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4 STEEL PIE Table 7-1 Practical safe spans for simply supported pipe in 120° contact saddles* "Wall Thickness Ya i We =i te ik OOOO ‘Nominal Size ‘Span L int f @ 3 8 BB 10 3948 2 0 4 aT u 0 4 aT 16 a 45 48 a 46 49 8 Beas BRRAAASSSSSSRSIAHSALaS 5860 59 aL 59 a2 6 63 “a 9 Bt a ot “a 9 BE a 6s “4 50 OBE @2 6 7 rn er) e 6 70 “ e 6 71 “4 50 8S. ees BBS eer 2 5186 “oer 5186 kh sc 56 6 68h 5187 6 68S: 5187 6 68 52 BT 6 688 h 52 BT 6 76 h 8680. 5258 6 OT ar 18@—____ss_—_»__«_—i_#3> 3383 24 5 6ST LTB (tO 90 58 63 GT TLR 96 rr 102 5 63 THC 108 rn as ro 120 6 7 8 «87 «= 1238 rr a ee 12 Ce ee a 138 6 7] BLOC Ma om al [Noms Thia table ia based on bending stress; localized areas at supports must be analyzed. * Aner Cates (1960) d and are pipe diameter and thickness respectively in n,m), and Ls inf); he (65.16 MPa, loaded by dead weight of pipe plus container water {To convert nominal into nominal mm, multiply by 5.0; to convert into mm, multiply by 25.4;to conver eto m, multiply by ‘03048, ran 8,000 pol Copyright © 2004 American Water Works Association, Al Rights Reserved.

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