations to realities. The imagination of humanity contributes to this grand
historical journey. But, all over again, as it was in the time of Reform, when
philosophers began to quantify the refined philosophical concepts of the Greeks,
today quantifying the possibilities and the probabilities, they manage to see much
more than Descartes was able to dream.
And if the Universe were a Great Big Computer? It is the right question for the
moment. Even if many are confused, this question has its most scientific and
cosmological roots and has the capacity to open new directions of civilization. Then a
more probable answer arises to answer this question during the first years of the
Twenty-First Century. If the Universe were a Computer... it would have a
computational memory size of: 10120 ops and 1090 bits.
What does this mean? They are ...the amount of information that the universe
can register and the number of elementary operations that it can have performed over
its history... According the author of this response it would be history of the Universe
that was programmed. In mathematical and physical terms it would be a formula of
the type: (tu/tp)2 and (tu/tp)4/3, 10120 ops = (tu/tp)2 and 1090 bits = (tu/tp)4/3, where tu is the
total time of universe and tp is the Planck time.
In order to analyze and interpret, for our convenience, could write and perform
out this way: Defining (tu/tp) as k = (tu/tp). Then can be written simply: (tu/tp)2 = k2 and

(tu/tp)4/3 = k4/3.
Why k = (tu/tp)?
When Planck wrote in 1899: ... ihre Bedeutung fr alle Zeiten und fr alle, auch
auerirdische und auermenschliche Kulturen notwendig behalten und welche daher
als natrliche Maeinheiten bezeichnet werden knnen ... (... These necessarily
retain their meaning for all times and for all civilizations, even extraterrestrial and
non-human ones, and can therefore be designated as "natural units" ...) (Planck, Max.
"ber irreversible Strahlungsvorgnge". Sitzungsberichte der Kniglich Preuischen
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 5: 440480. 1899.) Planck opened new
frontiers of physical and philosophical thinking and theology with his Natural Units.
It's not cosmovision. Because cosmovisions are human constructions while the
Planck's Natural Units are nor social constructs neither conventional, as well as, the
laws of nature are independents of human construction. It's free of arbitrary
Based on this model, all the reflections about time and its consequences can be
reevaluated. With this representation can be specified Time of humans, and Time of
the Universe and Time of God.
One reflection about time, about Augustines question how to measure time
may be an interesting example for this question. It is in the present that everything
happens! The moment called present does not exist. Because the present passes so
rapidly that what was then future a moment ago has already become the past. It is in
this present that everything happens.
While persons spend one to five seconds to pronounce a few complete sounds of
a word or a phrase and while ideas and concepts are assimilated and understood
throughout a whole life, an enormous quantity of information is perceived every
second, at every moment. The velocity of the perception of information in the instant
called the present may reach 1,000 items of information per second. But it is so
slow that it seems to be totally stopped. Similar to the old paradox of Zeno. Achilles
movement never overtakes the steps of the tortoise in front. While Achilles reaches
half of the space the tortoise has passed, the tortoise has covered half the space that
Achilles must cover. Time seems faster than the tortoise.
The paradox was resolved with the concept of instantaneous velocity. It is in this
concept of density in relation to time that one understands and resolves completely the
Thus is resolved the problem of the present. The present is a physical event. It
is in process. And it causes an effect immediately after. And this event carries
information which characterize its state, its structure, its existence, and its essence.
The present is so rapid that in the blinking of an eye, in a second, there may be
contained 1044 instants of Plancks time. It is in this present that God speaks or
expresses His Word. If in each instant of Plancks time, God expresses one item of
information, that is the same thing as 10 44 items of information per second. That is a
lot of information. It is much more than all the characters ever written in the history of
human civilization. Compared with human words, even if they were to be expressed
at the speed of the worlds fastest computers, it is much more than all of this. To

express the information received in one second, supposing that one managed to
understand all the signs and codes and also supposing that one remembers all
perceptions, they would need several days to be expressed. But while one carries this
off, one continues receiving more information at each moment.
The perception of information is close to our seeing and imagining, to dreaming
and fantasy. The expression of information is close to our speaking and hearing, our
breathing, our sensing textures with our hands, touch, communication. The
assimilation of information is the action of an entire life, of understanding teachings
and appropriating the experiences of life. The word of God is in the dimension of
perception of information. And the action is in the dimension of the assimilation of
But this is still in an idea of the sequence of time which flows, it is still over the
time of humans. This perception also, however, will be quite visible when we are able
to represent the time of God in more simple and complete terms.
In this manner, it is possible interpret that (tu/tp) is the ratio of the total time of
universe divided by the possible range of instant of time, as amount of presents.
k1 = (tu/tp)1 to represent the time of humans or time of history would mean the
sequences which time passes from the past to the present and from the present to the
k2 = (tu/tp)2 to represent the time of the universe, as was calculated in this century,
all amount of memory containing past, and present, and future at the same time,
simultaneously, which is the same thing that to God all are alive and are still
dynamically interactive.
And k4/3 = (tu/tp)4/3 is the number of bits to process the history.
Regardless of the controversy, for science proceeding to the next big step will
have to go through the understanding of what Seth Lloyd had calculated. It opens that
anyone can program the history of the universe. Just knowing how the universe works
and how to access it.
This is ...we shall be like him... (1John 3:2), ...shall be priests of God and of
Christ, and shall reign with him... (Revelation 20:6)
God wants pass his control of universe to us.

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